2 r ttecklt Oregon statesman.- Friday, February g. loos. r WNMWWVWyWVWVyWWWWMWVMWVWMMWMWWWAAW j IT D' ' ' ; ; There Will JBe a Mount Pel ee Eruption of the People's Wrath if Their Vote Is DisregarJed : nin ' PAULSEAI THEN Left the Fulton Contingentand Deliberately Voted! for Oeer bat Was Line lie Does Not While AH Seems Calm acd Serene Ucdrrccrreot ct Unrest asa Joiat Assembly Is Liable to Ee . , Tfarouo late Tcrml! and Confnsfon at Any Morntnt---Secator Foltoa Is Losing Control THb TWELFTH BALLOT FULTON WATTF.RINO. .... .AliSKNTi... .... . TOTAL' .To the casual observer yesterday the ballot on United States Senator was tiiT-ly commonplace, but underneath sll the calm l-ountenances nd appnr eiitly restful niien of the legislative body thre if erttnly an invIiM? turbu- leiice which, like the action of a vol- .no. will brjea It through lh urfai,tand a chance o( betns ceefi.- mi1 Ket beyoiid bounb before it can be ' f uL The matter would lie nractieallv he-lcmi-ited or eontrolled by 'the lead- i t ers of either faction. r it . t; When the nariie of Itepresenttive Paulsen, of Clackamas, was reacned on the roll yesterday he very promptly and distinctly cast his ballot for Geer. but lHirf the ballot was announced he was prevailed upon t hange .back to 'Ful-- tn. but It was quite evident that he did so very relurlantly and 5t without a Hrtle ienuasion.) It is not known what saiil to imbu e him t change back scMjrt. but -it certainly Indicates that thf-re Is a strong inclination on the part f many t gt ut of the spell under which they are held and Ah is state of sifTrtlr cannot hold outijnjuch longer. that i certain. Ther Is a certain aniotifit of m'tvains alii .'unrest per vading the: 'whole assemhbtge which htvlrn no gurHi for me of the candi d..tef.. . ';(:.,;.. -f It I ' sins to i.npear that Senator Ful ton, having c-airried on the campaign so long and under such -strong and forced Hrnimstaneesi Is slowly but surely los ing control of his following, and It is Tredi ted that not only w ill Mr. Paulsen forsake him today, but that he is in danger of losing the entire Clackamas county delegation, consisting of three nen outside of President Brownell, In the course of 4 days and when the break .comes the struggle will not last long. The Fulton fonres held another KatK-us yesterday afternoon and. While It . cannot be Isaid with authority that Paulsen will g rer to Geer today. It ) lnwrm that he dii not attend the cau t a and sent In his excuses. , UL-presenUtlve R. EH Hume is ex p.i. l to arrive from -California this morning and. I if so, will cast his rote for Senator Fulton today, and he may be able to gain two more vote, which Is conceded to be his limit. The Geer forces, on the other hand, are obtain ing no little encoaragement out of the present situation, and Mr. Geer stated last night that he felt more contfdent of success than ever. However that inay be. there Is-certainly something doing and from the present indications a break and an ejee- fLOPP a PLOPPED mm Soon whipped Back Into Seem Satisfied On the Exterior There Is Strong "".:..T..!Tb ...... 17 ....;.... ..... J tion is likely to take place at any time, and it is not very: far off.. i It is reliably reported that President Brownell is now an avowed candidate for Congress from the first district. For some time it has been the talk that he would be rt candidate, and there can j be no doubt about it now. v ? With Geer ectml to the Kcnxti hf wouhl dmihtlms between him and Hermann, chances In Brownell's favor.' , with the " The House committee on dairy and food products, consisting of Judd, Eddy and Catrnahan, held an open meeting last night for a discussion of needed legislation for th control of the dairy business. : ' ., '- -f ' - There has been Introduced a bill look? Sing toward a repeat of the existing law. comnelling tub butter, which is molded Into squares or rolls, to. be branded as tb butter when offered for sale. ; 5 Creamery men desire the repeal of this law in order to pack ': in tubs the output of their creameries' when the price of butter is from 13 to 13 cents per Iound. and in winter mold this butter into siiuares and sell it as fresh cream ery butter t rrom z,',4 to: 39 cents per pound.. ;, J J. ' j Tbe creamery a rvl dairy Interests of the state were well represented. f,ully fifty people. bein. ori hand to take; pur t in the discussioVi. ' I f i i It was claimed that the present law was satisfactory to 99 pf.cent of Ore' gon dairymen, aiid that during the Iaf Ave years tbe dairy industry had made wonderful progress, increasing from a valuation of S1.90.HA to J4.0.OftO b the present time, tl was also claimed; that If the present restriction was re-! moved our market would be-ruined. by j tub butter being rushed in from all I parts of the world and offered for sale a fresh creamery butter.. ; ;V- -; vmong ine dairymen taking part in the discussion were Richard Scott, of Milwaukie, f Wm. Schulmenick. "Farm- Ington, president of the Oregon State Dairy Association: Charles Cleveland. ores nam: W. W. Cotton Portland; I nomas rrohmin, Albany; and among the creamery men were: E. J. Seeley. Albany; W. H. Caupisch, Corvsllis; ifr. Chopin, of Gelasky" & Chopin.- the largest , concern ? in Portland; I G. W. Weatherby. Portland, and H. S. Town send. Geo. D. Goodhue. C Weeks, and H. R. Thielsen. Salem. , . ; i Dr. With combe. ' and Prof. F. ll! Kent, of the Oregon Agricultural Col-1 lege, were also' present and took an im- aaa porta nt part in the discussion, they be ing at the head of the College Dairy Department and , experiment station. Th ir.frt mmmitiM an HroaHk tit u J" h.u I - yesterday afternoon. In the committee room of the Senate chamber, at which I time the bill providing for The Dalles I and Celilo Portage Railway" came ap I for consideration and was the subject of a Dretty lively discussion. ' - I Attorney W. W, Cotton, representing I the O. Ri N. Co.. appeared before the I committee against the measure, and I gave quite a lengthy and interesting review of the conditions and attemoted 1 to show why the state should not un dertake the project, his principal con tention being that the O. R..& N. Co. bad, ever since 1S95, been trying to ob tain the right of way from, the Govern ment for this Very purpose, and so Tar had been unable -.to do so. Senator Johnston, however,, took the floor in support of the bill, and offered a very Strong and logical argument In" favor of it. In whih he stated that, the O. to. had been threatening, to. do th'is work (or many years, and, toT hi$ knowledge,' it was no nearer a begin - jinng now j than It was sixteen years ago. He also" intimated that it has j been r the 0. i. , & .N., Co.'s, purpose, to Idseoarage or prevent any ; other tor poratlon. jstite or Oovernment doing Ij ; for the" relin that It was In opposition -to their line. J SENATE. j : CMorning Session.) j Called to order at 10 a. m. and led in prayer by Rev. Parsons. .'"."! ' new hiiis S. B. J7, McGinn, to amend Code; read first and second times j and re ferred to Judiciary. j , S. B. 180, Miller, to amend .Code in regard to roads in Linn county; read first, second and third times and pats d On motion of Smith the vote j was re considered. S. B. 181, Pierce, in regard to Irriga tion; first reading. S. B. 182, LMmmick,-to amend Code; nrst reading. ! Second Reading of Bills. S. Is. loZ. Pierce, relative to appoint ment of State Land Agent; public land. K. 15. . 1 54, Stelwerr in regard to selec tion of indemnity land; public land. r s" -was a . . o. o. im, i nier, oy request, to ap point chaplain at .Penitentiary; penal institution. .-; .. . . !. -u. laB. Wehrung, to provide, for payment of costs jn cases of appeal; revision or laws. w j S- 11. Croisan. to purchase man sion for Governor; ways and means. a. . ios, oweeK, tor examination of plumbers. S. B. 16. Mcainn,to define Indirect evwence. 8. B. 1, Hobson. by request, relating io weesiy settlements to be made by isnenni, revision or laws. o. t. nuyaenaaii. to transfer of re-rf from Douglas to Lane county: counties.,.:--' i ..,.':.-., 8. B. 1 S3, Daly, relating to the appro priating or water below points of diver on; judiciary. i a. Myers, to regulate and li cense employment offices: Judiciary. 8. B. ICS. Myers, relating t the use or water for. electric power and min ing; mining.- 1 o. rv. itana, oy request, to pro Vide for tbe organization 'of corpora tions; judiciary. S. B. 170. Sweek. by request, relating to expiration of laws in Judgment en try; Judiciary. i ' Third Reading of Bills. S. B. 79. Hobson. to amend Code re 1"tin to employment of convict labor: Pd - r ; f ,f & R MlUen authorixing State Land, Board to loan money out of tbe irreducible fund - to school districts; made a special order for 2 p. m. X First Reading mf House- Bills. ' H- B. 32. Test, to protect Salmon In dustry. H.'B. 73, Shelley, to license ware housemen. .."'' " r H. B. 147. Bailey, to prohibit useVof deceptiorf In procuring employes. ' Snd Reading of House Bills. , II. B. VK Cob. to require- street rail- f Cria ia Two Days. ca every ways to provide fenders; Judiciary. ' H. B- 4i Banks relating ;to the ex emptions o earnings ,of Judgiuent debt ors; judiciary. ; , 1 i - - . H. B, i6 Kay, substitute by -judiciary, for the Investment of surplus school fund f education, v 5 . . H- B. 62. Jones, of Lincoln, substitute by Judiciary, requiring county courts to procure pats; Judiciary. ' - H. B. 102. Hahn. to protect boat-pullers; fisheries. ; - S. U. 65. Smith of Umatilla, relating to the care and- transportation of ln sanepersons. The Judiciary committee reported a substitute bill. A long dis cussion followed the motion to adopt the minority report. The time having arrived for joint assembly the matter was held over for the afternoon. . " V SENATE. ' (Afternoon Session.) - I Called to order at. t p. m. After roll call the discussion of S. B. 65 was re sumed. The minority report was adopted. Dimmick.; Fulton. Marsters, Mays. McGinn, v Rand. Wehrung, against the minority substitute voted -nr.- This' substitute, which was al most the same as the original bill, was read the second time and referred to medicine and pharmacy.- " , S. J. B. 4.' Hunt, to amend ronstitu tion In regard to restriction placed upon negroes; adopted. H. B. 155. Bilyeu. substitute by com mittee, to amend charter- of Albany; read first, second and third time and passed. -i.."'': W:- . S. B. 1S4. Myers, - In regard to the levying, of county tax; first reading. H. B- 105, Hale, to reimburse W. H. Hampton;, second reading and referred to ways and means. " Third Reading Hauss .Bills. H. B. 8, Phelps, relating to fences in Eastern Oregon; jpassed. H. B. 47, Kay, to make the salaries of public employes subject' to 4 garnish ment: passed- BrowneU voted no. S-'.B. 185, ; Marsters. to amend the charter of Roseburg; read first, second and third time and passed. 8. B. 1S6. Rand, to create Eighth Ju dioial District; first reading. S. B. 1ST. Rand, to create Tenth Judl clal District; read first time. ;.. S.' B. 136, Brownell, .by request, regti- I laiing me practice oi osieopainy; re- , g R 18g McGinn, to amend general J iaWg Df Oregon; read first and second time and referred to judiciary. S- C. R. 1$. Mulkey. to employ addi- tionai cleric aid ror committee on print 'n': aaopteo. - Adjourned at 3:30 until 10 a. m. to-- day. ' " i . .; HOtSg . : tilornihg Session.) . ; ' House opened with prayer by Rev, "W C. Kantner. S. C It- It. by Kuykendall. nrovldine- for committee to receive and entertain President Roosevelt on his contem plated Pacific Coast trip, was amended so' as to Include five members from the Senate 'and eight . from the House. - i , Third Reading Houss Bills. H. B. 188. by . La t Follett. reducing pounds of tare on. bales of hops, and creating office of hop inspector. Con sidered in committee of the -whole. Amendments . reported and adopted. BiU j4ents to. f-ngrossing committee and win receive consideration of the House later. :: "f'i ' Introduction of Bills.! "JVI H. Hi 297. y Orton. incorporating St. Johns. , - . 4 ,1L4"B- 28. Wheaidon. providing ftn appropriation for "a id of State' Poultry Association. " X. - H, B. 299. by Davey, fixing limit of rate per mile to be charged by i-ail-roads. '. ''J. V"- '. II. B. SO1, by Test, relatl.ig to salaries of Malheur county officers. r Third Readingl House Bills. ' H. TB. 148, by Bailey, protecting em ployes and guaranteeing their right to belong to labor organisations; passed. H. B. 140. by Malarkey, amending sections" relating to marriage' licenses; passed. . . w. H .B. 113. by Malarkey, amending sec-' tion 1178, relating to confirmation of sales of real property by executors and administrTl tors i -pastred. H. B. 135, substitute for Bilyeu's bill, amending Albany city charter; passed. H. B. t. by Kay, readjusting salar ies and per diem of certain Marion county officers; passed, v. i ? HOUSE. i CAfternoon Session.) At 2 p. m. the third reading of blouse Bills was made the order of business. H. B. 12. Eddy, for the recovery of real and personal property, escheated to the state; passed. ; 11. u. ZQb, Judd. relative to parties entitled to costs in suits; failed to pass, H.' B. 192. Galloway, to prohibit thef importation ana sale- or adulterated 11 Uminatingoil; passed. H. B. 41. Malarkey, to tax gifts, lega cies and Inheritances " The House as a committee of the i whole adopted the motion, which also passed. Adjourned until 19 a. mi Wednesday. Tendency of the Tlmss. : The tendency of medical science is to ward preventive measures. The best thought of the world Is being given to tbe subject- It is easier and 'better to prevent than to cure..- It has-been fully demonstrated that 'pneumonia, ore of the most dangerous diseases that medical men have to contend with, 'can be. prevented by the use of Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy. ! Pneumonia al ways results from a cold or from an at- observed that this remedy counteracts tack of Influenza (grip), and It has been any tendency of these diseases toward pneumonia. , This has been fully proven in many thousands of cases in which this remedy has been fused during the great prevalence of colds and mo In mm years, ana can ie relied upon with; implicit confidence. T Pneumonia often results from a slight cold when no danger ' Is apprehended until it is suddenly discovered that there Is fever ana aimeuity In breathing and pains In the chest, then it Is announced that the patient has pneumonia. Be mih ur. sine ami take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy aa soon as" the cold in coniM. ed. It always cures.' For sale by Dr S tones Drug Stores. , - " Only one remedy in tbe wnrM will at once stop Itchiness of the skin in any part of the body. Doan'a nint. ment. H At any drug story, SO cents. XeartX loa.OO tons of iron ami ii staterUls were imported by this country-in Dec-ember. Jrour Krtttsh and three German firms have been invited to tender bids for the supply of thirty-two'" locomotives for Japan: . .: ' ' . . . . . , . . 1 L 1 i ' ' ' fyFJm A for I nfants The Kind You Have Always Bought has, Jwrno the siaa ' ture of Cha. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his "personal supervision for oVef SO years. ; Anow no one to deceive - yoa In this. Coantcrfcit,t Imitations and . 'Jost-as-ffood are but Experiuieuts, andJendanger tho health of Children lixperience' agaLiit Expert oient . The Kind You Have Always Bought AWAnA W Jk W In Use For Over 30 Years. nt rrvrauii cwwot. tt A. 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Treat ment and Theories which have appea red within the last' few years, and which am: not even mentioned .In other so-caH-d medical books, are , herein discussed, and th treatment and remedies ' set forth; such as Bacteri'iUtgy. Appendicitis. Tuber culosis, Hypnotism, Venereal and Skin Pleases, La Grtpp. .Nervous Diseases, etw . ,r ' Treatment and curs of every disease of Men and Women and Children. The . sim plest and best reme dies; . minute direc tions .in cases of wounds, scalds, burns, poison, hydro Use of Tobacco, Sleep Baths, Etc. ) " . Saleut, Oregon Statesman sr ysar...... per War V. jrear.4.( . 4.....U......$13 .11.03 .$1X0 .U3 - 1 r v 1- t iw M - - Cwm Lost MKhnn4. M' c.f clr. (-tool Hr Bishop Rii on-, mm mrmX k DRUGGIST. SALEM, ORDGOK. ; $im ... ........... 7u -Jv...,.''....'..L.....tUM ........... .... . . . . .van ... T... i.7t . - .1 i .......$ 1 -oo ...........J :,;:.'..v.;..1"i..i.. tso ...J. moo ......i. ....... ti-Ts ::m..l $ 50 aaa.,..L.a . . j. . 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