WEEKLY OREGON ' STATESMAN, FRIDAT, ATTMlf tt, 1905. GIRLS TAKE boys: PLACE Messenger Strike at Butte Has Been Prolonged BY THE TWO COMPANIES - - f t -. - - Who Refuse to Recognize the i-Union and ill Make WESTERN UNION COMPAST TO CONTINUE : BUSINESS AND THREATENS TO ASK FOR AN IN JUNCTION FROM THE FEDERAL. COURT A BAD MIX-UP. , ! BUTTE, MonU April 22. The Amer ican District Telegraph Company has suspended all business In Butte as the result of yesterday's riot, when the company's offi ces were mobbed by a crowd of striking: messenger' boys and their sympathizers. ; Assistant Super intendent Mofflt, of New Tork City acting- upon instructions from the American District Telegraph and the Western: Union 'headquarters, In that city, has taken general charge of both companies in Butte, and declares that, under no circumstances, will the onions be recognized. --' s' : ,.-r ... i- y Mofflt tonight announced that - the Western.; Union ; will continue to con duct its 'offices In Butte and, if neces sary, an injunction will be asked of the Federal Court to restrain the striking messengers and their sympathizers. To day girls were employed to deliver the company's messages. A-Small Attendance. . Detroit, Mich., April 22, The attend ance at the opening session of the Na tional. Municipal League was small. An exhaustive; report of the, year's work; v to read by Clinton Rogers Woodruff, of Philadelphia,: secertary of the National League. The recent elec tion in Chicago and Cleveland were pointed j jto aa teaching a lesson - that there must be an end to tampering with the city by the Legislature and that the national parties must cease from plac ing national issues to the front In the local campaign. A paper by C. C. Brown, 'of Indianapolis, on "Federation of Civic Forces," was submitted and ordered printed. There was no session "of the convention tonight, the papers that were scheduled being deferred un til tomorrow, evening. DREYFUS MAKES DEMAND WANTS INVESTIGATION OF EM PEROR WILLIAM'S ALLEGED ACCUSATION AGAINST HIM- f f PARIS, April 22. Alfred Dreyfus has submitted to Minister of War .Andre a lengthy letter, in which he asks (or a reopening of his case by means of an investigation by the Minister, as the supreme head of military Justice. The letter, which is dated Paris, April 21st, confirms the reports that Dreyfus has been living quietly here for some time. It promises to cause a tremendous agU tatlon among the various elements of the political groups for and. against Dreyfus. , . -r ' The first part of the letter is an ear nest plea that the court which con demned him at Rennes was improperly Influenced first by the annotated docu ment ascribed to Emperor William, and second, by the false testimony of one of the witnesses. Czernuski. After argu ing on the extent to wh.ichthese con tributed to his condemnation. Dreyfus recalls In graphic terms the long series of horrors to which he, has been sub jected.! The letter throughout is couch ed in a highly dramatic style, which is likely to make It one of the notable pa. pers of the case. . - ; ; It refers to Es tertiary as "one who stands before the entiresworld as the culprit" One of the leading passages, showing the rhetorical style, is as fol lows; j -': 'i V ;.f "I will not recall, Mr. Minister, what I have endured sine 1834. Picture to yourself the horrors of a soldier whose life was devoted t& duly, to work? to loyalty, and to profound devotion -for his country, and who Th an Instant is stri ppedl of his good name and despoil ed of the honor of his wife and his chil dren.: Forv five years this : soldier is subjected to horrible sufferings.- They seek to crush him physically, to anni hilate, him morally.- H i "absolutely innocent of ail crime, and struggles in rain to - penetrate the mystery, " pro claiming his innocence and struggling with aM the forces of bis mind and IS OF GREAT v E1P0RTANCE body for the supreme pleasure of vindl,. 1 Arfctld CS Fernandez ISSUeS Ml eating his good name and character, t TT-rn Art wail Days, months, years pass thus In most I ';-. UIfcCIli:AppwIl cruel agony, among - the . tortures- ef a murderous climate.- At last he - is is discovered, and the soldier hears TO ALL THE NEWSPAPERS himself proclaimed innocent by those who before reviled him as a traitor. It was thus, Mr. Minister, that X hoped to see my martyrdom ended." . : MAY CHANGE THE STATION To Publish All the Data Pos sible Upon the Panama ; Canal Question If prosecution of the . Kav? : Officers Is Continued ; ; THINKS PEOPLE. SHOULD BE AD VISED FOLLT OP THE : DETAILS UPON SUBJECT OFFICE-HOLDERS .MUST RESIGN BEFORE AC CEPTING ANY CANDIDACY ! SECRETARY MOODY THINKS! The Matter Is Assuming the Proportions of Severe f'i- Persecutions DEPARTMENT THINKS PUNISH MENT received; has been SUFFICIENT AND :'a CONTINU ANCE. MAT IMPAIR CHANCES OF NAVAL STATION AT SAN JUAN. WASHINGTON. April ?2. Secretary Moody is inclined to believe that the prosecution of the naval officers at; San Juan, P. R who a re charged with ! smuggling, is rapidly Tecoming perse cution, and it is intimated at the De partment that unless the attitude of the local officials there changes, the desir ability of San Juan as an important naval station may, be Impaired. It is even intimated that the naval officers there may be withdrawn. The charges against these officials! were investigated, i and in accordance with the practice at the Treasury De- i partment. the offenders paid double duty to which the goods brought . In were subject, the President and mem bers of the Cabinet decided that the of ficers bad amply paid for their Indis cretion, f l . t (; (!, " i. , Governor Hunt fully, appreciates the attitude of the Government, and is do ing all that he can to straighten out the matters and relieve the officers of further embarrassment. t WASHINGTON. April 22. Aristides Fernandez, Minister of the Interior of Colombia,, has addressed the editors of the newspapers throughout Columbia, directing . attention to the Importance of the fullest consideration in the news papers of the subject of the Panama Canal, in substance - the address says that the matter of the gravest import ance which should occupy the attention of the coming Congress to the exclusion of all else, is the matter of the Panama canaL " : r ' , j - ; , He says that all the people should be adv&ed fully of the Interest the nation has In the matter as well as the many differences and problems which the dif ferent projects present. The Minister call Ajpon all; the newspapers and edi tors to publish all they can obtain ion the subject as be says it is a matter of the gravest importance to the well being of the country as well as to the commercial interests of the world. ... . Ing been held April 7th,' while a, repeti tion of it is scheduled for April 2Sth.' Because two illegal ballots were found, and the polls were closed an hour be fore the time provided for in the city, charter. ,the present council threw the first election out entirely. The same tickets will be In the field again.- A mixed ticket was put in April 7th from Cltlzfens' .i. and People's tickets. when the Issue was for an open or closed town. The result was in favor of an open town in a modified form with proper, restrictions. A vote of seventy-eight was cast. Diphtheria, sore throat, croup. In stant relief, permanent cure. "Dr. Thomas' - Electric Oil. At any drag store. - 1- - - V IS ENJOYING GOOD HEALTH President Roosevelt Completes - . : , Tour of the Park TO INSPECT POST TODAY Hands of Receivers. Chicago, ; April 22. R. R. Colvin, of New York; James H. Eckels and Mar shall E. Sampsell, of ; Chicago. . have been appointed receivers of .the Union Traction Company, the North Chicago Street Railway and, the-West Chicago Street Railway Companies. The - re ceivership was ordered by Judge Gross cup in the United States Circuit.-Court late this afternoon upon the return of .- ' . He AC ust .Resign. , ' Washington, April 22. The, attitude of the administration toward the office holders who become 'candidates for elective offices, is - indicated in a tele gram which Postmaster General. Payne sent today to a newspaper t Spokane, Wash, In response to a query, h Mr, Payne wired as follows: . ' a, x"lt -the assistant postmaster accept the nomination 'and becomes a candid date for mayor, he will be expected ti resign his position in the postoffice.1 YOU KNOW WHAT YOU XflE TAK ' . . : . INR ' , .. . V When you iake Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the. formula is plainly printed on every bottle showlngr that it Is simply iron and quinine in ai taste less form. No cure, no pay. .SO'V Returns to Fort Yellowstone I From Six Days Trip IntoB Interior . USED SLEDGES AND HORSES IN LOWER QETSER BASIN . AND SKIS '.AROUND THE CANTON BRYAN TO WELCOME PRESI DENT AT LINCOLN. DESPERATE LABOR WAR WESTliirN2 FEDERATION OF MlN j t tuns assu uunsMVin CTPlME I t. jTO CiOSE 3RIP. VANCOUVER, B. C. April 22.The coal miners at Cumberland have Joined tbelr striking, brethren at Extension. unsatisfied' Judgments aggregating over I n other words, the'Western Federation minion oonars in xavor oi tne uuar- I icerana unsmuir nave come, to CINNABAR, Mont, April 22. PresI dent Roosevelt has completed his tour of the Yellow stone Park. He arrived at Fort Yellowstone about 'noon today, from Norrls, and tomorrow' will inspect the post. Secretary Loeb met him this afternoon and reports that he is in the best of health and enthusiastic over his trip through the Park. The Secretary tonight issued the following statement: fMajor Pitcher states that he and th. President have Just returned from their sfx days' trip in the interior of th Park. The party went on sledges, but used horses between the upper ' and lower geyser basins and skis around the canyon where it-was impossible to go anywhere without them. The snom w;as two to five feet deep on the leve throughout the eountry traversed. ' It was .getting into bad shape. This i the. first time the interior of the- Part has ever been visited before the sno went off by any one except the scouts or 'soldiers on duty at the various sta tions. . - Loeb, Secretary to the Percent," ( J . jLincoln Neb., AprtI 22. When Persl- apnt nooseveit arrives nere next Mon hky.. WJlliam J." Bryan will ,1, with, the state officials at the station,. p .greet him. "':'-; - anty Trust Company of New York. EX-GOVERNOR LORD ILL AMERICAN MINISTER TO ARGEN- ' TINA FORCED TO LEAVE - HIS POST. BALTIMORE, April 22. William P. Lord, former Governor Of Oregon and United States Minister to Argentina, has Just arrived here from that coun try. His return -was made heceasary by a severe illness. He will proceed to Oregon tomorrow. a ' PAYS BROTHER'S DEBTS. ASTORIA, Ore, April 22. George rselson, a brother of the late City Aud- I tor. Nelson, who was a defaulter during his terms of office to the amount of about $10,000,. has offered to settle alt of this that is. covered by bonds for $3500, which, together with the money already paid by him on this amount, will leave the city out about $70. The city will probably accept this offer, as it would be better than to be Involved In lawsuits against the different bonds men. " ; ' ; " ? close grips. 'Vancouver Island is about to see the most desperate labor war ever waged between' the Gulf and the Pacific. The Ladysmith delegates who went down to Victoria reported their complete failure i ooam a hearing from the President jof the Wellington. Collerles Company. and the miners decided that a. strike ; should be declared, at all the Duosmulr mines and that all locals of the West ern Federation and affiliated ; bodies owvuiu w iiuiiiii-u mai me ngnt was on. Qumberland Union is nearly 300 strong, and includes all the white men employ ed underground except less than 2i who have so far declined- to Join. Jas uunsmulr has dcelared that' he wll! keep the mines closed for years If nec essary. The . situation is regarded as most serious. ' l- SEVERE ATTACK O? GRIP J TafM6i.heirs llcginnlng Monday and :continutng all wet k we shall offer bargains iu . Children's Suits Seldom If ever equaled in Salem. ' Not in year have we been able to ofler such startling Inducement. It will be He Iliiding inotiey. What wVve lieeii'doint; to imnaors we shall now da to Children's 8ulL, only more m. We mibt almost ve the wont "glvelinslead of "sell." Kvtry medium weight suit must innvein and out. Iothsrs look out for windfalls. Region fug Monday you - will huy suits cheaper than yon ran -possibly buy thm at wholesale. Rcmembej the sale will begin Monday, Samuel Ado ph Successor to J. C. Hertz Co. - " - "... .-- "- Ost Price Clothers, Hatters and fcrnlshers i - -- -' Capital National Bank V.'.:7. national Mart it m Co. . Transacts a general hanking and exchange business. Draissoid ou all parts of the world, i i- : ' : : : Sarlmgs Depart me at Conducted under usual savings bank rt-gulatioiis J. II.' Albert, Pres. li &i. Cecisax, .Viee Pres. Jos. II. Albert, Cash. The tlbiise f An Attractive Display Furniture is no longer made for coin fort only. It's not only comfortable, olid anl durable as in the Plymouth Hock tl in t-s but h pleasing to the eyo and artistic sense as well. Our selections are con stantly changing with the varying moods of style of furniture. iirnishing Cb. 269 LIBERTY ST. ,Xow good digestion waits on appe tite and health On both If It doesn't, xry uuraocK i:iooi Bitters. SCAB AMONG SHEfcP msi'ECTORS FIKD THE DISEASE AMONG FLOCKS OF MORROW . AND GRANT COUNTIES. ? Cured by One Bottle of Chamberlain's j Cough Remedy. When I had an attack of the g-rlp iasi winier line secona one) i actually cvred myself with one bottle of Cham berlalo's Cough Remedy," says Frank W. Perry, Editor of the; Enterprise, of Shortsville, N. T.V -This Is the honest truth. -i I at - times kept from couching myself to pieces by taking teaspoonf ul of this remedy, and wn the- coughing spell would come on at night I would take a dose and it seemed teat In the fcrif est . Interval the cough would. pass off and I would go to sleep nerfectrr free from couth and Its ac- fc6mpanying pains. To say that the remedy acted as a most agreeable sur pHse is putting it very mildly. I had nt idea that it would or could knock out the grip, simply because I had never tried it for suh a purpose, but it did afid it seemed with the second attack of coughing the remedy caused it to no! only be ef less duration, but the bainr were iar less severe, ana i haa not uei the contents of one bottle before Mr Grip had bide me adieu." For sale by Han J. Fry. Salem. A CHINESE MURDERER " BAILED TO THE CROSS VICTORIA, B. April 22. Advices were received by the steamer Empress of China of the eruolnetlon of a Chl nene desperado in Kwang Tung - who cnfessed, to stity murders. ' He was HEPPNER, Or April 22. Consider able scab effects the sheep of both II or row and Grant counties this spring, ac cording to reports of Stock Inspectors Kirk and Ambrose. who have : been making inspection tours. ' The Morrow conniv n fflitirn lit ula trk tw mntl t.re- nailed to a. wooden cross and placed on I vulenfe ii the Columbia river section. one of the city's bridges as a warning "but sheepmen deny it Is anything seri- to I malefactors. He lingered for three days, when he succumbed to terrible sunenings. THE BIG FOUR COMBINE GOES OUT OF BUSINESS FAN FU.VNCISCO, CaL, ApraiSJ. The BuHetln saysj The combination of four of the most, prominent grain deal--ers and shippers, known as the "Big. four. has been dissolved and ft is thought that ; the dealers will, during the earning grain season, conduct their own affairs Individually. The firms known as the" "big four," are as fol lows: , Balfour Guthrie, G. W. McXear & Co. G. W. Garveln c Eyre and Ep- pinger ft Co, These firms control all the grain warehouses at Port Costa with the exception of the ' Grangers warehouse. , . oua, As the regulations in urant are very strict about allowing in outside sheep in summer where theret Is any scab or other contagious disease' exist ing, some Morrow owners may find dif Acuity this spring in getting over the border. Stoek Inspector Ambrose report quite a. bit of scab around Kltter. and the trouble is said to have gained quite a bit over East year .when there was ltttto of it in either county. PARENTS ASK CHILDREN TO FLEE FROM FEVER i V. STANFORD UNIVERSITY. CaU April 22. Two more cases 6f typhoid aggregate number of lGO cases to date. The marked dentin In K Ho n .. fever developed at the university thlsiber of new cases seems to indicate that morning. These, together with the one reporte.1 yesterday, bring the total numbrr of victims living on the cam pus up to thirty-two. Up to last even ing the number of persons afflicted with the malady In Palo Alto' had reached sixty-eight. This makes an tne spread of the epidemic is over. At, ' icast 3U telegrams have been received here from parents in different parts of the -jcountry asking that the students return nome at once.- Few ot these requests have been complied with, it is hoped the worst has passed. x'l-'-',, Catarrhal Deafness Cannot be cured with local appUeations. as they cannot reach the diseased por tion, of the ear. There is only one way to enre deafness, and that is by con stitutional treatment.: Deafness . Is caused by an inflamed condition of the eustachian tubes. S. R. Catarrh Cure will reduce and cure all catarrhal in flammation of the eustachian tabes and restore them to a normal condition, Sold by all druggists. Book on Catarrh free. Address Smith Bros Fresno, CaL ELECTION WAS ILLEGAL THE VOTERS OF WALLOWA MUST MAKE ANOTHER CHOICE OF - OFFICERS. MAT GETS LICENSE. )RIA. Ore.; April 22 At i ing of the city council held Monday ev ehln a retail liquor license was grant ed, to F. May, who formerly conducted a saloon In the north end of Portland, and who was refused a renewal of his license, there. There, was some opposi tion to his being granted a license here on that account, but it was decided to grant him one, and If he did not con duct his saloon in an orderly manner It would be revoked. ; ELKS . BANQUETED FULTON. t "ASTORIA, Ore., April 22. Astoria Lodge. No. 18. B. P. O. Elks, gave a banquet at the lodge rooms last night in honor of Senator C. W. Fulton, who Is a past exalted ruler of the lodge. The banquet, yrhich -was confined to the members, was participated in by about lJd, including several from r Portland. Hon. J. Bruce Poleworth - acted as the toastmaster, and the Speeches were continued until a late hour. ' vr-. W. O. W. CARNTVAL AT COP.VALIiS, CORVALLIS, Ore," April 22. A street camtvaL under the auspices of - the Woodmen of the World, will be held tn Corvallis June 10, 11. 12 and 13, and promises lo be the largest celebration ever held in Corvallis. Special rates have been, secured over the railroads, and, as there, will be no other counter attractions In the adjoining cities, , a large crowd , is expected. WALLOWA, Ore, April 2-It i.not often a town has two city elections in one month, bat that is the experience of Wallowa for April one election hav- LOST LINGERS IN HAY BALER. TOREST. GROVE, Ore, April 22. HenryiEbprb. of this place, while' at work at the Albert & Schneider's hay compressing plant here yesterday, got his right hand caught in the hay baler. The- forefinger and middle finger were so ipeverely hurt, that it was necessary to amputate them. Drs. W. P. Via and Cf I Large attended him. THE KIMBALL CULTIVATOR .,. Is the one in use in all orchard. It is 8 1-3 feet wide. Very easy to guide. Has a fendr which pre vents striking the tree with kuife. j Two horsrs used on it in orchard; No hoeinjr of - ttees where uwil. or for destroying fern, pink, wr relt oata, briars and Canada this tle it has no equal. - Price j.6 F. 0. B. .:' S. P. KIMBALL, 48 Marion St., Salem, Oregon . Feb. 17. J902 We, the undersigned, own and hve edilie Klmbsll Cultlrator. mni pro aounce It thibjs; eu'ttvator made fororrharis; It ia verr Uzht, easy to n;ri, speed jr. effect vt; leaves the (rfMd level and does away with hoeing around tree. C. U. Shaw. Veucourr, Wn ; 8- A. Rnd'U. VancouTer, Wn.; D. i. Keeler. Salem, Or.; B. B. Cronk, bale in, Os, James Wlnun ley, Salem Or, ' . Corvaih .Or., Feb IS. 1902 We ba vended the K itn hall Cillttratnr at this station. The Oregon A&Ticnltnral CoUcire. lor tw searont and find it to be entirely ftanactorjr. It kaT- the frouiKl rmootb, la fine condi. ion, is easy to operate, speedy and eJIeciiVd. Very trulv your. .v . . JAMES WITUVCOMBK. SPEER BROS GROCERIES " HARDWARE PATENT MEDICINES BOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CAPS Largest Shippers in Marion County ot . , . Country Produce Want all the butter and eggs we can get U at 35c per square for butter, 16c per doz. for eggs in trade. Or less 10 per erut for cash. - y, .:- - PHO NE 249 1 STATE STR EET Headquarters for fencino-. or t hop yards, etc. solicited . Woven wire fencing for all " puiTosea, at loweat prices. Hmuolu wire Correspondence WALTER. MORLEY, CO Court 8t Sa'em. Money to Loan On Improved farm and) -city property at lowest rates.- J7 , v ' TIJOMAS K. FORD, C Over Ladd & Bush's Bank ..Salem. Oregon. ; . . , Cloomington. IU, April 21 The Dm nrratir iwmt Rlnmnlnvtnn tnv .iuj aivrc iuaa greai nanuiaciunng jng Morrison mayor by 700. Morrison romps nfe of the United States are. is tle first LernocraUc mayor in eight estabUshinff factories tn Canada. Jeen years. f.C.SHAffR, 232 Csflimerdal Street, near BasVi Bank. Glove?, Harness, Saddles, Nets; XYhips, Robes, Harness Oil? ; - Axle Grease, etc Repairing a Specialty. " carriage Tcp Dressing Salem, - -; COreoon. Tallahassee, FLi-, April 21. Stephen fitJJalrory was. elected lor anoinfr- term In the United States tenaie iu- day by the two houses of the legis lature. 1'..