Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, January 02, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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    The All-in-All of Lite
Happiness the all-in-all oflife. and manv time-d urine- th r.atf tir.lldp
aasm a. we havr watched the pleased faees clustering about our caes, the
kii'ju'it uas wn.-n i ikii udod di idu
youwill, bet they play a bijf part in the vorM'j pleasure giving. And the
BARIi STORE feels an iimranse pride In knowing that hundred and hun
dreds of Bahm people deem it the tet ketrake More in the city." Jt shall
he our constant aim and study daring 1903 to live up to this name. :
! Barr's Jewelry Store
State ana Liberty Sts., Salem .
"r;icken 8 cents per lb. j .
Eggs -30 centa cash.
Ducks $ to i cents.
Turkeys 12 to 18 cents.
The local marnei quotations yester
day were mk follow:
Wheat 66 cents.
, ' Oats 3S per bushel.
. l-arley--$po pr ton.
HiyCh'at, $1.00; clover, $S.G0; tim
othy. 13 to lie
Fcur 90etir$l-.AO er sa?fc.
Mill Feed liran, $20; shorts, $21.
nutter Country. HtfZoc: creamery.
Egg i 3o 4 -nit. cah.
'hiekens-8 e nts per lb.
Ducks 8 to 14 cents. :
Turkeys 12 I 16 cents.
Pork (irons S to 56c; dressed, 6c.
Reef Steers. i'UZc; cows, 3c; good
heifers 34 cents. -. . '
Mutton Sheep. ;2Vsc on foot.
Veal CfC'.tc. dressed. ;
Hops Choice 26c, upward, green
Ihh, prime, 2"c and upward.
Potato; ,11c per bush!. J
Apples 40 cents p-f busheL
. Onions 50c per bushel.
Balfour, mm fi CO,
Duyeis and Shippers of
I Dealers in
Hop. Growers' -Supplies
Warehouses at
ritATUM. !
f Agent
K)7 Commercial St., Salem.
LKI5AN .N j i, I . 31.-Thc itt
tcntiiri. f th? (itizi in of Linn county
1 it.K :,U-i ti the petitions in cir-
ulaihn tl)ro'j hut. th" county, which
t session
f the Stiite tX Kislature, askin
tIi'. ia.1 law boWnacted' for. the better
I'totectlon. of Linn, otinty R;ime. Many
Imnt-rs r t pw' mountain during
th uinjner anItlay on thi trail dur
inir the traill. ir of July, August
aind September, uttti jilaucliter deer ia-
rflscrltnln;itely.' As a natural result, a
B reiit d"al of the' meat Kathered dur
ing the .irm Mfalher spoils, and is
. cons"uently i wsitedv AtiiJ the'' pitifu.1
part t if Is th'if when the dws are
killt-d before :the fans' ai able to
tiike c re of .themselves (about the 1st
of Octoor) they either '.perish . . from
stjrvatkH or f tlj, prey of wihl animals.
It I no uncommon p jshtdurlmr the
tr.itlinff seisin) to fWe several of th4-
little cre.itures. motherless' and hun-
the course of a day's travel In th
inountalns, !
As the Jaw', now-stands, the Warm
JH riur Indiwin are allowfil to t-umt
into the imiinUiins from the- eastern
sldt- and hunt ithin the forest reserve
and it Is Vnmvn that th-y have killed
mere than I;Ioo deer-durtnar-one sea
son, of which' lrse number compris
ed fawns wild does.
It th MibJ-i t i. not attended to soon
it will only te a matter of a-few. years
urtij the 1-t- wjII t coriiplett-ly ex
te: mmated. 1
Ntnv YoriK. Vh .-3i .i-MagUtrat'
Unarm tJ;iy h.ndetldown a dfision
that JVlice 'Iheitector Lrooks haJ vio
la iel sKiiiBj 320 of fee penal cole. anI
h;d fx-etdctl his authority in f ro ibly
mtertna; Canneld". aliened irambling
hois on December 1. 1902. The : maft
ltrate ht-ld that Rrooks must beheld
for trial, and must nstr to the ourt
Ieiral IttanKa. statesman Job Office.
Legaf Blanks, Statesman Job Office.
iuf n tntfn anil twrast va itw
. - ; Leaders la Low prices
T0 the Legislature for Twenty
! one Months is now
' Complete ';
vo Lai i n uscon n?E axd co m -iiikkxsivbTd?cumexts
a valuable compilation
Fnm Thursday's Daily.)
Sn-rttary ot'tate F. I. Du'nbar has
completed his bl-ennlal . report ; of the
legislature which embraces tlie period
from January 1 1. 19yl, to September 30,
1S02, and Is the rmt concise and com
plete yet condensed and comprehensive
re port which has ever been issued by
himself or his predecessors Iri office. '
Thi- report, covering as it does, only
snenty-one months, and not the full
two yf ars as has been ? the custom
heretofore, is issued jn compliance
with the requirements of an act pass-
el .by the last Legislature which pro
vides that the bi-ennial report of all
Matt- officers, boards and commissions
a.re roiuirt-l ti b m,ute In thi linvrr
nor on the L'srslative Assembly, anil
Includes all transactions of every de
paYtment up to and including Septem
ber 30.' This law was enacted upon
the recommendation of Swretary Dun-
bar and was Intended to do away with
the delay of the. report. vvhich have
heretofore not -t been issued until" the
LcijiKlature was almost through ' w ith
Us work.
It i replete; with tabulary state
ments , showing a nummary of cash 're
ceipts and disbursements of, ithe var
ious funds; the semi-annual ' balances
In the treasury reported to the Gover
nor; the balances . December 31. l'JW
antcunis .erawn and balance unex
pended September 30. 1!X2, of , the gen
eral fund appropriations of . 193-1900,
the amounts of the geyneral fund ap
propriations, 1901-1902. for what pur
poses appropriated, receipts, special
fund.?' 'l'Soi-1992, amounts; drawn and
the halan-'es unexpended September 30,
1902: for what 'purpose issued .and the
amount of 'certificates of auditing and
allowins claim;" the amount of taxes
due from the various counties Sep
tember 20. 1902; comprises a list of
clnims filed and disallow ed
it contains an - abstract of the "levy
of the taxes for the year 1901 and sum
mary, of assessment of the state for
the year 1P00; an abstract of the levy
of taxes for the year 1902,- and sum
mary of the assessment of the state for
th- year 101 ; an abstract of the ap
portionment of razees of the state by
cfTun; ties from 18S5 'to 1801, inclusive;
an abstract of the essVssment of the
State by '.lassinctftionA, U93 to 1S1,
ielupive;. nhotrs the afrag expense
of fVansportins? patients from the sev
eral'counties to. the Insane. Asylum and
cenvfets to the Penitentiary, and the
jif. nAlal apprfpriations .' and expendi
lui f s of the several state Inistitutioins
fr'.m' to 100. inclusive, ajid ap-
proprlatlons- for 1.501 and190- ,
There is also 'Tound in this report
lists of article of incoriwrali9n, trade
marks, ext-lusive oppointtnents. United
States census of Oregon from 1S50 to
li-Ott. inclusive, abstract of votes cast
at, June election,. 1S02, for mombers of
Cor press, state offlt-ers. district
jvdpcsv joint Senators tani Representa
tives ami OonsUtutiotwil f amendments.
I,i fact, it covers everything in the
ay of statistics' that oould possibly
J b -collated nnl Is a 'ery valuable and
i iweiestinsf compilation. 'reflecting
much credit upn Mi;. Dunbar. r
In the ditorial or intrxiuctory re
marks Mr. Uunbar comments' elabo
rately and inttrestihgly upon the sub-je-t
with which he deals in the Uvfy
of the report and, as to the finances Of
the skate the following exeerpts r
taken from his commentary;
"Th iinancial affiirs or trv state
rontipue In a highly sa.ttsfactory itin
jjli'tioh. Thor art no outstandipK
I b.n.iis;; but sufficient funds In the
treasury to py ail . warrants urasn
and not presented, exr-ept thor isud
on the state scal; bounty fund ajnd
bur ty fund, which, with cstinn
Intel est, amount to $7,744.S1 in ex
of tiie cash in the bounty fund. W
rinu driwn on the tounty fuud w
hf 1
.re I
Lsued in accordance with the proV
itm of . the arts of Jhi'd and 1H.
funl was derivett from a specjil
of ns mill upon all', taxable, property
viitl in the state fori the year 1900 levied
by .lheact of L-H. f It is, however, not
sutticient to meet the total amount ot
warrants drawn", arid an aiiropriation
should be'-jnad fw th? general fund
te-'tay this-small deficit
-The balaneu of ihe cash in the gen
eral . fun .'tos-ethtjr with tas
frori the5 various .counties, ; Li st i Si
ciert to meet the balaises of the ap
propriations inexiendd. The e ;?
of j ssets over liabiltks in t!t general
; in Ttiss Side Room .; f -
.' Jpood ofcl whisky, of qoalsty is ljry neerled. For
fainting spelisy weakac&, operatioos and tike
eoctes the -
-- !' - ' - - r . j - -'. ;"''- -
srhuktes caaaot be sorpusse-d. in their pleant and
rette bouquet, and inoUttin(f jial:tnrs. TJiey
re essential in thr nedkne ris. of t vji 9 family
pbriciaa and hewpitat. aad aboald be OMUtastlT &1
band. Quanaaod ptnuat : .t .
7T. J.TAN SCBUTVOt t COlat,Wtrtr, porruro.o88 ,
Weekly 'orfxjon statesman. frida r, jani-art 2,
retenu? from Uixes ani sources ! not
furd. which fund embraces all the
revenues fryojn taxes and sources not
applied to fpetial purposes and
from which the ordinary expenses of
the -state " government authorised by
arferopriations axe ipaid, la $1,733.17;
provisions of law, sufficient revenue
his been raised to provide for the-payment
of every appropriation and that
ttjtre is neither a deficit, nor unneces
sary purjrlas." "j i .' f -.
'LA conrplete statement of .the condi
tion of each fund shows that there fs
kk excess of assets over liabilities in
etch one.'" as follows: 'y:- 1
Ch-neral fund ... I.T53. 17
County fund V. .... ...... 7,744. fl
Salmon Industry fund ..' 1JJ4S.0S
Oregon Soldier Home fund. , 53.00
hatchery fund 1)7.44
Ifatchery fund' (dist. No. 2)
Skste Agricultural College fund 9,740.5(5
fHe states that the general fund ap-
p-oprlations . for? the years 1901-1902
etere S'lmeieru to meet every expense
authorized or incurred except for the
naiaintejnar.ee of the Penitentiary, and
tie Blind School;' reimbursement of
rountles tor expenses Incurred in sup
port of non-resident poor; rewards for
i restij And the payment to the 'sev
eral counties of two-thirds - of the
total sum- paid for scalp bounties
The tbtal deficiencyies, as jSown by
the report with the exception of ' the
Scalp -bounty deficiency, wiil not ex
ceed $$,000. while oh the other dindt
seversi of the appropriations will pot
be entirely expended, leaving surplus
reverting to the treasury," This gratl-
fjing- condition of affairs is due to the
fact thar the last "legislature appro
priated sufficient funds,, to meet th au
thor Ixed e'rpense's. unjd also to the care
ful and economical expenditure of the
same by the several. departments,.
beards -and" commissions, eafh striving-
to keep the expenditures within the
limits of the sums appropriated. 'The
deficiency .in the payment of scalpl
tounty claims is due to the insuffieien
cy of the. suin appropriated,, it being
impossible ,to estimate correctly the
amount.- necessary to meet the claims
which would result from the law. A
complete statement of this matter will
follow. ; &
I In accordance with the 'provlsi6ns of
the act approved February 27, 1901,
regulating the auditing of claims .when
there is no appropriation availably foi
their payment, the foregoing deficien
cies are-evidenced by claims which
have been presented, audited, and al
lowed, and certificates ,of such allow
ance issued. , ' '. I
, As to the condition of the public
fund several statements ' are given
which give a very cje3r understanding
of the condition of each fund, lie
mskes several recommendations as to
the appropriation of 'the salmon indus
try fund, as fallows: "pThe bal-(
ance In the salmon - industry fund
should be appropriated' for the -benefit
of the object for which R wfs origin
ally saised and tnereby closed, out; be
ing raised by special . tax devlyed; in
pursuance of law, it caji onlybe ap
plied to the object : for which the tax
vas Imposed 1 would most .respect
fully renew the recommendation made
to the la"t Legislature that the law
providins for a state board of-examiners"
fund be amended and the balance
of this fund, and' future receipts from
the source from which it is; deriveyd
be paid Into the gneal fund',; and that
the expen.-es of the state board of ex-
ner? .be" -'audited and ; Warrants
drawn therefor as for other expenses
of Kke nature, and -that an appropria
tion be made for the payment of tht
warrants so issued " '
He "Tceoim mends that the, pure - food
fund should likewise be transferred to
the general fund, for the reason tha
a multiplicity of funds i a source of
extra work, frequenUy tying tip
money needed for other purposes, and.
when ; they are disbursed, through
other channels and not through his
ofice, the 6ame as other expenses of.
the state ; government, they -a re often
not property accounted for.
The followinsr statement ,sho'f thf
amount and kind of funds on; hand in
the treasury reported to the Governor
July 1, 132:
tleneral fund ...... ....
Common school fund, prin
289,631. IS
f '
' 4.628.7
. .. - j.
40. "is
cipal ,. ,. .- .. "
Common school furitl, in
terest . l. ... . .... .........
Agricultural College fund, .
principal .. .. .. .-... , .. .." ..
Agrfc ulytural College fund.
Agricultural Colh-ge - .fund,
University fund, principal.
Unlvtyrsity fund interest ..
Thurston Monument fund.
Thurston Monument fund.
Irrtcrast .'. :
Svamp land fund ..........
live per cent United States
. 3.11. 'jl
v 14 .
1 .325.37
land sales fund , 1 K ....... .
Tide land fund ...... ...
Salmon industry fund .......
Oregon Soldiers' Home, na
tional fund........ -
lPtchery . fund. district
N o. 2 ,
ifgon stove foundry fund.
Hatchery fund ...... .... .."
Iourity fund ........'..'.'
Pure fowl fund....'
State Agricultural College
tax fud
J Total .. $1,29,267.70
TtIi Ul S'lA'-S UU'. Hit- 8lII.;. IIUMi III"
t vcral . .Kuntied ihan $S;000 f f?-
gratifying showing, and,v-.; tinder the
liw ibu coenties ha vfe until Novt'rncr
1st in whir h to jay th- balance. '
It Is also jtatd in thu respect tint,
iieccrdicg tot the deciAfon of the Su
I rt-nie Cwurf. in the - case, of ' the State
vs. Marion County, the Interest charg
ed on delinquent payments "-prior " to
ihe enactment 'of 19 are uncollect ible
and will have to be rernitted.. ' '
As to the revenue of the state for
the payment of its general expenses,
which is derived from the annuil tax
levy and constitutes the general fund,
Mr. Dun Bar says. -.V;'-v ..; '';
. In preparing the computation for,
the year 1901. which was made mndtT
the :h;a existing law. it was ascertain
ed that the nec(.ary epensesfefor the
!VeaI year, to which the state was sub-j?ct,-
amounted to $77.w..04. inebiding
the jamouBf fixed by law for the Ore-J-'rn
National Guard. . University; of
Oregon, and an estimate of ' $50.or! for
the expenses- of the TWenty-firjt'Lg-l
-la tire Assembly, and $i).609 f.r .ad
diltdnal ptjblie '.buildings and improve
:ens, rTliere was deducted for unf-x-p-nded
appjrojw-iiiions $ll.eos.-13.- for
trisceHanwus receipts. for" the ye2r
1300. over estimate of levy for that
year $23,S7,&3, and ror e limited re
t eirta frm roiscelfan'-ous purees
wfck'u litter sums hein5,d.e-
AAtJt from, the ! amount acertaJnea
to-be nectary for exiene. teii
r-- -
value o' aU ! taxable property being
ni7.S04.S74. IS. the rate of taxation was
fixed at 6 7-M mills.
The "computation and apportion
ment of the year 1903 wa mad under
the provisions of the present law. The
necessary expensei for t!se fiscal year
to which the tate was subjected were'
ascertained to.be $1,044,653.25. Including
the amount fixed by law for f he Ore
gon National Guard, j There was de
ducted $73,147.07 execs? of misceHa
neous receipts' of 1901 over estimate;
60,5S.t9 estimated receipts dutrfng
the yea? ir02. And1 $10jfKi0 estimate"! un
expended ;, balances ojT appropriations,
which lattrtr -. sums 4 being, deducted
from the amount ascertained to e j
necessary , for expenses, lert & total
amount of revenue fo be raised, for
the fiscal year. 1902 of $$95,000, which
was apportioned among the several
ccuntie3 of the statei in accordance
With the TroMsons ff . the act' pre
scribing the method 10 which the state
taxes. shall be; apportioned, approved
February 27. 1901, Also ' apportioned
the gum of $S,000 among .the several
ecunties for the annual support and
benefit of the State iAgricujItural Col
lege, in accordance with the provisions
of the aforesaid act.
! As-shown by the report the.aniount
of . revenue-levied-for- 1902 is at -, the
rate of 6 51-100 millis on. the dollar
upon a total ' assessed valuation of
I141.39S.513.96 for the year 1901, which
raised. $920,000. and .which is a larger
sum tham that raised for any previous
year in the state's history;', excepting
that for 1893, when-the revenue raided
t-as.$1.12t.s45.M,. at the rate of 7 mills;
on $160,Oi8,905. The revenue raised for
1902 was also $462,717 more than that
raised for the year 1900, the previous
ycar the increase having grown out
hut th.e increa;ed appropriations ip -1901,
for the state unyreritys Agricultural
couege, etc. - . - t j-
Amonjp.th'e most Important questions
dealt with in the report Is that of rais
ing revenue from other sources than
the general property, tax.'. The rapid
growth in populatioi) . increases the
ejjncational elee'mosynary and tenal
institutions and now j that new de
mands are' belng'roade for the, public
s rvlce and for the development of the
resources of the state and for thepjo
pused exposition commemorating' the
Lewis and ClarWExpositlon, all of
hich' will require increased appropri
ation of public funds and somg,. means
other than to allow the burden to fall
upon the taxpayers. It seems, must be
devised to raise the required revenue,
and Mr. Dunbar shows that In many
other states a .considerable amount o!
revenue is raied by Imposing a. taxi
Upon foreign ; and domestic corpora
tions, corporation franchises, the pay
ment to the sta'te of n portion of the
excise licenses, taxation of foreign car
cc-mpaiiies uoing uusmrss in me-staie
and the . taxation of Inheritances, leg
acies, bexjuests. etc : -
He states that more than 800 cor
porations have organized under the
laws of -Oregon since January 1, 1901.
and that thercare at least 3,00 domes
tic corporations engaged In- commer-
ci'gl enterpitses, and, as the privileges
of incorporating have-a. value to their
possessors in that special rights and
powers are conferred by the state, he
reasons that the slate should exact a
r asonable compensation.
In this relation Mr. Dunbar says: "In
most, of the states the fees for filing
a; titles .of .Incorporation vary accord
ing to the amount of icapltal stock, but
it Is sufficient1 to produce considerable
revenue. The minimum fee for organ
ization of domestic corporations pro
vided by .the,' states of Indiana. Soutn
Dakota. Washington and West Virginia
is $10; in California, $15; In Colorado
Delaware,- Maine and Missouri, $20; -In
Alabama. Arkansas, Iowa, New, Jer
sey. North Carolina, Texas. '".Vermont,
and Wisconsin. $25; Minnesota; Mon
tana,' and5 New Hampshire, .$30; in
Crr.nectlcut and RhtKle 'Island, $100;
in Florida, the tee is $2 upon eacl $L
or0 e-f capital stock. Illinois charges
$30 where the' capital stock is under
$2,500; $." where the capital is over
$r..'no. and $1 for each addltion'al $1,
in Kansas and Kentucky, the fee
f-r organization of a corporation is
one-tentn of 1 per cent of the capital
stock, and ih Massachusetts and New
York one-twerntieth of 1 per cent. .'":
'.'The assessments and valuation - of
the property of express, telephone.
t'-!e graph, sleeping' or Pullman
and transportation , ear, companiea'
should receive careful,.' Investigation
and attention. , Such corporations do
ing business within the state, do -not
contribute to the revenues of the state
in proportion to 'ithe market value' of
their property, although enjoying all
the privileges, "benefit and protection
of their property and Interests afford-,
e.l by the state government. 5
- The followlngjds a table-shewing the
ciasidncatton, number, and amount of
csij ital stock: .'-, (
Enterprise. No. Capital."
AlHitraet. title and .
guarantee .. ... 8 $ -306,430 00
lii.Kkifig . . .'. .. 9 .; 263,000 '00
Clif-amerl.es cheese 13 72.000 t
Drugs .". .. .. :.. .. 9 ' Y 49,800 00
irrigation"... I. J.-. t. 73 '2,200,583 00
I-md and investm't. 77 15,173.200 00
Usht. water, heat . .1
and power ... It :' 3.70S,'506 00
lumber'... '... ... CS S 4.249,490 00.
Mahufacturlng and": -f.-.
rniscclIajvo?ujt,. . . .135 ! E,733,SOO 00
'Mining oil and coal 308 320.62I,370' t)0
Mercantile . . ..... "6S ', L7 56.2 00 00
NVfparr Ad I per- I
lodfcal .. .. ..I.. 15 j '227ZQ9Q(t
Opera house, hall, ho- . ; ''."
tel. etc .. ; .'.'. ... ! 15700 0es
Railroads .. .. .. .L 3U j 23,231,000 Ofi
Smelting. , redaction - ': ' ; '.'.
tic-n and refining.. 2V ' 2,200,000 0
Telcgrapn and tele- ;':'(;:
phone. .'. v.- ';.';'.-It' - j ;.' lal.ooo '60
Transportation . .. ,6 I.406.00O 00
Total .. . . .SC6, $2S1.569.91 00
I There were,-also filed" 112 articles of
jlnco'rporjation 0 religious, benevolent,
I i tera ry snd cha fi table r societies. ' The
number of corporations organised during-
the two years ending-; December 31,
1 Wy was 67. hairing a. capital sto k of
$ 1 27,23, fi, which. When compared
wlthith subs-qunt periiod op twenty
one inonths. shows an increase during
tne tatter iertod In number of 18, nd
in capital stock of $134.2-86,441."
The Secret of Long Life
ronsfstPin keepicr a!! ta main or
gans, of t he bily in , healthy,, regular
action. , and' in 5 quirk Iy de-rovlnir
jleauy,iieA Kwms. EKctrie- UttH-r
regulate Stonwc.h. . Liver and Kidney,
purify, the t.5''J. and give a, splendid
appetite;. They" work, word-rs in eur-
faints, Ntrrous Diseas, " Constipa-
and Malaria. iijrru
:v;:, h ,iwas follow
ih -ilwa '
1 a a Ilil a Till ' 2s.?
10c. suaranttc
d by
tV Andrew Rooson and- hi com
., Ricluikl Carvel were greeted at
. oL.-Uftus list evening
,?k.W best and most proment
Thenrst ac!t of thej piay wa repre
rrlnaf in . Maryland n
174, and was at the Carvel HhU. Th
ouaint ColonSal make-up i
acters v.As qplte interesting, and was
semlngly Uue to trie times Jn Ameri
can history. jDorothy Manners: was In
love- with RUihard Carvel, and he with
her, but she is made to believe, she
must marry an English Puke to-save
her father from debt, IFhe goes w
London and Richard is kidnaped and
taken to sea, and after 'a time finds his
way to London. .!
The second act takes, place In Lon
don, one year, later. Dorothy learns
of Richard's presence in London, and
immediately. finds him. She admits her
Tore for him, but does not tell Why' she
crr-not J mafry him. He believes she
loves a title better than himself.
. The. third act is in the Duke's house,
a few hionths later, Richard discov
ers a p ot to compel Dorothy to marry
iHo. Dulve. : This, brings -tin a --duett be- ;
tfteta Richard and the Duke, in. which
a friend of the Duke, wounds him. by
mlstakt). Intending . to kill Richard.
The fourth act represents two years
later, and the scene is again in Carvel
Hall. ' Richard and llorothy meet once
more; -and all Is.well again, after many
ti sals and troubles. -
The characters were all well '.acted.
especially those of Richard Carvel and
Dorothy Manners. The audience ' was
ve.y much delighted with the perform
ance, and the apilau?e was hearty and
frequent. ." '
' 'T- " .'' ' .
:-.'-:,; - . '- " ; '-
-. Tomorrow afternoon the 'Chcmuwa
Ii dian fiMHball team will meet the Re
liance team, of 'S.-ni Frartciscro. in a
matched pmie.'uu- the Willamette tfni-vc-islty
campus, which promises' to be
the most Interesting and exciting game
that has ever been, played In Salem.
The Reliance team claims the cham
pionship of California, and Is reputed
to bo an exceptionally strpng aggrega
tion. ; -:: ; ( " .."'.:' -.
A very spirited .contest between the
Reliance team and the Multnomah
CJub football team was played In Port
land yesterday, which resulted In a
score of 3 to O. in favor of the latter.
The Chemawa team is in excellent trim
and an exceedingly mettlesome game
is anticipated'. ' . :
M rs. johs nna & lerllolm. Of Fergtis
Falls, Minn., fell and tlislKatfd lier
shoulder. hnd a surgeon get it
bacyk in place as soon as possible, but
it was quite sore and pained her very
much. Her son mentioned that he had
een Chamberlain's Pain Ralm adver-ti?.-sd.
for sprains and -poreness," and she
asked him to buy her a. bottle .of It.
which he did. vIt qujickly' relieved Jier
and enabled her to sleep whlchfshe had
not doiie for . several day's;. The son
was so much plea.vjd iylth the relief It
gavtf -his mother that he. has since rec
ommendevi it to many ofljers.- For ffale
by Stone's drug tores:1 j
LO;NDON, Dev. SI. In a -'dispatch
from D.-iihi. the rorreJimraieiit to the
Daily: Express, sajs: A great dlscns-
sion has occurred: - here ; among the
titled lafiiorf vvhethtrir not they ought
to cour?y to thej Vi'crieue. ft-was
finally decided that1 no" '.courtesy be
given. - ' '; I ' .'-V . .," .-L..
ah. -
m asaiaaiujaiwiiiiaM i . ini.. . i . i. ,
n - . i ,"'. ...
SAM ADOLPH; Trustee. I
Mmll BtWUUItf l laUM Urm M w- rt mm n,M b. thm . ... . , .
2'' a --- ' rmw-uf
PO-wer. Lost
Jfow-r. IPM-tofaM, S
04r. tn-ina i fcnrvla
in aae.
bliity, M-dcrva,Cnntni to
f miKM, a tK.rca.aian im. Adjresa. Btohop Remedy Co- man rrawj'-C CaV
Icreare four second hand scmJhj?
aiJcliiut"s u lik li have been thoroughly
ovcrliaulcil and put ifn emlr, so that
tlw?y are ready for immediate use
Any ue of tfiem Is a bargain for Bonie
or.e who doesn't, wish to, p$y the price
bf a new one just now. , J j
A; fjood box-bead Domestic
A CroKD, la good condition
A White, excellent condltbn r
A Hoasehosld. 'eqaelly good
There are a few others in the low
arm kinds at $3.00, '
We also. have ft few machine stands,
good for tyjewriters, at tl.OO eaclt. v
If your machine needs rpaijjng
; .
bring it down and have lWr. Jlurley,
x thorqugliiy experienced repairmani
fix it, for you.' . All work guarantee i
or no pay. If you 'wish liim to cull at
the house, phone No. 2161 Main;
',J : ' i- ''" .' - 1. -'
''" - 0 .-- S' '
Xccellesand parts for all machiuss.
litst neciles23c dozeu. . Why pyj
moro? Finest inarldne I oil mi the
market, Nye'rf or-IlowarVi's. Don't '
buy poor 'oil, it makes repair bills.
' ' .""' ".' ' ; ' I ! if
255-257 Liberty .-St; Salem. ? "
Farm 'Machinery, Hicycles." Shewing
Machines and-Supplies.
N. II. HURLEY, Sewing Machine
Repairing. '.'; '-.'.. '
n'iirS' STiLLIOH, "JER3MF."
' NO. 29631.
Wilt Ktand-fnr mares tbo eomlnr aeksoB mi rmr
ner of Kerry an 1 Libertr a.reet. For peligree
and particulars ca'l on ' '
DR. Wi tONG,
Veterlnery Su'geoa
lione 2CC1
Salem Or,
Honey to Loan Y
i, On improved farm and' city property
at lowest rates. '
Over La-dd & Bush's 'Rank.
Salem." Oregon.
NEW YORK. Jan. 1. -General Fran
cis V. Green today assOmed the ofllee
of Commissioner of PoIiie sucffceiins?
Colonel 1'artrliige. , Thene W ; c:'intiii.4
sloner aiirinted.lnspec,for Cartwrljiht
t;hief lnspector. which makes hltn thu
head of the uniformed ff rce and prac
tically chief of , police. General ' '5reon
suspended, without pay Inspector 'Don-'
al.j Grant 'and (he captafns whu ' are.
under Indictments. ; ' i - -.
Word has just reached here that the
new free.rural mall delivery route re-
cently approved Ky' postal Route Alt''
en; I c. clement, extending frt-m. thi'f.
pluce southwest and north vliS - 11 III-.;
side, covering a distance of j alxtut
twenty-five miles, an 1 distributing tho
mnH daily to atsiut 1,000' ee,ple, will
b Kin oi)eraitohs February- 1st. The '
dally route from Gastpu. traversfhg
If!tton and Se-fggln Valleys, will com
me nee on that date; alJto..
Legal Bisnks, statesman Job Office.
AVo, have now oh liand n big'
b'no of inert'rt antr ljoys' Iiirts in
our window of the MONARCH
BUANI). '.. ' :
; Shirts that sold, for $1.50 we are
now selling at ' - - $1.20
The ones that! were $1.25
now ' - - $1.00
The 75c oiks how - '.!' VjOc
And. wo are 6l1ering oiir entiro
stifle at 20 per cent discount.
the Number
. Street ,'
tro me wvm cas la a4 v-wnf trrmr t,.n m i
omatofrhoaa Itiion.vla. nixi
nrvlaaiona, a.m sack. Nerrom Lt
Marry, wor or tf fccm-sn, Varico'
im mam limfrlMi
K . - 1 ma l( . n .t f 1,1 t It ... m . i wW!f(V