IVXEKXY OREGON STATESMAN. TUESDAY. JANUARY 11. 1902. '3 INTERVIEWS WITH PEOPLE -- - " -- - ' -"' .-: '' 'i . , , ; ..J - t , fllr. Edar, or Marion, Will 1 C l.O K o :m Bargains nn Si Tryj His Luck In Peach Colture " NEW SAW MlL.Lt COMPLETED AND ; READY FOn OPERATION ON LAKE LABISH It E P 11 ES EKTA TIVE LA' LtETTE Wlt-t, AD HERE TO PROMISES. "' . ' - (From Sualay's Dilly). D. W. Eds-ar, cf-Marion,' is going-to make an atteract-to raise peaches, lie ; has succeeded Jo raising almost "every- thing else in thejlnesaof fruit and , white he was: In Salem yesterday, went out to the nursery n jind. purchased a number of young peach, trees of the Early. Crawford vrletv Mr, Edgar nay; he can vet- no. good reason why as a good peaches can not be raised In Marion a anywhere etee, nd he be lieves they can be, at least, he la going to give them a fair triaL -', N'ot much era In was, sown in his pec .tiioii Jast fall, he says, owing to the long spell of dry" w"aather, but the farmers are getting in now and trying to make op for lost time during the present Ijeasant weather. The grain that has been sown Is. looking fine, he says, and i the jpresent fair weather continues hundreds',' of -acres -will be sown during tto next month. : II rejcrts the serious illness of Mrs. Wm.. McKinney, an aged pioneer, near Turner., and says that her friends' have little hope of her recover,.? A Mew Saw Mill. W. Ti.j Mcormick,, esidiag : near Lake; Labish. was 'in Salem'ypstorday making a few purchases and attending tousiness matters. He infjormed a Statema& reporter that ote- of his . m tShliors, Joe iPctzel, has eom;u ted a saw mill on his itowrtv there, and wilt start up Monday with a full foree or nsen p-cpar! t get out from 7.00. tjo 10.000 feet of lumber per day. and will, in the near future. Increase the capacity of thej plant. Me also report . ed tnat. whiler at the Wear Lake school. Thursday, Tony, the ten-year-ld son of Jamjes' O'Neill, fell, white - playing on tM reboot . ground, and broke his collar bon?. A Salem 'physi cian was caller to attend the boy. and I'though not abl,- to be up, be is getting along- nicely. f 1 .Allithe fanners in bis section, Mr. McCormlek says, are taking advantage of.thef pleasant weather to. hurry-Along their seeding, as very, little was done la t fall f i Will Keep His fromtse. TiepJ-escntatiye-eleefc ? lAlex; Lrt Fol- lette.Tof Mission itottom. wa In the t y look'i ng arou nJ;J,yesterda y? 4 Ho 'says he has been so busy at home that tie has not. .had tlm-a. Lt wml. up and join the other boys In "fixing" things tp, and does not know mwen about khe plans laid for work durinsr. the comlne legislative session, but has made up "his mind Just what course he is going to take. "Alex", sayfcfce promised - to do the square thing byi, the jeopIe who e-teeted him and he intends-to keep his promise. The people "ar.. all busy put ting their grain down In his neigh borhood. he says, and do. not even have time to talk politics. f ? ' ; Dogs Are Killing Shesp. W.. H. Simpson, ( one of the farmer out near the Prlngl school hous, has been looking around for the past -day or two for dogs whlch are killing many of the farmers sheep out that way. He was in Salem yesterday," ahd said two of his own flock had recently been killed by dogs, and that many of his neighbors, also, have lost sheep from the .same cause, among whom are A. W. Drager. W. M. Coburn and W. D. Clark. There have, been more .than a doxen sheep killed since the ravages began, but. he says, they have not yet been, able to find, the dogs which wrought the havoc. '.-,; As in other sections' of the county heard from, the farmers in the Pringle district are as busy as bees, spending every possible lihoraent ploughing and sowing grain. The small amount of 'grain sown in that locality looks un usually well, for the time of year, but the unusual dry weather late in .the fall prevented the farmers from put . ting In as much as "heretofore. 4 ELECTRICAL ASSISTANT CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION TO T,E HELD IN PORTLAND NEXT k . MONTH. 1 J (From Sunday's sDUly). ', The rnited Stites CIvU Service Com mission announces that oi February S, 19S. an examination will be held at Portland. Or., for the position of elec trical assistant in the Signal Service at Large. : - ; "The examination will consist of the subjects mentioned below, which will weighted as follows? ! r ; Subjects. ; Weights. 1... Practical questions in electrical .-science .... 2, Practical questions in constrnc-, t tlon and Installation of electrical ! instruments ...... ... t ? 5 3. Training and experience . T j 35 Total .. .- -.J.-... ,.100 - tThe requirements of the position re thorough familiarity with the practical side of electricity as applied to tele graph, telephone and firercontrol com munications. Applicsnta ; t hould I be thoroughly familiar with " the methods of testing and installing electrical in struments used in fire-control, such r.s telautographs, .'master clocks, tele phones, etc. . One day of seven hours IU be allowed for this examinatlon. Age limit. 29 years or oyer.; Prom the eligible resulting; from this examina tion it Is expected that rertiaealion will be made to. the position of e:iH trical assistant (male) in the Signal Service. at Large, Washington. D. C at a salary of $900 per annum, and to ether similar vacancies as they may "occur. .-.,,'... . ,i.-":V.: i I" This examination is open to all ciU-1 changed to the first and second Thurs acna 6f the United States who comply .days of each month. AV'hilp i we . bnYfbeen nvoieinrj- wliich has- takehfovei two wet-ks' time, xye have not talked much alout o lKX;n applving the 'knife, to the ahxaly low prices, right and left. We have out good.-? marked so close nionov: to u.. The lar.- worth of new t i Silk Skirts f20 00 17.00 , ... l.YflSO ... 14.W) iou 120; T-, ; Shoes Jlen, wonK'it yrurlMXH now. and child; en buy Jt will! pay ya. Men's Clothing Iiiz hartrains! Ills barsrains! Not surpassed anywhere. We buy our clothing from the swellest line of men's clolhin that comes to Saiem ; We have the bt-!t to offer you. We are wideawake and . not undersold pn "any line any where. Tailor Suits Many men art wonderfully well pleased witlr the KiiiU they have re- I tt-i vel from iw whi-h we cirderwl ' for them tof tlia tailora sjKikeii of in the the cut GT Satisfaction guaraiittedJ Prices very reasonable. CALICO ... te ! Muslins f iitnIale nitiliM.H ....7ci' "I r ........ 1 : 1 i jiuik luuaiiira ......... .... . 4 4j 1 Loiuwlale cambric ..i....Hks Cansparil cambric J'io Ladies' and Children's Coats t - We have feome very htylih V-oals to oiler you,.. lric-M cut 1 ssatwiy iuot economical buyer. Xow-j islhechatice to get good at litd rock priefH ' , . ' ' Silk Waists $3.25 for l..v..l.,,......j.....,.aG7 .These are very .'.petty, ; JiighiT pr i wd w aUbi the prices aloi re ceive a clearance sale cut. ";We nave beauties and the latent style. 'y : t with the requirements f Comietitors will bei rated .without regard , to any consideration other:; than; shbwa, in their examination papers,. anfl jeiipiblfs will be certiaed strictly ,b;teeoIane4 with the civil '.sertifie Xtw. and jfcuhjs. I , Person who desire to comoete. should at once! apply "either to .the United ; States Civil Service Commission. Wash ington. D. Cor to Miss Zaldee Palmer, secretary of the local board of examin ers, of Salem, for application Forms 34 and 37S,whicht should W pronerly executed and filed with the Commission at Washington prior ; jto ' the hour 'of closing business on January 23. l'-f'i TO SUCCEED PETE JAMES GODFREY APPOINTED FOREMANSHIP OF STATE PRIXTIXG OFFICE. TO. James EL Godfrey was yesterday tenderfcit the foremanshlp of the State Printing Office by State Printer J. R Whitney, to succeed P. J. IJeckett, de ceased. Mr. Godfrey accepted the ap--polntrnent and will hereater manage the mechanical department of that im portant of3ce. He has been, connect etl with the State Printing Office for near ly .twenty-six years, and held the posi tion of foremnn under State; Printer F. C Baker during: that officers first term, i ' "- - ' lie Is a thorough printer, and his many friends will be pleased to learn of his appointment. It wHl be remem bered that Mr, Godfrey was the oppo nent of Mr Whitney for the office of State Printer at the last election, and the successful candidate has shown a generous spirit and excellent judgment in making- this, selection. ,. 1 EXD OF POUliTRT SHOW. XEWBERG, Or, Jan. 10. The first shO'V of the Yamhill County Poultry Association came to a close yesterday and was a complete success financially as . well as ; otherwise. Visitors who have attended other shows declare this to have been the best one held In Ore eon this season, not . excepting that of Portland. ; More birds were on exhibi tion, all classes were better represent ed and the exhibition was' better nr mneed. ' Competition was closer and exhibitors who have won hands down! at other places met their Waterloo at Xewberg. The attendance has been exrellent. showing that people are wafcinr to. an Interest in this line of Industry. The minagement speaks In the hirh- est terms of the serrlees or George W. Downs. of Portland, as judge. He Is careful, painstaking and works with consclentioua accuracy. r Fowls were . on exhibition not only from Yamhill' county, but from many other parts of the WJIlamette valley. COXFIRXlED BY COUNCIL.. . Sl'MPTER, Or, Jan. 10 The new city council held an informal session here on "Wednesday and confirmed the appointments made, with the exception of Mr; Schreiber for recorder. The ap polntmentof the latter was premature announced, as he was not named for the place at alL v Those con firmed; or: i Wednesday night were: Ed-ard Rand. marshal:- S. S. Start. Tecorder. and Dr. L. T. Brock, health ffu-er. - The rerulr I meet in r nlaht of the council has been pne we gave -before the .holidays ;w gtyxls leginning.to come in. Thev demand room. ' Zl 11' W - '-h ( Wfml V.v- feAjmuz" 'wp1 Y.r W y mil $ . " vJ7 CCVRLVGEVERYSTATEIN THE UNION. Vv Vsffi. ir "! him cDfiwiYFRo&dl rkrrffiATmiTLHaD sack, i ! M i! i it i ii m. pj i' a x. - - m n i m ? i w liiii'ii 4. w 1 rivi 1 si I ? rWi' QUARTER OlCEINnrURYvt ; 1- NILA"''1''""''" ' M BEFORE A CRITICAL PUBLIC AS T"" Tlf lljfj (I t I ' oil, cloth : . 1 ,;r ; ;. shawls : ; .1 OIL, CLOTH JL ii quality .'. NEWS FROM - WEST SIDE . -'It ! Senatorial Sitnation as Viewed by Dallas Law and Order League PROGRESS OF AVORK OX XEW WEST SIDE ROAD TO LK , COUN TY COrjRT MAKES TAX LEW AND COJIMISSIOXER ' RIGGS OI5- JECTS TO LIBRARY FUND. ' How Some Look At It. DALLAS Jan. it. As the LegUla ture 'meets today there seems -to be an awakened interest in the election of Snator.- Talk is rife as to who will he the man and many say there M iawEul ly but one man. That he has complie l with the referendum law and that the Legislature "has no right to set aside the. first issue under the law. and that in all probability hoe voting to do this, will -hear frOm.. the referendum peoj.le ater on. ' : There is a party known In municipal politics in Dallas as the "Law and Or der" -party, who ask for the execution of all laws until repealed, good or bad; that It is a dangerous precedent to ig-' nore any law; and that If Mr. Geer la not elected Senator the law wlH tie vio lated and the expressed will of the peo ple set at defiance, as much as to say. "The people be d d. . A Growing Business. Dallas. Jan' 12. The Polk County Observer has installed a new Rotary elates the privilege of meeting Chema press. - The business and circulation of .wa. ; the Observer had increased to the ex-! . ' " tent that a better apd more rapid press! had become -Imnerative. . j Editor J. C Hayter, of this par-er. Is one of the enterprising, pushing busi-' ness young men of Dallas and deserves j the success he is reaping. He now al-j ready speaks'of. In the near future,! having to enlarge fela quarters, possibly ! v. ith a brick building. . ' . . r-uxxina in urain., - Dultas. Jaft.. 12. The Poik county cr. Andrew, with the crime of obtaining farmers have4 corornencetl to . plow, and njoney under false pretenses.' The many teams are seen In tht fields, some young man was located without difflcul even are sowing winter rain. i ,The ty and brought back to Salem " last amount already sown is now fjir below njght on the :i train. He, was taken the normal and the goo-f weather .the at once before Justice of the PeaceE. last few days is being utilized. ; D. Horgan. where he was j arraigned A ' . :'-? ' ' "V ; " and entered a. plea of not guilty. Jua- Work on th Nw Road. tlce Horgan released him. placing him Dallas, Jan. 12. Construction on. the under $100 bonds to appear for hearing Salem. Falls City Pacific Railroad Tuesday. ; ' ..', will commence a gain, soon if the weath- , - r 1 11 111 1 '".' er continues flr. Work vat suspend- J ' BURGLARS GIVEN LIGHT FINE, i el for a ttae during the hejv? rlrttJ The greater part. f the grade- trom- Dallas to Falls City is completeX the round house is tmhpd in Dallas and switc hes laid c-onnectlsg with the Southern PactQs. The cut at the --Leer. ran. a rrile out of town, is-considered -the heaviest part yet ungraded. rtTh cat will be twelve feet 'deeo aad - 200 feet long. The road v.ill have to .be I ' 1 1 J J ' I l 1 (.llfi III l.ftKllllIll- ui j i, j June 1, 1903. to reap the benefit of the cost ns a good many dollars. 171 C White, pin'i ami j subsidy' given; by the people of Dallas.'1 i There is. no doubt of. its complftion.,ly that time. The fiist engine .for . the I road is expected daily, . , The laying, of i track will commence at tats en a ana. oe pdshed to the timber as rapidly as p4- i sive. t , ' - ,.r. - , , Commissioner Riggs Protested, i ; ; Dallas, V Jan. ' i2.Yeslerday, after considerable discussion on ' lh - public school library question, the county court of Polk county made the following levy for the'year 1902: ' i' ; County; and state, 19.4 mills; school fund. 5 mill; road fund,' 1 millsL-pub-lic sthool library, 1; total. 56 mills, i Comrnissioner Riggs entered his pro test against the, levy of one-tenth of a J'mi!! for the benefit of the public school libraries. For this levy petitions were sent in from all the districts in J the County.' The amount of. -400 will be raised by this levy, and will, of course, be distributed among the several disr tricta according to the number of schol ars. Dallas will receive about 10 of the amount. , ,.f.. - j Vvl' - ,," Basket Ball GamesT - Dallas. Jan. 12. (Statesman Spec UL) Last Friday night the Dallas Cojlei? basket ball tetm piayed the Monmouth Normal "School team in Moutnoutlu Re port says- that the playing tm vers fine on the part of both. teams, hut the " rag" was too -much in evidence on the part o Monmouth. - She. no doubt, was Un justly contentious with her visitors. The score was R to 9, In favor of the Monmouth team, but should have been, it Is claimed, J 2 to 9; In favor of Dal las.-.; Last night the Dallas team played Chemawa In Dallas.' The score stool 29 to 4, in favor of Dallas. This' was at clean, game and the Chemawa boys acquitted themselves In a gentlenvmly manner, although clearly . outmaicnej by the home team. The visitors made many friends in Dallas, and wjll be held In high esteem -by. the lovers of clean sports In this city, for the Dallas team boasts of her clean record and appre- CAUGHT THE OTHER OWE ! " " u " ROBERT M'FARLAND ARRESTED IN PORTLAND. BROUGHT TO SALEM. - . - -. rv.bie John IL Lewi- went. ' to Portland ; yeiterday morning with ' a warrant for the arrest of Robert Mc- 'T. - arir..t VhorrM lolntlv with his broth -DALLAS. Or, Jan. 10 Clevelanfl ; Seara and Genevieve Plank, the boy and girl who broke into the home Of E. C. Kirkpatriek a few nights ago, were yes terday morning tried and each was fin ed 125- and'set at liberty. 4 The mnn -who sits around and waits for his friends to find him a Job 1 always the first 4o line up in front of the bar on general lati.ati-m. Chl- eago News. ut our-clearance, that a ch attuuv sale means a los.of - i - v !-',.' tAVe Ufm you will get he iwiielit. Thuisams of dol- : SHAWLS blue, lbs for .,... GOUNTY- COURT MAKES LEVY Upon the County Property for ; j the Year 190? Yes- - ".- - terday TOTAL OF NIXETEEX MU.LS MAK- IXO DIFFEREXCE LlS THAN LAST OF $2595-9 VEAR LEVY FOR 1901 WAS TWENTY .MILLS TAX -FOR SALEM. iFrom Sunday's dy). The Marion county; cort In regular - - i - session yesterday afternm 1evl-d the tax' to raise money for th rv.I funds for the year 1?03. The til..'. l-ry amounteil to nineteen ml(is. or rt r -x ill less than Inst yarslevy Last year the total assessed valua- i.. a.r... .t- tn Xfitri.ln ruimtv 'was " - levy, l6.29i72 Was rotseI. Which ex- Jhe ceels the amount to be raised on J2.a&j.9&- I With the ex- .L tu . v. ?Vy of 12.p mHls for, Ih- 1&02 tax roll by c;ptin of the lev ""we anu coui.y B - - mills last year, the levv is pr..cliratly the same. The differen- Is ncccfcnttl for by the fact that Marlon eoaaty's apportionment of the stiate taxes Is only H.58S for 1W2, while for lJ6l It amounted toi 5!C. i 1 The city council has alrca ly levied a tax of 19 mills upon the citizens of Salem and the-schOoUiax, which will probably be levied on Tues-Iay night. I- January 2Hh. the date set by the board of schocd directors for the annual meeting, amounting to in the hellfh- borhood of S mlUs, taken aitogc-ther with the 19 millsMevied by the count court will bring the Salem property mills on the dollar. the years 1902 and "1903, follows: i ' '!" Tax Levy, 19C2. - Mills. ....13.4 .... 5. . a- State and county - .... State school ...... Indigent soldier .... Special road fund ...... ... Total ......20. Levy for 1903. Mills. State and county ......12.40 State school 5.00 Road tax 1.&0 Indigent soldier (.10 Amount 43;i04. 12.M1.32 852.09 Total .19.09 tl6S.7M.7S Our Seed Department V an now snnrtlied with n rrimrtlele stock of liew tM'fHla. Incl'i-t! ttorcif, bKAsa mna uakuch accus. e nave utKeti p eat rare ana hi v i parchased only the test ami of the most reliable seed grower.. When in iu id of anything-in onr line, we invite you to call or write us. D. A. WHITE & SON "-.-' FEEDMEN AND SEEDSllEN. 'SI Coart Street, T - :i - Ihit- We have Ladies' Gloves I SoiiH-Uiiiiir new . " almt gloves. WlUTi: KII ilows that will wasH with water and inMile soap the tame ax a. i-otiou love. , Have yt.M wu (Ikn nice .k!ovk in the w indow for Tb.ee arti a new line. - Full assortment of t olnrs and sUe. i . ' -V-J-TT- i J Silks We have a lanre assortment of silks which we otter at extremely .low prices. A lt of new ones if in with the rest.. A sitecial line in an assortment suitable for inakhig men's ties. ; Underwear I.:td;-sl Vest i 25rt and IX : nv 1.37 J e ti'.V ......... " i ti .........2 1! Boys' Heavy Stockings e va ue for V.k The Coojmt Wells 1navy. tkiug, the' lt there i.s tJiilJUiolered shirts . iJ:QTin:r't $1.25 for. ..37 '.0 Corsets, R. S O. Tie f ir3V We e.irrv a full line of It. A ". L tttry-vti. All who have worn "lln-xe telify to their' wo'i til. We have the r t - T fjkkuff I..... I. 1.1... i . ; ..... e ir- i tit it H so ni j.-li hi i 'fit til l. furs $M.0 .... li. mi ... tu..... X.K .... 12 91 7.50 $32 1.7.'. 1.5) 1.4S 1 20 i.75 Men's Gloves i . We. ItHVe n lurjye line of lliew fitm the K"'f H,M' wi k jrlove t wry lino ires fcl've. t'iearance sale pritnt iui I Im-C. c;! g!?N PI0NEEK DEATII OK ' Rtlfr ROGERS,: FORM ER SHERIFF OF. UNION COUNTY. ' tillA.-UIi r J.lll. r,l'ltll. J. Rogers, of this city, ex-sheriff of .Union' coonty, died Wednesday mmlng, J:ui u.iry flh, after a long iHne. II In wid ow survives him n-l two sisters. . u ! reside In Ohio. .Boc" lt'rs was ' a floneer of this country and. was lorn; prominent In business and Klitl s. He ' was a nalite of Ohio, Guernsey -oiu'ity. Alkd p.mi f f ft fHi'a -.,tititv in T- I ltr si'eral years he ran a pack ten in !- tween Umatilla and Ils mii"kliif Li Grande his home. Liter be mik: -" I x tensively In farming, and In !;' tought the first threshing nia hine In this valley. In Ia Grande, after the O. It. & X. built through, he was onw the first to put up a good lrl. k I usiim-.h building. ; lie was elected . In-tiff in Ifcfcrt, lxing the Republican ni'iiiliK-f. an. I served two terms. Later business n--. verses caused him to kse his town l. 1 1 : . i a ... . i .... j home of his wife, the Williamson J... no. l irom Ld truni-. half a mile from La Grand, and tie- i , , , , rrr... II" explored Eagle valley; most f the par ty still reside there. In 18CK h- m.irr if.i 1 M'4. Hamiah Williamson, danxliter of. 'a prominent family, who sur'lvcs Jiim. ; no chlMren. Hw.h a Ma- fum of high rank and that nrdvr "!- ducted the funeral. He was a kindly -and generous man and most highly r spected. NEW PRUWb COinPAKY GROWERS OF ROBEDAI.E WS- TIIICT WILL CURE. PACK AND SHIP FRUIT. .. .. (Faom Sunday's Daily). , ' - A new. corporation, to be. known' us the ROiW-dale, Oregfm, Prune Compary, filoaf rtklu r.t l I , .ft... , rn 't nZ , . . 1 15.000. divided Into fifty shares of f 100 for j the purpose of carrying on a g"ni.d iruit crying una curing bunim-ps, ut will also be Interested In pat-king aod shipping fruit and veetbls. The Incorporators, ore ; IL 8. PoJsal, J. T. Humphries and L. M. Gilbert. Si!'ni will be the headquarters of . the -.-.new Concern.. . NEW PORTABLE SAWMILL Thos. Bruce, a representative of Advance Thresher Co. of Portland, centiy sold to Shepard A Bentlfy. the Lincoln. ' a ' complete portable "sa wr.iill. The mill Was deliverfd at Lincoln liy the steamer Pomona Saturday, and will be set up Immediately near Zena, whre It wIJI be operated In futute on the fir.e hardwood tlmter In that section,! . k " Ealem, Oregon. sale. ' ti.25 !i ;j ' " ' if. 2toU ' -