Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 14, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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of Miss Morton.-: He pleaded not guilty
anil was remanded without bail tor a
hearing November lfcth. ' -
After his release Mason held an In
formal reception, and after " a . rhort
time was driven to his homo In Boston.
M i 1 71iA . .V i -1
Ii Second Department of the
Circuit Court Yes
: 4 terday
(From "Wednesday's Dally.)
Xfhew; suit was filed yesterday In
department No 2 of UheState Circuit
Court it which' Ferdinand Haselbacher
is plaintiff and Anton Gehrman, le-
HUNUR GENERAL SUMMERS in p& tnke Overruled Motion
fendantj The suit la brought to n?
coVer the sum of $53 alleged to be due
the plaWunTfop work performed in
the : construction of a barn upon the.
ilses of Gehrman. the work having'
been done last sprint. The plain tin
"alleges that he entered Into a- contract
with the defendant to erect for htm a
barn, but that there was no special
agreement as to the wages, to be "paid;
that he employed a man to asUt him
in the work; that he and his assistant
performed, labor, for, a period of
thirty days, wherefore he' asks wages
. a't ' the rate of 2.M per day for him
self, and $2.00 per day for hla assist
ant, thV whole amounting to the sum
of $135, i of which amount the sum "of
$80 only! has been paid, leaving a bal
ance duo him of $""5-
Tho complaint further sets forth
that on' or about June 4, 1&02, plaintiff
filed a mechanic's lien upon said Varn.
the cost of preparing and filing which
was about the um of $5.00. He there
frr nravn the court for a decree of
judgment against the defendant for the
sum of $: for labor renaerea., s
the eot of nreoartni and rn-'ne a
mwhanlc'! lien., and the further sum
Attorney's fees. He
ftirthor ks that the Hen be foreclosed
i.'hrnTi and bind unon which It
u . , .
stands, itne proceeds to go toward the
II.... Linton nf : hl9 ClalmS. 1 Mm tU.
Pogue b attorney for the plaihtl.
. ! ftHII Bcfor tn Court.
There was nothing new in Judge
- nnito'a iorrtment vesterday. the en-
tire day being spent In examination of
witnesses In the Custar-Lee Brown &
Bon suit which has been occupying
the attention of the court ulnce Mon
insr. There were nearly a,
,in.an u-itnesses on each side, all of
those for the plaintiff, Custar, having
: ,mlnri. and all. fcXceptlng
three, for the defense. The case has
been dragging slowly along. butlt U
expected that today it will be., sub-
jnmeu. -
...miMirv niSfUSSES DEFEAT
IN DETAIL .- '' ' '
' (From "Wednesday's Daily.)
Killtor Statesman: "
Our J iw makes no provision for the
"transn&tting of female patients to the
Asylum for the Insane other than the
-..?.. rnvlcts to the Peniten-
, the sheriffs. Women are thus
Iwt rr,,n distant counties- of the
'state, often taking more than one da,
and requiring their keeping over night
in transit. They are thus brought
sometimes bound, by men alone, and
in .some Instances placed at
prisons on the way. At the W"
seelon of 189 Dr. Josephl. !
been Superintendent of the fctate Asy
lum, and knew how repulsive that sys
tem was. introduced in the Jj" jf
which he was n member, a bill provid
Tng that women patients, committed to
thl Asylum, should be ent for and
brought there by trained women ac
.?S2S4. to their handllngand care
This ha long been and still . Is .
' shocking abUJ.e and
; state. The bill w ns passed by the Sen
ate but by th time it was reached In
The House, sheriff, whose mjnt
. ,rr kv- the wronosed change.
f,m many part, of the s U . o
! lnhttv fur Its dereai. anu n v.
lobly f...- .v. w'VIulkk voting
cd in trie ii"""- - --- - -
ngaln.t the bill to the reproach of Ma
Hon .Punty and PrIUMAfJITT.l
Again a Portland man has received
a National honor. iThe HpaniKh-Amer-ican
War Veterans have mad? General
Owen Summers comman'Jer-ln-ehlef f
the United Stfites. He yesterday wired
his acceptance and will at once take
steps to establish headquarters In
Portland. He is to be idlowed an as
sistant here, and hereafter practically
all of the business of this organization.
representing - forty-two departments
md a membership of over 125,000, will
h done lhrnurh PortLml. The Gen
eral's term of office will be until the
niritt National convention, whlcn will
probably be held at the. same time as
to Dissolve in Gibson
the convention of the G. A.'R. at San
KrinrlKon. The news of his call to the
office came rather unexpectedly .yes
terday. . At the reorganization of the
association at Washington, D. Oc
tober It, Colonel It. H. Savage was
elected commander-in-chief, and Gen
eral Summers senior vice-commander.
T'f ilnnf-1 K:vastc. however, on account of
ill heaith, has not: been able to accept
tne position, and tnis leaves tne nonor
and responsibility to General Summers.
who is the next In rank, xeateraay ne
received a letter from the 'adjutant
general. W. C. Liler, who has Charge
of the general headquarters at Lancas-
ten Pfl. lla enclosed a. letter from
Colonel Savage that gave his reasons
for not accepting the honor, and urged,
flonoral Siimmpr; to wire his a ceo-
tance at once, which he did lasl even
ing. ' ) 1 (A
(General Owen Summers was born In
Brockvllle. Canada. June 13. 1SS0. ail
when less than a year old his parents
emigrated to tne utyiea Ktates. up to
1C4. he resided in ChicaKO. . When a
boy, 14 years old. he enlisted In Troop
H (Of the Third Illinois (jravary. Jii
troop at once entered Into a vigorous
(From ThursIayq Daily.) '
In the equity department of the State
Circuit Court yesterday, the motion of
Thomas Gibson, the defendant. ' dlR
folve the Interlocutory Injunction was
argued before Judge Boise and - was
overruled. "
The Injunction restrain the defend
ant, Thomas Gibson, from In anyway
Interfering with or using the peraonal
property now upon the farro.owned by
the plalntHT. Mrs- Mary Gibson.' and
her minor children, and all of the
property consisting of farming lmrle-
men tii, horses, cow, etc, are claimed ;
by Mrs, Gibson and t her children as
aaainst Thomas Gibson, the defend-;
The troubles of the Gibsons. which
Includes a divorce and an accounting,
being two separate suit, will be heard
by Judge Boise en Monday,
2th. " - ' .
Action For Money.
Irt the first department of tha circuit
court, yesterday, the suit o P.. E. Rob
ertson, plaintiff, vs. 1. F. Amert.l. , de
fendant, was filed. The plaintiff, for
cause of action, allegea tlutt on Sep
tember 22. 1902, an account was stat
ed between himself and the defendant.
an h;it unon such statement a balance
campaign In Tennesse. Kentucky, Ala- $646 44 was found to be due' him.
bama. Mississippi, and the Carollnas. thnt defendant has failed to pay
bama. Mississippi, and the Carolina i that defendant has failed to pay
At the close of the war the Regiment e thU action ia broughi
was sent to Dakota -and made a cam
paign against the SiAix Indians, In
December. 18Cr. he was mustered out
of service at Springfield, I1L 1
General Summers first came to Ore
gon In January, 1S75, but returned East
,.fla- a ' hrlnf lloit In l7'l tlonprill
. i. I. " i ...... . -
Summers returned to Oregoni and es
tablished in Portland a large business
in crockery, glassware and house fur
nish nes. He was instrumental in or
ganizing the .Veteran Guard of Oregon,
and. May 23, 1883. fwas commisnionea
lieutenant and served tnree years m
that organization. !A a memoer oi
the state Legislature of 1886 he was
active In behalf of a bill to reorganii.e
the Guard, and under the new organ
izatlon was male Lieutenant-Colonel
of the First Regiment, July iz,
This position ne nueo seven yeai.
. Ills next advancement was on
.KA n lu'id nhKii he wna elected
full Colonel. He beld this position at
the sum. hence this action is nrougni
to recover the same, together with the
costs and disbursements of the action.
A writ of attachment lias been issu
ed and levied upon property owned by
ihn defendant, in . the town of Turner,
f ! J consisting of lots 1 and 2. In black -3.
ana leei uo mo "
In block 3. In the same town. Carson
& Adams are attorneys for the plain
tiff. -
- (From Thunwiay's Dally.)
V. H. Egan went to Portland
business Friday.
John Mill, of Gervais. sold his hops
the beeinninK of the Spnih-AmericHn tor cents a pound. v i 1
Ti. uiui Knner. or i:irar
War. and, at the arnest solkltaUon of
the Governor, accepted i a ommlasion
as Colonel of the Second Oregon Regi
ment. Oreeon Volunteer-Infantry. As
he had a shrt time before been com
mi.ninnMi hv President McKinlcy Ap
praiser for the port of Portland, It will
be seen that he made no ordinary sac
rifice In answering his country's call.
The Second Oregon Regiment was
the first to leave the shores of the
United States for a foreign invasion;
flt to land In the Philippine Islands.
and the regiment to receive the official
surrender of Manila, August l,
Heneral Summers was piacea in com-
m.mrt of a nrovlnlonal brigade under
General Lawton, April 21, 1S9'J, and
ilnallv breveted Rrlgadler-General by
President MtKinley ror ineritqrious
services while In the field.
r i
- HABERLY'S unuw,fvu
i jp ruin - , t
m-vltnr were opened ?up for bust-
.T streetP lasth nhcht. one
V. V Vu- T W. Thoinpwn t o.
being the S. , , j
Jewelry store anu -j- -
Haberly drug "' were beautifully
Th "UT"," , resrecUve ,tocx.
orrangeo. . -
shown to tne . !,,.veiry store
The sh6w windows "S.onds
W(Te JT",. ms. and sco.-e cf
nnd otner ,, s-( nI
iim ..... muir Vphmki horn'.
Berta and Walter Nusome were coll
. A r.in.ta w1nesdar.
Bertha Clarke, a former teacher of
Eldrldge scfcool Is teaching at ,PP-
um Mitvlene Miller I attending
school In Salem, and her sister. Ml-
tvne. In Silverton.
Mies Etta Buskey's school had a va
. . .t, itttsmll institute.
ration w in ir
nfi- T.m-in Jones, one of our nicest
l.iiAa i te.ichlne FalrncM
J ,PU,,f
i-hooL -
it Thtvtdaon. of SL Paul, said If he
had hops he would hold for 30 cents a
I pound.
Mr v.nn Massev came up from St.
Paul to attend the teachers' institute
..-v. ...... . v. .ffaria r ilrifral Sum-I In Salem.
s it.k.p1. . ' - - - -
- . ,... h . . i .. n-. ... i-.t. 1 . . . t-i .n .AnfAl . anil - moved
erans have been well oJked after. The on tht. Hubbard place. I supine that
slate has purchased a fine mlirtary
cemeterv nlot for over $3,000. t)ver
US 000 rash hasten raised to build a
state mon
those who fell In the Spanish
War." -
In February. 1901. General Summers
w.ts nmiointed commander of the De
partment of Oregon. Spanlsh-Amerl
means another wedding.
MIm Kate Munnys birthday
ih has-been raised to build a J p.jhVated by a genuine suprtse party,
ument "to the memory of lA deciou8 supper was served,
fell in the Spanish-American 1 mln,nr -. top-
w n tjiwler. the mining man, stop
ped off at Brooks to visit his family at
Huah Eldrlelge's.
.inhnnv.Savaee. who died at Salem
partment OI orPBim, riraiin-nni.i.- - .,,.
can War Veterans, by General Hullngs. Hospital, was a nephew of Mrs. Evans
then commanaer-in-ciuet. uunng m
administration nourishing camps have
.n nrrmlml at Portland fS). Rose-
burg. Kitlem. Eugene and corvaitis.-
Oregonlan. i ;
and Mrs. Eliot Savage. . ! 1
uiu u!v Masev reports that Mrs.
Pelland of St. Paul is very ill. and that
a gentleman in St. Paul committed sui
.,i. t... .hnniinr himself in the head.
at Eldrledge school!
c ,., .-.lav venlnr. September' 2 2d.
V.nnn ,.r Achate: "Resolved.: That I
'! I J ii I Kr,mr-o i- More Attractive Than Art.
SOME MEUCANTUJ;. IN Vi i. V . invitation to Gervalsltes;
VrT?Z, iheir nature can be Improved. by art.
' ww"'!"" rT" , Brooks. Nov. 12, 1902.
- "S . ". .' . V I . ' ,
From Wednesdays J-uy. crrcwrc cilTC
- Five companies filed articles of In- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FAILS
ni.nx.ratlon with ? the Secretary of . ! . . 11
State vesterday, as follows:
- . Alt. mm
The Fisner Mercantile t,uuiiau;,
with a capital stock, of 16.000, will con
t., a evnoral merchandise and real
estate business in Springfield. Oregon.
Henry. F. and Carl E. nner
Miltort Ballv are the incorporators.
The Gelser-Hendryx jnvestmeni i
Irktiise Hose, of
who has been IH
Nor. 12 Mlasi
Kvanston. Illinois.
hMT for almost a
islde throngea , land flumea tor me "JJ,,-, s ,
aiiu .
The dlplay re "V?V vr.ln- to
artiste -Kill In winaow
say the least. I - - ' ; : v -
The Gelser-Mcnaryx t 1" no"d".-V"VJ.V ;,r treat
party, of Baker t-'ity. -t-b"". mown. " "" ( -- . .
"; n a general loan, investment 1 L,n by A Christian Sc ence healer.
Ja,e ,i.w Ainifal i .... i.k mi. trie is the daugh-
stock of $5,000. The incorporators are tr of Holmes Hoge; assistant c shier
Xutert Geiser, Harry T. Hendryx and of the Flr,t National Bank of hlro.
FTowne Company; in- n'sc.sV heaIfr. sa.dtonight that
ccriHrated by L. 1 J !ihes ! itoge' na
- i waco county, for nis-
jane v.itr. .-- .
....tton among it shareholder. The
capital toc k is fa.ew
To the twblie.
.... - .
. .av fiw words- n
:.f .-t.mhMtfi!ns Cmirh Remedy.
t had very severe cough an.l cU n4
ipital .tock ia 5.0. , - 1 fta?.VZZ.r: .'J a. but at
Tv,. fHitblrth-Jonneni v . -- - i rearea ;
- . rati . . . aAnni nB - tit
rvitnnanr of Astoria, wim u tawnj .
S of $5 000. will manufacture nd medjc,ne j Ml bter three bottles of
etocK tii j.w, ,, vt.i of I.. . ttn.t the nains In my
sell oalnts. -tarns. anur.. ,nror. I It curr , -m t
wood and meta, tt, " for health. Ralph -
orator, are C. L .con . , JJ $ - Thirty-Seventh street,
Johansen and C. . K. " .MJ.i For sile it Stonc'f
The Milton opera A--'' "Zw(Mm
"f - . ' ,'. till
irantDOE. Mass.. No.. l
v.m- - . l hinfln. n 1 1
h Rnlton cluomnii. .wm AIW
u. ao. A Morton. a ccrpun -tTrto-aa.
of the murder of Clara A. M? ajy cQoartT and L- B. Hog.
night, wa. dlscnargea,
Almy. oheThlrdDli
Tbe PttriUnife rowed to lore, honor d oVr her i f1
tliat" the husband is the head of the"wa she yielded to his wUi her to.
We hare changed all that. We have cut tbe wora -ouey -
We. have accepted the doctrine of Xemuune
equality. .Women no longer keep silence in the church. In btmncs. aro
cations and professions they march side by side with men. TWay the
intellectual equality of woman is frankly conceded, and yet that puritan
wire, rowed to obedience, whose husband was also her lord, hajone pomt
of equality with the stronger sex which the moacm wum.
lost : she had the equality ot neaitn, uu " -
and strength which enabled her to keep her place at her husbands
side in times of danger'and of peril. v . .
, As houaewife she waa tirelesa in her industry. As mother she
reared a large family. She knew little of the ache and ills which
rex the modern woman who has entered upon the heritage of
woman's rights, f Statisticians have called attention to the decrease
in the size of thefamily. Women shrink from the pangs and obli
gations of maternity. The very participance of women
door sports once termed manly, is only an evidence
of the fact that she recognizes her physical deficiency
and weakness. But outdoor sports and exercises are
open to comparatively few women, and while exer
cise' may promote tho health1 when it ia once estab- -
lished, it cannot produce beaitn. in iact wu
there is womanly weakness, exercise may be an
injury where the weakness permits the possibility of
exercise. ". ? V,; :T -
The first and greatest of woman's rights is the
tight to be healthy, the right to enjoy herself as a
wife and to be happy as a mother. .Gire woman
this and all other features of womanly equality will
take care of themselves.
; In hundreds of thousands of cases this physical
Biiiolitir Via been restored to weak and sick women
by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription, the medicine
which , makes weak women strong and sick women welL -
Mv wife used three bottles of Dr. Pierce's medicincj and I never saw
such results." writes A. B. Ilaynes, Esq.. of Aurora, Lawrence Co., Mo.
" It was wonderful in its work. Ws liad used lots of medicine, al had
one of the best physicians in Aurora, but inr wife got no better; we
heard one pitiful groan after another, day and night. A friend landed
me a copy of Dr. Pierce's book, The Common feeuse Medical Adviser,
and after reading the testimonials of Dr. Pierce's successful treatment,
and seeing that the cases describe.! were similar to my wife's, K-bouKht
for her a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Inscription. ' Before she bad
taken all of the medicine she waa up and helping to do the work. ne
rr. t.V, three bottles and is now well. Has better health than she has
hd for mn. so nerfectlY did the medicine do iU work.
! Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures womanly ills and the
aches and pains which these ills are tho cause of. It establishes
regularity and so gives freedom from the periodic suffering 'which
o many women endure with each recurring month. It dries
the drains which distress and weaken women. - ueai
cnawiriir ulcer, puts out the scorching "flame of inflammation, and perfectly and,
Permanently cures female weakness. It also cures backaclic, licaJnche, ncrvous-
: -i i tl.nr ill which are the result of womanly diseases.
Ar vmt have fortrottcn me. but after you have read my IctUr you will remember
(, .11,
tyou have lorgenten me, dw ac . '" " 'm- thenar iKo:
me" writes Mrs. Annie Ji. wonng, ,,.".." - : - - - - . ... -.. - j
tnr -dvice which you pave me free of charge. rNow, Iioctor, I win n il iu i
Jk 1 Z o eto you I could not w.lk strsirht, for pa n , my aUlomrn
cmld nS t down.?ie town, or gl-t any ease at all, I had Wlmt was calle.1., the best doctor
dUlnot : eit "any better unUl I went throt,Kh a course of your medicine. I toik
Sdiylhlt iced yoedicTne. anit ;will cure them if they will follow your adv.ee."
Sick women are invited to romult Dr. Pierce by letter, All correHpona-
ence is held as sacredly confidential, and the. written confidences of.wonun are
euardedby the same' strict professional privacy observed by Dr. Pierce in his
daily consultation with rick women, nt the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,.
Buffalo, N. Y. Address Dr. R. V. Pit rce, Buffalo, K. Y.
If you are led to use " Favorite Prescription " because it has cured other
women do not allow a substitute to ho -palmed off on you as just as, good."
.Insist upon tho remedy with a record Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
rm ntr,n'm Rooolo'a Oommon Sons& Modicol Advlcr contalnn
tho ' 'SiZSLZStil and tha important taotm nf
KStotTSto tSSSal'irom tha viaw-point ol com
iiTS bokio ihi auldanao of young n and
Z2foai hooU. ?nrnn ONLY d3i no foont
DO " WXSd.i Dr. tU V. PiaiCE. Buffalo, N. Y.
srr PETERSBURG- Jor. It. Afft
w.. - ...v reftllT
'Sw' 1 luck le ThirtMn. Jtt&MZU&vi.
nlsrht. was discharges uy -i , 0-, . ( um , gplrer. of ttmaBterrfajo uvadia. where
ifkM.,.. nra.niflilv. conducted tour-
At,, , - ,
... 1, .-at- Hoi ween Portland and
Chilean, once a week, and between t-
den and Chlcnaxr three tims
via the Scenic line. ; : ,
t-k.n.. Kt.tn.lnrd sleer.irsf car
dailr between Ogden and rblcagn, vl
the Bcenic line. .-...r. . vM;.-"
Through Standard sleeping carj
dally between Colorado Springs
Ht. Loals. - ...
Through Pl.in.lird and t outlet sleep-
lr,f cars dally between Sin Francisco j
and Chicago, via Los Anp-ies an
Kixntird altering c9r ana
rhalr car' daily between HL I'aol ana
Chicago- ;. .
Ie ufe tht your ticket reas-via
the Oreat Uotk I stand Itoute.
V Th be and most reasonable dln-
Ir.g car service. .
U Ti. GORHAM, Oenerat Ar.t.
, " Traveling Iavnjr Asrmt,
25i AlJer St, Portlind. Or.
Is an iiiiimrlaiit lafe nnd
iT tit of its fKpulatUn
is heated on
The Sliootino Season
rii'casro, tire. " greatest c.if
mcrcial center of the Wj-wt, N
reacheti from the rtli-wt-st
by tlda famous railrvart
The Ncrthwesttra
. limited
Ihiilv litwi-en Minneapli4,
ht.'faul and Cliicnt t
n--r f all line.Hidin
vestlgation had failed
hold the accusea n)
discharge of Mason.
charge of Mason. ' nn,e court Urulfes, Fe,d'l:;lt,,
Almost immediately Mfc"LCttha noils. Burns. Corns.
George O. L. rerry. "V"", gainst Z. tiuar... "
-as yesterday h a. . , -
Jlason, waa cbargea wi"
ricers...' Kruptlons.
nnd Pile, wwj
Pr. Stone's Img
he rule was long establshed
forbidding formal rwpuw ?-t1,r
iia The most Important foreign dle
rMiong ham frequoniiy to await the
Caar's return to St. pelersburg.
1st! UTatJW
Kr l'wet r'r. IlMOl'M'miirl
full Irtior wriW; .
.. ' - - - ;
C.J MWf. . If, LSI-I-KR.
T'tv.ihif Ayl. -
51 AMer i-t . l't
I-tint ' in, and t !- Htl rii Jm
Slore U tN lli r i.r urr.l thin ever, lo
HUly mi with uiiythtiijf you in iv
WHtit In ti'uiui nud -tiiiiiiiiiitloi(.
carry only Ilrvt-duMH rood, nud wln ii
weaV firlH l:i--. we liwan ll.
nmV In and 1npet ir M-k. and,
. ... - ....... I ... . ...... u t 1 I 1 ...
wlip-tr'iarum'-' ' i" '" " " r
j.lesiJ, U ' af,iiklii.f it .j' ;riH V
of lianndfd MitlS. and'.' tt.u tw
m ienlioudv rt-C'ifnineiid lh Hi I" llint-t
w ho Appreciate t!lt. Oitr hiti k .f
jrniii I -oNip!lc. We al!w a ut
eli;ir to try a pttii I ill he Ih ati:i-d,
l.-f.r? mskiti payment. 'mtw in mi I
C-t a cony f tli Ongon tlnrne Jiwi-,
'KIM' K.
v Ve Tiave'a flr-t flaw r-jair dfpurl -lnent
In "niic'tion, and warrnitt nil
Ihc Salem Gun Store
2Jt foiurui rtiat Hi.
Drug Store
Legal 15laiiks, Statesman OHm".
I carry all kinds of Chinese dme f" 1
! medicine.' Tl'ots and hert-s nn.l-.nVs
('medicine. Good for all kind; of si. k
i nf. hires opium hiLIL ' G"4.1 fr
th blood an 1 klJncys.
I 'J A Lilierly .Strict, Hal ni, Ur i