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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1903)
THE SESSIOlT - -.-... . , : .. . . 1 1 4 . Democrats Maintained; Their Filibustering Tactics J r TO BLOCK LEGISLATION And, After Nine IHcurs Labor ious Session; the House Took Recess V :: FIFTEEN ROLL. CALLS AND TWO CALLS OF THE. HOUSE AND -EVERT PARLIAMENT ART EXPE DIENT WAS ADOPTED BT DEMO CRATS TO DELAY MATTERS. - Spanish War period and the adoption Of the Senate amendment to two oth-j er jcoinparaUvfly unimportant meas- ' ures. i , LdliU I UlLLb rovided there .was a - surplus. The LOSS OF LIFE CAUSED Bf FRESHET NEAR LEOXORE CITY. TENNESSEE. I ; TRAIN WRECKED- : -. , WASHINGTON. Feb. 8-The Dem ocrats stuck to the filibustering pro gram in the House today, j The Demo crats forced the roll call on every prop osition and compelled the; reading tn ex tense of everything- presented. : " Ev ery parliamentary expedient was seiz ed to delay matters, and. at the end of the session of over nine hours, the House, completely' worn out at 8:03 o'clock, took a recess until noon tomor row (Sunday). j L There was no sign of the Democrats abating the opposition. The reading cktkb were exhausted by the day's strain; of trying to make themselves heard above the ceaseless din ahdjeon- f union on the floe. There; were fifteen roil cnlls and two calls of the House. The feature of the day was the past age of fr-.e : Senate Omnibus Public building IJili. with, the House amend ments, whi -h latter increased the total carried by the bill to over J 600.000. rhe leaders who opposed the bill did not attempt to defeat it, and It was imssed 205 to 26, under suspension of the rules, j . ; ilann (Republican) of Illinois, took rccasion mirtn? the debate; upon It to charge 'Vollwslm' between the archi tect and contractor of the Chicago Pub iic liuildin. fJanes (Democrat. Ten nessee), durjng the discussion of the conference report bitterly arraigned the authorities, for selling the "sacred relics- of the House, including, he said, the sideboard which, he said, had been presented o Mrs. Hayes by the W. C. T. IT., and .Which, he declared, was now reposing in . Washington brewery. Grosvenor (Republican, Ohio,) denied the charges. The net result of the ses sion was the sending to conference of the Naval and Fortiflcation Appropria tion Bills;! adoption of the conference reports on,' the Railroad Safety Appli ance Bill, j and the Military- Academy Appropriation Bill, the Postoffle, Omni bus Publiq Building Bill, .and. to settle m "fl.M ... .t... TO ' t in? ci ivuiui ui iue vtfcfr uuring ine LOUISVILLE. Ky, Feb. 28 The an nua) spring freshet which yearly does damage to the railroads and crops and at times inflicts loss of life, has left this season's impression on many parts of the South arter a tremendous two days rain, accompanied by high winds. Accidents last night and this morning. directly attributable to the elements, have resulted in the death of nine per sons and the injury ' of twenty-nine. These deaths, 'egether with, the long list of Injured,, were brought about by an accident on the Southern Railway early this rooming, when a train bound east from Chattanooga ran into a washout near Leonore City,' Tennessee. YERE. PASSED! J Senate took a recess n til 11 o'clock to ! morrow, when the-session will be-held for ;the purpose of delivering eulogies upon the . deceased members of the HoQse , - - . : , i , . .t By Fifty.SeVenth Ccngressj BEST IN MARKET Now Drawinir to Dose 1 look- out for agents claim- ' III ra A V M ! . 35 I ISh XV tm INQ MACHINES. , . PRACTICALLY AT AH END SHE WAS ROt DEAD .. ;- vv- .- .' UNpERTAKER ' PREP ARINO BODY FORBURIAlI WHEN ; ETE- LIDS TWITCHED. ' NEW YORK. Feb. ZS. Miss Edith Curzon. of Red BankC N. J, Is now re covering from pneumonia, after her family 1 thought her , dead. T She posed as. the Goddess of Liberty j In Red Back's Washington's birthday parade, and aught a cold which quickly pros trated her. Yesterday she died appar ently, and an undertaker was called In. As he was about to prepare the body for .the shroud he was startled to per ceive that the right, arm. which had tain ouisioe me oeaspreaa was - now drawn up near the 'face. The then no ticed an eyelid twitch, ; The family was summoned, work begun to k?ep alight the spark of life, and after a time Miss Curzon was able to notice what was going on. Today- she .-; is improving. with every chance of recovery. Only Appropriation Bills and Few Other ITeasures to Be Passed! u ' - ? AMONG BILLS PASSED WERE: DE PARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND ,s LABOR. -ANTT-REBATE ' ACT. TARIFF REDUCTION BILL, GEN ERAL STAFF BILL. : t MADE A REMITTANCE MASTER FISH WARDEN : TURNED $80 OF LICENSES INTO -, TREASURY. Master Fish Warden H. G. Van Dus en yesterday turned the sum of J6S0 Into the State Treasury, representing the amount of licenses collected in his office for the month of January on ac count of the following: j 48 individual licenses . . . . 4 gill-net licenses . . 97 set-net licenses 1 seine license (500 feet long) 25 dealers' licenses (1st class) dealer's license (2d clas3 1' dealer's license (fth class) ..S48 10 . . 97 10 . .250 '-. .15 ..250 Total .. :$680 list Y' riaw Ktr WASHINGTON, Feb, 28. The work of the present session of Congress, the closing of which marks the expiration of the Fifty-Seventh Congress, is prac tically at an end except for the pass age of the appropriation ' bills now pending, and these are in . the filial stages. - A limited number of other measures may) be passed during the last hours, but the number win-be small. Among the acts this session Is ' that creating the Department of Commerce and t Labor: T1 JLntl-Rebate r Act, known as tbeElkins law; a bill en abling the Attorney General to expedite suits' brought under the Sherman Anti Trcst Lawjax bill removing the tarlflt n coal;, the Genera) Staff Corps for ne United States Army and Militia CUt Measures of great importance to fhej Philippines have, been adopted. Then Anarchy Bill, providing for the protection, of the President. , Among the acts of the Fifty-Seventh Congress which were adopted at this tfsseion are the following: ' Authorizing . What constitutes the best sewing machine? . ' ... The best sewing machine is the one that makes the nicest stitch, and has the .most bale improvements. If an agent tries' to make you think be has' the best machine, ask him and make. him show you the following late improvements: Perfect chain stUch. Ball , bearing. ? vibrating joot pressor, , so you can sew on a circle and not draw the goods. Patented spool holder, so thread cannot break or entangle when dropping be low the spool. - v ": : :.;.-' . Fine stitch ru flier.' ; ' - ; " No agent can show you all these very Important improvements unless he has one of the Hew Model Late Domestics, as the Domestic is the only machine made that has all these late improve ments, and Is sold only by Geo. C. Will, dealer in Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. ; , NEWS FROM WESTSIDF The Dispute ; Oyer Pennant Between Dallas and Mon Mouth Colleges : : the const ructiorr of the Isthmian Canal providing Civil Government in the Philippines:: extending the.' Chinese Exclusion Laws; repealing war taxes; creating a permanent Census Bureau, and providing a system of irrigation for the arid lands of the West. ; FULI0N WILL BE THERE f ENATB MAT BE CALLED IN EX TRA SESSION TO ENACT TREATIES. IS NO NEARER SOLUTION THAN EVER REFERRED TO BOARD OF ARBITRATION" DALLAS AND WILLAMETTE ARRANGING FOR SERIES OF GAMES. . WASHINGTON. Feb. 28. Senatorial callers on the President today regard an extra session of Ithe SenaTe as prac tically inevitable. The determination of the advocates of both the Cuban Re ciprocity and the Panama Canal Treat ies to secure their ratification continues firm. ;' If they 'cannot-ratify them be fore final adjournment, of this Con gress they will do so at an extra Ses sion of -the Senate. That win be called fr the President to meet probably on March 5th. : -!' The End In Sights Washington Feb. 28. The Senate to day passed the Fortifications Appropri ation bill' and the .House Immigration bill with amend menta. , The General Deficiency bill, the last of tie appropri ation measures to be .; considered, was reported from the -committee. The greater part of the day was ' given ."up to the consideration of the . Aldrlch Bond Deposit bill, which was debated at length, but upon which a vote was not reached. --j .-- ni 4i-.;.-. . While the bill was under, discussion. Aldrlch said that the Republican -party would undertake a verduction? of; rev enues at the next session of Congress, SANTOS NOWl IN PR1SOX. ' :-. -MANILA,' Feb. 28.4-Oovernor Dancell of the Hial province has captured CoL Santos, one of the ladrone leaders, at San Jose de Natovos, a village five miles north of Manila, on a small isl and., (Governor Dancell learned of the Vhereabouts of Santos and surrounded the. house in which he was with police and constabulary, when he then enterr ed the house personally and made a prisoner of Santos, who has , been brought to Manila, j Colonel Santos was f the leader of the 14 rones in Rizal pro vince and a comrade of San Miguel. A reward of-200 pesos bad been offered for his capture. . -T . i . " . ' THET HAVE" HIM SPOTTED ' People livingin the vicinity of the Christian chtfrch are maing complaint that someone Ik wantonly shooting their ats. The party who did the shooting Is known, "and, he ywill surely get . into trouble It he continues to use cats as a target for his 22-rifle. DALLAS, Ore, March 2 (States man special.) The basket ball muddle between Dallas and Monmouth was re hashed by the league committee at Monmouth yesterday ' and ' without re sults farther- than to complicate. the matter more and . more. It is under stood now that the dispute as to which Monmouth or Dallas has won toe pennant, will be, referred to a profes sor, from each of - the league colleges. Prof. A- A. Winters will appear for Dallas.. The average reader of this unfortunate disagreement is somewhat disgusted at the' wrangle indulged ;in -.-- i by the contestants and their partisans. This,' however. Is eharacteriistieOf po litical, religious and other contests, when one party "to a contest, especial ly, attempts to act unfair, as is evident in this case, but Dallas, being a small college and in its infancy, without prestige, seems to be combined against by some of the older colleges, except Albany; .and McMlnnville -stand neu traL ' This r combination, is brought about H" is" said, by the ignominy lof being defeated by this - infant candi dt for college athletic honors, henre the7 bitter opposition of the. Quakers and th wards, of .the state. . ,x I ( 1 Dallas jvili, it is understood, with draw; from the league., refusing, posi tively to ever enter again! while Mon mouth is ecognized as a member. The secretary, of the leaeue. D. Poling, of the Dallas, team, yesterday at Monmouth, resigned the secretary ship of the. league, at the same time! staling that he was authorized to also withdraw the Dallas team from the league. ; His resignation was not ac cepted and the withdrawal of the Dal las team will receive further consider ation at a future meeting. J The possibilities spoken of are that the league may be reorganized and Monmouth left out. 'for neither Albany nor Dallas will ever play aeain with 'a thre games "two in three"- laltil f C Til 'i t "' n mi ... n . i iv. .... . u ... o a VIUI.UIS, na. If (I- third game is necessary. It is to t played on a neutral ftotir with tieutn.1 chiclals. : These teams are both - flm clasjKHind the games would excite great interest throughout the valley. To Oisposs of Pool. Dallas, Ore, March 2. (Statesman special.) The Polk County Mehair As. sociation will ..mee In Dallas Marrh 7th .'to transact Important business. n0. Ubly, to set the time of the sale of th pool of the Association. The pool a( present Is the fleeces of about 12.0i goris and ;will amount to about SOftoa or SO.OOO. pounds, ordinarily, but th winter , has bao unusually severe n the hill districts, and consequently i is supposed the 'clip will be somewhat lighter than ustf.i".' - Paid First Ta. Dallas, Ore March . 2. (Statesma- special.) E. C. Ryte. of Perrydale had the' honor of being first to pay tax the 1902 roll,, , Receipt No. 1 was issued him for the amount of 1 1,035. rehat. 131X5!'- "'h -i'J ' " " I. FTNi; ROADjS FOR WHEELING Tpe. roaus ax this fame of year were never better than now, and the ser.n Is correspondingly early with the whetl dealers. Fred Wiggins, the Implement man. reports that .his trade is ju?t 4 month ahead of. last year. Saturday he sold six bicycles and yesterday, four Evidently Salem's population will the wheels as much as ever this year. 'VISJT UH. JUHUAN'S CK(Tl IDUSEULJ Of fiHATOUY 1951 Mitizr rr, 111 r uscun. tu, i It WrA e..irem c any c4nir4 I K1tHlllWnMITatfcw, tau josoui oiscases cf mm A. I . JORD ft CO, 1051 Mariiat .. OR. STONES' DRUG STORfS The stores (two In number) are well stocked with a complete line of drupn and raedicJucs. toilet arUciea, ferftiuK erj, brushes, etc . dr. arose her. Both claim that she Is unfair, n-,IIas had some 25 jrars' experience ia sportsmanlike and-dishonest. J .'"tbe practice of medicine and now makes no charge for consultation or prescription.-- ' . , ITa firwm m nth tintn. IT. - v.---.. uiw. lie uriiuci buys on time nor sells on time. Led?. 9 I t.. 1 I I a . . " basket bail game between Dallas fcol- f b 0 cleetc-s ad'alrThi JEST? lege team and WlUamette University i J,mJ,'IT. i . ... r .r . . Arranging For a Series. Dallas. March 2. (Statesman ciaD--exotiationS are on foot fpe- for " ' ' . . 1 ii SSSBBSBBBSSSSSSSSSSSS tm . , , .. . , , t T . - , .fc., - - , . TT" " . - - - 1 " " TMnnriiilii-ii-ii- I lliiirniSssssssssssiSsMsiLssssssis II L -- , , ' : "r. S. - ift - .- . ... . . 4. -t- - . i """"ssssSbsssbsbsbsbbssbssss M II Gome- TalfcTiirthe Cows Sand&f s Disc j Are Better Than Other Plows They weigh less. ; They do better work, j They run lighter. ! They are simpler in construction. ! Thev have fewer taints, arid nartc iney nave no unnecessary adjustments Therer ia nothing put on them for the purpose of collecting patent royalty. They are strong and rigid with no . limber jointrmd no loss motion. Their frames are low down so that they 'run steady! They, drag everything down so can be turned under. , Their levers are in reach of the driver. The seat is. in lino with the disc and is at Hie rear end t hold the plow in the earth. They have the best adjustment for setting the scraper, which is very important. They have an easy ad justment for width of furrow. The weight of the plow and the resistance of tho disc is so evenly balanced that there is very little friction on the wheels. A square corner can bo turned without taking the disc out of the ground. - 1 . j The discs are set at an inclination so that they are drawn into. the ground without extra weight on the plow. The discs have a counter sunk hole in the center with a sleeve extending further back so that the disc bolt is even with the surface' of the disc and so ths disc will 'riot break out at the center. , - : t; The tongues are corrugated so as to be light and strong. They have ; broad ends and can be shifted where they are attached to tht fram so as to give a wide range of hitch and insure center draft r The disc bores : are made of chilled iron. The gangs have ,olid cast iron frames with steel beams. They are not weak and will not get loose.' Any farm hand, can operate them. ' " ", --- We Guarantee bur Plows. to db good work in any kind of fallow land and not to break in one year from defect in material, . . J , acts im YOU ; WA NT TO DOUBLE YOUR CROPS? Then Build up the run-down soil. utilize tne idle manure Pile, use a d iM mm - . i an r r I'. - !.' :- : .-- -.'- SBI I II r . ih-v vrw v"- "j. ,, i: v. SlW Multiplies the Yield The most labor-saving machine Ever Invented tor the Farmer. A Complete Machine, Jjtuit lor the Purpose. What It Will Do. . f Strongly ConstrnctpJ. -' TIiorou-hly Kfli.-imit. Spreads all' kinds of Manured rmes and rul Distributes it 1 a - . venzes it .-. ' :. ' ..' Makes it go;twice aa far as when spread by hand. I: v ' . fc re-nlated to spread thick or thin in halfWminuie. ' r 'uuiCT .a wu in irora j to 4 minutes. ! licht drafL not PTrsaiVolrr ; ,i..riii7iiI?V: " -Will ftnmaH -u.41. l a - : ' r 0 n Also used for sspreaing lime, ashes, coraiosL..eta With slow feed regulator. Spreads broadcast or-in rows. -I ''w-"l:A 11MIS Wis, Buis, Harness, mps,: , f cm '4. . i I ! f i - I i f