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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1903)
J 1 . AI(rfi02E?UL III IJILIIARY Alliss, JTtoUis. tli ; , Dayis to Be ReJiev.ecl , gonian and -i 'now- in .charge, I LockJey needs no Introduction many patrons of . the East Oregonian. j ? as - ? lie has . -traveled - extensively j te.; through an parts of -Oregon la toe in terest, of the publications named, and enJoy?' wide? personal acquaintance. Bowen Consents fccliGraiitlie h18 they vm me tbejr najcr Generals Hunes ana . - '--;: - I future home. Pendleton E--0.- f J . 7 . - j f ' Cstarro of the Stomach Can be cured by taking 8. B. Catarrh Cure vhlch' fares" all ; forms fit. Indi gestion and : stomach troubles, sach'M constipation, rising of sour food, dis tress aXtsr eating, which .if -neglected Mnn An InflinuH an1 nlrie3 itoffl Representatives of Powers Ex-1 tcb and leads to cancer jor thtstotoacn. taste and smelL For sale by all drug gists. Boole pn-jtarrlr free. Address Smith Bros, Fresno. Cat, - ,1 :-,?-. -r i Oil PREFERENCE OF CLAIHS READY FOR RETIREMH1T ' Sim - - rjtinr Erery Mlnencer - to Settle -Hatters General JlcArthurio Jlelieve . tne Fcrmer, and Wade .the Latter - M, 4- WmiOUT ILA.VIXJ3 TO REFER IT TO JHI HAGUE PRESIDEXT . ISf rEiaiO.NALLT FAYORASLS TO JUSTMENTS IN WASHINGTON.; tin -WASHINGTON. Feb. 4. Every ef- fort is being made by the representa . tires of thev allies, here ; to secure , an early settlement of 'the Venezuelan dispute without " sending '"it to The Hague. In this effort the Italian and British Ambassadors ' and : German Minister Baron Sternberg; are receiv ins; the endorsements of Minister i Ik wen and the cordial approval of the Government of the United States It is understood." that ' the; Resident; while In no -war connected with -the ' negotiations! is personally in favor of an agreement being reached at Washf This fact, it is determined, -will have a prompt bearing j on the decision of the British and German officials. ' The British Ambassador and German Min ister have both cabled to their Govern men ts the ; fact that Mr. Bowen has expressed bis willingness to allies preferential treatment for three months, that they may emerge from the controversy without Injuries to thelr honor I i v " - , The allies have j not . yet replied to the last representations of thelf en voys here. In regard to the acceptance of this. plan. Advices reached , here from Berlin this afternoon of an im portant ; nature, I but assurances are given that they were Bent prior to the i submission : of the;! last proposition and " all sc ted only a detail of the contro-' versy. The report was not -discourag-" ing. It may be some days yet before the final answer Is received at Wash- , ingfon. but all negotiations are hope- GQODHEi ,:a,',JA5:'ASYi.lir,Ij One Case -cf Smallpox Gas pi- Yelcpediut Promptljr f- briqadier' general wood as signed to COMMAND OF PHILrr rPPTNES AND BRIGAMETt GEN ERAX FtTNSTON WllJi COMMAND DEPARTMENT OF COLUMBIA. .urn NO SPREAD OF DISEASE HAS OC CURRED TWELVE ; DEATHS DURING JA2iUAB.T. MOSTpT DUE TO SENILITY AN INCREASE pF ilX PATIENTS. ' - 'V 4 " " " " 0 . f ul of sutcesJCui (outcome. ' Same Bloody Battles. , ( London.' Feb. 4. According to a dis- patch published In the Morning Leader . from Tangier the Spanish 'Embassy r has received news of still more bloody battles than that which took place on January 20. The Sultan's - troops. numbering 12.000, attacked the preten der's new encampment, treachery, and ; bribery again giving : he Sherooflan army the advantage. A" terrible fight ttook place srmmd Du Hamaras, and. I Engine room ; j. . p... ... -v-jruiii vo i no laiesi accounts, ron- tlnued right up the gates of Fez. fi where, after losing 2,500 slain the rebels succeeded eventually in reach ; ing Du Hamaras. ; i.-- (From Thursday's Dally). The State Board of Asylum Trustees held the regular monthly meeting on Monday of this .weejk. at, which time the report"- of Superinteadent - Cal- breathvwas ; received, considered and approved. . :; : I 'L ' y. In his letter of transmittal Superin tendent Calbreatb states that the gen eral health of the inmates of the Asy- give the J lumfor January has .been good and the death rate corresponamgiy,. jow. Twelve patients have died during the month,' of tfhlch number three , were over eighty years of age; two between seventy and eighty and two between sixty-five and seventy, -j One case - of smallpox developed during this month in the person of farm hand, but he was promptly -quarantined in the new pest house, and so far no spread of the disease, has occurred. ; 5 - He states also that the ' work in -all of the departments is well -up; that the farm teams are in fine condition to begin the spring work and that' be has closed contracts for 3,082 cords of wood,' which leaves a balance of about 1,500 cords to be procured, j t. ',y During the month there was' an ag gregate of 17.992.29 expended for. pro visions, supplies, salaries and general expenses of. the institution, which is charged to the different departments as follows: i Kitchen and dining rooms Male department .......... Female department .... .. Bakery ........... .... .. Laundry ...' .... ... .... WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. A general order, dated January .,27th. making a number, of , highly important military assignments, was issued by the War ! Department today. . Under these orders the following hanges will occur: Major General Arthur' Mac Arthur Is assigned tojhe command of the Depart ment, of; California, id relive Major Genera Robert Hughes, who -will be retired April I. V Major General John C Bates will re lieve Major. General MacArthur of the command of the Department of XakeS, April 1; Brigadier General James F. Wade. wU Irelieve Major General Davis of tbe command of' the Division of the Philippines on or before June 26th. Oh being relieved, Major General Davis will be retired. , , -t - ' Brigadier General Leonard Wood will proceed to Manila, for assignment to the command .of the Department of Min danao; Brigadier General George Ran dall will be relieved of the command of the Department of the Columbia April 1, ana report to tne commanaing getter al of the Division of the Philippines: and i Brigadier: General Funston will be assigned to the command of the De partment of the Columbia. s INHALED NITRIC - ACID :; FOUR FIREMEN DEAD AND SEVEN ' i SERI6USLY ILT AS A ' ' ! RESULT. Mrtters in Honduras, r Washington. Feb. 4. The State De- partment has been advised that Sierra i Cthe hold over' Presftlent of Honduras) , has turned over the Presidency to the j Council of Ministers, and that Bon 11 la. who claims to have been elected to r the Presidential office has proclaimed ' ti himself President at Amahala. Farm, garden and dairy Drug store ... Sewing room Center building ...... Office ;........ West cottage ........ . East cottage ........ Stanley farm ......... Expense ... Infirmary ....... ...... Carpenter shop ...... Factory Tailor shop ....... .S3.069.90 . 873.17 . 476.76 . 668.17 . 43.14 290.62 . 179.62 .9.10 . 200.00 . 211.93 . 113.89 7.45 2.80 ' 9.1 . L308.37 , 193.60 ,174.64 4.93 . 74.84 . 80.40 MILWAUKEE. Wis, , Feb. 4. Four. firemen are dead and nine others are said to be seriously ill from the effects if inhaling fumes of nitric acid --while fighting fire at the plant of the Schwab Stamp & Seal Company last night. The victims of the disaster were not overcome for many hours after the fire. when one by one they Succumbed. The dead: Jamea' Foley, chief; Andrew WhSe, captain; -Edward Hogan," pipe man, and Thomas Droney. pi perns n. v - Assistant Chief Clancey's condition is critical. Captain Peter-Lancaster is dying, and Truckman William Meloy. Wm, ' Kennedy - and Daniel McCarthy are seriously 11L The men became- iH today and rapidly -grew worse. ; ii" iGA'ALiS) E MBEU rf;rc The ' Mutual Life Iimurance Company of New. Yorkt founded 1843, is thfr oldest active life - - - ' I.- - . ' . . . . i . ,i . . . . ;. . . . ', ''''. L r SC. insurance company in the United States and the largest in the world. 'X C X Th Largest Claim rcr paid by any company, $1,000,QOO, on a single life .was paid the heirs of Frank Hutchinson IVavey by the.Mutual Life Insurance Company of New YorkyJanuaiy 10, 1U02 The Largest .j r Pi-emium ever receivetl was 349,621.78, s paid in September,' 1902, to the Mutual Life In- . :. r . . -r . tr 1 1 . t-m ..'.... i . r r I i . , surance company 01 new xoric, uy Jduen omiin, 01 Lenver, vx)i. , ; . , Tlie Largest the Mutual Amount of assets held by any life insurance' company in the world is held, by Life Insurance .Company, .of New. York -and exceeds . , THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY MILLION DOLLARS The Mutual-Life Insurance Company of New York has also made The . i .. Largest Sum total of disbursements to policy-holders in the history) of life insurance, it i having ; :FpTE HUNDRED AND NINETY MILLION DOLLARS Unbroken fidelity to the interests of policy- holders whose funds are held in trust has. won iw iuc vuuipauy Huauwiue uisuucudii lur emiiiteueu uu coii-ervative aumiuisiiaiion. The Board of Trustees has at ail periods represented the best' iii, the business and social lire or ine community. " f: i ; - Death Claims Paid in Oregon During the Year 3902. . Original amount of policies '$28,086 Amount of claims paid by the Company $28,893 .Net amount of cash .paid by policy holders $J1,415.84: Profits to Beneficiaries .. . . over last .; . '. $17,477.16 ON EAST 0Rl:G0rf IAN FORCE i . t 1 WELL KNOWN NEWSPAPER MAN ACCEPTS POSITION OF CIK- ! CULATION AGENT. Fred lockley, Jr., of Salem, tlie well known Correspondent and writer, who has been connected with the Northwest Livestock and Wool grow ers" Journal of this city, the Pacific Homestead of Salem, and whose inter tstlng descriptive .letters and pioneer sketches tn the Oregon Daily ; Jour mil bare been, widely copied in the NorthWetut has accepted the position of circulation agent on the East Ore. ; ' r hf hard footgh as it is. It is to hex that we owe 'our world, and everything. snotua be made as easy as possible for her at the time of childbirth. This Is just what HoTnkirs wUldVItwiUmaVi and painless, and that without tak ing dangerous drugs into the sys tem. ,It is simply to bo applied to the muscles of the abdomen. & It penetrate through tho skin carry lag strength and elasticity with it. It strengthens tho whole system and prevents all tf 4l discomforts of pregnancy . j. - s-. . v . - The .mother of plmnb babe ia Panama, Mo.; says: "I have used Mother's . Friend an4 can praise it highly." , sv.i -v-;V:- .. Get tother rHeoxl t tfea : Prvg Store, St per bottle. Tho Dradfleld Regulator Co., t ; ; ATLANTA. GA. . - Write for ear free Hltistrated book. oeiore aoy ora Total ...... '-..'". ..' j.. ....992.39 His report df the number of patients In the Asylum on December 31, 1902, the number receive, discharged, died and eloped during January, shows the following: . ' i ; f v " Male Fem. Total No. patients Dec 31. .886 ' No. rccd. during Jan.. 20 No. -ret. escapes 2 Ncunder care and '' 1 treatment-.... ' 908 No. dls. .much Imp.... 2 No.' dls.' Imp. 1 z. No. died ...... w.....; 10 ; No, eloped..,., i.'..... 2 Dls., died, eloped ... Is , 379 385 I 2 it: '2 1265 28 r 1293 4 I 12 2 - 22 No. patients Jan;: 31 ..890 381 ' 1271 Average number dally, 128 28-31 A GOOD BIPR0VEr.IET J. A. SIMPSON , WILL ERECT ELEGANT BRICK STABLE ; ON UBERTT.' . , AN John A.' Simpson will, as soon as the! weather setUes. .begfh the construction Of a new Jivery stable1 on the 4ot Just south of the building occupied by W. C THE FEBRUARY AMERICAN BOT. The February number of The Amert lean Boy is' before us. It is rich in Illustration, ; story and anecdote ' and full of practical and helplful hints for American ' boys.: The; friends of t,his unique periodical wUl be pleased ' to know that it has passed the 100,900 mark in circulation truly a great achievement. A xull ' page -Illustration of an Ice boat going at full speed adorns the front cover. It Is an inspir ing; picture. . The seventh installment of the life - of Napoleon Bonaparte, written by the editor of The American Boy, for boys, appears in this issue. The leading contributions are: ' Ats tyne's Victory, Oeorge , Washington's School.; Days. Illustrated : , sketch of George Washington and of Lafayette, the brave and true friend of liberty; With Uncle Sam's Fishermen, An Am erican Barony, Caught by the Flames. How We Boys Went Wild Westing. The Widow's Valentine, Mr. Butler's Defender, Pluck and a . Stone Fence, The Industrious Queen." Boys of ."the Past Men of the Present.' Short arti cles and anecdotes aVe: ' The Twenty Second of February. - Captain ' Kldd, Look ' Ahead ami Figure: From the Streets of Ponce to Harvard College, The Boy Webster, The Crown' Prince of Slam;' ' T-; br-Bottorn-Whlch? How to Build i an Ice Yacht The special departments- ares With the Boys. The Agassis Association. " Boys and the Garden. The Order of the Am erican Boy, Book Reviews.' Lessons In Shorthand. The- Boy Photographer, Boys in the Animal Kingdom, Boys as Money-Makers. and i : Money-Savers, Boy in Games and Sport. The Boy flic Ml! tual Life Insurance Company In come you im r.'-: OF NEW YORK. R10HARD A. McCURDY, President. ; -ritinff for terms on new Diamond Jubilee Policy just issued,' ftate ainoiint u would like to egin drawing ten years hence and give our age. oft1 in-' Ains worth Bik , DlATflAWAl Manager, .1-1. 1 . . - i Portland, Oregon. AN INCREASE OFBUSINESS . ' '. '-' ' ' '''''' . '- ... ' Transfers of Property in Past v .Two Days Amount : to $19,031 . VOLtJME OF TRANSACTIONS A II 10 STEADILY INCREASING AND IT BIDS FAIR TO ASSUME MfCll GREATER PROPORTIONS AS TH1J : SPRING APPROACHES. IT III Tillson s Cos feed store. The Stamp. Coin and Curio Collector. Pms- buuaing now -standing on this lot -win I sle department.' r In' March will . start bo removed and the i new structure. which will take its place, will be sizty flve feet wide and ' IIS feet in length, built of brick, and will be to stories high. W. D.' Pugh ts now engaged 4n preparing the plans, and it is Mr." Simp son's intention to have n livery stable which Is tip to date in every respect. (From Thursday's Daily). Realty "transfers have been flled with the county recorder during the past tWo days, the consideration of which aggre gate 819j03L - The real estate transafc tions, as shown on the recorder's books. are increasing gradually and bid fair at the, present rate to assume great proportions before spring immigration and building : opens up. The deeds follow:- ' "': A. S. Shaw, et ux to Charles Bie- i . v; gel. of Mesa, Arizona. 243 acres ; f ' of Jand In section 1. t f s, r 2 , ' ww v. ' d 8,000 A. J. Aas to Roy Morlev. 122.43 ': ' J. JC. ' Sodini for rprotecUon- .to .several I cref of land in't , x 1 e. . . . ; 4,W)0 variety tneatres run in vroiatlon of thej Charles F. Talcott et ux, to Cn law -This is the sixth indictment! ' JTZ7.. found against XPr. Ames. - ' -. f the last serla story written by the late George A. Henty, ' the best-known writer tor . boys ' in the i world. The Spca-gue Publishing Company, . Detroit, Ui.- 11.00 m. year. . , rV INDICTED FOR BRIBERY. xfrrvi?:iTrvr jr uinn'- r.k e " tv. i uunnjrai wiu oe anown i ,nt lunr Ka retort tnntW nlnt. CPtal City, Carriage pompany. mnt against former Mayor Ames, now A PAINFUL ACCIBEnT STACEY r REEVES. -1 WHILE fJ CUT- TTNO . WOOD ALMOST 8EV i ERED TOES : FROM FOOT. " " a fugitive from Justice. . He is charred with receiving a bribe of $10t from t CFrora Thnrsday DaHy). X f Stacey Reeves, the 1 14-year-old "son cf O. M. Reeves, of Turner, while cutting" wood on -his father's place Tuesday ine I with a very serious ,and painful -accident. The axe - he - was using glanced ; and .cut clear through his left foot nearly severing nil ,the toes." Dr. W. Carlton Smith." of this city, was .called and dressed the wound, and the patient though resMng easy will be laid up for several .weeks. ",";..' ; LW- PRESIDENT OF SENATE SUED f , Through his attorney.1 John Bsyne. R. G. Moore yesterday filed a suit in the Circuit Court against W H.1L. 8amp son and Geo, C. Browne !1 to recover on a promissory note. The roountin volved is tU2,$. ' The note was exe cuted in Oregon City, January 25.1S9S. When they overtake a horse thief In Arizona they can a halt then call for I a naiter. - r No Dessert- More Attractive Why nxe elaiine and spend bona scMkinl;, weetesing,.' flavoring in cuioong wnett V produces better .admits ,n mn. :n,.i Evrytiung ia tho Packsge Simply add hot water and set to cooJL ltrf perfection. A sor prtse to the housewife. Ko troebleless ex P"486. Try t toay. ,h Four irxut Fbu'' vors.- fcraon. Orange, Strawberry, JJa. berry. Atgrocus, lQo. . 2,600 00 stant Guerne. a part of section U. t e, r i w, containing 102 acres of land, w. d. GvMFry, et ux., to H. II. gand- blast. 81 acres of land In sec i tlon-lS,' t 4 a, r 1 w4 w '4.. Louisa, Ki aL, to-W, H. .' Welch; et bxw lots 10 and 11, in .j block 1, in Knight's addition to i Salem,w. d. ,. ; . . ; . .V, ; O. E. F. Lee to Gilbert L. Gunder son a piece of land containing w.-ro in section v, t s s. Thomas S. Sitray. et ux tojC. F. De Guire. part of the d L c of r Thomas L. Coon, containing jMcre. in ts, r 1 w w. d ' Annie L'osteJlo to Marie Coleman 'ZW acres of land in the. d. 1. c of Charles Hubbard, tj j'r.l -r.-v.sdM l.tracres. in the Francis Rlne d. L c No Z9. t S s, r 2 w, w. d, !.,..... Great--values in Mens Overcoats and Boys Clothing this . week only. 4 We arc now bfl "ering a S3 per , cent discount from the regular price. $$.00 Suits ' , "'" i , ' '. 1 ' - e ' '- now $4.00. $5.00 Suits now,$3.35. $4.00 Suits , now $25i (-$i.00 Suits now $2.00 j : : MMM J.K f- -O..V. v '. - , -I'' TR CT ST E E 700 : 700 00 500 Viola LI Holland, et al to Emily, ' ,w. Kobltn, lots 10. 11. 22 and ; s- e." of lot 14 and east half of. lot 15. ' of - Sunnyside Fruit Farm, containing 25 acres. w. d.-.:;;':'..".'...-. .j Charlotte Craven, et aU to Em- lly Roblin the south of lot 3 of block 1, in the southwest .7 addigon to Salem.' w. d . Maihlon E- Harvey, etj ux4 to C: F. De Guire. lots 5 and , block 1, J. M Brown's addition to Sil- " verton, w. d i ... . .y-i Clinton O. Reynolds, et'ux, to G. W., Golden, parts -of lots and 7, In Sunnyside Fruit Farm No. 5, containing -10 acres of land. . - w. . d. v ...... I . " The Union .Trust Company to- Mra. E. A Quimby, 40 acres of , - land in section 9, t 9 s, r 3 e J -: n, d. r. . . r. . v Gertrude Savage to Henrietta Savage, 8.S acres vl land la the 265 260 200 150 Samuel Parker's d. L c.., ; -Q . r d ' Mart Stutesman, et ux.. to John" Hamilton, ; lot .11. block Hi in Highland -addition to 8alem, l- C - d. .............-. John Hamilton, et ux, to C. A 11. Fisher, et uxW lot 11 of block 11 '"'in "Highland addition to! Salem. w. d. Mrs. A, A. Wooden to Walter T. Wooden. 22 .acres In t 5 s. r 1 w w. d..... VjiXld F. Hoeye, l ot, to Ed- ward "Smith, '.lots 1 and 2. of . section 3, and lots ' ! anT 2 of section 4, t 8 s, r 1 e., contain ing. 147. acres of laid, a., c d. . . 50 50 30 Total. . ..I1MH