8 WEEKLY OREQOM ; STATESMAN. TUESDAY. MARCH 10. l'.W3. , ' i. - I1C I pa LU House Wifely Happiness No housewife ran Iks quite happy if the equipment of her table is old and but of date. Shining Silverwear and the glinting; crystal sheen of Cut Glass are Powerful engines for pumping con tntment into the housewife heart. v We have here in the Barr Store enough .Sil verware And Cut Glass of the .very iiejvest and choieest kind to brighten . up halt the tables in Salem.. Allow us to quote a few random pri-ej, a proof that Uaff Prices are always pleasingly moderate: . 1 V 'Jolm G. IJarr" brand of extra heavy plated knives and forks frt . .-.- . . 1817. Ilogcrs Bros , knives and forks $1 per sc.. Tea, table and jlt-scrt poons $1 CO to $5 per set. Triple-plated butler knives 7.rc. i Triple-plated, sugar shells 5t) it. ' i ' ' 1 C ut Gla?s sugar and cream set $110. Vases $2.75 and lip ? terry towlg from $7 uj Water bottles $3 and up. J 1 5 Kim' Ifwi dishes $2.25 and up-.- Oil emits $225-.- 1 1 BARR'S ; JEWELRY STORE, SUie cd Liberty jr Lenders la Low Prices FOR RAISING THE OLD DEBT Prospects for Old Willamette Are Growing: Brighter ; : Every Day OBLIGATION NOW REDUCED BE- ' LOW $8000 AND PRESIDENT COLE MAN ANTICIPATES GREAT RE SULTS FROM WILLAMETTE" DAT OFFERINGS. ' STEINER'3 MARKET. Eggs It ceipts cash. Chickens-lf cents. ' Ducks 10 cents. Turkeys 121 to 15 cents. - . ' ' . - ' - ." THE MARKETS. . PORTLA Sl, Or., March 9. Wheat. Walla Walla, 75c i Bluestem, 87?; Val ley TS-SiSOc. ( ' r Tacoma, Wash., March 9. Wheat, 1? 2 cents lovvr I'.luesiena, fcfic;. Club. 75c. San Francisco, CaL, March 9. Wheat $ 1.40ft 11.47. ' " Chicago. March 9. Wheat, opening, 74 ?74?ic; k losing. 774VeC Italley. 4JTi:0c. ; Flax. 1C3; Northwestern, fl.105Sl.ll. THE MARKET3. t The loct market qrooMtlona yester day wr fnllowr; Wheit - 0? rents. Oats 30c per bushel. I:arly--J20 i-er ton. liny h.-af. S1012; clover, 10 12; timothy. S1012. Flour S5f1.05 per sack. Mill Feed Bran. J20; shorts, f 21. Batter Country, 15?2Sc; creamery. tlciZ&c. V . ? KggK-lSc cash. ... . Chickens 40 cents. Ducks 10 cents. Turkeys J? to 15 cents. Folk Grow, LfiHc; Beef Steers. 444c; good heifers t to 4c Mutton Sheep, 2 (tic on foot. Veal 7fi8c dressed. ; Hops Choice,".. 28c; greenish, prime, 24c and uoward. Potatoes 22W2.V per busheL Apples 5& 65c per, bushel. Onions 40g5Oc per busheL Prunes 2'AW-. dressed, 7? cows, S'jc: NEWS FROM, WEST SIDF The prospects for Willamette Univer sity, which looked very bright . six months ago, are more promising: now than ever and. -the friends of the old Ischoot are Jubilant over the bright fu ture opening ap. ' With the debt entirely paid off. and a large, endowment , fund accumulated, and. Methodism1, of entire Northwest united as a unit for the support and upbuilding of the University.-', what . - - future does indeed seem to open up. And yet It begins to look as though the above vision would come . true. The outstanding debt having been re. duced to less than J 8000 in actual pledg . , . . . , . ; . .ess many more men and women of 1 Tftuu- u. r:A c?l ! pnuanmropic turn or mind have come HirSChDerg Way, Pipe Salt to view the -project with more favor I4fAP U TViltae frtr 'than formerly and several such are ex- Dr. John TL. Coleman,, president of the University, Is in the city, and after a faculty ., meeting, yesterday he was seen for a few minutes by a Statesman, FUEL WILL BE CHEAPER SERIES reporter, and saidi OF GAMES OF BASKETBALL BE-I "Last Sunday was a great dajf for m,TTTx. wt a itwrmp f ttxtitt,o , the .University. . At the regular confer ence last summer, . It. was decided to felTX AND DALLAS AKKAisutD , niake an attempt to raise In the church NEW TELEPHONE ONE. one dollar for every member In the Or- I egoh, Idaho and Columbia River Con- fe?nees, and at the ' recent meeting of the oard of trustees, Sunday, March 8. . .wa set aside as Williimt TTnivi-oi PRO RATA OF RE-INSURANGE i 1 T i- - ' " ' '. Whole Amount of $ 1 6,000 on - City Hall Is Ap- yportloned " - FIFTY COMPANIES DOING - BUSI NESS IN SALEM TO RECEIVE f 320 EACH NINETY PER CENT ON BUILDING AND TEN ON CON TENTS, i ' . ' ' Evaporation the promoter and owner of the salt and oil wells two and one-half miles south east of Dallas,-is reported to have giv en out that probably he-would pipe the salt water to Dallas and erect his evaporating plant here for the reason that he will be able to- obtain cheap from the sawmills operated in Dallas. The water at tfie salt well is found at the depth- of about 500 feet, I day throughout these conferences and the ministers were expected to co-oper ate' in the observance of that day. . ' mailed letters to all ministers, stating the needs of the University; and asking their assistance In this great work. A fuel i feW answered saying they could not iouerve ine. occasion on Marcn; , ior i various reasons, but would set' some date in the near .future to present the J " . ,Vx( , I inches in diameter Inside the cas-T " l1 "T iy yei w now nyming i will be filled to the salt water line. BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. 2uyri and Shippers of GRAIN Dealers in - i : Hop Growers Supplies FARM LOANS 1 Wareb-m-es at TURN rm. M ACLEA T. TOATUM. BROOKS. BIf AW. BALE1L WITEERLAND. HALSEf. DERRY. ng. The well Is 1000 feet deep, but 'n whether or not. as flll to .h- lt w.t. iC J much money is raised as we.expect. the . , I results of the canvas will be far reach Will Play Fast Ball. , jing and pave the way for future suc j cesa. The needs of tje University have Dallas, March 8. Arrangements have been brought to the attention of the been completed for a series of games , entire membership of the church In between the Willamette University and .these conferences, and. in future, they the Dallas College basketball teams. will be more liberal both, in their gifts The series will be two in three, the 'and in their patronage of the Univer flrst game to be played on the Univer-j sity. sity floors, March 20, the second game; "All feeling which had formerly exist in the Dallas College gymnasium, ' ed on the part of patrons of Portland March 27, and the third to be played University toward Willamette has fin if necessary, on neutral grounds on ally changed into the best of feeling April 3, the place to be chosen hereaft- and good- wishes for the success of our er. It is understood that : whichever . Methodist University. In Portland the wins will claim the championship of . changS of attitude la very' noticeable the state. ' These clubs are, no doubt, indeed. nd the churches of the city are the fastest in Oregon, and lovers of making a united effort to assist in rals sharply contested sports will have a ing the debt. Nearly $4000 has already treat. Clean playing and a manly rec-,been pledged by them, and a liberal ognition of the rights of others Is ex- patronage of the University is looked pected. HFOKS. OF -ROTAL" FLOUR. J. G. GRAHAM, j i Agent S07 Commercial' St., Salem. for In the future. . 'It has taken much longer than I ex pect 2d to accomplish these results on nrrocr.t o? the peculiar conditions ex-itl-T wo th effort was begun, but. although the progress will continue to Le -lovi, ilia otlnok is very bright." At tTi? faculty meeting yesterday' a coinnltt'-o was appointetl to meet Dr. ixr c 3 . ..v. v u . .. . . . 1 116 Cay I . 1 , 1 a . -x . 1 , 1 Buy ui mir rociiH ai ine ixain on Wednesday afternoon. He will speak ftenroas, w jE.fcIHs vision." Thursday ihorning he ind J. A. Vltta- ;... .. j., .... . ... Biuunus 1x1 cnapei exercises. The basketball game last' night, be- Wednesday morning Edgar Meresse. tween the Dallas College ' girls and who ls represent the University In Dixie girls resulted In a score of 15 to the Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest 2 in favor of Dixie. The game was slow j at . Eugerte, March 13, will deliver hla Another Rival Telephone Line. Dallas, March 8. Articles of incor- ' po ration were filed with the County Clerk this week, by the Luckiamute Rural Telephone Company." The ob- J ject of the company is to establish and maintain telephone communication . with any place in the county. uai stock 01 l00 is divided into va shares of f 20 each. The Incorporators are L. S. Perkins. H. R. Williams. R. F. Smith, and row.- - I In the matter of 4 the re-Insurance. of the city hall, ordered by the common council at Its last meeting, the city ire- J corder finds that there are Just 50 com panies doing business In the city and paying local license , for. the privilege. arid the pro rata share In this Instance will amount to f 320 for each company; the whole amount of insurance ordered by the council being' f 18,000. 90 per cent of which-will be upon the build ing, the remaining 10 per cent covering the contents. - . The old risks expire at noon of the 27th of the present month, and It is expected, the new policies will be filed with the recorder in due course. The companies and agents interested in the matter are as follows: Alliance-American L. M Kirk. Aetna Miss A. McCulloch. j American-Central :L. M. Kirk. 7 , Aachen-Munich W. A. Moores. Atlas C. A. Park. . American-Fire J; M. Payne. Agricultural--W. A. LIston. , f Connecticut J. G. Wjight & Co. . ' Continental W. A. Listen. Commercial-Union H, B. Thielsen. Caledonian T--K. Ford. . Flremens Fund J. G. Wright & Co. Fire Association L. M. Kirk. German-Alliance H. S. Belle. German-American R. P. Boise Jr. Glens Falls C. P. Martin. Hamburg-Bremen L. M. Kirk. Hartford H. B. Thielsen. Home, of N. Y. II. B. Thielsen., ' " Home-Mutual H. S. Gile & Co. Insurance Co. N. A. L. M. Kirk. . London & L. & G. -Miss M. Park hurst. ' V - London & Lancashire H. B. Thlel sen. London-Assurance Derby & Will- son. Law, Union & Crown R. R. Ryan & Co. Manchester John Moir. Milwaukee Mech. W. A. LIston. North BriUsb. M. Miss M. Park- hurst. . Nor. Assurance R. P. Boise Jr. National H. S. Gfile & Co. Niagara W. A. LIston. New Zealand II. A. Thomas. Norwich-Union Frank Meredith. Orient W. A. L'ston. ' Oregon Fire R. A. II. A. Johnson. Phoenix, London W. A. LIston. Phoenix. Hartford C. F. Martin. Pennsylvania Fire R. R. Ryan & Co. Palatine L. M. Kirk. Phoenix. Brooklyn F. W. Waters. Queen F. A. Wiggins. Royal J. G. Graham. V Royal Exchange C. F. Martin. Sun Office E. D. Horgan. Scottish-National H. S. Belle. . St. Paul F. & M. C. M. Lockwood. Springfield H. B. Thielsen. Thurlngia H. H. Smith. Traders W. E. Richardson & Co. Westchester R. P. Boise Jr. Recorder Judah will prepare the printed forms to be used in this con nection and all parties interested may In the City Hall, on or after Friday, i Salem 9s Best Store Our Spring Stock ' -It wurtM liikfc a . whole page, ami inucli of 3-0111 valuable time, if alUinpte.l a description of the jr?riirations niada for yoo in this season's slock; the greatest we'i'e ever car riel, styles at- tractive.ntal pfoasiiis- r - Our Spring Suits Arc winning the favor with well dresseil people. . Leading Features - .Correct in Style IFtCorrect:y Better in Every Respect Always Satisfactory, No Exhorbitant Prices . New Silk Jackets Are ready for you now. Newest and most exclusive pattern?. - Ask to see them. 1 '" Lye There is nothing bettor for spraying fruit trees than Lye. We have a largo Quantity on hand and will sell it for ' 2 cts per galioa or $1-00 per barrel. Give it a trial and you will -say it is the cheapest and best spray material you have used. Capital Soap Works, Salem, Oregon. DEEDb RECORDED . .i A Large number of realty transfers were filed for record yesterday with County Recorder J. C. Siegmund. ag gre gating a consideration of $6761. as follows: j ' Jennie Aiken, to Grace E. Suiter. V a portion of lot3 7 and 8, In ,l block 17. Uni irersity Addition to Salem, w. d ,$3000 .i Daniel Webster et ux. to !M. P. Baldwin, lots S and 6 In Sunny side Fruit Farm. No. 11, In T. 8 ' S-. R. 3 W W. d. ...... .1 , 1830 August', Huckestein et ux. to.'W. E. Miller, lot 8 of block 60 in . North Salem, w. d. . . 1. ... . - 600 F. H. Kaylor et ux. to F. L. Buell. a portion of block 61 In North Salem, w. d. ......... J. . ... . 200 Anthony Jones et ux. to W. J. Garber, the east half of jlot 23,; .. Capital Home Addition to Sa-j lem, w. d. ......... 300 Annabelle Goode et al. to Mrs. D. ; A. Goode. lot. 14. n block 68. North Salem, w. d. j...... 2S0 D:ivid F. Lane et ux. to! John; Fechter, Jr., a portion of block i 3 in Roberts Add in ion t Sa lem, w. d- ............... May S. Mills to Minnie P. Smith, lot 4 of block 3. of Hugh Owen Addition to Salem, w. d .. May Laws j et at to pscar M. Whitman,! 132.86 acres of land In Section 7 : Township 10 South, Range 3 East, q. v. d... George W. Watt et ux. to Lizsie Yokes, lot 7 in block 5 of Pleas ant Home Addition to Salem, w. d. ....... . ............ v. . . August Huckestein et ux., to F. L. Buell, lot 3 of block 6. in North v. Salem, . c. d. Lafayette T. Wilson et ux. to J. 11. Wilson.-160 acres in Section 27. Township 9 North. Range 4 East. w. d. w Total .... . .... ior 1(M 70 40 1 The standing timber of Canada er;u:il that of the continent of Europe and Is nearly double that of the United State. A minister for the administration of navigation and commercial ports has been added by the Russian Government Ir. Loeb says electricity is the unU-r-' lying prlncfple of vital action, but he has not as yet made a fair demonstra tion of It. ! f.t. siiAfcn, 232 Cwsnerclal Street. Hear Basil's, Bask i. .r v Harness, Saddles, . Nets,1 1 Whips, Robes, Harness Oils, etc. Repairing a Specialty. Salem- - - Oregon; A certain! large land owner in Rus fh Is making a study of the migratory habits of birds. To all those h can capture he attaches & note in Russian. German, French and English asking whoever may find or kill them to let him know the county to which they had flown. - - ' . and uninteresting from start to finish, and the verdict is that the Dixie team played poorly and Dallas didn't play a little bit. ; ; : f , Dallas will have an all-night tele phone service very soon. ; She only lacks eight phorjes of the required num ber to entitle h4r to this service, which will be procured perhaps the coming week.- t ' The Prohibition State Oratorical Contest will be held in Dallas April 7. in connection J wlthj the Prohibition convention. Prizes will be awarded as follows: First, $60: second, $25; and third, 313 cash. A large attendance and great" Interest is expected, "and Dallas College is preparing to take an active part in the contest and will open wide her arms to all visitors and contestants, j . . WANTED IMMEDIATELY SO dozen chickens at Steiners market. ROAD ROLLER FOR WASCO A committee from the council con sisting of Mayor Gunning,. Council men Dietsel. Peters and Farley and Com missioners Harriman and Hibbard left on the; delayed train last evening for Portland, w here they go to examine the workings of the two steam road rollers which nave been submitted to them for purchase, one by the Buffalo Pitts Co.. and the other the Port Huron. It cer tainly looks as If we are going to have a road roller. The Dalles Chronicle, i oration in chapeL A one-fare rate for the round trip has ; been declared on the railroad for students attending the contest at Eugene, and fully fifty stu dents will accompany Meresse and as sist In cheering him on to victory.' The delegates elected to represent the sev eral classes of the University at the annual meeting of the Tnter-Collegiate Oratorical Association of Oregon, which will meet In Eugene, March 13, Imme diately after the oratorical contest, aret Seniors Miss Sophia To wnsend and Miss Minnie Koshmeider. Juniors Miss Marie Whipple and Miss Julia Fields. Sophomores N. J. M osier and E. F. AverllL . Freshmen C E. Skid more and Miss Clare Holstrom. 1 Builds up the system, puts pure, rich blood in the veins; makes .men and wo men strong and healthy Burdock Blood Bitters At any. drug store. STILL MORE BRICK . SALEM'S MANUFACTURER WILL MAKE TWO MILLIONS TIHS SEASON MORE LAND. The recent increase la frelsrht rates. if maintained throughout the year,, wilt Increase net railway earnings more than $150,000,000. An E&Q-OFznzr ta the taoraiar lasare a elastic step, boormat spirits sad SKcceaa throogbort the day. AM BTE art wtuakiea of the finest qaatitj. They are palatable, effective, of exquisite boqirt in fact, par excellent. All that roes to make perfect whioky baa entered into the perfecting of the VoasM brands. Have yott tried them? ; . -i :':-.; At mtt BARS. CLU3S mm CrMtCZT. W.XTAN SCBITTTEX aCO.lac mstrOatan. POKTLAXD, 0X. (From Sunday's Daily). ' A. A. Burton. Salem's brick manu facturer, has Just purchased a tract of ciay land adjoining his yard. The tract contains some of the best clay in the state, and there is enough of It to last for years. Mr. Burton made last year L300.006 bricks, and he is Just now finishing the preparation of the necessary clay for z.000,000. A new late Improved brick machine Is now on the way here for Mr. Burton, and this with his present faclltles. will largely Increase the ca pacity of his plant. With- favorable weather, he will begin to turn out brick within a few weeks, and he will then be able to supply 100.000 per week to hla customers here in Salem, the coun try hereabouts, and- the adjoining towns. t ; He will be able to fill alt orders promptly, and to furnish any kind of brick, desired. f . fan tb tiiffcftirs Has come , to the conclusion that all profession of j the healing art 'outsulc of the veect able kingdom is a failure. When your system is r;m, o'lt of vitality you will die. Vitality makes blood, and you cannot live without blood, j You will only find vitality in the vegetable kingdom. Poisonous drugs nor doctor's kuife nor thunder and light ning will not remove the cause, but lay the foundation for all kinds of diseases. Those poUbns go into your bones and kill the life of them and create all kinds of diseases, cancerous tumors, consumption, dropsy, bone diseases etc. Yauimmt bear in mind that his medicine is not a poisonous tonic nor a stimulant nor a temporary relief which you get from poisonous drugs where the results are sure death sooner or later. Do not blame the medicine when it takes an effect and stirs up the poisons or disease in the sys tem. You must not expect to be cured in a few days, for your sickness or disease has been a long time coming on and it will take a long time to get it out of your system. It will take months or a year to build a new body from the b3nes up. That is what the people do not understand. They are ued to being humbugged. -His medicines are composed of Nature's Ilerbs-what the human system requires. When the animals get sick they will help themselves to those herbs, for they have the instinct and the eople have hot, so we have to make a study of it It has been a life study with Dr. CookJ Do not get weary; this life is too short and too sweet to worry out of this world. Dr. Cook Cures All Kinds of Diseases 301 liberty Street, Salem, Oregon I