"WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN. TUESDAY, JANUARY , 1S0S. 3 NEWS FROM j WEST SIDE -2 Dallas Is Experiencing Steady Grovth in Building and ' Population shame. The ' sight attracted such crowds that the police were kept busy clearing the pavement. -and the urban council Is now stated to contemplate taking proceedings against the owners of the candles for obstruction. ELOPED FR0I.I PEMENTIARY 1: i mm it mm. KM v FOR FIRST TIME IS HISTORY CITY jwAS SEEN UNDER Udllf, OF , ELECTRICITY LAST NIGHT AN ; EXCELLENT SERVICE AN IN CREASE IN POSTAL REVENUES. -it..- ;. . "'7 --. , . . . - 'V.,'- ;:i . 1 (From Saturday Daily.) To Improve Light Servjc. ' : j DALLAS, Jan. 1. (Special.) The street lamps for an all night service will all be in place today aixi tonight the' city will have this service for the first Urpe In Its history. ; Dallas boasts of caving the beei electric light in the state. Under this contract the council Is having: several new lights put : in. These lights .afe the very Iates.t, im proved, and were manufactured to or der and are! each of 2.000 candle power. j An Increase In Rsvsnue. ; ;. i Dallas,: Jan. L r Special.). G. Goad, postmaster j of Dallas, gives out the following a a comparative state ment ofUhe receipts of hi office for the month of December, 1901 and 1902: For 1901. $300.43: for 1902, $405.12. TM Is the largest gain for a single rr.onth in the .history of the office. i Dallas.' Jan. 1. (Statesman, Special;.) Negotiations are now in purees be tween David Crlder and contractors for the construction of a'briek block, SOxft'i feet, to be built on the comer known as the Band Hall corner, on Vain-street, two blocks north of the postoffice. This . will be built ' under contract with R. Jacobeon & Co, who Will mvup; win uu,v,.s .- tural store, f The construction, will be - commenced early in February and com pleted by April 1st. this year. . '. Accommodations Adequate. j Dallas, Jan. 1. (Special.) --Charles Baker,, proprietor of the Cottage Hotel. In Dallas, isays: "My brother (will come out te Oregon in the spring, land ft is our expection at present to move the present wooden building off the site of the CottSge and build a thirty room brick hotel. My aecommoda--tim are not sufficient for my custom ers." : , j V V; i : SCALDED WITH PITCH JULIUS j ZUPANSKT SUFFERS PAINFUL INJURY AT THE ; CAPITAL BREWERY. Julius Zupansky. for a number of years employed at the--Capltal Brew ery, was. quite seriously Injured yes ' terday ; while qsigaged 1n "pitching" kegs at that institution. He was work in? near a boiler of hot pitch. aria In pouring the boiling liquid into one of ttie keg3 jwhlch contained water, an explosion ' occurred which sent the hot material flying out;, a portion of H striking' the unfortunate man In the face, burning him quite severely. He was taken to his home In South Sa lem, and while the'burn is very pain ful, he thinks he will be able to re isume work in a couple of days. I W0 TRUTH IN RUMOR STORY OF ROBBERY AND MASSA I : CRE IN YUKON IS WITH- i i i OUT FOUNDATION. I j VANCOUVER. B. C. Jan. 2. A Spe cial from Ottawa, says: A short time ago a rumor was circulated by the Salmon River Indians that 200 Indians on the Upper Pelly river had robbed ,a -store and killed two white hien.i. - As--sista-nt Commissioner Wood, after an irtvfWtigatlon, report-o the mounted police that there 1 no truth in . the rumor; ' i TO SETTLE DISPUTE BOLIVIA . AND PERU SIGN THE i TREATY AND SELECT AN ARBITRATOR. WASHINGTON, Jan. 2. The Bollv j Ian Minister has received a cablegram i saying the Bolivian Government has I signed the treaty of arbitration with rfth Republic of Peru' to settle ne j boundary question. The arbitrator se-i-h-oted js the Argentine Government. ! COUNTERFEITERS CAUGHT. : Wii.vriisrrjTnisj- rtl i. secret ! Service Agent George Foster, of Wash- I ington.' arten a long investlgaytlon, i succeeded in looalltw a onntrflf rsf ) den at 528 West Second street, "this city : today, snd It was raided by the police. Blapii ; Malearoso,' better known as j Mike; Rosa," Sathia -Malearoso. his wire, and Nicola di Paco, his brother i m-iaw. were arrested and the plant rapturei It Was an unusually large one comprising ten molds, a number or mixing pots. dies, presses and other I counterfeiting paraphernalia. The par- ties will have a hearing before Acting United,-. .States Cotnmisloner J Hollis. f. Among the material captured were j about 100 counterfeit dollars and some i partly, formed nickels. i I - . i - , . 1 r ; WORK HAS COMMENCED. DENVER, Jan. 2 The first shovel ful of earth on the Denver. KnrtiiBd er n Pad tic Railway was turned this morning by a oonstruction. : gang graders, at a noint elsht mil. w - w S-tWIl llJrshall and opposite South Boulder Crk Canyon. There was oo; ceremony t at 7: IS o'clock the, contractors. "i man & crook, bad zw men berfn t V VI ft.. . .: Governor Orman said: "As rapidly as possibtbe we will place 3, WW or 4,000 men work, and there will be no de A"JT.,i. V:-;, :..c:. STREET LIGHTED BY CANDLES. So dissatisSed aro anme of the inhab itants' of Lianelly. England, with the public l&htinsr smnments . of the local authority that the other evening tney ugated a porUon of one of the main thoroughfares with candles, with Ui object of putting the officials to SCARLET FEVER IN PENDLETON. - FENDLETON, Jan. 2. The 7 public sefcoois i and all private! school were closed here today, owing:' to the exist ence of scarlet fever. Schools will peal in two weeks. " . r- I V THE STRIKE OFF. PORTLAND. Janl 2- The Marine Engineers' Beneficiary Association, of San Francisco, today declared off the strike on the O. R. A N. steamers run ning between here and San Francisco. SEMI-ANNUAL ' CASH BALANCE ' ' - I BHBSMSSVSSSwtflSSSSS . . - ... Of State Treasury Completed and Issued by Treasurer Moore ALL DEBTS PAID AND A BALANCE "OF ll.122.79C i LEFT ON HAND WITH WHICH TO BEGIN THE NEW YEAR THE COMPLETE STATEMENT.- ' (From Saturday's Dally.) State Treasurer C. ' S. Moore ,has completed his semi-annual cash bal ance for the six months peHod between July 1, 1902, and January lj 1902, show ing the amount of cash in the Treasury on July 1. 1902. to be J1,2C9,2CT..30: the receipts for the six months. $866,733.43; the disbursements, 11,0 1202.61, and a balance of castr on hand January 1, 1903. Of J1,122,796.1L J V r The following is the complete state ment: . Statement of Receipt, and Disburse ments. - 3 " Balance on hand July 1. 1903 as per semi-annuajl report 11.269.26S. 30 v " Receipts. Received since July 1, 1902. and cred ited to the various funds, as follows: General fund .... J. $ 341.137.9S Common school ; fund, prin cipal ...... .... j... . 3S1497.05 Common school . fund, inter est i. ......... 117,721.04 Agricultural College 'fund I principal .... ........ 22,m.56 Agricultural. College fund, : interest ..'...rT-i.. S.433.14 University fund, principal:. S.181.76 University fund, interest.. . 2,839.90 Swamp land fund U 1,316. T& Oregon Soldiers' Home na- - 1 tional fund .... 2,534.32 State Board of Examiners' fund .... .. 853.00 Oregon Stove Foundry fund ; 1,000.00 Hatchery fund 6,980.00 Pure Food fund 25?0Q State -'Agricultural College " tax fund ..... i... ' 8,395. &8 Sewer fund .. 964.35 ToUl X 866,733.42 Grand total .... .... ..... $2,135,998. 72 i Disbursements. :- Disbursed since. July 1, J902, and fol- charged to the various funds, as lows: i General fund ........ ......$ 396,084.40 323300.01 - .'.' 220.901.94 27,180.00 . - .1 . . 3.444.32 7.5oa,oo 2.S14.10 r; ' 1.330.36 :- . I - 613.45 Common school fund, prin cipal ...... ........ ...4.. Common school fund, Inter est .i,.. Agi-icultural College - fund. principal ....... .1.. iVrriculturalCollege fund, "' Interest .... .... .. UniversitJkuud principal: .. University fund interest f... Five per ceynt ;u. S. land sale fund .'. .... .... . . Oregon Soldiers' Home na. tional fund .... ... . State Board of Examiners fund i. ....).... ...... 579.04 Hatchery, fund, dist. No. 2.. Hatchery fund .. .... Bounty fund ...... .... .... 14.00 13,180.57 2,578. 15 Pure Food fund 15.00 State Agricultural College tax fund ......... ...... .... 12.795.S3 Sewer, fund 871.41 Total $1,013,202.61 ' Balance on hand Jan. 1. 1903. $1.122.T.ll Balances, December 31, 1902. Cash J .... .... ........fM22.t96.il -General fun ..J I 234,687.76 Common school fund, pr in- 1 cipal 724,772.25 Common school fund. Inter- 1 est ...... .... .. 83433.94 Agricultural College md, 1 principal; ...... 9.175.77 Agricultural College fund. ! V interest .....: .... .. ..... 5.344.90 University fund, principal. 2.310.50 University fund, interest ... 1J565.53 Thurston Monument -fund.' 1 principal ' 120.36 Thurston Monument fund. ... .1: Interest .... 40.C8 Swamp Land fund .... ...1 V 4.765.74 Tide Land fund .... 19.673.63 Salmon Industry fund .. .. " 1440.08 Oregon-Soldiers' Home na tional fund ...... C.743.00 State Board of Examiners fund '271.56 Oregon Stove Foundry fund 2.328.57 Hatchery fund ...... .. 14.140.91 Bounty fund .... .... , 5.909.09 Pur; Food fund 149.65 State Agricultural College tax fund .... .... 6.223.86 Sewer fund .... .... 92.94 Total .11,122,796.11 GENERAL BOOTH GOES EAST. SAN FRANCISCOv Jan. 2.--Oeneral William Booth.- commander-in-chief and founder of the Salvation Army, did his last day's work in San Francisco yesterday, - ail this morning left for Salt Lake and Omaha. , t.:;U. . 4..;. YUKON'S NEW GOVERNOR, i " VANCOUVER, B. C. Jan. 2. A spe cial from Ottawa, says: Frederick T. Congdon. the Crown .Prosecutor for Yukon Territory, will succeed ! J. H. Ross as Governor. . Ralph Smith, a Trusty, Tales A ILeave cl Prison Withojt : - Notice SECURED. MONET AND CLOTHES FROM SUPERINTENDENT LEE'S . COTTAGE WHILE LATTER WAS AWAY HAD ALMOST COMPLET ED THREE YEAR SENTENCE. (From Saturday's Daily.) ' -A convict, Ralph Smith, by name, who, for the past six months, haa been employed on the outside as a trusty, escaped from the prison yesterday, af ter stealing from the house of Superintendent-J. D. Lee a ault of clothes, and about 337 In money. . . The theft and escape occurred some time- between 3 and 7 o'clock p. m. Superintendent and Mrs. Lee were away on a visit to -.friends In" Mon mouth, and the convict. Smith, was engaged In doing some work about the place, and thought, no doubt, that this would be a good time to get away. He lid not stop long to deliberate over the matter. He was not missed utttl roll call time, -which was shortly after 7 o'clock. As soon as it was found'that he-had really ' gone, search was at once insti tuted, ; which developed the theft of the clothes and money. So far as could be learned last night, nothing was ta ken or disturbed 'by the runaway ex cept these articles. . v : Smith was convicted of the crime of burglary in Josephine county, and-1 was sentenced from there' to a term of three years In prison, and had but six month's more to, serve. He has a, good prison record and has never caused any trou ble since his incarceration.') . ' Description have been sent 1 out to he different towns in the surrounding country, and the chnoe. are that he will be captured in a 'few days. Although it is not known the-exact hours of his elopement,' it is believed that he departed on the, afternoon northbound overland, s he was seen he it the Penitentiary JLt 3 o'clock. : and. TaVlng money to purchase a ticket and being divested of the prison garb, he would attract no unusual attention. . THE DISPUTE . SETTLED MRS- POWERS SECURES DECREE OF DIVORCE AND CONSIDER ABLE PROPERTY. In the ' fase of Powers, vs. Powers otn! he defendants. Guy M Powers lad Frank li. Powtvs. were present in jourt at the trial of the cause before ludge Boise today; and all matters of raud having been settled by the de fendants making- 'deeds - to property valued at about $2,500, to tho plaintiff, Hattie L., Powers, the defendant, "Guy Vt. Powers, withdrew his cross-bill asking for a divorce, and -refused to out in any evidence in defense. The ?ourt after hearing the evidence ad luced in behalf of plaintiff, arid argu ment of counsel, decided .that the plain tiff had failed, to make out a case en the ground of "desertion but that there was sufflclent' evidence in letters writ ten by the defendant '4o plaintiff to corroborate her charge- of (cruel treat ment, and therefore, granted a divorce to plaintiff. Both parties seemed well oleased at the decision of the court FILED HIS RfcPORT HISTORY OF' SECOND OREGON REGIMENT SOON READY FOR DISTRIBUTION. AdjUtan.- -General C. U. Gantenbeln came up' from' Portland yeyBterday ant filed his binnlal report with the I state Printer- which will not be given J oul mi til it Is finished. The new hls- I torv . 0e the Second Oregon Regiment. I Which did duty In the Philippines dur- I n- Iho rerant Soanlsh-AmerlfTan war. which was collated and com oiled ' by I General Gantenbeln has i been " com- 1 Dieted bv the printer and Is now In he handji of thA book . binder. General Gantenbeln says this 1 history will be ready for distribution by next Satur day, January th. " , ' ' Accyording to the law author! ting ThotiMiida Jlare KIdnej TrtmMe and Don't Know it. ' , Bow To Find OsU , . Fm a bottle or common Class with your water and iet It stand twenty-four hours; a ; seoiment or scx- tlinf indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; If it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass ft or pain In the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and Uad ier are out of order. ha to Do. ' There is comfort In the .knowledge so often expressedr that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish fat curing' rheumatism, pain to the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it. or bad effects following use 'of liquor,, wine or beer, snd overcomes that unpleasant uecesMty of being compelled to go, often during the day, and to get up many- times during the night. The mild and the extra- ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized, it stands me highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing' cases. U you Seed a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists In 50c and $ I. sizes. . You may have a sample bottle cf this wonderful discovery; fT; and a book inat mist more about ft, both sent 1 absolutely free by maiL ddress Lr. ruimer at' bmwmm' p.. BiBghamton. M. Y. When writing men n readipg te g-aerons offer to this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remem ber the . name. Swamp-Root. Dr. Kil mers swamp-itoot, ana me miamaa. Binghampton, N.- Y... on every bottle. Salem ! - Wer kindly asc you to. read this ad, save it, and use it as a guide in your buying. If you will do this you will save money. - In the next issue pur list alphabetically will be "P." . EgEs.Aumsvllle, 30c dos. ' , Enamellae, stove polish, Sc box. : . Extract Beef, "Libby'a Premium. S5c bottle.'' .. . ".' . Extract. Lemon. Folg', 1 os. bottle 10c each. ' " . ; " Extract. Lemon, Folger's, 1 o. bottle " 15c each. -" - . , ' .- - ! - Extract Vanilla,' Folger's, 1 ox, bottle, : : 15e each.-:-.1 '.,-.-;.'.;'--? ' :' -' Extract Vanilla Folger's. 2 ox. bottle ,20c each. ; .K ;,. V- ;. .. , ' Extract Lemon, Schilling's, lox. bot tle. 12c- J . -: Extract Lemon, Schilling's, 2 ox. bot- t ,-: :spe Bahls bt Cranberries for 12 l-2c the -Compiling and printing of this vol ume, each officer und non-frommissidn- ed, oflleer who served in the regiment will be -given a copy, but none will be sold. Governor Geer will disburse the books. QUARREL' ENDS FATALLY.' PEORIA. Ill, Jan. 2. During a drunken ouarrei yesterday James -O-Leary, of Omaha; ; received injuries froni Which be died In a local hospital today.' ',His slayers. Henry Roders. J. W. Pute; and supposedly Frank Pow el. were, arrested. INTERVIEWS WITH PEOPLE Timber CruiseY Tells of Con dition and Extent of Or eon Timber J . , REMAINS .FOR OREGON AND WASHINGTON TO FURNISH LUMBER TO EAST WHERE SUP-tVVr- IS '.ABOUT. EXHAUSTED OREGON TIMBER THE BEST. ' (Fr'm Sunday's Dally). Marvin Martin, a timber Iocater, of Brownsille, was in Salem yesterday on business with the State Land Board. Mr'. Martin has spent "the past four years -in the Umbered regions of " the state of Washington; and. is familiar with tfie lumber business of that state and Oregon. ' ' . V , r During the .past summer be has been cyuislni? Un .the' woods - of- Southern Oregon, In the counties of Douglas, Coos; Curry, and Josephine. 'and say the -timber land in those counties has been'rapldly taken up during the;; past year and only in regions remote from the railroad is r there any timber left iorth taking. ."-." - . . r ') I am satisfied, he said last night, "that the Eastern country is now draw ing Its supply of lumber from Washing ton and Oregon. The lumber Industry of Michigan Minnesota and Wisconsin la a thing "of: the past, and when the whole demand is. made upon the Pact- 1 ol; eoas C U win not, "be many years until the -coast states are as barren of lumber producing forests as are those Eastern states, unless the authorities take some steps to protect the timber from the ravages of fire and fraud. I "It Is surprising how rapidly, the timber land of Oregon is going.' and in a few months there will not be a sec tion of good timber In the whole state left unclaimed." i . Oregon Timber the Best. , There has been a great deal of spec ulation of late as td where the vast amount of piling that has been passing through " Salem Is going, and from whence It comes. Almost every day several car loads go over the railroad through this city. .This; piling is got ten out at- the little station of Marlon, in this county, and is going to - Salt Lake City. Utah, where It will be used Ja the construction of a railroad tres tle serosa Salt Lake. ,- Roberts Bros, f Marlon, have 'the -contract for fur nishinTr Y30.00 worth of piling, and a large force jof men have been employ ed the greater part of the fall - and winter In getting- it out nd onto the cars. This Is another: instance -where the superiority , of Oregon timber Is recognised. r.--,. , . . Content In Prosperity. "Oregon Is the best country In- the world for raising hogs," aald R- C. Halley. who lives out in the Red Hills, tow Statesman reporter" yesterday. Mr, Halley makes a specialty of raising hogs, the Berkshlri "breed being his favorite. . ""I have raised hogs in Ore gon for the' pasf twenty-five years, and am satisfied wfth my experience,-; he said. :. . ' " rwhen my pig are small. I feed them shorts mjxed pith milk If I have milk,' and If 1 do jjnot I mix It with rwateT,- .hc.h makej pood substitute. The idea that hogsSmust be fed wheat . i jht roneoas. for I Rave not fed a buh- i el of wheat Jbia year and my hogs look fine. I have been fieding oats and find my nog ao jusi ajs weu on wtm ' on wheat, and theySare much cheaper." I Mr. Halley saysseverything I quiet t"- jjs;bborho?di thtre being no Aumsville- tie. 20c.. ' CIAL quart sickness to his knowledge, and all the people are happy over the good croiS and prices of the past year. . j !. No Hurry To Sell. J. C. Brown, residing near Independ ence, was transacting business in Sa lem yesterday.' Mr. Brown is an old resident of that section, and has for many years been Interested In raising hops. He has ; not disposed of his 1902 crop yet. and says he has refused' sev eral offers of 254 cents per pound for them. Very few bops In the vicinity of Independence remain unsold.- Mr. Brown stays. he being among the few who are holding onto their crop, lie says Walker Bros., also extensive hop growers of Independence, are ; prepar ing to set out a new field-of SO acres In- the spring. - -- . Mr. Brown reports the serious Illness of Jefferson" Fryer, wncv a few .days ago bruised one of , his bands,' the In Jury resulting in blood-poison, lie also says that John Flukes, a well known G. A. R. man, has been for sev eral weeks- confined to his bed with rheumatism.' Aside from: these In stances very little sickness li reported lh or around the town of Independ ence.. '" V ILLINOIS BANK ROBBED; SAFE WAS DYNAMITED AND t 800 . STOLEN TWO" OF ' THEM WERE CAPTURED. CHICAGO. Jaiu. 3 JFlvei masked men" dynamited the safe of the First Na tional Bank at Abingdon -early this momlrrgar4 stole $4800, Two of the robbers were arrested it 'Qui ncy on the arrival of the fast mall on the Burling toa ,f rom Galesburg.' The men held up the night. Watchman in the main street of Abingdon., shortly after midnight, bound and gagged andf placed him in the office of the bank, while they pro ceeded to open the vault safe with dy namite. ; Having secured i" the ; booty, they gave the watchman $10 and. fled. t ,'ror Destroying- Records. San uJan, Porto Rico, Jan. J. The mayor of this city. Manuel Egoxcue, Was arrested and held in $5000 bail for destroying the records of the city wa tr reports, which constituted the evi dence of alleged extensive embezzle ments said to range frond $8000 to $43,- ooo. ', .. . " . "; r r ' : - CASTOR! A For Infanu inn Childrea, rh8 Kind Yea Kaw Alizajs Best! : tshM Vsm ' Signature ; - A FORMIDABLE RIVAL. . CHICAGO, Jan. ; 2. Arrangements which havebeen' completed between the Chicago 'Open Board of Trade and the Wefctera Union Telegraph ' Com pany bid fair to make the former in stitution a formidable rival of the larger one across the street. On Mon day morning the quotations of the open board win be put on the Western Un ion wires an hour In advance of the figures furnished by the Chicago Board of Trade. It is said that, the 'open board and the telegraph company have enlered into a contract covering a per tod of ten years, the telegraph com pany paying a remuneration on a graduated scale at a nominal rate for the first year, to be increased each twelvemonth. It is also, announced that negotia tions have Been 'consummated where by the old open board building on La Salle street will be remodeled by the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, which ocntrofs the property, for the benefit of the open board. With commodious quarters : and the co-operation of the Western Union, the officials of the open board. see no reason why tbey cannot cut a noticeable figure In the commer cial transactions of La Salle street. " ' TURKS BADLY WHIPPED. CONSTANTINOPLE. Jan. 2 In a re cent ficht between' Bulgarians and Turkish troops at the village of Dren- ovo, in the Monastir district, nrteen oi the latter Were kMed and wounded, The Turkish commander was among the killed. The Bulgarians, who were barricaded In a boue, al.o sustained josses, but the' survlyvors escaped. i.lehama Extract Vanilla. Schilling. 1 ox. bot-. tie. 15c 4 Extract Vanilla, Schilling's, 1 os. bot tle.! 30c ' I . " Extract Coffee, Ackerman'a, Dc, 6 for " 25ci 1 ' Elastic starch. I for ISc, 4 for 25c. i Export cigars 5c. 6 for 25c , ,". Ewers and baslna, common. No. 9, 95c ; , . ;- .,; Elbows. sto-e. 6 In. pipe, crimped, 20c' each. Eclipse Mush, made from finest Sop ora wheat. 2 or 15c. 4 for 25c- EDITORIALS ? OF PEOPLE Remonstration Comments Upon What He Styles Push -Club Monocracy j UNDER NEWpOCTRlNE" PEO PLE HAVE NO RIGHT TO S.VY wnVr SHOULD BE IK)NK WITli ' THEIR OWN PROPERTY CIRCU LATING REMONSTRANCES. I j -v--:f:- j Editor Statesman: j It seems' that a new doctrine Is tid ing taught here in Salm. I had nl ways understoo.1 that In the ITnilod States people whose persons and prop erty were to be legislated on had .sonii say as to What that legislation was to be, ; but it seems that about twenty members of Hajlem.puah club think 'dif ferent.' They are ready to appoint themselves to jflxt up-thlnirs for l.irpe numbers of people, without givliiK these people a chance, to say what they want, and Intimate that they have such great influence 'with legislators that they will be the only people con sidered, in the. matter of determining the -boundary lines of Sali-nu Hun dreds of remonstrators (enough by the way to cut auljte af' figure In- )olitir officials) who say that they do not want their uburtan lionxs and faruas Inside clty limits are not worth consid ering." E. V;-Ryder," -Who I- trying ascertain the desires of people in North Salem and adjacent farming' country as to WhetheAbr not they want to ,1k incorporated, found in the llrwt one hundred calledon only twenty-one, ,'irt favor of the lncororatfon. A. It. Wheefer, In Epglewooil, snd among the farms out On th flaril-n road flt inside the proposed limits) found Mti the first cine hundred called on oijily one who thought that he preferred city to country life. '.'J N. Kkaifp in IJ.e first one bundrec out toward the Sl;j' lands to the cant found nly seven' In favor of IncortMtratlon. J. M. l!lRt-r. in the eoutherni. suburbs, proftosil to 1 taken in. found! twelve only in the firt one hundred In favor ol! Incoriwiration, and more to b, heard from. The fW-ld will be thoroughly canvaSHeij and re ported on., In all candor, do not, or should not. the expression of several hundred of 'these people who are di rectly Interested in this 'proposed leg islation, count for' more than twenty members of the push club. It Is sail the council has approved these pro posed boundary lines, but eurHy that does not represent the outsider. It is also well-known that Mayor Bishop and Councllmen' BurreWh, Rlggs and Walker are not in favor of taking in the subucbs ifa majority of its resi dents remonstj-afe agafnst coming in. . - I REMONSTHATOIL - DEATH OF NOTED RACE HORSE.' NEW YORK, Jan. 2 Parole, the noted race horse. Is dead from.old ape. He ran under the late Pierre LnrHlartl's colors In England, and won the City and Suburban handicap In Epsom in 1179. ---'Parole was narly 30 years old. lie was by Leamington, out of Maiden. CONFESSED EMBEZZLER. lONDON. Jan. 24-0- It Elder wa remanded to the Guild Hall police court charged on his own confession with having embeszled $75,000 from his em -ployera, Brown, Shipley Ac Co., th American bankers. The embezzlements have been going on for three years. CONH XT A?fY RATE. , SILVEKTON, Colo., Jan. 1 Owing to" the disappearance of President Jas. II. Robin, the Bank of Silveyrton Vaa closed. today by the cashl-r. The bmk is capitalized for $30,000 and its liabil ities are estimated at $300,X. Robin's friends thfnk he became demented and wandered into the mountains. It Is reported from independence tint there wilt be a boat on the river all next summer between Salem snd that j town slit to b-. Salem should . ';- have closer and better connection , ' with the Polk county towns, and all the rich Polk county country.