H u 8 tVEEKLt OREGON STATESMAN, FIUDAT, FEBRUARY 20. 1903. J7i Glasses That Are A Hindrance j Glasses 1 1). it are improperly fitted are usually a hind rance to eyesight rather than ivhelp to it.- And glaslesbf this kiud ;u oae of the j'nost vexatious things in the world. Many . people w-ho have tiicd two or three different. opticians without securing satisfactory glasses have nsigned themselves to the wfannj ot glasssthey know are cot adapted to their eyoi .We would like to hare a personal talk with any such persona who may be reading this adveitisnieiit. Consultation costs nothing, and more than that, if a perfect -fit cannot be secured through our efforts, you will not owe us ono penny,. Could any oiler be fairer tlian this? 2Jo fit, no py. ; Our Optical -Department is one of the best equipped in, Oregon. umm W. OARR, 'Scientific Optician State and Liberty Sts, Saltn , " ' : At fcsrr't ititUy Store THEY TMNT A NEV BUILDING For the Department of Com. v ' merce and Labor 8 of the Young "Women's Christian Tem perance Union. " ; A number of young people are enrolled already for this or g&nization and later officers will be chosen. The members of the executive visited the UniversitJ: at chapel and Mrs. Harford addressed the students. They attended the Legislature In a body and -were honored with seats at the left of the Speaker's desk. ' " They return to their homes today.' ' Mrs. Harford was the guest of Mrs. L. B. Oeer. No. 415 Capitol street. , BUT RECENTLY CREATED - 1 STEINER'S MARKET. 'hlcken-r-10 cents. Egga-1$ cents cash. - " Ducks' 10 cents. Turkeys 12 to 15 cents. i 'THE MARKETS. tDKTUVSD, Or, Feb. 19. Wheit, v.aii.i w.nia. t0j 4ic; Bluesteni, 8Sc; vaiiey. iK'goe. i Tacoma. Feb.19. Wheat, steady and unchanged; Bluestem. 88c; Club, 76c. . m Francisco. Feb. -19-Wheats imc-ago, eb. 19. Wheat, opening, tic; closing. 7.. Hariey. 475c. Flax, 41.14; Northwestern. $l 9. . nverpooi, Feb. If. Wheat, ' March, i THE MARKETS. : The local marcei kooMUonii yeater- ay were as ioiiowf: Wlwat rents. " :1 i Oats -IX: per bushel. . . Barley ico per ton. Hay Cheat. $10ftl3; clover- HO Si 12; timothy; H! 13. ., . ... ; rar--40cH.A0 er sa-ik. H J Mill FVed Bran. $20: short. J 11. Butter Country. 15023c; creamery. tonivj.-. ; . .. Eggs 1 cents cash. Chl k.ens-10 cents. , , Ducks 10 cents. Turkeys 12 to 15 cents. ' Pork Gross S to Hc; dressed. Hc. Beer Steers. to 4c; cows, 3c; good heifers 2. to 4c - i f Mutton .Sheep. 2-c foSe cn foot. Veal 6? 6 Vic. dressed. llcps Choice 25e, upward, Ish. prl&ie. 25s and upward. I Potatoes 25c p-?r bushel, . Apples j9fiftc pr busheL . Onion. 40050c per busheL . Prun 24f4tj. ' ; THt SEHATDRIAL MUDDLE ' " TO BE 'SETTUD TONIGHT (Continued from pace 1.) " ' . State Printer and auditing his claims; adopted and passed. S. B. 202, Rand, appointing time an place for holding terms ; of Supreme Court; passed. : :l' , " . S. B. 194, Pierce,1 to extend terms of assessors to four years; passed. S. B. 123, Sweek. relative to Sunday closing; passed. - . ? . , H. R. 26. Jones of Lincoln, providing additional pay for certain clerks; re ferred.- -" - - . . f;,. ... 'f 'i . S. B. 143. Pierce, for the relief of Union county; passed.! - .'-" S. B. 192. Pierce; relative to the ap portionment of state taxes; passed. 8. B. 239. Fulton; to fix salaries of de puiy sneruis ot Clatsop county; was passed.'-.: ' -i' . - j f S. B. 204, substitute for "S. B. 153, au thorizmir aDnointment of stat In ml agefit; adopted and pissed. , . S. B. .207. Committee Assessment and Taxation, (substitute for 6. Bi 82), to create office' of state examiner of pub lic officers; failed to pass. ; .. Adjourned at 5 p. m. ' 3 no Building in National Capi tal suitable for Needs of the Department- COMMITTEE ON POSTOFFICE MAKES , IMPORTANT , AMEND MENTS TO SEVERAL ' BILLS CONFERENCE ' REPORT . ON ARMT BILL REJECTED., ; green- B.UF0U3, GUTHRIE I 0, Buyers and Shippers of GRAIN Dealers In Hop Grafs' Supplies l FARM LOANS I Wsre bouses at Tt? J IN ER. ' 1 MA CLEAT. "UATUlt LROOK.S. miAW. ; EALEM. v WlTZERIAND. HALSET. j DERRT. 1 :t "1 MFCRS. OF "ROYAL- FLOUR. J. 0. GRAHAM, f: ';:Agtnt '" 1 - - i ' '' - . - ? - - " - 7 Commercial St., SaJem. HOUSE. ' (Evening Session.) ' S. B. 218; by Johnson, amending harter of Dufur; passed. . , S. -B. 47, by Croisan, regulating mu tual insurance cc-mpanirp; passed. S. B. 229, by Dimmick, incorporating Marshtleld; passed;; j " , i S. B. 91. by KuykendalL 'amending law relatlne'to method of engrossing ana enrolling legislative bills; passed. i - B. 223. by Committee on Game, substitute for S. B. 54, relating to klll- ; Ing of deer, moose and mountain sheep; rejected by committee cf f the ; whole. Banks In. the chair. IL R. by Maiarkey, ' was ; adopted, limiting debate by individual speakers .to threa minutes, i H. R. 3 and S. C. R. 31. providing for publication of : proceedings of two houses; H. R. rejected and Senate C. R. adopted. ':,v, j H . IL R. 28, by Fishec directing State Printer to publish 5,000 game and for estry laws; to resolutions committee. .Third reading resumed. - i ' S. B. 179, by t McGinn, relating ' to cemeteries; passed. S S- B. 137, by week, regulating sale of liquors; passed. S. 13- 356, by Wehrung. providing for payment of costs in -appeal ases. Adjourned to 9;30 a. m. FHday. ' WASHINGTON, Feb. .18. Repre sentative Mercer, chairman of the House committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, conferred today i with Secretary tCorteIyou' concerning -the building for the new . Department of Commerce and Labor. ; The' necessity for such a building is very urgent as the Department will be one of the largest in the Government. ' They haAe indicated that , a building suita ble for the Department Is not avail able at present In the city. Chairman Mercer wishes a new building to be erected expressly for the Department. A Mothers Recommendation. I have used "j Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a number of year and have no hesitancy in saying that it is the best remedy for coughs, colds and croup I have ever used in my family. I have not words to express my confi dence -t In this remedy. Mrs. J.: - A. Moore.: North Star, Mich. For sale by Dr. Stone s drug stores. The scratch - of a pin may cause the loss of a limb or even death when blood poisoning results from the injury. All danger of this may be avoided.' howev er by promptly applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm- It Is an antiseptic and a quick healing liniment for cuts, bruises and burns. For sale by Dr. Stone's drug stores. ' CANNOT TAX CORPORATIONS Davey's Bill Went Down to Defeat in the FJrst Round ; Yesterday TOO MUCH OF GOOD THING Detectives Raided Offices of Investment Companies .4 ON SUSPICION OF LARCENY Advertised Sure Thin? Place On Race and Invited Investments MOTHER OF "WATER CURE" KILL ED SOLDIER DEMANDS THAT LIEUTENANT SINCLAIR BE PRO SECUTED AND BODY OF HER SON BROUGHT HOME. Increase in Salaries. Washington, Feb. ,18. Senator Ma son, from the committee on Postoffices and Post Roads, today reported the Postofflce Appropriation BilL In ad dition to an amendment providing for the admission "of Oklahoma, Ari zona and New Mexico as states, the bill makes changes relating to the conduct,, of the Postofflce Department. The transposition ... was made in order' to give Arizona the benefit of the first vote in case of a division on the questiesi, , another, amendment in creases tha aggregate amount to. be had as salaries to "postmasters to the extent of 8753.000. ' SPEAKER HARRIS LEFT DAVEY TO BATTLE ALONE AGAINST OVERWHELMING ODDS FISH WAY BILL PASSED HOUSE BY A SMALL MAJORITY. Rejected Conference Report. .. Washington. Feb. 18. The House today by a majority of 2 to 1 rejected tne conference report on the Army Appropriation Bill oecause of Its pro visions for retirement of ; Civil u War officers at an advanced grade and per-. muting the officers to deposit money witn tne Government .at 3 per cent interest. . ' The House emDhaUcallv voted against both amendments and sent the bill back to the conference. The proceedings on the conference re port were received by a share oer- sonal clash between Mill, cf Iowa, and Slayden. of Texas, i The remainder of the day was devoted to, the .' Naval Bill. Slow progress was made; i only twenty pages being1 covered. J 4 NEGRO MASS MEETING PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT CHEERED ENTHUSIASTICALLY WHEN- f EVER NAME MENTIONED. SHE WANTS A DIVORCE MRS. MAltY WOLF WOULD SEVER Tl 1 13 M ARRIAGE TIES FOR DESERTION. ; NEW YORK, Feb. 19. Some spirited speeches were made at a negro mass meeting, held tonight at Cooper Union. The meeting was called for the purpose of protesting against the disfranchise ment of the negro In the South and to raise money for legal contest of the new Constitution of Virgina before the Su preme Court of the United States. -Among the speakers were Bishops Derrick and Waiters, M.D. Conway and John E. Mil hoi land. ? When reference was made " to President Roosevelt by several speakers, the cheers were deaf ening. Resolutions were passed. arid a sympathetic letter from Susan B. An thony was read. ' 1 ' A . f Opposed to Cloture. j Washington, Feb. IS. There was a lively debate In the Senate today over Quay's, resolution declaring It to be the sense of the Senate that there should be a vote on the Statehood Bill before the adjournment of Congress. senator McComas offered Senator Piatt's Cloture resolution. Introduced two days ago, and a motion was made to refer the whole matter to thescom roittee on rules. ' The motion was pending when the Senate Went into executive session. The discussion of the subject brought out the fact that the Senate was opposed to cloture in any rorm. : . t " (From-Thursday's Dally). - The corporations won a decided and compu te victory , in the House yester day In the Indefinite postponement of the Davey Bill "(No. 99) for the taxa tion of the Intangible property of telegraph, telephone, .express and oil companies. . t The House was. thor oughly organized by the corporations, and on motion of their special cham pion in that body, Mr. Eddy, of Tilla mook, the bjll was indefinitely post poned by a vote of 27 to 14. the balance of the members, Including Mr. Kay, NEW YORK. Feb. 18. Detectives made a raid on the offices of the Burns- W ailace & Company and "Dan Smith' today and arrested David C. Barnum, clerk, and Ernest Matthews. The charge was a suspicion of havinsr com I mitted larceny The two prisoners were arraigned before the police magis trate and Barnum was discharged. Matthews was held in t500 bail for ex amination tomorrow. . The detectives said the arrests were made In consequence of & number of advertisements which appeared In the Sunday papers over the names of the firm, in which it was announced that a number of prominent horsemen had placed In' their "hands the sum of 15000 to be bet on a horse In a. race to be run today. The advertisement stated that It had been decided to allow a number of persons to participate m the "good thing" and sums of not more than 12 would be accepted until the- firm had received $22,500 in addition to the J5000. t -." 1 '.' 07. STONES DRtG STOHts The stores ( two in nnmK... stocked with a complete line of dV and medicine, tailor. art!i . t ery, brushes, etc. ' IIm had soms 2 years' experieiK i the prarUce of medicine and makes no charge for consultation prescription. v He does a cash business. He neith burs ou time nor sell nn tin,. -w i -r , . erj Journals, day-books, bool keen bill c-lIectos and all the modrn AS nhernalia of credit drug stores, aiVoT known In his business, hein- stock and correct prices- 'visit DR. JORDAN'S cumt uuStuu OF fillATOLiy ! f , I iHauim Often kM.ltrtS?m C3. JCRUAJI-DisUSES CF Br , Trsninyfattir J If 'I I M Vi II I T II HI! mmrm I XI ornalcM I m. CMMlirtM IW lid u r ttm Tm I SmH; or br letter. A JWkm rw i nn, a xtertakem. Wm tat Bwk. I r n W H4BUCC MAILUt flU. (A nlHUt kJT If tttrd by aa Esprit. Ajonnaini w MiAet tt. A NEW INDUSTRY PROF. WASHBURN. STATE IU0L0. . GIST, SUCCESSFULLY PROPA GATES EASTERN OYSTER. She Demands Justice. Washington. Feb. 18. Mrs, Ellen C Richter, of Syracuse, ; N. Y mother of Private Edward C. Richter. who died in the Philippines as. the result, it Is al leged, of having the water cure admin istered to him by Lieut: Wm. Sinclair. who. was acquitted of the charge, is in Washington and made an appeal to State Biologist F. L. Washburn, of the University of Oregon. spruRj an agreeable surprise upun the mem bers of the press at the State House yesterday in treating them to a fean uiion genuine Eastern Oysters oit (0 trea virginlana. which were propagat ed in Yaqulna Bay. As an experiment, about, five yeari ago 1 ror. Avashpurn imiorteiI eoro oysters from -Chesapeake liny and planted them In-Yaqulna Bay.; Tin- propagation process hasl proven quite satisfactory to Prof. Washburn Mid eminently successful, and it will not be j many years eforo Oregon will h up- puea witn oysters eq.uai. u not superior. President Roosevelt that justice done.!.:. . Mrs. Richer sk v in br artrui t to those raised in the East and will hnv the President that h is nre.ru wi aaoed another valuable industry to htr prove that Sinclair is guilty. She asks a,reaay Ionfir ana unviable list. of this county, having absented them- I that the Preesident order her boy's body serves so as to dodge the issue. One of the peculiarities of the vote was to see the farmers of Linn and Clack amas county voting to kill the meas ure.) Speaker Harris. It Is under stood.! had promised to assist Mr. Davey, In protecting the bill, but did sent home and tbat Sinclair be stripped or his uniform. I TOLD YOU SO ! A great deal of curiosity and Interest has been aroused throughout the state over the result of the Senatorial con test this evening. Evenr incominei The bivalves, as sent to the Fui House yesterday.-., on the averac. much larger than those grown in Cbj apeake Bay and are equal, if not surer tor flavor. The entire - credit for tfc experiment and success of this ; vertur rests with Prof. Wsshburn, and the djjr will come when the peor-e of Oresrc will praise him for it. The oysters wm nof leave the chair, and Mr. Davey train for the past two days has brought ff" ""i8? ,the ,cour,' was comnenl t flht t . crowds to the State CanltaL R,nr. Hon .R Lincoln county. Morgan's Resolution . Unfavorable. Washington Feb. 18. The . resolu tion offered in the Senate by Morgan providing that no provision of the Panama Act shall ' be nullified by the Canal Treaty was considered today by the Senate Committee' on Foreign Re lations and an unfavorable report au thorized. .. I. i , ,. ,; : i Anolhor suit for divorce was filed yesf-rday in Department ( No. 2. the pl tintifT bWng Mrs. Mary A. Wol and the defendant, G. A. Wolf. . The com- v Halnt tillepes that , the s parties were married in Nebraska in IS S3, and lived together until about a ye-ir ago. There are three children, theJssue of the mar riage, u fon 17, and two daughters aged 11 nd 7 years, respectively, and the pl utitirf nsks the court tor their cua tMly. ! The parties are both residents of Marion c-ourity .and the divorce is asked for onVthe grounds of desertion. lUmham & Mfertin are attorneys for the . plaintiff. - f ' . . - Salem invites the wi"!e world to corce here and enjoy the carnival spirit .from Jane 2 to July 4. It will be a great and glwiuk week. . : Conference in Alabama. : Tuskegee. AI.i, Feb. 1. The twelfth annual Tuskegee Negro conference was closed here today with a large attend ance of educators from all over the South. : - . , , ..: . .. .. A SERIfiS OF DISASTERS A Wreck, an explosion, a fire L AND GIRL'S BRAVE - "': i - ii-'.w act. v 1 ? -v "THE POETRY OTP THE ORANGE. "It appeals to you, when - the fruit hangs ripe and sweet Ion the tree late In February, or early in March. Then the blossoms break out. and the trees are yellows with golden globes, and white with orange flowers. It may be that a flurry ot snow has whitened the mountain tops, and then you have . an artistic background for' a tropical for est. The air is full of sunshine, and heavy with fragrance as night comes on, and then. If the moon be shining, you may hear at midnight through open windows, the song of the mocking bird In the scented grove, and It never seemed so melodious before. " An experience " like ' this Is possible any winter.'aad it is worth a journey of a thousand miles, w while you Can have It. by taking the scenic Shasta Route through, the grand and pictur esque Siskiyra and Shasta. Mountains, to Southern California. Complete : In formation about the trip, and descrip tive matter. . telling about California, mat be bad from any Southern Pacific Agent or .; W. E. COMAN, G-n. Pass. Agt. S. P. Co. Lines in Ore- gon, Portland. Oregon. t NEWARK. N. J,L Feb. 19. The fast express on the Lackawana Railroad cut through a trolley car crowded with school children at the Clifton Avenue crossing today. Eight of the children were killed and a score or more of the stuck to his post, will die, and the en- feTATL EXECUTI E OF W. C. T. V. HNAL SESSION gineer of the express Is so badly hurt that there Is little hope of his recov ery. . : Legal , Blanks.' Statesman OfSct Always say 04 Cyrus HdzSo" la reply to th treat American inquiry, fWliatm it br r -j nrE GYpGIODLGinn whisky Htlie beatstrmirht drink. In fcijrb-twIK poaches. ec-Hnrv whisky r. or faocy t dnSkTTS Noitts 1-rand are trwj to their Cam-. Th ir, , amosg the aobility of im1uts. oil fVoreaT At ma P!cmm tfSwr Drimkm mrm Cfajrawsaif. w. x. ta.1 scavmx cn . it. Wis tkm . fcgnxto. OSS. HELD THE LAST ; MEETING YESTERDAY. The final meeting' of the state execu tive of the W. C. T. U. was held yes terday forenoon ih the headquarters at No. 193 Commercial street." f Reports from all over the state gave evidence of advance along all lines.. .Field workers were planned for. Miss Louise Holister. of Evmnston. Illinois, is already In the state and will be in Salem the 21st and 22d. ; : Miss Anna Bobbins, the missionary from Manila, is to come in March. Inatitutes are being planned for "in reveral counties. . . f The nemoon meeting In the rres bytenair church was of unusu.il Inter j Rkmtlfic temperance teahing end physical education receive rriu.h attention. Th eTenhig meeting in th "nv Haee wan lurgelr attended. Stat Prefcldeut Harford poke ou the work was compelled Fpeakier voted with him. however. xne , entire Multnomah delegation present In' the House were against the bill. Following Is the -vote on indefinite postponement: - ' Yeas Banks. Cobb, Cornett. Eddy, Emndtt. Fisher, Gault. GilL Glnn, Hale. Hansbrough, Hawkins, Hayden. Hines. , Hodson. Hudnorx Hume. Hutchinson, Johnson, Jonea (Multno mah), Maiarkey, . Miles. Orton. Paul sen. Phelps. Reed. Riddle Webster and Whealdon 29. " - , trail. Carnahan.- Danneman. Davey. Edwards. Hahn, Judd. La Follett. Bobbins. Simmons, and Speaker Har ris 14. - ., . - , i Absent Adams, Bailey. Buriress. wuneign. iJiaypooI. Galloway, Her sentatives ; from - every ' section and county in the state are now guests of the Capital City. Rich and poor, men of high political or social station and men from the lowest ranks, are all here with their wive-i, relatives and friends. The city is taxed to its utmost limit to acommodate the throngs. The hotels are crowded to overflowing, and nearly every other house ; is accommodating one: or more guests, but the people of Salem have determined that if the en tire population of Oregon swarms to Salem, they will move into the streets In order to acommodate their guests. Each person has a theory as to who will be elected United States Senator, and they all differ ." I Tomorrow morn ing' they will; scatter for their homes. each satisfied that his influence had a , njlivi. Ul UIIJ . U Kg L ' J ; I 1. . ottingham. Purdy. Shelley, , Test Ji.: -m n. .-7 you so. member of the House of ! RepresBU- Uves. Sewing Machine Time and Jones (Lincoln). I For Another Fish Ladder. When House Bill. No. 225- came up for third reading In the House yes terday afternoon Mr. Maiarkey took the floor in opposition to the bill for several reasons. This bill provide for the construction of a fishway. In the Willamette Falls at Oregon City and for an apDropriatlon of 15.000 for carrying on the work. . Mr; Maiarkey opposed the measure for the "reason that he interpreted that the amount to be allowed is not confined to the amount of the appro priation in that one clause provided that ; the commissioners were to draw certified bills for all expenses Incurred In the construction' of the : fishway which were to-, be -presented ' to the Srcretary of State for liquidation. lie also r brought u the point; that the committee which had met with a com mittee, from Washington,- in regard to legislation pertaining to the fishing Industrys,, and. on account: of ; the Washington committee , refusing . to enact any legislation In this line, had rr commended, irf its 5 report , to t the Senate that all restricting .; la w be removed from the statutes of Oregon. and be argued that It was pretty well understood "; that 7 these'.' measures would fot pass t ho Senate. ., i ' . Mr. Shelley, of Lane, stated ! that the provisions of the bill were Very elear and specific ia regard to the amount to be appropriated and the manner in which it was to be expend ed, and be a!so mid that it was alto-gether- wrone for the House t0 antici pate or predict what action the Sen ate would take upon any measures enacted by the House. ?( ; l 5 -vv Some further-, discussion - was - In dulged in. but when the bill came up for -passage it '-was, passed by a vote of 31 ayes tto 29 absent and voting no. TO BE SENT HOME ' Ruby Merchant, the 13-vear-oId clri who. died at .the Insane Asylum on Wednesday afternoon. February ISth, was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' W. f' Merchant, of Mafshfield. Oregon. Mr. Merchant Is a wealthy lumberman of Oos Bay." Coroner Clough. who has charge of the body, yesterday received telegram from the father with In structions to embalm the body.' and express it to Portland - em route to MarshfieM in care, of the steamer Re liance. .It will be shippvd today. ; Hundreds of lives saved every tlay by having Dr. Tfiomas' Electric, Oil id the: house Just when it Is, needed. Care croup, heals burns, uts. wounds of every sort - . Legal Blank, statesman Jtb Od.-e. UNION IS TOO COLD J. , II. Rinehart, i an old , resident of Summerville, Union county, is In Salerri for a few days, and in company with a hustling real estate agent as out looking over, several choice pieces of Marlon county property yesterday. He says It Uf too cold in Union county to suit him in his declining years, and he came over to the. Wil lamette valley to sample the climate. He Is more than pleased with what he has thus far seen and will probably decide to become a resident of this community. -' , ' - ' THE FIRST , INSTALLMENT - Tlie first installment o? Luckiamue logs arrived yesterday hi orn'ng f r thn Capital Lumber Company. The logs were furnished - by the C. K. Spaulding Logging Company, and were brought from the mouth of the Lui klamute by the steamer Eugene, About 5,000.000 feet are to be furnlshei by this company for thci sprlns anc summer" sawing. ! ' t v : IS UP ON CRUTCHES ' h Ex-Courity Treasurer Albert Down ing,! who has been very low for the past fiver months and whose life was des paired of, it at last reported as being able to walk around with the aid of crutches. He has not yet? been out of doors, but is gaining strength daily; ard his f rends have reason to hope fof his early and complete recovery. i ' i " ' I AN OLD PIONEER . fJohn Sappirigfleld. an old resident of Mjarlon county, and a pioneer of 1848, Is said to be extremely ill at his home eight miles east of this city." He is 93 years of age and it is said there Is no hope for his recovery. ' The Illness con sists of a general breaking down of the system brought on by old age.1 ' f ' s, GONE WTTH "THE CIRCUS Salem has added another to its long list of theatrical ' people. . William Batchelor has accepted a position with the Jessie Shirley Company as ad vance 'representative, list haa for some time held the position of stage roam ger at the Grand Opera Hons in this city. ' . A FATAL FIRE. SPRINGFIELD. O,- Feb. 19. Three men are dead as a result of a fire which destroyed $323,000 worth of property heie today, and Fireman Peter Rude is is probabiy fatally Injured. " - '1 his ia the season of the yt-ar whs the spring sewing is well und'V f- 5 If you've about worn out your l- 1 tience trying 10 run the oli machine, drop in and let..; us show you our i latest ball bearing White Rotary Se- I ing Machines and the Wheeler & .WIW j son. There's only on soft (rf a ma- i chine to which you should give a m ' ment's cpnsideration, and tljafs thi rotary, for the j regular shuttle Tn"-; chine . will gradticlly become a r-lk of the past. So.' when ybui think rotary shuttle machines. Just bear I mind that the. White represents V j i - -, - i ' f- highest " devclcpr.'tnt of that cn- , structlon, and the Wheeler ; & Wilss that of the rotary hook, which is vefT similar, and both of which. are U lightest running, the. quietest w most satisfactory machines thai at ? shown today.,- Wo are always arlad to ! show th machines, and we have ' a jepjirate salesroom' for this- purpose. - s.here ladies may look at the rnathlne t their leisure, undisturbed. Mr. N. H- f Burley. a thoroughly ex i sewing machiue man,! Is "in enw j and will show you every courtesy. f Old machines taken Jn trade. I New machines for rent. Sewing machine repairing. Best dozen. needles for' ail macbiw Best, sperm .gum oil, warruntHl ut Parts for all machines. ' If your machine ring up nlione 2161, will call for it. nVeds rpi"rJ and Mr. UurliJ VIOfilNS o .a. e x o trrr rr Ann tu" . ' l-l Yt Law . Irutan u r f SI UZ- f . A. IMPlf MEN! IIOLfSf 253-S3T Liberty's Salf- ' Farm Macliliicry, tBici'cl. s,i . ."t Macliiiics and Kui!i TV. H. Burley