abont 0 teres, Sec 20 Tp.' 10 ; y acrea. ....... .... MFNDENHALU F - Woodbun; Lot and -N.- A .lt 7 Yew Park Addition?. MKYER,; HARRIET ) , Begin a S.Iine rf Salem andi'" fHvertoa road S.14 cU. N. 60 defc. 15 min. K. of middle of O. &vC. R, R.;, thence N. 4 deg. S mtn. ,V. 2.72 chs.; : N, 1" Jeg: E. parallel -with' R. R. rraclt 10..ft. to TV. JKen - ney line: a. il de w in 4.20 1.05 chs. to N,,side. of-eald Co road; N. 60 de. : 15 min. E.; 54 ehs, to beginning, contafn- Ins Si-iw acrps,. feec. H Tp. 7 R. 4 acte.i .., MILES. AGNES fonny glde Jrnrt "Farm No. : of Lot 32 and 33vSec 23 T. 8 R. 3 Will acres. M ILES, LAB AX J. Sunny Side Fruit Farm r No. 1.9; 3.00 s: Lota 13 an 14 Sec. 2 Tp. 8 R. 3 W 20 2100 acres. . . . MILLER. J. Gwra: Lot 3 Block 53.. .. MILLINER. EVA - Woodburn; .Lot 3 Tooxe" 21 Addition.. .. .. .... .. .... MITCHELL. ESTHER Gervai: Lot 1 Block 52.. : MONTGOMERY, J. ' Woodbarn; i-ot 20 Bradley' Addition., -i .. , MOODT. W. M. Voauni; Lot 4 Touts Addi- tion.. . . .. .. .. , MOORE. t A. Wood bunn Lot 3 Bradley's - ," Addition. ......... ....... MUNKERS. JAS North Salem; E. of Block 70 Ml'SSER. P. HEIRS OK Kalern; W. 73 ft. -of,, Lot 3 Block 83.. .. .. MYERS. LUTHER 3 " H. E. Sec 14 Tp. 9 SR. 1 K. containlnjr 160 acres.. .'... 17.12 .54 1.69 2.29 .80 5.80 .60 4.20 5.70 6.72 NEAL. C Wi HEIRS OF I , of the D- L. C. of OeorR-3 Neal Tn. 9 8. R. 1 apd t containing- 319 acres, except 2 aerea described in .Vol. 65 page CIS Ma Hon : Co. Record of . Deed. Sees. "IS. 19 T. 9 R. 1 W Sec. 24 Tp. 9 IL 2 W., 317 acres.; ,. ..... .. .. .. .. . NEAL. F. M.- f ' " -Saiem; Lot 1 Block 4, Depot Addition.. . . NYE. J J 3. Salem; Lot 2 Block 11 South West Addition.-. . il.-. .. .... OKRtEX. LYDIA IL Salem; Lot 4 Block 11, High ltnd Addition. . ...... .. O'COSNOR. JAS. . N. W.J M. of S. E. U Sec. 14 Tp.9 is. R, IE. containing 49 acrcJ. .. ... O. . C.i R. R. C. G. Forster) Air of Sec. 1 Tp. 8 S. R- 3 E., 642 8-i0 acrea.. .. ;.. .. ODONALD. J. F. "j All that part of lots 4 and 5' Sec. 16 Tp. 5 S. R.j 1 W. lying on W. ride of main chahnel of Pu-Ming- River.j containing 4 aerest.. .. .. :... OITUOER. JACOB-i . All that part of the S. W. U of the J5. ,E- of Sec. 11 Tp. 10 S. IL 5 E. lying N. of, San - tiara River in Marlon Co Sec. H Tp. 10 R. 5 E., 15 acres., On'fMAN. JOHN W. H of S. W. VilSec. 33" Tp. ' 7 S. R-2 E containing 80 acr js OSBORN. L. R. I Salem: W. of Lot 16 Block -4, Queen Anne Addition. . . ..i PALMER. MRSftA-fA. Mlnto; Lot 1 Block 1.;.... .. PARKER. MRS. G. J. . Begin at Intersection of High ' St. and "Rural Aw. In S. Sa lem in center of aforesaid streets: thence S.f In center vt High St. 670 ft. to N. side of tveli or spring on W. line of High 8L; thewce W. at right . angles with eald High St. 250 ft; to center of a private drive way i leading; to Rural Aye. 40 ft. in width; thence advrn cen ter of said drive way North erly parallel with said Hfgh" St. 670 ft. to center-of Rural 29.11 2.28 1.40 .84 2.00 16.00 4.00 2.0 1.90 .40 Ave.i thence Easterly in center of Rural Ave. 250 'ft. to beginning, contsinlng 34 acres. Sec. i Tp. 7 R. 3 W... PATTERSON.' J. M. All that part of the N. W. ?4 Sec. 20 Tp. 0'S. R. 2 E. lying" N. of Santiam River and be- tog in Marion Co. containing 37 acres.. .. .. .. .. .. .t.. ' PAYKB. FRANCIS Friends' Oregon Colony: N. H of Lot 16, Sec, 26 Tp. R. I E. ft arros. . .... .. ...... PERRY. W. E. C Salem; Lots 1 to 12 Block 4; Lets 1 to S Block 3; Lots 1. 2 and 214 Block 7; Lots 11 and 11 Mi' Block 7; Lots 1. 2 and 24 Block 8 Riverview Park Annex Htlfr ma ... , ... ' 3.49 1.48 1.20 5.81 Scott?, Mills; Lot 26 Block IS PUMO.NDON. MRS. M. A. Salrj.n: Lots 9 and 10 Block 82 I'O'.VKRS. M. J. ; Vomdburn; Lot IS Mrs. Rem- lngton's Addition.. . . .. .... ViiAVV, JOHN S- Saicm; Ixt 12 Block 17 Yew. Ptirk Annex.. .1 ... .... PR KEN ALL. JOHN B. Salem;. N. 60 ft. of Block 5, Prenall & Smith's Addition.. PRKSVALU H. R. & BLAN 'tON. MAR'V C Salem; Lot 8 Block 4. High land Addition. ....... . .. . IT1ESCOTT. M. Kjiiem: Lots 17 and IS Block. 32. Oxfcd Adlition: . . .... PliETTlK. M. D. . n. I 4 of s. ?:. '4 of S. W. U of -c. lf Tp. 7 S. R. 2 E containing 10 acres. .' ,. .... rmM.E..w. k. Salem: Lot 8 I'.lock 23 Capital Park Addition.. .. ...... PICKETT, N Sfiferi; Lots 1 to "5' Block 9. , '; Uomptfias AdJitinn. . .... i . riTTNAM, J. B. Begin a a point, on E. line ' of L. C. of J. 1 Parrisb and wife Tp. 7 S. R. 3 W. at the-N. K. corner of land con by Le Parrtsh and ' "e t Geo. P. Holman described- in VcL 22 page J?0 alarlcn Co. R cori r.f I.Vel.4; th?r.ce N. 45 deg. W. 10 chs.: 5 V- VR- 4S E. 10 cbS.: r 5 chs. to beginning, containing & acres. Sec. 24 T . 7 R. 3 W.... .. .... . QUIXN. JOHN '' ; S. V. H or SC. w. 14 of ' Sec J Tp. 9 S. R. 3 E 40 acre. . RAM BO. S. . Begin at S. -X. 'torcr of ; Bleck 19 Capital "Park Addi : Uon to Salem; thence West- : eriy on S. line cf sail' block'' 4S ft.; Easterly at rtsrht aigles . to .Ud.W. Un. 80 ft.: South erly parallel with slid W. in' .-48 ft.: Westerly on S. line o safcl block 80 ft.'.to ocglnnlng.l' - Capital Park Addition, to Sa--. - lem; fraotion block 19.. .... REDDICK; M. Oervals; Lots 3 and 4 Block RKDMAN. W. L. . " Sunny Side "Fruit Farm No. 6: Lot 4 Sec, 6 Tp. 9 R. 2 Wfc. 1 acres. . ...... , RKNNIE. W. P, Salem; Lot 4 Block' 9. Morn- Ing Side Addition.. .. .. .. .. R1CARD. A. Salem: Lot 12 Block 11, High . land Addition.. .. .. .. ...i R1CARD, Aj ; Salem: Lot H Block 4 River side Addition. .. .. .. .. .. 2.16 6S.40 5.19 1.40 2.9? .15 .3 l.! 2.09 12.60 -1.2C l.i: 3.01 .83 RiCKER. DAVID O- f ' t ' r s - &fE. of S. E. Sec 25 Tp. 9 S. R. 2 E, 40 acres.... 1.6, RCBINSON. S. V ; ' A parcel of land adjoining tne . S. E. -corner of Brooks bound- ed on W. by the State road; on Sjby Co. road from Brooks - . to Howell Prairie; on N. and . E. by lands of Samuel Ramp. Sec. 17 Tp. t R. 2 acre 2.90 R6DGERS. GRACE Ll " . Salem; Lot 7 Block 17 Capital i - Park Addition'..: . . . . RODGERS. MRS. S. R. .. ,5.71 Turner; Lot T Block 8., ..i.. ROMAN - CATHOLIC i ARCH- :.oo ' BISHOP OF ,THE DIO CESE OF OREGON Begin at S. W. corwer of Lot 2 Block 5 Tooze's First Additian to Wood burn: thenceva. 4i deg. 15 min. W. 235 ft.; S. 43 -deg. 45 min. E. 200 ft.; N. 41 deg. 15 min. E. 235 ft.; N. 43 deg. 45 min. W. 200 ft. to be ginning. Sec 7 Tp. SB. ,1 W, ' 1 8-10 acres. . .. .. .. .. .... L.49 ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCH BISHOP OF THE DIO- CESB O F OREGON , Begin 13jG6 chs. Wj. of S. E. corner of St. Pa ui Mission D. ) L, C. Tp. 4 8. R. 2 W.; thence N. 89 deg. W. 6.71 ehs.; N. 27 deg. E. 27.98 chs. ; S. 63 deg. E. 4.62 chs.; S 27 deg. W. Jt cbs.; S. 63 deg. E.45 lies, to center of Mission Creek. thence up said ' creek to be-; ' ginning. Sec 19 Tp. 4 R, 2 W, 12 acres.. ,. .. .. .. .v.. j.. "2.64 ROSENBAUM. NOAH f ' I . Begin at S. E. corner of a t tract deeded by J. C. and Edna V Balr to School District ; No. 122; thence E. 165.36 ft.; N. 1 .263.43 ft.: W. 165.36 ft.; S. to ! beginning. ec 23 Tp. 6 PC 3 1 acre. .............. 1.. ' .40 ROT AN, J. A. ; Salem; Lot 4 Block 1. Boise's First Addition.. .. .. .. ..L. 30.90 RYLAND. MRS. J. C. F Gates; Lots 1 and 8 Block 10 Gates Addition i. .. .. .. .70 SAVAGE. HENRIETTA I Begin 4s.22 chs. K. of N. W. corner of M. L. Savage's D. L. C. Tp. 7 .S. R. 3 JW.; thence E. 8.55 chs.; S. 35JG9 rhs.; W. 8.55 chs.; N., 35.09 chs. to be- . . ginning, containing 30 acres. Sec -25 T. 7 R. 3 W.. ... ..... 42.O0 SAVAGE. MRS. ELLEN i Begin on N. line of M. L. Sav age's D. L & Tp. 7 S. R. 3 W. 32.42 chs. E. of N. W. cor- ner thereof ; thence. S. 88 deg. 55 min. E. 313.01 chs.; S. 65.44 chs.; S. is 9 deg. 30 min. W. 29.75 chs.; N. 67 deg. 20 min. W-. 15.60 chs.; Ni 25 deg. E. ilTO .chs.; E. 5 rts.; N. 14 chs.; W. 1.09 chs.; N. 30 chs. to beginning, containing 230. 1 acres; except 69.73 acires deed ed to State Land Board; a)so except 30 'acres described iin VoL i 72 page 98 Mafion Co.' .Record of. Deeds. Sec. 25 TP, 7 R. 3 W. 130 acres of fcind ,'. . ! 196.00 SAVAGE. MRS. ELLEN Begin on S. line of Samuel Parker's D. L. C. Tp. J S. R 2 W. 217 chs. N. and 128116 ; chs. E. of most Southerly S. E. corner of said Claim; thence N. 25.72 chs.; E. 9.75 .chs.: N. 4.45 chs.; E. 45 Iks.; S. 30.12 chs.; W. 10.20 -efts. 4o beginning, containing 26.44 acres. Sec 29 Tp. 7 R. t W,. ' 26 acres.. .. ..; 6.15 SAVAfcE. MRS. ELLEN i Begin on S. line of Samuel i Parker's D. L. C. Tp. 7 S.i R. 2 W. 21.27 chs. N. and 138.36 chs. E of most Southerly Si E. corner of said claim; thence N. 30,12 ehs: E. 20.07 chs.; S. 30.12 ebs.; W. 20.07 chs. to be- i ginning. Sec. 28 Tp. 7 R. 2 V. 60 acres..' .. .. .. .. ..! .. .13.82 SAVAGE. ELLEN (Gd.) 1 Begin oh N. line of M. L. Sav age O. L. C. Tp. .7 S. R. 2 W. n $ 5.93- ens. E. of N. W. corner thereof; thence S. 88 deg. 54 min. E. 14.41 chs.; S. 23.55 chs.; W, 14.41 chs.: N. 23.85 cha, to beginning. Sec. 30 Tp. , 7 R. 2 W 34 acres. . !. . 34 . 99 SAVAGE. ELLEN (Gd.) I Begin at N. W. corner of John -W. Stover's D. L. C. Tp. 6 S. . R. 2 W.. thence E. 18.40 ens.; S. 53 Iks.; E. 5 chs.; S. 68.26 chs.; W. 18.10 chs. to N. W. corner of Wm. Stephen's . Claim; N. 8.85 chs.; W. 6.64 chs. to W- line of Sec 31: N. 59.41. chs. to beginning, con taining 153 acres. Sec 31 Tp. 6 R.r2 W-. 154 acres i . 39.77 SOHIEAVE. JACOB SalemrLots 4 and 6 Block1 27, Fni vers! ty Addition.! 2.28 SCHMIDT. MRS. A. Begin at S. W. corner of P. Morris' D U C. Tp. 9 S. R. 1 E., .thence' N. 25.35" chs.;; E. 29 chs.; S. 21.21 chs.; S. 81 deg. W. 29.40 chs. to begin ning. See. 8 Tp. 9 R. 1 E.," 68 acres..' J . . '5.08 SC HMIDT. ALOIS. HEIRS OF W. of N. W. and i. K. M of N. W. 4 and N. W. U of S. W. 4 of Sec. 20 Tp. 7 S. -R. 2 E.. 160 acres.. . . . . . . . . 7.6S SHAFNESS. JOHN N. W. W of Sec, 9Tp. 10 S. R. 5 E 160 acres.. .'. ... 500 SHANKS. ROSA . i , Mill City; It 4 Block 13.... .30 SHIELDS. "JOHN- ' , ' Marion:; Ixts 3 and 4 Block 4 1.60 SHORT, J. F HEIRS OF Begin at N. W. corner of H. Jones' I. U C. Tp. 7 S. R. 1 K. thence N. 4.34 chs.; E. 50.91 chs.: S. 15' chs.: W. 30 chs.: N. 10.66 hs.v W. l20 chs. to beginning. containing 57-59 , afres. Sec. 30 Tp. 7 R. E 57 acres, w:.. .. .. . . .i. .. SHCMWAY. PHEOBE ! Salem: S. of N. E. Block . 4." St. Elmo Addition.. .. -. ., 4.56 SIEFER. J. E. ! .' -Salem: N. of N. E. Block 4. St. Elmo Addition : .83 SINGLETON. H, J. Salem; Lot 3 Block 20 Uni versity Addition m. 5.70 SLOVER. LAWRENCE V 5. E. '4 of N. W. hk and N. E. M of S. W. H of Sec. 3 Tp. 7 S. R. 2 E.. 80 acres 3.00 SMITH. J. C I 1 Salem; Lot 9 Block 11. River side Addition. . i . .. .. ....: .70 -:.MITH. J. Mc HEIRS . N. E. M of Sec. 18 Tp. 7 S. R. . 2 PI. 160 acres.. .. Y. f. 4.80 SMITH. M. C Woo-lburn; Lot' 23. Bradley's Addition., .i .. .. ... ..... .60 SMITH. HENRY-r- S. W. sH of Sec. 11 TP, 9 S. R. 2 E.. except that part thereof" S. of the little N. fork of San tiam River. 120 acres.. ... .. 3.81 SMITH. O. A. I I'-cjin 159 It. S. of N. E. cor-iwr-r of ftlock 24 Capital Park . 1 -VdtJitlon to Salem; thence S. . a on;W. line of 21st SU 50 ft.: ' W. paraUel with S. line of "said Block 108 ft.; N. along center of said Block 50 ft.: K. V parallel with S. line of sid Block beginning. Capital Park Addition to Salem, frae- -. tioh of Block 24.'. .. ..... .. . 1.33 SMITH. GEO. W. , W.i Vx of N. W. 4 and S. E. V" of.N. W. M of ec. 18 Tp. 9 S KlR.i:o acres ... ... ., - 3.01 SMIT1L G. Lv fe ANYER. C. D- Salem: Lot 17 Block 2 Pros- ' pect Park Addition.. .. .. .. r.lOi SMITH. GEO. K. That portion of the following j ; deecribed premises which lies in Marion Cas Beg N. -deg. W. 45 ft. and N. 73 deg. E. 46 ehs. fromN. E. corner of Block, 5 in Aarora; . thence' , N. 5?4 deg. W. 3.93 cis.; N. 73 deg. E. 6 chs. to left bank' of Pudding River; ihenoe -down said river to center of R. K track; N. 5314 deg- E. . i: 11 "chs. to E. line- of WiH of . S. E. of Sec 12 Tp. 4 S. R ' 1 W.:. S. 'if. chs. to M. Giesy's N. E- corner- S 73 4 dei. W.- . 13 chs. to beginning. 4 Skcres , Sec 12 Tp. 4 R. 1 W :.. SMITH. C.H. ,-.' - ; ' Salem; Lot 20 Block 3 Proa- -pect Park Addition. ., .- i." SNODGRASS. K, M. ) . -'' ,SaJem;Loi 6 Block fr High land Addition. . . . .-. . . ... SNYDER. MRS. TV.- IL Begin on E. line of a 60 foot . , Co. road 4.72 chs. S. and 44. . Iks. E. of S. W. corner of D. L. C. of James Brown Tp. 6 S. R. 1 W.; thence S- on E. line of " said road 244 chs. to N. line . ' of a 50 foot street ; ' N. 68 deg. 10 min.-E. on N. line of said street 2.1 5 chs.; N. ty chs.; S. 68 deg. 10 min. W. 2.1 SU. chs. to beginning, containing : Vx acre, Sec 34 Tp. 6 R. 1 Y, i SNYDER, C. D. E. Vx of N. WV M and N. of SL W. t4jof See. 22 Tp. 9 S. R. 2 VL, containing 160 acres.... SPENCER THOMAS ? r Srotts Mills; Lot j Block 14. SPERGER. F. . .80 .80 .16 oodburn: Lots Sand s Block 1. Addition B ... .. .. .1 .. .. STAHU MRS. G. L A . Sunny Side Fruit Farm No. 4; Lot 19 Sec, 10 Tp. 8 IL 3 .W, 9M acres.. .. .. ....,.. STANTON. F. J. Begin oh'E. line-of Block 19 Capital Park Addition to Sa lem 48 ft. Northerly from S. E. - corner fot said . block : thence Westerly at right ang les to said E. line 82 ft.; . Northerly parallel to aid E. line 96 ' ft-: Easterly 82 fj.; Southerly 96 ft. to beginning. Capital Park Addition to Sa lem, fraction Block 19.. .... STARK. MRS- P. J. , ; . Begin on N- line of a 1.25 acre. tract sold by W. B- Uagr ers to Ben Brown in Sec. 18 Tp- 5 S. ft. 1 W, 62.6 fti S. 8i deg. E. of intersection of middle of track of O. C R. R.; thence S. 87 deg. .181 '( 8-10 ft.: N. 60 deg. 15 min. W. 144 3-10 ft.; S. 41 deg. 15 min. . W. 83J ft. to beginning; also begin on N. line of a 1W acre tract where it is; Intersected by middle of O. & C. R. R. in Sec 18 Tp. 5 S. R. 1 W.ihence N. S7 deg. E. 181 8-10 ft.; S. .60 deg. 15 min; E. 47 3-10 ft.; S. 40 deg. 30 min. W. 223 ft.; N: 61 deg. WJ 197 3-10 ft.; N. 7.01 2.85 41 deg. 15 min. E. 142 7-10 fL to beginning. Sec. 18 Tp. 5 R.lW, t acre.. .- .. STARK. MRSP. J. . , Begin 40 Iks. N. 60 deg. 45' min. W. of S. W.' corner 6r a hi acre lot sold to Mrs. P. Starr April 10, 1890, Tp. 5 S. R. 1 W. thence N. 31 deg. 30 min. E. 3.20 chs.; N. 60 deg. 45 min. W. 3.78 chs.; S. 40 deg. 30 min. W. 3.38 chs.; S. 60, deg.' 45 min. E. 4.32 chs. to beginning. Sec. 18 Tp. 5 IL I V., 1 acres.. .- .. .. STARK. MRS. P: J. 6.01 10 -! Begin at S. W. corner of a 1 . acre tract deeded by J.H.Zim- . merla to Geo. A- Buchanan in Tp. 5 S. R. 1 W. April 10. 1890; thence N. 41 deg. 15 min. E. . 1.45 7-10 chs.; N. 60 deg.,. 45, w, min. W. 3.63-chs.g Si 41 deg. 15 mini W 1.42 7-10 chs.; S. 60 degJ 45 min. E. 3.383 chs.' to. . ' begihnlng. Sec. 18 Tp. 5 R. 1 W, 4 acre.. .. .. .. .. STARK. MRS. P. J.-1 Begin at N. E. corner of land deeded to V. IL Zlmmerle in Tp. 5.S. R. 1 W. April 10. 1890. thence S. 41 deg. 15 min. W. 4.12 chs.j N 60 deg. 45 min. W. 3.76 chs.; N. 4J. deg. 15 min. E. 4.14 chs.; S 60 deg. 15 min. E. 8.76 Ichs. to .beginning. Sec 18 Tp. 5 R. 1. W-, 1 acres. .. .... STEEVES, D. B. Salem; Ixt 3 Block 16. River side Addition. . .... .. .. STEEVES, D. Bt ' Begin where E. line of 21se St. intersects N. line of J. Meyers Addition to- Salem; thence Easterly along N. iine of T said Addition 160 ft.; : Northerly? and parallel with 21st St. to land owned, by S. P. R. R.; Westerly on said line to a point 10.0 .XL Easterly of 21st St.; Southerly parallel with 21t St. 50 ft-; Westerly parallel with S line of land of S. P. R. IL 100 ft. to 2.1t St.; Southerly 60 ft. to beginning. Sec. 26 Tp. 7 R. 3, W, frac tion of an acre... .... ... .; STEEVES. MRS. SARAH. Salem; Lot 1 Block 17, Depot Addition. . 1 . . STEINER. F. Jefferson; Lot 26 Block 7 " STEVENS. BENJAMIN P. Gervais: Lots 7 and 8 Block 12 STONE. IL v All that part of S. of N. E. A of Sec, 20 Tp. 9 S. R.. 2 E. lying N.; of Santiam River in Marlon j Co containing' 67 SPLLlVAN. GEO. W. Salem: Lot 14 Block 14 River View Addition.. . .. ... .i SITTTER.I JOSHUA- Begin 2.86 chs. W. and 5.S4 chs. N. of M Sec. corner be tVeen Sees. 13 and' 24 Tp. 7 S. R. 1 W.; thence N. 17.49 chs.; W. 17.14 chs.; S. 17.49 chs;; E. 17.14 chs. to beginning. Sec 13, Tp. 7 IL 1 W SO acres.. SWARTS.; SIMOON Begin in center of Co. road 27.14 chs. W. front S. E. cor- , ner of Thomas Eyre D. L. C No. 73 Tp. 7 S- R- W.; thence . N. 1 deg, W. 6.19 chs.; S.,70 ' deg. 15 mini W. 13.50 chs.; S. 83 deg, 45 min; W. 3.03 chs:: N. 84 deg. w. 5.sq chs.: S. 76-deg. W. 2.T0 chs.; S. 65 d'-g. W. 3.H chs.; E. 26.76 chs. followmg 8. line of Claim No. IS1 to beginning.. Sec. 21 .Tp, 7 rL 2 W 27 acres.. .. .... SWARTS, D. HEIRS tf Lots 3. 4 and 6, "Sec'. 27 Tp. S. R. A W 10 cres. . . . . . SYKES. JOHN S. , . ;E. of N. W. of Sec 16 Tp- 10 S. IL 7 E-, 80. acres, TAFT. A. L. .. Begin on '. W. Iin- . of j James Brown I. L. C Tp. 6 8. R. 1 W. 27.53 chs. from , N. W. corner thereof; thence S. on Mi W, line 6.29 iti.; E- fO.23 chs. Uji.l deg.7 min. W, .26 chs.; W. 9.15 ch to begin--n i n'g. Sec. 27, Tp. 6 IL 1 W S'A acr? 1 . . . . .- TAYLOR. E- E. ! The I N. i of the following: , Begin on ;E. side of Water St. above the flooring mill In Sil- verton at a point from which an oak 10 in. ht dia. bears N. - 3 eg. 4 7 min.'E. 84 Iks. dist ant and the E. corner of !- " 2 BI.jck 2 in SkaJfe Mr In- - tosh's Addition to Silverton. bears S..37 deg. 13 min. W. ' 100V4 Iks.: distant; thence N. 54 deg. .30 min. E. 8 cha: N. 55 leg. 30 min. W. 3.12 chs.; S. 54 deg. min. W. t chs.; 1.99 5.99 .93 5.60 1.52 1.20 3.51 -' - A 2-68 3,22 3.60 11.22 3.01 4.00 5.80 S. 35 deg. 3d min.' E. 3-12 chs. to. beginning, containing 2 . acres. Sec. 35 Tp;' R. 1 1H res. .. .. .. .. .. .. THAYER. S. S. Wood burn; Lot 1 Block 8, Woodbara Packing Co.'a Ad dition.. . . . . . . . . ., . . THAYER. S. S. - Woodburn; . Lot 20 Block X, Tooze'a First Addi tion.. .... THE OREGON ' LAND ' CO. - , v (Chas.- Scott. Assignees Highland Add.' to ' Salem ; Lot ; 10 Block' 13.- .. .. .. .... 3.50 2.01 .45 ' .83 iTHOMAS. G. R- ' ' ' Begin 60 ft. E;-of S. E. corner of Mulkey Block in Stayton ; thence N. 50 ft.: E. 200 ft.; S. 50 ft.; W, 200 ft. to beglnnlns; Sec -10 Tp. 9 R. 1 W fraction, of an acre., .v ....... .... THOMAS. LUCTNDA. J. . 8. E. of Sec 8 Tp. 9 S. R 3 W, 160 acres. . . . .,. Tl'OMAS. LUCINDA. 3. ' N. 4 of N. E. 4 and S. E. .4 ' of N. E. hi of See. SO.Tnw 9 S. R. 3-E.. 120 acresi.i... ........ TH OMPK1N S. ABRAHAM Li Begin at S.i W. corner of land , of Kinser Cab ill Tp. 8S.R.1 W.; thence! S. 7.01 chs.; E. 34.84 chs.; IN. 71 "chs.; W, 34.84 chs. to beginning, con taining 25 acres. Sec 30 Tp. S THOMPSONS EJ A. - Begin at SL E. corner of N. i of Block 4 la Mill City; thence W. along S. line of said ' block 4. 8 rods; N. 20 deg. 30 -min. E. 20 rods; J5. 8 rods; S. 20 deg. 30 j min. J W. 20 rods to beginnings also begin at N. E. corner of ahe above describ ed tract; thence ? rods; W. t rods; S. 4 f 'rods; IE. S rods to .10 .70 .53 4.00 4.10 13.13 .621 beginning. Sec 39 Tp. R. 3 li. 1 1-5, acres. I . . .. .... THORP. RICHARD All that paH of N. E. V of Sec. 26 Tp. 9 S. 2 E. lying 1 N. of N. fork of SantiamRi ver. i 82 acres..- .u'4- ii - .i .... TITZE, T. G.4- ) f mil City: I Lots; 1. 2 and 3 Block 3 Kliibetrv Addition .. TOMLINSONj MRS! M. Scotts Mills I Lot 9 Blockl. . . TOUT. MISS jjLENORE Woodburn; I Lot 1. Block 2. Woodburn packing Co.'s Ad dition. . . j. '. . ... . . TONE. B. W 1 I h Salerno I.ot 4 ' Block 1 Par rish's - Addition Al. . - . : . . . : TOWNS END.' M. E ' Salem; Lot 4 2 Block 10 Depot Addition.. .1. .. .. .. TR0MBLEY.IF.-4- I Salem: It9 Blof-k 6. Brook lyn Additio..) .. .. .!. .. TITTLE. R. tE. . Iiegin a Ni.W. rorwT of S. . E. 4 of Set'29 tp. 8 S. R- 3 W.; thence IE.' 39 rods; N. 15 rods to middle df Co., road; S. Westerlylalonglsaid road to beginning. Sec. 29 Tp. 8 R. 3 ' W 1 acres.. .... .. .... UNDERWOOD. J- 3L Turner; W.i of lot 12 Block 14. Tu!rner"s?Addlton. ... UNKNOWN- - 1 - . ; Begin, on W. liro of Water SL 20 fL Nt and 199 ft. W. of N. W. corner of 'Block, 64 In ;, Salem: thence N. along Water St. 150 fL to S. fline of land of W. C. Grlswold; W. to Wil lamette River; . then up said river to . N. line of land of Gholson St Tomlinson; thence E. to beginning: Salem, frac tion W. of Block 63.. - UNKNOWN r N. E. of S. W. 4 of Sec 29 Tp. 9' S. R. 4 E, 40 acres.. . . UNKNOWN S. E, of S. E. of Sec. 32 and S. W. of S. W. Sec 33 Tp. 7 S. R. I E, 80 acres... - UNKNOWN . Niagara: Lots 13 to 21. Block 7 UNKNOWN St. Louis: Lots 1 to 7 Block 13 UNKNOWN ,-v- : ''.'. St. Louis: Lots 1 to 8 Block 14 . 1.79 3.26 2.40 .51 I ' 5.60 .70 1.32 .21 5.94 n .26 11.40 1.20 3.20 1.01 -69 .80 .40 .40 'UNKNOWN ' " . St Louis: Lots 1 to 4 Block 20 UNKNOWN i SL Louift; Lot 1 to 4 Block 21 VANDUYN. J. & D. Begin 15.90 chs. N. ot Sec, - corner between Sees." 8 and 3,4 Tps. 9 and 10 S.. R. 2 W.; thence W. 10 ehs.; N. 11 chs.;' :" E. 10 chs.; S. 11 chs. to begin ning. Sec. 34 Tp. 9 S. R. 2 W 11 acres. . .. .. ,. .. .. .... VAN SANT. J. K. ' W. of N. W. , Sec SO Tp. 9 ,; 8. R, S Eexcepting a strip 2 rods In width and So rods long off W. side of S. 14 . of said tract, 79 acres. . . . .. ...... WADS WORTH, JAS. M- 1 S. W. of S. E. 4. S. E. i or S. W. and W. A of S. W. H of Sec. 24 in Tp. 9 S. R.Z E. containing 160 acres., i, .. .. ; WALKER. CHAS. Woodburn; Lots 3 and 4 Block 1. Thomas Addition . WALLACE. M. J Salem: Lot 3-Block 6. Condit's ; Addi tion .. ..... . ... ... ... WALLER. MRS. MARY L. Begin S. 70 deg. 24 min. E. f 3.46 chs. from a Iwilnt, where an Easterly extension of ' N. line of State SL would intersect W. Wne of D. L. C. of . A. F. Waller; N. 19 deg. 36 min. E. 6.02 chs. to S. line 0 Court St.: If ext-ended; N. 7p deg. 24 min. W. 1.10 chs.; S. 19 deft 36 min. W, 6.02 chs. to N. side of State SL; S. 70 deg. 24 min. E. 1.10 chs. to beginning, Sec. 26 Tp. 7 IL., 3 W fraction of an acre.... ' WALLING. JESSIE B N. W. '4 of Sec. 8 Tp. 10 S. II. 7 E.. containing 160 acres. . WALLING. J. D- I , I iegln 8.50 chs. ; W from N. -K-E. corner N.IJ-1 14 of N. W. 14 of Sec. 20 fTp- s s: R. i W.; tbencet N. 3-53 chs. ,to N. -lir:e of Iot llO S". 20; E. 8.50 chs. to N. E corner uf said. I jot 10, S. to-S. E. oWner of Lot 3. Sec. 20; thenceiaown Santi .am River-along ih s: line f said Lot 3 4 to a 'point due S. of beginning. N. tobeginnlug. ,t ontalning SO acps;- also Lot i. I and 2 and 8. Wj 14 of N. K. 14 of Sec. i'O containing 114.09 acres, a d to 2 (See 31 con taining 21.04 acres. See. 20 Tp. ''9 It- ,1 WJ175 acres WATERS. F.f W. . . Igin at Nl W. cbrner of Sec . 13 Tp. 9 S. R. 1 AV-: thenc. E. 160 rods S. ito Santiam River; W, along meanders of said . river to beiinning, containing 40 - 4,C1TS 4 " I i WATSON, Di M- j l' , N.-E. 14". o Sec. I 20 Tp. 8 S. R. 1 E. 1 acr.. WEDDLK. EJ . -' Begin S. 88 chsi from 14 -Sec. corner between Sees. ,10 and 1 5 Tp. 9 S. IL I W-t then. E. 27 rois toj Sanfiam River; ' thence down alf river to Hie , running". N,. an3 H. through . center. of Sr- la: N. on sld line' to' beginninsr, containing ' 2' tacres.i except ! right of rar for f?rr ti W, line of t ra. k. Sert IS T$: 9 R.,1 W .. 3 acres. i. '. . - .... ..... WEST. MRS. A. P. Salem; Lot 5 Block 16. Depot Addition.. I .. .... .. WHEELER.IC. W- . Salem: Lot 2 Block 2. pros- iw-r Pk AeWiMon.- .. .. i. ; WHITNEY. U. A. and C. A. WoudbtuiiJ-Lt ? Wock 4,. ; ''"' ? - -; - 1.01 2.00 4.00 .90 .29 22.-80 8.12 4.40 1.60 4.8 2.-0 7.26 .10 29.39 AS' - 1 for Infants and Children. CastoHa is o barmlcss substitute for Ovstor OH, Paw tjoric. Drops and rJoothiu Syrnps. It.ia lIcasnt It - eontaliKd neither Opium, aiorphintv nor other Jnreotlo fsabsLtitee. - It destroys Worms iumI allays Fcvrrihiiess. It cures lMarrluea and'IVintl Otlic 'v. It relieves Teeth ing Troubles otid ures (Constipation. It refruktte tho Storuneli and lowe-!s ptfing' healthy and natural tdecp. Yiio Children lauace The Mother's Friend. " The Kind You Have Always Bought .5 Bears the In Use For (S SAM ADOLPH, Trustee. -f MANHOOD RESTOREDj ... .niwuui. moll mr'ttmwm,. c m ut K en.t tor ninrtrml"' wi.tooi l".i T . . V ..... Ma.i.l.' A . .1 luiroii aKUit'iAtU'u. is.u FOB SALE RY Z. J. RKXJS. WILD. E. A. Salem; Lots 3 and 4 Itloik 11. PJirrlsh'a Addition IL. -.12 WILL. LKONARD Defrin at S. W. corner of S. K. U of See. 12 Tp. 4 S. IL 1 W.; 1 thence N. about 50 Iks." N. 8 dep. 15 min. K. to S. K. .rorner of R!ock 6 In Aurora; N. K. to S. E. rorner ot S. SJHWr's traet; N. 5 dc. Wt 3.42f .Chw.; - K. 12.60 chit.; S. 4.76 chs.; W. 1 20 chf. to leKin'lnz. contlifi-M. tnr 5H-cre. Kw. 12 .Tp. 4 lt--;f ' 1 W 5 acres.. .. .. a. ..--: WILLIS, N. W. ; y X. ft of N E. ',4 of S c. 1 Tj: J 9 S. R. 1 . i-orrtain'.nj f) acre." 1 WILLIS. A. -; : K. of S. K. A ot Sec. 5 and, . . W. i of N. W. i a vl N. W. 2.11 ' 3 2 ) . of . W. 4 n.f "t Ti'. 10 (.fitv. 1 Ti'. 1.0 a-C V-3. . . J. ; .- S. 11. 6 K.. 160! 6.(10 WOOD. OKO. i; N. i ot iS.f-E. ind S of lo s. - N. 1-14 'f Sec. n Tp. R. 7 E 100, acres. .. . . .;. .. ; WI'NDEU. AL N ' IleBin on S, sMiVof' J. Smith's 2ire 1itct in Tn. 6 ... H. R. 1 W. 5 ch. N- 5 -X-" 30 mlh. E. from nit Souther ly corner therfif; thentv S. 3.V desr. 30 min. E. 4 ch..; N. 51 dr-ff. 30 min. IL. 2.?.6'4 cha.; X. 35 de. 3 min. W. 4 r ri.; S. 54 deir. 30 nsin.' W. 2.ZS- thn'. to hcginni.iR. Sec. 35 Tl 6 R. 1 W.. 1 acre. ........ . S.00 4,40 YATES, CHARL Ife-Kin 2.1. 4 h. EI of S- W. corner ftt N. of C H;ikcv D. U9('. Tp. 7 S., IL 2 W.;. thence E. chs.: N. I7.CS- . , . chs.: W. S.66 -h.: S. 17.6S cha. to a'fKdnt In certtrr of o. . road 1 L22 ch. E. of beftinriinif . Sec. 2.TX 7 IL 2 10 acriirf.4 YOITNO. fiKO. - W. 4 of W- 4 of Sec. 35 .36 Tp. 9 S.-R. ? W., containi-fij? j0 ac rfK.I .;. . . . . X Y(HTN; V MEN'S CHKLSTIAX ASSCK?JATION K-ilem; It 2 lilock ,. 17. Yaw I'arK Aniux.. .. .. 10.96 1.12 And fin Friday lbs Sixth day of February, 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of naid day. and from day to. day thereafter. I villi sell the aim dwribtd real cs.tat!t for cartt (xubjecf to rtdemptlon) to r,nlHfr ald v?rrant. ctini and ae eruiog cost. u af"rfjSd. "" ' : . . ti. It. Oi,!5ATH, SheiifT. and Tax Cillector -of Marlon' CwttlXy, Oregon. lie,l wt SdU-mlhfa Mh day of. jail o.sry. 19.'3. ' -' - ..'-. - 1 (The itive notice of rjl l to ht nteaaured and charged for aa U It were p In nonparlel tyt. rn. AEROI-LANE EX I'EItl 31 ENTS. ICEW YORK. Jan. 2. William A. Ed dy, who in well known In connection wih kile-fiyin-g' i n vetJ t ioti, haw snccfmfofly exr.erlineiile'l. aaya a di .;dh from Jlaynre, N'.-J to the W.vrld,- that an ertfJane similar to tin- one ly which Alexander Craham Bell rectnlly made the discovery that led hlut to anuounce that the Cytig ' -1' I J, Signature of Over 30 Years. Wo' lineLliiw on limn! :i teg T lino of in -n'syjinil k-jy lirts; ia " bur wiinloMr of tlio iIONAKrII i I : Shiils tliat r1V far $1.50 wo ino now follin!? at - S1.20 The of.o.- now - tluit ?1.(K) t The Too oiks now ' ' - 1 Aiul firo otiViiiii; our t njiro , s,Uck nt 20 ly-r'cent ilsotniC j ; ; -r -p ,M..yp.. Remember i the Number Street . . tlrW HT.L Hn Frmn bu nm hu riuaaoo. DntGOlST. SALEM. OIIEOON. Al Swedlah culptor haf .solved Ihe prohlem of ! ealihg allies , In ot- Ilee. . ... i i - . .. t-.n (mil r..p o foundation of. a. c hool of cok'rjj. Tons of fruit it re rotting: Irt I'nTlf.i ()U cr-hards from jack of 1uli ." gather It. i .;' v ' : ' ' ' .. ', ,'l'-l A venlthy Frenchman died In s f fin. '.'n-hlch. for yS'is he n ..! a Iwm. Hi Flltinxi room upf-d to ! a liltlc. chatiel hull over hl.t. family hujjini place. -.' "' V . ." ' '.' ' . j 10 LEVY THlTtAX i ANNUA L f;ilVM)I. meetIn; SEt I j FOR TUESDAY EVENINt;, s . JAN1TARY 20.'l'j03.- .Thif lKr .of .directors for- pIih.I dlstricC No: 24.' held w rcKulf m'-eiinc In the pirl(rs of the lold & Ituii ls.ink -last ifvenlnK at -which ".'ail m nj-w'-r wert present. , j ". The? only . m.it(-rs of Import I'm ; i! h .vcreUransnt ted were the auHlr Uiti ti rid -alloWlng of several, hills irnl the fixing of Tuely rtlwht. iumwry as thcdile I for the annual school in-"f lug; whk h iwlll lie held In the council chanihT ot, the ' lty hsll. Tlie fh rk will have compiled an annualtfliuiri Ml 1 1 . .It men t which w ill : t! auhinllted to th .mfetlnif and tho tax- levy; for , the. cnsulnf yitar wl?? I" made. SCRIBER WILL FILED . . i . .. . AND ADMITTED T I'RfiltATE AND EXIXrt.''TORiS AND APntAIS- " : ' liRS APPOINTED.'. The will of the r.tte Charles W. Hi'tl-lwr-r. Who died n thi city . Ii- nil"i 2Cy 19rt2. WH filed . Tr irohHle In ; tli' :ouiHy cjft yi at erd.-iy. '' The will wn--jte uted in tlic- pn. teur'e of Tilfion lrd and Ernm. L, Murphy.' Miy 2i't D!'?. Xi tid direct tha the ,lfcnf tli'.v testator, Mary J. SctHwr, whjill have the use erf, and income from, all ft. the real an'l personal prop-rty -l'lortj;h.'t to hin at the time of Ms deth, so Ions; a she shalr live, and at her death the same ahull, be dlvhlfvl e'Uilly sniori their mix children.. The estate- Is'vid ued tit. about $13,000, and ujWm r-tl-t ion and in -act-ordw nee with the pro Visions of the will. "Jefferson Snlber and vy.'M. Ka1sr were appointed co executors of the estnte. to awve w. 1 1 h -4'it bm4s or other K'urity. : -'" The court appointed L. II.' McMahari, Jfthn fV Orlmth and II. S. Jo'ry-tu '. t as aipruiKcrs. ' " x ni(T sirnrLtrs on hand. WASHINGTON. Jan. 2. The month ly comparative sjUitemerit f "the Government-"' receipt " urxl exfM-nditur" show 4 hat ifot tlx- rwwlh f I- ernh-r, 1&02, the total receiida wre $I7I.0f'. aixi the expenditure $.16.00o.0'.(i. leaving a surplua for the l:vrs h ot $11,- 000,000. ' .; - . - .,-. 1- I-