Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, October 03, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    . ...
nrnrvn-nnn n rr rr-n at
' .1111 II II l 1 w
Of tH(34vi
State Street
j Tr
H1." ;j r",-- r; i MODEL C ; . "
t It combines perfectly tho four great essentials in r gang plow.
; lt. It is strong and durable in construction. '
i 2d. It loe3 absolutely perfect work. .
j 3d. It is extremely light of draft. 1' v
i 4th. It is easy for the operator to handle. '
:i It is constructed on the lines of the Triumph Sulky Plow, ami the same fea
tures that have made it tluvstandard make this the most perfect gang yet produced
I Why It Is the Most Perfect Gang
"H The wheels carry the entire weight. A most important featuro and' found
only in the Triumph, rIt is a plow mounted upon wheels, and not simply a plow
witna wheel attachment for the convenience.: of the operator. The w.i eels carry
the frame, and the plows bolted to the beams are suspended within Jhat frame.
The operator, by means of the main lever, has complete control of those bottom,
and nless grossly misadjusted, every particle of weightdriver, frame, bottoms
and ffirrows is carried upon the wheels. . - ( .. - i
1 The side draft is completly overcome
Plows always turn uniformly deep furrow.
It follows closely in the line of draft. -. '
i Raised to full heighth by one motion of the arm.
I It hugs right to the furrow.; ;
The hitch is directly to the beams. ;
I (nvenihWi!
' ! In - thtf last s respect the Triumph is olergang
bin to be so eonvenienllv constructed. The Arrows can be oruod either
. angled fiVt, as desired, an shallow or deep, t The first furrows can be made any
. . . .i i x.i 1 4 (ho artpoiTIA limit. s - . ' ".
uepui Uiav Uie piqw.au vuru, www w .7 T- ;
The Hoover Digger
The facts About the Construction
The Hoover DiggerU the otdv oho: that suc-wssfully sojmrntwi the thttocM
from Iho vines and ollfer foul -ni itun, the ixtats Unng deli yprwl Whind the
machine, in a narrow row,, on ' leiui ground, while lh viuw aw cimied to Iho Ml
side, the upper set of rods doing tlds work, mtU tho aid of th ftmUnlly nun tng
forks. Growers shohhl give tttw impr.iviini-nt gnat weight in buying u di- r.
Jf you want a machine that will run everything, grass, vtnes, within and p.lts
. over together, like straw over the top of a at raw carrier, don't g ;t Hm- ll.Kivtr.
It will be noticed by the col that the power is taken by thv drive chain from
'the large sprocket wheel on ViU.er Sifle nnd.iinimnliately transmittal to the shaft
at the upper fend o the elevalur; this in turn sets the W k rack in iiioti.u, a m
the forks. i.
The forward lever so convenient to the driv-rr icgulatevthe dJpth, whic.i is
easily done while the machine is in .motion,, while the side lever rvgulult the
position of the back rack. A i -
Is of special -design and 'composition, whicli we unhesitatingly gunrauU-e
aeninst slumps and stoues. Wo have a Hpetial hinged shovel f.r mU.ii.v land, 'i h
Improved Hoover oW a liltlu inure than wmo othe-. An xaiiiuiutin will
show you why. , . ' , , - ' ,
We ate sometimes asketl: "How-many horses are required, to ' -handle' your
diccer and M-e answer, "Two,' though the conditions of the ground ami Iho depth
necessary to dig are important factors in determining thw. Ae BuarHiitee the
diccer against four horses; if that many aru necessaryput them abreast. This
is done where from iiv to eight acres ar dug in a day. 1 he machine is i futmxhed
witli complete i..ur-uorse iuoi iuu iut;-'-vt.
- ,H " . mmm l ' i. - . ... . . . .
- ..introductory Remarks., The stover,. V-
j , The MITCIIEIX WAOOK-1. , m wiS
and being bfihe h ghest robl 1ere ftre loWer priced than oilers
goods of merit, and while soma of Uie . , consistent with Uie price at which we offer
n nut all the value possible m eacli article comk w nnnfinre. and cet
We are other., .
goodamade right for the .uby usnables us to handle eaph line on a smaller
Ind the large vo mno of bns ncs "achihg. Therefore, we.feel jasUfied in
margin of profit man ura- .. monev than can be bad elsewhere. It is not our aim
Sy,n that we Wn with the duty to be performed.
raargi" r dinff
U.r those who want i rvi veh at a -fe
demand for mo.h r te pnci 'Xl of So conditions and requirements of the Nor ht
wTrtT dSl lh COrnef '
feature on our 1! imi-y lluhs.
;i .ott t .TrRivrNTEV" BUGQ-IES,
OUK mxxx TTlVTen sold largely to l.iverymrn. toctor,,
. . , . .i . ... nr. I. nr mill nave ieen sit . . J M nt'owi'v
Arn now on the mark. - f .. " "mm,d irive it lols.d "Want wipe, f. t
We are agents fcr the KEMP MANURE SPREADER.
Prices furnished on application.
. . . . . i
F. F. CAREY, lanager.
I am a fu-if conlMiisetl tGiisnline 'Engine, and not
confined to any one place.' If it is not convenient for
you to bring your work to the, can I go with you. and
put in fs long a day' wor as you wish ine to. j
You ask if I have n trade? I certainly ha v;
when I m on the farm I saw worxl, grind" feed, fhell
torn, chum butler, pump water, etc. find win n in
town I run printing presses ice cream fivtfcefii. vnti
lating.fanii, djnamosi, elevstors, colfee mill, and have
many other jolm. Now I want a place and am willing
to workchiap ..
Write fox prices and term
Mitchell; Lewis & Staver Co.
Portland, Seattle, Spokane and Boise.