WEEKLY OREGON STATESMANTTUDAY, APRJE 18, 1503. 3 , t Wcclollnn merchants ore a jirivi!egcl pr o lrv AW c-uu make any kind f a statement in the v:y.r -advertising our Lasinosn we like. You' . cannot on t us to ptoJuce the figures. - So ' what'f pjiy all you. have to do'is to Mine it. r Whn I.Rny we' have the largest KtocV of clothing '.-north tfSan Francisco, all , you have to do is to. ; Imicvc my sjjifcinont especially if you have never hcu tliro and lontJLwio that 1 am drawing on your imtiginatioiC Keithcr do you care whether , we arc Wiling 75 per cent of all the clothing sold in the state' of Oregon or not. j What you are in to res tJnl: irrij to know what ;we can do -for you : when you want a suit, hat, sbocs or anything carried in a first class gents' furnishing store. ' Now right here is where wind don't count. When .we say we are leaders in Salem for clothing, hats and Jurnishing goods you demand the proof and . we are ready with if. All we ask is for you to call, at our store, see our mammoth slock of Clothing, Hats and Shoes, try them on, see the fit and finish of the goods, and then, vMc Uiejrrice. This is the only way you can tell whether we are giving you fails orJirt ion. j We wi.-h tr call sicial attention to our sIido. departmec which we Ji'ut in one year ago. Try a pair of our guar- '-'anftejl shoes and-see if than your money a wortlu 257 CociRirrcIa! St., Salem QUESTION NOT WATERWORKS Or No Waterworks .tmt'of Mur nlcipal Ownersfatpof: : ' .... trm smfi hj:':! III. 1 4 DlttUUED BYlAIJJAifJjaj4CiriON WSr mondat '1 lJix jvnjtXkxu Z&ffiiu ITNIV ETISITT ; I BASKET BALL. TEAM f jsKNDS -. DALLAS COLLEOK AN f ULTIMATUM.1 1'- . DALLAS. Xre j April '(Statesman Special.) The ; nuestion' (involved - in the election on last "Monday -a.i not a question of waterworks or no water works, but the auestlon hinged- on municipal ownership to Ie operated by the city. The present plan, r.s adopt ed, by the voters iat the last electkn. Is city ownership, to be constructed and opera ted by Mr. Gates for - twenty years; the city of Dallas putting into the construction fund JI2.O00, and the works not to be! i worth less than $20, 0001 the city to receiveUn return for the use f the $12,000 forty hydrants nnd water for city hall, flushing water and water for Yh-e department practice, nnd Mr. Gates fW have the revenue from ail individual consumers during the term of his operation of the works. , Arter tlie twenty years expires-the city rati pay Mr. Gates the difference be- utween the value of he plait at that time tbe $12.O0 that the city puts Into the construction now, or the. city eahn-ontimie-theTcontract Indennitely, for, periods of five xear. -.i I ' T . . . . r Ultimatum From WHIametts. Dallas. 5 Or April 8. Statesman SpeclaU The Dallas College bayktt h,u team has "received today from the Willamette University an ultimatum to the effect that the last game of their erie must be played in FortMnd r not at all. The impression among .wie Dallas people is that the University Is endeavoring to force this rural team to play under ihe embarrassment ftnJ strange conditions peculiar to large cities, thinking that the -VMllamette iivrii bovn. being from a larger . k town than the Dallas College players, will be able to adapt themselves to conditions better than me uu here.' The expressions oi ir " " " members, unomclally expres are tojjowr ,j))jant ,n the worid outside the effect that the proposn.on , In Portland will be accepted. - . ' " '" ' ' An EUctton Row. Dallas. Ore.. April 8 :St?.tenr.an Special. Vord comes iroro -" . Clt the Heantifut ble-valel cttv : the Lucklamute'grRe, that on MomHy-'i it the municipal' elect?on. dirn"u!tie-. between the factions ef liceas? or r.:' i license occurred, to the extnnt ?: n personal encounter between FO.re iii- xens. a rr:i-.T.:.w 1 1 il flSS VereSlgedt'p,! nstics werTV" i , r-atible' Ashbaugh. demnrKling their rrerKa before Justice Holman of Dali ts to aih swer fqr offending the pe.ice and d: nlty of the state of Oregon. . . , : A Thoughtful Mn. a Wfttf J a mm I St. M. Austin, of. Wlncnesier. lnu.. knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had' such an unusual case of stomach, and liver trouble, physicians i could nor helD her. He thought of and rtwi nr..K:iff,a New Life Pills and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only 23c at S. C. Stone's drug- stores. ? i f t : 4 we do not'jrive: vou; more .u r Go. PUBLISHER WILSON DEAD ( - . ' WAS AT HEAD OF CHICAGO JOUR- NAL FROM 187 UNTIL . - (OHlCACp, April: 7-ahA JKfWiipo,5 forme jpuplislwrj of tei ;Chlikd6tni twiV jtljed: ait JLbff' &ettjn$ !V if pi vf mo4 iTf --f f-H?U if I M t f Hill I i'J H Riehftr -ilsonjfiwt lot thf edqt-ation at - thf LipmiNt! ;T) Aead4 emy, . Mr, Wilson Removed it? Chicago? and at the age of . 1 S 'r entered the Jem ploy of the Journifc then-conducted- by his: unett s Upon the.eath.otrChartea L. U'ilson,' Ire 187S, Mr Vfllson kbeeame publisher of the newspaper and con tinued -in that oipaclty until five years ago, when he retired from active iife.'. f Mr. Wilson was a member of the Chicago Stock Exchange, the Union League Club and the Chicago Athletic Association., -: :. i : A TEXAS WONDER HALL'S GREAT DISCOVERY. One small bottle of -Hall's Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures dia betes, seminal . emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism, and all Irreg ularities of the kidneys and bladder, in both men and women: regulates bladder troubles In children. , If' not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mail on receipt Of L One small bottle i8 two months' treatment, and will cure any case abov mentioned. Dr. E. tW Hall, sole manufacturer,. P. O. Box 623. Ft. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials. Knld by aH druggist's and at DR. 8. C BTONE'a Drug Stores, Salem, Oregon. HEAD THIS, r ... Dandoiv Jr- Dec 190L Dr. E r. Hall, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir: I have used your Texas Wonder for kidney and rheumatic trouble. Its effects are wonderful. It has no equal. and I : can cheerfully recommend It. Yours truly, p HARVEY HOWE. , TA COMA'S WATER PLANT. TACOMA. Wash, April 8.--Stone & Webster, of Boston, today placed with the Riaden Iron Works, jof San Fran cisco, an order for 4.000.000 pounds of steel, pipe for the new" water 'power plant -now bein built at Tacoma for the Pierce County Improvement Com pany. This is tne largest pipe line or- jfU . fisou ,ow,i( iiyyyoe ;yewr was Stephen 1 1 ? wilson.fi ' brother i j 'of tr.-ider ever piACd on the Pacific Coast, I nd the plant, which will be completed next fall, will be the largest . water- of t-Lxiagarau : v ; r j 4 i A V i 'i .UK's Dindruff Pomid 1 Cures dandruff, eczema. Itching scalp, an(j .tops falling of the hair. One op- M!cat:on , stops ucning scaip. mr.-e i i applications removes all dandruff. Doc tors and druggists regard It as the ;0nly standard remedy for dandruff and n itching, sealey skin diseases: price 50c, at all druggists. Book on Catarrh free. Address Smith Bros Fresno, Cal. The annual loss; by expatriation of wealthy Americans who have taken up Permanent residences abroad Is placed at J30.d00.000. In replr to inquiries we have pleas ure in announcing that Ely's Liquid Cream Balm Is like the solid prepara tion of that admirable remedy In that It cleanses and heals membranes .af fected by nasal catarrh. There is no drying or sneezing. The Liquid Cream Balm is adapted to use by, patients who have trouble in Inhalhng, through the nose and prefer spraying. The . price, including spraying lube, is 75 cents. Sold by druggists or mailed by Ely Brothers, Warren street, Xew York. ROAD ROLLER; HAS ARRIVED j Marion County Court Will In spect Combination Ma chine Monday SHIPPED TO PORTLAND ESPE- CJALLY FOR BENEFIT- OP . MA RION COUNTY COURT JUDGE SCOTT WILL MEETTXGS. ADDRESS - ROAD -i '(From Thursday's Dally.) " ', County Judge John H. Scott has Just been notified of the "arrival 1 .In Portland of the combination , steam road roller, which rwas sent from the East' by the Buffalo Pitts Company,' to their branch, house In Portland. In order that! the member of the Mfurion' county com missioners court, may inspect the ma chine and have a chance to see it In operaUon. The "Judge "and eoimijis- ioners will go to Portland on Monday I . .- - !of next week, to Inspect the eombina- tion machine, the 'management of the Portland branch house having " made arrangements to put the roller in oper ation upon a piece of road prepared for that purpose, and for their bene fits f : j y AU :!':5 i Judge Scott will go to Stayton today where r this evening he ' will addwes good roads meeting to be held at that place. On his' return trip tomorrow he will stop at the Rickey school house where another meeting is ; to :be held tomorrow evening. Both these meet ings have been called by the enter prising citizens; of the .'espeetive dis tricts, with a view; to the organization of loeal good, roads leagues - ; The. interest and .enthusiasm Jin the matter of . road improvement Is -grow( Ing and becoming more manifest everjr day. t s The public .spirited, .citizens throughout the,. county are.e-operiti-ing with the county court in the- good work and excellent results 'may e be expected from the combined effort. ; The Interest in the 'matter of per manent road improvement ..is not con fined to Marion , county, but is mani festing itself throughout the entire Union. -: ' " '". ii-"v- y Good Roads Convention. . Several weeks ago arrangements were completed for assembllngrin St. luis on April zn tne greaiesx goou roads convention ever held. It is 'pro posed to make it not only national t but International In character. Judging from the selection of delegates alrealy made in tharty states, it looks as if" the convention .111' bej;jnfca4t n ( of Repre sentative men from, all parts of the cpuntryrf .;T '"H ''.;i iM Undoubtedly th ' .". prlnc,ipaf subil-. fpr discussion, will be that of National aid, As outlined Jn the, bill introduced,.!! the 4 1M Congress, -by Reprepentatiye Brovnlow. The friends pf,tpe peasure., wUV o; to the .ionyeotipn. !yoded jjt?. the muzzle' with arguments in itn At-i-fense,r Among.,, theargynients. whqb they-offer wltb.the greatest, confldence. the following rpay be .nptpdi.. . - ; Soma Good Arguments. ' .-First The Government alded;irt the building of many of the great J Tail- I roads, especially In the -West, by the granting of enormous areas tor land and otherwise. -Yet' these roads are .with out exception owned by private rndl-1 vidua Is and corporations, and operat ed solely for private gain. How much more necessary and proper, then, for the Government to aid and encourage the building of highways which are public property, for the use and bene fit of the" people? Second The Government annually appropriates many millions of dollars for the improvement of rivers and har bors to facilitate commerce. But these appropriations are of necessity very unequajly distributed, a few states re ceiving the ; greater part,; and many others receiving pone Whatever. But the improvement of the . public b'Rh ways is Just as Important to commerce and a National appropriation for that purpose could be so distributed as to give each state 4tproper share,, j; Third Money appropriated by Con gress for other purposes only accom plishes results commensurate with the amount spent; 'but ''money appropriat ed to encourage an-! aid road improve ment would accomplish vastly more, because states and counties could only secure the benefit of this aid by con tributing proportional sums. A na tional appropriation for this purpose would serve as a universal stlmula" to road Improvement, "'' " ; For Rural Free Oslivsry. Fourth The free delivery of mail in the rural districts must always - re main limited to" those communities which, by - reason of their wealth or favorable natural conditions, are able to have good roads. Other communi ties whose - people are equally deserv ing, and ' whose contributions help t to maintain the whole postal system, are deprived of the blessings of free,-delivery because of their poverty orcbe cause natural conditions make road improvement difficult and expensive.' Here is a grave injustice which can be, remedied In one of two. waysj CJ.J Either the whole scheme, of rural free delivery must be abandoned because it cannot be carried out with equal just tice to all tlte people, or 2) the Nation, al Government must lend a. hand to help the less favored communities Im prove their roads, thus making univer sal free delivery posible". The fathers of the republic provide, for Just faf' a contingency as this when they powered Congress to establish postof - flees and potroada - f ' ... pat forward with a great deal of zeal and enthusiasm bythe advocates, of national aid. As several state cohven - tions : hava already ; endorsed this scheme, it will not be surprising if the St. Louis convention also approves It. . . , ...... STAYTON BHIEFS r (From Thursday's Daily.) Joe Miller and wife visited relatives in the country over Sunday. Mrs. Stapletont of Salem, . returned home on Monday after a few days v.lsit with Stayton friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Ferguson, pf the j - - rTI 4 - . - . . - , ttrek Oaying in -their spring stock of j Jaspe- Mill-:r. cf Dallas, was In this city Monday the guest of relatives. IL E. Smith, traveling agent for the Portland Oregonian. was in this city over Sunday with relatives". (" s John Lutz and wife, of Lebanon, ar rived In Stayton Saturday : for & visit with their daughters. Mrau.Jj. P. Davie and Mrs. Pat Lambert. I1' ' , Mrs. W. H. Queener ahd daughter, Flo, go to Albany Friday, where the latc-r will enter the public school for the Fpring. term.. . " ' .' : -" . . f .- . ( . Mrs. Orchant one 4f Stay ton'a estim able old ladtA. .expipcts to leave in a few days fo Korth STakima. jhere she w!U mak her futurei homes. Mra Orch ard are a host of friends here, who sincerely regret, her: departure, t S The publie schoot fiere closes next Friday: then for sti long months the rmall boy is left, to roam a will, and angle for fish, in Jhe, purling streams to his heart's content. , The fa t that a plac of thlSisize cannot afford longer terms of m hool is greatly to' be regret ted. : .: , . .. Members of ihe Artisan lodge enjoyed an evening's entertainment, followed by a banquet at their lodge rooms In) this city on Tuesday evening. ---j Stayton Or.; April 8. 1903. A FEW FORECASTS LANE COUNTS i DELEGATION IS DIVIDED FOR CHOrCE FROM .. Y k roseburg. i '. Eqgene, Or., April, 8. Stnce the Re publican co jnty convention held here last Saturday there has been more or less speculation on the chances of Her mann for .the nomination, and also on his probable strength in thla county. As r reported heretofore-the convention rer fused to inetruet -the delesates but It was said the -delegation was a complete Hermann delegation for the reason that the complete 'printed ticket gotten up by the Hermann people was elected-: ? Now there appears to be a nesr aspect arid it is Said there are a few of the del egates who will not "support Hermann, and also that a prominent eitizeiviwho. waM not in the 41 st of delegates, has se curel a couple ot; proxies which -are t6 be used against-the ex-Congressman.; ;. A strong cry has been raised both n Cottage Grove and 4n Junction against Hermann, and many in both of these places are asserting that he could not carry either town at the polls. ; Here In Eugene Jlttle Is heard; in fact, less than anywhere' in the county. Those who are in the harness are re puted to be Hermann's friends and ; it passes at that. J J There can be no doubt that Hermann' will: get most of the delegation, but he -i iirhardly get all, and 'should II appear taiat herwill not be able to accumulate tjhe, necessary strength, and "the, name Qf L.-T. Harris be insisted upon; or any other'mbve of a similar character there Wioplbe nothing: tfi hold tte delegation from changing. . j, '. "jt,, " J -rrrrrr.' ' '.' . t Must Nama.rierians.; . Roseburg, Or,;1 April S.-nrA , large dele gation cf; Hermann, supporters acconn panied the Xiouglas county delegates, to the . Jlepublkcan Congressional Comie9- ttdri, at Euigeneii 'They were joined here by; the "ooa nnd Curry Miunty delegates who arrived in the- city by-private cofl vey'ances.' All delegates &hd citizen of Cbft.' Curry- and Douglas are fori-Her1-!mhnn, first, last, Lnd all the time, and several hundred large huttonis,' bearing the 'notto, "Dinger "erman for Cofii greWs." have arrive ahd" will adorn'tHe bu'ttbn-holes ,bf the- entire party. f The Hermann men are out to' "win, and de clare. that theiri candidate will undoubt edly be nominated. r . Some prominent Republicans claim that if Binger Hfrmann is not nomin ated it is probable that Coos and Doug- Lias counties will give a majority to the Democratic candidate. v High Pressure Days. . Men and women alike have to work incessantly with brain - and hand to hold. their own nowadays. Never were the demands of business, the wants of the family, the requirements of society, more numerous. The first effect of the praiseworthy, effort to keep up with all these things is coomaouly seen in,. , n weakened . or debilitated condition, ot the nervous- system, which results . in dyspepsia, defective nutrition of both body and brain and In extreme c:hms in complete nervous prostration, j. It .is clearly seen that hat . is needed is wht"!!!' sustain the system, give vig or and tone tb'the nervea, and keep the digestive ana assimilative functions healthy and active. . From- 'personal knowledge, we can recommend .- Hood's Sarsaparilla for this purpose. It - acts on all the vital organs, builds up the whole system, and 11 ts men and. wo men for these high-pressure days. J HAS THE ADVANTAGE CANADA ABLE TO MAKE STUDY .OF ALASKAN BOUNDARY ' RECORDS. rTEW .YORK. April 8. The American Embassy is closely watching the Alas kan, boundary dispute, cables the Lon don representative of the Tribune, but is not taking an active part in the pre para tion of the case. It does not have access to the archives of the Foreign Office, and cannot compete with the Canadian Commission in making an exhaustive study of the documentary evidence relating to the treaty of 1825. The new -counsel appointed " fer the United Stales are expected to work up the case at Washington, anddepewd mainly upon 'the literal Interpretation of the text of the treAty, and especial ly upon the words., windings or slma rtho4 of measurfng s ten -marine leaguw. : Minister gifton and his Can- adiin associates are wojkihg quietly, tbut tfith the heartyco-operaUon of the Knusn j--oretgn unce, : f j , - - - - " y, V Oznssr of 'Colds and Grip. - J The . greatest danger from cold and grip is their resulting In pneumonia. If reasonable care Is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy titken. all idantrer' w-IU be. avoided Among the - jtens of thousands who have used this remedy fer these diseases we have yet . Ito learn of a single case havinr result J'. ; d ta .pneumonia, which shows conclus- Ively that it is a certain preventive of I that dangerous disease. It will cure a c-1l or an attack bf tha grl?-ln less tit-.TTnan aRy-othertrealmenlu ; It Is 1 pleasant and safe to Take. , For sae y Dan J. Fry. Salem. f ". s TO COLLECT It- TOE LICENSE Common Council Will Proceed j Against Iluhee and Coni ' mercial Oubs "T ACTION OF COUNCIL .( BELICA'ED ! TO BE ACTUATED FliOM STKON'j; j INFLUENCE FROM SALOON MEll AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY-l- NO ACTION YET. .' i .1 i. From Thursday'a Daily.J , v-.( As stated In the Statesman of yesteis day, th city council has" determined o collect. If possible, an annual llcense'fee of f00 from each of the oclal clubs In this ttty, the Illihee Club and the Com. mercial ciub.?-:; ! yH'' : y For a long time the p3ople of Salem, and especially the saloon keepers, have been objecting to Ihe manner in which these clubs have been conducted. It is weH known that , these corporations both have bars in connection with their club rooms from which liquors are served 13 members anu to guests, and it Is claimed that these liquors are sold without license. In violation of the city ordinance. This matter has been under diccusslon for some time, and members of the council f-have been, talking of bringing the question up. and It as sumed definite, proportions, when,. at the inVting.qf the city council on Tuesday evening Jast, Alderman Sims introduced a- resolution' t'o employ legal counsel, and bring -action against ' the 'clubs- for the coJlvc,tion of a license. The resolu. tlo.1 passed the council by a unanimous vote. No action haa been taken as yet by th proper onk-ers to prosecute the case.; They nre talking the matter oter and win rlecide upon a definite plan of actloh'baf ore employing legal Counsel; ThereiP0lution passed by th council follows. V ': i : ":"- .." - Whereas, the IIHhe- Club, a social organization of this city, is maintaining and operating a bar for the sale of spir ituous, vinous and malt liquors, and is 'so selling said liquors to its members and its guests, without having paid the license Imposed by the ordlnancesy of this city, namely, $400 per annum; and Is, further, maintaining a bowling alley oh its premises .and operating the same for money-fees paid by its m mbers and Its guests: all in direct violation of the law of the city of Salem; and "Whereas.-' the Salem Commercial Club,- a ' seml-FoclaE. semi-commercial organization' of 'this city, is maintain-' frig- and operating a bar for he' sale of apiHtuoufe," vmous'tend malt -liquors to ilsfmembery' arid Its y'guestS Without having paid the license Hinposed'hy'the oitnances cf this city, namety$400 per ahnimi; therefore be1 it ,: .1 ' "; : -'VRes'rvetl,- thnt the coYnrnon -councfl' of the -city Of Salem. Oi'egOn,' Wo employ legal counsel7 amd proceed against 'tWe said onganiaatiorts- for thW'colNetiohi of the licenses f'hert'fnb'efore' referi'eii to.' undr the terms of the ordihar-ce re quljrbitAni Kiiui'I iilL'iiaCVh ' A 'SERIOUS OFFENSE i -' 4 , T ' iH .1 A AUGUST CALM ELS ARRESTED FOR i SELLING LIQUOR WITHOUT ; , .. A LICENSE. ' ' (From' Wed nesday'a Daily). As the result of tho reeent elections In Woodburn, in which the citizens of that little city declared In favor of.no saloons or sale of liquors, a young man named August Calm1! was yesterday arretted, charged with traffic Ing In in toxicating liquors. Mr. Calmels" comes of a respectable family . in Oervais, and . about two months ago went to Wood burn,, and. it is alleged, has been selling liquor ever since. Monday evening after th? r'uH of the election became known, s veral citizens made a raid on Calmel's stot-k In trade and clzed two barrels of li quor. They then" swore1 out a warrant for the arrest -of Calmels mtytho above eha rge.-'- The tap 'wfll Tje -fried 1 n t he polk-e Jrart jof Woodburn. today,-anI as a great deal oflnterest being taW en in "the -tK:edingx,' the-fopeot is for" a repeal, ot the case to the circuit coart. J. A. Carson, of this city, has .urzori. t'L inin iijr. ii.isj by the 'defendant-, to roiM been retained duct his case. CHURCH BELLS RANG IN CELE BRATION OF ANTI-SALOON VICTORY. WOODBURN, Or., April 7-Church belU rang last night and proclaimed the glad news of another-victory for . the foes of saloons. - The election held In this city yesterday. resulted in a vote of 107 against to 82 for saloon license, and saloons are barred from Woodburn for at least another year. : The citizens ticket w-as elected as follows: Mayor. Grant Corby, 122: 'Councilmen: Henry Kelsey.'ilH; W. E. Finzer, 123; record er, C. F. Whitman, 160! treasurer, S. C Benz. 130; Marshai Amos Beach, 121. : following was the vote for the inde pendent ticket: Mayor, O. A-Nendel, 74; councilmen: R. M. Hicks, ,78; P. Sows. 6. treasurer, A- F Branigan, 65; marshal, W. IL Broyles, 78. ' y 4, " f - ' FELL 30 FEET; IS UNHURT. OLTMPIA, Wash, April 8. Lewis Monstsard, Dantsh workman on -the,, dew Capitol building here, fell -out of the third-story window late yesterday, a distance of thirty feet. Into a pile of lumber below, landing : without a scratch. This Is the second remarkable accident of, the kind here recently. Chris Andersoa, a carpenter, fell fifty feet In an elevator : accident at the same building' last week, breaking no bones, and Is now 'able to be around. HIT THE BULL'S EYE. 7 SAN FRANCISCO. April 8. TheaioU4 land submarine torpedo boat Grampus has demonstrated her efficiency as a vessel of war by discharging a torpedo at a range of 350 yards and striking a stationary target squarely in the center The firing of the torpedo was a most important test of the value of the new f gating machine, knd the boari. of val odcera tbat'witnf ssed the trial was highly pleased w!tb the result. E. Cr CAlLEYD, U U. I . r T ... - 1 1 1 Dentist - Cradua'e Xorth rarijic .D ata! Especial attention to Crown and , Dri Jge woik. Tjhe latest a r.tl most scientific iiicthtHiaiu.eYcry branrh of tlenlistry at lowest prices. .'' BsMl-2McConutkstffj. ; Over Meyers & Scss Store. Hasal CATARRH la all its fctsjia. E!Creai3 Balm cleausea, oelee a& hernia the diaessrd : MetnhraiM. Itettrecun-h m4 dr;veS say'a cold in lha head nnar-lrhr . ' - A Cram Balm U ptacd tnlo Dm autrai,tvRl -oyer the meibbrane mud la abaortmO. Relief la Im mediate and cure f oUowa . It Is cot drying doea nt prothiea eoewcifig. Large Slue, 6 cenU M Dnig gist r by Buul; Trtai Stae, ! centa. ELT BROTnERH, M Warren Street. New York; , - 1 r 41 mm;, OR. STONES' ORliO STORFS Tliehlorvs (two in nuii:l r) arv well" ockel with a -il.'le line f tUujrs tjd niydi'iie, toilet arjiclva, -rfiii--V.'tuhln 11 c. ' -'I , I, ,0-: 90 ' T :V-V-' I . Is had some 25 yeanC exiierleiut' in tfeie practice of uiedicine atrl nory makea liarge : for ,consultaUon or ' prescription. . . . ' . .-.; ,He rics a cih Juainoss! ' Ho neither" buys on t line nr wlM 011 tiiiie. yLWIjc ers. Journals. lay-lxvks, " Ixwkeejk'rV. bill collectors anil all the modern' pira1 ph'ef ttalia of credit drug' stores, are un kntmln In' his Imsqaesw, hence a full' to,knn oorreet. nrie"-. O .sra X. Smm The Km Yea Haw alarm The person who Is loyal to the larg est number (of personal friends Is hap piest. . ' . , .. --.-.' ProTH !bythe Experience ; ' 'm. -T ) M J ' it tnfti ,'Uti r P TOT::- To . the house with the goods Be ready for Easter. Buy hats that set u-t my'. - "1 f'-r- lasliion;' f ' i ' 5 k i 4 : V'V All tlie" latest 01 'sfyles. -Look at our window this week. 5 .. j . Sam 295,Conii St Opposite K 0. :; u u We Have Just Receive cl 1