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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1903)
T7?7T xssvtd nr sna-mcziar SKcnoira bach tcksdat ajto vbxdat. I - M TKAP.-XO. 47. SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAT, FEBRUARY . 1903. SECOND SECTION EIGHT PAGEA, ADDICKS HAS THE POWERS . ARE PROVOKED WITHDRAVN Announcement , Creates Sen sation in Deleware y Take Exceptions to Minister Bowen's Trite Note A, REMARKABLE' CON TEST APPEAL TO THE PRESIDEN F . f"' VnaaaaamaaaaaaaamaaaaaAAA MAAMMMMnMMMMWAMMAAMMMWW -i- - i i-ir"w-rM-rv'iiori.ruanjLn. 'In Progress Since ; 1 895 and Deadlocked Tnree Leg islatire Sessions. UNION REPUBLICANS CHOICE . OP SUBSTITUTE FOR -ADDICKS IS GOVERNOR HUNS-WITHDRAWAL HS CONDITION NOT ALTO GETHER SATISFACTORY. DOVER. Del.. Feb. 5. The sudden announcement that J. Edward Ad dicks had withdrawn from the candi dacy to United States Senator which he has iffged so persistently since 185,f created tin immense sensation. The belief Is general that the refusal o? the United States Senate to eon firm United States , District Attorney William j M. Byrne had the effect of The union Republican choice for Sen ator In th place of Addicks will prob ably be Governor Hunn or Secretary of State! Stanley, State Senator. Allee, AdUitka'j leader, having repeatedly : dec lared that he would not accept the United States Senatorehip. ' Addkks arrived here from Wilming ton at 1 o'clock,' going td the capltoL He was ushered Into the parlors of the State House, where all of the twenty one Republican members of the Legis lature j were assembled to meet him, together with Secretary of State Stan ley and Insurance Commissioner Mar-, re i f c& i i i-. -r ,. dicks with cheers, and he appeared deeply moved by the heartiness of the .greeting.! Immediately after "Addicks arrived. tJovernor Hunn; who the peacemaker in Delaware politics, entered the parlor. ! After the doors had' closed those outside heard frequently the bursts of applause; and the rumor became gen eral about the capitol ..tha Addicks was about to withdraw from the most remarkable political contest In , the history of . this country, : a contest which has deadlocked three sessions of the Legislature and split the : Republican,- party into , factions. This rumor ;'was confirmed soon ' after 2 o'clock, when the caucus adjourned. " In his letter of withdrawal, Addicks says: "The withdraynt of my candi dacy is conditioned upon the holding of a Republican caucus to be participated in by Fall the Republican members In the general assembly and the selection of two- candidates for the Senateof the United States by the majority rule in said caucus. ' - The caucus requested by the Union Republicans 'did not take place tonight. The majority of the members of the Legislature left for their homes with out Informing the Addicks adherents as to whether they would participate -In the caucus tomorrow. A number of the regular leaders met in Wilmington to night anil much opposition to the pro posed coalition was expressed. The claim was made that Addicks with drawal an a candidate for United States Senator was the purtse of electing two of his supporter?.--' It is understood that the regulars or a number of them will refuse toenter the caucus because of these circumstances. - J Legal Blanks, Statesman Offlce. ; 11 WHY IS IT For! as to scl I reliable merchandise - at lower prices than the "regnlnr stores?' W buy from the. best bouses. We discount every bill. We do business oa an economical plan. We have no uuiHcessary expenses connected- with the store. i We Self far Spot Cash Only - I Our business is constantly incrpasinprT1 That's an indica-. tiori that aur customers are satisfied. They come ugain and. bring their neighbors to trade at . The New York Racket ! Hen You Want I SHOES - ! ; " ' That combine style and ser ; vicoat reasonable prices, "we can fit you. Our assortment is very complete. ;Ve have no j baits to ofTVr ;you, just 'good, honest "values in every line. I i i . . CLOTHING . . For Men and Doys in nobbv styles at 15 to 20 per cont below -? regular stores." . Shirts, iTaU and all kinds of Ladies' and Mens rurnishings. . Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store i. T; Barm. Proprietor ,...' . . , SOLID AS THE HOOK OF GIBRALTAR. j Every little political popgun, every ancient blunderbuss, every rusty ; old cannon in the state has been Ired at the Gibraltar of the pooular vote ; for United States Senator, ; But it Is' im pregnable. It -will staikl agatast every assault. -. - l ' -: Some ( of the- popgun i ?naniulators declared that the Democrats all ybted for Mr, Cfeer. This- was proven false by reference to the i fact ILiiV Mr. Wood, the Democratic candidate -,wfeo NEARLY SUFFOCATED . v. GREAT NORTHERN5 OVERLAND STUCK IN A TUNNEL IN THE I j CASCADES. . , t. ' ' ' : " ' : T " -- . SEATTLE, Wash.. Feb. 5. A spe cial tto the Post-Intelligencer ' f rom Everett, suys: The Great Northern east bound overland passen ger. . trai n stuck fn the Cascade tunnel last night about mJdjneght ancl ten passengers in the sleepers and five members of nine train crew were more or less seriously affeted by gas. No deaths have been ireported to- the division superintend ent's office here. The delay was us ed by the helper engine breaking away from the train, the regular engine- not being of sufficient strength to pull the train through owing to the slope In the tunneL 1 After the i break away, the train was run back to Wellington. Later, the helper was coupled on-and the train passed - through the tunnel safely. - ' ; SEVERE BLIZZARD IN WYOMING. ANACONDA. Mont Feb. 5. A spe cial to the Standard from Billings, says the westbound Buriington train which reaeher there ten f Hours late passed through one of the fiercest Wixzards in the eastern part of Wyoming that has ever been known in that slate. OLD SOLDIER DEAD. -OLYMPIA, Wash.. Feb. 5. Colonel officer of the Civil War. and one of the most conspicuous citlsens of' the Northwest, died suddenly of apoplexy this morning: : j 3 j Corner Csmraorcial and Ctemrketa . . . ' ' -1 " ' ' AS THE ROOK OF GIBRALTAR. was opposed to him. ran 2,0"X aht-ad of his ticket. Every other reakon urged by" the political bosses as an excuse for disregarding the popular wilt lias been met and exploded. The Gibraltar stands. Analyze the vote., Look at it in any way you 'may. There ' are no leaky places, in It. It will hold water. In the . case of nearly every Republican member of the Legislature who 1 disregarding the popuiar ctudce, Mr. SITUATION IS "' -WITH N0 SISN Of R Tt3 Joint Assembly Went Through the; Ssrne Old Rigamarole Yesterday and the Prospects Are Not Very P romising for a Break Either Way Leaders in the Contest Are Both Confident of Success, However, and Time Alone Can Solve the Serious Question Which Has Assumed Very Tangible Proportions Geer Very Much En- . ' couraged While Fulton Said to Be Losing' Ground , THE FOURTEENTH BALLOT fuiton. OKER. J....... AVOOD...r. MILLS.. ' hoattkking absent.......:..: . TOTAL..;. . ... .. . .....x. ! Twas the same old story and reLited in the same 614 way. That is about the t r - ... briefest and quickest wax of describing the ballot upon United States Senator yesterday. It was . simply and abso- j lutely featureless arid to al loutward ap j pearances it would seem that this sort j of thing would continue until th end of I the session, so mechanical and method ical is the duty performed. ; However - monotonous it may seem, (there is certainly a great deal of rest j -tessness displayed upon the outside and especially by the leaders of the factions wno are working like Trojans to bring about a settlement of the difficulty in their respective favors, ; It I iuite certain that th Multno mah delegation, as a- solid body, has one man in view, with, a, good alternate In the background, neither of whom have been voted for so far. an it is their aim to secure a compromise fltfc the Geer faction, if possible, upon one or th other of their candidates -and If the rjMr and Multnomah J forces . woubi i combine - and the scattering votes be ( picked up, this would- create a sufHeient strength to draw enough of the weak -. ening one from the Fulton contingent J to secure- an election. ;i '" -- -.' - '-.'-;' j This state of affairs; would be much j more difficult to bring- about at this j time than it would have been' one week ' ago. for the Geer forces Have had their : courage very much bofwtered up during the past few days; and they appear in very buoyant sprits and declare to the? man that they-feel more confldent off winnig now than at any f lme previous since the balloting, began. - l , - .Senator Fulton. although he. looks very tired, serious and careworn, has not lost any of his courage or confi dence,, and -maintains', that, h will be elected United States Senator and that before many more days' have expired. He is working very hard, however, and his countenance has begun to assume a I ! decidedly severe, and worried expres- 1 1 sion. which would, tend ; to strengthen jithe belief that ."he will have to act very, Geer received more votes In his county or district than the member himself did.- And that Gibraltar represents a principle that will stand as long as the world stands. The principle of the elec tion of United States Senators by di rect ;ote wll enduri Th " members of the Oregon Legislature wio persiat in disregarding tho popular vote will pass away. . Their political fortunes will .suffer frorrt their present nation, ;STRE1,0.1S ..34 .... r16 '! 7 ........12 quickly and effectively If he expects to win the prize, for, from all appearances, indications and predictions, he has his .hands and head full, and It eeps him busy keeping his -faithful thirty-four In line and prevent them from making break from the fold which seems more imminent every, day. There are many who say that, his race is just about run and that, in the event o fhis not being able to secure more than forty votes be fore the close of next week, his defeat is quite generally predicted. He has been working very assiduously and has brought every Influence to bear. In an effort to gain some support from the Marion county delegation, but his ef forts are like seeds scattered upon the desert sands, for they fall to make the slightest Impression upon the ''solid six. He is also trying very hard to break Into the Multnomah delegation, but with no more success than in the other direction and the situation must surely look discouraging to bjm. : "While some aver that ' the present conditions will not change until the eleventh hour of the session others .sa ythey can see! a break In the clouds not ai great way off and that an election will have taken place before the close Of next week. . . An Indication of the heavy, press of. work, on the House of 'Representatives! was given yesterday mornmg when Ed-j ay., or XI n a moo K, moved tnat au cnar ter bills and other measures of a local nature be made a special order of busi ness for Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The motion carried and the. House win b- in session this evening for the trans action of business. This also indicates that there will be no attempt on. the part of the House at least to adjourn c , T 1 w A a. r vill. we Mimiiaj. in ,iiit imiiiiww-vti iny. now on third readimr the House Is far , behind. -'--J- - -- .' - - if Governor Chamberlain ' this morning , deposited wlt!l the Secretary of State House bills incorporating Myrtle Creek, Douglas county; incorporating lone an Incorporating Adanu.-'Tl.e acts im it 1 by both bouses will become laws after El rr If they ever again appeal to the people for tf.tlr suffra&e-. " Tut the . principle of thechoice by the people .thenisel-sfs of all their secants, will survive, a:j'l the present" contention In Oregon tir Whe establishment of this ptincipla w ill Dot be atundoiic 1. j Then fire off: -your', old guns gentle men. You can't hurt th-? ' Tlort f Gibraltar. But will T.nd that yotir old guns will "kick" most disas trously. . the expiration of five days without the signature of the Govemdr. j ". Davey's bill to amend the code rela tive to the terms of court in the third judicial district was signed by the Gov ernor. , i -."-,.' . . SENATE. 1.. (Morning Session.) j Called to order at 10 a. m. Prayer was- offered by; Rev. Ketchum. II. K. 2, Eddy, to provide for taxation and regulation of corporations; read first, second and third times and was passed.' . , . j " , H. J. R. 3, to transfer monay . from Fisheries to Hatchery Fund; adopted.! 8. J. R. 2, to amend state constitution w as to elect county officers for four years: adopted, 17 to 12. . S. B. 194. Pierce, to make the term pf the county assessor four years; firt reading.- "!" - i ''""!' Third Reading of Bills. SVB. 74, Wehrung. by request, regu lating the, practice of veterinary medi cine and surgery; passed, 18 to 9. j I S. B. 19, Smith of Umatilla, relating to making "railroad property subject to liens; indefinitely postponed. j trustees holding property; indefinitely pair m - - - t Every day until all are sold , we will sell Children's 15c Fast Blick Hose in all sizes for 9c a pair. Ifs a snap bargain See Oar Court Street Window CbUdrea'sMoscfor llBs. Representatives Receive In structions to Refer Mat ter to Roosevelt IF HE DECLINES TO "'ATftniTR-VTR THE QUESTION OF FREFEREN- ' TIAL TREATMENT AND ALL THE OTHER MATTERS. WILL BE RE FERRED 'TO "THE-ITAOUE. . WASHINGTON. FEb. -Irritate,! " by the note of Minister Bowen aiKlr-ss-t-d to the Uritish Ambitsnador on Mon day last. refi.iKinir to accept the aliits- proposal for the scheme of preferential payments by wh h Oreat TJruain. Cer nany and Italy. were to receive 29 wr cent and the remaining -eight: creditor nations 10 per cent of the -ust.nvs of La (luaym and Puerto Caell the al-": Hfd poivtrs : have', instruct.eij their' re picWiitatives here to submit the que-. tion of preferential treatumnt for -s t tlement to President Roosevelt and, in the event that he declines t act as ar bitrator to take this and fiosslbly the entire Venezuelan -question to The Hague for settlement, breaking ofT the negotiations with Minister Itowe'n. Many a drunkard despises . himself for his weakness and despises water -ed liquor for the same reason. Smith's Dandruff Por.iad. stops Itching scalp upon application; three to six removes all dandruff and will stop falling hair.. Price 60c. at all postponed. . ! : S- B. SI, MuJkey, to confirm nals of state land; re-referred to Judiciary. S. B."67, Miller, to define the tern-s "land" and 'real" property;! postjioned. S. P.. 9 -Sweek,. to prohibit construe--tion of fish wheels; passed.; S. B. 111. Howe," limiting time for the collection or taxes; Indefinitely post poned., i 8. If. 135. Mulkey. relating 'to dial-, lenge for bias; passed, ! S. IS. 140, Miller, to fix sirliry of the State Printer; passed. s liily, Fsirrar. f -a -f-l(rM -f-,.a '- T',..-..1 ........1 "no." S. II. 147. Miller, to fix salary of ftute officers; referred to siteoialii-ornhiittee. S. II. 163. Daly, relating to appropria tion of water below point of diversion; passed. . S. C. R- 20, Mulkey. in regard to in vestigation of state land board and th c-rll witnesses and ask for leeal advice of Attorney General; adopted. Took recess at 11:30 to 11:55. SENATE. (Afternoon Session.) i Called to order at 2"p. m. (Continued on page 8), sisry Sale of