u u , - . WEEKLY OREGON BTATEMAW. TUESDAY' MARCH ' S, 1&03' " "r , . g " -in- - - 1 -"w .Jftttj;... f' I -- " '" mm i Tfte Bosom Friend Of-the Business Man r, Of all the tools of business, no one arltcle more frequently proves It- ; '!;. , . . , ' . . , , ; . , v self of untold convenience than, a Fountain Pen- Such a pen is really , an Indispensable necessity to the average business man or- woman. ' Will you pardon us for intruding on. your personal affairs so far as to ask rou if you possess a Fountain Pen -and a really good one? We have a motive of self-interest In knowing; for If you have not, we want to urge upon you mof-t Insistently the Importance of coming- to this store an1 buying: one without further loss of time. We handle but two makes of Fountain Pens-the Loughlln and the Parker Lucky Curve. We deem It unnecessary to chow any wider assortment, because, we believe each of 'these pens contains every element of satisfaction and practical util ity.! We can refer , you to other Palem business- men whoj are using them If you like, to satisfy yourself before purchasing. i 'v BARR'S JEWELRY STORE, : ! , Leaders In Low Prices. ? Slate anl liberty Streols. . . . . . 'r Sal em, Oregon. INTERVIEWS VITfl PEOPLE t -.1 j t ii - - ; " - '-' . . " . , ; . All Farmers Busy Burin? the Fine Weather Sowing 'Spring i Grain ' ; NEW RURAL. ROUTE FROM AMITY HAS HE EX ESTAbUSHELWNKW ; TELEPHONE LINE BEING ES TABLISHED' IN HOPEWELL DIS TRICT WANT A dREAMERT. it j FTEINER'S MARKET.. Eggs IS cents- cash. Kkk llrf-ents cash. Ducks 10 cents. Turkeys It to 15 cents. 1 THE MARKETS. ! IORT LAND. Mar. 2.--Wheat Walla WallaJ 7if 7c; Rluestem, 8Sc; Valley, i Tiicoma, Mar-. 2. Wheat Market steady unchanged; lUuestem 8Sc; Club i San Francisco. Cal. Mar. 2. Wheat f-$1.40ftil.52.:..' V.'V 'Liverpool.'. Mar. , 2. -WheatMarch, 4s 2d. -i - . ? ; " Chitaro. !.lar. 2. Wheat Opening, nV477Ac: closing, 77M!77e. !l:irley 4Sfi:,3c. Via 1.1 2: Northwestern, $1.16. j Trli: MARKETS. The kc:I m.irxei rovtlons yester dov eie f11ow: Wlu-iit - 6!) -cnts. Oats-3K; rr bushel. Uarly--JJ0 per ton. i Hay Cheat. $1013; clover, J1013; tlii.otfiy. $1013. : Flour- 5c i $1.05 per sack. ; MUI Feed Bran, $20: shorts. $2L ! Hutter Country, lS25c; crearcery, 32l4Q,3rc. Kr-ks 13c cash. Chickens 10 cents. Ducks 10 cents. Turkeys 12 to 13 cents. , , Pork Oross, S34&6c; dressed, Beef Steers. 4f44c; cows, SVc; gtHMi heifers 3 to 4c Mutton Sheep, ZTi4c on foot. ' Veal 7iSc dressed. Hops Choice. 23ff25,c; frrcenish, Irime, ;24c, and upward. Potatoes 2"c per bushel. Apples 50 65c per bushel. Onions 40itl0c per bushel. Prunes 2tV42. : (From Sunday's Daily). i A large number of farmers from toe rural districts were in Salem yesterday i purchasipg. needed supplies. , On ac count of the good weather during- ithe past week they have oil been very busy sowing spring . grain, cleaning and pruning the orchartti, -and hopmen are busily engaged grubbing hops, a very laborious task, hut necessary, in order ( to produce the largest, amount of good Quality hops. T One farmer from near Hopewell stated that a new Ku 13,1 Free Delivery route from Amity, running to the Polk county line, had been estab lished February st, that a new tele- ? - - . ' - I rjrone line was belns: installed from the YOUnJT Win RObertSOn in TOilS Hopewell nelghooxhood to Dayton, and iuw uier wort? nmeavui ius K me creamery to start a route - in that neighborhood for Kafnealnar cream, as a great many were going Into the dairy business. Work is being carried forward rap idly on the new telephone line to Lin coln and Zena. from Salem," said J. R.1 Shepardseretary of the Polk County I Telephone Company, "and the poles aire tall set as far as Lincoln." He also i spoke of some new farming operations,! and said that ai large amount of Canada neia peas were being sown in spring valley. About 600 Utishels of peas will beaver dam landL, which Is more profit able for gardening and grain. ; He says the-grain Is injured'tn spots by the cold weather and the crops generally look rather ir for. tU's trlte f ar. but plenty of rain will bring It ut .11 right. Peoole in the neighborhood nre putting but large quantities of stra A wmes ndj small fruits, and fruit men are taung better care of th els orchards than for merly." and a large acreage ha been set out this winter. HIGHWAYMAN IDENTIFIED. DENVER, Colo.. .Feb. 24. Policeman John Ritchie, who was shot and badly wounded by the ."lone highwayman' while the latter-was la the act of hold Ing up a saloon Tuesday night last, one of many robberies evidently committed by the same person dsring the past several months, has positively .Identi fied Garfield Snyder, a Denver youth. as his assailant. The -police have ar rested two others on' the belief that they have, 'at different times assisted Snyder, by watching outside while , lie alone entered saloons and other places and robbed them. . . WAS ARRESTED FOR BURGLARY of thelLawiUpon That Charge- NEWS FROM WEST SIDE Woodmen of World Decide to Hold 'Carnival in ' . Dallas Salem's Best Store THE PIONEER ASSOCIATION WILL HOLD ANNUAL REUNION ONE DAT OF FAIR TWO MEN CHARG ED WITH LARCENY. FROM A DWELLING STOCK THRIVING. OF HAVING FORCED ENTRANCE . TO JACK RYAN'S BARBER SHOP, ON FEBRUARY $, WHEN SEVER AL VALUABLE ARTICLES WERE STOLEN THEREFROM. j . (From Sunday's Dally). Constable John H. Lewis went to Or- egon City yesterday morning wltn a warrant for the arrest of a young man named Win Robertson, and returned on the 11 o'clock train with his prison er; He wag arraigned at 11:30 o'clock in Justice of tne Peace E. D. Horgan's court, charged with ; burglary The hearing was set for Monday at 2 o'clock and ball was fixed, at $100, In default of which he was obliged to go to jail. The warrant was sworn out by Jack Ryan, proprietor of RyaH's Tonsorial DALLAS. Feb. 27. (Statesman Spe clal)w The w. O. W. have decided to have a carnival in Dallas the first of June and the committee on arrange ment la hard at work on the program. The, Polk County Pioneer Association will probably hold Its annual reunion be sown In the neighborhood, covering j on one day of the carnival by Invlta about 250 acres 8 of land. Thev are I tion of the W. O. W. committee of ar- rroHrn to a considerable-extent for hoe I rahgements. - The Dloneers will hold the feed, the hogs doing their' own thresh- ual exercises at the city park in the ing. and a good deal la cut as hay f or f forenoon and tne W. O. W. carnival to leearng cattle. Mr.-- isneperd introduc-1 ue me entertainment ior vne arternoon ed this crop in the -valley and has been growing it ror several tyears? He saidi -!- wargea with uarccny. the peas wolild sett for a good price,! ( Dallas, Feb.- 27, Last night George but were worth) much more for con Loutrell and Lee Dale were arrested on verting into choice meats.i the eharee of larceny In a dwelline on ' -'M'&.:.it. ;4 ; i I the ' complaint of Van' Moss. The com R. J. Srencer and ,Tom Nott, promlj plalnant sets out that he lost from his Inent prune growers of JOosedale, were I trunK zo at tne boarding house of W. . (ElkliM. in riiiltac that tin tnAlr tiAa frnm standing on the street corner. vester-, I. . ' . . . . V?. , r ... ' ' : . I tne inmt ana went to ms work: at the day enjoying the afternoon sun and! BMFOUII, GUTHBIE & CO, i r : - v 1 buyers and Shippers of i GRAIN Dealers In I ' v ' . ' - t Hop Growers' Supplies FARM LOANS Warehouses at TURNER. MA CLEAT. PKATUM. BROOKS. HAW. SALBSI. WIT7.EUIAND. HALSET. I DERRT. MFGRV OF "ROYAL" FLOUR- J. G. GRAHAM, I Agent i ". ' ' :u - :v-; . , 10? Commercial St.. Salem. 'when m. Statesman reporter happened Parlors, of this city, accusing him with " . T TT , i"""5 w e, ... . L w .1 Past year and the outlAokW the ruture burelarizinsr hl bjirhr ihnn on the I i ? . . night of February 8. r . Roberson is the boy who is suspected of having forced an entrance Into Ry an's barber shop during the night of February 8, at which time a couple of razors, hone, pair of shoes, umbrella, sawmill, leaving the $200, and on re turning found that the money was gone and on suspicion had the above-named parties arrested.'" No positive proof seems to be available. ;- -: Stock Is Doing Fine. ' , The good weather the past week has of great benefit to the goat and along.' Tom Nott Is a large grower and Is considered an authority on anything connected with prunes. ' R. -ji Spencer owns forty-seven acres of y fruit near Rosedale, but lives in Salem and 1 a heavy stockholder in the Willamette uVthrerrnonTnT.; Z'"" f. ia ' vjj uc iuwviMlOIl. WtU I IJI luc ttcauici ut llijfc lint:, last yearns crop. 4 They think this Is 'all I great luck Is being experienced inJ the inai avea tne prone industry and made I saving or tne largest per. cnt. or, tne it profitable. They have attained n I kids and lambs known for - several high degre of proficiency tin curing the i years. I ' The ranges are Improving to crop.-, and. the : Association carefully 1 some extent, but somewhat slow on ac- grades the prunes and packs them in the most attractive packagRe possible. and with 'an attractive label. 1903 i Suits, Jackets, Are Arriving Finest pf importations, newest and inost exclusive at terns, highest clas work, no exhorhjtant prices. . An early, inspection is invited. . . , N Hosiery Impro vement Will be found first at Holvrson'if. ' Novelties for Spring 'and " and Summer nov? shown in our Court street window are the '"v . .. ;:, - : ".,...,..- latest creations and are the correct thing for the coming season - T-' I WE WEEK'S BUSINESS REAL ESTATE OF MARION COUN t TT IS CONTINUALLY ON . THE MOVE. ..- 1 ed by Mr. Ryan as bootblack, and had a knowledge of the premises. This Is what caused suspicion to rest tupon him. The latch was so located that, by shaking the door and pushing from the outside It could be opened. Mr. Ryan acquainted Officer James Lewis with these facts and a few days later Lewis count of the frosty nights. ,mr: si-Min uuiuun ui tne crop. was in a position to find the best mar kets and create markets, not only sell Ins the present 'crop for a good price, but a demand has baen created for an established brand of Oregon prunes. ana m the future it will be sought arter. HE WAS REMORSEFUL t at first denied the charge and then con I f essed. " He was not arrested at the time, however, as Ryan had no desire j of prosecuting him. but .suspecting that i the boy, had accomplices, afterwards swore out the warrant for his arrest. Mr. Ryan said last night that he would not appear against Robertson in the trial, as,he had no desire of prosecut OLD PRESIDING ELDER OF CHI CAGO METHODIST CHURCH ATTEMPTS SUICIDE. CHICAGO, III, Feb. 28. Rev. Dr. J. M. Caldwell,' for many years the pre- s'ding elder of the Methodist church at Chicago, and now pastor of the Union to land them adc gentlemen said tnat a. prune! n' ii. w-lnever ent into their driers without I Avpnuc Vfthn.ut ,v. .ftnmi n c mniM, wccr, inai lie i y.a yt ,1 . ... I Z .. " "-'.-- v Is on the track of the accomplices and VT' 77.:" r"uu'f ney end ms life today by throwing himself ..v. ,,fc una uecu i m iront or a urand Trunk train. He very successfully, generally, although as unconscious when picked up. his leg re nms mey naa iwas broken and he was Internally in kivwiiik up . ineir trees. There Is a great demand bv outsiders for prune orchards and a good many sales have been made, but' it is thought mat tne orchards sold for a small fig his hope is to be able where they belong. A TEXAS WONDER HALL'S GREAT DISCOVERT. One small botUe of Hall's Great Dis covtry cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures dia betes, seminal emissions, weak snd lame backs, rheumatism, and all Ir regularities of the kidneys and bladder In both men and women, i regulates Jured. Dr. Caldwell was arrested last night on a charge of disorderly con duct. He left, his home this morning to answer V.im charge in the oolice bladder troubles Jn children. If not ditlons. even when Orchards in other sections suffer heavy , damage. Messrs. Nott and Soencer both own pear orch ards and were congratulating them selves on the bright outlook for a good crop of Bartlett pears this year. rmi rt a TtA i n c A Ain, .Kama . ll M.n.M.,1.. l 1 . i " wc.c, to. irwf. Aliejr are HOI train womea on account or warm weather starting the buds and then cold weather roiiowing. to the Injury of the trees, as the district' is on a northern slone and fruit Is seldom injured by climatic con SOME NEW POSTMASTERS. WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. The Pres Ident ,!oday sent the following nomina tions to the Seriate: Postmasters for Idaho John L. Chapman. Lewlston; Montana Hert O. Chewln. Great Falls. Oregon Marion F. Davis. Union: Ches ter A. Martin. Ontario. Washington John F. Kirby, Ritsville, and Howsrd M. Spalding. Goldendale. I INSPECTING THE REPAIRS W. P. RabcocK . the Salem Flouring Company's agent,' vent to Stayton on Sunday to Inspect the, work which is being' done to their ditch where It taps the Santiam. The recent floods washed the dam out and lodged a number of logs and considerable driftwood In tlw mouth of the ditch.. 1 "Workmen have been engaged on the repairs for. about three; weeks and will be busy another weekiyet. . ;-;-.-,.-: sold by your druggist, will be sent by mail on receipt of $L One small bot tle Is two months' treatment, and win cure any case above mentioned. Dr. j?E. W.. Hall, sole manufacturer. P. O. i Box (29, St. Louis. Mo. Send for testl- t monials. Sold by all druggists, and at SDR. 8. C STONE'S drug . stora. St lem. Oregon. READ THIS. Random Ore. Dee. . I J0L Dr. E. W. Hall. St. Louis. Mo. Dear Sir: have used your Texas Wonder for kldryy and rheumatic trouble. Its effects are wonderf uL It has ao equal and. I can cheerfully recommend It, Tours truly. j HARVET HOWE. MURDERER IS INSANE. BUTTE. Mont, March V 2. James Cusick. who shot and killed Thomas Baggs in front of the Elite saloon here last June, was today acquitted by a Jury In Judge McCleman's court, on the ground of insanity. : Cuslck will be examined by a commission, and prob ably sent to the Insane : Asylum at Warm Springs. . He took the verdict without visible signs of .emotion, and maintains a stolid Indifference as to his fate. : The field work of the forestry bu reau -engages 162 scientific men in 42 states. . - . ; Hs Raises Fins Stock. Thos. Brunk. of Eola, one of the most! progressive fanners in Polk county. A Serious Wreck. , Byracuse, N. Feb. 28. Th south western limited, on the New Tork Cen tral Railroad. west-bound,"was wreck ed at the East Syracuse yards tonight In a collision with freight cars and three tr tinmen lost their lives. The dead: Charles Babcock, conductor; J. E. Keeler, .brakeman; J. D. Gourley, brakeman. Three other trainmen were severely injured. , - " The Mississippi Raging. Louisville. Kr Feb. 2)1. enorts from was seen on the streets yesterdav in hlsi Metnnhis tanirtit ntatr that the M !!. usual Jovial mood, and talked for a few slppl river is nearly a foot above the minutes on his favorite theme of fine danger linea nd is slowly rising to the stock. To a Statesman reporter he levee top. The river men say the situ named the different breeds of fine ation there is assuming a serious as stock he-breeds on his farm, but after pect.- ' ;',-- he had named about a dozen, the ' " "" '" " . ; reporter lost the count. He w411 have! - BUILDING OF PURE GOLD. nothing but pure-bred stock on , Ihe ranch. . He recently imnorted a . ? after s sard ride, or a tiresome day. wbea the horses are (wssxklled sad ail is made snag forthe night, the GVlIIIO Z5D!LSbd"b?I whisVies are favorites with all prospectors, lumbermen, towrtsta, acd other travelers who fcrl the need of the ouietin?, restfalaad rcjtrmaUBcefiect of these, brands. o out.t ts complete wit boat them, and ia cases of emergency, they are worth their weight ia gold. CAns, CSVS CISTS. ClXr J mad CEAUZZ3. W.J. TAS SCBUrra 4 CO, bc..0U4riWtsn, PCmAMO. iRE. months-old Poland China pin from the r-ast at a cost of 8100 plus the express charges. Some time ago he J offeree) Winn A Mastin. of Mastin. Kansas,1 $1.- for a fine Poland China boar, and considers himself the loser because the firm -refused the offer. He said that sounded like a high price, but really mat was tne most profitable' kind to buy. and he buys nothing but the best. Mr. Brunk said that a large number or sheep were starving to death In that section on account of a shortage of pasture. The weather conditions throughout the winter have been un favorable for pasture growth, however, he is not suffering, as he is prepared for such an emergency with an abun dance of feed stored In his barns. Some damage was done to growing grain by the cold weather; but is only in spots, and the grain may recover, but If this dry weather continues . Mr. ; Brunk thinks the damage may be greatly. in creased. He-does J not : raise i much fruit. . but recently purchased the Beardsley orchard of Royal ' Ann cher ries, and is putting out about ten acres more or the same variety. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colov, Feb. 28. Van E. Rouse, treasurer of the board of Colorado commissioners of the St. Louis Exposition, is authority for the statement that the board will have no dimculty In securing the greater part of the 810.WJo.OOft of gold bullion to be Used in reproducing the State Capi tol in miniature at the St. Louis Expo sition, in an interview printed todav. Mr. Rouse is credited with saying that Thomas F. Walsh and James F. Burns; millionaire mine t owners of , Colorado, have agreed to loan the commissioners 500.000 in gold bars to be used In carry- k uui tne laea. ; , , The total considerations by which real estate changed hands in Marion county for; the week as shown bv the deeds filed with County Recorder J. C. Siegmund. amounted to $26,097. while the aggregate consideration of the deeds filed in the recorder's office yes terday, was $3309, as follows; Caroline Morton to Charles Hom , yer, 1775 acres of land in t 7 s, ? r 3 w.. w. d ,$l2i0 W, T. Grimm, et ux., to H. C. An drews, five acres of the Ewnlng ' Purvlne d. I. c. No. 1078 in t 4 s, ; r l w.. w. d Mary Ann Mack to the Board of Trustees' of the Presbyterian Church of Woodburn. v a small tract of land In Woodburn. ...... B. H. Colbath. to Louis Loos, et ux.. 4.07 acres of land in t S s, r 1 w.. s. d. . J. W. McKinney.'ei ux., to Orvil lie .Ballou. lots 1 and 3. in block 1. in Frickey's addition, to Salem, w. d. Joseph H. Miller, et ux.. to Augus ta C. Meshler, 2.10 acres'of land in. section 12. 't 4 s. r 1 w.. w. d.f . Irving Bunce. ei ux., to J. J. Kraps ; et ux.. lot 3 in block 2, Frickey's . addition to Salem, w. d.......... Willis Lerwill to E. B. Fletcher, .267 acres of land in t "6 s, r 2 w., q. c. d. Walter Lerwill Jr. to E. B. Fletch er, 267 acres of land In section 24. t 6 s, r 2 w., q. c. d. ...... -. ..... .. B. B. Colbath. sheriff, to John Wills, 45 acres of land In section 27. t 8 s, r 4 w., t. d B. B. Colbath. sheriff, to John Wills, southwest quarter of sec tion 2. t 10 s. r 6 e., containing 160 acres, t. d.. B. B. Colbath. sheriff, to R. P. Boise, lots 6, 7, 8. 9. 10. in block 4. Boise's first addition to Salem. t. d. 329 22S 200 163 &0 50 22 11 IN CIRCUIT COURT MAUDE CLAGOETT SAtS THOMAS DESERTED HER - AND SHR WANTS 'A DIVORCK. (From Sunday's Daily). Two complaints were yestfrday filed In Department No. . 2 of the State Cir cuit Court for Marion county. S'u' E. Claggett filed aij notion for diUm against her husband. Thomas F. tlsj gett. In her complaint she that they were intermarried at Salem. XH. gon, on the 15th day of February. Mt, . and that on or about June 10. 1ii0, the defendant wilfully and. without caus deserted her, -and for more, than ru year last past has failed to contribute anything toward the support of heme!! and their minor child. William t Cbj gett, the only lssi of their inarriH,. j The jlaintiff asks for a dK-rte f U ' court dissolving the bonds of matri mony existing between herself and tb plaintiff, and that she be grantel tf custody of the said minor child. Total. .83309 MUTINY ON THE PERSIA. HAVANA. Feb. 28. The crew of the British brigantine Persia, of Windsor. wncn oaa arrivea irom Hans-port.N- S., and Bah la Honda, mutinied and attacked her captain, 'M.. B. Cogs well, and the mate, Peter Pobleau. both xxova bcotians. j The mate was so bad ly slashed that he Is not exnected to live. The police boarded the vessel and arrested the three ringleaders, Harry Small, Canadian ; Jobn Boldes. Nova Scotia n, and Frank Kochlin. an En glishman. . To Set Asids Judgmsnt. Proceedings were instituted by Xet t! A. Scblader to set aside the r.tn. H- . lation and satisfaction of rworJ of a ; Certain mortgage executed by her hus band, .Theodore Schlader, now dece.m- ed, to the trustees of Silver Ltxlg, No. ' 21, I. O. O. F, of Silverton, Oregon, to secure the payment of a iumi5iorr note for $300, which note was later purchased by her; and the amount of Which she now seeks to reoover from the estate of her late husband. OFFICERS WERE ELECTED YEW PARK VOLUNTEER FIRE DE PARTMENT NOW SUPPLIED V WITH A HORSE. The Yew Park Volunteer Fire Com pany held its regular monthly busine meeting last night and the regular rou tine business was . transacted, aft which the annual election of officer was held. The only change from the old oflicers was for the infiitioii of ? ond assistant foreman, O. J. Howe I ing elected to succeed Gee. Deacon. The officers of the company for the en suing year are: " President, Oeorge Gr is wold. Secretary, A. F. McAtee. Treasurer. W. C. Hubbard. Foreman, Win. Sifgmund. First assists nt. T'nester Mce. Second assistant. C. J. Howe. ' The company now has a hcrse wits which to pull their hose cart, as one f the city, cart . horses is kept there t night for . their use in case of emer gency.,, , .: ; ....- :- . CASTOR I A 1 For laiajus and Children. Tfca Kind Yea Kai? khzji E::;h Mrs. De Parcq and Miss Marie Hurl but are iqj Oregon City visiting with Grain Injured By Cold. t? '"'"f8- r return J. R. Parvin. of th"!! l;,. !? Sf.lem Z0" ,n Tacoma. Miss was in the city -yesterdav AlthH i"uriDUl- ed with Mrs. De he live, "in the e one f 5 ' t "' U'U9t- "tu- . - rr"l " iniu ois- soon, to her homo in Whaom tr. ne nas none, on hi. place, It being ington. - - ' VMcEVOY RROR. CHICAG-O STORE . PEOPLE'S BARGAIN HOUSE This Week One Week's Sale ' i Remember at G o'clobk iSiturtlay night, March 7l!i, this sale ia ofiC I Only for one week i At 9c yd Embroidery, the best tliat waa'evtr offered. Bes for yourselves. Regular price 18c yd. . ? - Sale Price 9c 500 yds Mil) Ends ' Best Calicos. - Regular price 7Je. ! Sale Price 3 i-ac . 1 At 4gc Each Full size sheets, best quality. Iarpiice75c. - ' Sale Price 4qc Regu- At 19c yd Bilk Zephyr, ItelUrtliaa Hie tiwi"' made for wear. Rcgiiiar prit 35k Sale Price 19c At 8 1-3C yd White Check Nausook, eplendi'l cloth. Regular price 121c Sale Price 8 1-3C At 4c yd Coloretl Cheese Cloth, all eolow, V1' ty shades. . Regular price 7c. Sale Price 4c LOW PRICK MANUFACTURERS ,i . r , -.,-...-' T . . ' ' Court St., Saieb - 1 r