WEEKLY ' OREGON STATE33IAK , TUESDAY APRIL 1, 3 About Your Toggery I - . ... Deau Sin: --4' ' ' !'-"", Pg with "us once again-i-got in the habit of coming about this time of year, i 3 - -IMgi the dandelion and the hand organ man generally atrivc on the. same train. Bat, say! What have you got on under that winter ulster? What are you going to: wear when you tale j it off ? ' We have an Idea that you will soon be in ; the market for a SirinuiUnd-rhaps, a Topj CoaVa new Hat, some new Spring Ties, Shirts, etc., eta Can't get along villi Just clothes at this season: of the yean. Spring. the time when a man's haberdashery is rery conspicuous, everything shows in spring, even your fox. . 4. . - Now, If liaTe made a good gu&a and yoo do need some spring . plumage, let nothing preteot your coming in toee our display. Lucky vrill Us the man who flnde his way inside our new spring garments. , The new cuts in suit and oTereoa'S, in the sweliest fabrics are here. , The smartest haberdashery ? and most correct hats, are waiting to greet yoa, and our prices will touch your pockt-tboosT so lightly that yon wHl 7 hardly feel it. . AVe weald appreciate your patronag anci spare no pains " to pteaseTyou, and t ill we know that you are not obliged to buy your spring outttt here but my! hot' much better you'll look if you do. Very truly yours, 'IS- f G W. Johnson & Co. 257 Com'l St. The . Clot HAVE FIRED FIRST SHOT Young Wen's Republican Club Starts Hermann Campaign i Ball ;to Rolling: - I . - : ; " . ... :, ' COM M rTTEK N RECEPTION AP ''POINTED AND PLANS OP CAM- 1 PAION DI3CUS8ED MR. HER , MANN WILL. ADDRESS SAfcEM '. REPUBLICAN CLUB TONIGHT. J' The Young, Men's Republican Club 'r held Its first meeting last night, which ? was also the first political meetlnjr ot the Congressional campaign now about to open, In the police court room of the rlty hall, at vfhlch there wta -very " tood and enthusiastic attendance. - The meeting was called to order bjf President Hal D. Pa4r state that the object of the meeting- was. to make arrangements for the Congres sional campaign and to assist in the flection of Hon. Blnger Hermann, tb Republican nomine. , He also stated ' that Mr. Hermann was expected in the ' City today and. it would be proper to ' take some steps toward his reception. , A motion if i then made and adopted that a committee on reception be ap f pointed and. In accordance therewith, ' President Patton appointed Hon. E. M. . Crolsatr. lion. Frank Davey, J. IL. Mc Nary, Clair Bakes, and It D, Patton. the motion being to the effect that the president of the ctub be Included In' the Committee.: v.-. : . -. A number of prsminent Republicans were present and made lively, enthusi astic -speeches and. emphasized the Im 'portar.ee of active work to bring out-it full vote, as the only hope "of the Dem ocrat Is that the. Republicans will feel 'so certain or, success that they" will re main at horns, Instead of going to the polls and rolling up a good vote. : It was also urged that the member- ship of the club be'eanvassed to deter . mine the strength, of the organisation, t and a committee, composed of W. E. .'Richardson. J. G. Graham and John II. I McNary. was appointed on reorganiza into Ytiuths Suit?, fiizes 14 to that ai-e r?giJlarly worth $3.00 and 10.00. Our. stock of YO&thV SdlS ! comprises Black Clays and Unfinished Worsteds, Blue Serges wiil Cheviots and H-hr rncdiuin 'and dark patterns in Salem made Cassimeres, Cheviots anl. TdslThp-XTt? tttt- kind that doesn't fade out and look , shabby after a few vtt)c u?e, and tiieyVe piierfgfther for JoyV wcai, loo You know what that means. - Vc have irfull s.niment of CblliftD'S SOUS, ages 3 to 16, in all-patterns and prices. 3 1 f hers and Haberdashers tion of the club to make the necessary canvass and obtain new names. i The Salem Republican Club will bold a meeting lit the council chamber of the city hall at & o'clock tonight, when plans will be formulated for an active part, In the campaign and, as Mr. Her mann, himself, will be present and ad dress this meeting, it Is an assured fact that it will be quite interesting and en thusiastic, as this will be Mr. Her mann's first political speech of. the campaign. -. and Salem Republicans should feel proud of having gained this distinction. . Mr. Hermann will delllver'the dedi catory address upon the occasion of the laying of the corner stone for the new boy's Dormitory, or Mitchell Hall, at the! United States Indian.; Training School at Chemawa, this morning, and it great trowd of Salem people Is con templating attending the exercises, as the, railroad company has made a spe cial rate and all who o desire may go down on the 8 o'clock local tn the morn ing and return on the It o'clock over land and remain throughout the exer cises. ' :' '! - ; :- TORNADO WRECKS TOWN FATALLY INJURED r OUR PEOPLE ? AND .DESTROYED MUCH f I ; KANSAS PROPERTY. 1 TOPEKA. Kan April 20. Word has reached here of a tornado at St Paul. Neosho county, Saturday night, which destroyed a great amount of property and injured Ave people, four of whom Cannot recover. Mrs. Chamberlain and three members of a family named Longham will die, it Is thought. David Chamberlain has bruises of a severe character, and several persons sustain ed minor Injuries. The three-st-rry brick school building was entirely e'e stroyedV and the homes of David Chamberlain, Mr. Longham and Mrs. Iellusewere blown away. Many resi dences were unroofed. The depot plat form was carried from the towitsita. The tornado Jumped a building occas ionally, taking a house here and x larn there. The storm lasted five minutes. j ; ! , ' ' There's a train at 4:04. said Miss i Jenny; - i Four tickets 111 take. Hiv.j you an?" Said the man at the door: s "Not four 'or 4:04, For four for 4:04 is too many." ;; , Thrre'was a young fellow named Tail, Who dined with his girl at 8:08. jltut I'd hate to relate What that fellow named Tait ) And his tete-a-tete ate at 8:08! Wake JUpi Here's a Chance For Yoii to Get An . ?. . . Q8.0Q Quit For $5.00 How's thai? Well it's ; this way. SoiiieEeinnant pieces of cloth at the Woolen Mil, not enough for a ship-' ment, yet sufficient to make a few suit?, were . made up IP. and we now ptitthem on 3cThe Genuine President Suspender-35c. ! Sec Qtir nobbj Top. Coats jour winter Yrot is too Heavy. Oet one adapted to the Mates. THE MACHINE j WILL REMAIN Combination Steam Road' Rol ler Becomes Property of Harion County . WAS GIVEN A THOROUGH TRIAI, IN ROAD BUILDING YESTERDAY WHICH PROVEHJ SATISFACTORY TO THE MARION COUNTY,' AU THORITIES DEAL. CLOSED. The Buffalo Pitts combinatlorr steam road roller was given a trial yesterday on a stretch of road which had been prepared byi the 'Marion " county j au thorities, about : two miles south of Salem. : The trial demonstrated v the fact that the big machine wjli'do ari that is claimed for.-It In" the' Way of road building and the workings of the roller, proved entirely satisfactory In every detail. As a result of yester day's demonstration, the contract for the purchasing of the machine was closed last evening between the Marion county authorities and . the Buffalo Pitts Company. The contract 'price,-Is $2500. but the company will allow a discount of 20 per cent for ash, and Marlon county, being out of debt, with a handsome balance in the treasury, the discount, of course, will be taken advantage of by the eounty. authori ties. : .- ; -.' . The monster toad builder which last evening became : the property of Ma rlon county, is a. valuable piece of ma chinery and highly necessary., to the successful building and permanent im provement of public highways. The machine is known as the standard Buf falo Pitts double .engine combination road roller, ; the engine, which is . an eighteen horse-power, having a double cylinder, and link motion valves, the same as are used on locomotives. With the , machine are furnished adjustable rims for the front wheels, which con verts the b? me into road rollers of twelve inch face, and two rear driv rolls, i with twenty Inch face, to . take the place of the traction wheels, also twenty-eight steel picks which can be fastened to the wheels, rendering ' the machine serviceable in tearing up ma cadam or rock bottom roads. In addi tion, the company furnishes a 110-foot six-play canvas stitched drive belt to be used in operating the rock chusher, and a Buffalo i Pitts tank and wagon, also canvas side and end curtains. The combination roller vvhlch weighs be- The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths; There is . a disease fcrevailirrs? in thii country most dan eerous. because 4o decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by It heart, ; vdlseaifej pneumoniar heart failure or atworerw r-are often the resuf j of kidney diseabbMl j kjdney trouble is al lowed to advance tha kidney-pots onad blood will attack the vital orrans or the Kianeys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. : Bladder troubles most always result from a derangement cf the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. ' If you are feslinr badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladdor remedy. . y . It corrects Inability to hold urine and scald ing -pain In' passing It, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The ,mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. , Svamp-feoot Is pleasant to take and sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sued bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that wus a:i about it. both nomot Swa-&oot e sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer it Co. Binghamton, N. Y. Whon writing mention reading this generous off$r in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, 1 Swamp-RooU. Dr. Kilmer's j Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y on every bottle. . f - ..... . , Vouhtt Man? sale at $j.OO and $7.50, linen tween ten-and twelyg oris, has, all modern Improvements god baa an ex cellent Reputation as' a' road builder; The Buffalo Pitta Company In its con tract with the Marion county authori ties warrants, the machine to be made o the best materials and workman ship, 'and to do the work which it is construcjted and intended fori - The company" "also agrees to replace, free, of charge, any breakages that may oc cur through the fault of the material or workmanship during the first year the machine Is in operation, and fur ther agrees to furnish & competent en-. gineer to operate the roller, and In struct a man to be named by the coun ty authorities in operating the aaroeor a periodof sir days, at any time the authorities may choose. 4 ... , Roy V. Ohmart has been selected by the members of the ; Marion county commissioners court to take chxrge of and operate the machine, and the se lection is no doubt a. good onel as , Mr. Ohmart. has had a great deal of prac tical experience In the operating of en gines similar to this one. " -1 4 Besides the members of the i com missioners j court, a large number : of taxpayers and good roads enthusiasts were present when the roller was be ing tried yesterday, and all agreed that such a machine was necessary in order to obtain the best results In the. work of permanent road improvement. In an Interview with Judge Scott, af ter the deal had been closed last even ing, he said: - ... v. "We purchased the road roller" ata very low figure for ( cash, and on Ac count of close competition between the Buffalo Pitts Company and . the Port Huron Thresher Company, who manu facture similar roller. .- The list price of the engine alone at the factory at Buffalo, without the road roller wheels. Is S2250, tnd " the actual cost of making the. road roller wheels is 1448. and In addition to this we are t set a water tank with trucks, a belt and side curtains. , "It Is my opinion that this roller will give the county better service than the standard road roller that vlls for 13750. It is easier operated and we can run our rock crusher with it during the winter months when labor-is cheaner than during the busy season of the year. ' - v; It will be our purpose to locate the crusher at some point In the country, before the roads get soft in the fall, where the people ! are willing to liaui the rock we shall crush and place the same upon", the roads as soon as :ney get dry during the following spring.: ; , Such a proposition has been made to the county court by the ueople of both. Stay ton and Scott's Mills road districts, . . , ; .. "While, the first outlay for roadm chinery, seems quite expensive. -It should not be so considered, vhen we consider .that it causes enough extra service to' be performed upon rhe roads In the way of volunteer work to more than.pay for the machinery. PROPERTY ORDERED SOLD FOUR DOCKET ENTRIES MADE BY JUDGES BOISE AND BUR NETT YESTERDAY. . . , i Both departments of the state clr cult court for Marion county held brief sessions yesterday. . durtng, which ' the foHowlnsf docket entries were made: ; -, a In Department No.: 1- : - Thomas Gibson, plaintiff, ;Vs. Mary F. Gibson et aL, defendantst. action, for money: motion to strike out' part of defendant's answer sustained as ".o first specification, and otherwise over ruled; plaintiff has until ' April 30th In which to reply. , Peter Thomas, plaintiff, vs. Michail Ferschweiler, defendant; action, for money; default and judgment with or der to sell a'ttached property. In Department No. 2. The Investors' Mining tc Milling Co., plaintiff; vs. Lw- M. Ormsby t at, de fendants; iult in equity; decree dis missing complaint with costs for de fendant. Mary Terwilllger. plaintiff, vs. Chas. 1L TerwiMiger, defendant; action for divorce; default noted. . MET PAINFUL ACCIDENT INDEPENDENCE. Ore, April 20- While attempting to stop his spirited team, Drayrdan Frank Skinner oet with a most painful accident yesterday. In some manner the team' became frightened and started to j run. and Skinner jumped in the dray; In an em deaVor to stop them. He was hurled from the vehicle with violence, suffer ingsevere Injuries, especially to his limbs. He was conveyed home onv a stretcher. t , JL ever for the suitseekers of sfres the Union Label on his suit, we are also ready ' One feature in our suits we would eiiipbasize:Theyre not cut-out wit Ji a buck-saw in other words they're cut to fit., -Then, too, if you're specially tall, or vice versa, we have stilts specially adapted to your build, Slliil SdtS for lonfr, lankellows, and Stcat SSItS for short, stocky men. ; Then if 'yon have any other peculiarities in your physical con.tructi6nwe have our own tailors, ail euipment notxWessed inese tacts,, together witu me values we gie aim me ujmuait-iie&s oi our. .Yarcy ex plain why we' lead in the clothing buines-. ' " ,.'..: THE "BEARS" " IN CONTROL Local Hop Market Very Quiet " nd IMake No Quota tioas - SECRETARY WIN STANLEY FOUND ONLY 9.C00 BALES IN r GROWERS" . HANDS IN OREGON HE V AN SWERS BEAR MISSTATEMENTS IN ENGLISH PAPER. The local hop market remains very quiet, so quiet iff fact that' the subject is seldom discussed of late, and j the dealers are unwilling : to talk prices. The waiting game recommended by the Eastern bear dealers, buying only what hops thoy actually need from day to day to supply present needs,: is be ing carried oHit to the letter, and hence, while It Is actually known that hops are needed, there is no inquiry. Occa sionally, however, a few bales are bought in Sa!emJ Kreba Bros, yester day purchased the Jos. Eldridge lot of fifty bales,- from Champoeg.' but i the price paid could .not be learned. ' Jamea Winfctanley, secretary of the Oregon Hop .Growers' . Association, ;, Is still sanguine over the prospects, de claring, that nothing but tear control of the marget has forced hops to their present low price. Mr. Winstanley does not speak without good reason, as' he is kept thoroughly posted on the ac tual conditions In all parts of the hop world. He receives copies of the lead ing English papers dealing wlUv .h subject, and recently went to the trou ble of corresponding With every grow er holding , hops in Oregon and has found from their reports that there is a trifle over 9.000 bales of hpps la. the growers hands in Oregon. These ni tres may be relied upon as correct. In a recent copy of the Kentish Ob server, published In Kentish. England, appears a communication signed by Paul R. O. Horst. Klcgg and Co, Ltd, in which they refer to a letter written by their Pacific Coast representative, who states that 50.000 bales of Pacific Coast hops are yet to be disposed' of. Mr. Winstsnley ; took exqeption3 to these gross misstatements, and ; last Saturday, April 17th, wre an answer to the letter, giving the facts In the case. The letter will appear In the next issue of the Kentish Observer, and is as follower; ' - "To the Editor of the Kentish Observ er. Canterbury, England: "Dear Sir: In a recent issue of your paper, I notice a letter from the Paul R. O. Horst Co, calling attention to their circular which was appended. "Messrs. Horst & Clegg. in their cir cular,, make the statement that there are 50,000 bales of hops yet to be sold On the Pacific Coast. Such a statement as this really staggers us by Its malic ious. -and. colossal misrepresentation. .'The facts in the case are that every bale of .hops left in growers' nanas on the .Coast iave been listed and foot up as follows: Washington, 4.000: Oregon 9,90O,,$ales;t . California, 5,000 . bales. A' TEXAS WONDER HALL'S GREAT DISCO 7ERY. One small bottle of the Tei m Wonder Hall's Great Discovery, cures ill kidney and bladder troubles, removes , gravel."; cures diabetes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all Ir-! regularities of the kidneys and blad-i der in both men "and women, regulates bladder trouble in children. If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mail on receipt of IL One small bottle is two months treatment. Dr. Ernest Wy Hall, sole manufacturer. P. O. Box 629. St. Louis. Mo. Send -for testimonials Sold by all druggists and Fpderrr.ami He ' Haliar, 904 Main street, Kansas Ci'y Mo. : s, ," " READ THIS. Glrard. Kas, April 24.r-Tfils Is to cer tify that I am using the Texas Wonderj Hall's Great Discovery, for kidney am bladder troubles and lam satisfied tha I have been very greatly benefitted bjf it. I can fully recommend it to other: similarly a 01k ted. - MRS. LOUELLA; WARD. If" i ii I Than 1'- Have recently arrived after Sbting defayed for.c w&ks or more in shipraent We're! now letter prepared than Salt m and surrounding csountry, by any other clothing dealers in f. fi n.iii FY. d. r,i. d. Graduate XoriK Ihcijic Vailal ' .' . OAUnc . . . . ; Jispecial attention 10 CTOwn anu Bridee wolk. The latcrst and uioit. scientific methods in eYery brancu of dentistry at lowest prices. , . Over Merer k Seas Store. llffl i r i n ji i m m xm ftxsch u H (! Iinwl Tlllll. Kanl Ibrf I varrrs reret co., ta, Le4.'t. Sold in Salem bv S. C Stone. making a total of 18.000 bales. - There" are in dealers', hands about 4.000 bales. roost of which are sold and only held for future delivery. . ' "There are positively hot over 18.00Q- bales In growers' . antl dealers hands unsold on the Pacific Coast. This is only 21,000 bales ; short of Messrs. Horst and Cleggs estimate and don t suppose that these . gentlemen think that such a discrepancy will make any difference in the future market. . "The American brewers are not well. supplied with hops, and every bale unsold in the United States will be needed here .before the new crop can be used. ; . :.v " IIonv growers "who have grubled dead hills, caused by cut-worms. This doe -not indicate a large . "yield ' this season. '"V ' "Trusting you win be kind enoagrh to publish this In Justice to all concerne-1. I remain, yours very truly. " , f ' JAS.VINSTANLF.Y." The comntunirations menfio'iel above.' taken from the Kentish Observ er,! are as1 follows: - , "Dear Sir: In your Issue of the 19th Inst, there- Is a- letter signed 'Amerlcus Herewith We send you a copy of the circular In question. You wilW noi-'te It Is almost exclusively, relative to. American hops and the American mtr ket. The Information is supplied from our Const house, and can be relied upon. ', The .one paragraph in the cir cular about English hops is, as you are aware; only too true. I fWe think on perusal of the enclosed you will see how. unwise It was to pub lish an anonymous letter so manifestly directed against ourselves, and so eyl dently actuated by iersonal malleo. (Now that you have the facts of the matter, we hope you w ill make a repar ation as public as the anonymous at tack. We remain, dear sir, yOurS truly. PAUL R. G. HORST. "CLEGO & CO, Ltd,"' $7, Borough, London. B. E, March 21. tuopy. "Dear Sirs": There Is a ' decided break In the Pacific Coast market, al though prices there are even how al together too high, considering - that there are still about 50,000 bales 1902. hops to bei sold, the quantity usually remaining' there at this time of the season being more like 6,000 to 8.000 bales. We strongly recommend a wait ing policy, buying only a few at-a time until prices go much lower than they are at present. These figures do not include the stocks held in New York and elsewhere In America. We can sell choice yearling Oregons at 115s, net. and shall be pleased to make low quo tations for one, three, or five year con tracts for new Oregons." er, especially for the medium to choice "The English market is also weak kinds. Hoping you will be good enough to write us for quotations and samples when you are in the market for any class "of hop. Yours truly. ' , IS STILL AT LARGE. CINNABAR. Mont, April l?. Secre tary Loeb has received no word today from the President. . who Is at Norris, out of reach of temmunication." '.Unless the President should send a message' over the; snow-bound trails to Fort Yellowstone, no word will be received from him until his--return from the geyser late next Wednesday. , . PAYING ITS TAXES ' 4 Washington county yesterday "phfd $4S8 into the State Treasury to KlfJy pon its .102 state, and Agricultural College tax. , . Hever'? nd for the raan who de-' this entire section of Oregon, j LL - n 2C