WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN. FRIDAY. MAY 1. "1902. s 1 e i i I I 3 pleasant Necessit y i . ? ; f : , - - - An alarm clock Is unpleasant but very necessary 1Mim. It is well to own a good one. , The Uarr .More U the only store in Salem elling the .Parker. t .?:try A'arni locks, which wear better, run bet t r ul run longer without attention than any other .-.Uiiii cWks made. They hare eut steel pinions, Hi ir cases are practical! j dost proof. $1 23 and $1 0 ore their pric a. Can jou use one to advantage? STEINER'S MARKET. Eggs-14 cent. . s . Chickens 11 cents. " Spring Chickens 13 to 15 cents. I THE MARKETS. -PORTLANP. Ore.. April 30. Wheat Walla Walla. 70 Q 71c; Bhiestem, .74 77c; Valley. 7475c. Taeoma, Wash, April. 30. Wheat Market tint-hanged; Bluestem 7$c; Club 70c. ' X ' : ' . v" T San Francisco, Cal, April 30 Wheat fl.35 1.38. Barley 481 5So. '' Flax--$1.07; Northwestern, $1.10. V ; j I THE MARKETS. The local market quotations yester 4ay were as follows: . , Wheat Sc,i . ; "Oats 28c per bushel Barley $21 per ton. Hay Cheat. $12.50013.50; clover. $13 timothy. $13.50. Flour $1.0001.05 per sack. Mill feed Bran, $22; shorts. $23. Butter Country, 15 25c; creamery. iZMQiit. i l - :v-?; Kegs 14ie cash. ' Chickens 11c. . Spring Chickens 13 to 15c Tork Cross, 6V4?Tc; dressed, 8c. Beef Steers. 44c; . cows, ZVjc; good heifers, 34 to 4c ilutton Sheep. 2?4c on foot. - Veal-t ?ffisc dr.'jssed. . Hops- Choice. 19c; greenish prime, j 1S- and upward 1903 contracts. 15c. Potatoes 18 20c per, "bushel. Apples-i-7Sc$l per bushel. Onions 4050c per bUsheU Prunes 24CMc Mohair 37 eents ' Wool 15c to 17c. BALFOUB. GUTHRIE 'fi CO. .uyers and Shippers of GRAII Dealers ta .Hop GrGErs' Supplies i ' FARM LOANS - v Wares ues at i TURNER. MACLEAY. PllATUM. BROOKS. HAW. 8 ALUM. SWITZERLAND. IIALSET. - DERRY. ' Mr QUS )F ROYAL" FLOUR. ! J. G. GRAHAM, i - i . . ... ; Agent' I , - ' - t07 Commercial St., Salem. IN PURSUIT OF TRAM1 POSSE TRTINQ TO CAPTURE THE . ilt'FFIAN WHO ASSAULTED GIRL AT CANBT. I , : OREGON CITT, Or.. April 23. Ex County Commissioner Cornelius i Dair, whos daughter was assaulted by a thramp at Canby yesterday, is in pur suit of the man with a party of friends. The tramp was seen at Barlow yester day, about an hour after the crime was committed... He was going south. Two me a. known to be companions to the tramp, were at Hubbard last night, and arc, b;ing watched by the officers, who I suppose they will1 be joined by the 'tramp. The chase will be kept up as long hs there Is hope of success. ; ; - . The tramp is a well-built man, of d-rlt complexion and is dressed in dark clothes. He bought fa ticket at Canby .yesterday for Albany, but has not used it, j It has been learned that he former, ly resided at McMInnvllle. Sheriff Shaver is going to Canby this afternoon to get- a -good description from the girl In an. endeavor to. locate bis man. 1 , " , ; . . To accommodate those who are par tial to the use of atomisers in. applying liquids Into the nasal passages for ca tarrhal troubles, the proprietors 'pre pare Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price, including the spraytng tube. Is 75 cents. DruxRists or by mail. The liquid em Ml a J L f w. 4. tas ' nr 4 Cor. State and . Liberty St. SALEH, ORE. bodie the -medicinal -properties of -the solid preparation.? Cream Balm ' is quickly absorbed by the membrane and does not dry up the secretions but changes them to a natural and healthy ceharacter.- Ely Brothers, 5 Warren SU N. Y. .- '-- IS COMING TO SALEM NORRIS & HOWE'S BIG SHOWS WILL BE HERE ON . ; MAY 14. - The appearance in this city of Nojjrle & Rowe's , Big Shows 1 Is looked . for ward to by the amusement lovers with much interest.- Each season that the show has visited us. marked. improve ments and enlargements have been no ticed. This season will be no exception to the rule. The growth and Improve ment of these big moral shows has been nothing short of phenomenal, .and the success of the enterprise can be traced to the fact that the show is clean, mor al, wholesome, instructive and very amusing. It is. In fact, an entertain ment that the most fastidious can wit ness without having any of his scruples hurt. It is an entertainment that every boy and girl .should see, becrase their budding mind absorbs the lessons of what kindness - and patience will ac complish even over dumo brutes. This season the performance will not , be confined to trained animals alone, but will include also some of the best circus gymnasts in the country, and a troupe of skillful Japanese equilibrists and Jugglers, and a" company of expert cycle whirl riders. The advance agent of Norrls & Rowe? Big Shows was in Salem yesterday and made arrangements for the appearance of that big aggregation in this city on Thursday. May 14. GREATLY ALARMED. By a Persistent Cough, But Perman ently Cured by Chamberlain's l ; 1 Cough Remedy. . Mr. H. P. Burbage, a student at law, in Greenville, S.' C, had been troubled for four or five;year with a continu ous cought. which, he says, "g-featly alarmed me. causing me to fear that J was in the first stage of consumption," Mr. Burbage, having seen Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy advertised, con cluded to try It; Now read what he says of It:-- "I soon felt a remarkable change and after, using two bottles of the twenty-five ;cent sise, ; was ier- manently cured.' Sold by Pan J. Fry, Salem, Ore., 5 A .NEW CORPORATION ' HEIRS OF THE JOHN HUGHES ES TATE FILED ARTICLES YES- ; TERDAY,. , Articles of Incorporation of the John Huges Company were filed in the Ma rion county clerk's office yesterday, the incorporators being E. P. Hughes, Geo P. Hughes, Lulu II. Bush, Genevieve H. Mackie and Ethel Carter. ' The principal place of business of the corporation is Salem, Oregori, and the capital stock la $24,000. divided into 240 shares of the par value of $100 each The object of the corporation is to buy and sell goods, wares and merchandise, farm . produce and farm commodities; to own. lease, rent, buy, sell and man age' real property ; . to buy and sell mortgages, bonds, notes and accounts, and to loan money. The duration of the corporation is to te ninety-nine years. f Iftade Young Again. .1 , One of Dr. King's New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens', again, writes D. H, Tur ner, of Dempseytown.! Pa. They're the best in the world for liver, stomach and bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c at S. C. Stone's Drug Store. JIN PROBATE COURT E. B: Fletcher, administrator of the estate of B. F.1 Fletcher, deceased, yes terday petitioned the Marlon : county probate court for an order authorizing and directing him ; to sell certain ' rea: property belonging to the estate. Th court made an order that the heirs of the estate be cited to appear in court on Monday, June 1, 1903, to show cause If any why Ihe prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. ' '' " William Foley, who was recently ap pointed administrator of the estate of B. De Lorme. deceased, filed tils bond in the sum of $5000, 'and the same va? approved by the court. ! W. Scott Taylor. Felix Gresolrc ana Peter Wilquet were appointed apprais ers to appraise the property belonging to the estate. - Some girls seem to think , that : the more, powder they use the! sooner they will go off. .' ' : ; Certainly.' Tr Jo the tWng for tired aerveS Sleep s4 fabene of mi.id or body. . - - yrhiiky kes tbe ideal bt t. R mootbes out the wriaklr of care, sad brtag a refreshing, peacefol lumber that lasts the nieht throorb. If VJT raloe T wtli vatoe the, Kom.1 whiskies for tfaeir bealto-gitnag qoaUtica. . . . . ssf A Barm, Ctmbm mm! scaurrut co,iat. BtatrsMun. romANa. esa llr. TM ATE ' ATTTa UJUfiaiC 2111 u : CROP REPORT r f -s m ' ', ' J ' "-' :"' v -, -' 7 - , " Issued by Director E. A. Beals Oregon Section; Weather i . ' Bureau : WEATHER HAS BEEN FAVORABLE FOR ALL. CROPS AND PROSPECT EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD -r- HOPS : AND FRUIT ARE DOING SPLEN DIDLY. PORTLAND, Ore,; Wednesday. April 29, 1503. The weather during .the past week has been' favorable for all crops except that more rain is needed in the Grand Ronde valley, and in the stock country east of the Cascade mountains. Th soli works nicely and farmers are busy plowing summer fallow and pre paring the land for com, .potatoes and gardens. . -' " ! Late reports regarding the damage to alfalfa In Baker and Malheur' coun ties, are to the effect that; It is not as great as' at first thought- : The damage is confined to the bottom lands - while alfalfa' on high land has not suffered any injury. Previous reports 1 as to damage to early varieties of fruit In the southern sections of the state are confirmed, but "apples and late varie ties of peaches and pears promise a full eropJ' ' ' ' Strawberry vines In the Hood River district are beginning to blossom, and the vines are healthy and promising. Fruit of all kinds In the Willamette valley and the coast counties Is now in full bloom, and in general, fruit pros pects are considered to be exceptionally good. ,. Wheat, both fall and spring, has made excellent advancement,, and there remains but little seeding to be done. Pastures have improved greatly and stock Is rapidly being turned out: on the summer ranges. Sheep shearing Is general, and the few reports received. indicate that the clip will be below the average. The increase or tamos is un usually smalL Hops continue i doing nicely, and In the early yards they are high enough to begin twining. Cut worms are reported in some sections. but no complaints of other insect pests have been made. - . Coast District, . , v Clatsop, "Clatsop County, D. F. Staf ford. 'Week favorable, with showers and sunshine; garden work mostly done; oats up and looking well; many have planted potatoes. Nestocton. Tillamook County, '- R H. Phillips. Weather warm, with; show- erst grass and oats growing fast; fac tories running with a good supply of milk; fruit trees backward; some plum in bloom. ; r" . - ' Waldport, Lincoln County, David Ru ble. Week showery and much warmer; grass assuming a good healthy color, and growing finely; most 'gardens are planted; potatoes coming up; : pears, peaches, cherries and prunes out of bloom; apples In bloom; fruit prospects One. -' ' Point, Terrace. Lane County,fc Sarah J. Allison. Weather warm, . and all crops growing finely;' pasturage good: fruit trees nearly all In full bloom, and apparently inmjured by the frost; stock in good condition. ; - : r Gardiner. Douglas County. 1 O. B. Hlnsdale--Warmer weather, wjth sord'e farm rain; grass and gardens growing very rapidly; stock of all kinds faring well: fruit trees in full blossom. -Oravel Ford. Coo County. O. ' C. Swan. Weaher favorabre; fruit trees tri fall bloom; bartlett pears, early ap ples, plums and cherries dropping their bloom; pastures growing fast; grain looking fine; stock Improving. ' Denmark. Curry County, C. W. Zum- walt. Weather more favorable, with good rain; everything thoroughly soak ed; stock slowly Improving: grass is growingTiicely; warmer weather need ed.. ". ' -': ; -,; . -'; ' -, ' ; : Willamette Valley J Flshhawk. Columbia County, Hogberg. Weather warmer ; growing nicely; spring work doner some potatoes remain E. E. grass nearly to be planted: grain looks very good; fruit trees beginning to bloom. Monta villa, Multnomah County. A. D. Sullivan. Week generally" wet; cold rains prevent growth of, early veget ables, also damages fruit; cherries. and prunes in blossom. Terry, Multnomah County. .Wltllam Sates. Good growing weather; all vegetation benefited; cherries, plums, prunes and pears in full bloom. Tualitln, Washington County, Geo. Gatbreath. Weather very favorable for seeding; ' fall grain thin, and some re seeding done; grass making ; rapid growth; most all fruit trees in blossom. Mltwaukle, Clackamas County, R. Scott Early part of week" very bene ficial to crops; last two days cold rains occurred, which were unfavorable to fruit which iff now n full bloom; grain ery neaimy, also vetcnes and peas, garden truck in sheltered nooks doing well.;-;.,- t .. Amity. Yamhill County, M. F. Corfi Kan. Warm rains during: early part of week very beneficial to all kinds of vegetation; fall sown grain making a gooa growtn: spring grain coming trp nicely; -seeding progressing rapidly: clover and pastures making f rapid growth; hops fairly good stand; cher ries and peaches shedding blossoms; some early varieties, were nipped, Jty rrost; prunes tn full blossom. Turner, Marlon County, O. B. Cor nelius. Week favdrable for seeding of all kinds, gardens Included; 2 grairj4 grass, white closer and vegetation In general making rapid growth; stock is improving on grass alone; fruit in full bloom, promises Immense' crop; hay fields, clover and cheat look very fine; cattle and sheep have passed the dan ger point; poultry In good condition. . Bellfouhtairi,' Benton County, A. If, Buckingham. Weather variable, with warm showers; light frost but n0 dam age done; t fruit in bloom,: and -farm work now proceeding rapidly. Holley. Linn County. A. F. Hamilton. , Weather fine; crops looking well; grass growing nicely; ? sheep shearing begun; clip llffht on account ' of hard winter; sheep and cattle in bad condf tion. . . . ," :' Lowell, Lane County, Amos D." Ily tand. Spring very late, but everything Is now-growing fast; winter wheat looks well; the rainfall has been light. WILL SEIIO " S4.0Q f BEE To Each Holder. Franklin Miles, M. D. LU B., the Wealthy Chicago Special ist. Will Send f4J03 Worth of His New Individual Treatment Fre. : - That Dr. Miles Is one of the meet successful and reliable of phyaichms is proven by hundreds of testimonials from 'well known people. One patient cured after failure of - eleven Grand Rapids physicians, v two after having been given up by six or seven Chicago physicians, another, after nine of the leading doctors of New York CI ty, Philadelphia and Chicago fatldd. Thou sands of testimonials sent on request. : The late Pror. J." S. Jewell, M. ed itor of the Journal of Nervojs end Mental Diseases, published at Chicago, advises Dr. Miles to "by all mean pub lish your surprising results.' . Jof. J. P. Ross, M. D., president of Rush Med ical College wrote in 1874: Dr. Miles has taken .two courses-of my private Instruction' In diseases of the 'tea rt and lungs. Col N. G. Parker, Ex-Treasurer of South Carolina, says: I be lieve Dr. Miles to b an attentive; and skillful physician, in a field which re quires the best qualities of head and heart.: Col; A.' M. Tucker late Gen eral Manager of N. T, L. E. W. rys teni - of railways. - says: Dr. Miles success as a physician has been 'phe nomenal," CoL E. B. Spileman. of the 9th Regulars, U. S. A4 San Diego, CaL. says; "Your Special Treatment has worked wonders when all else failed. X had employed the . best medical talent and had spent $2,0Q0.M t - When an experienced and wealthy physician offers to prescribe free $40, 000 worth of treatment for diseases of the.heart, nerves, stomach, or dropsy, it Is conclusive evidence that he has great faith in his skill. And when hun dreds of prominent men and women freely testify to his unusual skill and the superiority of his New Individual Treatment, his liberality Is certainly worthy of serious consideration. - "; The Doctor's new system of treat ment, Is thoroughly scientific nd 'im mensely superior to ordinary methods. As all afiicted readers- may have $4.00 iworth of treatment especially prescrib ed for each case, free, with full direC tlons, we would advise them to send for "a Copyrighted Examination Chart at once. Address Dr. Franklin Miles, 203 to 205 State street, Chicago. Ill, ' When writing mention the " Weekly Oregon Statesman, Salem, Ore. but sufficient; no frost lately to do any harm. ' ' Southern Oregon. ' Ax&lea, TXtuglas County, Geo. W. Rid dle. Light .Showers during "week, crops growing rapidly; outside range splen did; cattle In good condition; peaches arid cherries damaged by frost eaHler in the' season: prune blooms thorough ly pollenlxed ; prospects for a heavy crop are good. . " " i - Kerby, Josephine County, E. F. Meis sner. Weather favorable, with good rains; pears, early apples and cherries are in bloom; fruit prospects - are splendid, except for peaches. , Sams Valley, Jackson County, E. Shipley. Grain prospects continue poor; pasturage very good; condition Of farm work unsatisfactory: It j wa too cold 'and wet, now too dry; the freeze of the ,11th hurt the peach crop some; also reduced the almond crop; other fruits doing well.' Columbia Rrver Valley. r Ridgeway. Wasco County, M. TTRen. Rain and cloudy weather first of thej week; seeding all done; spring and fall sown grain doing well; cherries, plums and peaches In bloom; weather is too cold for gardens to do welL Grass Valley, Sherman County, JL W. Wilcox. Warm all week; nearly all of the spring seeding done; fall grain has IL We carry only the best lines of machinery, implements and vehicles It doesn't pay any firm that hopes to continne in business to sell anythiiigbiife the bet If you'll watch our ads you'll be posted on what we carry 'and What's better, if you'll call we can show you fhroughiir bigstock of up io date machinery, vehicle?, etc. Here are three lines, but there about a dozen more that ve can't men tion today.- - ; r . f Studebaker Farm Vagons Are the highest embodyment of all that's 'good In wagon construction. Mountain Wagons, made especially for the coast trade," are the only ones we sell. They have heavy, white "oak spokes, fitted with sloping shoulders in to a black birch hub, that is warranted not to check. The axles, hounds, reach es, bolsters, and all other parts, ' are made of the heavies,, best selected stock and alii guaranteed. Each size wagon carries a guaranteed Carrying capacity of from COO to 1000 pounds more than other wagons of similar listed' sizes. If you'll take a. tape' measure and conv pare size of spokes, felloes, etc., you'll know why. -. -y. Farm. Machinory, JN . i- 3 u commenced to show green; a fine tain Tuesday which will cause spring crops to come up at once. -- Arlington, Gilliam County. R. H. Robinson. All kinds of grain, fruits, and vegetables doing nicely; lifht showers the past week hive been bene ficial; spring plowing done. Lexington, Morrow County. r?dwin R. Beach. The week was warm, with a slight shower; vegetation of all 1:1 mis has pushed rapidlyt potatoes coming up; fruit blossoms appearing in sieat profusion; weed's gettinar ranJu and the grain shooting up; prospects in gener al are now good. - -;'-': Helix, Umatilli County, 6. ti Ivaac; Weather very favorable for rrorin3 crops, alt have made marked improve ment; fall sown crops, par'lculirlyi make a fine showing; spring sow.n s somewhat late, but healthy: gardens backward; farm work progressing lap- Idly. - ' ; ;:- - ' Plateau Region. : : Summervllle, Union County, C. Celt. Days-bright and warm; nights fros ty;, no damage has resultel; early fruit 'ready to blossom; fall grali - is s tooling hicely;' plowing In. r'"o?rtss and ground plows up well; grass im proving and range stock doing well; gardening commenced. IcEwen, Baker County, J. W Yantls. First part of week cool. -with frosty nights; latter part warm: gras grow ing nicely; farming progressing; gar dens not yet planted. '..'.. Juntura. Malheur County, W. II. Dunlap. -Weather clear and cool; grass good; - crops partially planted; winter rye good; stock doing welL Sisters, Crook County,- C. II. Foster. Warmer weather; fall sown grain in fair condition; closer prospects good; range feed improving and stock in fair condition; lamb crop less than aver age." : . ." ..' . Bonanai. Klamath County, Francis J. Bowne. Warm growing, weather, A-i:h one light shower of rain. .. Richmond, -Wheeler County." L. R. Kirby. Some frost, no wind. no. rain, and very dry; crops nearly all plir. ed; grass; growing nicely; prospects are good for plenty of fruit. . Plush Lake County. Daniel Boioe'. Warm and cloudy, but without rain or snow; these conditions are favorable for meadows. "Cure the "cough and .save the life. Dr. Wood's. Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs and colds, down to the very verge of consumption. COMPANY F INSPECTED '-- - - --. ' . .- , : - - . r ARM Y , OFFICERS WITNESSED I DRILL IN THE ARMORY j , LAST. NIGHT. The regular annual Inspection arid muster of Company F, Oregon National Guard, was held In the Armory at the city hall last - night Colonel James Jackson, Inspector General of the Na tional Guard, and Major Edward Chyri oweth. Twenty-sixth United States In fantry, from Vancouver, were the in specting officers. This is earlier than the usual annual Inspection, but General Funston.- com manding the Department of the C.olum- ' bia, had ordered Major Chynoweth to inspect the Oregon National Guard at this time, so Adjutant General C. U. Gars ten be I ii ordered Colonel Jackson to accompany him on the tour of Inspec tion. : " ' The newly elected officers were not In command of the company, as they have not received their comminsioriK, so Major Tt. II. Leabo assumed the posi tion of company commander, and. for two hours the boys were drilled in the manual of arms, and company arid platoon movements, while subjected to the critical gaze of the two inspectors, and a crowd of spectators.' There are now forty-seven men in the company, and forty-two were in the ranks. The Sewing Machines WHITE ROTARY. . ..WHEELER & WILSON. QUEEN SHUTTLE. Our Rotary White Is the highest em bodyment of the rotary shuttle. Ten sion Indicator, tension release, large bobbins high speed, ball bearings, and the shuttle removable ' Instantly with the finegers afone. . - '- : ' The Wheeler & Wilson uses the rotary hook, and Is one of the old standbys. Our QuCen Shuttle machine-made by the White people, uses White shuttles, needles, etc., and Is a splendid popular priced machine. - " . Vf '- - We have other machines from $1S P. besides second hand bargains from $5 up, ready to sew. ' " - '. Sewing machine oil and supplies of all-sorts. Repairing by N.' H. Burley. 255257: Liberty Strcc9 SaJctn Bicycles, ; Sowins Machines and Supplies iJ - iiii x , eowing iviacnmo topainng CHINESE Drug Store t carry all klnd&of Chinese drugs and medicines. Roots and herbs nature's medicine, Good for all kinds of sick ness. 'Cures opium habit. Good for the blood and kidneys. DR. KUM BOW WO, ?4 Liberty Street . ba'em.. Oregon. Oraaahed nn S I3.016LG70 Inurtoe n lure: hared our rnemivr tw'a7lS7,2l 11 4.)otau . Arw for Var, loo-Conntr A.C Chandler Sec"7 Mc M.uu ot Neoton & Co.'s Sarsaparilla The greatest Mood tonic In I he world Is now for sale for only 7ac per bottle at Cor ner Drug torc, Grand Opera House and 9G State st F. 0, HAaS Salem, Orrooi others were either out of the city or abv sent from the state, and so could not be present. They were in heavy march ing order, having their blanket paiks and blankets, haversacks and canteens. The officers expressed themselves ,i being well pleased with the drill exe cuted by the boys, especially as thoy have been without officers for so !wig. and with the able officers who have been elected, the company will probably be brought to a high state of ;erfec tlon. Colonel Jackson stated that the Oregon National Guard is the lest equipped body of state troops in the United States, having everything re quired of regular army troops. If or dered out, they couid take the f.ell ready to enter a campaign - within twenty-four hours. . The boys have 5000 rounds of ammu nition In their possession. This Inspection is made by the Gov ernment to. find the condition of the state troops preparatory to taking ad vantage of the Dick Law. making them a portion rif the National organization. If Major Chynoweth report favorably to the Government, the boys will i ni mediately be Issued KraRJorpeiihPii rifles. Probably the system of org.ui IxatUm as a national body will be .i tedi6us that the great National En campment at Salt Lake City, announc ed for this summer, will not take il:ie . but Instead a brigade encampment 'vtilr likely be held In the state. First Lieutenant-elect; CharW I Dick announced to the k'-ompany in a neat speech.: that he would not le ubfe to accept the commission ofTervl him on account of a change in his businwn plans, necessitating absence froin.i the city for longer periods than friiinrly. General regret was elpresse-l by tha boys at theioss of so competent an of ficer, who is acknowledged to hve r. peer in the state as a drill-map trr, hut a substitute will, of necessity, hnve to be elected to fill the vacancy thus oc casioned, which will probably take place at the next regular business meeting. j' l acs. jl. V . . U Im foi lhs A trs fr.f Wrttke SifsatsT Sharpies Tufiulsr Cream Separators - - .-1 . . The low hung supply can. The hollow. bowL. The ball bearing. ( The enclosed gear. , All combine to make It the choUe tor every' farmer, who looks to the comfort and convenience of his women folks, who most often have to do the separ ating arid cleaning. .' ! J Tne bowl , is absolutely hollow only one small part besides the cap. ' Callsrid see the machines, or send for catalogues and prices. : . v ' . . We sell ph easy terms and let you try the machines. ..1 f.y . 1 1)1 BEST 4-. -