WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20. lSCi 7 WILL HOUSE v FOLLOW SUIT? Adoption of Individual Clerk ship Raises Interesting j Question ,J ,1 . ptfRFl! OP THE LOWER 'HOUSE DECLARE THEY. WILL. OPPOSB THREATENED RESOL.U-1 TION TO BITTTER END--BEAR-ING ON SENATORIAL. QUESTION. 1 (From Saturday's Daily. , Will the House of Representatives of the Oregon Legislature fall in line and adopt a resolution ; similar to - that aJoptW by the Senate on Thursday, which authorizes each member to se M an individual clerk? This is the question which' the people are now turning over and over In their minds since! their recovery from the shock xf 'Thursday. '.. '. '. Careful inquiry among the members of the lower house and the information thus gained would lead one to conclude that, If a resolution of this nature come up hi the House, and It is pretty well known that one is already prepared for KuhmiHsion on Monday it will meet with 'strenuous opposition if not igno- ininous defeat, for there are not a few the members of the lower house who ve openly expressed their opposition against such a disgraceful waste of the public funds and will .vigorously op lnUe the adoption of such a resolution. Others think that an attempt . will not be made to pass the resolution in t fie House, and that It emanated in the 4nate from a 'desire on the part o one fiU tion, to show their contempt; ior me assumed dicta torialship In the cWkship question by the Fulton faction. As a niatter of fact, the fight which arose as a. i result of the resolution was drawn strictly 'on factional lines angjL develop ed the full strength of Fultofrs follow- big in the Senate as shown by the re sult of the ballot. The Supporters of Governor Geer, while Uhey have had much confidence of the election of their champion all along,! feel hig-hly elated and much en uraged. over what they deem an ex plo.iion: of Fulton's claim of strength oh the Senatorial Question. Fulton claims ; thirty votes on the joint ballot and gives Governor Geer credit for only nineteen. The dispute has considerable iJc.iring on the Senatorial question. J A man who ought to be on the Inside tys the fact that the' Senators,, have vjoted themselves individual clerks is no indication that the House will do the same thing. He says the Senators who are nit in the select and exclusive cir cle of' the Fulton supporters did it In scf-de fense; that last sessionHhe Ful ton crowd hoed the whole thing .in the matter of committee clerkships, and in yon who was not inMhe inner cir cle or the holy of. holies of the Fulton outfit did not get a chance at a clerk ship for his frlefds.J"his' lime "the" Sen ators w ho were not 1 1 ed u p to rFuIton did not propose to stand for" such a hoggish scheme; ! the themselves had nuiiw friends they wanted to fa vol with clerkships, so they voted every member of that branch the, privilege of supply ing himself with a clerk. If there are members who do not want clerks at the expense of the, state -it there are Sen ators who do not wish to go on record as favoring the scheme, let them gen erously refuse to provide themselves mith clerks. This is at least one ver sion of the matter. WILL TAKE HIM BACK SHERIFF FROM WASHINGTON ARRIVED ON THE OVERLAND LAST NIGHT. , f ' j(Frim Saturday's Daily.) William Zinn was yesterday placed under arrest by City Marshal D. W. Gibson on telegraphic communication from the sheriff of Pomeroy, Garfield county. Washington., and Chief Me Laui hUn, of Portland, charging him Willi seduction on the person of Miss Minty, Hender, aged IS years, of. I"neroy, Washington. Sheriff Ji ! A. Ft rand, of Garfield county. Washing ton. arrived last night with the neces t ry requisition papers In his posses i sim and will present same to Governor tfhamberlain today In order to obtain ' ejxtradition papers for the purpose of taking Zinn back to Pomeroy with P him. i - - to ; The warrant for the prisoner's arrest I was Issued January 1. but no trace of f him was found until last Tuesday. nd h was not finally located until ' ystenliiy. , j i Ziroi and Miss Hender ibave kept J company, It is alleged, for about four years, and have been engaged for; some ( time. ; r. . : . , - I Thej girl's mother js dead, . and her i (father was only recently released from r the anvlum it. -in ' v. 4 i . - - j . . a t-r A&.sua, - .. tin l ''"in a parents, Mr. and Mrs. George fe Zinn..liTtng near Pomeroy, and it Is by jT thHr express desire that Zinn was ar- n wtobe taken balk to Pom eroy. it is understood that the couple will be married on his arrival In Pom- leroy, and the matter will be droooed. .WILLAMETTE WON Defeated a lb ax t i-or. i.vsf! BASKET BALL TEAM LAST NIGHT. (From Saturday's Daily.) The; Willamette University ' basket hall team defeated the Albany College te-im.at Albany last night by a score of 13 to C. The game took place in a small room where : it was practically Impossible to play . scientific game, and the gasne was somewhat on the rough order, but no one, was Injured. Had the conditions been more favorable the W. XJ. boys feel that they would have made a much better showing for themselves, but are well satisfied as it was, ' J The University team has IxVn devel oping wonuerrully this season under the direction of Coach Miller and bids W. M. Pol-j fair to make a good record. lard has been elected ' captain of : the. Willamette University football team for". 1903. and also captain of the basket ball team. -: , . .-. . .' . The Chemawa and Willamette basket ball teams will play a game at the Wil lamette .University gymnasium this er ening. Tbe game will be called prompt ly at S o'clock p. m-. and an adoission of 15 cents will be charged. -:: - - H The lineup of the Willamette Univer sity and Albany College football teams which played last night, follows: : -J W. U. Forwards, Parsons. Judd; Albany-College. Forwards. Coatee. Shaw , Z w. U. Center. Pollard; Albany. Cen- tef. Bergman. W,;U. Guards, Matthews and. Win- slow; Albany, Guards, Stalmacher and Morrison. : W. 17. Subs Wilkins and Miller. Coach, Miller; Mgr. AverilL and Mor ris as umpire. IS BACK FROM CALIFORNIA Carey Martin Brings Some Interesting Details of His Observation PICKING OF ENORMOUS CROP OF ORANGES JUST ; BEGUN THE LIMA BEAN INDUSTRYOREGON SHOULD BE MORE ' EXTENSIVE LY ADVERTISED IN SOUTH. (From Saturday's Dally.) Attorney Carey F.1 Martin returned yesterday morning from a three weeks business trip to Southern California points.' He says that the output of or anges for Southern California this year will amount to about ' 25.000 carloads, and picking has just commenced. Each car carries 216 boxes and the numW of oranges in a box ranges from 94 to 300, but; will average about 180. He also visited ; the lima r bean producing sec tions. In one valfey eighteen threshing machines run about twenty-five days each threshing beans. Each machine threshed pn an average about 1,500 sacks per day and each sack weighs Js5 pounds, and is worth in the market 4 cents per pound. When well farmed lands will yield anywhere from 1250 to 3000 pounds per acre... One farmer had 2,000,000 pounds , this year' and claims there Is more money in raising beans than oranges. Mr. Martin visited the lemon, almond and olive orchards, the pigeon and os trich ranches, the wireless telegraph station on Santa Catalina islands, had four swims In the Southern oceans and advertised Oregon as much as possible, inducing many of the thousands of win ter tourists to come through Oregon on their way East. He was unable to find atiy newspaper from Oregon at any of the news stands or : pablic libraries south of Dunsmuir. California, and says that hundreds of " peoplje could be brought to Oregon by sinsply advertis ing our climate. "lie visited one place In which no rain to amount to anything had fallen in five years, and almost the entire population of that district will more away next year unless they get rain this winter, as It has been found Impossible to reach their farms by ir rigation ditches from other sections. Mr. Martin is -glad to get back to "Good Old "Oregon again, and is more convinced than ever that our state has a great future before It. He thinks that our population would te doubled in ten years if some scheme of advertis ing could be adopted to let. the people South and East know the resources of this state. , ; " - ' ( " MONTHLY REPORT -r " 1 ,. i FISH WARDEN .VAN DUSEN RE MITS LICENSE COLLECTIONS ; FOR DECEMBER. Fro"n Satu-dayja Daily.) Master Fish Warden H. . G. Van Dusen yesterday remitted the aggre gate sum of $403.50 to the State Treas ury, 135X50 of which representing the amount of money collected on4 fish lisenses during the month of December, 1902, and J50 represents the amount of a fine imposed upon and collected from one, Louis Solomon, on December 17th, who was convicted, in -Vashburg, Till amook county, of engaging in the busi ness of buying, -Kicking and preserving salmon without -a lit-ense. - ' -i The license collection statement fol lows ; :V 1 Individual fisherman's license..) 1.00 1 Gill net license ". 2.50 i Fish dealers licenses (1st class) ........ .. .... 50 Ji 3 Canners licenses (1st class) .... 300.00 Total ....1353.50 LANE COUNTY PAYS REMITS FULL B A LA NCE F ' TAX AND THE INTER EST. ' 1902 (From Saturday's Daily.) State Treasurer C S. Moore yester day received a remittance of $1,284.47 from the treasurer of Lane county In full for the State. Agricultural College taxes for the year 1902. and Interest thereon from December 1st. which was due the state fronts Lune county and withheld - by his predecessor. The amount is segregated as follows: State tax balance... .. .. . .Jl.2t0.47 Interest from December 1 .. .. 9.09 Agricultural College: tag . r 34. 5 Interest from December 1 .... .2 Toal .. ..ll.2tl.47 PALMER IS BOOMING, v PALMER, Or, Jari. 13. The ne town of Palmer is growing. Seven new houses of modern style are nearly com pleted, thegreater number containing seven rooms.- li spring it Is timated there will be from sixty to seven'r new houses built for the accommodation of the mill employes; also business houses will be erected, probably Including a mercantile establishment. The mill is busy sawing lumber for the buildings, but is filling out side orders also. Wrk will probably begin in April in the con struction of the hew mill. NEWS FROM WEST SIDE Dallas Goat and Sheep Fair Great; Success Prizes ' Awarded POLK COUNTY POULTRY RAISERS ORGANIZE AN ASSOCIATION SALOONKEEPER ; ADMINISTERS DRUBBING TO FRESH RESTAU RANT KEEPER A NEW CLUB. ; (From Saturday's Daily.) DALLAS, Jan. !. -The fair of the Polk County Mohair . Association has been the most, successful the Associa tion has ever held. The exhibits of goats and sheep, as well as chickens', was far better than ever before. A "very large crowd was In attendance and much in terest manifested in all branches of the fair. ' The following award of prizes has been made: - - Registered Stock. Doe kids bom before March 13. C. Mitchell first. Amity. Or.; Wm. Riddell, second and third, Monmouth. Doe kids Born after March 15: , U. S. Grant, first and third, Dallas; D.. J. Grant, second. Falls City. Does One year old:. Wm. Riddell. first and second. Monmouth; W. W. Smith, third. Salem; Does 2 years old: J. B. Stump, first and second. Monmouth; Wm. RiddelL third, Monmouth. Does 3 years old: U. S. Grant, first, Dallas; Wm. RiddelL second, Mon mouth; J. B. Stump, third, Monmouth. Does 4 years old and over: Allyn Tocom, first, Sheridan; .Wm. RiddelL second, Monmouth; H. L. Fenton, third. Dallas.. Buck' kids born before March 15th Wm. Riddell, first and second, Mon mouth. , i Buck kids Born after' March 15th U. S. Grant, first and second, Dallas; D. J. Grant, third. Falls City. Bucks 1 year old :i J. I. Reasoner, first and third, Dallas; G. B. Miller, second, Gervais. Bucks 2 years old: Wm. Riddell, first, Monmouth. Bucks -3 years , old: U. S. Grant, first, Dallas. . Bucks 4 years old and over: M. II. Grant, first, Dallas; D- Giger, second, Buell; Wm. Brown & Co, third, Salem. Sweepstakes Best doe of any age: Wm. Riddell. first, Monmouth; U. S. Grant, second, Dallas; A. Yocom, third, Sheridan. - Sweepstakes Best buclt of any age U. S. Grant, first and second, Dallas; Wm. Riddell. third, Monmouth. Group .oftour, consisting of aged doe. buck, yearling doe and one-doe kid: Wm. RiddelL first. Monmouth: V. A Ayres, second, Dallas. Thoroughbred Sheep. Cotswold, J. B. Stump; ramsv first, second and third. Monmouth; "Bursell Bros., Dallas, ewes, first. . ' Llncolns---J. ILf Hawley & Son, Mon f South, ram and lambs, second , ami hird; yearling rams, first; J. B. Stump, ram lambsv first, Monmouth. ' ' Grade Cotswold W. D. Gilllo'm, Dal las, eweS.Jfirst, econd and third, and ams. first,1 J. M. Bunn, North YamhiJL and D. A. Waker, Macleay, scorers, and R. W. Craig, Carlton, referee. Organize Poultry Association. Dallas, Jan. IS.; (Statesman Special) The poultry owners of the founty mt In Dallas today and organizod under the name of the "Polk- County Poultry As sociation. The Jolowing officers were elected' to serve for the ensuing year: President, J- V. Lynch, DgJias: secre tary, H. L. Crider, Dallas:, treasurer, J. D. Smith. Dallas; committee on ,by laws. John Robison. . Oakdale; John Shaw. Dallas, and Oliver Dennis, Oak dale. The Association will meet at the call of the president, to complete the or ganization by adopting the by-laws and constitution. . i Defamed His Daughter. Dallas. Jan. '16.' (Statesman Specinl) Tuesday a saloonkeeper named Kiliot of Dallas, went Into the lunch rooms of young man named Frank Kersey, well known in Salem, and made a vicious at tack " on Kersey, 1 striking him several blows about the head, without doin, serious damage except to cause a con siderable flow of t-laret. Elliott gave as a reason for his action that Kersey hud said something to the detriment of his (Elliott's) daughter's character." . Gaining a Reputation. Dallas, Jan. IS.- (Statesman Special) Last night the- Dallas Amateur Dra matic Club played "She Would Be a Widow" at the City Hall here. Standing room was . at a premium. By request the play will be repeated tonight. This company! gaining a fine reputation for amateur playing. The characters were represented as follows, in the or der named: F. C EHiott. D. A. Poling. F. H. Museott, F. B. West, Roy Hawk ins. C. V- Gates, Alex Van Orsdale, Miss Viola Schultx. Miss Laura Brown and Mrs. Wm. Tatum. : Is Getting: Better, j Dallas. Jan. lft.- (Statesman Special.) Some days ago John Ellis, a promin ent citizen of Dallas, was stricken with paralysis. For awhile his speech was entirely lost, but he Is now better and hopes are felt for his recovery.; UNEXPENDED BALANCE PRESIDENTS OF EASTERN ORE GON DISTRICT FAIR RETURN APPROPRIATION SURPLUS; - President Judd S. Fish, of the Second Eastern Oregon District Fair and Agri cultural Society, of The Dalles, yester day refunded to the State Treasury the sum of $$2.2S represnting; the , unex pended balance of the $1566 appropri ated by the state for the district fair of 1S02. George EbelL president of the First Eastern Oregon District Fair As sociation, of Baker City, also remitted the sum of $116.50. representing tbe un expended balance of the appropriation for the 1902 exhibition. i .., . , . -' !' MUST WAKE UP. 5 . NEW YORK," Jan. 13. If the Penn sylvania Legislature refuses to repeal the act of 189 which prohibits the erection of new hospital buildings in the built-up sections of the cities of the state. New York City -will be substi tuted j for Philadelphia ' in the locat'on for: the home of the new tuberculosis hospital, for which Henry W. Phlpps has provided more than $1,000,009. gays a Philadelphia dispatch to th UerUd. No site for the temporary home of the hospital has yet been secured, and , no efforts will be put forth to purcuse property for use as a permanent site until the Legislature passes upon the repealing act. - i PROCESSION OF UNEMPLOYED. : NEW , YORK, Jan. I. The proces sions of the unemployed are strongly guarded by the police in their dally rounds through Oxford street and Pic adilly, according to a special to the Tri bune from London, and are not allowed1 at locate at Trafalgar Square or other centers. Recruits are gained on cold days, but there are no signs of disorder. PLAYED JOKE ON REPORTER Members of the Senate Have Fun at Pencil Pusher's Expense SPIRITED HIS GOLD WATCH. AND GLOVES AWAY WHILE HE WAS CHASING THE FESTIVE "ITEM" IN THE CORRIDORS OF THE STATE HOUSE. (From Saturday's Daily.) A little joke was played upon a Port land newspaper man up at the State House Thursday, which, for a short time worried him a , good deal and furnished some fun for the members of the upper house. The gentleman referred to is report ing the proceedings; of the Legisla ture for a Portland dally, and has his desk in the Senate chamber. When he comes in In a hurry and takes his seat at hJ 9 desk, the tirst thing he does is to puU out a' handsome gold watch and place It upon the table In front of him, so he may know and give an accurate report of .the exact amount of time the Senators waste, and also how long it takes each one to' tell how little he knows when he gets up to talk on some question that he doesn't know a thing about He. repeated the performance Thurs d;ry, and, as something of unusual In terest was" going on in the House about half past three in .the "afternoon, the reporter suddenly took a notion to see jthe fun, and rushed out, ' leaving his time piece lying on the desk. He came back in about ten minutes and resum ed -his seat at the desk, and just as he was comftrtabljy located and In the act of taking-a good, big chew of "battle axe" a' Multnomah Senator arose with ail, the dignity! of a Roman. ;, whose example he tred to emulate, and, in a vice fthat was: pitched in a key about . midway between the squalling of a cat and, the crow of a rooster he( com menced bis little "speiL" .J'',' A frown came over the reporter's face, for he had beard that. Senator talk before, "I II time him." thought the pencil pusher, and he reached for his watch. His surprise can only be Imagined when he discovered his loss, and he attracted 4he attention of the vast audience, and even the attention of the knight who wus speaking, by his wild gesticulations, in a hurried and fruitless effort i to find his treasure. , After turning the papers on tbe desk over at least a dozen times and looking into the waste basket (which the state had furnished) at least three times, it at last dawned upon his absent mind that this was another case of "hold up in the Oregon Legislature." He gave just' one look of contempt and disdain at the aggregation before htm, then, pic-king up his hat but for getting his gloves went ' - out and rounded up the ; janitor, .' sergeant-at-arms- and doorkeeper, and reported that he had been robbed of a $13 solid gold watch which he -had borrowed from his wife upon leaving home yes, robbed! robbed in broad day light. In the Senate chamber of the Capitol of the State of Oregon, and that, while tli Senate was in regular session. The matter was soon telephoned down to the sheriffs office and also to police headquarters," and for the next two hours all strangers on the streets were closely scrutinized. In the meantime a search for the criminal was begun at the State House, tbe reporter prtk-ipating; and he was heard to remark to a friend that he believed "there were a lotof thieves around there anyway," and when he returned to the desk and found his gloves missing, he said- he "felt sure of it." - -It proved to be all a joke, however, and the watch ard gloves were return ed to their bwrtec, they having been taken in a spirit of fun by a couple of Senators, one of whom- is i said to be looking for an election in tbe near future to something higher. - The reporter saw the joke, and after calling off the' sleuths who had been put on the track of several suspicious looking characters from Portland he took the north bound train for home. and it is safe to say that he will leave th watch with its rightful owner his wife. In the future. -LT.NN. SHOECUTTEI STRIKE. LYNN. Mass.. Jan. 1ft, Two hundred shoe-cutters employed in nine factories here went on a strike today. - Upwards of 3000 hands are Indirectly involved, and . unless ' the places of thone ' who have stopped work are filled promptly. a complete shut down of tbe factories Is threatened. The strike, which, was ordered by the Knights of Labor, followed the presen tation of a new price list by the Cut ters Union of that organization. It is averred that the action violates a con tract between the manufacturers and the Boot and Shoeworkers Union. This contract. It Is said, the Knights of La bor cutters also accepted, and the real issue, it is asserted, is one of authority between Knights of Labor aoi the Boot and 'shoeworkers Union.' Legal Blanks for sale at Stat:n--.n Job' OfllceT" "' New Today WwWw000wltwsyw001w1'w0WWwmmmwmnmn0l The Statesman Pub. Co. has on hand several hundred copies of the OREGON CONSTITUTION. The price Is 10 cents each as long as they last. - j ANY ONE WANTING STOCK SHEEP to buy or take on the shares will please call at thisxjffice. 1 TO LET ON SHARES. ONE HUN- dred head of good stock sheepi Ad dress Jennie Hendrick, Salem, No, 60 Court street, ; t I WANT TO BUY LIVE HOGS' AND pigs, also ducks, spring chickens, and hens. I will pay the highest i. cash price for same, Quong Hing, 254 Lib erty street, Salem, Or. REPORT CARDS-Our school report cards are printed to fit the school register. The prices are: Twelve cards for 10 cents; twenty-five for 20 cents; one hundred for 75 cents. Statesman Publishing Oo S&lcsxw Ore,. :-.-.. -i LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. To whom It may concern: Notice is hereby given that Agnes M. Jackson, administratrix of the estate of Joseph A., B. Jackson, deceased, has filed her final account with said estate In tbe county court of Marion county. ; Ore gon, and that said-court has appointed Saturday. January 31. 1903, at 10 o'clock a. m. for the hearing of objec tions to said final account and the set tlement thereof. , L Tuesday, Dec. 30. 1902. I AGNES M. JACKSON. Administratrix of said estate. EXECUTORS' NOTICE OF AP POINTMENT. j Notice is. hereby given to all, whom It may concern that the undersigned have been duly appointed by the Coun ty Court of Marion county,- Oregon, as co-executors of the last will ami testa ment and estate of Charles W. Seriber, deceased, ; and ail , persons indbteL to said estate are hereby notified to make Immediate payment to the undersign ed; and all persons having claims against said estate, are hereby notified to present: the same duly verified to the undersigned, at the law office of Til man Ford. W. M. Kaiser and W. T. Slater, at the city of Salem, in Marion county, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. ' ' Dated at Salem, Oregon, this Janu arys. 1903. j JEFFERSON -W. SCRIBER. W. M. KAISER, 'j Co-executors of the last will and testament and estate of Charles W. Seriber, deceased. j ) JEFFERSON NOTES! fiOME ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM OUR 1 WIDE AWAKE NEIGHBOR. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Black well are both very seriously! IlL Mrs. Illaek'well has been suffering for the. past fvxir or five months from aj trouble from which there is little hope of recovery! Mr. Blackwcll has only been laid up" for a week or so, but his illness is very ser ious indeed. , - Uncle Charley Miller is also on he sick list, but latest reports saylte Is again on the road, to health. 'j - Miss Ella Henderson, "now of (Cam bridge, Idaho, is paying her sister Mrs. Holt; a visit, Ella left Jefferson -about a year ago in very poor health, bet has completely recovered. She thinks Idaho a very healthy country. She says her father, A. B. Huddleson, Is doing an immense business in that country, Mr. Serales. of the co-operative store, has sold out his stock of goods fo: Port land parties, so It is rejiorted, and they are shortly expected" to take charge, of the business. Mr. Searles will move to Idaho. . ' - I ; , ' The new creamery Is nearing con'j pletion, and it is believed that a-large business will be done In that line. M . The farmers .were all busy ploughing last week and a considerable amount of grain was also sown. ' j Union revival meetings are now , be ing held nightly In the Evangelical church and several have come forward seeking for salvation: The JefferHon ministers are being assisted by th4 Rev. Jones, of Albany. ",, j .There has been but little siefkness during the-present winter In the vicin- j ity of Jefferson. Every room, Iri ; the school building has been full, and the; staff of teachers are giving universal satisfaction.' - . Tip Humphrey is getting out an in teresting little weekly paier and never an item of news escaiea. his watchful eye. All the merchants and business men yay they are doing a good business, and that everybody seems to j have- money, but none to "burn." Wf-T JEFFEIlSONfTE. rr9 Z.Z- ,--ssassssSBJSSBSBSB m Disaffection In Washinntjn-1 C!ympi;i. Wash, J;m. 17. Soine of the Eastern Washlngt-wi Iladvav Coin osion enthusiasts In the iisiLture who have heretofore be"t counted an among the supiorter of Predion for Ln'ted States Senator, are hnwluqf a disposition to go to-a cnndid-t not aniODg the 'three so far ani)ouiu!l. , ." Representatives Dix .and "AV.ilt'-r, f Whitman county, stated I thy would vte for ex-Sehator John ILj Alln, cf Seattle, next Tuesday. Alleti la likly to get from five to nijhe voties; Ui tJie first ballot. ; The disaffection is c-a'uiwd ' by the fc'lure of Preston to swing his county delegation all Into line for thai Onmnis- nion BilL The railroad pJ have adopted a'plan for breaking; the tona torial anti-caucus agreement of! the Commission men. They propose t3 pjr s . a . substitute to" the- :Comrfusston measure, a bill providing for a tx com mission, which will be empoweri! to fix the rateaT- ' f ' , . J It Is claimed that a sufficient number of the Conynission men have exp-yf-hed ; satisfaction with the substitute w en able its passage and , the u!seiuent calling of a caucus to settle t-ie Sena torial fight. MX GEE vVD Wonderful Honw ", Treatment. This wonderful Chi nese doctor Is calle great tmcauit We cures people wltho operation that . Clveo up to die. - lis cures with trios wonderful Chiaewi herbs, ruots. buda, bark and veetbblea, that are entirely un known to medical 'science In this country. Through tbe use of these harmless reme dies, this famous doctor knows th sct-s of over 500 different remedies wfttch b successfully uses la different diKeasea. He guarantees to core, catarrh. aKihma, lung, throat, rhenmatism. nervousneos, stomach, liver, kidney, bladder, feraals trouble. list manhood, alt prl vale diseases; has hundreds of testimonials. Chars' moderate. , y Call and see hlm-Connullatlon free.. 1 tlents out of the city, write for blank anu circular. Enclose stamp. Addrexs The C aH We Chinese Medicine Co.. lXTi Third Street. Portland, Oregoa. Mentloa this paper. . . ,v v- ; i - Car. Load or Fencing Direct from factory td SPKCfA T prices. Car will arrlveahout Oct. 20t h. Phce your ortler soon to secure -low price. - WALTER MORLEY j Salem Fence Works. . f3 8tatc Sires For Next 30 Days Almost every line of gmcls we carr.v mluctnl 10 ter tfL The Variety Store 91 Court rit. Aunora'M. Welch, I'n.p. Salem Iron Works K,M. tUGAR. Man. All Kimls ofMaclnncWork, Cast ings, Ktc. Hons? castings a epee ialty. We liave a large lot of window -weights of all stanxlanl sizes, also east washers. (.Jive us a call. MONEY tO LOAN ON IMPROVO) Farms inui city properly at tj jht cent per niinuni; no commission. t R. P. tiOISE, Jr. 27(1 Commercial ntrect one door north of ritalesman oflice. I visit DR. JORDAN'S ancATl UUSEUM OivAUATOLSY iKiimrrtTsiirusctscs.cii. The Lnr" AnMwcal Mmnmln the , (jv'iv npll,.l7i,i IItIk1wI DR. sOCOAN DISEASES CF MEH Vrnil.l tfknrntsrhhr wittitH j tttmi iys4sm sr(iuurt: swe ri Wste-rsjiry ft A mw, wxmrw wit MwrfwM. A ffm- k aud ' U-aj r-...rl I". Wimmm.m and I Irf LM. Joiuaa' apcual pus- 4 s-.h!. ' QfUU Mti-n 1rr-T MrirttTItMI tww,mrwA TwTt anisK. niLfj) fitn. f A, ;uai.ic i i fa. w ) CjiUa n on iorton h ce.iosi Msrt ti .s r. 'Sfn'sti urn rltif-t ones and W Z i n c o ft r a 13 K s The btl-Notkinj( lt Voscmile Fnqraving Co. E.lc:Hrrs wncS Lnjravtrs of . . ' pEfiTlVROYAL PILLS , t-Vl rHICHKSTIliS I.N4.l.lvtJ S. Vil KKU an4 VU Mtllk ai , -1 I DiwtnM lilhaUai mi mm- jnl. laf f Tmr 1 r.i . t 4-. S T PLAYED CLEAN BALL DA1.MS AM) M'MINNVIIjI.K COM LOJCS UAVK HOT CONTBt f DALiUAS, Jan. f. (St;l sm ui cial. l.,lli.H 'and McMintivillf, f. "Iiite l;iSfc.-t ball tea ins nit In I IN at the College gynmaMuin t -tnt"t fnf thcr league honors lat .nikbt. Tii- ; ime . was interesting and fast at tiriHf, lut; was extrcni-Ijr one-!''!, the 'r sta'iKiiug 30 tt 3, In fvr of I.ll i. -The receniing feature of th gf toe wan tint Itti as m clean one thriKhut. Th Me Minnvillp'tjoys, uivlcr th pr-s.iir.- -f verblniin defeat, never for a single 'tisstai-e forgot . that 'they; -were. c-ntt-- men; and r;i1t s never for a mm-'t ;tt tcn'ite.l toVxult over a fallen fw. ' Tim t "f !. I in;? jr-v.llcd on 'he xirt of the coneit';it' n-I the auHien'e. : The l.l-illa'4 f'llle-fe. ti-tm hs sU'Mcn--ly ; beii-f;isc-l to , the first rank un-lf-r Hie efficient coaching of Mr jrsh. V'Ik--gcrs, or the Y. M. t". Ai basket ball team of Portlan'l, Oregon; aiste-l by Captain DvA. I'ol'nj? sn l It-fcre New ton Clrey. The following are the naine of th team as t lined 'up last ni;;htj wlthfut reference to ifsitions: man. Idling, TeatK. tSitex. Vi!w lioff-i' Hon; fuIH stitutes.1 Frd and Owl. Iaiias will play"Its next league game with Albmy Friday, the 23d. at iMllns, at which time it Is -onfidently exfecteI a gjme fast and furious will le had. - v KUISMITTKl SE.IKI VKttDICT. : ST. IJJViS. Mo.. Jan. 1?. After de liberating over ... the evid-nc for t it hours a-nd-fifteen minutes, Abe jury in' th? perjury trial of Ohas. F. Kcitv, former speaker of, the House of Dele gates?, tonight brought hi, a seal-d ver dict. The Jurors were dismfWed ti reasfMmbI In court tomorrow ami rat ify the' verdict. , GRAIN ELEVATOR BURNED. CHICAGO, Jan 19. Fire today de stroyed a grMn elevator at ,S77 Crroll avenue, belonging to the Eckhardt ' Swan Milling Company. 'Loss, J75.000. Legal Bunks. Statesman Job Ofl:, Ml I u 2