Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, December 26, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    CillLIE, FORTH
Miss Edith Lanje arid' Hugh
Preston Allen Are flap- . r
pily Married
, i (From Thursday's Daily.)
A pretty wearing was solemnized
yesterday at.2:3T o'clock, o. mi. i.-.n
Miss Edith A.,Lanse became the hap-'j
py orme or Mr. .Hugh Preston AUen.
JThe wedding took place at the home of
,the' bride parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. A.
F. Lansre, In South Saleni, Rev. W, C.
KantneV, officiating." . ,,
The bridals theoniy. daughter o
Mr. a,nd Mr.Lange, and a young lady
of high Intellectual quatles, loved and
honored by all. The'vgoom is a son of
ex-State Senator Johri-AlIen,deceased,
pf Polk county, whose family now re.
nldes, In this city. .
ThQ you ns couple were the reciid
ents of iwmerous'beautlfuU presents-
gifts of their loving friend as tokens
of the esteem In which they are held.
The bride has been a resident of Sa-
lem for- the past three year, having
come' here with her parents" from Illi
nois in 1809. : .'.';.
i" They left yesterday afternoon on the
i 4 : 30 o'clock- train for a few days visit
at Portland and''. othef - cities, after
. which " they will return and take . up
their "residence on the Allen homestead
: In I 'oik county 1 ' - -'.-. .
. j A Double Wedding. , I
... Two holiday, marriage, rcremonimi
were performed by County Judge John
If. Scott at the Yourt house yesterday
afternoon, which, ahhougtwuiiet and
without a trace of ostentapon, ! were
none the : less I'mpressiye.fTbe two
couples: which" were I made iaflrfttely
happy on this occasion wore:;
Mlsa Dcla Bailey to Mr; ' Simon H.
Johnson, at 1:30 o'clock p. m. and Miss
Lizzie Itran to M n Itlchard V, Tarrot,
Capital City. ;-; -. ,k..T"-.1
IIsa Nina Bowers, of Salem, Is borne
ror the Xmas vacation. ... - i,
t 1 4?' V?dl0 and family, residents
latety of Turner, have removed to
Salem. -- -- . ....4 , , .. - ,.
The United States Government has
rurnlshed tombstones for two rerans
of thenar for the Union, interred in
Twin Oaks cemetery. Turner, vlx.. C.
Hal!. ofTort!fr, 3nd Jame Overson,
0 Shaw, the fJvtoV the 6th Wisconsin
vol. Int, the second of the 15th. .
Geo. Kendo!! will move Into the" Sid
ney Brownell house on : the Pringle
road. - -.- - - ."--'-l-- . -
: Pleasant Point Or.,. Dec 24. ;
Increase In Demand for Dairy
Products In China and
; ; ' ' Japan
. .- "(Frpm Thursday's Daily.) t
J. ,W?ftalley, State Food and Dairy
Commissioner, is in receipt of a com
munication from lion. , II. B. illlerj
United StatesiCbnsul at NIu Cbwang,
China, relating I to !the'. opening of a
market for Oregon dairy products In
the Orient. This letter ha been incor
porated in Mr. Bailey's report to the
.Legislature, and. as it Is of great con
cern to tbe people of the Willamette
Valley In that this district is fast be
coming famous as the greatest dairy
j district on the pacific coast. tb' le.Ue
is reproduced Ire full: i-
i'.V.rT Bafey;"state Dairy, and Food
(From Thursday'n Daily.)
Information reached the Agricultur
al College Wednesday afternoon of tha
presence in Alsea of the sheep disease
with ;Whlch he flocks of 5V. W. Haw
ley were affected last year, says the
Corvallis Times. 1 The, ailment affects
the lips and nostrils,' which -become
badly swollen and render eating and
breathfng difficult. It, first appears in
: the nature of rJrnples which multiply
Incumber until the whole) surface of
the affected parts becomt Involved. ;
" Ultimately the prinples resolve them
" selves .Into postudes and become conflu
ent, farming, a hard outer scab under
which Is tu- The whole takes on a
highly Inflamed condition, and seems to
f be very annoying to the affected anf-
the ground, which In turn increases
the violence of the symptoms. .
The disease Is infectious, but not
necessarily fatal.. Of 00 or 700 affect
m1 in A. W. Ilawley's D)nd last year,
less than half a dozen died. Equal parts
of k.ththyol and 'vaseline applied to
the parts is" a speedy and effective rem
eay. (There are also several oiner reui-
. - ediefj onje of which are less expensive
than isththyol and Vaseline treatment.
t ; The Hiime disease was widely prev
ulentjin Lincoln county ,last year. Its
origin If Unknown and the disease Is
coinpiiraitTvely new' in this country!; It
' Is ofunfulevalent in European herds.
, , ;; - A .
? 1 (From Thursday's Dally.) x
; Hi i(Kil closed Friday night with ln-
terrrUn-; exrclsc.. All thf sclvml
I 'took Pxrt and t Very nnft performed the
' iarts; ; r.ss'igned ( reditably. Prlees in
I composition weri given. First, for
1 origin illty. correct ppelling, pttnctu.t-
tlon and good,' grammar; iOconJ, f :r
y. tieatris of manuscript and handwrit
ing. The first prize was awarded to
Hattle Downs nnd the, second to Mar
xian Tblm m. Miss lllcks, the teacher,
has ?;lv-:n good satisfa.ctlon and seems
to be devoted to her work. ,.,
In iny last report, the typo In some
manner made me state thatrlhe G. G.
Dingham place 01 "ih
for $1,000. This is a mistake of Just 100
- acres. The farm consists of but 44
,. acres; Mr. Geo. Jones, of Tacoma. was
the purchaser. V v
John Meier and Mrs.- Meier have re-
- moved to Salem. Mr. Meier is employed
Sir: Concerning
the Orient. I beg to 1 advise you that
the markets f or ; the dairy products: in
there1, has ibeeri a constant "increase in
the consumption of butter, both in
China and Japan. Btrtter and cheese
Ho the -amount of 238.000 pounds were
Imported into CTiina In 1901. This was
an increase of, over 70 per cent over
the previous year. The enlarged con-i-sumption
of these articles. Indicates a
growth that will make the cohStirnptlon
by 1905 " at lesat double the,", present
Quantity. ' .', :
"The Increased passenger travel on
the. Pacific Ocean is -also enlarging the
Pacific Coast market for butter aud
cheese In a marked degree.
"The 'demand ; for butter and cheese
In Japan is also growing, arid will con
tinue to increase. The most remarka
ble growth In both of. these countries
in consumption of dairy products, how
ever, Is condensed milk. Butter Is
consumed largely by ; foreigners, b.
the natives are taking a fancy to tinned
milk of the 3 wee tenet kind, and It can
be-found in the native stores as far, as
our cotton goods ptnetrate, and much
farther into the Interior than our flour
jroes, This milK growing in favor De-
medicine for the sick and. health' food
for children, and It Is also believed
that It has power to revive vitality and
gire the forces of youth to old age,
The growth of this sentiment through
out both Japan and China is so great
that the supply of this sweetened milk
Is' constantly far below the demand,
f "The extt?nsive development of irri
gation tha'ls now coming into Oregon,
the tremendous increase In the produc
tion of the best milk-producing plant.
alfalfa, Remand that steps be taken by
the reople of this state to enter the
Oriental markets with milk, butter and
cheese. " . . If
"This country has b-itter communica
tion by steamer a better climate and
cooler water to ship through, . and
shorter time- Ih reaching consumers,
than any of its competitors, and there
sets to be' no reason why it cannot
command the trade. The merchants o
the Orient are anxious to make connec
tions with manufacturers of these pro
ducts here and arrange for monthly
shipments. An atrtnt established at
Kobe, Japan, .who- would make annual
trips tothe principal places in Japan
ani China, study the wsnts of the
trade and have the Tactions here con
form to their wants. ?. could command
the trade anl . make It ' permaneptly
tributary to thl coaxt. : r
"Very truly yours, ! -
i "II.. It. MILLER,
"Consul, China
Defeat of Burrows Resolution
Excites Comment From an
. .Irate Citizen
In the published report of the council
proceedings. Tuesday evening, appears
the following: - r
"The question of boundary brought
op a spirited discussion over a resolu
tion presented by-Alderman Burrows.
The text of the resolution proylded in
substance . for the- approval of the
council of the new boundaries, but that
If a majority of the .voters and taxpay
ers whose persons and prdptrtles were
Involved inthe change, should -inter a
remonstrance against; incorporation
then the' council would not approve of
It. The resolution was defeated almost
unanimously 1 1 5 r1
1 It possible that the inmbers "of
our council, througbi long' and rontin-are-
"the people." -tend 'that majorities
ued service, have concluded" that they
don't count. Once In' a while officials
get that un-American idea, but along
comes an election and they change
their minds. AMERICAN.;
Editor Statesman:
If "Big Salem" charter" is 'enacted,
will a foreigner employed to sweep i a
street crossing be required to exhibit
naturalization papers?
Foils a Deadly Attack. '
VMy wife was so ill that good physl
clans were unable to help her.rwrites
M. hi,, Austin, of Winchester. Ind, but
was, completely cured by .Dr. King's
New Life Pills. ? They work wonders
In stomach and liver troubles. Cure
odnstlpatIn,'slcieIieadache; 25c at Dr
Stone's Drug Store.
- y i
7n r
in 11 1 in
: Absolutely Puro
Joseph Richmond' Whitney and aiiss
9ii irwtiiA 'Wwwl wm united In mar-
wv-. - - - -
riage at the residence, of the bride's
1 brother, Arthur W. Wood, at 62 South
Flower street, In Los Angeles, CaJifor-
nia, on Monday evening, December 22,
' 1992. j Rev. Dr. McIntyre. -spC JLo An-
gelea, performed the ceremony, which
was witnessed by only a few relaUves.
The groom Is one of the proprietors
of the Herald and state Printer-elect.
The bride Is' a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. ft-Woo!..f this city, and a
Hhv nA accomplished young
lady. "They wlH spend their honeymoon
1 visiting In California and will return to
Oregon about January 1st. Their home
' will be In lenvwher the duties ot
r . Whitney a on ice reuune
lcnce. They have the best wishes ot
all for a happy and prosperous weddel
jjfe. Albany Herald. :
O'teh Vn a ; society woman's
"rhieks bum," you can detect the odor
of burnlag painu Life. - . A ...
ftll a man h mustn't and he will,
tfll a woman she .mustn't, and you II
gee. Life-- . :r j. . . .
(From Thursday's Doily.)
jr ticks of incorporation were ... filed
in the department of the. Secretary ui
(State yesterday, as follows:- t--;;-
- The Commercial Association of - Pen
dleton, will' erect a club building and
conduct a general stock and bond busi
ness In Pendleton. The capital stock
of the Association is $30,000, and Geo.
A. Hartman. R. Alexander and . Leon
Cohen are the Incorporators.- j
The Halldle Painter Tramway Com
pany, with headquarters in Portland,
and a capital stock of $50,00., will ac
quire and build tramways in all parts
of the world. Sidney II. Cowston,
Frank It. Russell and A Ernest A.
Cowston are the Incorporators, t ...
The, Oregon Trading Company, with
principal office In Sumpter, and a capi
tal stock of $20,000. will do a general
forwarding and commission business.
Clark Snyde. J. T. . Donnelly, and H.' C.
Bowers are the .Incorporators.
, i
.t RIVER. i " '' "T ' ' ' "
The heavy rain of Tuesday has had
the effect of bringing the ''river up
again. The rise was over three feet
the twenty-four hours ending at 6
o'clock .last night, registering at that
tour, 8 feet above low, water; mark.
The sudden moderation of the weath
er during the past twenty-four hours
has caused some little apprehension
among those having property contigu
ous' to the river, as it is feared that the
rapid melting of the heavy fall of snow
in the mountains and the'foothills will
cause the swelling of the rivtr beyond
Its, banks. ; '
Many of the people who live in glass
houses go into politics and they don't
seem to mind it a bit. Puck.
The Popular Idea That It Comes From
the Kidneys 4Not Warranted '
t . By Facts." - .
People who IiniKlne that iackache,
p;:ln. Irritation, sornes or tenderness
in the back 4s a sure sign of kidney
trouble, are victims of a great error.
Not more than one backache In a hun
dred, -comes from kidney trouble. The
fact is, kidney diseases usually do not
cause ' any phlri, and are often unsus
pected until y eerious complications
arise.. '
Backache is generally , caused by
heart, liver and female troubles, mus
cular rheumatism, lumbago, constipa
tion, or some Irritation of tha -i nerre
centers which radiate frorh the lower
portlcn of'the spinal chord. To try and
cure these troubles by the use of kid
ney remedies is worse than useless.
In all cases of backache that contin
ues for more than a Tew days, it is bet' 1
tor to consult- a physician who makes
a specialty of.'chronic 3Jid lingering
diseases, and who has paid 'special at
tenticn to the prolifJcV subject of back
ache. From his large experience he has
a better undertanSing of thfr nature
of' and the best methods of treating
such disorders. fNo otis has .done mere J
for such sufxerers than lr. j'Taiiklln
Miles, the heart, brain and nerve spe
cialist. , , .
"For several yeirg 1 nafTer:d with
backache, biliousness, rioirach S'oublf,
and a tenderness in abdomen . which the
cVctor wild' was.-raocrf by catarrh cil
the biaddpr..-Rece iving no benefit frm
their trVatment. I wrote to Dr. Miks
j llilLu -iiDLO
. ..Hi i
i ! N
Aumsville -siioiiiQ
Wo kimlly ask you to read this ad, save it, and use-it iis s
guide in your buying. If yon will do this you wilt save money.'
. In the next issue our list alpbabeticall' . wilif be "C." i1
Butter Aumsville." 25c lb. E0c roll.
Butter Good cooking, 45c roll. -Bacon
Breakfast, 17c lb
Bacon Heavy country, 13 l-2c lb.
Royal Baking Powder
IaIf-pound tins, 2Se.
One pound tins. 45c.
Two and one-half pound tins, $1.00. '
Five-pound tins, $2.00. :
Baking Powder Folger's, 1-lb tins,
3 Do each.' ' . '
Baking Powder Fo!gers half-PPn J ;
tlnf, 20c. ''.-: - ";; : ' '' ' '
Baking ' Powdei1 Schillfng's Best,M-
Ib tjns. 35c. V ' '
Baking Powders-Schilling's Best, 1-2
lb tins. 20c C ' ' - ' - '
Baking Powdery-Schilling' Best, 2
lb tins. 90c each. 5 f : i - -
leaking Powder Schilling's Bes, 5
lb tins. $1.60 each. ; - '. ;
' Baking Soda. Schilling's Best, 1 lb
pkg. 5c. 1 -
llakingySoda Folgert. 1 lb pkg-,
5c. ; , , ,;7-:' '.:;: V- -
Bakings Soda Arm and Hammer. 1
lb pk.. 2 pk. He; 4 pk 25c. . ;!
Ball Bluing La A. C- R. German-' Blue.
15c boT. ' .' -i'-i.
Bananas, 25c do.
Barley, pearl. 5c lb, lbs for 25c. ,i
Beais, small white. 5c lb. 6lbs S5f..
Ileans, small white, home grown, &c
lb. 6 Urn for 25c. , f" '
Ieef, canned, corned. 2. lb tins." 25c.
Beef, canned, corned. 1 lb tins. iSc.
. Beef, "canned, chipped,-dried, 1 lb
tins, 25c.-.-'', - ' -'..;."".;; t."V-;"-'-';.,j
. .Beef, canned, chipped, dried, 1-2 lb
tins, 15c. -. --.,-V ".' '.'; .- : ; ". ; '
Bird Seed, with cuttle bone, 1 lb
pk.. 2 for 15e, 4 for 25c. '-;
Bluinpf,; Mrs. Stewart's, best made.
10c bottle. .
Boiled Cider. G S brand, pt bottle,
15c. '-V"-,-- " -
Bone Meal, 2c per lb, $1.75 per 100
lbs. ; - -1 ' ; ' . ;
' Butter Colors Wells,. Richardson -Co..
20c bottle.
Buckwheat Flour, J. Spanlol & Sons. '
10 lbs at 35c.
Brooms," ranging In price from 2Cc
to 40c. . 1 .
Burners. Lamp, A or No. 1, 10c, 2 for.
15c; -'
' Burners, Lamp, B or No. 2. 10c or
3 for 25c. . "
Borax. Lump, 12 l-2c lb.
Buyer's Best Flour, $1.00 sk. $3.90 a
bbl. v
Butcher nlves. 6 In. razor steel. No.
525, 50c. ;
Butcher Knives. 6 In. raor steel. No
650, 35c. . ?
Butcher Knives, No.. 21, 20c.
Butcher Knives, No. 20, 15c.
Butcher Knhrc. Jn, genuine Wil
son, 30c. "
. Braces, No. 129, 75c. . -
Button Pliers, 6 in., Soc.
Button PUers. t ln 40c.
Butts, 3x3 cast. No. 142. 10c pair.
Butts, 3 1-2x3. 1-2. cast. No. 142, at
12 l-2c pair. " ; ' ' .
Butts; 3x3, wrought. No. 823. 11 l-2s :
pair. ' r'" " : ' - ' " '.
r Butts. 3 1-2x3 1-2,. wrought. No. $23.
., 15c pair. .y-
Butts. 4x4, wrought. No. $23, 20c.
Jtatrel Bolts, 3 In., No. 923, 10c.
t Barrel Bolts, 3 in No. 24, 10c.
i" Bells. Cow, No. 2, 30c
Bells. Cow. No. 3. 25c. "
Bells, Cow, No. 4. 20c.
" Bells, Cow, No. 5, 15c.
Bells Cow or Sheep, No. 7. 10c.
Bread Knives, Aetna. No. 1. 20c.
Bread Knives, No. 201. 40c. i .
"Bradley" Men's Shoes, lace, v high
cut. Kang. calf, -43.25. t
' "Blue IMfd" Child's Shcs; sprihg
;. heel, sixes to 8. 70c.
' 'Blue Blrtl" Child's Shoes, no heel,
sixes 3 to 6, 50c.
-Bfuck Bird" Child's Shoes,; rpifng
heel, sizes 5 to 8. 70c.
Black Bird" Child's Shoes, spring"
: heels, sizes 2 to 6, 50c.
"Ileauty" Iadles' Shoes, vlci kid, pat.
' tip. sixes? 3 to 1, $2.00.
Blacking. Rislng Sun, 5c.
a Boston "Baked Beans. Booth's, I te.
Bull Durham Tobacco. 1 o. pk., 5c;
.', 6 for 25c. ' .-. . ..
Boot Jack Che-wlng Tobacco. 5 1-3 .
' plug, 30c.; . : 1 ..
, Brandywlne Chewing Tobacco, 3 1-3 '
. oscL plug. 15c. - '
Beans; Blue Ribbon Brand. 2 1 tins,
: 10cJ' -- ; -. '.i : i r
BrVhes, "Dandy" R!c Root "Horse.
' 25c. ' - ''
Berlin Kettle, Royal Grey Granite,
No. 03, 3 qt 40c. ' ?
Berlin Kettle. Royal Grey Granite.
. No. 04. 4 dt. 45c. .
BeHi'n Kettle. Royal Grey GraMit?, .
No. 05, 5 qt. ROc k
Berlin Kettle, Royal Orey . Grnnite,
No. 06. C qt 65c. ' ': ,;'
Berlin Kettle. Royal Grey Granite.
. No. 0. 8 qt. 63C. "
Berlin Sauce Pans. Royal Grey
Granite. No. 03, 3 qr,. 40c.
!. . Berlin Sauce Pans. . Roval Grey
Granite, No. 04. 4 qt, 45c. " .
Berlin Sauce Pans. - Royal, Grey
Granite. No. OS. 5 qt. 50c.
Berlin Sauce Purs. Uofal , Gwy
Granite, No. 06, 6 qt, 55c. 1
Berlin Sauce Pann, Royal Grey
Granite, No. 08, 8 qt, C5c. '
Brorro Soltser. 10c. 3 fu 2"e.
Bu'.klcn's Arnica Salve. 2Cc. ,
Barrels of Cranberries for 12 l-2c quart, and
Barrels of Plain Mixed Candy at 7 l-2c pound during the holidays.
Now that the question as to who was
our" friend at the time of the 'war' with
Spain has been threshed out, one might
start a discussion as to who really
thought that we were going to win.
At the Hotel Manhattan yesterday, C.
8. Clark, of Chicago, was lei 11ns of a
trip he took through Europe In the
summer of 1898, and of What he found
thj sentiment on this question; to be.
"Outside of England, which we who
were abroad that year felt to be really
like home, I found but one place where
it was thought we would win. In
France we were- foolish.- In ? Austria
they had us paying an indemnity to
Spain, but up in Sweden I: found, a
young officer In a naval station who
was confident that we would wipe out
the Spanish navy. Somehojr or other
he had managetf to see something of
the inside of the Spanish navy, and
alio, of the navy of the United States,
and hence, he said, came hla confidence.
IVTemember, too, he remarked to me,
If you do whip Spain, you will have
to double your navy. That's the pen
alty of victory. I found many other
people In Sweden who were ' most
friendly to us f" they all seemed to have
a most genuine regard for Ihe United
Slates 'and admiration for our power
and our methods of doing things."
N. T. Tribune. ' V
, ALBANY. Or Dect 24. The recent
report published in (several different,
papers in the state that the Corvallis
& Eastern Railroad would be extended 1
aeyoslhrt Cascade mountains through!
One small bottle of Hall's Great! Dis
covery cures all kidney and bladder
troubles, removes gravel, ,cufe "dia
betes, seminal emissions, T.-eak and
lame backs, rheumatism, and nil Ir
regularities of the kidneys and Madder
in both men and women. ivgiln;ep
bidder troubles In children. , If not
sold by your druggist, will be sent by
mail on recc!f,t of $1. One small bot
tle Is two months trea'tmeitt, and ''will
cure any case above mentioned Dr.
E.V W. Hall, sole manufaturer. J. Ot
Box 629, St. Iul. Mo. Send for testi
monials.. Sol l by nil druggists, and !
DR. S. C. STONE'S drug store, St
lem, Oregon. I, .
READ tins.
Bandon Ore., Dec. 8. JMl.
Dr. K. W. Hair. St. Louis, Mo. pear
Sir: I have used your Texas Wonder
for kidney and rheumatic trouble. Its
effects are wonderful. It has no equaL
and I can cheerfully recommend It.
Yours trujy. I HARVEY HOWE.
' .';"'.'""'-."'
CHICAGO, Dec. 24. The Daily News
today says that capital to the amount
of nearly a billion dollars Is reported
to bo represented in the formation of
a gigantic gas trust, which will in
clude the different companies In nearly
all the principal cities of Europe and
the large Interests of London, i A Chi
cago man Is alleged to be the orisrln-
ator of the Scheme and Chlcaro and
;ew Ygrk capital Is represented In the
J for any case of Deafness (cnused by
I catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Katwrrh Cure. Send far circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tolelo, O.
Sold by druggists,-75c,
Hall's Family Pills ie the. bent.
WASHINGTON, Ex-c. 24. The spe
cial Army Board on the new Armymtl
f?rm has decided In favor of the ti
of the blue facings for th uniform In
ted of white facings, ns" " had Ik-on
suKgested. The action of the ,b)ir.l
ivas based mainly on the,.' fact.; . th.il
many officers had gone to the ripen te
of having their new uniforms mada
with the blue facings; In conformity
with' the original actlon'of the Ixrl.
and It wns thought thdt the work ha I
gone too far to Justify" a chanee sim
ply to gratify. a taste In the matl'V of
olor. : ... '.-.,..".''.
Th'-re- Is i strong: sentiment In favor
of fwhlte fadngs In the Army. iespli-
the action of the Wlrd, and the matter
will not be settled until passed on by
the Secretary of War.
LEBANON, Or., Dec. 24. Mrs. Julia
N.,McKnlght died at her home, three
miles south of Lebanon,1 December IS.
Sh was born 'January 5. 1847, In IV
Moines county. Iowa, and resided in
fbat county until 164, vk-nwlth hr
tnVjther and step-father shfl started
across the plains for Oregon, her sfrp
f&thsr dying oh the wsy across." Willi
ner mother he arrive! in the Wili.nn-
project. John D. Rockefeller is creditif le ya,,ey ln ,al1 of ,h saie yjit.
a . . . - ' JMf ja ma Hm. a v t a ,
a wun oeing a orosneetli
Iv tn-khniri- t nd settled In Linn county, and hnn
Eastern Oregon, to Vale, are. wltbonti or to the amount of $300,000,000. Oth-, Ade her home here until the time of
any tundation whatever. Manager Ed
win Xune, when asked yesterday, said
the C & E-lcontempIated no extension
at present. ' V ; ' ,
"There is nothing in the- rumor,"
suli Mr. Stone, 'although I wish it were
true. As far as I knowvthe C. & E.
"will make no extension In any direction
In the Immediate future." -
B?.sl has the only zoological garden
in PwiU rland. . ';
. England has Just experienced the
crldert May for 60 years.
Only good swimmers are sccertablc
f of. advice, an-l his melicine, Mch,a recruits in the German army.
w3 Kfeclailyi prepared fcr, me, hasj meiidinal Russia people gain a re
done eveythlng ha said It would, and Tn:tcratlve living by fishing for
t am satisfied that I am permanently 4 icees. .ty. -.-i -- . --. -y .
cured." Mr. R A.- Brk-e, Mscon. Ga. f rhere ; re ifuQ blind people in- the
. Df. 'Mlles treats paiienta by mall,' East End of London;' most, of .whom'
T.-fih th greatest sa'-re.s.. Write to maice ij living by begging. t ' .
Um If -you are ftot ,wlL xo?ia yourj Bamboo In Java makes an effertiv
trouble and as fir a f-.e Arial treat- , poison, the fine hairs on the young
me nt. Address Dr, Pra nklia Mife-s. 23 boots being mixed with food., -.
to 205 State street. Chicago. III. .'. , Of the S6.000.6C0 odd acres ot land in
e- Russia 25 per cent are occupitKJ by for-
In writing mention the Weekly Ore-
goo Statesman, txiiem, ure.
test9 and orchards.
er New .York car4talista said to be in- Bcr aatn. hhe was married on Jaft-
terested are Anthony i Bray, D O MllIiU;lrjf 2 18C3 to Thomas P. Mt Knlglrt,
and A- R, Flower. crK. O .Billings, t who urvlv ber. She leaves ,lir. fs
of the People's Gas Light & Co)c Cora- L01.,14 ''-dau6hter. . -nany.
and Anthonv tirAv k , i" 1,1 ' 1 ' -
- - - - - v ini
the prime mover In th venture, -thai
stOrv rant, will louvs within n
for I'aris, to perfect the deal.
days NEW YORK. Dec. 24. Ax.cornmlsinn
as First Lieutenant "of the Twclftu
n ? . J Regiment. National Guard, signed in
Deafness Cannot B Cured ' Governor Odell. has been recti vtd for
by Iwal applications, as they cannot Cornelius Vanderbllt by Colonel O-or;
reach the diseased portton of the ear. K Dyer, from Albany. Mr. Vand. tbi t
Thre Is only one way to cure deafness only two days btfore 'he was takn 1!1
andat s by constitutional remedies, passed, a exceptionally high exatniin
Dcafrless Is caused by an Inflamed con- Hon fee fore the Brigade Board fo.r lvi
ditirrn of the mucous lining of the lOsitlon, to which" he has been ckf t. ,1
Eustachian tube. When this tube gets from the grade of Second LWut-nuit
inflamed you have a rumbling sound some weeks Previous
or imperfect hearinsr. and when it Is :
ipnilrely closed DfaXness Is the result. TK ACHE US ON A STRIKE.
ni uniess me mnammation can be. .: WINNIPEG, Man.. Dee. 2.W All V '
taken-out, and. this tube restored tlts women teacher. In the portaK (-
r.of?mal .condition, hearing be le- Prairie schools except en hai- Ron c. ,
stsyed for-ver; nine cases out of ten a strike to enforce the demand for !.
are caused by catarrh, which lsoth- ter wages.' The teachers are suj j.ortf 1
Iw? butfan inflamed -condition of the by practically every If-adlng fc rnn -i
mucous s-urfactTtk, - ; ! the town. The trustees are advcrtlsi'i .:
We will, give Ona Hundred Dollars for nw teachers. - -
..-. '-L .. . I
1 I