noz. HE CONDEMNS OPPOSITION TO SALEI iTXEKLT OREGON STATES1TAN. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 27, TO IMPROVE TWELFTH J c THE NEGROES JABOUR COMPANY WANTS TO RAILROAD .COMPANY MARINO A r HOLD CARNIVAL IN ALBANY, , THE SAME WEEK. SURVEY TO " ASCERTAIN THE STREET GRAD.3. CONDITIONS OF, SETTLEMENT Upon Which the Haue Tri bunal Shall Decide 4 Mi nil Senator s Tillman Appeals to Republicans of Senate TO OPEN DOOR OF HOPE To the Nero Would Shut It in the Face of the j Vhite Man - ENFRANCHISEMENT OF NEGRO, H E SAID, WOULD BRING ABOUT CONDITION TO FORCE WHITE PEOPLE TO FIGHT FOR SU PREMACYSTATEHOOD BILL WASHINGTON. Feb. 24. The In " dianola. Hiss.. jtofflee case occupied the major portion of the time of the t Se?jate today. Tillman spoke for three hours In continuation of his remarks bgun yesu-rday on the race question, and wai followed by Carmack (Tennes see. . The Agricultural . Appropriation Hill was also considered and the com mittee amendments were agreed to ex iur ouiruuuu riuer, wnicn was passed over. The Senate adjourned to meet tomorrow at 11 o'clock, "which, uinti omerwise ordered, will be the nour for convening hereafter. ine ballot of the negro. Tillman maintained, was a menace to good gov ernment, and the people of the North are coming to realize that the enfran M.m-inrni in nim bordered on crirn. f.' V 1 a.n- f A .. T . i . ...... ... me i-rniKirni x utterances that he was unwilling to shut the door of hope and opportunity In the case of the worthy and competent colored man, unman jpua at the first blush, there was no man alive who would not agree iu mai sir. tl ment; but he Inquired if it ever occurred to any of them that in "leuuiK in door of hope It might be snuuing ic m the face of the .white man, j ite regarded it as his duty to his state, De said, to stand forever oppos r" any. laea or political or social equality or the heart of the negro with tne wmie. m. ueg tr you, for Hod's sake," he said, facing the Republican side, "oof produce; an acute stage of hatred ALBANY, Or.. Feb. 24. Albany will probably have a Street Fair 'and Car nival, the coming summer. The dates proposed for the carnival are June 29 to July 4. inclusive, George L Hutch in', of Portland, is In this city, and yes terday evening met with several of Al bany's business men at the Alco Club to discuss the proposed fair He offer ed to bring Jabours amusement enter prises to this city at that time if the citizens grant the necessary conditions and concessions of streets and lots and Immunity from customary licenses and also assist in advertising the fair. The proposition was favorably received, but no definite action was taken, and Mr. Hutch ins will meet with a committee of representative business men at the Alco dub again tonight. The Jabour ag gregation was present at the Elks' car nival at Poit land and Seattle last yean Albany was selected as the place of ex hibition this year, 4ecause of its super-! ior advantages over ether Willamette valley cities in facilities for transporta tion. - . : ; THE INDEMNITY QUESTION Submitted in Protocol by Min- ..' ister Bowen to Judgt ' Penfield MUST BEGIN CONSIDERATION OF QUESTION BEFORE SEPTEMBER FIRST AND . RENDER DECISION IN THREE M.ONTH& BOWEN WANTS CZAR TO SELECT, AMENDMENT IS REJECTED When Division of House Commons Was Called of THE NATIONALISTS BOLTED While Unionists Stood Their Ground and Voted on the Question MR. BALFOUR DECLARED THAT BRITISH ARMY SCHEME WAS A SHAM AND HUMBUG AND THAT THREE ARMY CORPS WERE NECESSARY. f WASHINGTON. Feb. 24. Minister Bowen today submitted : the drafts of the protocol which he hopes will be signed by the allied powers, to Judge Penfleld, solicitor of the ; State De partment. A few changes were made, after which - Mr. Bowen prepared to submit the document to the representa tives of the allied powers. The proto cols specify the conditions under which The . Hague tribunal will settle the indemnity question. The features of the protocol for send' Ing the question of preferential -treatment to The' Hague, as proposed by Bowen, is that the court of arbitration is to begin .consideration of the ques tion by the 1st of September, and that its decision will be rendered within three months. President Coler and - ChJf Engineer CraadabL of the' Southern Pacific Rail way Company were In inference terday with the committee on streets and public property of the Salem city j council, the conference befn? for the I puii'h-e r determining the established j graJe cf the city streets. Tne ra.iTay eompafcy wishes to make some im- j provt in nts along its line on Twelfth street, and it was found that the grade i at th State street crossing Is six u(h es hiflrr than the street, -" to jl height of twelve Inches' at Cent r I strc. County Road master Y. J. Cul- I y?r yesterday assisted the rai'rtad i company's engineer, who wa3 making j a survey to establish the graule of the streets in order to ascertain If the- corn- pan could afford to conform to it. in finding some of the grade stakes and in othesways to facilitate the wort, end . it is expected some conclusion will soon j be reaced When the company will pro ceed with improvements in the -way of leveling up and otherwise beautifying Its property in thatpart of the city. Jul for Infants and Children. The Kind You ILvo Always Bought -lias borne the ftlgua. : tare of Chas. If. Fletcher, and luU been insula tinder hU personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one to deceive yott ii thbt. Oinnteffeit-M, Imltationa and Jst-a.,-rfod, are but J3xierimeut., and endanger the health f Chdilren-Hspericnco aga-it lixperlmenw The Kind You Have Always Bought 7 1SC3S3 iuc aignaiuro oi In Use For Over 30 Years. ARE STRICKEN WITH TERROR re at ffffer Eruption of Colima Volcano Causes Great Alarm AMONG MEXICAN PEOPLE Wants English Language Used. Washmgton, Feb. 24. In its Incom plete state the protocol wTiich will serve as a pattern for all three allies has not yet been made public, but It is understood It will probably . provide for the conduct of the! proceedings at j ue nague in me Kngiisn language. Wants Czar To Nam Them. Washington, Feb. 24. Mr. Bowen. I : the Venezuelan plenipotentiary, has , : ! proposed to the allies that the Czar of J I Russia be asked to name the three ar- UJ.NDON, Feb. 24. When . the de-1 bitrators who. as The Hague tribunal. bate on Mr. Beckett's proposed amend-' Bhan decle the question of preferen- nai in-aimeni. . ine suircrestion has First Outburst Occurred Sat urday and Was Repeated Again Yesterday WAS THE MOST VIOLENT WHICH HAS OCCURRED IN YEARS, FOL LOWED BY A SEVERE.EARTH QUAKE SHOCK CINDAD CUZ MAN AND TUXPAN IN 'PERIL. which will bring the. two races togeth er with the resolve of the whites to Je in rder to reUtin their supremacy.' ' Will Withdraw the Rider. Washingion, Feb. 24. After adjourn n-ent f the Democratic, caucus today Hie Democratic members' of the Com inlttee on jVistofflces met the Republi tun members or that committee, who nuve hecn Tiiendly to Statehood. They decided to task the chainr.een of the to committees on PostoOlfs andAgi ri ulture, tor 'withdraw the Stateioxli ment to the address n reply to the King's speech was resumed in the House of Commons today the attack on War Secretary Brodriok was continued. Winston Spencer Churchill. Conserva tive, declared Mr. Brodrick's expeeta nons nau only been realized In the decrease' in the" number of volun teers and in; the decrease, of expendi tures. There were, he sal.l rta.w bayonets and sabres In the British army in proportion to the number or Generals than any army in the world except the Venezuelan." tTHe' speaker fuHherUleclared that the"1 whole army scheme was a "hum tug and a sham" and was only intro duced with the oblect of miiirai-fain ngland. He asked where the Oov- leen approved ment. by the State Depart. miwviuj Lur, Mex, Feb. 24. The news of violent eruption last Saturday r?der, which the committees have ptae- el in two Appropriation Bills. They alfo decidd:to continue the fight for me utnnibus BUI as it came from the il'mw, without amendment, but not to J rnmeTlt Peted the three surny corps :intaponiel the Appripriation Bills or me executive business with it. ine maicaiions are very strong that mw quefuon win receive very little If any consideration during the session, and even the best friends of Statehood! KvncTaily admit that there is no chance of success at this time. Notice or the withdrawal of the Statehood iiner irom ine Appropriation- Bilis will be given tomorrow. Germany Has W Doubts. Berlin. Feb. 24. The German for eigm oflice attaches no Importance to the request made of Mr. Bowen by Herr Baltazi, the former German Charge d'Affaires. at Caracas, for the immedi ate: Da Vment Of X?7 r.fift fnrntlnv V.o ., I installment of the sum to be paid tolrea:t slze were eJ?ted and flames shot Germany by Venezuela, but which ishKh into the sky. When the alarm not due until March 15th. Foreien I wa)l iveri there began to fall showers of the volcanic of Colimg is confirmed. The eruption of Saturday was violent and startling and much alarm. was felt by those in the vicinity. At Jlrst it was believed that the top of the moun tain ' had been blown oft. Stones of The Democrats Filibuster. Washington. Feb. 24. The House to day passed the Philippine Currency Bills, accepting the Senate Bill so far as It related to the islands. ' The com mittee amendment striking out the in ternational; monetary conference was agreed to. ) ' The contested election case of Wag oner vs. Butler, from Missouri, was un der consideration for a timek and the Democrats J b in to filibuster which tliy threatened to continue if the case was continued. The case was with-I lniwn with the agreement that It not to conie up until Thursday. Is m .varrrnuru Japanese merchants outnumber the Russian 1 to one. S flowing 1 . .. f Some people bwrfa iHl O fr to 6bow -Ke Uin M. J 0 ; the meridian of life ' 1 t i ' is reached, or they nave lived out half their days. They are preraaiurei j Kray, haggard and sickly, and seldom free from an acLe or pain of uoie oescripiion. ; Cold feet, chilly sensations, stiffness to muscles aul joints, weak stomach and poor digestion, lack of energy. d drows iness, nervousness, etc.. show Uiat old age nas oeen reacoeu aneaa ot time. Bad blood and weak circulation more often produce these miserable feelings and signs of de ray than anything else. An inherited taint or poison of some descrip- y tion is at work in the srs- N7v'" tern, causing stagnation and a general nnheslthy condition of the blood; and this, and not the weight of years, is drag- " .-" ww a ij ma uoinneiy oia age and wuuij; juc pnnnnea lonare, ; ; L'jt. Mnfinf. 1. LT. . J . 1 . K" "s vHMt ana toning tip the circulation nothing is equal toS. S. S. " iremoves irom ine system all the waste matter that has been accumulating for years, and makes the blood rich and pare, stimulates the appetite and digestion, and invigorates the entire body. SK?' f ? Purely vegetable remedy, and the best purifier and tonic for old peo ple, and those who are beginning to show age because of the run down condition of the blood. With rich, pure blood there is w reason why old people should not re tain the happy disposition and buoyant (T o cerous sore.Rheo tnatism, or any of the ailment toon to old age, write na about it, and our Physicians will advise you without cb arce. Book on Blood and Skin Diseases free. Tlss Swift Specific Atlasta, Ca. intended for foreig-n Iservice i to onera- it whs not . in south' Africt ?nd such a force was not needed on the In dian frontier. They certainly could not contemplate the three army corps uperaung m Canada, for .tho United States was "no more 'prepared to in vade Canada than Great Britain was prepared to invade the United States." Mr. Churchill .idded amid cheers, "and long may that salutary neglect." v . . ' Amendment Rejected. London. Feb. 24 The House of Com mons tonight finally rejected by 261 votes to 145. Mr. Breckett's amend ment to the addrena. tho forma n.t,i-i. ' v. n lilVil were tantamount to a censure of the War Secretary. Mr. Broderick. The revision revealed fewer defec tions in the Unionist ranks than hart been expected, only about a dozen Un ionists voting against the mean n re- while the Nationalists abstained, walk- ins out In a body when the diviian was called. V j Mr. B:ilfour contended that three army corps wre necessary for work! outside of the Empire. conswer tne defense of India. He re garded war between England and Bus sia as in the highest degree Impossi oie, out 11 was Impossible tn tnrvo Secretary von Richthpfen sent no such Instructions to Minister von Sternberg, and it is assumed that there has been a misunderstanding In the matter The Foreign Office - does not' doubt'1 that Venezuela will strictly carry out the terms of the protocol. YCU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAK ING Vhen you take Grove's TaateUss Chill Tonic, because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply iron and quinine in' a 'taste less form. No cure, no pay. DEED OF A COWARD HIGHWAYMAN TOOK $3 AWAY ! FROM A LITTLE GIRL AT OREGON CITY. . Br- (Sunn's household Physician Or Home Book of Health TO BE GIVEN AS A PREMIUM WITH Tivice-a-Week Statesman . . . - - . . THIS IS OUR OFFER: THIS BOOK WITH THE STATFS'. MAN ONE YEAR $3.25; OR BOOK ALONE $2.50 HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY TO GET A VALU v ABLE BOOK AT SMALL COST. of ashes and finally, pulverized rock. Recurrence of Eruption. Mexico City. Feb. 24. At 5:15 o'clock p. m. today the most violent eruption of the Colima volcano which has oc curred in years, took place. At 2:26 p. m. there was a severe earthquake shock at Tuxpan and a heavy pall of smoke hangs over the entice vicinity. Both Cludad Cuzman and Tuxpan are near the volcano. OREGON CITY. Feb. 24-Nona Chap Pfl. the 12-year-old daughter of Mrs. A. N. Snider, of this city, was held up and robbed of 36 Saturday evening by an unknown man. Mrs. Snider, who lives In the parsonage of the Methodist church, on Railroad avenue, sent the little girl about 7:30 o'clock in the even ing to Robertson's grocery store on the bluff, to pay a biil. The little ir! wrapped the money in her handkerchief before leaving home, swinging it as she went along the street. When coine un th s...w.nt. They had to street steps leading to the store, a rath er tan man. wearing a long, black over-; J coat rcachtni? tr his t.ABi , . ' reuora nat passed her. The little girL Circus Car Bams Burned. Bridgeport. Conn., Feb. 24. Fire par tially destroyed the new brick barn at the new winter quarters of the Barnum & Bailey Crcus here today and burned a number of cars belonging to the cir cus. The, loss is estimated at $100,000. Great excitement was occasioned dur ing the removal of fourteen elephants which were quartered in the building adjoining the car barns. HAD NARROW ESCAPE C. H. PEARSON ALMOST PERISHED , IN THE SNOW IN THE . T " MOUNTAINS. ' The only compfcu household guide anJ reliable, genuine me leal book ever pus. llshed. Every disease to which the humas race Is subject is ful-' ly treated in thlsx haustlve volum New diseases. Treat ment and Theories which have appeared within the last few -years, and which a re not even mentioned In other so-caMrd medical books, are herein discussed, and the treatment an remedies set r.. such as Bacteriology. Appendicitis. Tuber culosis, iIypnou Venereal and snm Diseases. La Grippe. Nervous DUeaaca. eu; , Treatment and curt of every disease ! Men and Wonfic n ani "-...iuren. The alm Plest and best reme dies; minute direc tions In case of wounds, seal da. burns. iiniu..n v,. tunstroke. fits, falls, sprains. bruUea; also for ,:v. croup, cholera, etc It describes the cause, the aymptoms, the nature' the fF-J tment and the remedy cf every disease which affects humin- uy. Yeause on ln raxaions and Emotions, such as Love Hope Joy Af- f f eOUSy' r!ff' FfaI' Desra1'' Avarice. Charity. Che'erfuins,. Vhpvr Ing the Influence of the mind on the body: eminently nitat.A ! II? V j if - .J 'V fit it i-- : 1 ' ii, : 11 j phobia. people rection to tne tact that Health tdependa to a great dearee unon the nrm-r m. and control of the passions and emotions. , Essays on Intemperance, Use of N Tobacco. Sleen Exercise, Coldf Baths, Etc. ' SPEC1 A L LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN ihVt k "t a, , ,mrfsble - forget never dreaming of losing her money that the Indian frontier was the key to went on her way swiniT Great Britain's military position in'the The jingle of te - coFn aUracted Thrar fnTan ,'!UCh ? lthut -nion of the man. and, plaina hind! Ing an alarmist, he wished to Impress kerchief over hi IV . . ndT Impress moved rapidly upon them that events In Central Asia. "We had to consider." continued the tTemier. "now far the strateieni -r vl ussia improved -, year year." , by LOCATED CLAIMS TWICE TIMBER CRUISER PLACED EAST ERNERS ON CLAIMS, i THEN LOCATED OTHERS. -v , v inn Urr flH I Hi' ttm tivriA.l - tuiucu aim met the little glrL In a gruff voice that almost frightened the little girl 'into hysterics he demanded the money and Nona yielded without a moment s hes itation. The highwayman then order ed Nona to walk to the top of the bluff while be ran down the steps and soon """ aisappearance. As soon a the little irl thought it was afe ahe ran norae and told hw i.ri her parents. The police were at once noiinea ana thoueh a rlrxo wh itepj, no arrests have been made Colorado is to have a Sl.000.000 beet sm ptani. "te Materia Mediea, or list of the nrlnrir..! i 1..41-- .'Jt1 r;a1tS' h3.nd vegetable remedies; description of each; w 10 Pri"ve same; their preparatloa when to be gathered; , A Cmi nearly where found for use, nI for the Sick. Treatises on Anatomy, Tbyslology and Jlf S!; "If f- an,1,K?l,r5r Kconomy-Ventliilion. Pure and Impure Air, ruHIi n at,if- Draina infectants. etc.. etc. Physical Culturet and Development, etc Address Is ..v.jj.ui.avj, ure. Keb. 5 a r i u,u"1 aso twenty-seven i fa AM nt. M . . . t v . ..v ! . I n mis city and located on tlm- wr vuums inirtV-five tnilM w. v.,... Aiier Dnndiner their according to law, they returned to thelrl nave since made tK r,- I sary visits to their i-mtww!... -it Saturday they aeatn Mt ki. . their claims a.nd. arriving there, found pennies dont buy an inferior that a party of nmni -a I ' IH. Ore, had Jumped most of their THE ODD PENNIES. For the sake of saving odd v .a. uHng possession and break " mto tneir cabina Wont wo. to the remainder of the nartv in m- Jiy, no armed themselves and left weuurK eunaay morning with the In Of Of emulsion when you really need bcotts Emulsion. The difference in price is tentlon of regaining their claims by Pennies. The difference in re force. "The hmnla V,nu . ' . I , any serious trouble between the par- sults IS DOUndS pounds Ues. but It is likely that if Tlmbe m 1 ' , Cruiser Thomaa Strader is found that "eW Tlesh and days ; parun, wm oeai rather rmiffhiv I,.. .1 . - ' . with him. a, he is the cn., strenirth and comforf ' cated the last parties after having I TL , ' built the cabins for the Easterner ? 1 hOSC who have lof flpsri asserts that his aervlces have never L, . ' . been paid for. but all th !!! lCan regain it more nnirlrlv hxr Pie hold receipts for money naid rnTK e J J construction of thelrrna, " ""l m( ot Scott's Emulsion fall of Water nJt (than in any other wav. 20W feet t-vT . - - The highest Power is that Switzerland. . EbOENE. Or, Feb. 24. C. 1L Pear son a Bohemian miner, whiie in .i ..... s "ijr 01 a trying ex- ..r-.Ke wnicn ne recently had In the mountains on his last trip out from the mine where he has been nnrki- -He started from his cabin, early in the morning, expectine- tn r,iA is known as Ridge Hotel the same ev ening. The snow was from six to fif teen feet deep and he had difficulty in making progress even on k : But ao add to the'difflculty he had the! iii.sionune to break one of hi. . wier crossing the first ridge "" uia caoin. iux-iueni ne wint nimi push forward. Instead of returning, to duin, as prudence would dictate. r nauowea along through the progress beinr verv slow nni 1 .ri... n,nt.Vwas approaching, he nought WEEKLY OREGONlAN. rv.- e7 !!-tha-- TW'-A-WEEK; STATESMAN, p.; y..V. log; Having secured plenty of Wood 10 aeep a nre. he spent the night in comparaUve comfort in his nole In the "c puHnea on with great difneulty. helnc rvalron w.. "i5ad tht reachedX ?G 'NJ5"?fN, per year.. ue oiei nouse. where the thanked his tucky stars that he had escaped (.uiiiB ! we snow. Statesman Publishing Co., Salem, Oregon BJSITMO LIST ' '- - or THE Twlce-a- Week Statesman OUR PRICE, BOTH PAPERS.... PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, per year.. TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year. : $1.50 v ............. i ....... ..$1x0 BOTH PAPERS.., $17f ; ft.oo VM G. A. R. ENCAMPMENT OFFICIALS DECIDE IT SHALL BE HKLD THE WEEK OF 1 AUGUST 17. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb W-.r,. i nomas j. Stewart. rnm,.l i Chief of the Grand Army 'of the Rerub- - .uviiiuriB 01 tne National r-. 11 . . .-.v..iwi "v """iiraiion who are accompany ing him on his tour, and the wai mutee in charge of Drenaration. r, coming National enmnmM fded l bold the encampment'durlng "T t""- uu' 'tickets will be oy me raUroana. An... . and-they will be good for stopovers in both coming and Koine. Th ti. . I 11, . . . . : - in pruuaoiy pe sixty days. ; I , Tfc. Aw...f .uuve committee win tw Am. powered to Invite President Roosevelt rr 1 I, 1. 1 - aarri a.i Stewart and party will leave for the East on Thursday by ' the SnhAn, ! TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, par yaaVV.. V" BOTH PAPERS..;..:..... HflARns niiovutu TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN. per yaar". ".'.'"" '""yj$j BOTH PAPERS.,.. J WEST POULTRY .rniiOMAi 'I''''.''' TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMa7iV pr yaVr; 'V. -vih rnrtna.,,,,,...,..,,,. . 4At THRICE-A-WEEK NEW VARif uno. "" ''f - TW,CE.A.WEEK8TATEiMAN;..Vr..?"- . . . .$ -50 ....1J0 BOTH PAPERS MCALL'S MAGAZINE (Ineludi .........$1.65 BOTH PAPERS... .....$13 Si ,?Z??.,lf'?''sss to Marry, lot, SV smi pzxtmax. Cure lst Manhool, lm vous t wiifihi ?VrKST.J'll,.(.H', .of Dl- frt 1 1 chat., Stops r .1 SCOTT ft BOWNE.Cbemi. 40, Parf St. N. i m ify 1 1 1,,,, 1,4. U SALE SJ Z. J. RlUUa. DHUOUIST. SALES2, OIU3GOK. 4 " TT