M'UEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, FKIDAY, FEBRUAB.Y IS. JS03. MATTER BEING CLEARED UP Minister Bowen Has Accepted England's Protocol - THE GERMAN AND ITALIAN Conventions Are Still Under- tolng Revision to Over come Objections PROVISION OP GERMAN . PROTO COL FOR i. ADVANCE PAYMENT OF ORIGINAL CLAIM RESULT OF A MISUNDERSTANDING SERIOUS IN HONDURAS. WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. Great Britain's protocol has been formally accepted by Mr. Bowen for Venezuela. The German; and Italian conventions are still undergoing a revision, but assurances are given In ihe authorita tive quarters that they eventually will be made to conform In all essential respects to that of the .British Ambas sador. Owing to the Illness of the British Ambassador. Mr. Bowen called at the Embassy today and personally signi fied to the Ambassador his approval of the" agreement. He. then presented his formal note of acceptance, and It has been cabled to the London For- eiirn Office. : It appears that the Insertion In the German protocols of a provision" for an advance payment of the original $344,000 demanded of President Castro in the German ultimatum was tne re milt of a misunderstanding on the part of the German Foreign Office of cer tain steps there. Through the action of the German Minister. Baron Speck Von Sternberg, this point is being le.ired up. I . 4 Situation Is Strained. Iltanama. Feb. 10 It is reported that GiJatemala hat 800 men on the fron tiff. The Ni"araguan Government has out fon-es from various points to help the retiring president of Hondu rai. ;eneral Sierra. President Zelaya, 1 of Nia aragua, and Preisdent Regalado, of Salvador, are convinced that Gen r;M Sierra will not allow a meeting of thjr Honduras Congress. tlenor Avarado Guerrero, one of Fifrra's ministers, has left (ihim to Ji)n President-elect Bonilla. who. has organized his government at A ma pa la Isljand. The origin of the present oOfli-t is the opposition of President f'nbrera, of Guatemala, to the inter vention of Salvador and Nicaragua in faVor of General Sierra. . Will Frustrate Designs. Washington. Feb. 10. Senator Cul- loi i( chairman of the Senate Commit- .tH on Foreign Relations said today that had decided to give the Panama Ca ria ll in-iiiy ireitrri-n-e wnen an execu- t iv session- long enough to consider an y of the jending treaties can be se- u ri-d. for the reason that the option of th lnit"d States, in the franchises and Uj-r eanal property of the French Panama Canal Co. expires on March 4. rind Iwcause of the announced deter ntifiation of Senator Morgan to talk at If'MMh o nthe treaty. ROBBED BY LOVER MIKS Z(K KAYS. ' FORMERLY OF SALEM. IN TROUBLE IN i PORTLAND. tFroni Wednesday's IJily.) I r-iOrt -!ih-s from Portland that Miss Znp Kays formerly of Salem, was roiHietl and brutally assaulted a few dafrs a?o by h-r lover. Albert II. Mc- Inmis. ; ?!nce Miss Kays went to Portland twh years ago they have been living to- getfiher.' Mclnnis promising to marry nes ai,. N,ut a week ago she insisted on a legal; marriage, but Mclnnls re- fur-d. and ihe parked her trunk and sMjrted ror the depot, intending to Join inprifia in .Pendleton. Mclnnls follow- edjhpr and failing to persuade her to reijirn to the old relationship, seised hngirT purse, containing $16 (all the noer she had and her trunk check. oKether with a valuable cold wnteh Inline struggle for the purse. Miss Kays chr,k'"l into insensibility. Mclnnis re. decked the trunk and went to Baker v i y. Miss; Kays then preferred charges 'of ...n.nmay robbery against Mclnnis and th offleers telegraphed to Baker City "in nan nim arrested. He will be re turned to Portland to meet the chance. m Miss Kays nay she will prosecute "'in i tint run . v . ' l jaw. ' WILL TEAR IT DOWN tt.i Brtmni STREET DECLARED UNSAFE OR PEDESTRIANS. (From Wednesday's DallvV Ybe wagon i foot bridge on tfh street near Oak. which was so badlv 4;iNaged by the recent r,.K-. .. nltl havej to be replaced with a new bridge, but although long .inc. de fnned from usage by wagons ' has he m used by foot passengers, has now be. otne so dilapidated and n-rf.i. Il.il I. lt j 1 " iv aeemea very unsafe for evfn the latter, i r lit has continued to sink untn Is danger of . its collapse at uiT iim. anjl a constant menace to the people who persist in . using it for a, foo brUse despite the fact that all sorts hf etoedtho 25 yccrs. Averse Anivsl Sdca over Ono end a HiTfLSncn xmcs. lthaixccrdofm 50c - goded with every joile is a Ten Cent, package of GrtrvVs Clack Root LJver PS. of obstructions are put tip to warn them off.' and Street Commissioner George Griswold Is now taking steps to have the structure torn, down and removed so as to be relieved of all anxiety. . . ... THIN KINO. "Those who have finished by making others think with them have usually been those who began by daring to think for themselves. Colton. . Everybody's liable to Itching plies. Rich and poor, old and young terrible the torture they suffer. Only one sure cure. Doan's Ointment. Absolutely safe; can't falL r i , ! EDITORIALS OF PEOPLE .':"'?!'- ' -'., : , r i - :. s Mr. Winstanley Brands Cir-r cular Letter Against Hop Bill as False RESENTS STATEMENT THAT BILL IS DESIGNED TO CREATE. GRAFT FOR ANYBODY, BUT IS ALONG LINES OF PROGRESS i AND IM PROVEMENT. ; (From Wednesday's Bally). Editor Statesman:, . L t In a circular ietter sent to the hop growers of Oregon signed by T. B. Jones, against the hop' bill now before the Legislature, the following state ment referring to the Oregon Hop Growers Association occurs: ; "This bill is evidently gotten up to provide a soft job for one of their num ber, not so much for the salary that there is in it, but the opportunity to make money at the expense of the growers and for the BENEFIT of the BUYER. ; The author knew when he dictated the letter that , this was a deliberte falsehood and a gross libel on the bill. The bill was framed by and entirely In the Interests of the hop grower, assum ing the dealers are well able .to take care of themselves. r The finest, hops In ' the world are grown in the center of Europe and are used to make the famous Pilsner beer. These hops are all submitted to an in spector who gives a certiicate of the grade or quality, which certificate is negotiable In the banks, and horn, a . often bought on the value of the cer- J Armqnd on the Hanna bill, to pension tificate. While we have no desire to ex"slaves- He BPke ln a sarcastic alter the trade customs of this state, we' veln but the subject assumed a ser are arhbltious to-make this the greatest ,ou phase when Richardson, of Tenn-" and , also the best hop growing center, S8ee 8ald that adventurers in the in the worM. " jaoum were using me out to impose on This year Oregon produced two-fifths! bjmorant. and credulous negroes, and of the hops grown In the United States' caJ,ed on Cannon to iglve the assur- yet we. as a state are behind all other hop producing states in the Union, hav ing no laws relating to the hop indus try, and now, while a, majority of the njp growers realize a need for improve- I ment ana education along the lines of Washington, Feb. 10. The Statehood this great Industry, we are opposed by 1 Bill again came up in the Senate to arfold mosssback who is so near sight- day and Morran spoke on It for some ed he can sse no possible improvement time. In the course of his remarks he on his old time methods of cultivation referred, to the bills' regarding trusts, and marketing his hops. thereby! which he said have bftn kept back injuring the state by his lack of faith . and will be kept 'back until It is too in anytning whict tends towards im-' provement ) JAS. WINSTANLEY, Sec. Oregon Hop Growers' Associa tion. Salem, February 10, i 1903. SHOP WAS ROBBED RYAN'S TONSORIAL PARLORS ENTERED AND VALUABLE IN STRUMENTS STOLEN. Some time late Monday night or very early Tuesday, morning some person or persons unknown to the proprietor, entered Jack Ryan's bar ber shop and carried away two razors, a valuable hose and robbed the boot black's stand of 50 cents In silver. When Jack came down yesterday to begin bis day's labors he soon missed his favorite razors and hone, but thinking some of the boys working In the shop were trying to play a little Joke on him. kept quiet, thinking they wouia return the missing articles When their saw he was not wnrHoH Not long after this the bootblack came in and upon opening hjs drawer was somewnat astonlsheri in laurn that the shining half-dollar lie left in the drawer the night before had dis appeared during his absence. e immediately reported his loss and this served to arouse the suspi cion of the Proprietor who was minus two razors and a hone and he then be gan to make Inquiries. Everyone connected with the shop stoutly de nied any knowledge of the missing ar ticles and a search began. Upon bui us io i iie rear or. iie shop it was discovered that the s back door had been forced and the only wonder, is that the loss was not greater; but it is probable that the thief was fright- enea away Dy passersby before he had time to take more. . THEY FEAR TROUBLE RUSSIAN OFFICERS RECEIVE OR DERS TO HOLD THEMSELVES READY FOR DUTY. LONDON, Feb! 10. It is announced. in a despatch from the News Agency from St. Petersburg that all officers of the Russian army reserves ; have been notified to hold themselves in readiness to rejoin their regiments in twenty-four hours, in the event of mobilization or ders being issued. The tneaesure, It is added, appears to be connected ) with fears of trouble in the Balkans. . Where there's a will there's a law- suit. - " HE DENIED THE REPORT Speaker Henderson Has All Along Been in Favor of i ANTI-TRUST LEGISLATION Emphatically Denies AU Con nection With Standard '.. Oil Company HOUSE ADOPTS CONFERENCE REPORT ON THE1 BILL CANNON WILL PROPOSE ERECTION OF LARGE OFFICE BUILDING AND 12.500,000 FOR CAPITOL. WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. The ' Post tomorrow will publish an interview with Speaker David B. Henderson, of the House of Representatives with respect to the reports current about the capitol, connecting the speaker's name with the efforts to thwart anti trust legislation and with having en deavored to have enacted a substitute for the Nelson publicity section of the Department of Commerce BUL The reports also said Mr. Henderson would become attorneys for one of the Stand ard Oil Companies after March, when he w'ili ' retire 'from Congress. The speaker emphatically denied the report, saying that he has all along been in favor of anti-trust legislation. House Adopts Report. Washington, Feb. 10. The House today adopted the conference , report L on the Department of Commerce Bill by a vote of 215 to 10. The remainder of the day was devoted to the Sundry Civil Appropriation BilL Cannon, chairman of the Appropriations Com mittee, gave notice that at the proper time he would move two amendments, one to provide for the purchase of a site and the erection of a three story 400-room office building for the mem bers, and the other, an appropriation of $2,500,000 to carry out the original plans for beautifying and enlarging fhe main wing of the CapitoL A notable feature of the geneal de- t12 on the bill was a speech by De anc lnal passage m sucn a meat ure was not contemplated. This as- surance Cannon gave. iworgan is suspicious. late for discussion regarding them. Hanna presented the conference re port on the Department of Commerce bill, the final vote on It being deferred until tomorrow In order that it might be printed. The conference report on the General Staff Bill was agreed to. VERDICT FOR PLAINTIFF JUDGE BURNETT DECREES THAT JUDGE BOISE HAD NO JURISDICTION. In the civil action: entitled A. Me Farlane. plaintiff, vs. G. B. Cornelius; (defendant, tried Monday in Judge Bur nett's deftartmeiit of the cirt-uit court. the Jury returned a verdict In favor of the plaintiff, declaring that he is owner and entitled to Immediate possession of the whole of the real estate mentioned in the complaint, and comprising a parcel of land 38 by 200 feet, also lot .S. in block R, all in tlie town of Turner: also lots 2 and 7 in bloi-k $ of the towp 1 of Mehama. The jury also awarded the plaintiff damages In the sum of $100. . This is the case In which A. McKar lane brought suit to obtain possession of property in Turner and Mehama from G. B. Cornelius, w ho is "in possession of property under a deed obtained from Mrs. ElizabethMcFarlane, which she obtained in a decree of court in a di vorce from McFarlane about one- year ago. . Judge Burnett holds that Judge Boiso who granted the decree of divorce, had no jurisdiction as to the title of the land and, therefore, the transfer of the property to Mrs. McFarlane In the de cree was invalid for the reason that the summons was not properly served. The counsel for the defendant. C. B Cornelius, are preparing for an apiei) of the case to the Supreme Court. A Mothers Recommendation. I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a-number of years and have no hesitancy in saying that It is the best remedy for coughs, colds and croup I have-ever used In my family. I have not words to express my confi dence In this remedy. Mrs. J.. A. Moore, North Star. Mich. For sale by Dr. Stone's drug stores. The scratch of a pin may cause the loss of a limb oreven death when blood poisoning results from the Injury. All danger of this may be avoided, howev er by promptly applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It Is an antiseptic and a quick healing liniment for cuts, bruises and burns. For sale by Dr. Stone's drug stores. " Most men who consider themselves big guns are only smooth bores. ' K half a century Seeds tool crowtetrtnMMsiaevery ka4 of mi,ew j m tific toid h P VUleri. IMIlMlnaif ! WMTACaj 1 I THE ULTIMATE RESULT CANNOT EE DETERGED Continued from Page 2.) - the re-location of the county seat of Union county: counties. H. B. 197. Miles, for the improve ment of rivers; navigation arid com merce. ; .: H. B. 414, Kay. to furnish litigants a copy of Suoreme Court opinions. . H. B.'240, Webster, in regard to fire and game wardens; fisheries. H. B. 2, Test, to protect the salmon indlustrtes of tho" state; xead third time and passed. HOUSE. (Morning Session.) Opened with prayer by Rev. John Parsons, of Salem. Speaker Harris announced House members authorized by S. C. R. 19, on salaries of state officers, and to pass a bill to best meet the needs of the case as follows: Kay, Hines, Em mitt, Fisher. Test- . . Third reading House Bills. H. B. 244, by Both, by request, fixing salaries of Columbia county officers; passed. ! . 1 . : II. B. ZS&. by Ginn, by request, fixing salaries : of Sherman county -officers; passed. H. IX 37, by Murphy, changing time for taking school census from June to February: oassed. H. B. 2S1. by Burgess, requiring owners of stock yards to keep a public record of brands and marks on horses and cattle: passed. H- B. 215, by Johnson, providing for the building and operating of a port age railroad between' the navigable water of the Columbia river, between The Dalles and Celilo, Oregon; passed. H. B. 19, by Huntley, amending Oregon City charter; passed. H- B. 266, by Kay, providing for the appointment of a matron at State Penitentiary; passed. ' H. B. 250. by Galloway, providing for the use of lands of .the Oregon Sol diers' Home at Roseburg; under con sideration. . HOUSE. (Afternoon Session.) f H. B 250. Galloway, to provide for the use of lands of the Oregon Sol diers ( Home at Roseburg; lost, The' motion of Mr. Malar key, - to amend House Rule 46. was adopted. House resolved itself into a commit tee of the whole with Banks, of Mult nomah as chairman, to consider H. B. 113. 'by Jones, of Lincoln, establishing a State Normal School at Newport, the bill was adopted and the vote for passage was: ayes, 35; noes. 20. The third reading of Senate Bills, upon motion of Malarkey, was made a special ordir tor 7:30 Tuesday night. H. B. 216, La Follett, repeal bounty on sfsUpsf passed. H- B. 59. Orton, for the initiative and referendum. After roll call p. ' m. adjourned, until 7:30 HOUSE. , (Evening Session.) Called to oroer at 7:30- o'clock, but a quorum did not arrive until 13 'minutes later. Shelley moved that when House ad journ J t be until 10:30 a. m. Wednesday. Pawned. Under' first and second reiding of ssenate bills, the clerk s desk was clear ed of a large number of pending meas ures.' ! ( Third Reading Senate Bills. S. B. 14, Mays, amending code relat ing to stealing of animals: passed. S. B. 27. Smith of Multnbmah. crent- ng state and county txtards of health and a secretary of vital statistics; con sidered In Committee of the whole with Malarkey in Ihe chair. Upon invitation Senator .?mith. author of the bill, ad dressed the committee in explanation of the purposes of the measure; was passed. S. B. 10. Steiwer, regulating the carri age, of sheep by express; passed. 8. B. 81. Pierce, appropriating $20,000 to Eastern Oregon , Agricultural and Experimental Station; made special or der ror 10 a. m. Thursday. .Resolution from committee on reso lutions. was adopted, directing that all bills and resolutions acted and p-wed upon De excluded from House calendar. Same commiftee refiorted favorably with amendment on resolution relating to the correcting of the House Journal. Adopted. Vote was rex-onsidered, but no further action was taken. H. C R. 2. providing for appoint ment of special committee to fix ealar ies of all clerks: adopted. Resolution by Shelley, asking that the sale or intoxicants knd the appearance of Midway attractions at the 1805 Fair be prohibited; adopted. : Adjourned to 10:30 a. m. Wednesday. CASTOR A - For Iafaau and Children. na Kisj Yea Han Always Bcsgl Bears the nature of ' AUCTION SALE. -School District No. 50 will 1 at public auction, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, February 21st. at 1 o'clock p. m- one aere and a half of land and the school building belonging thereto. WW be cold at th school bouse at Pratum. The board reserves the right to. reject any and all bids. By orde r of the board. " '- . y -. ; ii i . - i i . .What an argument in favor of social connection' is the. observation that by communicating our-grief we have less, and by communicating , our pleasures we have more. Grevllle. New : Today The Statesman Pub. Co. has on hand .several hundred copies of the OREGON CONSTITUTION, The price la 10 cents each as lone as they last. , IT WILL BE MONEY IN" YOUR - pocket If you see, write or phone 2195 black, Densmore Bros. A Co.. live stock: dealers, of Salem. Oregon, be fore selling your fat hogs and iheep. WANT TO BUYLIVE HOGS AND pigs, also ducks, spring chickens, and hens. I will pay the highest cash price for aam.i Quong Hlng, 2S4 Lib erty street. 'Salem. Or. " REPORT CARDS Our achooiv report card are printed to fit the school register. The : prices are: . Twelve cards for 10 cents; -twenty-five for 20 cents; one hundred for .76 ceivta. et&teamsua Publishing1 Cxx, Salem. Ore. , ": . -i-v- :. . NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO BRING In your machinery and . have your . repairing all done. Castings, iron and bras, furnished on short notice. One boiler and 4-horse engine complete for sale cheap. E. M. Kichtllnger, Phone 2933. 20S Liberty St, LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ;; ACCOUNT. '. , " Notice Is hereby given that the final account of Henry E. Blakely, as exec utor of the estate of Mary J. Williams, deceased, has been filed in the county court of Marion county. State 6f Ore gon, and that the 23d day of Febnutry, 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., has been duly appointed by such court for the hearing , of objections to such final account and the settlement there of, at which time any person Interested in such estate may appear and file o In jections thereto In writing and contest the same. , HENRY L. BARKLEf. ; Executor of the Estate, i Geo. C Bingham, Attorney for Es tate. .-'.!- i i . Nasal CATARRH la Q Its stac tbre boald Im clfnline El jV Cream Balm deanses.sootbessed beais the diaexe4 membrane. It cure ntmrrh snd drives way s sold is th awad aakUy. Cream Balm If placed Ipto tbe Bnstrila, spreao orcr tSa mesibraos sod is absorbed. Relief is im aMdiateasdscarefothnra. It is not drying doe not product nectlng. Large SUte, 8 eeou at Drug girt or by vail : Trial Siza 10 ccnU b.r mail. O. F. H. A. , : tSlands for the Oregon Fire Relief Association Organized in 1S94.' lssurasce fat force Dec. 31. 1902. $13,046,070 A strictly MUTUAL INSTITUTION of the people and for the people. Every honest loss promptly paid. Every dollar left at home. Saved our members In 1902. I87.487.24i; as compared with stock companies on same amount of Insurance. H. A. JOHNSON, Salem. Or. Agent for Marion County. A. C CHANDLER. Secretary, McMinnville. Or. DR. STONES' DRUG STOWS The stre (tw hi nuulr) are well stocked with a oomj.Icte line of drugs and medicines, toilet articles, ierfu ui ery, brufibes, etc DR. 8 TONE If as bad sorue S-i years' ejjierieuee in tbe practiced if . medicine and now makes no charge for consultation or prescription. He does a ca.sb biuintvw. He neilbcr myn on time nor sells on time. ledg er, journals, day-lwioks,' lxkketer!. bill collectors and all tbe modern para- Ebernalia of credit drug slore,'are un nown in bis business, hence a full stock and correct pric?s-. HORSES WANTED! The old reliable btinn Arm, Th Seattle Attctlos) and Sal Stablca, Inc., which bold pe-il andlou aaiea e-r day, and rrrnltr weekly anctin every Frisajr. reeeiTe hnrv, I o ICO on CHikianmnt ami art ranee ail ah ip nint ehanrra, and m'l on rrnmlnion or wtil buy ynr horeann fright. If TO'i have any num. her of finrnea yon wi-n toli-pne 1 i tine n-mt-tie market p ice, no maitr nw ia toii ar from i hn city, wrl'a m full daM-riftio'n, and we wil let )on know what fhe p ii-ea are an1 h -w they araailiaa;. All cormtpondeoce promptly answered.' K. T. Jor.' IFFK. Manacer. V. J. WALKER, Auctioneer. HI 2 Western Are neaitJe. Wah. isnn siiLiioi, "je:HV Will ufarid for rtm ih romlnr Mrn at rr.t erof fTan't l.lrtr wet. , for tmliKF ana panicuiar t an ou - DR. W. LONG-, , Veterioerr 8u-teou. CboMKtl v Salem Or, Money to Loan On Improved farm and city propert at lowest rates. THOMAS K. FORD, Over Ladd & Bush's Ban. Salem. Oregon. . V - - " UNO LUNO CHUNO WON - In the case of Ung Lung Chung vs. Geo. Sun," n action' for money, which was argued before Judge Burnett Wed nesday afternoon and submitted to the Jury the same evening, a verdict was rendered yesterday granting the plain tiff the sum of $127.50. Pride goeth before and the bill com- eth after.- " ; s DH, Ci GfE ffP.' 'Wonderful Hon Treatment. This wonderful Chi bno doctor Is ealie grest becaoae ttm cures people w)tbol operstloa that mt given up to die. lis cares with thoae wonderful Chinese herbs, roots, buds, bark sad vecetfcbira, that are entlrelv un known to medical science la this country. Through the use of these harmless reme diea. this famona doctor knows the actios of over 500 different remedies which h successfully uses In different diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, ' rung, throat, rheumatism. nervousnen atom acta, liver, kidney, bladder, fetnala trouble. I oat manhood, all private dieaea: has hundreds of testimonlala. Charade moderate. Call and hIm.Consultatloa free. Pa Uents out of the city write for blank anu circular. Enclose stamp. Add res The C Oe Wo Chinese Medicine Co., 132U Third Street, Portland, Oregoa. Mention tbis paper. , Salem Iron Works K R!. EDGAR. Man. All Kinds of Macliino Work, Cast ings, Etc House castings u sjor iilty. . We Jave a largo lot of window weignis of all standard sizes, also cast washers. Give us a call. - J. S. Kirk's Toilet Soiijw Catlformlm Medicated Soaps. RACINE FEET- '"" Hose Kuspepders. Fbclf oil clol h oc per yard. The Variety Store 94 Court St. Aunora M. Welch, Pn p. MOMtY TO L0N ON IMPROVIII r.irmsand city proerty at'i er tit .-r auuuui; no commission. Jf. P. BOISE, Jr. 270 Commercial stccet, one door north of iSiatcsmau fticc. t ; Througn personally cnducted tour ist sleeping cars between Portland and .Chicago, once a week, and between k den and Chicago three limes a wvi-lc, via the Scenic line. Through Standard Sleeping cars daily between Ogden and Chicago, via the Scenic line. j Through ' Standard slccpins cars daily between ' Colorado Springs an St.- Louis. . ' Through Standard and tourist sleep ing cars daily between San ' Kfa.nHs o and Chicago, via Los Angeles and 1U Pao. Through Sfanda.rd sleeplr.g cars and chair cars daily between St. l'aul anl Chicago. - Be sure that your vicket reads vita the Great Bock Island Route. The' best and most reasonable ing car service. , din- L. B. GORHAM, General Agent. T. J. CLABK, Traveling iiassenger Agnl, 230 Alder St, Portland. Or. ILLINOIS is an important Mate ami ;l.O lcr cent of its population is located on Chicago, tse gn-atest cmV mercial cent r of the West, is lxRt rwtcbwl from the North west by LhifanuitiH tailr. ad The Northwestern limited , Ihiily U-tweeti MiuiM aM.i., rt. 1'anl and Chicago is the jmit of nil line traiin Kor l"wet rrn'r. tfrHe f trains and full i' lura ati.iu write to c. J. i;rav. ij.L h.i. Tra-rcling Agt., ecu 21 Abier 81., l f tian.l. Or. WIRE FENCE I ri nav you money t ("ore wl e. t am oow lktnc rdfra r fmiire dellvt-ry rtirr t . Imra raiern mill. I'r always th'- lowtkt. Corrvap Kimo oii-fifi. WALTER M ORLEYf Salen rnce Worka. - t,9 Htat ht. slrm. CHINESE D tug Store 1 carry all kinds of Cliinese drugs at"S mediclnen. Roots and herbs nature's medicine. Good for ail kinds of sick ness. Cures opium habit. (Jood for the blood and kidneys. ' DR. A'fAi OOJV H O, 2M Laberty street . - Jsaleni, Oreg