l : 1 i I A I SEEN IN THE CORRIDOR j .... - ... - I A BREATHING SPELL. lIL?" StX! than 3,009. Amended to extend to cit- tea of 1.009; passed. Took a. recess at 11:40 until 12 m. .:r SEX ATE. - " ' (Afternoon Session.) Called to order at 2 p. in. - II. B. 196, Hale, to amend code In re- gard to the time when action may be begun on the deatn n by the wrongful act. negligence or omission of another; failed to pan. the exhausted system.' -This treatment alone enables the often to consumptive gather force enough to throw off 'the disease altogether. Scott's Emulsion " brings strength to the lungs and flesh to the body. i Scad for Free Sample- SCOTT & BOWXE. Cbenirt og Pearl SC. N. Y. - t ...... would hare to vote against it. : Several other senators made re marks, and when the bin was placed on its final passage it was lost, 17 to 5, with 8 absent. McGinn. Miller. Pierce, Wade and Brpwnell voted yes. Daly. Fulton, Howe. Hunt, Marsters. Smith of Multnomah, fiweek and Wehrung were absent. THE ULTIMATE RESULT CAHOT BE DETERMINED Senatorial Situation Still Unsettled and the Po litical; Barometer indicates That a Serious Storni Is Brewing May Break , at Any Time If the consumptive could only keep from getting worse it would be some encourage ment. ' .. Scott's Emulsion at least gives tired nature a breathing spell. The nourishment and birciigui ouuuncu irwu oluusi B. 33. Test, (substitute by com Emulsion are a ereat relief tO J ntfttee) to re-locate the county seat of third time, and passed. iH. B. 9U Burgess, to create the coun ty of Stockman; failed to pass. Hol inan. , .Johnston, McGinn, Mulkey, Smith of Multnomah. Steiwer, Brown ell voted yes. Carter. Croisan. Daly. Hunt. Pierce, . and and Sweek .were absent.-. : .' f ' ' First Reading of House Bills. : H.: Bi 15S. Reed, to prohibit "persons from stealing, rides on trains. IH. B. 27, Reed, to amend Port of Portland Act. ';, " H. ji. 68, Cobb, to fix salary of com missioners " of Multnomah county. iH. B." 88. Jones of Multnomah, in re gard to auditor of Multnomah county; advanced thircf reading and passed. S. B 206, Itand.vto regulate indebted ness ctf' counties; firsts reading. . H. B. 182. Gault, relating to fees of county clerks. ; ;y- H. B. 209, Davey, regulating salary of State t Superintendent of Public Instruction: ;H. B. 124, Eddy, to fix salary of Su perintendent of Tillamook county. 'H. B. 200. Eddy;,: to fix salary of as sessor of, Tillamook county. IL B. 229, Galloway, to authorize Yamhill county to sell certain prop erty, r H. B. 232, Ilodson. by request,; regu lating the corporate power of Port land. 1 H. B. 213, Carnahan Seaside. ' . H. B.. Hayden. road matters. IL B. 253, Johnson, to incorporate John Day. il. . B. 257. Jones of Lincpln, to fix dead line at Taquina and Alsea Bays. H. B. 262, Hines, to incorporateor es Grove; read first and second time; to Municipal Corporations. M. B. 272. Webster, to provide for payment of fees in divorce suits. H. B. 274, Ways1 and Means, expenses or Twenty-Second session. H. B. 281, Hahn, to amend charter of Astoria; read second" time and refer red to Clatsop delegation. H. B. 2S3. Hod son, to require loco motives to have headlights. II. B. 285. Tsst, to incorporate Mysia, H. B. 297. Orton. to incorporate St. Johns; read second time and referred to Multnomah delegation. K. is. j'jw, Test, to fix salaries of Malheur-county. tt. IS. 315, Galloway, to amend char ter of McMinnville; advanced to third reading, and passed The . ways and means rommittee held a session last night at the State House fori the consideration of re ports upon state schools and colleges. A number of college men were pres ent pulling for the Institutions they represent, j and while the committee listened good naturedly to all ,who had anything to say, they smiled as if they were not taking matters ser iously. ! . Senator John Daly, of Benton coun ty, was before the committee, pulling his best -for the Corvallis Agricultural College. He went into details and gave a graphic description of the work of the college, saying sixty graduates .were sent out from there last' year and that about 00 students were on the rolls at present. He pre sented a claim for an appropriation of $15,006 $12,000 to meet a deficiency and $3,000 for furnishing and equipping the new halls. Representative Jones May Go Over to Fulton Today The Letter's Coarse Said to Be Almost Ron and That He Will Be Out of the Race After This Week State Board of Health Bill Nov Up to tbe Governor. THE SEVENTEENTH BALLOT FULTON.. ..J. I JEER, wooix..:..,.:. ... (iEOlUJK...... frH 3 ATTK 1 1 1 N O .. ... ......... AIWENT AN I) PA I K ED. TOTAL .31 .15 .16 .11 .9 . H ...) (Krom We-lnosday's Daily.) had to go more than a hundred miles Feyond the si itching of the M.ultno- to Ket to the county seat, requiring m.ih delation from A. I. Mills to M. tmT to mak the trio. He said t rr.r . ... .... that the nw county would contain Y rse ballot on 437 vot.r8 and thiU 5 of them ha1 I nited States Senator was feat;uTelss signed a petition asking that the new and absolutely: without change, and ! county be created. Since the ; people witlHut prospect. Notwithstanding the tact that rumors are continuously in ir-ul-Mion that ia break 1st hear at hand there is certainly no more evidence or such an occurrence at the present time th.in there was, nor not nearly jo much, two weeks ug when the situation vas in an extremely turbulent and unset tled stale. i Indications are very deceptive, how evr. and if thre is to be a storm, the preiont situation may be called the pro verbial forewarning citm. Those who are in clos tmu;h with the situation and are in a pot-ition to know, say that Senator Pulton is preparing for his final rnorx una. wui; unaouoteciy snow his hand before the close of the week. Th rumor was afloat last night, although it rouid not be verified, that Represent tive Jones, of Lincoln and Polk, who has b-en castiig his vote for Binger Her mann all along, will break the ice and go" over to the Senator from Clatsop to day. This will be no surprise, how ever, as Mr. Jones has been slated for It was also rumored that Representative Hayden, wf Polk, may also cast his lot witn enator uton. put this rumor has ben strongly denied by those who claim to know; Mr. Hayden's - position. Those who . were conceding at feast thirty-eight votes to Fulton two weeks ago will not grant him that 'many now. and assert that, at the c!ose of this week, if nothing occurs to create a stampede In his favor, his race will have been run and that he will throw up the sponge, probably in favor of the Hon. Binger Hermann. The Geer men claim that their hopes are growing stronger each day and that he wui be elected eventually. Time works wonders, however, and It re mains to be seen what the result will be for It' cannot! be intellieentlv fore casted- . i House BUI No. - tv by Burgess. .-to create the county of Stof-kman. failed to pass In the Senate yesterday. Senator Smith, of Multnomah took the lead In favor of the bin. He ex hibited & map showing from what ter ritory the new county would b form ed, the greater part being taken from Wasco and Crook counties. Ha said by the present arrangement some res idents of the I proposed new county in the sctlon: wanted the county he could see no reason why their wish should not be granted. ' . . Senator Kuykendall was against the bill. n was a, member of the com mittee which had reported unfavora bly on the "measure and had heard the argument that people from that sec tion had made for and against it. and was thoroughly convinced-that a new county was not 'wanted. Senator Williamson made his first speech of the session on this occasion and was against the passage of the bill. He said the time had not come for a new county, and more than that the people out there had not gone about the matter In the right way to get favorable action of the Legisla ture. He said four fifths of the prop erty interests of the section did not want the new county. The bill failed to pass, the vote be ing as follows: ; Yeas Hoi man, Johnston. McGinn. Mulkey, Smith of Multnomah. Steiwer and Urownell 7; nays Booth. im- mick. Farrar, Julton. Hobson, Howe, KuykendalL Marsters, Mays, Miller. Myers, Smith of Yamhill. Wade, Weh rung. Williamson 15; absent Carter, froisan. Oaly. ! Hunt. Pierce. Rand. tmith of Umatilla. Sweek 8. When Hale's i House Bill , No. 10 came up ia ma Senate yesterday it caused quite a heated discussion. The bill sought to amend the Code, taking away the limit of $$.000 which, may be recovered In case of death caused by ine wrongrui act, negligence of omis sion of another. Senator McGinn thought : the law ought to pass and made a spirited ar gument in its favor. He said that twenty-eix states had no stated limit. ; Senator Croisan was opposed to tbe passage of the bllL It would work a great hardship on the small saw mill men, the owner of threshing machines and small manufacturers, and for that reason he would vote against it- n ' Senator Booth did not think it was rood measure, and agreed with what had been said by Senator Croisan. Senator Mulkey. sent up an amend ment, but unanimous consent for ft adoption could not be ! obtained. He said he would Hke to support the bill i If it could be amended, otherwise he j In the House - yesterday afternoon j House Bill No. 215 by Johnson, provid I ing for -an appropriation of $165,000 for the construction of a portage railway on the Columbia river was passed by a good majority, and will be up to the Senate for; action today. There has been a strong fight made against this tiu rrom the very start, and Its pas sage by the House will have a strong influence in tbe Senate. The House also passed Senate Bill XX O. t. Dyi Smith Of Multnomah fnr the creation of a State Board of Health, and this bill, which Is consid ered a very meritorious measure. passed tne Senate on January ,27th and is now up to the Governor for his signature. ) , The House also passed the La Fol lett DHL repealing ,the scalp bounty aw Dy a vote of 35 to 25. and the sue cess 01 me measure is largely due to Representative Davey. of Marion. Who made an eloquent and effective Appeal in us favor. Mr. La Follett also dealt out some telling remarks, which had a decidedly convincing effect, and he feels highly elated over his victory. I . j SENATE. ! (Morning Session.) Called to order at 10 a. m. Prayer was offered by Rev. W. C. Kantner. H, B. 40. j Cobb, to require street rail ways to provide fenders; Smith, of Yamhill, moved that the f vote by which the bill was passed Monday be reconsidered. Marsters rose to a point of order, claiming that a motion for reconsideration must be made same day. The chair sustains the objection. The bill was not reconsidered. 8. B. 202. Rand, to fix time of hold ing courts; read first and second times and referred -to Judiciary Committee. S. B. 203.; Myers, to amend code: read first time, j . . S. B. 204, substitute for '153; read first t Une. ' . , -H. BV 201. Emmitt, to incorporate Merrill; passed. S. B. 153, Pierce (substitute by com mittee) relating to appointment of State Land Agent; read first time. S. B. 204, Howe, by request, to amend code; read first time. ' Second Reading ef Bills- S. B 173, Williamson, relating to in corporating societies; Agriculture. 8- B. 175, Sweek. to protect manu facturers of soda, etc; Judiciary. - J- lu. Kuykendall. relating to health officer at Astoria; Ways t and Means. S. B 17. Wehrung. relating to sale under execution; Revision of Laws. S. B. 181. Pierce, relating to Irriga tionIrrigation.. 8. B. 182, Dimmick. relating to duties -of district attorney; Judiciary. . B. 154.; Myers, to limit tax levies by county courts; Judiciary. S. B 183, Mays, by request, in regard to making entry of Judgment; Revis ion of Law, S. B. 190, Mays, by request, to re quire judges to render decisions; Re vision of Laws. ; S. B. 131j Mulkey, to license sale of intoxicating liquors; Printing. S. B. 133, Smith, of Multnomah, to prohibit sale of explosives to chilcren; Medicine and Pharmacy. 8, B.. 194,1 Pierce, to extend term of county assessor, to four years; Assess ment and Taxation. S. B. 195, Smith, of Umatilla, relat ing to extending railroad tracks to warehouses; Agriculture, S. IU Hunt, In regard to method of marking ballots; Elections. Third Reading ef Biltsr" 8. B. 70. Hunt, In regard to holding elections when referendum is demarwt. ed; passed. :. 8. R 77. j Pierce, relating to holding school meeting and levying school axes; passed. S. B. 1$L Hobson. by. renunrt t9. Ing to weekly settlements to K by sheriffsi passed. 8." B. 183 (substitute for SSI Smlil, Umatilla, relating to the transporting twuenia 10 the Asylum; JU J for Infants and Children. " The Kind Tou llare Always Bought lias borne the slgraa. tare of Chas. II. flctcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one to deeeiv-e you in this Counterfeits, Imitations and ... Just-as-ffood aro hut Experiments, and endanger the health of Children kxperienco agali-t Kiierimcau The Eind Tou Have Always Bought yf) Ecaxs the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. r rra vm commv. tt mxmrrr. wf yff crrv. A to incorporate relating to county Dr- Sunn?s I Inlousehold Physician Or Home Book of Health 'rOi jlU GIVEN AS A PREMIUM WITH Tivice-a-Week Statesman . ' ... ' L:" . '! 1 1 ssi --.T,'.. : I1W H. B. 31S, Miles to Incorporate La fayette. . H. B. 169. Huntley, to amend char ter of Oregon City; advanced to third reading and bassed. IL B. 145. Webster, relating to wide tired wagons. H, B. 215, Johnson, to build portage railroad between Celilo and The Dalles. - ,H. B. 219, Orton. relating to the style of election ballots. H. B. 244, Both, to fix salaries- of officers in Columbia county. The committee of assessment and taxation reported favorably unon S. B. r,o. 194, to extend terms of asses sors to tour j years, without recommen dation -that it do pass, and upon S. B. No. 82, providing for the creation of the office of! State Examiner of Public Officers and offices, a substitute was reported which. "was . ordered printed. If. B. 238, Giran, to fix salaries of Sherman county. H- 15- 161. Burgess, to require stock yards to keeo record of brands., H. 15. 2i6. to provide for appoint ment of matron at Penitentiary. it wv-miimn' hod THIS IS OUR OFFER: THIS BOOK WITH THE STATES MAN ONE YEAR $3.25; OH BOOK ALONE;$2.50. HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY TO GET V VALU ABLE BOOK AT SMALL COST. The only comlet household guide and reliable, genuine med leal book ever published. .Every disease to hichi the human race is subject Is ful ly treated iu thi. ex haustive ' . vlum. New diseases. Treat ment., and" Theories which have rPrd within the lajt few years, and which art not even mentioned 4n other so-catlrd medical books, are her in discussed. snl the treatment anil remedies set forth; such as Bacteriology. Appendicitl. Tuber-, culosis. Hypnotism, Venereal and Skin Diseases. I,a CIrlppe, Nervous Diseases, Treatment and cnr of every disease of Men and Women and .' Children. :The sim plest and best reme dies: minute direc tions in cases of troundt, icaUi, burns, poison, hydro sudden diseases, like jit- 1 r??V,-.- - I 1!. -:.-sk :t; f&c I L . . I i ..-- .-x- :p?r J .... v phobia, sunstrdke, fits, falls, sprains, bruises; also for croup, cholera, etc. It describes the cause, the symptoms, the nature, the effect, the treatment and the remedy of every disease which affects human ity. Treatises on the Passions and Emotions, such as Dove, Hope. Joy. Af fection, Jealousy, Grief, Fear. Despair, Avarice. Charity,: Cheerfulness, show ing the influence' of the mind on the body; eminently calculated to arouse the people to the fact that h?alth depends to a great degree upon the proper di rection and control of the passions and emotions. owonu rcaufrc 01 1 louse iiiUS. J "r i x , IL B. SS. Notiinrham. to protect tSSaVS Oil JllLftinnftrAlll-P- ITsft ftf TflllJlffn Slppn 1 - ar ( : J- - 7 m-. v w v v t-r J . m I ' birds and 'their nests; game. H. B. 110. Simmons, to amend Code: cdu ;"tioii. , ' H. B. 126, Kddy, to regulate the time for apportioning school funds: eduvation. H. B. 148. Bailey, to prevent black listing of laborers; judiciary. 11. . hi, jsotlingham. to prevent the manufacture or sale of adulter ated linseed oil; agriculture. II, B. 193. Murphy. to provide for (Continued on page 7.) J After He Comes I 2 b bas a bard enough time. Every- 2 9 thing that the ex peccant mother g can do to help her child she should 5 do. , One of the greatest blessings 2 2 she can rive him u hnt, k.,- z j do this, shs must have heafrh her- it lf. She should use every means 2 t 9 She Khotild. by all means, supply $ herself with . g I Mother's 5 . . i - ... ... Exercise, Cold, Baths, Etc. SI'hClAL liECrURE TO YOUNt- MEN A Complete Materia Medtoa, or list of th principa remdi-y. Inrhi'fing nearly WO medical plants, hTbs and vegetable remedies; description of arh; where fuunU; when to be gathered; ho w to preserve same; their preparation for use. ; Manual for Nursing the Sick. Treatises oh Anatomy, PhysHology and Hr- -giene. Domestic and Sanitary Economy Ventilation. Pure and Impure Air, Water. Purification of Water. Drainage, Disinfectants, etc.. etc. Physical ' Culture and Dcvlopnient, etc. Address Statesman Publishing Co., Salem, orcuon OIINO - OF THK ; Twlce-a-Week Statesman m0 : ., l of - Insane passed. & B. 188. McGinn, relating to man. agement of SUte Reform School; passed. Croisan, Farrar. i Holman. Marsters, Mays. Smith- of Multnomah.' Steiwer, Sweek, Wehrung and Wil liamson voted "no." S. B. 1M, WUUamapn, providing for! take b through ths crisi easily and mckly. Itfsa liniment which gives strength nd vigor to tbe muscles. Com mon sense will snow., you tht; the tronjter the muscles are. which bear' the tin. the less, pain there will be. livinor In V4 rrr-. 'em. 5 Ind says: Mother'a P-r 7X 5 wonders for r i . I your lioiment. . i 5 ' Head this fron A wooiaa 4 4 Mother's Friend fa . hi .i-ZT. ' T 2 an women who undergo nature's 5 ordeal of childbirth." : dreo store. Slperbettle. Get Mother's Frie-d t the WEEKLY OREGONlAN. oer vtir ...... ... TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, Dee year... OUR PRICE, BOTH PAPERS.... .. PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, pee year.......... .. TWICE-A-WEUK STATESMAN, per yssr... - a. BOTH PAPERS............ .. .... . CHICAGO INTER-OCEAN, eer vaar.... .. TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, psr year ., BOTH PAPERS HOARDS DAIRYMAN, pee year.. T... ...... ...... TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per yssr.....;.. BOTH PAPERS.... NORTHWEST POULTRY JOURNAL . per year ...... TWICE. A-WEEK 8TATESMAN, per yssr...... ....... BOTH PAPERS THRICE. A-WEEK NEW YORK WORLD, per ysar!!!.! TWICE- A-WEEK STATESMAN, par ys.r.... ....... ........i. .11.50 . .......... 1J ........ ,....22S .....$1.00 . ti-oo .. ....$i.7T ......... $1.00 $130 .$1.00 i a ee .$1.75 i0 ,.$1.00 ....$1.40 ....$1J0 $1J3P BOTH PAPERS...... ........ .$1.65 TW1ACEUA wtl,i4Tail!!ilir.a fPe Pa"0rn tt ch VuwVbeV)"..V.$1X TWICE-A-WEEW STATESMAN, psr year...... ............ M BOTH PAPERS........ ..... ... ...... $10 tHt C3A0nrJLD CCGLIATOR CO., Z Z J ? Atlanta, Ga. wt" " m f i n ll U UIIMHI4MmM I v-vi. i Us '.V.. myrniun Diinopr fill -- m eaoeaua. or (taiwi .,,.. V... ' Ot?ncy, tos Power, Kiel n tack, C. it peslroa, R, mr f toyMW. m. ihc Mwe WiH?Ci' Si'I-Sf r.l Rrn'nL -no-.s, mn e,tvo ,. , , . M ... . . . ' w ww jtz wtw wish, smmbi a win vvMsiwf, nri rtn !. cri toe. Adsress, Bishoo Remedy t- rrafioc OeA FOB SALOSPT 2L J. RIGtiH, DBUGGIST. SALEM, ORXOON.