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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1903)
CO. 1 f V 4? We Lave bleii taking inFntofj and cleaning house. Pound many a r jrt tyttl lint you fdnnd something you had lost track of. thijigs and makes Goijjg to right them ; . 1 $20 00 : ' 1.Q0 Hi 50 15.00 1400 it t. it a o-. STREKG1 H OF FULTON NOW FULLY DEVELOPED (Continued from Page 2.) i any taking place won lor 111'! i situation has now assumed- serious dead-lot king tendencies- with a pro ieet of a long-drawn-out light aha5. : It .now lie within the pov cr ut the ; Multnomah delegation to ' elect either randidate. and in.;;iany. .Ooveinor fleer, for it is very stronsfy asserted that the full strength of tb? d-lesation ; will never go to t-n:tor Fulton, the limit of whose possibilities in del egation is placed at fix votes and his total itrengtb. all told, will not exeted, on a showdown, forty votes. On the other hand. If there s an?lhin stull like a break In Governor Oeer'a dilu ¬ tion, with the faintest probability ot an election, the Democrats will go v r to him en masse and 'effect his election. Neither of these possi'.ii'.itle.i are live ly to occur for some time at least; and there is much speculation h to the possibility of a dark horse belrt? run In and elected, at the nrst opportune mo ment. '" ! The routine work of the two houses yesterday was without any :nteretiig features except for tlie apiointment of the special committees by Speaker Harris of the House. The'ote for 1'nited Ktates Senator by the joint as sembly and the routine .work of both houses follow: ' Th Vote en Se.iator. For fleer Burgess. Croisan, Daly, Dannmin. Dstvey,, Farrar, Ginn, Hay den, llobson, Howe, Johnson, John ston, Jiidl. Kay, Mulkey. Simmons, Stelwer, Whealdon 18. - For Fulton Booths Both; Car nana n, Carter. " f 'omett, Dimick, Eddy.; Ed wards, Emmitt. Ganlt,s Hahn, Hale, lUnKbrough, Hermann. Hines, Hunt It y. KuykendalV Ia Follett. Marsters, Miles. Paulsen. Phelps. Purdy, Rand, IM.idle. Shelley. Smith iof Tamhill, Welwter. Williamson, Harris, Brpwnell i For ;. K. S. Wood Bilyeu. Blakeley ilJurleish. Cantrall, daypool, Oalloway. Gill, Miller. Murphy, Olwell. Pierce llobbins. Smith of ; Umatilla, Sweek. ; Test. Wade,- Wchrung 1 1. .Absent, 4. ' .. j Scattering. 20. y-l-- - ' A mon? ti . scattering votes -were I-iUey, Holman. McGlnra and Myers for H. S. Pittock. Also Banks and 1 Nottingham for W. ,D. Fen ton- ' Cobb and . Hudson for "Geo. H. Williams. Fisher, Hunt. Hutchinson. .Mays nd Smith o( Multnomah, for M. C. CJeorge. Hawkins for Judge C E. "Wolverton Jones of Lincoln, for. Dinger Hermann SENATE. ' (Wedhesdav Mornintc.) .auea to order at 40 a. m. roll-call Rev. r. A- Walters After offered prayer.;. ; , j Joint memorial No. 2. askins Con gress to remove obstructions in the Columbia river; was laid on the : table at present. j 8. B. 91, Kuykendall. to amend code; first reading. . 1 , t S. B., S2, Williamson to prevent the fraudulent wearing of bad res or em blems; first , reading. , ' ' r I S B. 93, Williamson, for the Relief of i,ke jcounty; advan-4 tq Reconu re 1 lg and ordered printed. ' . & B. 94, Daly, to prohibit poois and trusts; first reading. u 1 S. B. ,5. Smith, of Vmatllla, in r gard to road brand lor stock; .first trading . . i.S. B. 6. Smith, of Umatilla, to timend code; first reading, j Senate Joint resolution fit the last KVHaion of , the' Legislature to amend Constitution so as to hold general elec tions in November instead of June; udopted, 17 to 9 wlth 4 absent, i Joint resolution of the 21st session, tu Smtnd Uie state constitution bo u prominent many important, facts. Next : week m with very low prices, are always SUITS KEDUUED TO u u ti it it tt tt I. 3S to allow cities and towns to Incorpor ate without an net of the legislature; referred back to committee with in structions to have It printed. Joint resolution of the 21st session, to amend Constitution so as to allow state institutions to be located away from the capital; adopted 21 to 4. vitl 4 absent. ": " ' '': I - ! Resolution No. 17, Myers, to appoint a committee on salaries and mileage; adopted. The president appointed Mayes, Daly and Steiwcr. f 8. B. 97, Stelwer, to license peddlers; first reading. f' . 1 . S. B. 88, Rand, to amend code; first reading. 1 S. B. 90, Sweek. in regard toob- stmcting rivers: first reading. Second Reading of Bills. S. B. 23. Miller, to fix salaries of state officers; assessment and taxa tion. . i ' ... S. B. 24, Croisan, for primary elec tions; election?. ! S. R. 25, . Sweek, relating to forests; judiciary. 8. B. 24, Marsters, liabilities of em ployers to employes; railroads. iS. B. 44. Miller. Centralization of school -districts, education. : S. B. 52. McGinn, in regard to child labor; Judiciary. - 8. B. 10, Stelwer, for transportation of sheep by express; third reading and passed. Took a recess at 10:55 until 11:55. Reconvened at 11:35 at.d went int Joint session with the House where a joint ballot on l-'nitel States Senator was taken, after which the Senate repair ed to the Senate chamber and took an adjournment until 19 p. m. today. HOUSE. c (Wednesday Morning. Opened with prayer , by Rev. - St. Pierre, state chaplain. Eddy was relieved from service as a committee on enrolled bills and Hod son of Multnomah was named to sup ply vacancy on committee. Speaker Harris announced Investi gating committees as follows: ' Committee to investigate sale school lands etc Hermann, Hale. LaFollett. To investigate affairs and accounts ot state penitentiary Davey, 'Huntley, Kramer. , f To' examine book and accounts of vtate insane asylum Riddle, Cornett, Blakeley. : . To examine ; books and affairs of Uate treasurer's oflSce Edwards, Hod ion. Emmitt. , , : To examine books and affairs of sec retary of state Phelps. Miles. Not tingham. H To examine affairs and accounts of the reform j school, blind' school and deaf mute school Hansbrough, Purdy, Bobbins.' " i " -: ; . t To examine books, affairs and ac counts of soldiers' home and state library Emmett, Dannemann, Banks., To examine state orinters' office Orton, Jones. Hawkins. On revision of laws Malar key. Jones, Bilyeu. ; . H- 1?- 5, by Davey Providing an ad' iitional term of Department 1, Circuit ?ourt for the Third Judicial district, was read third time and passed. Under second reading and 'reference of Senate bills, following proceedings were had: ! i . , . i .. ,:. ; , v s B.. 9. i by Sweek Relating to Portland library! Made special ' order for 10 a. m- Thursday, S. B. 40, by Carter Amendlryr Ash 'and thartci- Considered engrossed rd placed on calendar for third read ing. ' S. B. 46, by Wehrung Amending harter of Cornelius. Cities and towns. S. B. 68, by Daly Amending Corval-' iis charter. Passed to third reading.' S. B. 76. by Smith, of Umatilla In corporating: city of Adams. Cities and towns. S. B. 84. by McGinn Incorporating MUwaukle. Cities and towns. j 8. B. S5, by Croisan Defining duties of judges of the third judicial 'district. To special committee. . i ; j Third Pesdinj 3enate Bills. S." B. 64, by Marsters Creating an irreducible school fund for - Douglas county. faesed. . ,: '. . t: i o i a. prices so low that . the best lofs, Caii youlresist these magnetic 13.50 12.50 12.00 10.50 10.00 .JOHN ; r Introduction of Bills; i IL B. 158, by Davey Amending code. Judiciary. H. B. 159, by Davey -Amending code. Judiciary. f H. Ji. 160, by Hermann Amending charter of CoQuille. Cities and towns. H- B. 161, by Kay Regulating banks and insurance. Assessment and taxa tion. ' 1 H. B. 152, by Kay Fixing salaries Marion county officers. ' Marion county delegation., . . H. Bf 163, by Kay Fixing salaries state officers. Judiciary. f j H. B. 164f. by Edwards, by request Amending code. Alcoholic traffic. ; H. B. 165. Edwards, by . request- Amending -code. Alcoholic traffic : H- BL 166, Hawkins Incorporating Falls "City. Cities and towns. i H. B., 167. by Hermann Amending charter of Bandon. Cities and towns. H P. 168, by Hermann Relating . to use ill streams for irrigation and do- H. B. 169, by , Huntley Amending Oregon City charter. Clackamas coun ty delegation. ' , H. B. 170. ty Purdy," by 'request- Amending code.' Judiciary. ' H. B. 171, Nottingham Relating to adulterated linseed oiL Food and dairy products. " H. K. 172. Phelps Relating to ire pariaii rights. . IrrJg:itioa. H. r B. 173, Davey Incorporating Sublimity. Read twice and referred to committee on cities and towns. . Committee Reports. Judiciary H. B. 4, re-referred to dairy products; H. B. No. 17 t cities and towns, II. B.; 29 assessment and taxation and IL B 44, labor and Indus triesH. B. 19. adversely reported; II. B. 8. favorable With amendments: II. B. 75, favorable with amendments Cities and towns H. B. 76. favorable; L.lnn county delegation1 reported fa vorabiy on H. B. 77, for free ferry at Harrisburg. Third Reading H. B. ' H. B.- 76, by Eddy Amending Tilla mook charter. Passe J. House Wednesday afternoon. H. B. No. 81. to incorporate lone. declared passed. ; M. B. No. 98, to incorporate McMinfi- ville, ordered withdrawn "from com mi t tee and printed. a message rrom the Governor urged action to secure a , permanent water supply and furnish lights for the Pen itentiary and Asylum, and asked for a joint committee to inestlgate and recommend action. , Adjourned to 10 a. m. Thursday. ' t It's folly to suffer fr,pm that horrible plague of the night,' itching piles. Doan's Ointment cures, quieklr shd permanently. ' At any drug store, ' 60 Dislocated Her Shoulder. Mrs. Johanna Soderholm.Vdf Fergus Falls. Minn, fell and dislocated her shoulder. She. had a surgeon get "It back ia place as soon as possible, but It was quite sore and rained her very much. Her son mentioned that he had seen Chamberlain's PalniBalm adver tited for sprains' and soreness, and she asked him 'to buy j her a bottle' of 'it, which he did. It quickly relieved her and enabled her to sleep, which she had not done for several days. ; The sou was so much pleased with the relief It cave his mother that lie has since recommended It to -many others.' 'Fori sale by tone's Drug Stores. t - YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAf ;M-. ' ING -1:-: " When you take Grove's Tasteless Chltt Tonic, because thfm-mula Is plainll printed on every bottle showing that U is simply iron and qininfe'4n a taste less form. No cure, no ixyt 50e. mLX f J7 roken lots in Men's, So in storekeeping. vyere going to right these matters with a , i every garment in these; COUNTY CLERK DRAWS JURY The General Venire for the Regular February Term of Court j? " "' ' " ' ; FIRST DEPARTMENT WILL. COJf, VENEr OX MONDAT MORNING, 'EBRUART ' NJXTHr THiRTT ONE NAMES OF-fTtpIRTY-ONE TAXPAYERS ON.TliE LiST. . t (From Thursdays Jjl Uy), County Clerk J. W. Roland, yesterday drew the general venire of Jurymen to serve upon the jury during the Febru ary term of the first department of the State Circuit Court, which will con vene on Monday, February. St h. The list is composed of thirty -one taxpayers of Marion county, as follows: F. M. Rice, Howell, blacksmith; S. G. Pugh. Korth Salem, farmer;i" John Knight, North Salem, farmer: K. A. M. Cone, Butteville, farmer: W. J. Carlton, North Salem... farmer; Patrick Mullen ' St. Paul, farmer; X. Stoessel. We ha ma, farmer; C. H. Chapman, Englewood, farmer; James E Smith, Chanjioeg. butcher; R. P. ye, Sidney, Nfarmer; E. C. Titus. Stayton, merchant; J. F. Stalger. Salem No. 3, hotelkeeper; C. I Shepherd, Seotts -Blls, farmer;W. W. Zinn, Salem No. 4, confectioner; J. M. Lawrence, Salem No. 1, merchant. Mat SnralL South Silverton, farmer; J. K, Zeigier. Gervais, butcher; Eugene Man n'npr, Ger-ais, farmer: Chris. Krelger. Aurora, farmer: R. P Hall, Sidney, farmer; David Back. Mt. Angel, farm er; Orr Royal, Prospect, bridge builder; J. A. Austin, Woodburn, merchant; El mer Denny, Silver Falls, farmer; D. W. Smith, Ho well, farmer;. W. J. Hadley, Marion, fruitgrower; Jos. Stupple, ML AngeL farmer; -E." C. Churchill. Engle wood. farmer; W. H. Cooper, Stayton. merchant; Ben Robertson. Turner, farmer; Wm. Loverldge, Woodburn, farmer. . BY BREECHES BUOY CHEW OF WRECKED TUG LEY DEN SAVED THROUGH GREAT DIFFICULTY. BLOC2 ISLAND, R. I.. Jan. 21. he United States tug Leyden bound from San Juan, Porto Rico, for New port, ran ashore ondbe south side of this Island today and ia a' total wreck. Six of her crew left the wrecked tug in a small boat which was dashed to pieces on the rocks. They were res cued by the life savers. The remain lug twenty-eight men and Lleitenant Chester Wells, the commander, : were taken off in the breeches buoy through. great difficulty. - - OF IMPORTANCE TO BELGIUM. The Belgian Archaelogical society re ports that In the course of boring near Borringer, Belgium, rock salt was dis covered at a depth of 900 feet.- It Is ex pected that this discovery will greatly Increase the commercial wealth of Bel glum. -.-. ' PROSPECTS FOR DEADLOCK VIEWS OF AN OLD PIONEER FROM LvAKEVIEW ON SENATORIAL. QUESTION. ' jS- P. Moss, of Lakeview, is spending a few days la Salem. -watching events at the Legislature. He Is a prominent business p.ioner ot thaJL ecctiut having resided BON Boys' and MldfenV Clothing.. Never cleaned Stock counting brings to light nianv little AT broken-lines will be sold. The broken lof s prices? - Read: SUITS il EDUCED TO $12.00 10.00 9.00. 8.00 7.50 it it tt ti it tt it there for the past thirty years, though' his boyhood days were spent fn TJnn county. Mr. Mojis wai twijhe eieclwl W the State Legislature fromi Lake roun- tp and served in the sessions f 1P82 and 1889, and is somewhat familiar with political conditions throughout the State. In speaking to a Reporter yes terday as to the Senatorial outlook., he said the situation was very much the same as In 188. and the prospects for a deadlock were never better than now. I e len uiKeview aoout a month ago Snd came over into the Willamette val-. ley to spend the winter and (will return borne In the spring. He reports a very mild winter In Eastern Oregon and rays stock is wintering in good Shape. KIERNAN CANNERY JOBBED. ILWACO. Wash-. Jan. 21). It Is now practically settled that the Klernan CannetTi 'which was destined to be thrown into operation in Uwaco with the opening of the Ashing season, has been "Jobbed." and whil many or our fishermen and citizens ar ondertag how it all came about, thsfee are others wno aer siy as Kiuens atd ao noth ing but "wink the otbr eye," and from their conversation Ayou would never know Ilwat-o wanted -a cannery, or that Mr, Klernan Might- have known that if he received" assistance rrom a member of the combine to pursue his-cannery project here, he would be allowed to proceed Just so far far enough to get the outfit ion the ground and then be given the ax. which he got. and a hard blow to boot. People of II waco may not be acquaint ed with these conditions, hence let It be known that . this is' nothing rnoe, than a prediction. - The opinion of well Inforrhed Individ uals In Ilwaco Is that Ilwaeo will have a cannery, and soon, despite the Co lumbia River combine to the contrary. Any prior movement vln this matter will not; lessen the chance- for men of means to build a cannery In Ilwaco, and "what Is more of It," there are plenty of fishermen who wl fish. SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS TO ESTABLISH CO N ItNT AT PH.V. DLETON N E V CAMP OF AVOODMFN. (From Thursday's Dally). Articles of Incorporation were fire,t with the Secretary of Stat? yesterd.Ty. as follows: The Sisters or S- Ffnq:, of Vot. dieton, iii own nnl connuft converts, schools, hospital. orp.vnfijcs, colU-ges and other char.nbl? and eJucationuI Institutions. - The .rnpitil -s(kk M I ..', ooo and the print 'pil omc.r and pla.-c of business is .P-iidtelon.i Mary 13. Betenbender (Sister. M. Stonlalaust Christina E. Scho?;fr (Sinter M. Kll- Ilan), and Lucille KatooL j (Sister X. Salono), "are the incorporators of re cord. . ... . .., - Western Camp Nx 112, Xfoodrnm of the World, a frati-.wil and lentfl jl society, of Westoi, Oregon, ihas a ap ItaJ stock of $300J and the obje'.-t of thf corporation is the fraternr.1 relief of Its members and '.lie -administration of the privileges honors and ; bemits of Woodcraft. Oeorre Can.ilehael, J. C Turner and D. F. Lavender are the in corporators. ' '.' ' . .' - LOOKS BAD roil IIUNNY. CULVER. Or " Jan. l.r-Tfie eitixens of Culver and Havstr s ha4 orKaniated for the purpose of rvidir.. this section of the state of th; mbbit lest. Tlie or ganization Is tnown as thei Haytw k Rabbit Exterminating Society. J. Hale was elected president and Frank Osbom secretary- v Henry Wln.loiir holds the office of chief captain, whifa fi. Spring er, George Windom.'.V. Kl!lenlMek ani W. F. Hammer are his lieuteManf An executive committee cousistia of J'c-r- ry Read, George Oaborn, Jti'uxt Bon. William Peck in-J F. Z- Hoffman will look after the ;vrransemetE3 f"r the periodical rabbit , drivM comtempVUed. Corrals are helm? built uX various playcs, ot aire MatUitf,., stub rwjde . $.8.50 7.00 fi 51) (.00 5.50 u u tt u J "ngs extending out on either r le, ,tiu(, '"to these the lonr-eired deKlroyers will be drlveni and when- once inside tW siaugnter- win i-ommeH-e: as soon an all are killed' at a coml the men will again sally forth, driving to another, pen, where the same thing will be gone over. .....' ' ' Mr. HolTmnn ar In PrlnevHIe re cently, and purc-htsed ten balei of Tr to be used for pens, a.n-1 Kum wo'rtH' of rabot "XV" lor winjfl. mADE TAX LEVY DALLAS COUNCIL I KTMHMI X V. j ' TO PUSH. WAT Ell RKSllfs" PROCEEDINGS. DALLAS. Jan. 21. (Statesman Spt ciat.) At a meeting of tile city i ounctr last night for the purpose of levying the-tax for 1902 the disc UKjsion brought out the following facts In regard, to' the financial condition of Dallas. Thai" the" total amount Of revenue collected the past year was about S.8."), and expenditures something over IJ.i leaving an exact balance -on ha md'i Vf 1825, Six mills city tax won levied notwithstanding the liberal bal.-vi)ter -from.thesame number of mills levied -last year. The reason assigned In the discussion was that some expense will be necessary In the prosecution nFcoti demnatory proceedings in the con struction oiniAe new water works. If Is the Indicated determination of the council, if the voters will permit, to'' push the condemnation of water rights and rights of way as fast as clrcuin-. stances Will permit. They expert til get all matter jpertalning to their'' cases before the May teVof the. cir cuit Court, department No. f, Jmlgn,' Geo. H. Burnett. ' - ' i pi. . . .. i -.. i. luciniwuiii ui Aionio ttrown ar rived In Dallas today from Kaleni.' The funeral will be preached tomor row at 10 ci'clocat the M. E. church South; Iter. IX; A. Winters, of the Evangelical hurch. will preach the funeral. Tho7 burial will be at th'P family buryiljg ground, one mile north Of tOWn.;,.. . . ,-,,..', j Construction of the Falls City IUII road has commenced again. ,Te steam grader Is doing the work mrifctlv Hn place of teams. BfrtlED MONEY AT STAKE. ""'I . ROSFURG. Or Jan. 21. Thi notable ease listed on the doc ket of tlis Douglas Oounty Circuit Court has been on trial here several days. F. b. Waltc, executor of the estate of-Feudal So ith erlln, deceased. Is suing to recover Sl'. 000 from Mrs. Kate Orubb. daushter at decedent, who claims hat her r.ther. ' before his death, made her a present of the money. lie told her where it whm buried so she could get it. Jt is clabn e4 by the plalntirr that the money yv-Oi only placed Jn her -possession for m:fc keeping and was not intended as a gift. The case Is being carefully tiontestrri. and is creating considembre interest. - . .... - . : -. '' MONEY8 MISSED,-. ' SPOKANE. Wash., Jan. 21. Tiw' Northwestern Home Finding Assocla- ' tion was today sued by John O. Releen. '1- whd claims that - money . was taken from him fraudulently by the omers of the society to support his children M-ho had been taken by the asscK-l.-i-tlon. He also In his complaint slater that after the money was taken from , him it was not used for their benelU.', The amount of damages asked is 8730. " . .H- - '" " ' ' ' .'ill'"' ' " ' ... BLOOD.. POISONING FEARED - KALAMA. Wash.. Jan. 2L Dr. K. C. Cook is suffering severely from an Jured hand.. 1 Last evening whiles, re turning from the Red Star ' mine h had, the misfortune to fall, and In - Ing so ran a large splinter of wooll into his left hand. On his arrival home the hand was attended to, but apparently the wood was not all Tt- moved from the wound. The hand at present Is in a very bad condition, and.' there: Is fear of blood poison. ' ," CI) f rf ' : - ;" ..-1 '. - ' '. ' jii- II