u WEEKLT OREGON STATESMAN,, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1903. VICTORIES ! )BEE?EALSE According to Despatches From the Kevolatlonists VL me uuiiaers Association ? signed an agreement to pay the men a wage of JS per day for eight hours work, double I pay on Sunday and holidays, and time ; LOOKING AFTER HIS SEAT. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2L-MX. Reed i Smoot,.. Senator-elect ; from Utah, ar rived here, tonight.. He expects "to re main hem until , Congress adjourns. AN EPIDEMIC OR SHOOTING Multiplicity of Murders From Several States ; : VENEZUELANS DEFEATED In Attempt to Break Through Center of th6 Refcel ! Forces" "' THE HUMBERTS WON NOTABLE VICTORY fIX, SECURING JUDG MENT AND ACQUITTAL. AGAINST M. CATTUAI--GERMANY SATIS FIED WITH NEGOTIATIONS ' VICTORY FOR CORNELL. CAMBRIDGE, 2&uU Feb.' 2L Cor nell defeated Harvard at basket ball, to night by a score of 15 to , 1 " v UNITED STATES MARSHALL a fit of violent rate, Is on the road to recovery,. 'The dressing on the head of the posonous crtatare has been re- hewvd -with considerable? dibcvlty. As a suns' from the reptile means death, the operation of applying a dressing to me eoora is a most perilous task. 1 CHIEF JOSEPH LUNCHED. WASHINGTON, ; Feb, 21. General Miles today gave a. luncheon, in honor of Chief Josepn, of the eNz Perce In dians. .. - . The slow paying tenant is-likewise a rapid mover, . , . k i THE GOVERNOR WAS SUSTAINED Vetoed Bill for the Establish ment of Summer Normal " - tNewport"-! Engaged in a Pistol. Duel on 5 the Streets of Jasper Arkansas V5 71:; ONE MAN KILLED AND ANOTHER "DANGEROUSLY WOUNDED ER NEST HAYWOOD KILLED LUD LOW SKINNER IN NORTH CARO LINA . WfCLEMSYAD, v Island of Curacao, Feb. 2L Advices received here from the revolutionary sources at Tucacas. Venezuela, say ' that the recent en gagement between the . revolutionists and tha Government forces north of Baruulsmeto; was a small affair and that the Government troops, who In tended to force their, way through the center ; of the - revolutionists,, were driven buck.1 All, the victories recent ly claim d by the Venezuelan Govern ment are, according to advices which have been received! here, absolutely fa lxc. j , HOUSE PASSED THE BILL AGAIN OVER ; THE VETOw BUT THE SENATE SUSTAINED HIM REP RESENTATIVE; JONES, ; OF LIN COLN APPEALED- . Humberts Are Acquitted. I'arlw. Feb.! 21.T&e Humberts scored their first notable success today when th Ninth ('migrrcKHional Chamber an nounced their acquittal in the libel suit brought' against theni by M. Cat tuiti. a bunke r." .The costs of the pros ecution wcr assessed against M. Cat tual. j i;The court delivered a lengthy judgi men t, ' the main uoint of .which was that tlie tvidt-nce had failed to show bad faith on the part, of the Hum berts in cruuging M. Cattuai with uaury. The (Jovernment especially ac quits Frederick 'Humbert. M me. Hum bert and Marie Daurig, her sister, fvho were the chief persons accused. Germany Is Satisfied. Berlin. Feb. 21. Prof. Ernest Von Itallo, of the lierlin University, dis cussing the Pananiii Canal, says Ger many's interests will be better suited inrouen t he present solution than . if the canal were .built by France or by an international company i Pope Leo Enjoins Catholics. I London. F.-b. 21. A Ospatth to the Central News from Roma says the I Fow has sent letters to the clergy in Macedonia, and Albania,, instructing I them to enjoin all Catholics to abstain irom political agitation. (From Sunday's Daily). Friday: morning Governor. Chamber Iain returned 'House Bill No. 113. by Jones, f Line oln, to the House of Representatives with his veto. This was a bill" for the creation of a sum mer Normal School at Newport, and pasred both houses about a week ago. Representative Jones at once called the .bill up and made a strong plea to the Republicans of the House to stand with him 'for the support of the "bill i which he. said was one .of the -most reasonable of measures that had been presented to the Legislature and would fill a demand that had become more evident and urgent each succeed ing year for the past few years. His plea was not in vain for all but seven of the Republicans stood with him and the bill passed the House over the Governor's veto with , one '. Demorat (liurleigh. recorded in favor of it, but the. bill met its Waterloo in the Sen ate, wnere me uovernor s veto was sustained., i : The Governor's veto follows. "I return herewith House Bill No. 113 with my disapproval,. The object thereof Is to establish a State Summer Normal .School at the town of New. port, Lincoln county- , ' "In my tmeaage to the Legislature I suggested the propriety "of reducing to two the number of normal schools DALLAS. Tex, Feb. 21. A special to the Kews from Eureka Springs, Ark, says: . In a pistol duel on the strets of Jas per. Newton county, today. Deputy United States Marshal J. D. Keyes, was killed, and W, A. Hudson was danger ously wounded. Hudson. who Is a res ident of Jasper, was discharging a pis tol in the streets when Keyes and City Marshal William Allen attempted to ar rest him. He opeend fire on Allen, who returned- the fire, shooting Hudson through the body.: Allen, though unin- jured as a result, dropped to the ground Hudson then fired . at .Keyes. shooting him through the body. f Keyes walked several blocks to his home and. died a few hours later. c v AN INFECTION OF THEIVES Two Hold-Ups in" Salem Su- burby on Last Satur r . cay Night "" . I - - f ' i ' 1 I i ii , , , , J1J Urv I. -".irtr". J . for Infants and Children. -.-- ' - . Castorfa is a liarraless snbstitnto Tor Castor Oil, Iar -fioric, JDrops and Soothing Syxwps. It is Pleasant It . contains neither Opinai. Jlorpluuo nor 'other Jiariotio ' ncbstaiice. it destroys Worms aiKl allajs" l"cTrijshness. . It cnre Ilarrlta?a and "Wind Colic, it relieves Teeth. J njr Trouble and cures Constipation. It rresrtilates the Stoniaeh and liowels, givinsr bealthy and natural bleep. The Child ren'js lauacear-Tho Mother's Frleod The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature ci ; ' Murder in Raleigh, N. C. 7 Charlotte.' N. C- Feb.. 21.-A special to the Observer from Raleigh. N. C, says: . . . - At 4:20 this afternoon, when ttn Fa yetteville street.. Ernest Haywood shot and killed Ludlow Skinner. Haywood is a grandson of the late State Treas ured John. Haywood and one of -Ral- cign s icaaing lawyers. KKinner was a j grandson of the late Dr. Ludlow, of New York, and a son of Rev. Dr. Thos. E. Skinner, of Raleigh. At least 100 persons must have seen the shooting. . Haywood was committed to Jail for murder. The rumor here is that the tragedy grew out of a reported secret marriage in the family of one of the; men concerned. ' TWO MASKED PSEUDO HIGHWAY MEN FAILED TO MAKE THEIR BLUFF WORK UPON ONE VIC TIM. BUT RELIEVED THE OTHER OF HIS VALUABLES. ' IN NATIONAL CONGRESS PEN ATE CONSIDERED COLOMBIAN CANAL AND THE HOUSE CURRENCY BILL. assured meets flth the approval of a majority of te the taxpayers of the state, the Legislature has not only not seen fit to act upon it, but on the con trary proposes to add to the burdens of taxation another .normal school to be located at NewportJ The proposed school is for the benefit of the teach ers .of the state rather than for the children. In the very nature of. things WASHINGTON, Feb. 21-The Senate -l:! . 7!? . FDent nrarlv th. .ntirf.vi I V 1' - """ uniage or tnis session. It M iea ! " Thursday . th. .... " """""SUW iaDUsneL, U looks as recewi instead of adltmmlnr n,A Senate met at 11 o'cloW onTn thl "!"r!0nrat?er . tha . ultimate doors at f? hn,i lue Pope or me state would de I, C:.., t , "M tt" ""ur rive therefrom. i ""''f ui ivuune ousmess, consisting j of the presentation of petitions and re ports, introduction of hill on,i v. Jng of the unobjected bills on the calen- at!ons made by this Legislature have I dar. Upon, renitnins executive session! ,ncreased rather tha" diminished the tne Colombian Canal Treaty was taken! "" ana unaer ruese conditions I up., Senator Quay had a report read! 11 ald blu to you (with my veto. ana senator Pettus spoke at some length. Senator Piatt (Conn.), also discussed the treaty. At 4: 30 the Sen ate, adjourned until Monday at 12 o'clock. , , j . . : . : ' In Fit of Jealousy. supported by the state, but tati of . 21. incensed by followlng this suggestjon. which I feel I JlriH."-- .t "8 w.,a toL tauy Diind.. mortally wounded Mn. Hugh Smith, of Blackbear. by firing two snots into her breast and then took his .own life by blowing out his brains with the third bullet. - The tragedy oe curred at ,hi room in a lodging house of this cly, ,The womanas in. the iiaun. ox visiting mm each - week and wnen she missed coming occasionally the man grew angry. He received his blindness "py ; a faulty,, blast in the Standard 'mine a year ago. He fa 23 she 30. She has a husband and four children. u Sheep Tender Killed. Boise. Ida, Feb. 21. A special from Bliss to the Statesman XaVfl that C 1 BlJ. W rijrhL A. Shfn amrt ranr1a ine burdens of taxation are al-i I and killod mnmtn m IB nl lltllfii MJ W M I L IIM ri 1 1 ri I . reaay neavy enough, and the approprl- er. a herder. The tragedy Kr filpjant reply, when iLVh.- Ci.; Two hold-ups -are reported to have taken place in Salem late Saturday night, one in South Salem, of j which James Walton was . the victim, v the other being Herbert Burton and the placer of robbery East Salem. r. Mr. Walton, formerly a clerk In the Ladd & Bush Bank, of this city, and who has been up from Portland for a few, days? visit with his parents had occasion to be over . in South Salem Saturday night," Upon hs return trip. after spending the evening with friends and as he was nearing the Hurst resi dence, he was accosted by a couple of straingers who commanded hiin'to halt. He ( gently complied with the request. whereupon the strangers proceeded to go through his pockets. One of them was in the act of takinc th -otK from fiis vest pocket when Walton dis- coverea tnat the article which one of the highwaymen held near his head and . which n t . . . . ai jii&i isKen ior a revolver was but a harmless piece of wood or iron, and. thinking the hold up only a bluff, struck at the one who had hold of his watch, and at the same time called for help, when both of me ruoDers made off in the darkness ' This was near 12 o'cloek and Mr Walton says, both men who appeared rather young, in years, wore black masks. Tbey did not succee j in secur- oujiuiuK or value, ami i,,s from their actions, were novices at the In Use For Over 30 Years. gailxg !lrwi!J!ZZ ' w USUI'S oiisehoSdi Ptivsicsan . Or Home Book of Health . to ine t;iycN ah. a premium; with j TwIc-a-Week tatesiiian TJirs IS OUX OFFEll: THIS. Kobk WITH T1IE STa'tJ ; MAN ONK YKAU .25; Oil BOOK A HONE $2 CO HERE'S A N OrrORTUNIT Y TO (JET A 'VALU . AULE HOOK AT SMALL COST. The only complett household guide and reliable, genuine mi leal book -ever nuh. business. Cannot Become a Law. Washington, Feb. 21. The day In the House wa aevotml to the debate on the Fowler Currency bill. Fowler, the author of the measure, spoke for over , umer speaKers were Thayer and Ivering (Mass.) ; Lewts nu rnnrKl (Ills.). HAVE BECOME LAWS GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN SIGNS AND FILES SEVERAL SENATE AND HOUSE BILLS. near Hagerman. Hunter was arrested. ! ZOO" COBRA NEEDED REPAIRS. NEW YORK. Feb. 23. I?nri: irin fu treatment at the New York Zoolog ical Gardens, in Bronx Park, a deadly i-oura. wntcn recently broke his jaw in One In East Salem. jAbout 111 o'clock the same night Her bert Rurtoh was held up near his home State and Twenty-Fourth streets, f two thygs. one of whom was mask ed. Burton had been to the depot to meet the overland train at 10:8"p m and, while going up State street on bis .vw,., uome. ne noticed that two men were following him. As he arrived in front of his house the men nasai one of them, suddenly wheeling, order ed Burton to throw up his hands, but he,' thinking he was txhii' mo I . - . aa-t v i ir Prim i i j . ....rv FiMti joKe, mane some his I ll l V3Tr v. -v''' , ..si c urease to i Mfe- - ' 'T 1f.L- -,tr;" vi the human I,. ktiti) U ..?V!t:$:Xu''!rl ! --zri ,y treated in thw ex- It!1 N ii - iNr'iT -.-.ill it : i - ' i U 3 ment and Thcotios which have apiartd within the last few Tears, and which ar not even mention J In other' so-ca;icd meoical books, are I herein discussed, and rmdies Set forth such as Bacteriology Appendicitis. Tuber culosis. Hypnotic Venereal and Sta -Diseases. La Grpj, -Nervous Disease etc. Treatment and curt of every disease or Men and Women and Children. The sim plest and best reme dies; minute - direc tions in cases of w o u n d . a c a 1 d , Phobia, sunstroke nt rM 7.. ; poi-on. hydro. . ' cFiua, uiuuxa, also tor sudden iiLwni exoup. choiera. etc It describea the cause. 'the symPtom; tL Sturt' the Ity Vrett le r t ry disease wfcJch affect h La n ity. treatises on the Passions anri r mniA. . . . . t. . . "4i.iia, eum ta jove. ijope. jot. jv r- onviction Is that the bill has no f-hanri , to twme a lw. and the fact that there I are divergnt views on both sides of the ; JIuuxe i dettxted from the debate. RAN FAKE LOTTERY. NEW TURK,. Feb. 21. The general oVteotives and Fostofflce InxDortnr Whir I cks. governor r cnamberlaln yesterday 'S'" '' ana niea in tne office of the Sec retary of State several . bills, as fol lows: I. -f -A . t! i t, " -. - benate Bills-No. . establishing th The general ! "ounaanej of Washington county; No.1 9i. to appropriate money for Eastern Oregon Agricultural College; No. ITS, incorporating union; No. 209, Incorpor ating Weston;, No. 212. incorporating! .iuepenaence; No. 236 . Incorporating ?uenwn; o. Z38, incorporating Green- SKIN -TORTURED BABIES .oim. titter ana said "This is no joke As Burton felt the cold steel touch his cheek he lost no time in raising hi hands as commanded, and the r.n.l inghim.of his watch and chaFn. VuedJ '"g the infiuencV of the ;iJ3ZZ at fas, some matches and 10 cents i j People to the fact that health depend to a t IZlV. recuon and contror of the passions and emotions. - Kssays on Intemperance, Use of Tobacco, Sleep ; Exercise, Cold, ; Baths, Etc. SPECIAL LECTURE TO YOUNC MEN cash. "As soon as left aiono llurtn , the house and. Seizinc a. hnim, .. " -o v. , scx cr chasp. following the robbers . . '" iwn, out linal- j irace or mem. And Tired, Fretted A GREAT IHSTITUTIOH Jk. i.tsxiTIJTR WIT T. t " m m .KLCT GREATEST, MEDICAL ; COLLEGE IN THE WORLD. A Complete Materia Mediea, or list of nearly medical planU. the nrinrlral r-rr i !. inniii.. 1 . . . ... IllViUJIII, icrbs and v p-ofoi.io - ' where found; -whea to be gathered: ho w'to nTr" "i Mothers NEW 400 union brir klv.r- e . -1 . aip m.k ... v , ..i, j;, to protect the sal- rikh has been In progress for several mon Industry of the state; No 316 jn ?ekiy whs ended this afternoon when cofporating Lafayette, aiid No. 318. to Women as Well as Men Are Ilade iVUseralblefr:'' Kidney Troublbr Aw . i t . - . - : . Mian oi me county school superintendent and county judge of the vuun i vi uri y. LAND OFFICE BUSINESS REAL ESTATE TltANSFER BUSI NESS LAST WEEK AMOUNTED - TO OVER J32.000. : Kidney troubfe preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambiUon; beauty, yi got fr disappear whth, . (From Sunday'. Dally). 'rTrVfy7VS--.n;7?re out r order ; 1113 records of realty transfers filed cfiHlVp. -or diseased. c in the Marlon county re- it;VyS' Kklnejr trouble has der' e show an aggregate con- .CSCl--Tt ,?ecom prevalent 1 "erauon ot ; S32.U8.K. The deeds 1 u p1 it Is not uncommon lnwa 'aterday aggregated; the coasid- 7, foraehOd in t k I era t ion cf ST izn . . j ,.. : , ... la t it,. ., . - ' " -' ueys. If the chili urin- j ' Ebersole, 8T.4 acres ' of land In iirirm lf- .K- i. TV"WT " -.rr?I - " " " Z " T .u v oouja cc asie to Agnes . jacksoo, t al. to John '"y rtb i R- Uinkle. et u. 2.M acres of Tj;,:?e? "PO K-thecse of land In t 4. r 1 w. situate i - tee .difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first siep should be towards the treatment l these important organs. This unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition cf the kidneys and bladder and not ta a habit most pecpie suppose. ; Women as well as mea'are'made mlsl. erstte with kidney. an4" tiicr trouble and bosh need the same great remedy. I ne mild ar.d the ! Immediate xffect of bwamp-Root is soon realiici it i kA y cmggists. 14 tifiy-. cent aad ne dollar sizesl You may have a sample bottle by mail Ine all about It. IncIuBmj many of the thoasands ef testknonial letters received from sufferers cured, la writing Dr. Kilmer mention this paper. . t . Don't make-any mUtafce, but remember . tne.- name,; Swamp-Root, i. Dr. Kilmer's wamp-Root. and the address, Bicehamton. ti.j o every bottle. L Hubbard. Marion' county; wd... 2J20Q William lain.. a t . m 'V naam jasper, et L t Ai'-t Blackburn, lot 51 of Sunnyslde fruit farm. No. 3; wd. , T. W. Da-enport. et uz, to Geor gia A. Davenport, lot I io block S. of Bourne's addition to SH- - verton:-.wS. I.,.,. '1.;.,. ' Carria K. Bentley to WUlianl Ed- nuindson. acres of Supnjaide fruit farm. No. S; wd. 800 00 350 Find Gornforf in Cutfcira Soap and Ointment Vfhsn All Other Eemeiiss and ': Pfcjslcians Fail., wnivi tea vi n, . tt n..i . .. t. reiary of the board of dirc-v- (u ti.ocKctei.'er lntltnto n--it. puoue tonight detailed tbn r i tney nave Uettrmln! wnh-h embraees a scheme for m. 1 iMjiuuon or medical and pathological n-search which, it Is aaid. wiiL be i wimout an equal in this .country and! unesctlll In any country in . 11m? wqtio. I ne gifts Of John IX Itnr-kt.-; feller to the Institute thus far A STRIKE AVERTED .REAL ESTATE AND FLAT JANI- awiwj CHICAGO. ARRIVE ' . ' AT AGREEMENT. for use Manual for Nursing the sVk. TrealLwi nn Ah.iL. fyJ'T' '"?'tic and Unitary Economy Ventilation. Iure oi vaicr, uraina?c Xislnfectanta. etc. - - ' -'''ii-i-, v. sLSlS'y and. Hy- and TnKsire Air. sioaJ rtc i'jyy Address Statesman Publishing Co., ' " ' '"T - ' Salem, Oregon BI INO UlT - of rft Twicc-a-Week Statesman Instant relief and refreshing slrlnf , . - tired, worried mothers n warm bath no nutrt'tVX Vim IMintM Gv.. J ... . Ii . . . .... su - wau. um cenue anoint, i iiunrni DUiiainCT. a r-r 1 t . .. -- ." I. . . ..c.vj Wf. us witn v-micura Ointment, purest of 4 " lB tate men and the flat wa iioi concluded today, but all, the provisions of the Janitor agree- ZZZTZrZl T.e. been esiolllent gkln cures, to be follow i iU. inn h the purest. T;". ."wment lor torturing, disfiguring, itching burning, Weeding icaJr, crnsted ana lmmS iir? ..Ti.TT a weu as adult, "fjf "e to succeed when all other remedies nA tK. k. , . lIle , . I'orsicians ialL of -iS!-?: lnl? "ih f ft.1 ia sis head, the facial disfigurement, as in WEEKLY OREGONlAN, ptrVear TWICE-A WEEK STATESMAN, per" our price; BOTH PAPERS PACIFIC HOMESTEAD TWICE-A-WEUK STATESMAN, pir " BOTH PAPERS CHICAGO INTER. OCEAN TWICE.A.WEEK STATESMAN, per yV.Y,, Total ..$7,450 Gnover's New Office, i' if.V " - Grover Cleveland has orxt? more ac cepted an office; he has bem elected first Vice-president of the , Princeton tish and Game Protective Im.u. The president is Prof. TTlrtr. ri.i, l , x-. : . bey and RevDrl Henrv V twv other vice-presidents, and several oth er professors are la the directorate. mttt.. . . ' : i worn- i ni .. .rrr ' 3 '.n mi;K crult, tetter and I " V . vver "Mi road again. ra" remand a remedy of " tXW v5rt? to euccs tSllZl ' J Cuticura sometimes easier to reputation than to live it down. Sf-vvaa arw w irui ail f ea. tmii . w ISfl M tZM TrOS-t 0 W . aencc Ti power to BOTH PAPERS ' ; agreed to by the buUdin ownlr. "0ARD3 DAIRYMAN, per yr.'' """'"'r" - v -j- managers. , M TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN -22". "11 ',"V ... . Tha Strike at an Enrf. I BOTH PAPPR4 : San vFrandsco. Feb. 2I.-The strfk NORTHWEST POULTRY JOIi'rmai" """" cw TWICE A W E E ISTAEMW-er" ym running a "fake lottery." V- : . .' : . . ' i ' r rr..,.,. ' .--,-V: BOTH PAPERS. . ' ' want of car does us more damage J"HRICE-A-WEEK NEW YORK wnoi t.. .......... than want of toowjedge. S TWICE-A -WEEK STATESMAN L' P" W--- ... Don't maae the mistake of callin- " STATESMAN, p.r year.... BOTH PAPERS.................. , - ( . .," y "...... BOTH PAPERS $1S0 .........tiar ........ .1225 .."....'...flJOO ....... .... j....' 1.-7f ...... ...JiaX rested of Want of care does us every littla o.kki i .V. lowers aa you co- ....... ......a ...1175 ...$ 3 ...S1.00 ...$1X3 ...$1i ...$1.65 ...$1.0O ...$1.00 ..$U0 OT tli. - . I k.n nlai n4 H . aence. me pBiity and vwin.. Ipriesta mmhorn t,.-' power to afford Immli . aret "lw ''ii,"us certainty 6f, speedy aT loth.W , .L" . J -m auTiri. - "rf 'Mtfrnity ItllQ one. f 6 ri XJ9 SJ? ESTCl 1 P H "CWPIOEMiT them, de-i ndTfr," no w-.H. ci-w,, " urur, cfsan cl ail liipunuea. t J"II IV 1. m " i .t lb. a cure, the abso nt IT2M .. ' :'. r "f economy have mJ. 7Z'" FT ""l" -"f colleagues were Ct?p UTku':, v;B-,hWwrml . skin cures a h nTr;"-"! -D?.ra riV" -Anelr 8UIerl,'r8 are much 1 f.r.lf? "-'y A-Vii..t!-'-.- -Wn5-, - luusww OT um iT.JM-rtjrdfSM and the diffir-tiriv .... !Y T:':VLT.r"'ra.. i,,,..., - vruiauiii :.yet been; solved. the difficulty has not FOR SALE BT Z..J. HIW5, DRUGGIST. SALEil. OREGON.