2 WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN. TUESDAY. MARCH le, 1903. NO ATTENTION TO REPORTS Such Is the Advice of Leaders cf Brotherhoods of ; TRAIffllEN AND FIREMEN To Members of the Orders Who Are Employed on Wabash PENDING THE OUTCOE OF THE INJUNCTION J ORDER IN THE CIRCUIT'. COURT WABASH OF FICIALS DOi NOT ANTICIPATE ANT SERIOUS TROUBT.K. ; . ' . ! ST. LOUIS. Mo.. March The gen eral officers of the Brotberhods of Flre- men and Trainmen and the committees .who are here Sh relation to the tm-nendlna- strike situation on the Wabash Railroad jclvinar a resume of the situa tion and advisinc them to continue . loyal to the railroad company and to their respective organizations and pay not attention to the statements or the threats of any person nor to any rum ors which may be put in circulation. This was the only development of the day In the situation. An all day con ference was held" In the Southern Ho tel by Oiand Masters Hanrahan and Morrissey, of tne Brotherhoods of Firemen and Trainmen, with their at torneys. The Wabash injunction may be filed In the court tomorrow or Mon day. There was no developments at the Wabash headquarters, - President Ramsey repotting that the service throughout the system was proceeding; without any unusual mark. Regard ins; the probabilities of 'a strike. Presi dent Ramsey said tonight: "Infcace the Injunction Is dissolved, X think a strike, is quite likely. In case of the dissolution it will probably be needed also by the leaders. The Wabash employes will not go out until ordered to do wx" The strike may inconvenience the Wabash for some time, but It will not tie up the system to any extent unless a boycott is ordered at different ter minal and junction points. '. No Change in Situation. Vancouver, B. C. March C While some; negotiatlffis 'are in progress look ing to the settlement of ' the strike of the United Brotherhood of Railway Emplayes. there has been'ltttle change In the strike situation during the past twenty-four hours. BRAVE! WOMAN'S ACT - : - : J: -j PLLlCKT WIFE OF SHERIFF MILLS """"IfRUSTRATES ' ESCAPE OF I PRISONER. j ! . OLYMPIA. Wash., March . Plucky Mrs.! Mills, wife of the sheriff. Jesse T. Mills, of Thurston county, and who on Sunday afternoon after Benson had done bis murderous work at Olympla, prevented a wholesale . delivery, is a bride of only a year, but during this short time she has twice rendered val uable service ' in ' preventing escapes from the wretched old bast lie that has done service for ; ', a jail in Thurston county for more than . a quarter of a century. - " '. ' : Last May she was standing at her back door chatting with a neighbor when she saw ; a brick drop from the rear wall of 'the jaiL Watching, this was soon followed by another and an other. She waited no longer, but ran Into the house, got her revolver, and returned in 1 time to see a man's legs coming through a hole where she had seen the bricks first falling. - She raised her gun and called: "Stop where you are," just as the prisoner dropped to the ground. . . The man cast a startled glance at the determined woman with clear gray eyes , looking along the barrel of the gun and his hopes of freedom vanish ed,, f- i--'. - f .vv:.--.,-.- . : f. xMrs. Mills held her prisoner right there until her lfasband arrived and locked him up again. The story of her actions shortly after Benson killed the deputy sheriff has already been told. Her plucky deed is still the subject of comment here. She was notified by one of the prisoners of t$f tragedy,; grabbed a. revolver, ran to the jail and stopped a wholesale de livery just as the prisoners appeared at the Jail door. V HEALTH BOARD SELECTED GOVERNOR j CHAMBERLAIN AP POINTS STATE BOARD TO - RCQULATB STATE HEALTH. Governor Chamberlain yesterday an nounced bis appointments of the State Board of Health 1 in accordance with the provisions! of Senate Bill No. 27. w&lch "was Introduced by Senator A. C Smith. The Board ' consists of six members, three of whom are appointed for two years arid three for four years, as follows: . . ; . - . Dr. Harry Lane. Portland, term ex pires January 15, 1905. , Dr. W. A. Custck, Salem. January IS, 1905. - ; i , :- . r -v:,; Dr. E. B. Flckel. Medford, January is. 1906. -; j ! 1 ; - - : Dr. Andrew C Smith. Portland. Jan uary 15 1W7. i - Dr. Alfred Ev Kinney. Astoria. Janu ary IS, 1907. ; , 3 .f", .. - i -V Xr. C. J. Smith. Pendleton, January This board, according to the provis ions of the act shall hold a meeting at letst once a year In Salem, and as many special meetings as the condi tions demand. buL at the first meeting tl.t six members shall elect a secretary whose term of office shall be so long as his services are satisfactory and be yond reproach and he shall receive a salary of $5000 per year, with which amount all of his expenses are to be . paid, including office materials and traveling expenses. It is the" duty of j the board to collect and compile the' vital statistics of the state and regu late the sanitary conditions of the com monwealth generally.'' TO BRING BACK JARVL : ASTORIA, Ore, March . Matti Jarvl. who is -charged with the murder of his father, and whose ball bond was declared forfeited in the Circuit Court yesterday, is now said to be in Douglas Island, Alaska, having gone there re cently frojaBeatUe. It Is - announced that every effort will be made to bring him back for trial, but there is really very little expectation of catching him. as there does not appear to be anyone in particular who wants' him prosecuted for his' crime. . . v - - THE SITUATION IN VENEZUELA! Is More Serious Kow Than During Blockade ; ON ACCOUNT OF. DUTIES Which Are Imposed Upon All Staple Products Into the Islands REVOLUTIONISTS HAVE GATHER ED FORCES AROUND I CARACAS AND HOLJ ALL EASTERN PART OF VENEZUELA EXCEPT jCUMO- ? NA NO QUORUM OF, CONGRESS. WILLEMSTAD, ; Island of Curacao, March . A steamship which ' arrived here today, from Maraicabo, Venezuela, carried only one-third of her usual car go and brought no coffee. The mer chants of Maraicabo -say they cannot pay the present export duties which they add are more ruinous to ; them than was the blockade of the Venezue lan coast by the fleets of the allies. Ad-, vices received here from revolutionary sources in .Venezuela say i the , revolu tionlsts have gathered . their forces around Caracas; that all the Eastern part of Venezuela, except the city f Cumana, is held by - them, and that President Castro has been unable -to call m. session of Congress because erf the lack of a quorum. , Pretender is Captured. , , Paris? March . A' dispatch ; from Tengier, Morocco, received this even ing; says: "Courier who has Just arrived from Fez announes the capture of the Pre tender, . WAY BE EXTRADITED , OREGON MAr ; WHO 'I SWORE FALSELY REGARDING GIRL'S AGE. TACOMA. Wash, March $. The case Of the Kenny brothers, "agalnsf whom a charge of perjury in Oregon Is hang ing, came up today before Judge Grif fin for final disposition. ' It was an nounced yesterday that word had been received from the Governor . of the State of Oregon of the issuance by him of the required papers for securing ex tradition, to bring the young men back to Oregon for trial, David Kenny hav ing married Miss Aker in Portland af ter securing a license by swearing to her being of age, when her father de clares she is but 15. The information conveyed to the office of the Prose cuting Attorney lolled to state whether the signature of a second witness had been secured, as required by the fugi tive from - Justice act. ... If the papers arrive properly signed, they will have to be presented to Governor McBrlde. In this event it is declared there are a number of ways of delaying action interminably, which is proposed to be done. ; The boys will not be surrendered to Oregon without a fight, and counsel has been secured to this end. NELLIE UNDERWOOD FREE YOUNG WOMAN ACCUSED MURDER OF BABE GIVES BAIL. . ' ' ' - OF SEATTLE. March Nellie Under wood, the child wife, who has been in the King County Jail awaiting trial for the alleged murder of her baby,- is free again. Her bail bond, properly made out. reache1 the Jail at :J0 yesterday morning and at 10 o'clock she was walking the streets of Seattle for the first time since her arrest months ago.- j . v . - j ; The leave taking of the girl was very quiet. She told the Jailor she was glad to be released from her long confine mint and she thanked him and his as sistants for their many courtesies to her. Then she was taken Into the north tank to bid her husband Paul Under wood under sentence for 15 years for murder in the second degree! good-by. The meeting was very brief simply a kiss and a few words of murmurel love. Then the wife who Is to be tried for the same murder, April left for her home In Aberdeen. - PIGEON'S JEWELS STOLEN HE FOUND THEM MISSING AFTER STEAMER LEFT NEW - YORK. . BOSTON, March Jewels valued by the owner at over $3000 are report ed to have been stolen from Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Pigeon, of this city, who have started on the steamer Far ragut for Jamaica. The only Informa tion given to the police is contained in a note - brought up the harbor by the tugboat captain. ' - : j j ; It appears that Mr. Pigeon, on board of - the steamer, - at noon placed his handbag containing, the Jewels.' consid erable cash and valuable papers in' his stateroom, returning to the deck, where; with Mrs, Pigeon he bade goodbye' to friends. After the - steamer - lert tUe wharf Mr. Pigeon went 'to his state room, finding that it had beenjentered and his handbag taken.' " A .tugboat captain was hailed and given a letter notifying the police of the loss and de scribing the rroperty. ' ELIGIBILITY IN QUESTION Circuit Court of Kentucky De- mauds That Name OK GOVERNOR BRECKHAM Be Placed Upon Official Bal lot to Succeed Himself i to Office BUT CHAIRMAN OF DEMOCRATIC STATE COMMITTEE WILL CAR RY MATTER TO COURT OF AP PEALS t- STORMY REPUBLICAN CONVENTION IN MICHIGAN. VERSAILLES Ky, March . Judge Cantrill, in the Woodward Circuit Court this afternoon, overruled the demurrer of Allie C. Young, chairman of : the Democratic State Committee, to the pe tition of Governor Beckham for a man damus to compel Young and the Demo cratic committee to place his name on the ballot to be voted tor at the Demo cratic primaries on May 9, as a candi date for Governor. 1 Young had refused to placa Governor Beckham's name on the ballot because of the question" raised as to his eligi bility. The attorneys for the defendant Immediately entered exceptions and an appeal was granted to the Court of Ap peals. The purpose of the procedure is to establish Governor Beckham3 eligibility to succeed himself as Gov ernor. . - j sjuugv nwKvr nw-iivminasfAis Detroit. Mich, March . Judge Frank A, Hooker, of Charlotte, was" tonight renominated for Justice of the Supreme Court! of this state for a term of ten years, by the stormiest , Republican State Convention held since the Grand Rapids convention that nominated Governor Bliss, in 1838. Seven candi dates were in the field against' Judge Hooker, v The' convention was stamped ed during the taking, of the sixth bal lot in the interest of Judge E. D. KJnne, of Ann Arbor, .but the seventh ballot gave a large major'ty to Judge Hooker. A Brilliant Banquet. Detroit iMch., March The eight eenth anniversary banquet of the Mer chant Club at the Hotel Cadillac to night was the most brilliant event In the club's history. Four hundred men sat at five long tables which stretched the full length of . the large banquet halL At the speaker's tabla were Sen ator J. H-. OallJnaer.' of New "Hamp shire; Gen. Leonard Wood and ex-Senator John M. Thurston, of Nebraska. Speakers of the evening: Congressman Wm. Alden Smith, toast-master: Sen ators Alger and Burrows, of. Michigan: Capt. F. H. Alger, president of the club and a number of other men prominent In Michigan politics. ; HER TRIAL POSTPONED MRS. ELLIOTT LYONS WILL NOT BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE ! MARCH TERM. I EUGENE, Or March 6. It has de veloped that Mrs. E. EL Lyons, .wife of the convicted : murderer of Sheriff Withers, cannot be brought to trial at this term of court. She was . bound over by the Justice of the peace to ap pear, before the grand Jury on a charge of-complicity In a felony, and spent some time in JaiL She was released about' ten days ago, however, through the efforts of ' her attorney, J. 'K. Weatherford. by furnishing f 1000 bond. It now develops that she is In a deli cate physical condition. ' which pre cludes her being brought to trial at this term of court. She has not yet been Indicted by the grand Jury. " V Hsad Money Paid. ' Eugene. Or., 1 March . The county court baa authorised the payment of the $1000 reward for the apprehension. of E. EL Lyons, convicted murderer of the late Sheriff Withers. There are eight participants In the reward, as follows: W. E. Parsons. $300: J, E. Noland. $150; James Shaub, $150; W. H. MUler. $100; W. H. Buoy, $100; Jas. Law. $100: J. IL Veatcb, $73; O. E. Veatch. $25. ALBANY HAS FREE BRIDGE STEEL VIADUCT OVER WILLAM ETTE IS TURNED OVER TO COUNTY. ALBANY, Ore, March . The Al bany steel bridge Is again a free bridge. The County Court yesterday decided to accept the ownership of the bridge; and the City of Albany turned It over to Unh County free from all incum brances, with the one condition that It be maintained as a free bridge. The toll gate-keeper were relieved from duty yesterday evening, and passage scross the bridge will henceforth be fiee.,-' . . The Albany : steel bridge. - which "U one of the best wagon bridges in the state, was built In 1892. ' It was main tained as a free bridge for about nine years, when It was then found that the city's financial condition did not permit the paying of 'the Interest on the bonded indebtedness on the bridge, and at the Same time keeping the bridge in -repair. So by a special act of the Legislature the bridge became a toll bridge in April. 190L This arrange ment has not been sat irHnr citUens of Albany gcncraJly, and espe cially to tne people Hying across the river In Benton County, in the country of which' Albany-la -tbe cmm-rrti center. v ..v .-'i j j'v v..' ":. .-v.' v? L DOMESTIC TROUBLES CAUSED ' V ' : SUICIDE."- i- : GRANTS PASS, Or, March .The funeral of Joseph! Frank was held yes terday from his home on Evans Creek. eight miles east of this city. Mr. Ev ans committed suicide by taking laud anum a few days ago. Domestic trou- bles led to. Frank's taking; his own life. He. leaves two sons. Ills wife deserted him several months ago and since that time he has frequently threatened su icide, ' On the night he took the poison his sons' awoke to . hear their father open the window and throw something out. and the following morning he was foun dead la bed. An empty lauda num, bottle was found lying outside be neath the window. v Frank was about sixty years of age, A woman nemed IDurian. living at Houdeng. dreamt the other night that she was being murdered. She. awoke in so great a fright that she survived the effffect-two days. BOLD ATTEMPT AT ROBBERY : j .;..!. ' . , , " V . y.l : .!J" '. J ' " . Custom Officers in Center of Johannesburg ATTACKED IN DAYLIGHT And Relieved of $25,000 in , ; Cash Enroute to the Bank HIGHWAYMEN fHREW PEPPER IN OFFICIALS' EYES AND THEN GRABBED MONEY IT WAS RE COVERED THE RECIPROCITY TREATY DENOUNCED IN CUBA. .' JOHANNESBURG, March . A des perate attempt at highway robbery in the center of .Johannesburg .was made today. Two men attacked two customs officers' conveying $25,000 to the bank, and, throwing' pepper In their eyes, se cured the money bags, which they then threw ts a horseman, who galloped off and the horseman In his flight knocked down a man named Brandon, who was killed. Subsequently the horse bolted and unseated its rider who was then arrested and the money recovered. - Beneficial to Cuba. ! Havana, March C. The Reciprocity Treaty was up in the Senate again to day and the debate was adjourned un til ' tomorrow. In the afternoon's de bate Senor Sanguilly denounced the treaty as a scheme on the part of the United States designed to keep the Eu ropean commerce out of Cuba in order that the former country might secure the entire commerctal as well as the political control of the island. Senor Silva. in a lenrthy speech, quoted figures to prove that the result could not be otherwise than beneficial to Cuba, It has been asserted that the sugar and tobacco industries will make additional profit under the treaty of $6,000,000 annually. SHE DIED IN POVERTY IN A MISERABLE HOVEL WHILE HER RELATIVES ROLLED IN RICHES. DENVER. March 6. There is con siderable speculation here as to the an tecedents of Mrs. Georgia. Stanley, who died yesterday from asphyxiation, due to the inhaling of fumes of coal gas in a hovel on the north side, where she was found by her neighbors in an un conscious Hate lying on a bed beside the dead body of Major Marshall F. Htfrd, jan, aged veteran of the Civil War. ', i : Mrs. Stanley not long ago told a friend that her father, Lord Allen, for merly Governor of a province in India, was the rounder of -the' Allen line of Atlantic steamers. In a notebook found among her ef fects appears the following: ' "Brother George's . fortune was esti mated at $35,000,000. but at this writing I suppose It is $400,000,000. " To think how rich BrotSer George is and how poor I am. - Nothing definite is known of the brother except that it is believed he lived a( one time in Spain or the Bar- badoes. Some time ago, when Mrs. Stanley's, poverty-tricken condition was brought to the attention of Dean H. Martyn HarfJ'of St, John's Cathed ral, he communicated with Sir James Grant, of Toronto, whom Mrs. Stan ley claimed was her half-brother. A reply was received to the effect th Sir James was hot Mrs. Stanley's half brother, ' No arrangements have as yet been made for Mrs. Stanley's burial. Major Hurd, who was an engineer In the Army of the Cumberland, will be burled here under the , auspices of the G." A. R. "Instructions came from F, G. Hoyt, of Bait Lake, a cousin of the Major, concerning the disposition of the remains. ; - i DEMOCRATIC C0WWITTEE SENATOR GORMAN CHOSEN TO OLD POSITION AS CHAIRMAN OF SAME. ' WASHINGTON. March The Dem ocrats Senatorial caucus today elect ed Senator Gorman as thgit man of the steering committee . which was also named It consists of Senators Gor man. Maryland; Cockrell, Missouri; Martin. Virginia; Bacon. Georgia; Du Bout. Idaho; Money, Mississippi; Bail ey. Xexas; Blackburn. Kentucky, and Tillman, South Carolina. C7 ttssntas EBStsrs .tf : Tin ta fa gui Htnn la& - .CONDEMNED RURAL ROUTE. i "LEBANON, Orev March ".--E. C. C?ement.-Buperintcndent of the rural ffee' deliyerjfc system, was in Jbanon Mr$day and after examining route No. t f rora 'this place. ; condemned. Jt on ac count of bad ' roada and scarcity of houses along 'the route. - Route No. 1 went - into effect 'March 1. with George Dodge of Lebanon as carrier. An effort will be made to obtain' another route from this postofflce in the; near future. r I (5airiiMi for Infants bsbs1bbWbbbbsbSMb1bWbbbbbbbbSsSsbsbsssbsbbbbbbbbbbbbsssbs The Kind You IIhvo Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision fot over ISO years. -Allow no one to deceive you in this. CoiinUtrfflts, Imitations and AiTust-as-good arc but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against Expcrimenti The Kind You Hiive Always Bought SI Bears the In Use For Oyer 30 Years. Tr rcKTiuii co.M.r A ; i (Sreat ffffer SBSBSBSSSBBBBBlSBB ' '- mmmmmmmmmmmmm SSBSBBJBBBBSSBSJBSBBSSSBBSSBBBBSSSSSSSSBSBSSSBBSiSSSSSSBSSi Klousehold Physician Or Home Book of Health L-o ' i TO BE GIVEN AS A PREMIUM WITH . TwiGe-a-Week Statesm n THIS IS OUR OFFER: THIS BOOK WITH THE STATES MAN ONE YEAR $3.25; OR BOOK ALONE $2.50. HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY TO GET A VALU ABLE BOOK AT SMALL COST. iU nr i f si ! ! phobia, sunstroke, fits, falls, sprains, oroup, cholera, etc. I It describes the cause. 4he symptoms, tne nature, tne effect, the treatment and the remedy of every disease which affects human ity. Treatises on t he Passions and Emotions, such as Love, Hope, Joy, Af fection, Jealousy,; Grief, Fear. Despair, Avarice, Charity, Cheerfulness, show Ing' the influence of the mind on the body; eminently calculated to arouse the people to the fact thit health "depends to a rreat degree upon the proper di rection and control of, the passions and emotions. Essays on Intemperance, Use of Tobacco, Sleep t Exercise, Cold, Baths, Etc. SPECIAL LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN A Complete Materia Med tea. or list of the principal remedies. Including nearly 300 medical plants, herbs and v egeable remedies; description of each; where foundwhen to be gathered; ho w to preserve same; their preparation for use. . - . .. Manual for Kursinj? the Sick. Tre atlses on Anatomy, Physiology and Hy giene. Domestic and Panitary Kcohom y Ventilation, Pure and Impure Air, Water, Purification of Water. Drainage, Disinfectants, etc, etc PhyIol Culture and Development, etc ' : ' - Address GLUBBIISIG LIST Twlce-a-Week Statesman WEEKLY OREGONlAN, per year........ "'"""$2f!L TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per yar. ..?1-0 OUR PRICE, BOTH PAPERS .... .... .......... ...... e"5 PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, per yesr.........v. TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year...... --v1-00 BOTH PAPERS............ .........$17F CHICAGO INTER-OCEAN, per ysar......!. TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year...... ............ ......... -fl-M BOTH PAPERS............ ........ ........ ................. HOARDS DAIRYMAN, per year TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per ytsr........ ....fl-d ..-. -, . 4-Cr - :- A .. - H - BOTH PAPERS. ....;. t'-75 NORTHWEST POULTRY-JOURNAL., per ysar - '5, TWICE-AWEEK STATESMAN, per year...... I1-00 M - - " s. - BOTH PAPERS... THRICE-A-WEEK NEW YORK WORLD, per year:. ....... ......... .. TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year...... ..!' 1 " BOTH. PAPERS...... ,. MCALL'S MAGAZINE (iocludino free psttsrn to each subsoribsr).... $1.0 TWICE-A-WEEW 8TATECM AN, per year. t'-00 BOTH PAPERS......... MArJHOOD f f 1 tmnfi'iilt Ummr.M ty Snor night, Pr-iii qiM-lfr of fliic4'itrr Ifwla to tprmmuTTttcMk and all t ba borrnra of mpf nr;. ' H,f, the ktdnya and Um ariomrr orgaua o all hnpwukw Itf eqrioArjr it Th T-mn uBtm ar nomr rrf JJnrUtn W neiu W per rrtt aw ttwi1il"1 WM r CtJPH USB tin oly known rn1r tu enra without n opfrnUm. W UwUmonUI. wiltt-n B, nMl aao mow j Twmmtrn 11 mi one, i. fye-n-i tnr mBK rirmlur an1 f'lntonlx a. aaraj S1.D1119K r.o. TVJH SALE BT 7 J. RIOGS. U and Children. Signature or mvitmav twrtr. nrw o em - The only complets household s;nide and reliable, genuine med leal book ever pub lished. Every disease to which the humal. race Is subject Is ful ly treated In this ex haustive volume. Netr diseases. Treat ment and Thorls -which have appeared within the last few years, and which ere not even mentioned in other o-ca!l-d medical books, sre herein discussed, and the treatment ami remedies set forth; such as Bacteriology, 'Appendicitis. Tuber culosis. Hypnotism, Venereal snd . Sslu : Diseases, La Grlpps. Nervous Dlsesses, etc. Treatment and cure of every disease ol Men and Women and Children. The sim plest and best reme dies: minute direc tions In Cases . of wo unde, scalds, burns, poison, hydro 7i ' ' bruises; also for sudden diseases, like? Statesman Publishing Co., j Salem, Oregon ........ .....tl-M RESTORED nw?ki r runt mm of J onaua ol Ml Impontie. CVSlIft:afKstreasttoa not efluct a vrauuieul car, iuh a ovm-j. i ui ttttxJtm. Has faclBCO.CwI. RUliGIST, SALEM, OREGON.