3 WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, FRIDAY, APRIL, 17, 1903. i; Does Your Clock r 5 Deserve a Pension ? 1 i ' . . - v. - " T - - ' ; ' - " ' . ' Perhaps your parlor or dining' ronm clack has been Id service so long that it deserve to be pensioned off and replaced by a mores tuoderu timepiece. - lt hnjs it is rather forlorn lookii'fr. dims the Imireof j-our teauitl. iV hai- there are other reasons why you defcire' a uew clock this eprmx J a any case, we want ':tot urge you to see our supply tf clock lK-;H-tf y.u buy your new one. Wo have ruauy kinds ii iany ' charmiti? aul t o el sliapcs and designs. Eight Day Mantel clocks all ' the wny from 4 to f 20. Office clocks $5 to $76. Gilt clock, specially hand;.!tie rr a lad v'a dresser S3 50 to And of cour-, n'c-kei alarm clocks at ;1 '2T to $250. - 7 ':,.- s . ."' T ' -' ' K: :-; - : , W ,su e you that these clocks of ours are well worth teeing. If you are in the market.- f,.'; i I-"5-4 ' - ' . ":'vj-- . BARR'S JEWELRY STORE, State and Liberty 3sr. " Leaders In Low Prices ROAD ROLLER ' TO BE TRIED The Big" Combination Macnine YW Arrive to Salsa------ji; Today- IT WILL. BE GIVEN A GOOD TRIAL IN , ROAD' BUILDING MONDAY TWO MORE GOOD ROADS LEAGUES '.TO BE ORGANIZED NEXT WEEK. ' , i ' An Attractive ""W Display Furniture is no longer mado for comfort only. It's not only comfortable, solid and durable as in the Plymouth Rock times but is pleasing to the eye and artistic sense as well. Our selections are con stantly 'changing (with the vanning moods of style of furniture. ' ' The Hoose furnishing Xo. 269 XJBEHTY ST. '.Capital National j . Transac ts a general banking and exchange, busincea. r ! J Dratfs sold ou all parts of the world. : : :" : . : "- --' , Sarngs Depmrtmtat Conditted under usual Raving3 tanks regiilalions J. Jf . iAi.hkrt, Pres. E. M. Cecisax, Vice Pres. Jos. If. ALBEBT Cah.. Attention W(?p Or0vgrsl Fertilizer No. 10 f H; I : Iriccially for your purpose, combined upon results '-- I - of experiments. , -; Garden and Field Fertilizers Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be found to suit all requirements, ; Tind j jdastor, etc. - Your orders solicittitl. :; 1 SAVAGE S FLETGHER Boo, Seed and Ponltry Supplies: I ? j; jSALEJI, OREGON' ,, ; , : : 'j,,"T r - 11 " . ip BALFOUR, GUTHRIE'S CO, (Buyers and Shippers of GRAIRf Dealers la Hop . Graffs1 Supplies ' 'FARM LOANS , Wares ues at TURNER. MA CLEAT. ' rHATUlL , BROOK55. ILW." ' SALEM. SWITZERLAND. HALSEY. ,.! DERRY. - M ( J R S. OF ;l:0 T A L' FLOUR. ' , .'.1 - . ;j. G. GRAHAM, . i Agent 107 Commercial St., Salem. STEINER'S MARKET. -13 (tiit ken 10 to 11 cents. Ducks 10 cents. , v Spring Chickens 13 to 15c. ; '. ': THE MARKETS. PORTLAND, Ore April 16. Wheat Walla Walla, 7072cjf Blustem; 75 $ J 78c; Valley, 75 f 76c ' ? ; - ' J Market uncliansed; Blaestem 76cr Club Son Francisco, Cal., April 16. Wheat $1.3501.8894. Liverpool, April 16. Wheat May, 6s 24d.: . -,; ' 'J--, - ; :.''" ; ;. Chicago. April 16. Wheat Opening-, 764P76c; xlosing, 77Hc. . ' Barley 4g$7,54c. ' t Flax $1.09; Northwestern, $1.11. J . ! A Thowflhtful Man. . 4 i . M. M. Austin, of Winchester. Ind.; knew m hat to "do inthe hour of "need! Ills wift hrid such an unusual case of stomach and liver- trouble, physicians could nof help her. .He thought of and tried Ir. King's New Life Pilla and she rot relief at once and-was finally cured. Only 23c at 8. C Stone's drug stores. - THE MARKETS. ..The. local market quotations yester-i day were as follows: Wheat 66c. ' - , -;w Oats-j-2Sc "per busheL . , ' Barley $2L per ton. ; - . , Hay Cheat. $1.5jKM3.G0: clover. 811 Jmothy, $J31. 4 " Flour $1.00 1.05 per sack. ' ' ' '-i Mill feed Bran. $20; shorts, $21. '. ' Batter Country, 1525c; "creamery, Eggs lZ-VzC cash. ' .! A Chickens 10 11c. ' Spring Chickens 13 to 15c. V Ducks 10c f ' ; Pork Gross,' SU, 7c; dressed. 8c." ' Beef Steers. 4 4Hc; cows, Jic; jgooa neirers. to 4c. " Mutton Sheep. 3 4c on foot. Veal 7?8c dressed. , Hops Choice. 21c; greenish" prime. wc ana upward! 1903 rontraH uo . . - . Little Ce.sie Yeth, thir. but you muthin't athk' me bow old the ith. Ruth I promised not to tell. Smart Set.' - - - - .-a. A cynic Is a man who laughs at the world with tears In M eyes. ' 1 16C Potatoes lSfi 20c per busheL ; Apples 75cr$l per bushel. -Onions 0 fi 30c per "bushel. Prunes SH644c. ! ' ' Mohair 6 , cents, i Wool 15 cents.' ' i .;-.:,: -L .-- - - h . COMMITTED TO ASYLUM . Mrs, Orena. Olson, -fen In3.ni; nitfirtf, wjs yesterday oorrraiUed. to th Asy. lura from Clokamas county. , She was brought to Salem by fcer hubind. 3. P. Olson arid Deputy Sheriff E. t. lin k ett. . The patient is n. native of Nor way,' 46 years old. ; l County Judge John.H. Scott receiv ed a. telephone message from Portland yesterday to the effect that the com bination steam road roller,', which is to be 'tested on the Marion county roads, would be ahlpped from that city this ! morning and would arrive in Salem some time, during the day. ' Th rock-, crusher, stationed a few miles south of this city will be started today V and enough rock will be crushed to enable the county1 authorities to i prepare a strip of road of sufficient length to give the roller a. thorough, trial. The new machine will be tested on Monday of next week at a point; near the Catholic" cemetery, and it is expected that large number of the -citizens of Salem and the surrounding -country will ; be present to inspect the work pf the ma chine. The roller will be'brought here by" the Buffalo 'Pitts people in order that th tax t vers of Marion countr. as well aa the members of the county! Will DCliYCr AddreS$ lt LflY- been Kept busy from the day It was brought into , service, March 23." and excellent work has been done lii the way of cleaning up alleys and back yards. -; ' K : . In order that the people of Salem may know what progress Is . being made by this worthy organization, a report of the work done will be pub lished each week, giving; the names of the enterprising- citizens who patronize the C. CJL C. cart. A list of the pub lic spirited citizens of Salenv who have patronized the cart in having the rub bish removed from their places of bus iness and residences the time of em ployment ranging from half aa hour to ten hours and over is printed below. In some places the ground has eeen the light for the first time in twenty years. :. The list foUows: ; v " v:. "V -r - Hofer BnwC, Mrs. Sherwood, Pattdn Bros, F. E. Shafer, Judge R. P. Boise, A. Bush, L. M. . Haines. Chicago Store, T- Maplethorpe, F, P Talklagton, H. F. Schoenfeldt, Mrs Cunningham, E. Eck- erlen. Ban- & Petzel. Butte & Wender- oth. It. MiHer. S. Ado3p1t, Mrs. Burk holder, C. S. Given. "Dir.- VT. A. Cuslck, Rlggs, 3f Baumgartner, Mrs. Fent land, Harritt & Lawrence. W. Holmes, G. Stolz, Walter Stolz, Char)es Gray, H. Barr, J. Haberly, Wm. Brown, J. Q. Wilson, Frank Da vey, G. W. Johnson. Y. M. C. A, H Brown. C. W.'Corby, J. P. FriszeU, N. J. Damon, J. Meyers, A. Clark. J. C. Thompson. Wm. Miller, Second XThristian Science Church, Judge Henry, Henry Kapphahn, No. 285 Marl on street. - - ' :' -'":. : HELP FROM OUTSIDE , INTEREST IN "UNIVERSITY ATIU V LETIC FIELD IS SPREADING J; BEYOND SALEM. . j HERMANN TO XPJU JLLX SALEM . ; . portunity to se the machlneyin opera tion and to pass upon its merits as a permanent' road builder, ' The - county court has not decided upon this ma chine as the one to be purchased " by Marion county., and will In no way be obligated to the Buffalo Pitts Company J by the machine being brougni nere, as this move was voluntary on the part of the company. However, the court hasj decided upon the purchase " of ia road roller,' and should this on prove su perior in general details to other ma chines inspected by the members of the court, it will no doubt become the property of Marion county. ' Good Roads Meeting. A good roada meeting jwill, be held at the Hayes ville school bouse on Satur day evening, April 25th, for the pur pose of, organizing a league. This will be a Joint meeting between the : resi dents of the Kaiser bottom and. Hazel Green districts. Another "meeting has been called by the residents living along the Hair ferry road, to be held6n Thursday ev ening of next week. This meeting is also called for the purpose of organiz ing a local league and will no doubt hare a large attendance, as citizens of the Hairs ferry neighborhood are very enthusiastic over the permanent road buildings-movement recently Inaugurat ed. I -'I'-'- i ' - - t : -'"Vi : J- y County Judge Scott has been invited to address both these meetings and has forwarded his acceptance. ' - ' It Is the Intention of 1 the Marlon county court to make some permanent improvements on ine roaa jeaaing irom Salem to Brooks, a number of the en terprising citizens living in the districts adjacent to this road having signified their willingness to donate a large of the. improvements will of course be of the mprovements will, of course, be determined according to the amount of such volunteer work donated, but Judg ing from present Indications this will be- considerable. ; The court has recently placed fen or der for four - new wheel road scrapers to be used on Marion county highways, and it is evident that this season will show great progress in the way of per manent road improvement in this coun ty. It; is gratifying to know that the interest- In this matter is continually on the increase and the enthusiasm dis played is ample assurance that the spirit of improvement has assumed ac tive proportions. - ,.-. ;. .ins of Cprjier stone at Chemawai ON TUESDAYMORNING, NEXT. AT NTNE O'CLOCK, MITCHELL HALL AT THE UNITED STATES TRAIN ING SCHOOL WILL BE DEDICAT ED. ': , (From Thursday's Daily.) .. . Mitchell Hall is to be the name of the large boys' dormitory, at the "United States Indian Training School at Che mawst near this Ity. There is a $5, 000 appropriation for this new build ing, and the contract for its construc tion has been let to Chas. A. Gray, of this city, and he haa already commenc ed work. ' " ' . , - Now, the cornerstone is to be; laid for Mitchell ' . Hall on Tuesday morning, next, the services to begin at o'clock. in order that visitors from Salem may go down on the Albany local at ,8 o'clock and return on the overland train at 1L ; Invitations have been or will be ex tended to the mayor of Salem and the members of the. city council,: to the members of the Legislature from Ma rion county, to the state officers, and to the general public It Is expected that a large crowd will be present. , . The address of the occasion will be delivered by Hon. Binger ' Hermann, who was a helpful friend of the insti tution while he was serving- Oregon ln the First district in Congress, and who will again use his position for the up building of the school when he is re turned to his okl place on the first day of June. .; v.'; V Mitchell Hall, will be a building worthy of the pride of the institution. of Salem, of the state of Oregon,; and of the great service to which It will be dedicated and used, i ' There will have to be- extra cars to hold the people- who will desire to at tend the laying' of the corner stone on Tuesday morningnext. ! s v This will probably be the first pub lic appearance of Mr: Hermann since his nomination for Congress by the Eu gene convention. ' . ? It 1 s gratifying to know that there is good reason to believe that the Univer slty athletic field fund Is to be materi ally Increased from a source upon which none had counted at the Initiat ing of the undertaking. Some of those most intcrceted in the work and best Informed as to the niwpects,' state that if the Salem business men continue the hearty response thus far made, liberal aid may bo expected from outside sources. ' Some assistance has already been promised by mtn who do not re side in Salem and -who may never at tend a game here; but" they are Inter ested in young people' and their welfare and in the University. Believing that students ehould have plenty of exercise and that Athletics. Under, the direction of a competent director, afford the beat means for all to obtain this, exercise, and also feeling confident that such a out loss of time, the foremost naval power in the world. The man that sailed Into the harbor of Santiago and thus became one of the naval heroes of the Spanish war has taken to the lec ture platform to acquaint the American public with the naval necessities of the country.' In which peaceful profession tis expects to employ the next year or two. After that hedoes not know what he will do for a permanent occupation, but he declares he does not intend to remain idle. He Is out of the navy for feood unless the "United States should become embroiled In war with some for eign power. In which event he thinks he would like to do more sea fighting. He resigned from the navy a few weeks ago after Congress failed : to enact a law Under which he might retire on ac count of his impaired eyesight. .- j : r.; i" j l ,-;. ", f ACTION F0R DIVORCE THE SEQUEL TO UNHAPPY UNION OF SALEM YOUNG PEO- : i '' ' PLE. .:' ' ', . : Divorce proceedings were yesterday instituted In Department No. 2, of the state circuit court for Marion county oy4 J. wery - Hamilton- against ;hls wife; Ester D. Hamilton. The action is " brought, upon the grounds of cruel and inhuman treat ment, the plaintiff alleging that the de fendant has rendered his life burden some from the day,of their marriage and that her acts are. too grievous to be longer borne. !He asks for a decree of the court forever dissolving the bonds HbvS JJ. Orjanfzed 1894 .. $13,046,070 Inncranre la foice. Eared rnr memrer i.V2s7497 2l 0. Johasoa Salem. Oie.. Agt. far Mmt lou Conntr AX Ckasdler MinnTilleOr. Scrofula, salt rheum, erysipelas and other , distressing eruptive diseases yield quickly, and permanently to ; the cleansmg, purifying power of Burdock! Blood Bitters. T CHANGE OF SERVICE ; m. equices, rural man carrier on route No. 2, running through Eola and Rickreal, announces that, on "May 1st, he is going to change the direction of travel, and go through Eola n the morning and back over the hills in, the evening. . . ; Makes a Clean Sweep There's nothing like , doing a thing thoroughly. ' Of aU the Salves you ever heard of, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best: It sweeps away and cures Burns, Sores, Bruises, Cuts. Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 25c, and guaranteed to give satisfaction by S. C. Stone,' druggist. . . The Cathedral of Chart res. In France, Is said to contain the most beautiful and the best preserved twelfth century windows in the world. They date from about 1145. - ' H '--' ";; '- : "' Danger of Colds and Grip. The greatest danger from colds and grip is their resulting In pneumonia. If reasonable care : Is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy-taken, all danger, will be ;avoided. " Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for. these diseases we have yet o learn of a single case having result ed In pneumonia; which shows conclus ively that' it is a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. It will cure a cojd or an attack of the grip In leas time than any other treatment. It la Vleasant and Mfe to take. For. sale by Dan J. Fryf Salem. , . ... , MARRIED. I'- -- - r- : At tlio ' Ccrrrp Fire, after bard ride,- or tirwne day. when the bones ' are nsadlled ad all U made saog for the night, the UUULVJ AflD RYE wfabktes sre fvontes all rrwpeetora, tuasbermen. .... oimsts, acd other travelers who feel the need of th quiet. nc, reaiuland trjovenatinetiect of the-: ttraad. " Io ntt ia complete withont them, and in ease of emergency, they are wcrta their weight ia gold. bars. ntuaaisTs, ctMss W nrstms. W. J. VUi SCKU Y E3 k CO., Uc, BUtrii-ttrm. POimaX0,lt. I PREPARING THE GROUND . , Workmen . were busily engaged yes terday clearing way the ld t rubbish on the vacant Jot at the southeast -corner of Commercial and Center streets, and preparing the ground for the erec tion of the platform -and buildings to be occupied by Shields' . Park. Work on the building will begin to the near future under the supervision of A- M". Soutbwick. Gesners orchestra of sev- eci naa oecs engagea ry Mr, I months with tuberculosis and flpaily ciimu iur me reason, ujui ne nan also i succumbea to- the dread disease. c-Ksei contracts with various attrac tions to occupy the stage during the I WK3LEY At the home of the parents. ELSWORTH-LEWISr At the ftome of ' John Lewis, -wear Aumsville, , Tues , day, April 14, V903, at 12 o'clock-m, ' Clara Lewis to Frank Elsworth. , Mr, Elsworth Is a resident f Al bany and Clara Lewis resided at Tur ner. Ore.. The young couple will make their future home at Albany.' . , '' --'; :'. PIED. - . ALBERS At the heme of the parents at 274 Water street. Salem, Oregcn, ' Tuesday afternoon at 1:13 o'clock. April 14 103,' the Infant daughter of Mr. ;and Mrs. Harry A. Albers, aged nine months, ' of wh-XTping . cough.-',."' - ' . -ti ' -;..'- The child bad been suffering ith the disease for about three months, r The funeral will be today at; 2: 20 and burial will be fn Rural Cemetery. DOWNS At, tha family home, 18 Cen- ter street, Salenv. Oregon, Wednes day. April 15. 1903, E1U Downs. . jeceasea iwa Deer, aiung lor many ILLINOIS J an. important state and 51.9 per cent of its population la located on i y --'Sri ;, - . f --e ; Chicago, tze greatest com mercial center of the West, is, best reached from tho North-' west, by this farrfous railroad The Northwestern limited , , Daily ' between Minneapolis, fct. Tsui and Chicugn In the peer of all tine trains EmbroicTy Sale Saturday Only mm New goods, close anl open effects, floral and t croll de signs, width up to 9 in, well finished edges, 20 and 30e vdlues. ; - Saturday per yd ee Court Street Display 5Vquld You -3r5 . T f ? f- . Y Have a look at the , i vi.. r . . u c ft n"J " r spring near, then attend our - glove social SatiiMlii night. Sa'e comme'iccs 0:')o $1.00 Gloves $0.89 $1.25 Gloves $1.12 $1.50 Gloves $1.35 $2.(!0 Gloves $i.rr Notice Case Diplay 'f the Very Lalc-st iVJi.-iitis. if Bat Ifolversoifs For lowest rates, time oitnxini and full lLforflBatiqn write to C. J.ORAt, ' ILL. FIPI.EE ' . TrTtlInArt.. tien Agent, I ?t aldrdt., PortUnd, Or, . , ; ' of matrimony existing between himsHf and the defendant. Both parties" to this uit are well known in' Salem, where they have re sided for many years. They were mar- Tied in this city on January 1st. of Uh year, but their union proved to be an unhappy one, and it became known "generally that the couple had pepariile'l peveral weeks ago. L. H. McMahon and Allen Forward are the attorneys for the plaintiff. H V ' f ' i l ' ' ' rfl opening nighta If IS BEARING GOOD FRUIT . .j. WBM .A J - -. . . " , - - -" V -- - CLVTITAL . ' CITY IMPItOVEMENT LEAGUE DOING EXCELLENT ' WORK IN SALKM. near; Hayesville, four miles north of Salem. Oregon, 'Wednesday. April 15. 193, the infant son of Mr,-and Mrs, John Wesley, aged weeks. . Burial will be at I la yen Ville todav at ! o'clock a. m. . v. .. . . , . ...... The .'Capital Uy, Improvement Longue was organizod for the purpose of improving the sanitary condition f Salem. . ad -t results of hin com- surnrlsing. , The C. C, L C. cart has J Grove Cemetery. SIMONS Al;.lbe old horned at; 'Oak troe, Oregon.' Wednesday, April 15, 1903. Emily Simons, aKcd 65 years, f ld age. ' - - ' -- The funeral Is to be at Oak drove today at J in ni, icev. R. n Black well ofTuiaHn-?, anI burial wiU be In' Oak MIS Hie Easy Fribunc Running Thxougn personally conducted tour ist sleeping cars between Portland and Chicago, once a week, and between Og den and , Chicago three times a week, .via the Scenic line. --v. Through Standard : sleeping cars 'dally between Ogden and Chicago, via 4 he Scenic HneV v ; v Through ' Standard : sleeping; cars 'dailj between Colorado Springs an St. Louia ;-- i --y '-,.;:...;. ;.,t" , Through Standard and tourist steep Ing cars dally between San Francisco and .Chicago,- via Los Angeles and El P2.80. , J ,:y ' j , I 1 Through. Standard .sleeping cars and ic hair cars daily between St. Paul an Chicago. ' . t Re wre thatl your' ticket, reads ",vt 'the Great, Rock Istand Route. ; The best and most reasonable din ing car Service.1- . '''". " L. B. GDRHAM, General 'Agent, ' - ' - -, .T. J. CLARK. ' ;; , Traveling Passenger A sent, . 250 Alder St, Portland, Or. PlentV of them In all slxf-s to ruit tiI fit any rider, Black or blue ennnn j, Choicie of saddles, tiren, gears, bars, ft':. : The little, light, racing tn-jdel i he one that appeals to the boys. The la dies have taken nearly the lftft ot lhe 1902 models at J35. There area left." When these are gone thT-re'a ti more to be had. The beFt $33 bic-y l'; that's ever been sold out of our stun-. "'."' ''-' ' 0 0 0 ' If you want bicycles for less money, call for' our Wollt-A merman and our Snell. the latttr a beautiful in'dtl and an unsurpasaed whe-l t I23- e o o . ; Bicycle sundries and lots of them. of every detH.-rip.tiou . . . , o o e . Try a spring scat lt a nd know a hat genuin niotorlH. bu"'I f. A. WIGGINS IMPLEMENT HOUSE r as. a s - ? i . - 253-2577 Liberty St, S.ilem. Farm'' Machinery, BiO'i1. rawing . Machines ami rjupplic, N. H. Burley ' fcjewing Machiuo JUiuring