y.UMy---. . - A- A 111 I. I . ill .1 -, filTlili- I 1SSUKD I Iff BKHI-WKEKLT SECTIONS SACU TUKSDAT AND - FRIDAY. n Z2.1 TEA"R NO. 43. 1 ' SALEM, OREGON. SrUESDAX JANUARY 6, U02. J. .',..-.. , S . i ....... .... . '. ' v . FIRST SECTION EIGHT PAGES. THERE WAS NO QUORUM Attempt to,Fcrce the Passage of the Measure TO CREATE GENERAL STAFF Caused a Revolt In the Lower House and Result Was - Failure ALTHOUGH M INORITT ENDORSED ; bill; did not rivceivp requir ei majority parker wants to prohibit. polygamy and . restore soldiers liquor. ! WASHINGTON, Jan. S. The House resumed work today after a. recess of two weeks," but within to hours the machinery broke down for the lack of a. quorum, - The Mil. to create a Gen et al Staff in the army. wa the Issue. At. .attempt was made to pass the bill under a suspension of the rules, which requires a two-thirds majority. . A1-. though all the members of the minor Ity of the M Hilary Committee endorsed it, opposition developed because "of the; hurried manner In which it was pro-j posed to ass the bill, and the decisionj 10S to 59, developed, but It did not ('(nim.in.1 the support of two-thirds of tlne present .The roll call showed about thirty! lew 4h.m a quorum. The Hfius" adjourned. : . For a Government Cable. Washington, Jan.. 5. The Secretary ,of War .today submitted to the House an estimate) of $483,000 for the laying of a i able' to connect the. headquarters of the IWpartmenlof the Columbia wth the military telegraph system in Alas ka. Some Amendments By Parker. Washington, Jan, a. A joint resolu tion was offered tod;y by Representa tive Parker, of New Jersey, proposing .. - 1 ' . .A . . - .1 1 ..i ! 'i A . . HU lOOeirOOCUl III 111 I'WnillUltUll LO Prohibit polygamy, lie. also introduc ed a hill to restore the sale of malt beverage and light wines to the sold iers on army transports and at post exchanges. ' ,' The Collector Was Right. Washington, Jan. The United States Supreme. Court today decided thv Russian Government on migar ex jioHed la a bounty, and that the Col lector of Custom at Baltimore was justified -In levying a countervailing duty on Russian sugar under the. terms of the IMngley Act. ; 1 Looks Good For Perkins. . Sacramento, Cal Jan. 5. The Legis lature convened- .today in assembly where the Ilepublicnns have 'a large majority. Arthur Mk. of San Fran cisco, was elected Speaker. . The fight for the Speakership Is suipposed to have had a learlng on the enatorship and ilKk' election, it is ill, presages the' re-election'- of Senator Perkins. THE FIRST MEETING LADIES AUXILIARY OF Y. M. C. A. WILL ELECT NEW OFFICERS 5 THIS A1TERNOON. ,The fft -lies' Auxiliary of -the Y. M. . A. will hoM the first meeting of the new year at ihe Tv M. i. A. parlors In the buifcling of Ihe institution on this (Tuesday) "' aficrno:i, at 2:20 the elc tlon of .flicere for the ensuing year will te,in of t'ie.Diportant maUenA full aMenJa.ni-e is- especially lsired. The foKo-A lng. rigram will be ren dered during this meeting: Piano rolo. ....... .Miss Nina Rushneli 1m Jing . . . ... . . ... Mrs. Geo. W. Jones AdJref Prof. W. A. Dawson Vocal duet......MLi4es Elma Ilyrne I , ..in. I lUanche I?M. . RIG PURSE FOR A FIGHT. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan.- 5. The Hayes Valley Athletic Club tonight atmouncAd that it would offer a purse1 of $20,000 -for a twenty round contest between Corbett and Jeffries. AMONG THE SICK LATEST. ADVICES AS TO THE CONDITION OF SALEM'S IN'ALIDS. T. A. Norwood met-With a painful accident yesterdav while engage! In moving some furniture in the old W. C. T. U. rooms, oh I Court street. He was lifting thed of heavy counter when he slipped and fell, the counter failing over it the same time, striking ene of his fingers and mashing It oulte badly. ;The jwounded member was dressed, and while the wound la not serious It is -ery painful. anj -will necessitate' giving his handra rest for "few. days. . :.-';; ; ? - Sam Sauvain W carrying his arm In a sling how. : ax the result f a fall from hU bicyt I 'Sunday afternoon. He . eomlng clown town on hU wheel.' na in riding dowfe the South Salem hill the wheel struck a loose board and the rider took a "header." ( Hi hand struck a naUlh the sidewalk cutting a gash in the palm which took several euicnes to close. He was on the street yeerday carefully nursing hU Injured nana, ana - incidentally wishing the street commissioner or " some other officer whose" duty it La to look after streets And sidewalks would give South Salem his .Immediate attention. i v C. A. Bort Is tehderlv nursing an injured hand which he carries around In a. Ung.' ;Whlle In the act of Fplit tins some wood recently, his hand In some manner got in the' way of the de- scendlng axe and Quite a. chunk of flesh from the outer ball of hU left thumb was removed In consequence. The Injury, while painful and' will necessitate his remain ins idle several days, M not regarded In any way ser ious. I P. F. Toevs, formerly city editor ot the statesman, but at present local eorrespondent' for the Portland Jour nal, was taken ill with typhoid fever on Thursday of laat week and was tak en to the Salem Hospital for treatment on Sunday morning. ; Inquiry at. the hospital last evening-elicited the Infor mation, that hi condition ',- was some what improved and that his case' was not regarded as serious. j F. H. Campbell, the supervising con f raelor of the Salem Postornce build ing, who has been confined at the Sa lem Hospital for several weeks, with a severe attack' of typhoid fever; and as .a result suffered a serious hemor- rnages irom wuith his recovery was for a time very doubtful, has rallied somewhat, and. his chances for recovery, are regarded as being more favorable. i i: 4 ; - .' : Jphn . Kaiser, who- has bee n ill for several ; months past through some complicated bowel disorder and who underwent an operation at the Florence Sanitarium about a week ago, is re ported to be very much Improved an.M on the rapid road to recovery. MEETING OF STATE BOARD Of Asylum Trustees Superin tendent Calbreath Files His Monthly, Report GENERAL, HEALTH IMPROVED MOST ALL CASES OF TYPHOID RECOVERED AND NO CASES DE VELOPLVC STATEMENT OP M'OPJC ANI EXPENSES. The State Board of Asyluhi. Trustees held a 1 regular meeting, yesterday af-L ternoon, at which, itim the monthly" re IMirt;of Superintendent J..F". Calbreath was considered and approved. In . his written reiort or editorial, Superinten dent CalbroaAh staled that the gieral health of the institution was good &od that mostof the cases of typhoid (fever have fully recovered and those who are still confined, to bed are convalescent and out of danger, and that there are no new cases developing .! I The outside work it well op to the season of the year. On account of the increased farm work, incurred in tak ing charge of the Mute School land, I found it necessary o buy a ; team of mules at a. -cost of $300. The depart mentjwiork for Decembef has! consist ed mc-srtly of general, repairs and small improvements, and' he has received and paid to the treasury the sum of 169.30 f6r keeping the Alaskan insane for 'hequarter ending September 1902. The ;rejKrt shows that the total ex Ienses Incur rel during the month for all kinds of supplies, provisions, tools,, etc., amounted to$S,163.90, which was segregated among the several depart- m-nrst as follows: Kitchen and dining iwms...:. Male department ......... - .. Female departments . . . ... Bakery La u miry . ..... . . P ....... . Ergine room Farm, irarden and dairy ... .J. $3489.12 913.04 439.41 248.20 36.62 f 236.90 19C6I ! 12.63 1 1.65 20.0 Stable Repair ... jptrufT At ore- -..-.4 Sowing room ......... Center building . . . . . OfJfee t.i. East cottage . . ....... West cottage ........ Stanley farm ....... Exenseii ........ ... Infirmary .". .V. .. ; ... Carpenter shop ...... . ; 2S2-11 107.99 . ir,.sr 6.50 2.80 .'.1250. "92 . 277.20 . 199.20 . . , 4.25 . 31.53 61. SI 61. ! r ai iui jr ...... Tailor j shop i , Tailor .shop .. Total ...JM63.90 The foilowTng statement gives, the' number of patients In. the Asylum on November 30 and the number recelv ed. discharged, died and eloped dur ing month of December; - u K V -I ! ( Male. Feml Total No, patients Nov. 30.. 8J 37 1252 N'o. we'd dur. Dec; fc-o. return, escapes No. under care end 26 13 39 1 : 903 -' 339 1292 4 1 5 ' '..-; V1! 2 . 2 -;:f;v. '2 ;'2 - . - - j. 8. Sj ,.-13 . 3 -i"'--A 3 i '1 i- ' . IT 10 .--27 88 Y: 379 1365 ....... 1.23S 2-3 No. dischargeil ered . . .. No.. Dlcharged. recov- ' much Improved ...... No. . discharged, " proved ........ No. : tlist harge.1. Improved . No. dfeI No. eloped . .- 1m- not Discharged. ; died and eloped . . , i . ........ No. patients Dee. 31?. Average humber dairy Number of offleers and empJoyes. . 110 Av. number patlent daily 4.1.25 2-31 Total number ,...1,4-06 2-31 Two million Americans uffr the torturing pangs of dyspepsia. No need to. , Burdock. Blood Bitters' cures. At any drug store. ... . '. t ... COMPANY IS INDIGNANT Threatens to Sue the Powers for Indemnity i THROUGH D. S. GOVERNMEN For Refusing to Allow Steam er Caracas to Discharge z Her Cargo , CONTEND THAT CARACAS CLEAR" KD'BEPORR BLfiCKADE WAS IN EFFECT GERMANY SAYS THAT STRICT .LINES .SHOULD; " IJE DRAWN TO BEAR ON CASTRO. . NEW YORK, Jan. 5. Protest has pe$n ent.by Secretary Hay, complain ing Of 'the treatment accorded-the Red, Line steamer Caracas .by the blockad ing "powers at La Guayra- The Cara cas arrived here ttoday and the owners Of the "cargo whiel -was not discharged at La Ouayra declared they would seek indemnity through the United States Governmeni.. The contention of the steamship line is that the Caracas had, cleared for this port before the blockade had been "de clared arid should haye been allowed to land her cargo, at La Guayra. To Hasten Castro's Decision, Berlin, Jan. 5. The offh-jal view here i - is that the bkwfcading commanders' hi Venezuela, acted Quite., iri a-ordanc with their .instructions. The .'allied ...,i,.L,i.'.Hn ...x.r.' V I iiiiiuii (. uyiri 1.11 rl - " J appears be that, pendiftjf the ignaiure of the i arbitration protocol. tne blockade without the limita agreed" .rpon shall be sharply applied. ; ' - j Itence, unless the preliminaries for arbitration are arranged .iminediately. ait km similar to that adopted tit Port-. Cabello htfurday Svill naturally be ta ken at other points. I'y making the blockade felt, it is chiimed. President Castro' decisions hastened. will prbbably b-1 , Financial Panic Averted. Caracas. Jan. &.-t-The financial iwnic here has been momentarily arretted by an agreement , between the leading, traders of Caracas, Guayra. 'Va! en r ci;t and Puerto Cabello and the Hank of Venezuela. The ruders have u greed to accept biink notes in payment f all accounts. The run on1 the bank has ceased. Fourteen hundred revolutionlsis" at tacked 800 Government troop Sunday morning,'- near Ouatire. After four hours' fighting the revolutionists aban doned the field and the town! of Oua tire. They had fifty-even' killed and as many wounded. One of their. guns Was captured. Aibout 1,500 revolution ists are reiwrted to be marching On1 Caracas. . The Report Was False. Caracas Jan. 5. There Is- no truth in th report published-4n the tlnited States that the Government forces were defeated Saturday night within eight miles of this city by the revolu tionists. 1 V" FLOODS ARE ABATING RAILROAD OITT.OF SEATTLE .HAS AGAIN "BEEN PARTIALLY RESUMED. ",. SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 5. The .flood is receding in. the valley ntar Seattle. The floods have shut off the milk sup ply of thdty and recourse is ha4 to canned milk. .-' The- Great Northern main. line, which has only been open two hours since a week ago last Thurs day is clear and the first overland train left tonight for the East. The Northern : Pacific, i whose transconti nental tradks are hopelessly;. blocked between Ta coma and Fllensburg, will use the Greaty Northern tracks tintil tm own are cleared.- All the jcoast lines are cleared lit li temporary way, and traffic was resumed, today. :- Taebmav Wasb.,: Jan. 6. -The town of Wilkeson was swept by high water yesterday. A jam of logs and drift wood formed In , the river and the angry torrent was turnexl through the streets of the town, leaving great trees eighty feet long on the main thoroughfares of the raining village. A wall of water 'came down the moun tain about 7 o'clock ! In the - morning carrying everything before it. ' SUICIDED IN ALBANY ' - , . . FOREMAN. '.OF PORTLAND STONE i QUARRY ENDS IIS JJFE TRAGICALLY. i i ALBANY Jan. S. Dave Ulin. fore man of Smith & Howard's stone ouar yr. of Portlandi this tioon. while ond Ills way to San Frawisco on a visit with his brother, committed Wuiclde at Pomeroys lunch counter, where the two men had stopped for -lunch, cut Irig the Jugular Vein and the windpipe with a big butcher knife he had picked up 4n the rear room, left on a board where meat Is cut for fiandwiches. The brother. Charles , Unn. " attempted to etop the suicide, and was, cut badly In 1 one of his hands. No cause Ts known for the act. , . . . . SAG ASTA IS DEAD. MADRID, Jan.. , Former Premier Sagasta died today. TO RELIEVE COAL FAMINE . ' . Many Resolutions Offered I In the Senate Body ! DUTY ON ANTHRACITE CO AL Threatened To : Be Removed I But No Definite Action i Was Taken situation so strained in new england that factories may- have to phut down piatt and jones called down. '. . , WASHINGTON,; Jan. When the Senate reconvened .today after, the holiday recess "a. few. Senators were absent- Almost Immediately a diiscus sion began regarding . the coal situa tion. Lodge pronounced ftis introduc tion of a bill supenltng for ninety days the duty on ! coal 1 'with a 'state ment! that in New England there was muchj distress owing to the scarcity of coaL land that unless relief was af fordetl at .once, a number of factories; would have to shut down. j'ulbertson followed with a resolution providing for the removal of the duty on ntiinracite coal, and asked Its itn- j nit-dian- consideration. ' ' . j .-Pkitt (Conn-.) 'objected, saying it was t untitrsiaiitiinsr in-.ii mere was no j duty on anthracite coal. Vest -took exception to this, statement and said that the Board of General Appraisers f and PeKldent Roosevelt had decided' that such duty is imposed. Vest alo introduced a resolution on the subject.:- i ' ! . . ; Anotlie.r: resolution bearing on the subjtct of coal, introduced by Jones (Arkansas) recited the charge of W. R. Heartst, ttu.u tlwu. was an illtgaH combination among certain railroads tt control the shipment "tf anthracite ccal, and" called on the Attorney Gcn- eral for evidencv. which it Was alleged lively debute, n winchrjseveral Repub li an . .St-tiators vigorously resented -j what " they thonght Was a reflection on .the Attorney General, The rsotution Invent over, b-ing displaced by the Omnibus.. Statehood Bill. Nelson (Minn.) addressed-the Senate- In opjxi sftioti to the bill and favored single statehood for Indian Territory and Oklahoma. . r . , Washington. Jan. .Senator Vest today Introduced a resolution directing the t'ommittee on Finance : to prepare and report a bill removing the tariff on anthracite coal. ; . For Government Operatiop. yahington, Jan. 5.-S na lor " Mason (IliinoU) today in,trluced a bill to pro vide for the temporary operation of the coal mines by Unitei Stages re-ceivcrs- ' . CLAIMED HE WAS ROBBED j - " John Boyer, a Stockman of Dallas, Relieved By a Clever Thief -1 SAYS A STRANGER MET HIM AT BACK DOOR OF ANNEX SAIJX)N f AND TOUCHED HIM'-' REDV HAMMOND (HAI'.GBD WITIt THE THEFT. A: .- .. vr ' ' , ,'; '.; . v- ' A very -clever robbery took . place about -30 o'clock Sunday night Iri ... . . -i the alley near the Anni-i saloon. ' the victim being John lloyer, a farmer residing near Dallas. . '. . Mr. Boyer and another gentleman from Dallas came over Salem Sun day morning for the; purpose of pnr chasing a batid of sheep which they heard were- f-ir sale ' a short distance east of the city. and. after looking over the .bunch concluded .not' to make the purchase and returned to town. . - . Both being well acqtiainted. with Mr. Stump, the bartender at the Annex, they went Into that place - about 6 o'clock to make that-1 gentleman a friendly call. . After a - few moments pv4nconversatlon, ilr. Boyer said he would ftateto-itajliiwn to the livery stable and look after iTia team- and Jse' that ft : was t . fet. 1 1 stepped "out through the side door Into the ' alley; where b e met at stranger with whom he entered Into convtrsatlon. and to gether' they started to walk up the alley. Only a few teps had been ' takenwhen Mr. Boyer felt something strike his right-hand "trousers ! pocket, and. Jooklng down; saw-r-Mt aboiit six laches In length cut In the pocket, and, reaching his hand In hurriedly discovered that his purse was gone. - Before e had time to recover r from his surprise his companion had taken hi departure and was hurrying; a wary In" the -darkness. ' He .at once gave; chase, but theTie1cpoeket being fleet of foot, soon outstripped him and dis- appeared among the buildings back of A.-'l . .'Alt. " - , - f, .. , The purse contained, as near a.? Mr. Boyer remembers, about 122. In ; de- fccrlbing the Smooth Individual, who s n-atly relieved him of hi cash. Mr. Byer .said he was a little above me dium height,' wore a , htavy brown niou-Hache and , was slightly stooped,. It waa hot known what the stranger used in opening the iocket. but the surro.Rin tat it was a ring. uch aa are worn by thieves who make a sjKcialty of that sort of business. The job was done so quickly and win Ile"tely that the unsuKttng farmer did ftot know what had happened until he saw his newly found friend getting out of sight as fast as his Teg could carry him. -i While it is to be rf-gret.tcr Out the Dallas man should hjave met v. ith so unfortnnate ' an" exiifrlene 'iii Salem, he will doubtless be a little more cartful in the future in making the acquaintance of . strangers. - Charged With the trime. 7 1 diaries Hammond, letter known ; cs "Red" Hammond.- unn complaint of John - Bo'yery who claim tjlia't lie .tva.1 robbel of his purse and content, amounting to aln.ut 122. in the alley back of the An-iex : saloon, on Sunday evening,, was placed under arrest about 7" o'clock last evening, charged with th crime of: larceny from the. perron. Koyer swore out the. warrant anVi sayH that he can identify Hauiiuoiid iis Mie man who .robbed hi'm beyond nnyi doubt. . -; : . . : '. As Hammond was anxious to.be re-' leased' : f rom custody he was -.laced under 11, V) bonds by t'ity Recjfder 3udah. but up to a. late hour, lietng un able to,Mi- ure the, required bond, !am mond was still in'jail.and will lie given a heading .about 10 o'clock . this rnjrni. Ing; ' J .. TAFT TO SUCCEED CHIRAS '- . V . ; .1 -' : ; -'-. . : IF PRESENT PlANS IK NOT MIS " CARRY AND WRIGHT IS ' 1 - PROMOTED. - : WASHINGTON,' Jan. &! If the Istinir -iHans carry; next month ex- the President jill a piint Governor TaTt 'to le' Asxiate Justice of ttie Cnltol Stalt Supreme Court, to suc-c-ee"d Jus tice Shims, ho is expected to retire during that month. Governor Taft will bj succeeded as ('ivil tJoveriior of the Philippines by tSenernl luke E.. Wright,- at present" VI-e-Governir, and the latterj pla-e .will be 'titled by the ap. pointment of W. W. HH khill. the pres.-: ent dlret-Ur of the Bureau of AiHcHcaij Republics.. . .': . ,.; . j . i ''" ' METEOROLOGICAL ffiKTLAND, Or., ' Jan. 5-. Following, is!tht wealtier iWe ast for the tw;enty four hours ending. liiidntKht, Wflnw d.iy,r January 6th: Vest em Oregon, occasional rain . 'estern W'ashfngtoi), t'ccaslonal i rain. HiWern W'ashlngtoti and- Northern Idaho, pmlmbly rain or snow; I-iteni Oregon," gMiersilly fair,; GREAT CLE A Values -n tJrr Values uj to Values m i to Ladies' Wool Hpse Extra values, full fashioned seamless ami tailil 35c Values now tifles, cflshuHTt' Iioe worth J. a $1 25 Onita Union Suits 75c , $1.60 Values Sliced to 98c . An assorted line of out regular 11.3-1 ati'l $1.50 wl pahts, vest.4 and union suits . Sliced to 75c " Fori Bleachediuck Worth 20 cents cue DAY- -mar i iii 1 Sliced to 13(reach in Salem." Worth LIKE1- LOOKS A DEADLOCK Triangular Fight for benator Begun in Delaware ADDICKS RALLIES SUPPORT Promising the Choice of .Leg islative Offiqt-to Two Reg ular Factions - ' .. j i.' - . v. ' '. - ' PtTX Oft'IIER UACTIOX HOLDS Ol'T -AN l'j..L. THREATENS TO DEAD- M'k-i.iKF: Of lovisiva ni:- ' OR; MAIL 'CARRIER IN JI-'.OP-' A RDY AN IN V EST US ATION, ' IVER.Del.. Jan. K The. ti l iiuroi.ir fight , 'over ' the ele'etioiv of o lnl(e. States .'Senators .front. D4;iwaVe lieg.m -. Iii earnest . tonlg'ht when the ni-itt assembled tv -aiit-us fur the iK.ini.i tir of the two brain-he.. Two ItepOli-Iit-iiii faclloiiH gave Into each other l ite tonight. j-sVddiek Asseiiibly iiumi gl v ing the rcKt'inf-'s un'.etii.O tilue of the.i.e- i-lallVe otliees and filVt "-hoi. e, will h" .sill Ik- President Protein nf Ihe Sen ate. T1h Speaker ft Ihe 1l.ni.se will bi? an Atlilit ks man. The I w enty-vm' . I iiifin Re'p.ublliiiis an- pledg-dt to J..m E.lward Ad-licks for Iwith term- lmlif elected to tjie Cntted -States Senaie ami ten r'guLir Ke-iuMI-an stniiil""iit iigaitiMt the it lelioli t; Ad li k, even ti deadliM king the session. " i fieqro Carrier In Trouble. 'Washington, j Jan. Ti.A l'osim.ister. General I;iyne rei elved liif"iii:itlon to day that' a io5 of .white it Ir.etis at "Houef ltlver, Ii., list night "ordered Ch.is. J.vckson, a negro nmll . cai rh-r, hot to. ret urn with the inuil ni his iute and' threatened him with (!' h" lid irH :;hTji -th ii.nu reason given by the posse w. of ; the 'carrier. poHteHh e ith in ei.se Ion. The is the t-olor i. .ltlrtpei tor I'eteiWhas been Iski I died to'jnako a thorough invent! gat ion. ; ' - -."'' 1 - ' " .:'!' 1 ' t ' ; " ' . Hsd Should Mtver Ache. Never endure this-t.rouhb I . at I It, for til.-, Vi.: Life Pill-, .l.ihc-t J I'M."-I'll i'e ' I loin lie-.ii..' s. onc".the rettiedy that .nlotM" .Mrs. N. A. Wcbnter. of Wir She rlt. ''Dr. King's New w holty-i-ureil me of Kb k he: fuul suffered freni for. t wo .ye;i Hejuhil he; Cijnsl lp t Ion. Ih at- Dr. Stone's I irtig- St or. RANCE SALE Embroideries Nt odds :ti4l eilils, but g'xxl, eleiiil jat'lerns w je-lej from our regular slock. ( : 10c yd ppqcihl .'.i YfCT-m; irvytl., special cMQFl. 35c - yl., 8,k?tMaI 1 .'c Cx'JJ? pai Colored Terry Cloth ItrgulnV 'iVl ttnt value fr " 19c yard i-H-. r. it, h i fJii --- ' On Wednesday we will sell ..So and Tm: Btatid Covers and UfthiOIln -' .' itniFS KHIT UfiDtR'n'fAR.H v For 45 cents Towels II AniF V t rTTTel ercerizea uamnsn Tlie best $l.fXJ fable Jania.sk ever sciM 1 72 inches wide Si, Reduced to. 5pc f7- ; t