WEEKLT OUnaOM STATESMAN. FRIDAY, M AY $r 1002. C. E; U'.ILEY, D. f,l. P. -. Dentist : . ..-- 4 GraJtutlc Aorf i'aeific. Denial Ilrrliif a Men turn t thrown-and. ltriiltrv woiks' 1 It fcttot ami uhmIi soieniirie mei'roti Ju t-very b.auch of tknltalry at low-t4 prict. ., 1-2 McCttixk SUfg. ' Cef Kejft-t ft Seas Store. - r Smt4m - - Oregon. ARE FLOCKING INTO VALLEY Immigrants i Mtlvw)6n ' Every train and All;. ' Buy Homes KKAL. K8TATKIEAI,KK8 HELD AN 1 M HO RTANt" M EKT1 N(i Y ESTER- DAY IIAKIUMAN IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT lttOld A VAST AMOUNT OF ADVERTISING. (From Wednesday's Daily). : Yesterday afternoon Salm- wa vis ited by Ceo. M. McKInney. of Chicago, General Immigration Agent of the liar, rlman System of Railroads, tnd W. E. Coman, general freight and passenger agent of the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon. - r At Mr.X'omanV request Mr. McKin ney eame to the coast and is traveling through tne valley Investigating the natural (iwl Hhmn that exist, and the Inducements offered to immigrants to settle here. . He la "endeavoring to find out how the Immigrants tre received and what efforts lirs put forth to In ducd these people to" settle and remain here after they, once arrive In the val- ley, and tie took occeslon to tell his Ideas of the methods to be followed. John P. Jones, traveling freight and passenger agent of the Southern Pa-? tlrfe Company, was with the gentlemen and 13 conducting them through the valley. Monday they held enthusiast tic meetings in Albany and Corvallls; yesterday they drove from Corva Ills to Independence, and addressed a large meetlmf of the business men of that city ri the forenoon.. In the afternoon they lrove to Salem, arriving here at about 2 30 o'clock and called a meeting of the real state dealers of the elty who gathered In H. D. Thlelsen's of fice. The meeting was necessarily short, as the party desire to take the afternoon train for Portland; but -considerable good was done, and a great deal of Information imparted by each side. "-.-. t::' ? n f ': ; Mr. MeKInney asked for a reoort ol the fatt regarding the' immigrants who are daily arriving rreTe?-mf "FVW, ott followed In Interesting. the new tN rivals, speaking of the bureau of in formation, represented by -Judge . I-D. Henry, who met all trains, showed the stranger over the c tty, and surround ing country, polfted out- good hotels. and turned them over to real estate deaJers who wnukl shovr them the kind of property they desired to buy. But he emphasised the fact -that no selfish- ncss wii shown by the real estate men and that If one dealer failed to make a sale; others were given a chant. Mr! Icrby's report was Very satisfactory. and showed that very few people had arrived in Salem and failed to make trtirshase. Mr. M-Kinney and Mr. Co- iiuiH twitU made short addresses show ing what the Imtniiratlon department1 a doing: In the way of adverting Oregor. ' The Immigration DDrtment During the past six months Mr. Mc Kinney has frtbaMv done more for rcron in th way of ittmannt bene. fit than anv other living man. He is doing this not, for personal reasons, but as. the representative of the hnmigrai tkm department of the great Hrri man lines, comprising the Southern PaiJfic C'dmTwny, Union Pacific Kail road. Jregon Short I-lne, Oregon Rail, rttad A Navigation Company, Houston . Texai t.Vntral. Texas 4 New Orleans and the Houston E. A W.' Texas, Imefi. They have dow a vast amount f work for ottier states, causini a continual flow of immigrant to thoxp states and now thy have taken up the advertlse- inert-of the state of trecon. which la so rl h in natural rvfnrr. '.This immtsration bnrwsiu is the nvwl trfwct o-ganiaatlm for arrylng on its line of; work, in the- world today, and now they are devrn lag their ef forts toward populating our state. How Tne;A Ar Doing 1L Mr; Me Kinney was seen by ft tea man reporter, and told some v-y in teresting details n t the f work being dore by 1.1s detriment. He sld: A 'V are dlstriboting vast ouantrties of literature descriptive of Oregon and the WilUuin tte valley. , We take pleas ur In dTHlrIJu iig th-? literature beln Mt : Hy yat-rrr and ether tow n throughout the valley, but really this is a verv srm.lt" port in of the Itiera ture w wiH'-!tc. We 1atv vnst fjui-itlties of jun:ph"rts at rur e p-n.e. and they nliti omlaln well writ t n dH riptlerrs' of the resources c-f th? slat?-' .:-."' .-;.--. '' ;.. "V.ii!a this Initw-rlnnt factoe fr advcrtrrlns. we have sis iscn toastint. ly in thr fiM, wh-' travel over the Kavttrn states giving betures sn-i I lust sati'tj? tiiefii by t h i'-e t-rci;.tk--" viuR. ' Tlics'f litfiiifrs. rj talented li en n'T dt-iwj irf- crow-rs. wtf ll tf-n. FoiiH thmp. for, f;ocr?. to th "vivfd iies i ij tlon of res:f and. nfler the lecture.!" i'.t Twd around the fpestk rr, asfcUtx .tftfsfivn, an-I sW In? fur ther Toftrmailrt This . t at thcyj aro l-ooinG' d'!lJr; interestcl Th'le TTt-n af - j:o amoc; Itm pple od ftiw nt i their advantage w Ith pesFor:?! . f -It nee I hardly I- said that th'se eTTcrts are bearitss fruit. Over CT0 Im-r.Ti-rants nave already arrived In the TV illamette ' vall-y, nnd th . reports iiTii'-X rhal ucarly all of theui buy prop erty bere. and '. settle down. . Dut ;the beet results have-not yet bee a realized. Great streams of people wiir be -pouring Into JQregon.next fallw and' it only rests with" the local cities to treat them rlfifht. for they are coming here with the honest intention of 'lnvpntlnsr "bne year ,ago Oregon was harily I known In the East, but now it is a nousehold word over the entire Middle Western states. We intend to follow ! up this advantage w ith continued ad ,vertislng, 'and another year will see more people coming f Oregon, by far, than are doing so at present. -i - rAnother, important factor in bring- W ' -V - O V " . W number f 'colonizing agents at jrork ia-Castera and Middle Western states. We; are In on way interested in these people, who make their "cogrffnisslona, by f iling property, but we help them all we can. ' There has been a, misun derstanding on this point. We enter into a contract with them, and' for ev ery five imrnigraiita who buy tickets through their efforts, "we furnish them free, ; a ticket to Oregon alia' return. Thl. enables nhem to come here with their customers; and are In tbU'way enabled to make sales. ' 4 "l think you have a beautiful country here, and a great future U before Sa- -Ves," gaid J. P. Jones,' who was standmg near, "and I only wish we eould, have drivera you over the ' sur rounding country, I would like to have shown you rr.y model dairy farm eight miles southeast of here, that you could see what we can do in Oregon. i j X you see that white capped mountain? That is lilt. Jefferson, and it Is In my back yard." a i ) Oregon Is Helping. W. EL Coman. of Portland, also spoke of what Is being done for advertising the resources of the state. He said: sOI eourse we leave the local cities to advertise their advantages, but we are woiklng to advertise the state. I am especially interested in the Wil lamette valley. Our company has al ready sent put bO.OOft folders with well written descriptive matter concerning the Willamette Valley, on one side, and a good detail map on, the other. We are now planning to print 50.000 more, in fact, I gave the copy Into the print ergf hands last Monday, and they will be going forward in a short time, i 0 'We have atso made; ah agreement with the O. R. & N. Co., and will get out feO.noo Joint pamphlets, descriptive of both the valley and that of both the valley and that portion of Eastern Or egon through which the O. R. & N. Co's lines pass. . I"We employ exrert writers to write- these articles, and send them out over tb state accompanied by photograph ers to take pictures for illustrations. Thse men also contribute to our Sun set Magazine, and to other Eastern magazine?. - CASH PAID FOR eggs at Commer cial Cream Coy I SILVEKT0N IS BUSY : MANY IMPROVEMENTS ' GOING ON j AND IMMIGRANTS ARE AR- ! RIVING. i r - !' I'?' ' -. '.. :".::: i.',' . HILVERTON. May. B. A large num ber of Immigrants from the East have arrived in Silverton the past two weeks with a" view of locating here. - " The Silver Creek Lumber Company Is working on Its sawmill, about two miles above town, and, in a short time, will commence putting out lumber. f An interesting game of baseball was played in this city Sunday between the ML. Angel Juniors and Silverton Jun iors, which was won by the home team with a score of 3 to 1. ! The framework of Dr. A. F. Blacker by's new dental parlors, on Water street. Is well under way, and In n short time Dr. Btac-kerby will have aa fine an office as any in the stale . 1 f It is rumoreI that Silverton Is to have a new brick block this summer, work to commence in a. short time.' This, with the many Improvements go ing on at the present, means busy times for Silverton this summer. M i Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kennedy, of Woodbum. spent Sunday in Silverton. i Mrs. J. II. McCorkle is on the sKk list this week. ! W. Howser, the- furniture mani is re moleling the building recently ; pur thasetl by him on Main street, and will soon move in his stock of furniture I The stonemasons are at work on the foundation of C M. Wray'a.new house. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. I (!LES COVE. It. I., May Both the Colombia and Reliance were out for a drift this afternoon but there was not enough wind to fill the sails. New York. May 6. Col. Asa Philip Stanford.- aged 81 years, and the broth er of the late Senator Stanford, of Cal ifornia, died here today. At one time the debased was a millionaire, but ac cording to bis second wife, who sur vives him. he diet! in almost absolute poverty. '' -:,'.'. ? ISorne. May & The people of Rome gave? the fSerman Bmtror a touching farewell today. The streets from Qalnial to the railroad station were lined with thousands of people cheering waving handkerchiefs and: shouting. Lor.r live Winiam." 1 TWO KINDS ' OF CHILDREN i Children that grow too fast md those that seem hardly to grow at all, both v need Scott's Emulsion. It gives that rich vital nourishment which is the secret of all healthy growth It rounds out the long limbs, and ! heips children to grow without using up alt their strength in growing. I s Mothers ought to j know more about the wonderful help which Scott's Emulsion would give their children- TSVB tori res st. 3C0TT BOWNE, 409 Pearl Strert New Totk. SAfc rr-n n nnrmn F I I Iff t t ELEC All Water Power Rights on the Santiam Bought Up by NEGOTIATIONS ARE UNDER WAY For the Purchase of J? H. Albert's Rights Which Is the Key to the Sittration--The Columbia Northern Said to Be the Parties Interested in Deal The City and Suburban Railway l Company Also Represented , (From Wednesday's Dally.) For several month? past negotiations have tteen pending for the purchase of certain valuable water power rights upon the Santiam river, the only avail able water power within a radius of thirty miles of this city, and the way the matter now stands all of the rights on that river, which are of any value whatever for ; development, save one, have been bought up by representatives of two or three large corporations, ami as soon as this one remaining right Is secured the key to all of the others, the work " of developing, these great powers will be begun, and it remains to be seen whether they will be utilized for the benefit of Salem industries or not. . - - " i : .jt i i :r Several months ago. the city council took upj the matter of inJstigating the feasibility of owning and operating the city's own public utilities, such a a water works plant, an electric light and power plant, etc, and with that end in view a committee was appointed, and a fund was set aside for its disposal, for the, purpose of viewing these same wa ter power sites which were offered to the city at that time at a wonderousjy low figure, and to report upon the ad visability of purchasing such as would meet, with the city's needs according to the plans outlined at that time.. ! This Committee, accompanied by competent surveyors, visited the sites as instruct ed and returned a favorable report upon the matter. It is understood, without recommendation.. Since' that time, the matter has died out entirely, so far, as the city is concerned. ; ' : In Ahe meantiie. however, while, the city officials were doing a whole lot. of talking and ? very little acting, ' scrne large corporations 7 became Interested In the matter, sent out their represent atives -and now, when the situation-Is sized up, it is found that every rtparlan right, between Niagara and Mehama, ernbraffhg every valuable power site tin the Sa'flrMrn river, has been Txught'ljp, save" rhaif1 owned by Mr J6hh '1I."'A1 bert, of this city, which Is- the W&jt valuable -right of'alU and'so' located that the value of all the rest' Is 'mater ia iry-nrairiced by the -ownership of it. Negoiraions are now pending, between Mrv Albert' and the representatives bf the ..corporations, ' for the purchase of this right which will give, the owners full and complete' control over all of the available water power , eontinguous to -Salem. This great" power is to be developed In the near future and, t said, to the great benefit of Salem- and the country surrounding her. What great benefits the; development of this SUICIDE THE VbRDICT NO EVIDENCE TO SHOW THAT DK, t JORDAN SHOT MAY T. t)ECOE AT SEATTLE. SEATTI-E. Wash., May . The. coro ner's Jury decided that May T. Eeboe came to her death by her own hand. That will end ; the investigation that promised to criminally connect Dr. Jor dan with' i the crime.; - The evidence snowed plainly that jord'an was on" in timate terms with ' the girl and had promised to marry her. Detectives swore, also that Jordan ma threats to kill the girl to get rid of her, but there was no evidence to show that any one but the- girl herself had fired the fatal shot. At . the last moment Mrs. Mygatt, who prior to the Intuest told manjr connic-tlng stories,: came to the inquest nrf swore that she saw Miss Dt-boe put toe revolver to: her breast, and then heard the report of the gun. The body of . the dead girl was shipped to her relatives In Washington City. , AN ENTHUSIASTICflEETfflG SEVERAL PROMINENT SPEAKERS ADDRESSER WORKING M EN'S REPUBLICAN CLUB. I The WorkIngrrtens Republican Club heH an enthusiastic meeting in " the council chamber of th cltjr hall last night. The netlhg was ' largely at tended, and many ladies Were in the audience. t This-, might be called ' the opening gun of the campaign, and rnor enthusiasm was shown than -was e-en expected. ':':' ; 4": v;' "'' ' Hon. :-Frank Davey preside dl as chair man of the meeting, and Introducetl the different speakers. Til mori Ford. K It Flagg. E. Hofer. Frank Ihivey and J. D. Lee all made short bat efrwrucH and logical speeches In fefenre'i ft;.lhe hcnoreI pritH ipJes of the Republican urty. u-nd of it hmwircd lwniiive for ('onsrrasi. Itoiu Xlloer Hermann. Hon. K. T. Wrisiitman and Captain S. n. Orrnsl.y were also slated to iak, but were un-ivoidaMy-ietaIre-1, so Hon. J. It. Lee w as called uj-n for an extcm lre speech. ; lie rejyotji- w ith -an etoHJent appfV " the Voters of the city to stand by Ihetr trr and "fried prin ciple in the 'cor:ii5 ejection. .-. f . Hoti. Frank Ltvir erdletl attention to lle letter, which had b-en nt put li; vnimc Itramri. the : DcnMM-ratic rfm- "fln-. for fonaress. to the Nativ Son". jof OrKon, app'inS Jbein to SUp-' i port him- as a native son. Mr. IaTey n n n n n , rtRIC.UNE Corporations water power will bring to Salem re mains to be seen and, if the reportff pended upon,1 the. tittle is not in the very distant future. . It Is not known exactly what particu lar company is behind the transactions, but it Is known that the parties who are buying up the rights are all inter ested in the Columbia Northern Com pany, which operates a line of railroad on the north site of the Columbia rtver and has aspirations of entering into the Interior of Oregon, also in the Crovrnj Paper Company, of Oregon City, which Is desirous of securing the timber hi the Santiam country, and the City Afc Suburban Railway ; Company,-, which operates an electric line between Port j land and Oregon, City, and 'has been trying for years to extend its. lines to Salem and other points in the valley. The property which Mr. Allprt holds Is situated right in the fork of the riv er where the two porth forks of the Santiam meet, and if in such a position that he controls the most valuable site for the development of the power. So far the corporation have bought ev erything aloc& the main north fork and" can utilize tne power they already own by building a flume from a point about one-lialf rhile above the fork to a point! about equl-distant" below, thus gaining about a thirty-foot fall and capable of developing at least 2500 horse power. Nature has so provided on Ir. Albert's property,5 ' however, that he will only have o 'construct a flume for a short distance and' obtain a fall of a Sou t fif teen feet and a 1500 horse power. Of course the corporations can go ahead and develop their power without that of Mr. Albert, and if a deal is not clos ed between them -in a few days ' Mr. Albert intends to grant them one-half of 'the portion of the stream which he controls and then, turn his attention to the development of his'own power. - IMs not definitely known what these corporations intend do! n fro V with this power, -as their ! repsesrinAitlves are very conservative and T close-mouthed, but.' from vrhat could be learned, it is a pretty sure thing that an. electric gen- erating plant will be rniiOflFed and rt motor line built - from epnfrt ; to Sa -i lem which will eventually be' extended to connect with the City & Snbnrbun line at Oregon City. - This is considered to be the firsl step toward the building bf electric lines all through the valley, and mny years will not have elapsed until all of the towns around the country 'will be connected directly with Siilem by motor lines and Indirectly with Portland, which la the prime object of the promoters. considered this a gross insult the young Republicans of Oregon,' and that the day bad gone by when--any lodge, church or other organization cVml-i enter as a controlling factor In politics. J-'urther, he said Hermann deserved great honor, as he was not a native son, and yet had brought forth brilliant native sons. ; The speakers brought out in a force ful manner the issues at stake, and the reasons why Ringer Hermann Fhould and will be elected. , It Jvas announced! that the people of Salem would soon be able to lis'en to an address from Hon. Binger Her maun. ' These are sweet words, but haw mtfc pain and uffcnng they used to mean. It's diiferent now, .Since- Mother's Frwnd has become known expectant mothers have been spared mtch of the anguish of child birth. Mother's friesd is a hnirr.ent to bs applied externally. It 1 rubbed thoroughly Into the muscles of the abdomen. It givfts lastscity and strength, and when the f:n&l great strain comes they respond quickly and easil without pain... Mother's Friend 13 never taken , internal!. Internal remed':ej at this time do more harm than god. II a woman Is rrpl.e4 with th s sp!end TrC trsent ahe need never fear rtsmg or eHirg br-iii mom.nr Vr knext. or any of the dscomfons which usually accompany preg arcy. . ., - : ' . , TU. J- . - hrn lnel In Tarr-TJi. Fla.. writes: "Uj wife had an awful r:rr pregnancy. Mother' Fnea-1 used at.J the baby was bora easily before the dociat aur-.ved. It's certainly great- 0-t Mather's Vrirmi mt ttf t . ' Crw l per Mate. TUX- BfeADFIELD KIGULAT02 CO. - Atlaats, Ga. . 1 as, RocKaBye Baby , . The House furnishing Co. :269 LIBERTY ST. SALERI STORES THERE IS A Between first Clast Goods and Chiap Goods. Weearry a ctniipIetC'liiic of first t-lafs groceries." We do a fair, square business, and sell all goods at a reasonable price lo all. como in and give us a tiial. Wo will 'guarantee s:ili fart ion at NORWOOD'S GS2QGERY STORE 129 Court Phone main lOOl Tli-se t arlj Kt itiuf cl tys are Hammock lay, and we lia ve aiuit i atttl tbem hy Iavin tair gjKl.- ready fir the liist wa in jidi. year, v were aSI olil wit by July 1, ami we are gHinj- lo rcjicut the operation ib'm year. If low iiri-s-iiml gowl will ( ii. Our reiutaUoif uh uinIerwillc'iTS ' oil liaiiniKM k waa cistablistiecl hu-tvcar, atjt. it is only nfcr esary fr tia to say iiow, that our prices arw i litlle lower ami tlio gil a little la-tler than Ist suihwier. Thin line is :t'de line-with tin and we do not want llio l'K FrJit frenemSly axkc t l-y olhcr stort, and If joti wuht a goo.1 liaiiii!H k for the ptict? of a poor one, out's U Ihi drk t-scltct from. ' " . " , 'ai lallaaai Groceries, Hardware, Crockery and Glass ware, Patent Medi cines, Boots and Shoesy Hats and Caps. Largest shippers in Marion County of Country Produce Our prices paid for producetoday arc 16 c a dozen in trade for Eggs 35c a square in' trade for Butter . Less 10 per cent lor cash PHON E 249 ( Speed and Ability to Irodut it . Diablo 2:0911-4. SIRE OF Sir Albert. 2:03 3-4, Clipper 2:0G, Diodine2ilO 1-4. Iae.Ialioii, 2:11; Kl Di:tfdo,2:ll; TK'2'At't Ilijodei FMaldo. 2:1 H; Inferno, 2-!5r liiabiita, 2:I5; f.'afT Torwafl, 2:1; lmp,2:IJ; U " (2 r'IJ; Hey, del Iiahb (i. IXZil; Irferna, ll; Althablo, 2JZl; JIazel D., tStj; -Mera-ttionte, IJllU Irene, - , , ' . f Pn XfU?.i1K - S.n rhsr'ei b rby, Z'Jfi . r "I iHtUy Pibcw,2.0: JmM, 2.f'i ' And IKr IvZ 'tVi Will mate, the Fair Grounds. TERMS FOR ?;f jtnraj, I nrc tatt-n, intt UILLlAn MURRAY, FOHEfTr OHOVE. Ore, May 7. -A barber shop, wit.i its conteTits, bekms ins to Y". McIlnntK. km cowtplVely oyr trord by tire at Cornelius. la.-t night. L5s about I'-', with ;w Insuran'.-e. An Effective and Pretty Room : : Can be uiaJe without muc cost if you irny your Wall x Paor of us. A shtpmcut of Spring Ccauliesjust in, ; Swell Tnptstrics ami Painly-Stii cs a!K-inl. ALBANY FfEMRICE II i STATE STREET mn lfrrby, OA Eif.2i2; ; s nrrjnii ...... r BAlrastra I i. 1J tffBee 2i.!, BROS ttuson,' bf-ginnins Jane ; lCM3,at Orrjon .Viate SEASON 34.00 u roioosWlily asan.f! for acc dents Fair. Grounds, Or. N"lff T"-l H!ds mike- fat grart yards. Ur. Wood's 2."orway I'ine y.jr up h-!ps men an J vomn to luj pr, vlrrrrous old ?ee. 5