Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 07, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Judge Boise Made Important
Order in Land Board
: Case
-h r ,L
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
In the second department of the cir
cuit court yesterday Judge K. JP, Boise
. made an Important, order "In sustain
ing the demurrer of the defendant, in
the mandamus suit-wherein Ianthe J.
Sehlbrede was the plaintiff and the
State Land Board was the' defendant.
to the plaintiff's complaint, and dis
missdne; the! proceedings.
This caae ts one in whleh Mrs. Ianthe
J. Sehlbrede allege in her complaint
that on February 20, 1890. made ap
plication to purchase the south half of
section 36. 't, 29 ., r. 8 wvln Douglas
county, 320 acres, the purchase price
to be f 400. j She paid 8133.35 to the
Land oard and gave her two promis
sory notes of $133.35 each, payable in
ore and two years after, with interest
at 8 per cent,
. On February 20, 1891, she paid off
the principal and. interest on one note
and the interest on the other. Then,
later, she . paid the-oard - 857.33, the
amrtut alleged to be then due as Inter
.est on the remaining promissory note,
'and has paid nothing further since that
time. : i - , ' , - : - -J '
On September 9, 1902, she alleges she
tendered to, the Board .8160.57, ' the
amount then -claimed to be due upon
the existing note, and demanded a deed
to the Dropertyrand tb'jg Board refus
e to issue the deed, hence the suit. -
The defendant filed a demurrer to
' the writ on the ground that the court
had no jurisdiction of the subject mat
ter of the persons of ' the defendant,
and also on the: ground that said writ
-"did not Mate facts sufficient to entitle
the plaintiff to the relief prayed for.
The demurrer was ; based upon the
clause of t the Oregon Constitution
which provides for the creation of the
. oflk-e, and also prescribes that it shall
be governed by such laws as the Leg
islature saw fit,' to enact. The Oregon
statutes provide that any action taken
by the State land Board, a to who
shall be entitled to a deed, to such
lands as coine underwits jurisdiction,
. shall be regarded as final an conclu
sive. !
The court held that the matters al
leged Iii the writ were within the ex
clusive ju rim let fort of the State Land
Bp.-ird, and that the court had no juris
diction to interfere with the decision
o ft he; Board In the matters 'alleged frh
.the writ. The court, also held that the
writ did not. state facts sufficient to
ed for. and .thereupon entered a decree
dismissing the writ and the proceed
ing and for costs and disbursements.
C. A. Sehlbrede appeared for, the plain
tiff and Attorney General; D. R. N.
Blackburn, and R. J. Fleming for the
defendants.; . , ,
Judge C; A. Sehlbrede. the plaintiff's
husband und attorney, who also has a
similar suit before the court, but which
has been continued pending the settle
ment of this suit, is said to be .dissat
isfied with the decision of Judge Boise
and may appeal to the Supreme Court.
- In the divorce case of Nevada Mc
Corkle vs. Clark C. McCorkle, Judge
l?oise grunted (a divorce to plaintiff on
the ground ofi desertion, and awarded
to Mrs. McCorkle the custody of Archie
O. .McCorkle, a minor child, aged 8
years. - J "
In the divorce case of Christina P.
Nicholson yn. Chas. H. Nicholson, the
court allowed Mrs. Nicholson a divorce
on the ground of cruel treatment and
personal Indignities by her husband,
who will, be remembered as a barber
formerly employed In this city, -)bt
" who left here early last summer. Bon
bam & 'Martin appeared for plaintiff
" - in both cases.
' R. H. Westaeott vs. Annie Westa
eoft. divorce: demurrer to complaint
overruled and divorce. granted.
Artlula M Barnes vs. Joseph F.
Barries, ; divorce r default. Trial set
for November 6th, at 2 p. m. '
. , m otive m it
NEW YORK. Nov. 4. Emperor Wil
liam's approaching visit, boJng closely
connected In time with the arrival of
the King of Portugal, bad revived
dlaeussions", cables the Tribune's cor
respondent! of an alleged secret cnapter
of Anglo-American diplomacy. ; No
diplomatists doubts the existence of
secret agreement between the two
governments relating to the partition
of Portuguese" East Africa, and many
well .informed men suspect that Asia
Minor also is included in the scope - of
this convention. The most reasonable
theory is that the British government,
havlngf secured an option to buy, the
. Portuguese territory ; whenever th
Lisbon government is ready to sell it
arranged with the Berlin government
for a scheme for dividing it and read
justing the frontiers. . ; ,-
The Oerman Emperor ts alleged to
be iniiou to have the sale carried
through and the advantages for Ger
many made known for the sake of
vindication of his own course of action
in keeping on good terms with Eng
land. The British Ministers, on the
other hand, are believed to be reluctant
to reveal a partition scheme In advance
cf actual purcahse of the territory and
- the King of Portugal is not expected
to lend encouragement to the Idea, that
- the sale can be hurried on.
GIIANIKO. Nov. 4. What may prove
to be a gigantic scheme to secure val
uable timber lands for persons resid
ing In Michigan, Wisconsin and Min-
nesota will probably be exposed on the
arrival at HUn.vin. , " .
the Land Office at Washington. News
is received from Shaniko that letters
have been sent to Washington calling
attention to the neeiitiar ,itinn
cators who have recntly filed hundreds
w "moer m that section.
Within the' past six months several
hundred locations have been filed.
oome or the locators who have passed
through Shaniko have alleged that
they were sent out under pay. but none
of the representatives of the Land
Office in this vicinity have made spe
cial Investigation, of the cases. Per
sons who had become suspicious wrote
to Washington, telling of the actions
of some of the locators, and the affair
will be looked Into by the Secretary of
the Interior. . .
The Oregon Fire Relief Association
has been a success ever inr- it h.r,
business In January, 1895, and U now
growing taster than ever before.
Its annual report of December 8L
1901, shows a net gain In amount of In
surance in force of 82,628.787. which Is
50 per cent more than the net gain of
any previous year. It pUld 13i losses
during the year amounting to 823.600.
It Is strictly s mutual Institution
which furnishes the best of
Fire Insurance at Cost
For farther particulars, address A. C.
Chandler, secretary, McMinnvlUe, Or
egon, or If you reside in Marion county,
call on or address H. A. : Johnson,
(agent) Salem. Oregon.
A. friend at the writer's elbow, not
having In mind the Oregon Legisla
ture, says: "The roan who wrote that
It is the shallows that murmur.' must
have been fresb from a Legislative de
bate." . u,f
English Dealers Orders In Ev
idence Produce Exhilir
atin? Effect
(From Wednesday's Daily.)
Muelt brightness has been added to
the tone of the bop market within the
past two days, owing to the reports
having gained circulation; and ' been
confirmed that the English brewers
had entered the field and were paying
top' prices. . The Statesman of Sun
day morning announced - that John
Carmkhael, an exclusive agent of En
glish dealers, had purchased a quan
tity of hops at a price above 25 cents,
but that Mr. Carmlchael, upon being
questioned, would neither affirm nor
deny the report, Yeste'rday, however,
after the hops had all been received
and the deals closed bfeyond all doubt,
he. admitted having purchased 1,360
bales in the Hlllsboro, Washington
county district, for which he paid 2S14
cents."; These lots Mr. Carmlchael has
purchased for several; years past. This
announcement has established the fact
that 25 cents has ceased to be the top
price for 1902 hops. !'
Yesterday, however, this price was
exceeded an eighth of a cent when T.
A. L4-esley & Co., of this city, pur
chased the Chas. Hottlnger. . lot, of
Sublimity. consisting of- 68 bales,1 at
2514 ?entsper pound.
A number of otherj sales hav$ been
oonsummated of late- at prices from
23 cents to better, as follows:
, T. A. LJresley & Co.. the. Pooler &
Hurst lot, of 175 bales, Salem, 24Va
cents, rated as primes.
Wmi Brown & Co.. the Johnson Bros.'
lot. "of: 50. bales. Brooks at 25 cents.
Krebs Bios, a Mt. Angel lot, of 115
bales, at 25 cents. L : . -
The Statesman has a record of giving-
the most accurate reports obtain
able upon th conditions of the hop
market. In recognition of which a
communication was yesterday received
from Hugh F. Fox, a prominent hop
dealer of New Yorku. It also gives
some Interesting statistics : regarding
the German hops and the Importation
of same from his own point of view,
and, the letter Is reproduced in full
herewith for the benefit of the readers
of thejstatesman, as follows: j
"Your reports or tne nop marertre
always Interesting and In the main im
press ine as being very reliable. Your
correspondent has. however, made, a
bad bfeak In regard to German hops.
It is true that Oerman hops are only
sun-died by the grower; ; they are,
howevfcr, dried In a kiln by the mer
chant.) and all Oerman hop merchants
r J utandlnsr have their own curing
establishments, both 1 the J curing and
baling being done by the mercnanis
exclusively. ' ; ! ' !
.. , i i.n hut ynvr many
German hops have been sold to Amer
ican brewers this season, dui import
ers estimate the sales at Trom. 12.000
to V.000 bales. I. can count, myself,
ahotft j 9,000 bales of sales that I post
.i i. L.na r of course there are
a great many, sales that re not made
public These oerman oaies vijr "
weight from 450 to 550 pounds. I sup
pose 500 pounds would be a fair aver
age, so that one bale of Germans Is
equal jto nearly three bales of Ameri-
WhM brewers use German hops
in substitution for American, they usu
ally figure that three pounns oi -man
hops equals four pounds of thf
Americans. Tbelr estimate Is borne
out very well by the experience of the
extract companies in converting var
ious kinds of new hoi into extract.
The Oregon hops, however, keep bet;,
ter and under ordinary storage condi
tions will yield better as yearlings than
German hops will. However, In cold
storage tbU difference is not so mark-
fYou can make any us of this you
see fit. I know that,you want to have
the farts, and that you are usually very
ireful fn getting them. You.
-New York, Oct. 80, 192.
Many Matters of Interest Acted
: Upon During the
(From Wednesday's Daily.)
The Salem city council met In regu
lar sesion In the police court room of
the city hall last night. -with Mayor C.
P. BisHop In the chair, and all mem
bers of the council present except E,
P. Walker, of tEe First ward. Recorder
N. J. Judah and City Marshal D. W.
Gibson were in. their accustomed seats.
The record of the preceding meeting
was read and approved. The com
mittee oh ordinances reported back the
bill for amendments to the license or
dinance, regulating licenses for . cir
cuses, shows, clairvoyants, fortune
tellers and palmists with a recommen
dation that the same be jassed. and
teter In the evening the bill was
passed by unanimous vote of the coun
cil. The bills referred to the commit
tee on accounts were reported hack
with recommendation that they be
paid, and this was agreed to. The bills
are as follows:
Knox A, Murphy $ 6.10
R. E. Mojres & Co. .............. 1.00
Sentinel 16.00
Sentinel ...... 4.00
The report Of N. J. Judah. city re
corder, of the business transacted in
the office and courts under his charge,
for and during the month of October,
1902. was submitted and approved, as
follows: . s
. In Recorder's Court; "
City vs. Dingman, drunkenness, fined
f 5 paid. , i
City vs. Allen, disturbing peace, fined
$5, paid. v
City vs. Cowelt, begging, committed
for 5 days.
City vs. Huey Chang Yen, disorderly
conduct, fined f 5, paid.
In Justice's Court.
, Benson vs. Wiprut, ; J. I. fees. 82:
constable fees, 82.75, paid.
State vs. O'Hearn. ct ai, J. P. fees,
83.70; constable's fees, 82.80. pending.
Holmes vs. Wann, J. P. fees. 84.60;
constable's fees, 82, pending.
Miscellaneous Cash Receipts.
II. Chase, rent ..... I 10.00
J. Dingman fine ............... 5.00
D. W. Gibson; dog tax 9.00
Butte A Wenderoth 200.00
Butte & Wenderoth, fee ....... .75
N. J. Judah, J. P. Sept. 6.90
D. W. Glbon,con. Sept. 5.60
W. E. Richardson, agent-:..... 18. SO
R. J. Allen, fine .5.00
I. W. Berry, II. R. license .... 6.00
J. Conner II. It. Ifcense 6.00
J.Conner, I N. I. T. S. 6.00
Hill Bros,, 2 N. I. T. S. ........ 12.00
M. L. Hamilton, 2 N. I. T. S. 12.00
LeBranch & Roth 1 N. I. T. .. 6.00
H. Wiprut & Co., '2 N. I. T. S... 12.00
F. P. Talklngton, 4 N. I. T. S... 24.00
G. E. Waters. 2 N. I. T. S.. 12.00
A Cornoyer, 1 N. I. T. S 6.00
H. S. Belle, agent 18.00
Salem Water Co. rent ........ 50.00
R. AKlrk, 2 N. I. T. S , 12.00
H. G. Meyer. 2 N. I. T. S. ...w 12.00
L. M. Kirk agent 18.00
L. M. Kirk agent 18.00
C. A. Park agents.,....;...... 18.00
F. W. Wiggins, agent .......... 18.00
FrMeredith. agent , 18.00
Miss M. Parkhurst, agent .... 18.00
Miss M. Parkhurst, agent .... 18.00
Bozorth Bros. & Co., agents .... 18.00
Miss A. McCulIoch agent ...... 18.00
p. C. Will, piano acc't. ....... 1.50
H. A. Thomas, agent 18.00
W. A. Liston, agent ...... .....J 18.00
R. .P. Boise, agent . 18.00
R. P. Boise agent .,......... 18.00
Salem L. P. T. Co.cars 22.50
H. Pohle, sale fire horse ...... 100.00
J. Holtum, show license ........ 8.00
F. Neckerman, 1 N. I. T. S. .... 6.0T.
If. S. Belle, agent .............. 18.00
LeBranch & Roth 1 N, I. T. S.. : 6.00
J. P. Rogers, license and fee ,. 200.75
W. R. Anderson, lie. and fee,. 200.75
A, Cornoyer lie. and fee ...... 200.75
E. Eckerlln."ilc. and fee ....... 200.75
M. L. Hamilton, lie. and fee .. 200.00
Harry Ilelmken. fie. and fee.., 200.75
Capt. Kurts. Co. F. rent . 90.00
If S. Glle & Co. agents .... .... 18.00
Total receipts. Oct.
On hand Oct. 1 ...
Total debit Oct ....
Cash to "treasurer
; 1 00.00
Cash on hand Novl 82.225,48
Warrant indebtedness for Nov 83.585.89
The recorder also reported drawing a
.irm n fnr tVt.T7 In navmpnt 'for hST
for the fire department, and his action
was approved. ,
The request of Major C. F. Cramer.
Snrvrintondnt of the Federal building
asking the council to survey snd es
tablish the grade for the curb and
irtmtkii on Court and State Streets.
&d joining the postofflee block, was
placed before the council, ana tne
committee on streets and public prop
erty was instructed to secure a s ur
veyor and establish the grades as re
quested. Farrington A Farrar. of 130 Court
street, asked permission to erect ; a
hmiw In th rear of their meat
market to be covered with corrugated
iron. The matter was reierrea to tne
committee on streets and public property-and
the chief of the fire depart
ment, with power to act.
Fred" Neckermanfs .liquor license, or
t.rri to Issue at the. first meeting in
July, came up on a request that the
old bond submitted at tnt time ne
nn.liwt anil m new bond, submitted
at this time, be approved in its stead.
The order was maae as r!owit
the new bond referred to the commit
tee on licenses. ; ' .. .
The appointment or two special po
fflrri at the Willamette Univer
sity to protect property on Hallowe'en
was approved, xne pomim'i'i oi
special omcer to guard the new." ce
ment sidewalk on Court street was
also approved. " ' -
The matter of tne proposes sewer in
block No. 78 was called upnd owing
to the fact that the construction af
this tim Involved the lowering cf the
sewer with which to connect the new
one It w"as thought best to postpone
NOVEMBER 7. 1352.
action until spring, when the work
could be done With less trouble anil
a motion for Indefinite postponement
wi acuon was agreed to. , - .
Mr. Grlswold aked Mrmisnion fn
construct a private sewer from h-
propcrty In University addufoi 5an
Ferry street for a block. mt th mm.
tnittee was ordered In svsminA
the matter.
j Alderman : Rlggs complained that
parties east of the East School were
hot connected with ib! ur
i-he committee on health and 'police
aa oraerea to Investigate and report
In the discussion it developed that a
number of peoole on Mill Creefc. near
the East School, have constructed pri
vate sewers connecting their premises
with Mill Creek. .
' Alderman Stois stated that the ce
ment CrtWS walks In the ,-1t v nnl
constructed so as to withstand the
wear or travel, - end he introduced a
motion, ordering" the street commis
sioner to Drotect the prom vlki hv
Imbedding rock on each . side of the
several cross walks In order to protect
the edges. He secured no second, and
later he brought up the matter by a
motion Instructing the committee on
streets and public property to take
such steps as might be found neces
sary to protect the cross walks, and
this Was agreed to. v v ' .
Alderman Pohle brought up the
question 'of the construction of a
bridge across Mill Creek, on Cottage
street and J. -W. Young and several
other residents appeared and addressed
the council on the matter. Tne com
mittee on streets and public property
was instructed to meet with the county
court, and to take steps to have the
bridge erected, if the court would co
operate. ; It was : stated' that a pile
bridge could be built for 8175.
The regular grist of bills was read
and referred to the committee, on ac
counts and current expenses, after
which the council adjourned.
A Citizen Enters Into a Dis
cussion of Local Pol
(From Thursday's Dally.)
. (The Statesman is pleased to print
communications upon topics of general
interest, at any time. There Is scarcely
iny limit to the topit of general in
terest.. It ia asked only that corres
pondents refrain from personalities
nd use care that nothing be written
ttt a libelous or unworthy or untruth
ful nature.) '...
... . - v.. an... -
Er-sted as all should be In seehiic the
ftered. and the munlcirsl offices in the
hands of men who are conutent ani
nvho have proved by their past reconls
that they will make faithful and eco
nomical public servants.
The present administration claims a
great deal of credit for the good work
It has done, and no one is disposed to
deny them their lull due but it must
remembered that the first step in
the line of reform was made by Hon.
E. H. Flagg, when he introduced in
the session of 1899, the bill reducing
the salary of Marlon county officers.
Mr. Flagg fought this bill .through in
the face of heavy opposition from in
terested parties who : were ready to
promise everything before election,
but shirked the fulfillment of these
promises. It became a. law and saved
the county and city many, thousands
of dollars.
Mr. Flagg performed another work
for which he Is entitled to the good
will and support of the people of this
city, and that is the saving of the
State Fair, the. payment of its debts
and placing it upon a non-partisan
basis. It will be remembered that the
Telegram and the Oregonlan had made
a strong fight for the abolition of the
Fair, and. apparently, had secured
pledges from members of the Legisla
ture sufficient to accomplish that end.
In fact, it was generally thought In
Salem as well as elsewhere, that the
Fair was dead. Mr. Flagg Introduced
and secured the. passage of a bill,
amending the act creating the State
Board of Agriculture, reducing the
number of members to five, and pro
vMim that no two should be from any
county, and that the Board should be
non-partisan. He was a member of tne
WAV and 'means committee and In
serted In the - appropriation bill an
item r I7.50Q to pay tne oeDi oi nt
hniH nnrl ntsre the new board on a
cash basis. I think It Is not too much
to kay that If It had not been for Mr.
F-iao-e's work Salem would have lost
the. State Fair, and that be Is entitled
to a areat share of the credit for lis
success the last two years.
I understand Mr. Flagg would ac
cept the nomination for city recorder
st the coming municipal contest on
th i?jn.hiin ticket, and - certainly
our friends who at present control
municipal affair could not consistently
opr-ose him with his record of economy
and reform. CITIZEN.
Salem. Or. Nov. S -1302. ,
, Chures- Street Also.
Editor Statesman.
A writer for your Peoples' Column
rrannialnn of the condition of Ffrry
street between . Liberty ( and Cbifrc h
streets, and asks that the city authori
ties take notice thereof and apply a
remedy, I ask space to call the city's
attention to the almost impaastme con
dition of Church street. pt ween Ferry
and Trade streets. It has ten par
tially filled by abutters, and the filling
should now be completed or the street
abandoned. CHURCH.
-For Infenw Children, v
fts lzi Yea Ka:i Aljs !::
Bears the
3intuic of
The Statesman Pub, Co. has on hand
teveral hundred copies of the OREGON
INSTITUTION. The price 1 10 cents
ach as long as they last.
dale. 6 miles south of Salem. Ad
dress J. H. Darrah, Central. Ore.
fice in Eckerlen building. Commerrial
street. Salem. Or. Phone Main 1361.
ants. IL- J.Ottenheimer, manager,
office N. K. corner Commercial and
State streets (upstairs); phone Mala
pigs, also ducks, spring chickens, and
hens. I will pay the highest cash
price for same. Quong lllng, 254 Lib
erty street. Salem. Or.
100 In cultivation, good buildings, fine
orchard. 17 acres In hops. Reason
able terms. On North Howell Prairie.
1 O. EL F.Lee, owner. Laura nee. Or.
REPORT CARDS Our school report
cards are printed to fit the school
register. The . prices ate: Twelve
cards for 10 cents; twenty-five for 20
cents; one hundred for 75 ceaia.
Statesman Publishing Co, Sal era.
- Ore. i
farms Bind city ruperty at per ccpt
per annum; ne "Commission. Please
call on or addreaa Eugene Breyman.
Remember ,4b e i!ace, 270 Commer
cial street, one door north of States
man oCJcr.
In yourl machinery and. have your
repairing all done. Castings, iron and
brass, furnished on short notice. One
boiler and 4-horse engine complete
for sale cheap. E. M.. Klghtllnger,
Phone 2933. 208 Liberty St.
' " ' iis-isi"sjv-irv-krirTsr,sr'srvj
plete pet of abstract books in Marina
' county, Oregon. Coticerolng titles,
consult us. Saleiu Abstract atxl
Iind Co.. Salem, Oregon. V,
Waters. Secretary and Manager.
ALBRIGHT Twenty months gradu
ates of the American Scholl of Osteo.
pathy and A T. Still Infirmary. Dr.
Wyckoff is the only gentleman grad
uate of osteopathy in Salem. Prac
tice established In Salem since 189
Hours t to 4. Phdne Main 272L Odd
Fellows Temple.: .
DB. B. .12. JACKSON. V KT Kit I N A R Y
Surgeon and Dentist. AU disease
of domestic animals treated mt my
hospital by .;he latest Improvee
mcthoJs. Diagnosis and lameness s
specialty having taken a post-grad-
uate course in this special line in
1900. 18 years a Veterinary. Office
at Skip ton & Jackson Sale Barn,
South .Oommerclal street, Salem, Or.
Phone Red 2011. . - -
In pursuance of a Judgment rendered
In the Circuit Court W the State of
Oregon for the County of Multnomah
on the 28th. day of June, A. D. 1894. in
the action wherein The First National
Bank of McMinnville. Oregon, was
plaintiff and Thomas Morgan and Ellen
R. Morgan were defendants, and an
Execution duly Issued out of said Court
upon the said Judgment on the 31st day
of October. A. D. 1902, and directed to
me; i - .
I will expose for sale snd sell as the
law directs, at the Front Door of the
Court House of Marlon County, In the
City of Salem, Orearon. on
DECEMBER, A. D. 1902,'
at the hour of ten o'clock In the fore
noon,; all the right, title and Interest
In the real property of the said Thomas
Morgan and Ellen R. Morgan, oc either
of them, had on or aftex the 13th day
of August, A. D. 1898, or have subse
quently acquired therein, situate In the
said County of Marlon. State of Ore
gon, and described as follows, to-wlt:
All of Lot numbered Twenty-Eight
(28) in Hampden Park In the County
of Marion, State of Oregon, .as the
same is designated on the plat ef said
Hampden Park of record In the office
of the Recorder of . Conveyances for
said county and state an containing
five (5) acres more or less. '
Sheriff nf MfrHon County. Ortron.
POINTMKNT. Notice. Is hereby given to all whmi
It ntAy concern that the' undersigned
has tK-en duly tppolnted by the County
Court of Mirlon County. Oregon. s lh
administrator of the estate ff .Charles
Claggett, late of Marlon County, Ore
gon, deceased. All person Indebted to
raid estate are hereby notlfled-to make
immediate payment to the undersigned
at his residm at the CHV of Salem.
In Marliwi County. Oregon. ; And all
persons having claims against said es
tate are hrfly r.ot'.iird to present the
same, duly verin-! to the undersigned
at his residence in" the City of Salem,
Marion 'County." Oregon, within -vsix
months from the date of the-first pubr
lieatlon of this ini ic-e.
Dated at Kalem. Oregon, this the 9th
day of October, 1&02. ,
Administrator of the Estate of ;harlr
Ctaggett late of Marlon County, Ore
If'W, defeased.- -
Is hereby given to all whwn
it may concern, that tlte undersigned
has filed in the county court for Marlon
r-ounty. Oregon, his final account of the
estate of Edward II. Trubenlrtch, lte
of Marlon county. Osegon, deceased,
and that .said court has set the sprite
for hearing on thf 22i day of Novem
ber. 1902. at 10 o'clock a. m., of said
d-iy. In the county court room in th
Cmwtjr Court House, at the City of Ka.
lem. In MaiKm cwinty, Otga. And
that the final account and any objec
tions thereto will be heard snd passed
upon by the court at ea!J Urn f': -place.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this the I
day of Octoler. 1902.
Administrator of the estate Of EJward
H. TruhentMch. deceased.
Notke is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly piHintxl
cx-tutrix of the last will and estate of
John Newsom. deceased, by the County
Court of Marion County, Oregon.
the -24th dy of (Vtolxr. 1302. and all
ersons having cllms against the s I
estate will preserst them to the under
signed at Salem. Oregon, duly vcrifil
as by law requircl. within ix months
from the first publication of this no
Wonderful Hemr
-This wonderful Chi
m doctor la callee
V I cures pepie wftho
.11-1111 1 , til v " 1 -w
herbs, ruots. bula,
bark and vesetikbtea,
that are entirely un
it sows to medical science la this country.
Throusk the use of these harmless reme
dies, tins famons dtctor knows the actio
of over &00 different remedies which h
ucceatafully uses In different Uiwiu.-a.
lie goarautees to cure catarrh, anthma,
Hing. thruat. rhenmatism. nervoi(ne v
stomach, liver, kidney, bladder, fenwil
trouble. Iwt manhood. ll irivats dtwesaea;
has hundreds of testintonUUa. Charr
Call and see him. Consultation free. I'w
tlents wut of the city write fur blank ant
rlrctiWtr. Fnrloae stmn. Aildreiui Tha i
Oee Wo Chlneee MclUSne Co.. I.U4 1 l.tnl
Kireet. Pvrtlnd. Orrgua. steniWa tll
paper. Car Load of Fznctnx
Direct fnwii faiWy mi HI'I'CI A l,
prict-M. Car will arrive uIhmU tVt. 201 li.
I'liwi your order atsui to arum low
Salem Fence Works. H Mutr trc
L. Kirk
- General Insurance
HnVial atlcntioii given to insuring
(irain, JloH4.atul Fruit.
Kcvctr t)ll licliaiilo C-oiupaiiicN
'2M I'oiiiiiiciclal Ht. h'iih in. On-L'on
- -- -- -- - f n
292 Commercial Street. Salem, Or.
We Have Just Received
AiioIIkt hliiptntnt of OmiiIh
...I t.ll... Is.-. t..i
Blltl 1 I Hill IIKt'UI
variety Store
ANNORA M. tvitcn. rrop
Salem Iron Works
K J!. tUGAR. Man.
AH Kinds of MaehiiioW'ork, C'hsI
tucs, Jtc. IIoiiMe .caitiiiffi u spec
ialty.. ' Wo liavc a laro lot of
window wciKlils of all tstaitdard
sizes, also mst wasticrs Give us
a call. - ' i "
Hops Hops
If you are Interested In -hop news
and prion. It wilt p.iy yu to gj-t the
rciorls of the - ' ,
N. Y. HOI Ri:iKTINU CO.. .
Si WhitehalK-St.
New Vik City
EMMKTT WELLS, Hon. :jinnK r.
$6000' Worlh of Hard-,
WflTP c,f"U kinks '-bolls, tniiN, k I
FTUI v t4.t r.,vin,' ebcet iron, nnl
all kitnlfif farm imuliitiery, l.inaj.;cl
by liervais fire, for sal at .
Capital Juuk Shop
130 Cttul Htrct t
Halt-in, Or.
40 iiit a
m ..u..v.v IUsnd. Or.
?Um rosea en M S-t
USlnfJ X fiin i'lnk UAHt.
$40 The American $40
X Hlsndanl KevlKmrrl, Tyj-'r
scliine. isnl Mar.iflb-r. Lit
I'owb. Eipbfy--ne cliarHcters. Will
answer reuirem nU f a tlOO macnine
CT." M. lOCKWfKr.
tlAfSfil A KI VHrN-IHI-U L-l At..
'tr At'.. Of?sin. Ntltrn, Of.
- "What profsr.!fn do you follow?"
T follow the ry?dical profension; I'm
an undertaker." .