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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1903)
ill! WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN. FRIDAY. JANUARY 20. 101. f . . 1 - 11 1 p f 1 .muni "i.r l Lfi-i-r.- 'i ir - - w. - Jin., ' A 'V. 1: . - ! ' - l! ivT ' -K! 1 - T ..WW V , . . : I Wt -m ..i. rAVN. - .. fcHL... J-tt L I'll- NA tw A - - I llli r-fui 1 X A - H Hi-! V ... I t : sw. ino." WILL HE BE FOOLISH. ENOUGH TO FINISH THE JOB? THE ANTICIPATED (COlf - DID TJOT MATERIALIZE The Fulton Contingent Has Thus Far Failed to ... . Make an Impression Upon the Two Opposing Forces, Except, Perhaps, to Solidify Them f niton Maw Summoning All His Strength and Aid to Make One Sn ' prerae Effort to Break Is 2nd Captcre the Prize, end Jfaeo, if He Falls, to Withdraw f!e Is losing Strength THb SIXTH BALLOT FLLTON ........... ..... I WOOD...;, - WATTKKINO. ABSENT ASD PACKED ... it J...IT 2l - 3 TOTAL. ...... Aside frem tbe paMge of several measures by both branches of Hhe legislature yesterday, of which "the Halem Charter Dill - was among the niont Important tol Salem people; and which passed the House by practically unanimous vote and will probably be brought up and passed in the. Senate today, tbe whole session was without .extraordinary features. S A great amount of business was transacted by both branches, however. vidlng for the executing of the death sentence to take place at the- Peniten itlary, and that It shall be exclusive. The hop inspector bill by Senator Wehrung also passed the Senate and will proceed to the House today. The vote on United States Senator was gone through with i in the same monotonous manner as upon the day previous, and the grand coup which Senator Fulton has be trying to or ganize, failed to materialize. Some little Interest was manifested, how THE FOLLY AND SHAJ1E OF IT. It is reported In the halls of the Legislature, and In the rotunda of tbe Capitol, and in the hotels and on the streets, that Hon. Chas. W. Ful ton and his friends have already promised all the offices in the gift of the state administration,! and all the offices at the disposal of the President of the United States In Oregon, from three to fifteen deep. In e'xrhange for more votes In the Legislature for. Mr. Fulton for United States Senator. '! It Is reported that he has used the organization of the two houses of 'the Legislature to get Into line and whip Into line. If possible, the mem bers of the Legislature. . j . That he has repeatedly Inquired of members who asked for favors In the-way of clerkships, for InstanceT "What can you do for me V In other words, they might have the favors In exchange for their votes. . . That he has done this openly and In some cases Insultingly. . . . That the promise of state and Government offices, high and low, have been made In a wholesale manner within the past few days, to mem-, bers of the Legislature who are not now voting for Mr. Fulton. ' . , ' That both promises and threats have been made In tbe manner of the ward politician, as If the members of tbe Legislature and others Were considered to be on level! with some of the fishermen at the mouth of - the Columbia, river. -"- " ' I ! " - " - ..K-f-.;' If these things are true, and there can be no question concerning their truth. In some cases. Mr. Fulton is not the proper man to repre sent Oregon In the United States Senate. He has pitched his candi dacy on too low a plane. J(; r . ''"!- All this proves how necessary It Is to relieve Oregon of the possibility of such unseemly squabbles. It proves the wisdom of the law which was passed at the last session of the Legislature, allowing the people to vote for candidates for the United States Senate. Make that law binding at this session, and such disgraceful scrambles will be a thins; of the past. ' ' ; the Multnomah delegation with the hope of effecting a disorganization la their ranks and create a stampede in his directioo. So far his efforts have been without satisfactory results to him and It is thought that he is now formulating' a plan which, by the aid of a number of the 'Federal push of Portland which came up to Salem last night to help him In his campaign, he hopes to be able by a supreme effort to break into the combine and win the day. . It is also rumored that Mr. Ful ton will make the fight of his life for the remainder of this week. and. then, if he sees that he cannot win out, it is hia intention of announcing his with drawal at the beginning of next week in favor of a "dark horse whose name he has not mentioned as yet, and who is thought to hold the entire vote of the Multnomah delegation. . - In the event that this takes place it Is argued that a number of his sup porters who have been staying with him thus far will consider themselves released from all obligations to him and ) seek another choice and it la known that some of them at least are In favor of Geer. In the event of a move of this character. It Is also ar gued by some of the members that the Democrats will flock to Geer. In a bunch and either carry the day or create another- deadlock in another form. j . It Is thought that FtiTton will gain a few more votes, three at! the outside junog this week when the summit of his strength will have been attained. The Multnomah delegation is not satisfied with either of the leading candidates, it is said, and will hold out -for a long time' yet In - the hopes of securing a man from home or dictating a candidate for the honors. No mater ial change In the maice-trp Is anticipate ed this week, at least, and It remains to be seen what the Fulton forces, which have assumed the aggressive, will be able o accomplish. which reflects great credit upon 'them ever, when A. A. Bailey, the first Mult as a body. The Ways and , Means j nomah man in alphabetical order on Committee of each house held a Joint .the roll, and who has been voting for meeting last evening and elected Sen ator Howe, as chairman, and Repre sentative! Kay. as vice chairman. The meeting was devoted for the most part to the discussion of the Indian War Veterans Bill with a committee from the veterans, but no action whatever was taken In the matter. j ' ' The Committee on Assessment and Pittock all along, announced that he would change his vote to Geo. S. Bafe of Portland, the manager of the Baker, Theatre Company., fti that it has been expected that Multnomah would break soon it was thought that the hour had arrived, and anxious inquiries were heard upon, an sides, especially when Bailey's action was f oUowed up by '5 Taxation also held a -lolnt i meetinc Banks, of Multnomah, of "who is that last evening and effected an organiza- j Bakerr and "there's the dark tlon by electing Senator Booth chair- borse. etc M. BaTker received five wan. and Representative Phelps vice f complimentary votes In yesterday's chairman. This committee had under I ballot. Aside from this little ennuehdo consideration the bill proposed by Kep-1 tn ballot was very commonplace, un- -wenuuTe Eaay for the. taxation of -inieresiinar ana without the slightest orporauon rranchises. i , ' The most important bill which passed the Senate yesterday was that intro duced by Senator Marsters, and pro- SENATE. 1 : ' (Morning Session.) ' i Called to order at 10 a- m. and led in prayer by Rev. E. W. SC Pierre; chap lain of the state institutions. . ! H. B. 17J, Davey, to incorporate Sub limity; read third time and passed. I S. B. 123, Mulkey. In regard to issuing life diplomas; first reading. 1,8. B- 126. Mulkey, for special elec tions; first reading. ! S. B. 127. Williamson, to provide for payment of swamp land; first reading. t . x. zza, uuamson, to amen a uxie; first reading. . I, a B. 123. Smith of Yamhill, in regard to sale of drugs; first readlnr. I : S. B. 130. Kuykendall. to create State Board of Control for state Institutions; first reading. ' . 8. B. 131, Kuykendall, to regulate salaries of state officers. , H. B. 160. Hermann, to incorporate Coquflte; advanced to third reading and passed. . 1L B. 1S7. Hermann, to amend char ter of Band on; advanced to third read ing and passed. , ' Took, a recess at 10:40 until 11:45. i Reassembled at 11:43. ; : It. B. 108. GllL for the atinnort nf nnh lie libraries; advanced o third reading and passed. ;-.' i '"i " SENATE. . f (Afternoon Session.) i Called to order at 2 p. m. ' a "B. 132, Croisan, la, regard to 'ad ministrators; first reading. : S. B. 133. WUlUmson. to prohibit per sons from stealing rides on trains; first reading; 1 S. B. 134, Kuykendall, to amend Code; first reading; I ' J , Third Reading of Bills. 8. B. 3. Marsters. in reUtion to the execution of the death sentence; passed, : i 8. BL 34. Sweek, providing for proof of character and existence of foreign corporations; passed. , . ; . 8. B. XI. yers, to provide1 for cre mating societies; passed. s 8. B. 39. Williamson, to amend char ter of Prineville: passed. j . .; S- R il, Wehrung; relating to print ing for Agricultural Board; ! appropri ating 500. 8. B. 73. Daly, regulating the sale of fertilizers; passed. , - 8. B. M. Pierce, to appropriate 320.000 for the Experimental Station in East ern Oregon at Union; passed. Croisan. Howe, McGinn. 'and I MlUer voted '.. VmUMil TtrAvnell voted h, m.M a w.w - j i S- B. U02. Daly, to rebufld or repair state buildings destroyea oy re, passed.- - , ' 8. B. 103, Wehrung. relating to the summoning of juries; lost. S. B. 108. Mulkey, to fix : rate; of tare on ' baled hops and appointing a hop Inspector; referred. . S. B. lit f Wehrunjc. L authorizing county courts to appropriate money j for advertising; passed. Smith of Uma-, Ulla, voted "no. i First Reading House Bills. t H.:B. 4X Galloway.l to ; Incorporate! i Williamson. ..'"'U " 1 i I H. B. 47. Kay. to amend Code pro- vldlng for garalshement of salaries of i public employes. .' j H. B. 49, Banks, to amend Code re lating to execution and acknowledge-1 ments of deeds In forelghi countries. ! II. B. 51, v Hale. ftxingl salaries of j officers of Josephine county. - " H B. 80, Phelps, to amend Code rel ative to the election of - road super visor. :. y , , ; H. B. 94. Phelps, to amed Code. rV lating to. district attorneys and depu ties. H. B. 109. Both, to provide for the location of county seat of Columbia county. ' II. K. 151. Burleigh, to amend the charter of Enterprise. , H. B. ICS. Hawkins, to incorporate Falls City. . New Senate BilsL 8. B.' 134L Kuykendall, to amend Code. ' , r ' - 8. B. 135, Mulkey, to'amed Code. 8. B. 13& BrownelL by request, to regulate the practice of osteopathy. 8. B. 137. Sweek, to amend Code, S. B. 138. Croiscan." by request., to amend general laws of Oregon. . 8. B. 139. Mgyters, by request, to provide for proper medical attend-since.- .''. A' " HOUSE. - fMornlng Session.) House opened with prayer by Rev. W. R. Wlnans. of Salem. , Jones of Lincoln, gave notice that he would on Wednesday propose an amendment to Rule 33 and provide for a committee on same. ; Third Reading House Bills. . H. B. 109, by Both, providing; for per manent location of county seat of Columbia county and providing for an election therefor; passed. H- B. 108. by Gill, providing for the establishment and maintenance of libraries; passed. - H. B. 28, by Burleigh, regulating, the herding and grazing of stock; re-referred to special committee from Eastern Oregon. H. B. 18, by Judiciary Committee, defining crime of bribery and provid ing for punishment thereof; recom mitted for amendment. ' II. B. 7, by Burleigh, repealing chap ter 5, title 20 of Code; further consid eration Indefinitely postponed. H. B. 80, by Phelps, amending sec tion 4824 of Code, changing time from June to January when road supervis ors assume their offices; passed.- H. B. 103. by Hale, by request, for protection of hotel keepers; filled to pass.. Ayes. 19; nays, 34; absent, 1 IL B. 166, by Hawkins, incorporating vans cuy: passed. A It. B. 151. by Burleigh, amending charter -of Enterprise; passed. If.-R. 94.-by Phelps, amending Code relating to district attorneys and dep- Luties; passed. ' IL B. IS, by Riddle, amending sec tion 3729 relating to Insurance com panies; passed.' H. C It, js'o. 19 and S. J. R. Xa 5. felating to constitutional amendments, were made special order for 2 p. m. Wednesday. House adopted & J. M. (, petitioning for popular election of U. 8. Senators. Jones of Multnomah, and Gault voted against the motion. , I HOUSE. I (Afternoon Session.) Speaker Harris called tbe House to order at 2 p. m. t4 Bills Passed. S. B 40.' Carter, to' amend the char ter of Ashland. S. B. M. Wehrung. to amend charter of Oornelfi-i. S. B. 76. tmii: of Umatilla; to Incor porate town of Adams. S. B. 84. McGUip, to Incorporate Milwauki. H. il. i, Davey, amending Salem .charter. Bills Introduced. H. B. 46, substitute by Judiciary committee; providing for the invest ment of surplus school funds. H. B. 62, substitute, by Judiciary Committee; requiring county courts to procure copies of plats from office of Surveyor General. H. p. 227. Galloway, licensing sailors' boarding houses, and penalties for violation. H- B. 228, Galloway, tq authorize the county court to protect macadamized roads. H. B. 229. -TJalloway, authorizing Yamhill county , to seU . certain real property. H. B 230. Galloway,1 to Incorporate North TamhilL H- B- 231. Davey. amending Code, section 4147. , m. ms. , zsz. uoDson, ny request, re lating to -corporate powers of city of Portland as to special licenses. : 11. Z33. Hod son. by request, regu lating employment of brakemen by railway companies. H. B. 234, i.Hodson, by request, regu lating fraternal beneficiaries corpora tions or associations.' H. B. 23a, Bailey, by request, estab lishing a board of plumbers. . it, ts. Z3. Test, incorporating town of Ontario. ZZ7. Test. amnd section 964 Hiirs Code relaUng to Juries. M--U. Z3S, uinn. by request, fixin? salaries oc county officers of Sherman county. . ; j H. B. 239, La FoMett. amending Code, section Z399. -H. B. 240, Webster, maxlnir sheriffs. deputies, constables "i ex-officio , came . s 1 1 w Aua wwracna. eic for STUMP BLASTING Tbe Best muS Most Economics! ' STUMP POWDER Ever Placed on tbe Market is 3 Hercules" 1 I For sale by tbe - California Powder Works - HOBART A. BROWS, Agent I - PORTLAND strM OREGON A B re at f ffer -j . -.. i IKIousellioId Physician Or Home Book of Health TO BE GIVEN AS A PREMIUM WITH ' . - - :-:-------' . - Tmce-a-Weeh Statesman IS IS OUR OFFER: THIS BOOK WITH THE STATES- MAN ONE YEAR $3.25; OR BOOK ALONE $2.50. - HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY TO GET A VALU- ABLE BOOK AT SMALL COST. A " SI I i !H- 'HI m: f ; f,.- . It l I i In; - yu . i . - jit.' " - - ! V. i . i ! JUL -; M !; - : 14 1 n vv JJ 55 T M Smttli . VTm- - - change. i. nM,( - The Fulton, forces have been, work- i S. B. 97. Steiwer. tn tvrwenr (w . - , . , .... i .. - " -uu urr naii in ineir enort to irom seuing goods without a license. break into either the Geer support or passed. Miller. Smith of Multnomah, At THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE The coffee habit is quickly over come by those who let Grain-O take its place. If properly it?'' 3 At tastes Uke the best of coffee. Ko r'gn&n. coffee compares with it in fiaror or healthfulness. , THY IT TO-DAY. STSijfsbns; U&ssdSe. psrpackses. The only i compTets household guide anj reliable" genuine med leal boolr ever pub lished. Every disease to which-, the human race Is subject Is ful ly treated In this ex haustive volume, New diseases. Treat ment and Theories which have appeared ' within the laet few years, and vwhich ar. not even mention J in other so-caUed medical books, are herein discussed, and the treatment and remedies set forth; such as Bacteriology, Appendicitis. Tuber cuiosis, fly pnotlsm. Venereal and Skin Diseases. La. Grippe, Nervous - Die eases, eU t ; Treatment and cure of every disease of Men And Women and. Children. The sim plest and best reme- -dies; minute direc tions in , cases of wounds, scalds. burns, poison. ' hydro phobia, sunstroke, fits. fall, sprains, b ruls; also for cudden dtseases. like croup, cholera, etc It describes the cau.v, the symptoms. th nature, the effect, the treatment and the remedv of evtry disease j which affects human ity. Treatises on the Passions and E motions, such asi Love, Hope. Joy, Af fection, Jealoujy, Grief, Fear. Despair. Avarice. -Charity, Cheerfulness, show- . Ing the Influence of the mlpd on the body; eminently calculated to arouse the people to the fact that health depends to, a great degree upon the proper di rection and control of the passions and emotions. Essays on Intemperance, Use of Tobacco, Sleep Exercise, Cold, Baths, Etc. SPECIAL LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN A Complete Materia Medica. or list of the principal remedies, -including nearly 300 medical plants, herbs and vegetable remedies; description of each; where found; when to be gathered;; how to preserve same; their preparation for use. I ' . Manual for Nurs'ng the Sick. Tre a Uses on Anatomy, Physiology and Hy giene. Domestic and Sanitary Economy Ventilation. Pure and Impure Air. Water, Purification of Water, Drainage. Disinfectants.! etc., etc PbysloaJ Culture and Development, etc . j Address Statesman Publishing Co9 I Salem, Oregon CLUBBING LISTT Twlce-a-Weefc Statesman WEEKLY OREGONiAN, per year.,.. TWICE -A-WEEK 8TATESMAN, per year. . .........,.$10 ...$li OUR PRICE, BOTH PAPERS.... PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, per year.......... TWICE-A-WE12K 8TATESMAN, per year. BOTH PAPERS........... CHICAGO INTER-OCEAN, per year....... .. TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year.... I BOTH; PAPERS.....". HOARDS DAIRYMAN, per yesr... ........ ..... TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year....... BOTH PAPERS .. NORTHWEST POULTRY JOURNAL,, per year TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year...... BOTH PAPERS........... 7 4 .i,... , , . . . " 1 - i, a .... J2L25 ,...$1j0o SJ0 ...... f 1 JO , J ........... 150 ...flJOO t sj . J.. ........11.75 M THRICE A-WEEK NEW YORK WORLD, per year. TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per yesrr...; ... .$1.40 .$1H0 .$1J0P BOTH PAPERS .....J $15 MCALLS MAGAZINE (including a free pattern to eaoh subscriber).... TWICE-A-WEEW STATESMAN, per year......' .....l.... ......... BOTH PAPERS. TV n 1 t CK1 zl vf i L J M it rV4 .1 tH Z I ' It ptta! Mormon Buftopt' PIUS w mtm y r T p w " ,h Mum I A ,J! OMvcm i au umet . fuvuf cum mm ml ca,, tn aid uil iMir uiwk ti-m dacl I XtLl I wmt-r'P'"'. na. rn-fcc- Cures IJS Mahoo, Im I ' pet,Ti it Power. Ntght-Cossos. Spematorrfoea InW"-. 'I V i X .y bllity, H9dach,umtn(4 to Marry. -oc of ! "1 eem, Vsricoce V-urv,V orboftfiptiilon, t-rv Quickntt oOi- irf i I erg, Stop , fcw. .turn. ?r ita,wmrtit. cm is ac I '' , . lawa imll. nJt,litr l SiMktMlna mmd Mntcaim, yx fcn. f -r ft fi TT Mil 4 wnnam r miii, orl '' 'I Hi. Mk Iwt ftwlin fees. AdtfrMS. nisbcp RertV 0w. Sva mma fimK. Z. J. FOR 8 ALE BY RIGGS. DRUGGIST. S ALEM. ORBOCN. IL B. 2L GilL providing for reloca tion of county seats of several counties of the state. " j ' v H. BL 24X Gin, relating to county courts and mileage of sheriffs. IL B. 24J. Carnahan, "Incorporating town of Seaside. ' i H. B. 244, Both, by request, fixing salaries of offlcers of Columbia county. IL B. 245,'Hinesi to prevent marriage of persons afflicted with tuberculosis or syphilis. - 1 : : B. 24. Hlnes,. to provide for ap pointment of state inspector of OIL The above bills were read for the second time and referred. : . . The House adjourned until 11 'o'clock Wednesday morning. . . "IT