4 " - WElTirLY OREGON STATESMAN.- TUESDAT, JAKUAKT 153, 4 EDITORIALS- OF "PEOPLE - ! 1 . ' Pio leer's Exposure of Meth j ods of a "Rascal Book : Agent COMPLAINS THAT THIS SLEEK TONGUED INDIVIDUAL, 1 PRE TENDS TO BE COLLECTING HIS TORICAL. DATA WHEN HE ONLY WANTS PAY FOR TILE BOOK. ' ..' 'I (From Saturday's Dally.) Editor Statesman: We wish to call public attention, through your valu wbie column to the somewhat question able proctedinga of an Individual pro fessing to be collecting data for -a his tory of the "pioneers of Oregon. This history is to be compiled from remin iscences, personally collected from the pioneers themselves. To -.secure 'this end, he has resorted to illegitimate moan In short, to falsehood. ' In presenting himself to' one pion eer, he represents to have been recom mended by some 1 others whleh has been proved to be false. Presumptive ly, tbia is done to Inspire confidence. He then has them to make a few state ments about their family their arrival in Oregon, births, deaths. land hold ings, etc.; then adroitly request their signature to the facta they have ad duc-ed. Incidentally, during his ques tion i n g. be remarks that the book will ost 918. In most cases be has procur ed the signature. But in some instances the pioneer has become alarmed and refused to sign. If the representations that "Udd and Bush, and Breyman." and other big men have, signed, falls to convince the pioneer that all is per fectly straight and above board, he loses his equanimity that Is, he gets hcffy-Mnad, flies into a rage, and de clares that the Information they have given shall not be made use of, that their names shall not be immortalized in the -History of the Pioneers of Oregon," plainly showing that it Is the signature he is after, and not data. To fortify this opinion, he has obtained the signatures of men .who .are not pioneers by representing that their neljthbor-r-an-old pioneer1 had rscm mended him to them for certainlnfor- mation which was necessary to r have their autograph affixed to. As nobody read what they signed, upon mature consideration they have arrived at the mortifying conclusion that they have signed an ortltr for an $1S book! What aids the supposition Is, that the data.be prepumably collects is merely , a dry record of births, deaths, land holdings, iu.. any facta that would make real history, and Interesting reading, such as the Whitman massacre,'' Indian fights, privations of the pioneers, and olhr equally important subjects which have never been in print, ami which would be a valuable contribution to Oregon's history, he betrayed no curi osity to collect, nor cared to kndw'any thing about. : " 4 What practical value will. a. his tory of Oregon pioneers have which Ignores auch information as an old pioneer like lrt. Mary Clymer can contribute and ithich of itself would make any ; book readable, but Which this book-maker declared should not be used, because, usiecting a trick, she refused him her signature? ' j A book compiled of births, deaths, nd marriages,, would be as interesting reading as the legends on the monu ments of a cemetery or the perusal of the records of the U. S. Land Office. . j In view of all thtee facts, this indi vidual would seem to be a book . can vasser who has resorted to sharp prac tice in obtain subscribers. Whether hf can compel them to take his book la another question. j CHAS. JAMIESON. i Answer to Mr. Me Ate. Editor Statesman: ', ' . ; I After reading Mr. McAtee' truthful Rrticle in Dally Statesman of Decem tr 31st, the question at once arose as tw whether the Republican party toad killed the prodigal or the calf, when he returned to Its fold. The article in-; iirtMi that the calf still lives. ,' I Th truth of his statement Is too well known to require refutation. Th mentioning of the "liar proposition, in advance, l a clincher. And now 'that he is back in. the fold and knows the futility of sliver money, be merely ful and don't let him "drift" any more). Give him something. If it is-only dOg ipelter; anything to stop the blab, and thus dispense with one merciless bore. ONE OF THEM. ' BURGLARIES AT ALBANY; j LINN METROPOLIS ENTERTAIN I :j.lNO GANO THAT RECENTLY , ; . Terrorized salem. i ALBANY, Or, Jan. 2.-Several small burglaries have been committed In Al- banythe last few nights, and It seems that some of the robbers who have recently been Infesting Salem must have drifted s southward to this cityi With the exception of the robbery, of and considerable clothing from. a Cprvaltis Eastern Railroad section house, there have been ho burglaries cf any great consequence. The Last Chance saloon wa aJo broken Into and 9.4 In nickels was taken. ' WILL CLAlft the"" child I CROWN PRINCE' WlLL "-'GUARD AGAINST DECEPTION OB SUB . STITUTION BY PRINCESS. , . KERLIN, Jan. 2. The Saxon Court s determined to make an attempt to obtain possession of the s expected child of the 'Crown Princess, according the Boerson Courier and has In structed its chief of police at Geneva to keep a .barp lookout and avoid de ception by the substitution ofy another child. The intention of the Crown Prince ia to claim fatherhood of the child and educate it at tbe Saxon ' Court. , . . - i 1 HE WON THE EVENT. : CHICAGO. Jan. a. The New Tear's day games at the Central Young Men's Christian Association resulted in a , broken record, the making of which for i a time threatened serious results ' to 1 the competitor. , In the "under" water" ' swim. G. W. Earl swam US feet. while submerged, thereby breaking- the Y. M. C. A. record fcr tbe feat and winning the event, but be did so, at considerable cost. As be swam the length of the tank for tbe third time, his body came to the surface. but it was apparent that the athlete was, unconscious, i W. Wachs, a naval reserve swimmer, noticed Earl's pligLt, Jumped inter' the water and dragged the unconscious man out of the tank. Earl seas revived only after being taken to the baths, where be was given a cold shower. STATE LEVY OF TAXES The Estimated Amount Re quired to Pay Expenses for the Year LEAST AMOUNT. WITH ONE EX CEPTION,! SINCE 1897-r-AMOUNTS .OF DEFICIENCIES. STATE IN STITUTION EXPENSES AND THE APPORTIONMENT BY COUNTIES. : (From Saturday's Daily.) In accordance with the provisions of section 3091 of Bellinger and Cat ton's Annotated Codes and Statutes of Ore gon, Governor Geer, Secretary of State Dunbar-and State Treasurer " Moore have prepared & statement of the com putation and . apportionment of ; the state levy of taxes for the year 1902. It consists of all the items of expense and all Items of deficiency. Including interest on unpaid warrants amount ing to f 3084.58; current expenses i of the Oregon National Guard, amounting to $45,000; support, of the University of Oregon. $47,500; State Agricultural College, 425,000; the estimated expense of one session of the Legislative As sembly. $50,000, and the estimated total cost' of such additional . public build ing and Improvement of same for the fiscal year of 1903. The total amount of revenue to be raised by taxation for st&te purposes for the ensuing year is estimated at $735,000. With the excep tion of the year 1900, the levy j for which was $671,478.78. this amount is the lowest levy si nco 1897. The levy for the year 1902 was $737,639.04: j I The amount levied for the year 1903 is apportioned among the several counties, as follows: j Per cent- CCrt'STY. age. H .0195:' 1 .02021 .03S5;. .0212! .oio; .0203J .0130! .0040; .03451 .0 68"! .00921 .oico; .00901 .0115' .0107!" .04S2J .oor..v .052CJ .0094: .013f' .0095 .31231 .03071 .0M7 .00871 .0490; .0262! ' .00731 Baker . . . . Benton . . . . Clackamas . Clatsop . . . ..,.4 Columbia. . Coos .... . Crook . . Curry . - v . Dougta .. Gilliam . . .. Grant,. , Harney .. Jackson . . Josephine Klamath . . I-ake Lane . . . . . Lincoln . . . If t Malheur . f. Marion .. J. Morrow . . . Multnomah : . Polk .. - Sherman . Tillamook Umatilla . . : Union . . . . . Wallowa . . ' J.J -0234j Wasco . . . . Washington Wheeler... .0301' .0067! .03911 ..I Yamhill .. Totals A GREAT EXPENSE SALEM PEOPLE SHOULD SHOW APPRECIATION OF GREAT : IMPROVEMENT. - 4 i On gets onto the street car and rides throurh the business part of the city, or out into the residence districts, for miles and milesthere are some twelve miles of street railway lines In Salem andf suburbs and little realises the expense and painstaking care necr eaary to, keep this service in oroer, , iWe are apt to take as a matter or course the conveniences ana accom modations that are ready prepared for u. and to show, a small appreciation of the things that do not cause us wor ry or trouble to have for. the mere ask ing, or the paying of the small charg? exacted of us. l"at the Sal&m Light. Power & Trac tion Co. has expended In improvements nd bettermentsi within the past few months about fiv thousand doliars, and most of this has gone Into making tho road bed of the street railway lines better, and strengthening up this ser vice in Innumerable ways. Mr. C. H. Brown, the manager of the company. and H. C. iFlannagan. the superinten dent, have led frtrenuous lives 1 since they have taken charge of this proper ty. But they are beginning: to breathe easier, as they see -the system In net ter repairj and , better running order, and the public served in a more satis factory manner. j ; Their lighting service, too. has been Improved., and they are now giving as clear and teady a light with both their Incandescent and arc lamps., as St is possible to secure' anywhere. That this fact Is sppreciated Is attested ly .a rapidly Increasing patronage. This 1 the case' both in the" residence? ,and business portions of Salem. t . ' INCREASE OF WAGES.' LOS ANGELES,. Cat, Jan. 2. The locomotive engineerys and firemen em ployed liithe local Jurisdiction i of the S?anta f5e and Southern, Pacific systems have, been granted att Increase of wages averagingy 10 per cent. ! af SUSPICIOUS CHARACTER Officers Arrested a Stranger Suspected cf the Maurer Store Rohbery , - TRIED TO SELL MR. MAURER A REVOLVER EXACTLY RESEMBr LING ONE OF STOLEN ARTICLES AND ASKED MANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE ROBBERY. . (From Saturday's Dally.) . A suspicious Individual, giving hi j name as James T. Jeffries, was taken up about 5 30 o'clock last ; night by Officers Lewis and Murphy, he being suspected of having had , something to do with,, or come knowledge of, the robbery of John Maurers store last week. ' - , , . ' i-l ' ' yr ... Jeffries, as be calls himself, as nearly as can be learned, came to Salem . on Christmas or the day before, and has been nere ever since. j t He has not attracted any particuHir attention until yesterday, when, about 2 o'clock he sauntered into Mr,' Maur er s gun store, and, pulling out a re volver, offered it for sale, saying he would take $3 for It. He told Mr. Maurer be had . been Informed that thieves, had broken Into his store and had stolen several revolvers, and said he had been warned not to attempt to sell this one here, as it might arouse suspicion. He went further and asked the proprietor of thet store if his revol ver looked like' any of it he guns he had lost, and Mr Maurer told hi.nl he had one revolver In the lot stolen, exactly like it 'and demanded of the stranger where and ,how he came .by . it . Jeffries said he won the gun In" a game of poker at The Dalles, taking it in at $2.50. and was anxious to sell it. - He stood around a few moments and went out. Mr.. Maurers suspicions were arous ed and he determined to learp more about , the stranger and his gun, and went out on the streets to find the fel low, but not beihg able to locate bis man," returned, to the etore. He bad been in but a few moments, however, when Jeffries' came back and 'Inquired concerning the date, of the burglary of the store, and when Mrl Maurer told him it was about a week ago, he said the gun he ' had could not be one of those stolen, as he got It in The Dalles on Thanksgiving day. ; It was thought best to make, an In- . A mono t to t . raised. Total college. I t 14.232. 50f 14.847 00' L $ 4SX. 50) : .505 001 - 837 50 P 530 00 I 265 OOf ! ; 507 50! ; ,325 00f 100 OOf 862 50 j 1 ' 217 50! ; 230 oof J 400 OOj'i , 785 00! 5 , 225 00 j , . 287 50! 267 50( J 1.155 t0 137 50 t -1.315 06 235 00 ; ! 1.532 501 " 237 50? 7.807 501 7 ( 767 50 T. . 21750! 1 14.820 00 15,352 00 25.460 00 16.112 00 s 8,056 00 15.428 00 , 9.880 00 .: 3.040 00 i '26,220 00 6.612- 00 -, 6.992 00 12,160 00 ; 23.864 00 6.840 00 8.740 t)0 8.132 00 35.112 00 4.180 00 39.976 00 7.144 00 46.588 00 7.220 00 237.348 00 23,332 00 .612 00 6,612 00 37.240 00 19.912 00 5.548 0 17.784 00 22.876 00 5.092 00 29,716 00 24.622 50 15.582; 00 7.791 00 14.920 50 9,555 00 2.940 00 2T5.357 50 6.39450 . 6,762 M50 11,760 00! 23.079 Of 6.615, 00! 8.452 50 7,864 60 33,957 00 ! 4.042 38,661 00'. 6.909 00! 45.055 50 6,982 50j 229.540 50) 22,564 50 i 6.394 0! 6,394 50! 36.015 00! (19.2S7 00! 5,365 50 17,199 OOf 22,123 501 4.924 50! 28,738 80 217- 50 1,223 00 655 00 182 501 585 00 , 752 50! ' 167 50!; 977 50! 11.0000'$ 735.000 00!$ 25.000 001$ 760,000 Ofr vest lgat Ion1 and , the officers took him in charge as stated above, but he had disposed of his gun, saying he had sold It to a, farmer who wore a pair of rub ber boots, and .had a. team, and this was all the description he was able to give of the alleged .purchaser of his shooting Iron. .- , ! Jeflries was seen last night f at the police station, but was not Inclined to 'talk much. He said he was a stranger In town, and' intended to go on down the line to work on the railroad ' ss soon as the officers let him go. He is a 'nervous appearing iejlow, of me dium height and build, and about 35 years of age. . . . j i y - When seen last night in regard, to the suspect. Chief of Police Gibson saM he was not sure " of the "man's guilt, but felt Justified in holding hfm until tbe matter could be investigated. NOTMINQ 8UCCeEDS . , LIKE SUCCESS The Oregon Fire Relief Association has been a success) ever since It began business ia January, 1895, and Is new growing faster than ever before, i j Its annual report of December 3 L 1901. shows a net gain In amount of in. surance In foccejpf $2,628,787. which is SO per cent more than the net gain of any previous year. It'pld 135 losses during the year-amounting to $23,600. : It Is strictly a mutual Institution which' furnishes the best of i - Firs Insuranosat Cost, i For further particulars, address. A. C. Chandler, secretary. McMlnnville,' Or egon, or If you reside hi Marion county, call ' on or address 1L A. Johnson, (agent) Balem. Oregon. f FLAX MILL A SUCCESS PLANT AT SCIO. . IM ' ' 'SANT1AM ON A " BASIS. FORKS FIRM ' OF ALBANY. Or., Jan. 2. Edward My ers, a prominent young stockman 5 of Scto. a nd a brother of Hon. Jefferson Myers, ' was In Albany yesterdav. .Mr. Myers says that the town of Scio,' the metropolis off the far famed fork of tbe Santlam. is In the best condition in Its his tore The flax mill at Scto U t proving to be a big Industry for that part of the country. The flax which supplies the demand of the mill is all raised in that vicinity, rand this alone I considerable of an lndtistry ,for the farmers there. The mill regularly em ploys from 'fifteen to twenty men. and wluk. ' W . . a a 2 a a m I .nT , 'T1 100 men are employed. The fiber, wht-n ftTlLSh,I,fnl d,reCt lrm tbe mill to Eastern cities. "Mrr Myers says that most of the far mers In that vicinity have almost en tirely ceased "to, raise wheat for the market, and have adopted diversified farming, and more especially stock raising. One man living near Scio has ,00 sheep, while almost every farmer is raising cattle of some kind for the market,- : .'.'; ': NEW ROUTE FOR SALEM . : . . . : . . '. - - - j Special Agent C. Clement Made Inspection of Route Yesterday; AND HAS MATTER UNDER AD VISEMENT IP ESTABLISHED WlLL. GIVE SALEM BEST RURAL SERVICE A"ND MORE ROUTES THAN ANY OTHER -CITY. '(From Saturday's Daily.) E. C. Clement, Special -Agent for tbe Postoffice Department, working under the Rural Free Delivery arm of this great and important branch of the Government's business, is in Salem. Yesterday Mr. -Clement Went over the route that Is petitioned tot in the dis. triet south of Salem, leading out to Sidney, and taking In the bottom coun try in an arm of the Willamette river . that is no now enjoying the very much sought -for privilege of having, its mail delivered and collected in front of the farm houses. A ... The proposed new route, if eatablish ed,will be No. 10, from the Salem post office, and it will complete and close up the. circuit, so that all the farmers In svery direction from this city will be er joying the benefits of he system. It Is a wonderful thing, when you ,.ome to think of it. It will help alenw It will aid in fill ing up the country and dividing the large farms. It will be followed with ruraltelephone lines, good roads , and conveniences and Improvements with-; out number.. It will iri'tima practical ly extend the city limita of Salem .for ten miles in every direction. There Is no other city on this coast that is so favored in this respect. In this we are Specially fortunate. V Ths Only Obstacle. The proposed route. No. 10; would er'e about eighty families. Some of these' would come eft of Jtoutes No. . 3 irvd'4, but about fifty new families ould be taken in. The number IS sat Jsfactory, aitd the distance, twenty- five miles, which Is the limit of - the 'ength of rural routes), is not -too great --unless it Is made ' too great by- the carrier being obliged to go around the (arms of a couple of men living out In the bills. There is a road , leading through these farms, but several gates ar- to open and -the Government re 'uses to have Its carriers open gates. It would be too bad if so many peo !e. were' deprived of the privilege of (be' Rural Free Delivery on account of the obstinacy of two farmers, who think more of a small strip of side-hill land,- wide enough for a road, than they do for the conveniences snd ac commodation of "their neighbors, i . . A Wonderful Growth. j The new route. If It is established. will' for a short distance lap over tlie one from Jefferson;, No. 4 laps over one ft the Turner routes. In fact, there Is lapping all the way up the valley. A route out jor Spring field t touches one out of Eugene, and this Is the rule alt the way down, in cluding Irving. Junction City, Harris- btjrg, Halsey,, Shedd, Tangent, Albany, Jefferson, :, Turner Salem, Gervais, Wood burn and Hubbard, with routes already established or orlered to com mence business soon. . There Is a route 'from'.' Shaw.- one froni AunrsviHe,' one applied for from Start on, two.; new ones to .eommerfee business from Silverton. making four in all from that town; one soon to start from Mt. Angel, r The east side counties have been steadily favored, end now the people on tbe west side of the Willamette riv. er are waking up. There are to be two hew" routes out of Newburg. three out of Sherwood, sind routes from Inde pendence and Dallas have been pet I .tioned for. On JHonday Mr. Clement will; go to Inspect a route asked for,' to run: from McMlnnville Into one of the rich farming districts of old YamhilL . And so It goes." Oregon farmers are getting in closer' touch with the. but side world. Is it any wonder that they are becoming more progressive . and preparing to make this one of the rich est farming countries the sun shines oi, or the rain rains .on? r Taken Under Advisement. - i' Mr. -Clement ha taken under ad visement the matter of recommending the establlahment of Rural Free De livery Route No. 10. The nature of his leconimendadon will not be made public until he forwards it, which may or may not be soon. Mr. Clement says that. If this route is establisbedj Salem will have the best service and more routes than a'ny other tty in xhe. Unit ed States. ; which is, indeed, quite a distinction. - - TO TEST THE CASE . JACOB OWEN WANTS HIS. PIC TURE OUT OF THE. ROGUES " ; s GALLERY. . - NEW YORK, Jan. 2. The right of the police to keep a mn's photograph In the rogues gallery-Is to be decided by - the courts Jacob Owen today se cured from Justice Scott, in the Su prede Court, ah order directing Police Commissioner Greene to show cause why he and the officers of the detective- bureau should not. he restrained from keeping his photograph tn the rogues' gayllery and . circulating copies among ths different police precincts. New Today The Statesman Pub. Co. has on hand " . y.A t r ,k. rtnc.rtoisi I CONSTITUTION. The price is 19 cent. each, as long as they last. ANY ONE WANTING STOCK SHEEP to buy or. take on the shares will ; pae call at this office. WANTED JOB OP FARM 1$ORK have team would work for feed. Ad dress R. C care Statesman. LOST TWO YEARLING CALVES; one red,' brand P on sight hip; other Jersey color, right ear marked. Ad dress, H. IL Vandervort. Salem. X WANT TO BUT LIVE HOGS AND pigs, also ducks, spring chlckena, and bens. I will 'pay the highest cash price for same. Quong lilng. 254 Lib erty street. Salem. Or. . i REPORT - CARDS Our school report cards ars printed! to fit tb school i register. The prices j are: Twelve cards for 10 cents; twenty-five for 20 cents: one hundred for 75 cents. 6tatena Publishing CVx, : Salem. Ore.:' ' ".' v v , FOR SALE CHEAP TEAM," Wagon, harness, hay, .grain.- farming tools, cows, yearlings, chickens, turkeys, pigs, etc- AIro 160 acre farm for rent. 24 miles southeast of Turner, Oregon. Call or address R. O. Wlisel. " , MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED . farms and citr ronerty at ( per cent city roperty at C per per annum; no commission. Please ; call on or address; Eugene Breyman. Remember the place,' 270 Commer cial street, one door north of State : man office. LEGAL NOTICES. RECEIVER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the un - derslgned has , been duly sppolnted byjalty, AW' liave a lunro lot t)f the Circuit Court of Marion County. .:.i.f.J-., ..u .t.,i rkffmn Met rAoalvAV vVkt" ttuk rirntuirt tf vf the firm of John C. Herts & Co.. ofl Salem, Oregon, and all persons indebt - ea jto sata nrm are nereoy notified to make immediate payment or settle' ment with the undersigned. .- and all parties having claims s against said firm are hereby required to present the same duly verified; to the under signed .at Salem, Marion county, Ore gon, within 30 days frdm call. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 8th day of December. A. D 1902. ' F. W. DURUIN. ,;- :, '. t . . Receiver. 4- NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. To whom It may concern: Notice ia hereby given tbaf Agnes M. Jackson. administratrix of the estate of Joseph A. B. ; Jackson, deceased, has filed her final account with said estate in the I county court' of Marlon county, Ore gon, and that said court .has appointed .Saturday, January - 31,. 1903, at ' 10 j o'clock a. m. for the 'hearing of objec tions to said final account and the set tlement thereof. Tuesday Dec 20, 190S . AGNES M. JACKSON. Administratrix of said estate. EXECUTORS' NOTICE OF AP POINTMENT. Notice is bereby given to all whom It may concem that the undersigned have been duly appointed by the Coum-i ty Court of Marion county. Oregon; as co-executors of the last will and testa ment and estate of Charles W. Scrlber, deceased, and ail persons Indebted to j said estate are hereby notified to make' Immediate payment to the undersign ed; and all persons having claims against said estate, are hereby notified to present the same duly verified to the undersigned, a.t the law office of Til- man Ford. W. M. Kaiser and W. T. Slater, at the city of Salem, In Xfarion; county, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice pated at ealem, Oregon, this Janu ary 6. 1903. . JEFFERSON W. SCRIBER. W. M. KAISER. Co-executors of the last will" and testament and .estate of Charles "W Scriber, deceased. , TO SHARE THE PROFITS ANOTHER BIO CORPORATION PRO POSES TO ISSUE STOCK TO ITS EMPLOYES. NEW YORK, Jan. 2 Announcement was made today that another Industrial corporation has inaugaratttl a plan to share its profits with the employes. I The iTewied Steel Car Company pro poses to carry for each of its employe, who has been six'moiitha or more In its employ, from one to twt'nty-flve shares of the pref errid stock, how pay ing 7 per cewt dividends. ';'.-. . A Nine-Hour Day. . , Portland. Or, Jan. 2. Nine if Kirs will hereafter be considered a working ... . . day in all the iron works of the city. but the employes wages will- still be the same as they were at ten. hours. A ItXAS V.OMR HALL'S GREAT DISCOVERT.! One small bottle of Hairs Great Dia- corery cures all kiiney ana Diaaier troubles, removes gravel, cure dia betes, seminal emissions. .weak and lame, backs, rheumatism, and all Ir regularities of the kidneys and bladder In both men and women, regulates bladder troubles In children. If not sold by your drurgtst. will be sent br mall on receipt of L. One. small bot tle Is two months treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sele manufacturer, P. O. Box 629. St. Louis, Mo. Send for testi monials. Sold by all -druggists, and at DRi a C. STONE'S drug store. Si te m. Oregon. ' . READ THIS. . Bandon. Ortt Dec, . If 01. Dr. E- W. Hall. St. Louis. Mo. Dear Klr:I have used your Texas Wonder for kidney and rheumatic trouble. Us effects are wonderful. I has no equal, and I can cheerfully recommend - It. Yours truly. HARVEY HOWE. 0.1 C, GEE 1.0 Wonderful Hans Trsatmsnt. This wonilt-rful Ctl- am doctor Is ciie rrrt 0cao.W htm . cures 'pe-jpie itli.4 operatloa that gives up to die. U carea with th. WLXi.lerful ChlB"" brrba, roots, bx'ia, twtrk and vrKPU!c, that are entirely - Saowa to medical science la this country. Throuah ths um ef tbostc trmii- rtm. ilea, tats fimont doctor knows th actla of over VH different rrmtHlta' which b ucecwsTQllr- uars in ditTreat dmruiti tls guarantees to cure catarrh. at.thma. ung, throat. rnenmatlam. . nervotiini. ttomicb, liver, kidnrjr. . Wa.lder. irmaia trouble, loett maahood. all private dlraaa; baa hundreds of testimonials. Chargae saoderate. ,.. CaJI and see hlm.Coasultatton frs. Fa Unta out of tha city, writ fr blank sjm drcobir. Kudos? etatnix Addrewi The C 1 a - J Gee We Ctitnro Mrdkoine Co.. ICS Third Street. Portland. Oregon. .Mention tfela paper. .--..! ,- ; . : : - 1 - Car Load of Fencing Direct, from factory at BPIXIAl. prices. Car will arrive at .out Oct. 20th. Place your order soon to bcoure low price.- :,,, -.- 1S'V'J- WALTER MORLEY Salem Fence Wotks. -9 Btato- Strea Try "a "Royl Proom they are giving p;wl pat Isfaction. Thev lake lit the dust the same as a binxju Clraai aeCforsfse. They are easily kept in order and out-Mcar - tliree ciiuipu brooms. '. I VQOtY. StOFC I , J ' "U bin f aNNOHA M. WtlCn, Prop "";)- Salem Iron Vorhs , : K RS. EDGAR, Man. .111 KlIUlS Ol iVlttClllIlC V rk t.Hst t HlCS.'JtC . lloii.so CUSllllSS u spc- niiiuun n iiiu.i 'i tin DiiiiKi.iiu size?, also.t'iist Iwasbcrs. l rail. i 1 r PrinYROYAL PIUS CHICHMTtR'S CNCLISM fM It'll .4Tr.ll'M I.N.I.II la Ur.t u4 4..I4 wullk Hk TalfMMllM'. l!r(M wfi'in laHtt mm 4 tm'tr- H a.f .... lr..M. r I 4. mmwr l.rO,..l.r.. Tn.lw.il! iiuwi ' I'ktrliMtwl kmMt, , Slaaiaaa aaMn, I'Uii.t, V- 2 CTS. 2 i REMEMBER ALWAYS j THAT v DR. STONE'S DRUG ...STORES... (VII! Sell any Talent Medicine, bottle, box or package, or any drags sold by the pound (or 2 Cents Less than anv cat rate price advertised In this paper. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED Farms aixl tjly profM-rlyjilfi t-r irnt' ler anntfui; no loiiiniiitMoi). K. nuiyt:, Jr. 270 Commercial M reel, one riimr iiorlh in pitatcniau oince A sjtWiinww. Wsi PR. 01t0 CO 1091 Msfhat tt. . 1902 KIKK IrSSHH. NEW YORK, Jan. 2. Tb fire I'm of - the.'IV(ltel H!aU ari.l CariPi'U f'-f Ih" ytar. lSi2, as comHled 'ty the Journal of Cofnm,-r'-e, "Hi'iuntJ-.l to T14.-.z;'i,-50. Tbiii" Is rra.tifylriKly thr -th figures for l.fl' of H64.347.ir,0, and 1900 of II 3,262,2ri. During the ynt ot Vi'fZ there wre 2,4 nres of a grfer d- structlvcnei's i-ach -than l.'ofi. A fc'IIOr.TAGi: tF FOtD. WASHINGTON. Jan. 2 One hun dred thousand tons of breadataff must be imfported to Australia during the coming icaaon to meet the harvest de ficiencies, says Concul Goding. .at Newcastle, in hla report to: the Htate pepartaneht. . , Some brokers makf It a point to that their patron go "brok. , It's a put up job n a man when hi wlfs or d era a new stove. IMBttaa tkim n I Zincoraphs J I ThaBatt- Nothing Else -R pYoscmite fjifjraving Co. i - Xlchar I - Printing Plates f visit DR. JORDAN'S oataTr UUSEUtJ Of.nilATOLlY 9 itn iki ntirTrr,iaru5cuct.cu. r 4 fTj 1MHWFIW III tf l A f J ; I , I tmin.JMiMCiiw J T"- W I I V Ui DR40nSAJI0:SlSSUCF KIM ssaf l' ftrau-t wf m-iI 4 i It fm lfa"i"i""l,,' 11 ySU T by mm t-frn. mmmt. M Pas a a . y -m - " r T 11 V rvtrfal I rilM. "' i S , 1 II Vmt--m. h Ut. J l V Iw mmmmU. a ciltii tf vm iiifHn" TitwM T- mt . A rmmt m- tm W 1 M .-.