' VTCEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, FRIDAY, XQVKMBKR 7, 1902. ; '' r ")!ff?iTn pi IRRIGATION CONGRESS ' MEEK GAIPJS ill .'. i ' ' - n. l .r : t- -a i u Call's Election Conceded by a Plurality of Over ' Twelve Thousand f.ew York Legislature Will Be Controlled by- Republicans; " r.'rw York Retcros Indefinite 2$ to Other Offices--Dtnccrats Are Dissatisfied 3 Ttreateo ta Contest tlcctl3a--Uncf of Call fcrnla, 4Is3 Cfc:rcts ftart estf D3 C3by Act--Cep2bllcans Ccstrcl htttooillnu by tighty-rlvt. The 1 official NHWTOtlK, NOV 5 figure on the vte foi Governor vary but little from th official report, according' Co the '.returns made to the executive at Albany hy the i several county clerks. t The .plurality for Odell, - Republican, t;: t,1. -The return of the vote for other atate officer a are bo meagre that it i Impossible to say if the Democrat have Wen more auc cessful a regards minor offices than In the case of Governor. Jt Is Asserted that the Democratic nominee- for ; At torney General, "Judge Gray. Democrat, Juvige of 4he Court of Appeal, as de feataKnis Republican opponent.' ' The Btate Legislature's controlled, by the Republicans, ; insarir.g the return ? of blatt to the United States Senate, that there will b a contest in the event that the returns show the elec tion of Dr. Pardee?" . . L "Most assuredly there will be a con test, said Lane. t jv ': 'Rah for Nebraska.' - Lincoln. Nebv Nov.' t'.-Up to 5 o'clock tonight complete , return from more than, half the counties show f that Mickey's. 1 Republican, . plurality for Governor will, not b less than 6,000 The Republican membership In the Legislature is the greatest for years. The combined vote of the Fusionists in the. House and Senate-, will not ex ceed twenty-nine In a total member ship of 123. ' . . : " ! Colonel Dunn's View. ' New YorkStNov. j 5. Colonel Dunn. . Chairman s $t the - Republican State 'mmittee, .when f Informed today : of the rtfport tha .the Denucrats threat ened to. contest the eleclon, raids s?-' "If they stark anything of that kind. , we wllUgi-e them all the contest they ; want right heHe In New YoVk county, and they will wish they had never heard h of a contest." '- J ': Strike No Influence.. . New York, Nov. 5. Senator Thomas Piatt waa asked today for a state ment on the statetlection. He said:' - "We will have to be satisfied,; though Ode!l'a plurality Is not near as large & I had expected." I . Senator Piatt said that in his opin ion the trust question and the coal strike had nothing to do with the re sult of the vote. "The Democrats got together," he said, "and held, together, and a few Republicans slipped over to them." Washington, D. C. i Washington, Nov. 6. The latest re port received up to 9:30 tonight, show that the Republicans (including three fusionists) elected from the Pittsburg Allegheny districts .In Pennsylvania, will control the next House by, a vote of 204 "Republfeans, to 12S Democrats, with one district, the Eighth Tennes see, and two California district .re maining1 so much In doubt that: ofneial returns will be needed to decide the result. The totals given are believed to be correct, although tjj'"8 are a few districts, such ,aa two in Colorado and one in Minnesota, where the Republi can and Democratic party managers, respectively, do not eonce.de defeat, but the general result could nVt be affected even should the Democrat' claim prove -well founded. . - - j , v In Rhode Island. Provldenae R. I.., Nov.6. Substan tlal gains for the Democrats are wshown by complete returns for. the. state tick et, . They elected their candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor and their Congressional candidate in ; the First-district. The Republicans have a majority on .'Joint Allot in ine Legislature. ' j ,,r,- 's -, . . .To Defeat Teller. y Denver, Col. Novi 5. The" Rocky Mountain News, United States Senator Patterson's morning paper, ;wlll te morrow concede the election of. Fea- body. Republican, for Governor, and H. M. HoggfXRepubliean, for Congress. Peabody' majority oyer Stimson, Dem ocrat, will amount, to from . 2,009 to 4.000,. while that of Hors will probably be greater, Thex entire Democratic state ticket is defeated with, the possi ble exception of Mrs. Greenfell, for Su-perlntendent-of Public Institutions. Doth .sides are claiming the election of (Jongressman in the First District. Adam Democrat, for Congressman-at-Large, is thought to lead the , state ticket, and may be elected, but , the chances seem to favor the, election of Brooks, Republican. On the face of the returns the Democrats Will .have' a md- Jorlty in the Legislature, but there are charges of fraud in this (Arapahoe) and other counties, and counts will be filed - which, if successful, may - defeat the re-eleption of Senator Henry M. Teller. r . . ' S-ooner Will Rsturn. j Washington, : Nov. 5. Postmaster General Payne today wired from .Wis . consin, to H. C Taylor, Assistant Sec retary of the Treasury, that the return of John . Snooner to the United States Senate was a certainty. j - y - ' . " j i ' Washington, Nov. 6. President and Mrs. Roosevelt returned to Washington tonight. ; i . ; Hanna Won't Talk. Cleveland. Nov. S.-Seriator Han na, Chairman of the, Republican Na tional Committee, when nuked ; for a statement today on the election re sults, said: i "The returns are thus far gratifying, but I do not rare to discus the gen eral result until further and more defin ite Information inRome states 1 avail able." : ! '.-,' : m i ii , , : . - Spark the Winner. RKNO. Nevada, NV. . The- entire Fusion state t'eket has , been elected with the exception of Rrav Superin tendent of Schools who way defeated by Ring. Sparks', ma jorityTor Gover nor will be fully 1,700. J ! . . " From Mentina.' ' ' Helena, Mont, Nov. The returns twlay Indicate that -llolloway, Repub lican, for Supreme Judge, will have 10.000 plurality, - and D'ixon Republi cs n. for Congress, about ".0O0. The 'Republicans will have a safe working majority in the House, 'but bit Joint ballot the Labor people' will hold the balance of power. Of the new Stat Senator elected who will serve for four years and t vote on ,the 't election of United State Senator;, in two years. the Republican elect nln and -the Democrat seven. . i CalKorni. San Francisco, Nov. . Complete re turns from San Frnclco, and partial returns from ail over the state indicate that Geo. C.' Pardee, Republican, for Governor, 1 elected ly a majority- of 2,000 to 3.000. . . . j ; . : , , , ly P;-yjLn9 I Sore. 4 V ,;- , "1 San Francisco. Nov. 5. "There U no doubt that the. majority. of the. people of California have cast their vote for m for Governor.- said Franklin K. Lane to th Associated Press tonight. "Then what da you think ..of , th ai tuatio.n at this hour C:30 o'clock)?" he wa asked. v i, i' , y: ' ' 'The result is undecided. There have been several suspicious fact in connection with the count, which. lead me to .believe that frauc's- have ; been committed, fliave, information that 1.500 votes caat for-me were thrown out in AlameJa. county; 30 per cent of the DcmH ratic vote in San Bernardino was threatened likewise and that the totals in Humboldt and Los Angeles counties nre wunneid in order to ascertain what number of ballots In the count necessarv to nvenv.m mai-.rity that San Francisco gave the f the:Dtmocratt- tlrrO ' "TliAn ft ia , .. . . . . lvru null crruun cnniuinai 1 "n u 13 to be inferred, Mr. Lane, together In this mixture, i , A Big Landslide. Rolse, Ida:, .Nor 5. The election yes terday proves to have been much more of a Republican landslide than . the re- ports last night indicated. The Repub lican state ticket has carried the state by a majority close to 6,000." Burton L. French, for Congress, has a little larger majority. The' Republicans have elgh ten of the twenty-one member of the Senate, and thirty-five of the forty-six member of the House. This. give thertt a totAI of fifty-three on Joint ballot, to fourteen for. the Democrats. Republi can aspirants for United State Sen ator are W. K. Borah, of Boise; Judge D. W. Standrod, of Pocatello; W. H. Heyburn. of Wallace, ; and ex-Senator George L. ShOup".. i- Not Settled YV .! . Guthrie, O. T.. Nov. S. Both. the Re publicans and Democrats are claiming the eleetlon of the Delegate ;to Congress from Oklahoma. : ; And Washington, Too. 4 S'-ntilo. Nov. 6. The state of Wash li'frtoi las gone Republican, so far as the returns now "In show, by at least 12,000 majority for Supreme Court-Justice and Congressmen. King county alone contributes between 4,000 and &. 000 to these majorities. The Legisla ture on Joint ballot will stand at least 110 Republicans to an opposition of 26. The Republican majority is more like ly to ie increased, than lowered y the full returns. The Senate will be con stituted as follows: Republicans, 22; Democrat. 9; one district at Hi In doubt House, Republicans. 78 : Democrats, 9; seven, districts still uncounted. . " ' MAYOR BISHOP APPOINTS DELE . GATION TO ATTEND COK- VENTION IN PORTLAND. Ditto Arizona. . ; Phoenix, Aria,. Nov.. 5 -The result of the election for Delegate, to Congress is still in doubt ,, ; . . .. ! Utah Goes Republican. Sal(-Lake City Nov B. Powell. Re publican, for Congress, and McCarty, Republican,' for. Supreme Justice, are elected by' majorities of at leasf 4.000. The Republicans will have a majority on Joint ballot in the Legislature of at least 29..' ! - V; - HORSES DIE SUDDENLY STATE r j VETERINARY M'LEAN . . LOOKING INTQ DEATIf OF V" ii i - ONTARIO STEEDS. ONTARIO. Nov. B. State Veterinary Surgeon William McLean, of Portland, was called here today to investigate the cause of death of several of the town work horses. - He found several dead and others dying t the Madden barns. No other animals In the vicin ity were ick. After post-mortem ex amination he was unable to decide cause' of death. He exift-esaed Mparts to Corvatli for analysis and will "give a report In a day or two'. He Is under the opinion that the feed or water 1 the cause, of the trouble, but wa un able, from superficial examination tq determine definitely. i : J s Outsiders have rumored that pom poisoning had been . done with mali cious Intent, but at the stable this wa nt thought to be true, as np cause for such work could be surmised. The disease first causes the hor.to 'fall as If shot dead, lie lie still s few minutes, and then breathe as if la deep sleep. The stable gets its hay from farmers near Ontario and its oats from Idaho farmers. It la sup posed that certain combinations work Mayor C. P. Bishop. In response to the request sent out by Portland au thorities recently, has appointed . a delegation to attend the Oregon .Irri gation. Association convention, which will be held in Portland, between No vember 17th and 22d, Inclusive, as fol lows; : "., - c .'i'"'.' " j- ' ' Frank DaVey. EL Of. Croisan, ' N. J. Judah, L. L. Peafce, John H. Albert, W. Mi Kaiser. C. A. Gray,. Dr. E. A. 4 Pierce, E. P. McCornack, Claud Gatch, Squire Farrar, and Frank N. Derby . The question of Irrigation, while it is not applicable' to this section of Oregon, is a very important one and one in, which all public-spirited people are interested, as ft 1 of vital import ance to some sections of the state, and the . object of the convention . Is o draw out a general discussion in the hope of being able to arrive at some solution of the problem. , , So far. Governor Geer has received no request to appoint a similar dele gatlon, but will do so upon the arrival of uch. .. . , . CHARGED WITH MANSLAUGHTER Coroner Holds John Craig in r 7 Bail of $18,000 HAD CHARGE EXPLOSIVES When Accident Occurred in r Madison Square Tues- ; r S Day Night ; , THROUGH WHICH TWELVE PEO j PLB WERE KILIED AND EIGHTY INJURED TWO BOYS HELD AS WITNESSES PRESIDENT IS THE GUEST OF MASONS. . " r NEW YORK, Nov. 8. The Coroner held John Craig In 218,000 bail on the charge of manslaughter in the first de gree. Craig, it is alleged, was In charge of the explosives at the time of the ac cident fast night,' when twelve people were killed and eighty injured. Two boys, who Were carrying boxes of ex plosives, i were sent to the House of Detention by the coroner as witness es.; All the rest of the ten persons were discharged. i Th' Guest of Mason. s Philadelphia, Nov. 6. -President Roosevelt was the principal guest to day, at the Sesqulennlal r anniversary celebrated "by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted, Masons of Pennsylvania and of George Washington's appren ticeship into theMasonlc fraternity. The President wasvalSQ the orator of the occasion. ' . u MASON HELD Tp ANSWER. I CAMBRIDGE, Mass Nov. 5. Allan O.. Mason, who was arrested yesterday on j suspicion of having committed an assault upon Miss Clara A. Morton, in Waverly, last Saturday night, causing Miss Morton's death, today was held for further hearing on the charge. Ma son was remanded without balk GIRLS JOIN IN STRIKE. NEW YORK, Nov. 5. Many girls have joined the striking silversmiths in Manhattan, and Brooklyn, ' and a general strike of 3,000 silversmiths- Is threatened throughout Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. If a' nine-hour work day Is' not granted. Seven firms In this city are reported to htive granted the smiths' denand ,. STAGE TOOK TUMBLE ROLLED DOWN HII,L WITH 1XUR- ', X TEEN PASSENGERS THE. "HORSES. KILLED. . . t OURAY, CoU Nov. 6. The stage coach which run between this pl.-rce and Red McfRtaln. met with ah acci dent near here on oae of the steepest grades of the road and together with the fourteen passengers 'rolled down trfe mountain side for a distance of 300 feet. One of the horses was killed and the coach rolled over several times In its descent. All the passengers were Injured more or less, the most severely hurt being: V. , Superintendent Mattes, of the Swamp Angel mine, Red Mountain; left- leg broken In two places -beloV knee; right teg broken above knee. v , Allen McFarland. -mining man. Red Mountain, badly hurt in back and hips. i D. L." Hancock. 'Milwaukee; shoulder and hips injured. ' Tim Man Ion ; fes. broken and: back hurt: head cut. ' , - - John Skell. badly'brulsed. " Rodney Bason, face and head lacer ated;, badly hurt. : Walter, Foley, back Injured; hand crushed and face cut George Ross, wife and son; seriously lacerated and bruised. . ; The driver attributes the accident to slipping of the brakes and an unruly horse. M' -! ",;.. CASE OF CUBAN CHILDREN. " WASHINGTON. Nov. 6. Senor Quesada. the Cuban Minister, ta re ceived information regarding the Cuban children who recently arrived at New York destined , for a school at Point Loma, Cal.. and who were detained by the immigration officials. This Was 'to the effect that ; the departure tf the children wa properly authorised by their parents and tutor. The Minis ter has also received cablegrams f com, the civil Governor, the- Senator and newspapers of Santiago Province, jpro testing-against interference with .the children proceeding to their d est inac tion. ,, . - . - . : . ' -. v . .. 0ws T!- , m WM U I m u iuc sun. ivu fidW :crj Tlie man who stands on etilts dotjs not increase his stature a parti rl TTfl mavfeel taller while he's on the stilts, bat when he's off - A J thm he feels shorter than he ever felt- A man can't lire on stilU; ho must come off them sooner or later, and then he realizes that . whatever seeming; advantage he gained from his artificial elevation was only temporary. ' . Stimulants are the stilts of the stomach. They lift n man up for the time being, but the good feeling they give is only temporary. A matt can't live on stimulants, and when he leaves : them he feels worse than ever. T In this age of hurry and worry a large percentage of thie population have some form of stomach "trouble, popularly de tcribed as weak stomach., , The, first impulse of the average man . whose stomach is fweakw is to have recourse to stimulants. He feels bloated after eating, has frequent eructations and a genc?ral feeling of physical discomfort. lie takes a glass of something to stimulate his stomach w and make' him 44 feel good. He may get the desired result for a time, but he is doing nothing for the disease which is in reality aggravated by Btimula'nts instead of ; benefited. The need of the w;eak stomach is strength, and it is obvious that stimulants can't strengthen the stomach because there is no true strength in stimulants but only a false strength. The jaded horse is no stronger because he mends his pace when pricked by ihT spur, ins extra effort is a drain upon the reserve of his vitality, which may resist in a complete breakdown. The seeming strength of stimulants is the false strength of a body spurred to effort and making a call on the reserve of vitality, which may. and does often result in . total physical' collapse. ' ; ,-' - . ' .-; X, The success of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical 'Discovery in re-establishing the health of wreak, run-dewn, "dyspeptio men and women is due to the fact that it perfectly and permanently cures diseases of the stomach and other brgans of digestion and nutrition. It' does not brace up but builds up the body. It contains no alcohol and is entirely' free from opium, cocaine and other narcotics. "Last spring, early, I wrote you my feelings and condition,"" says Mr. A. J. Vanderwater, of 873 West Division Street, Chicago, Ills., "and you advised me to take Dr. Pierce's Golden MedicalTtiseovery. In all I have taken six- bottles of th done are lookiner. been doctorin? with Dr. R.V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. Why' they say, you haven't been there ? No 1 say, but I took bis Golden Medical Discovery and his little ' Pellets. . These medicines have made the great cliange in me : from a slow mope of a man that could hardly crawl, tired and sick all the time, and wb.o could do no work, to a man who can work; sleep, cat, and feel fine, and that, tired feeling all gone away. I am very thankful that I wrote to Dr. Pierce. His "Golden Medical Discovery, and his little Pellets ' have almost made a new man of me. I feel as young as I did at thirty years. No other doctor for me, only Dr. Pierce." ' 1 V "It is with pleasure that I tell yon what Dr. Pierce Golden Medical Discovery and Pellets have done for me, writes Mrs. T. M. Talnier, of Peede, Kaufman Co., Texas. "Two year ago I was taken with stomach and bowel trouble. Everything I ate would -put me in distress. I lived two weeks on milk, and even that gave me pain. I felt a " though I would starve to death. ' Three doctors attended me one said I had dyspepsia, two said catarrh of the stomach and bowels. They attended. me (one at a time) for one year. I stopped taking their medicine and tried other patent medicine; got no better, and I grew so weak and nervous my -heart would flutter. . I could not do any kind of . work. Now, since using 'your medicines, I can do my housework very well; am " gaining in JUsh and strength, and can eat anything I want," No man can be stronger than his stomach. When disease fastens on the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, the consequences are ' felt by the whole body. A "weak. stomach means a weak man, because when the stomach is weak the digestive and assimilative powers: fail to a- greater or less extent, and the nutrition of the body is inadequate to its needs, ut if " weak,!, stomach . means 'weak man, then weak man means " weak heart, weak " kidneys, " weak liver, " weak " lungs, etc., because the phys ical man is only the sum of , his organs and members, and his weakness is the weakness or each and all of thb organs of his body. J v ; , This fact explain the cures of " weak heart, kidneys, liver, jfungs and other organs, by the use of "Golden Medical Discovery. Firfet the diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition are cured, and thus tho weak stomach is made 6trong. Digestion and assimilation are now perfect. The nutrition derived from food is all used, and not partly loft or wasted. The effects are at once shown in physical gain. The body puts on sound flesh ana necomes stroncf. ana as the bodv is com posed of its organs and members, its restored strength means strength of heart, liver, lungs, kidneys every organ receiving strength from tho only source from which physical strength is derived, that is from food when properly digested and perfectly assimilated. :- ., Diy Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse and-regulate tho liver and bowels. They produce permanent ben efit and do not react on the system. ie 'Discovery and four or five vials of the little 'Pellets. They have me worlds of good. All my friends say: Vanderwater, how well you - What in the world have you been doing? I tell them I have li.' it t . mil . Tzrir cu 1 b i 1 ' - "' : :- & U - W DfuPIotuso'a Common Sonso MotHomt Attvlaon, ooriialnlnu I003 largo pages, im sent FREE on receipt of stamps to pay oxponso of moiling ONLY Sontt 31 onoocnt stamps fop tho cloth bovnd volumo, or onty 21 stamps for tho book In paper covorsm , Addrcsas Dr. It, V. PIERCE, Buffalo, H Y. Througn personally conducted tour ist sleeping cars between Portland and Chicago, once a week, and between Og aen and Chicago three times a week, via the Scenic line. t Through Standard .sleeping cars dally between Ogden and Chicago, via the Scenic line. ; Through Standard sleeping cars daily "between Colorado Springs and St. Louis. . . - - .- Through Standard and tourist sleep ing cars daily between San Francisco and Chicago, via Los Angeles and El Paso. x i 'Through Standard sleeping car and chair cars daily between St. Paul and Chicago. . i . . ; -Be sure that your ticket read via the Great Rock Island Route. ! sThe best and most reasonable dining-car service i . .. .- . I B. GORHAM, General Ajrent. v--'f: T. J. CLAUK, . y: Traveling l-asseniter Agent, v 230 Alder St Portland. Or. . flLDJNOnS Is an important state and 51.9 per cent of its ropulation is located on 'One of the daintiest things In" net:k- wear is a French stock of whit louis- ine silk combined. with linen cord and band work. . Chicago, tre greatest com mercial center of the West, Is best reached from tbo North west by this famous railroad The Northwestern limited Daily letween Minneapolis, bL Taul and Chicago i.i tho peer of all line trains For Iewt Ttt n. t'me o leraina and fad toloraiatiua write to C.J.iRAT, U.LSISI.KR, TraTtHng Agt.. Gca AKat 241 AMer ku. I'cctUad, Or. The Shooting Season Ts about to open, and the Halcni (inn Store Is better prepared than ever, to supply you with anything you uiay want in gun and ammunition. We carry, only lirt-clasH mmIh. and when we ay fl rttt-cla k. wo mean It. i . ' Come In and inspect our stock, and j we will guarantee that you wfJls its mucu. wo are making a fruialty .. j of hand loaded shells, and we can rmu ( sc-ientiously recommend them to thoM 1 who appreciate thelest. Our stock of guns i. complete. We allow a pur i chaser to try a gun till be Is salisllcd, ; before making payment. Come in ani ; get a ropy of the Oregon Game Laws, ,Ve have a firt-clas repair depart ment in connection, and warrant nil work. , . - . ' ' Legal Planks, Statesman Job Oflite. The Salem Gun Store . -234 Commercial Ht. CHINESE Drug Store I carry all kinds of Chinese drugs and medicines. Root and herbs nature's medicine. Good for all kinds of sick ness. , Cure opium habit. . Good for the blood and kidneys. DR. KU'M COW WO, -31 Liberty fc" tree t. H i'. Ore -on