188 HK0 Ur KXI-WKXSLT BBCTIon BACH TUKSDAT AJTD niDAT. i3d TEAKr-NO. 9. EALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAYJ,ltOS. SECOND SECTION EIGHT PAGES. HILL DENIES THE REPORT Says Columbia Government Demans no Portion OF PANAMA CANAL MONEY Three Elements Opposed Ratification of Canal ; Treaty to PRKS1DE.VT MARROQUIN nESIOTs OFFICE IN FAVOR OF GENERAL iiafael. ItKITES THE S A MOANS ARE FRIENDLY TO AMERICA PHILIPPINE MONEY ! QUESTION. WASHINGTON. May 11. Concern, ing .ths report from Panama, that the Panama. Canal Company had offered to the Colombian Government "112,000,00s of the 140,000.000 the company is to re ceive from the United States for the canal property, Edward B. Hill, coun sel for the Canal Company, said today: " I haie never heard of such a thing. Colombia has never " demanded such payment " -:' -' ' '- : f Private advices from Colombia stats that there ar three elements opposed to th? rat'ncatlon of fhe Panama Canal Treaty. One clement antagonises the feature giving tbe'United States per petual control; another Urges' that the indemnity and annuity is hot sufficient, und the third clement consists 'of the revolutionary spirits who fear that with the ColomtTan treasury enriched by ten million dollars, the Govern ment's strength will be so increased as to destroy alt hop of success front ths revolutionary movement. -- On Account of Politics. ! I 'ana ma, Colombia, May 11. It Lfre lorted here that President Marron.u:n has been compelled to resign the office mi account of political trouble and that General Rafael Jleltes. . econd vice president of Colombia will assume the presidency. The friends of the canal Small, Siiref roxits Of ten Repeated Is the foundation of our 1C.E We Cunksepburrofifismall lcaiie wejla a strictly spot cash bud nest and bare no tinnectsWry expense i-on fleeted with tbe store.' 1 - I - - ' 1 1;;- Quality is the First Thing to Consider In juilin the value of an article. We look after quality as well as price vax : we sell Clothing... Ao cheap you can af--ffrd l ilicarvl your old chillies and fit out wilh n .new nuifc like tin rut. IJcsl vahif s In the tily in all lines of men's nud hoy's clothing Dusinrfs Is lccmlng in the New Dry Goods Department. Women Hill talk when thy set? .- ninny ttargnin.... . , That's why all I heir frit nds rr it irtiiif to IX lei Tliifi" Hew VQirEi' KacHet 1 " , ' . t2vcr7tniaft fof tna Whole Fa rait J '. I h .' Sulcin's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store; . E. T. names, Proprietor : M are Anxiously awaiting, the confirma tion of this report. . . i . . ' Celebrate the Anniversary. Washington, May ll-Commander Underwood, In etiarge of the naval sta tion at Tutuila reports that the Samo ant celebrated April 17. the third anni versary of the raising of the American flag on Tutulla as a. public holiday. He say iii hi report:- "The feeling In this district'toward the Government U of a friendly character.? ? Discussed Money Question. Washington .May - Itr-Secretary Root.' Mr. Me of the Philippine Com. mkslon; Mr. Edwards, of the Insular Ilureau, and members of the Monetary Commission, held a conference today and discussed the Philippine money sit uation in its relation to the operation of the new currency laws" for the islands.'- -: DROWNED WHILE BOATING A MAN AND WOMAN FALL OVER BOARD FROM SKIFF INTO ; i KAW 'RIVER. KANSAS CITY, Mo.) 3Iay 11. Alfred Taylor, aged 24 years,' and Mrs. E. E.' ilenney, aged 31, ' were drowned in the Kaw river off Armourdale, Kan., near hef last night, while boating. The cosple started out ' at 10:30 at night, having hired Roy Van Metre, a boy, to manage the boat. .While In the middle of the stream they fell overboard. The boat remained upright.-but Van Metre was too excited to render any assist ance, and, rowing to shore, notified the police. Up td a late hour the bodies had not been recovered. Mrs. Renney came here recently from Coffeyville, Kan., with her husband, who is a rail foad employe. LUMBER YARDS TIED UP I TALlrriMENl AND LUMBER 1N- i BPECTORS EMPLOYED IN f r CHICAGO STRIKE. t'HICAGO, May 11, A strike of 1500 tally men and the Lumber Inspectors Union, which may develop; serious trouble for the lumber, industry of this city, was inaugurated today. Seventy five, lumber yards throughout the; eity are involved. Upon refusal of the em ployers to grant a demand of 30 cents an hour and a ten-hour day, the, men walked out without any , warning., al though an agreement had been signed January 1st between the tally, men and (lumber inspectors' union and the em ployers, making the .wages 22 cents aft hour'for one year. ; . v i . " f There's Many a Trick In shoe niakinr to red'Jce tbe I . a. Iff). - Warn i.a r svm m fTa whidi lit." a reputation .o main'' tain. ; You'll g-t gord ratue ev ery time If you bt our SKIOES ill : : J V - -- " ' COMPETITION IS NOW RIFE TheFrisco-NorthwesternRoad Combines With Santa Fe " TO BUILD A NEW BRANCH Will Be 300 Miles Lons and the Capital Stock $15,-: 000,000 ' SOUTHERN PACIFIC "WILL COM PETE WITH COMBINATION FOR REDWOOD FREIGHTING , BUSI ' NESS ol R, 'M N. CO. SLAKING MOVE TO IMPROVE. SAN FRANCISCO. Cat, May: 11. The San Francisco 8c Northwestern Railroad Company filed articles of In corporation today? in' the office of the county clerk in this city. By the ar ticles filed it is evident that the Vail way is a branch of the Santa Fe sys tem. The corporation starts wi'.h - a capital stock of $13,000,000. The route of the road is from Alton, ? Humboldt county, thence in a generally southerly direction to Point Richmond, a term inus of the Santa Fe. The estimated length of the railway is 300 miles. ' It Is reported that the Southern Pa cific has arranged to compete with the Santa Fe in the ' redwood ; freighting business. , The proposed plan of the Southern - Pacific contemplates " the buUdiac f 9MQ miles of railway be tween Willetts -and Eureka and con necting the road ; at Eureka with the line of A. B. Hammond, the Eureka & Klamath River Railroad. O. R. & N. Co.'s Big Gams. Portland. Ore., ay 11. A special board of United States Army Engin eers consisting of Col. .Heuer, Majors Marshal and Burr and Captains Me- Kinstry and Gillette, arrived in . the city today for the purpose of Investi gating . the Harts plan for .removing the obstructions to navigation of the Columbia driver from The Dalles to Celilo. ,The board held its first roset- ing today in the office of Major Lahg fltt, the resident .; engineer,; and will continue Its sessions during the week; Tomorrow a trip will be made toQpeliio fox the purpose of inspecting the rapids at that point. -President Mohler pt the O. R. & N. Co, has placed his private car at the disposal of the boards . EVERYBODY CO ME OUT PRESIDENT COLEMAN To' AD ORES THE COMMERCIAL Cf-UB i " ; TONIGHT. t No little. Interest is being taken in the meeting of the Greater Saiem Commer ctal Club which is to take "place in the police court room of the city , halt this evening at 8 o'clock. NoT only Is this the first meeting of the cluB to be held under the new rule, the meeting nights having been changed from the second and fourth ; Wednesdays of the month to the second and fourth Tuesdays but tonight the members will be treated to ah eloquent and able address by Presi dent John H. Coleman, of the Willam ette University,: who was extended an i ft vita Hon to address- the club at its last meeting. : ; .; ; President Coleman has a, reputation. And justly so, of bIng one of the bert and most interesting talkers In the country find anyone who misses this opportunity wilfully will certainly be deemed guilty of neglect and careless ness, which is an unpardonable sin. . .' President Coleman - will speak upon the subject of. the Willamette Univer sity and its needs and no business man or cltlren, who has the Interest of that grand old educational-Institution : at heart, cannot afford to miss it. Every body should come out. v ) BATTLE WITH WAD BULL FARMER'S 3VIFE KEEPS BEAST OFF WITH PITCH FORK TO . ' SAVE HUSBAND. ; NEW YORK, May 11. Armed with a pitchfork. Mrs. James Morton, a plucky farmer's wife. living near Flan ders, N. J for, nearly an hour kept at bay a vicious bull that had attacked and nearly killed her husband. Two of the farmer's children . Rave the alarm, and friends and neighbors then rushed to the field and drove the bull away. ' . . r While entertaining , visiters, Mrs. Morton Ijecame uneasy' over the long absence of her husband, who had gone out to care for his stock. She heard a dehorned bull, .noted for, its vicious temper, bellowing, and on running to the field sbe saw- her husband lying unconscious on the ground, while the bull stood over him.- Flourishing a pitchfork, the farmer's -wife ran for ward and drove the prongs four. Inch es into the bull's hide. As the animal still continued to attack ber husband. Mrs. Morton again nd again jabbed the fork into ltw until the -animal turn ed and rushed at her. With a blow c-n the head Mrs, Morton made the bull paUSe..'.:.... : i - : . !-: ''.; ,.--.: rtt She was still standing guard, pitch fork in hand, when, an hour later, the rescuers, summoned by the children. arrived. Mr. Morton was carried Into the house, where it was found tht several, of his ribs were broken. . , He was severely Injured about the head BID STROKE AT VANDALISM The President Lectures the People of California UPON DEFACING OF -TREES Giants of jForest Are Literally ; Covered With Cards of .Tourists - ) EXPRESSED REGRET THAT THEIR BEAUTY SHOULD EE r SO OB 1 SCURED CARDS ALL ' TORN 1 DOWN LATER IN THE t)AY - A BAD MAN ARRESTED, j SAN JOSE, CaL May 1L President Roosevelt today gave the people of the county an object lesson on the evils of vandalism. While aj Santa Cruz this forenoon he was taken to the big tree grove. Almost, the first, sight that greeted his eyes as he entered the park was one of the huge trees with thoust ands of business and personal - cards tacked on it. . ;" Tourists for years have been placing their cards upon this tree and it began to look more like a receptacle for bits of pasteboards than it did one of the wonders of nature. The President in-. stantly expressed his disapproval of such procedure, and a little while lat er, w hen asked to make a speech, call ed attention to the defacement, of the tree; and said lie hoped the people of delight because they FIT aecarately. ; Don't Be Fooled V ) - . ' Don't be fuDleJ by advertisements of V a l . b7".-.: . - Women's .Vhoes wliich aie '"Sculptured Vv V" N. or Statuesqne.-Use a good liontst Sax- , "sJ. " : T oh word, and ask if they FiT. " ; " J ) There' the nbl "T - - ' Thrt' the point! A I There iacneahoe that flta, " " J "ZTZFk 7 Tbtl"OuMn Quilltj.M . ptyZffiJfrD V ' - ' rVYfifffiuJsSi Buy them If you want to see your foot look V , v.i2r & ' a full size smaller; if you want to spare your-. h&BJtefiK C !jKZz self onr-halt of your, dail fatigue; if you A rmBTX---" 1 I wMty - want to own shoes thit will be a constant . ... , , Meyers Men's Shoes $3. are modeled on the lines f the human foot hence the retention of its baje and its perfect fit, its ease and com fort from the first minute. New Shapes Mew Leathers, r One Price . -" v , . . 1 $3- Summer ; Vaists 'Our-extensive stock of .Vbirt AVajhta t-iinrises all the very Jatot n ,-vcities iu styles and cktln While lawns and raw linen chrs trimmed in Ijtm-s atwl Me dallious, . Percales, (Jius hanj. Batistes, Oxfords, ... ........ .!. etc. 25c Up to 0G.OO The Gtorc Mr. Ckarlaj ! smiy California would see to It that I such vandalism was stopped, i He also Inti mated that he would like to see ths cards taken down.. -" .".," Later, when the President went fof a walk through the park, the members ot his , party, together with the mem bers of the reception committee, tore down the cards. Later in the day the President again signified , his , disap proval . of placing ; large placards oc signs on the trees. He was informed that the committee wished to name one of the trees after him. While de siring that some other name be given to the tree, the President said he did not want to act churlish in,, the mat ter, and, if the committee really de sired to name the tree after him, he would not object. He stipulated, however., that the "card bearing his" name, that was to be plac ed on the tree, should not be more than three-quarters of an inch by an inch and a half In diameter.' The President made speeches . today at Pajaro. Watsonviile, Santa Cros and San Jose, addressing the largest audiences of the day at this place. -He was taken on a drive through the coun try here, stopping for a few minutes at Campbell, where he participated in the planting of a tree. The President spent the evening quietly on his car and will leave at $: 30 o'clock tomor row morning for Palo Alto. Arrested on Suspicion. San Jose. CaU May 11. Clay Tay lor, a 1 has Prof. Plutte. was arrested by Detective Pickering this afternoon'for supposed designs upon the life of the president. He has served three terms in prison. It is alleged that he wrote to the President advising him not to Come here. He is also accused of re cent anarchistic (Utterances. S. K. Entrekln'rof Hennessey, Okla homa, has arrived In the city and will engage In business here in the near fu ture. Mr. Entrikin has spent the past few months In Albert, B. C., but was not highly pleased with that country. The family has taken up residence on Liberty street. OveraniUlion women say th. Comment is unnecessarv. ToIIetSoaps At Underset- . Uh$ Prices All high graile gsHbi such as are sold, at 5c and lOe or three for 25c y Number Line Coliseum White Oat Meal Elder Flower. Russian Line e London Ciljcerlne Witch Maxel 50 Thompsons Glycerine 8. O KI. Transparent Algerian and ttnowberry oo Tape Gtrdte Jluc, rSok! ami White Vf D. 0432 is an Erect Forut corset . for " fetout ' nturrs. Xw "Y" bust -and Ions over hip and alidomen. - Of white and . l ri French omiiI, and Mack ; lasting cloth. Trinifrwd with lace and4 baby ribbon. Sizes 1 to 3. 3 Price S20 Silk Brocbet Corsets Other strlea BOX, 1 " $tJGO ,i . -5 WE CAN FIT TOO For Valueo Un il-StvlMr IMarhcf, aa k llrwt to mftrn'm ths HTTJ.E .REO BOX rMidSIS.OO. WMO HAS THE OTHER KET T . HIGHBINDERS ON WARPATH Presidents of Two Societies Made Confessions ADMIT OF BIG CONSPIRACY To Kill 300 Members of the. Chinese Educational J Society i FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS TO BK. PAID FOR EACH INFORMANT, KILLED. 300 FOR EVERY OTHER -AND $200 FOR EACH-ONE THAT SAN FRANCISCO, Cal, May 11. Two of the four Chinese Highbinder Societies' presidents, arrested for al leged complicity in the killing of Tom Tick, a member of the Chinese Eduy canonai society, on naay nis.nc. nave signed confessions in - which, they' ad mit that a conspiracy existed among the different ramifications of the pow--f"l se Tup Society to put out of the wav 300 members of the edueatioiiu! organization; that a price of $500 was to be paid for the murder, of each : of those suspected of giving information' to the police; that $300 was to be forth coming for every other one of the 300 I ..... . r h. u.v.' 4tt.it f 'firt would be paid to the gun men and the. hatchet men for each one maimed; -(Continued on Page 8.) 3 c . a cake Every :Line ,1 -J) 4d A mim. 3 and chest.' ."...