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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1902)
" ' i r : SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1902. SECOND SECTION EIGHT PAtSES. 1 r J- TROUBLES OF ; THE CHINESE Boxers Attack and Slaughter s MINISTER CONGER'S ACTION He Demands Reparation for f j the Recent Out- ; I rages THE FOREIGN1 OFFICE APPEALED TO AND PRINCE CHENG PRO FESSING FRIENDSHIP. PROM ISES TO PUNISH "THE OTJILTT PARTIES OFFICIALS REMOVED. - ' I i : . i . . WASIIINOTON. Sept. 18. China Is ' on the sverge of another Boxer uprising whlch may equal that of 1&00, accord ing to mall advices .. received at the , State Department from Minister Con ner, dated last month. The trouble ap pears to arise principal! v from extor ' tionatej taxation, combined with re ,eentmejit against the presence of mis sionaries, thus justifying the judgment of the j Department'' of State, which iolntedl out to the powers that the de 'u mind for excessive Indemnities would result in .serious Internal troubles i In China.: - - Mr. Conger's first advice bears date of Aagutt 6. from.Pekln. and he re ports serious janM-forelgn riots near Chentu, In the province of Sxe Chuan, In wht li a number 6t native Christians ; had been masnnered and chapels de stroy wl.. f Mr. Conner appears to have acted with energy upon telegraphic romnlalnts from Dr. - Canrlght, on American medical missionary at Chen tu. not only addresslne- the Chinese for eign office bv letter, but calling there in person to impress unon the officials the necessity of Immediate action, and finally succeeded In causlng the re moval of the local Chinese officials, who had failed to repress the riots and pre- . serve lift; .and property; ' ' ' Mr. Conner encloses within his report : the cofnmunicatlohs that itassed, - be tween himself, DrCanrtrht. and the foreln office, under date 'of June 20, from Client Dr. Canright tele graohed -'"'!..--;' ,' . "Se Chuan repeating troubles of 1900. Chapel burned. . 10 Christians killed. lloxers have been multiplying ; for four months: officials tsved. . Mr. Coneer imtnediatelv telegraphed Dr. Canrlht to demand, adeauate. pro tection for missionaries and the native Christians from the local officials. He atm addressed a note .to Prince Ching at the foreign office, stating that there were several -"American mls1mries and many chapels and converts in Sm Chu&n. and that It was necessary that immediate provision 'be -taken .to stamp out these troubles at their .very Inccp- Uoa. ?' '---r '-v' '''.": '", In hfs answer. Prince Chtr enclosed a codv off the followinr Imnerlal edkt: "Some time asrO a number f local outlaws were banded together In the district of tbf Tse Yang and made trou. ble; whereupon I dispatched troops to ; dlsoerse them. v The : leadinsr criminal. LI Kane Church, and others were ar rested and executed, but now the mag. , Isyate of the place. Me CV" Chi. re 1 ports that at Ten Chn K,mfn. In his . district, outlaws, a. thoind strong. - suddenly made a nlsrht wttak and de stroyed a church which the British or American Society had built. The preacher. Che Cheng Wei. and four church members were killed. They also burned ome houses and killed three Christians. I sent troops In all haste, and deputed besides Pip official with rank of Tao Tal to proceed with braves to attend to this matter. ' , "Such fierce and lae outbreaks should: certainty. " be: quickly put down.! They must on no occasion be allowed to spread. We command Kwei Chun to strictly orderfthe troops to disperse the rebels and.thelr followers, to Ixe the rlneleadefs. and to punish them according to the r the law and vniP the rebellio" ;bud LW feel a igreit pltv for th missionary or nreachW and others who. for no fault of theirs, have lost their UveAnd so command that adeauate relief may be "AforMe Cheng "Chi. the magis trate of Tse Yang, who It IT said has not. long been in the office. wasttemlsa In klA' ; Uo nary measures, we demand thut. moved from office, and that he be given a limited time Irt which tocapture the criminal. As there m he outlaws In other places who rote th -u.Pclons of people, .oread rumor. -6d make trouble, the local autb -boUld be sternlv y instructed , to make careful search and put ai stop to things; to take TOa rec"qn n as to get rid of bad characters, and fo encourage the law-abldtng peop e They must give' real protection ' .e chaoels and mlssonarles. without tne Ieajt remiss. ' ' " "Besides sending, a t?' ? ?f Viceroy of Sfe Chuen ti- --e ahould at once'earry out the Imperial will as in dutv bound, but we have reverenUy copied the edVt. and -es; ! tor your excellency's Information. ; "Dated 41 t day : of ; the fifth moon (June 25. J902.M ; v v V'- ' i v Another dispatch from the foreign oft fice to Minuter Conger, dated JUiy , states that the Viceroy reported that the missionary killed was Chinese, ana cnlte a number of leading Boxers had been captured, and a sharp lookout was being kept for those at large.. , . Mr. Conger again had occasion to ad dress the foreign office on July 30, in iformlne them that Dr. Canrigfct. naa aaln reported that robberies and mas sacres were occurring. dally ; Jhat nil were In rreat dnr ant W. v - w mum . demanded protection ? in vi ts. minister urged the focetn to take more effective measin,-r order to avoid the fearful respocslbillty of a further loss of -life.nd property."1 The foreign office replied that several edicts had been Issued directing the Viceroy to suppress .the troubles. It had received & telegram '" tjat offi cial jiiating that th- Ilsiung Chine He. of Jen Chou Hsian. made his aopearance suddenly at the bead off a crowd and burned a chase and some thirty odd houses early in that moon, and also killed a Christian. They also i viceroy dispatched . trc- to the scene, w ha Wnii a,nui TL. .... c urr oi me rioi was also cap tured, and orders were given to have him beheaded and his- Bead exposed. The rebels at other points were also attacked by the Government troops and routed. Three or lour hundred of them were killed The Judge of the province reported that there was no neexl for the missionaries to seek temporary refuge. Attaek By Boxers. Pekln. Sept. 18-The Boxers- attack on Cheng Tufu. the capital of See Chuen Province. In which thousands of Boxers made ineffectual attempts to take the city began September 15th. The attackers were driven, hack the gates of the city closed, and guard- ea oy troops. The soldiers queUed the disorders within the city.- Fourteen Boxer leaders nd several other rebels were. executed,, r ; i ; - Soma Changes Made. Washington, Sept. 18. A letter Of later date, from Minister Conner, trans. mlts two important edicts ordering sev eral changes among the provincial offi cials as a result of the disturbances.' The most Important of the c nan res Minister Conger says, la the removal of K.wel. Chun .as Viceroy of Sze Chuon province, and the appointment of Tsen Chuen Hsuan as acting' Viceroy of that province. :' Tsen Chuen Jlsuan, up to a non iime ago, was uovernor or Shan Si province; Kwei Chun, the deposed Governor of Sxe Chuen, has been or dered, to Pekln for an audience. - THE ST. LOUIS SCANDAL MORE MEN ARE INDICTED ' IN CONNECTION WITH THE RAIL j WAY FRANCHISE JOB. . BT.. LOtfis, Sept. lf.Circult Attor nejy Folk today filed ; an Information charging former delegates Hannigan, Denny. Albright anT Bersch, with per jury: This action was taken tfs the re sult of the testimony 'before the grand Jury by the accused, who denied any knowledge of the reported payment of $75,000 to members of the house com bine by the Suburban Street Railway,: to secure certain franchises. The In formation in effect is the name as an indictment, and can be issued at the; discretion of the CrcuK Attorney. One member and five, . former members ' of the house of delegates, who rest iinder several charges of; bribery and per jury, and who have hot ye surrendered to the authorities, have until tomorrow, to give themselves up. : Alter , that1 they will be fugHives. : i : .1 -V -V:-,:- JAPANESE IN POSSESSION HELD MARCUS ISLAND WITH MA RINES AGAIN ST AMERICAN f iX CLAIMANTS. HONOLlTLtT. Sept. 11, via San Fran cisco, Sept. 18. The schooner Julia E. Whalen has returned from Marcus Isl and, without having accomplished the purpose for which she set out. When she arrived at Marcus there; was a force of Japanese marines on shore and they were prepared to resist the landing of the Americans. Under the circumstanc es Captain Rosehill decided not to at tempt to land, his force being much less than the force of tre Japanese, and the Marcus Island Guano Company will now make a claim against 'the "Japa nese government for Indemnity, basing Ms claim on: the alleged title of Rose hill to the Island. ' v NEEDS OF THE NAVY SECRETARY MOODY GATHERS DA TA FOR HIS ANNUAL REPORT - - TO CONGRESS; WASHINGTON, Sept. 1. Secretary Moody has begun a thorough Investiga tion Mixrt a in the needs Of the na val establishment, his purpose being to collect views of officers of all branches, and draw from them his recommenda tions to be submitted to Congress. To day he issued instructions to the Naval Board woC-Instruction -headed, by Rear . j r..MI tn. Innte Into the SUb- Aumirttt v . . - Jects 'Of construction and personneiwi . ,i lwth" ctihiects. I ana ma r - ABOLISHES THE SWORD. NEW YORK. SepL 18-The Earl o mnder of the lltJtaV4xa v Canadian militia, has Just issuedv a sweeping order abolishing the sword as a cavalry weapon, saya a Montreal dls- patch to the Times. . woumru Lord Dundonald declaresv must depend - . . ,K-i rin and he rec- ror vu,... - - , ommends that officers and men nt themselves-ao obtain munr7 .. cates. The carbines now In use win be replaced gradually by rifle. ' .'. . - , i i " "' '. : i A Certain Curs far Dysentery and 4 Diarrhoea -I -some years ago t was one of a par ty that Intended making. long bicy cle trip." saya F., I LZ Albany." Bradford Counrty. Pa. . -I was taken suddenly with diarrhoea, and was about to give up the trip, when editor Ward, of th Laceyville Messenger, iuggested that I take a dose of Cham berlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I purchased a bottle and took fw?aosesv one before starting and one on the route." I made the trip success Sy and never felt any ill effect. Aga n last Summer 1 was almost completely run doC wIth an attack of dysentery, t boujtht a bottle of this same remedy and this time one dose curea me. Sold by Stone'a Dru stored FIEND WAS LYNCHED MARSHFIELD. Or, Sept. IS. The lifeless body of Alonxo Tucker. o-cAct who criminally assaulted Mrs, Dennis, is aangung irom the end of a rope on & South Marshneld brirte-. i lug gaxed upon by "hundreds r people. Aa was predicted a body off coal min er marched Into town last event n a nea zor business. City Marshal Car- r, wno ni Tucker in custody, at tempted tO take him frorti th e&ll 1uat aa the Libby ndners entered, but the move was caught sight of by one at the van me party and & mad rush was made for the negro, who t managed to give his custodians the slip. He Jump ed under the Wharf Into the mud flat and eluded both officers, and the angry mob until today. : '" The misers were fairly erased with rage over the outcome, and .stationed armed guards at every point of egress from the city. ' The patrol was kept up all night and at one time there was loud talk of avenging the wrath of the Infuriated people upon the officers who Allowed Tucker, to escape. Every nook and crevice uVider the wharf was searched without result until Rit Prentice and Jay Gulverson. small boys. located the rugitive under Dean Ml Co. s store, and like young Americans pep oered him vlth aimin ; Tucker threatened to wring their necICS. nut thev drovo him fmm his hiding place, and as he emerged a ball from , a 30-30 caftgbt him in the right leg. It was shortly followed toy twe more volleys. Tucker ran Into Dean's store and was followed. The miners started to string him up In the store, but -a' second thought prompted them to take hlb to the' scene of the crime. He was still alive, but died on their hands, and' they did not care to bother farther, and hung him to a beam, on & bridge on the route. Benjamin Dennis, husband of the outraged woman, was among the lynch ers, but no one- knows who fired the tatal bullet and there are no questions asked on that point. .TWell done-. Is a consensus of public opinion. . There Wks not a masked! man in the crowd and everything was done In broad day light. ' PERSONALS C. H. Lane, the Portland merchant tailor, was is Salem yesterday. " Hon. O. R.Chrlsman, of Eugene, Is smong the visitors to the , Fair. Arthur Kraus. ' of Aurcr:, S among th fhrona- of visitors to the State Fair. lon. H, E. Ankeny. off Eugene and Jackson county, is attending the Fair. Clifford Fones, of Portland, formerly Off Salem, was a State Fair. visitor yes terdav. . . p .' .- fi-'.'-:'; - - j Thos. It Leabo. of Portland, was an Interested spectator 'at tti rce con-e yesterday . "s , .. ' August Kangijs, escaped July 189s, work on Mill Creek. ' ditch,' trusty, brought back by Blakety ' Hon. L. L. Porter, of Oregon - City, was among the Interested visitors . to the State Fair yesterday, . Frank H. Irvln. of Portland, formerly connected with the Statesman, is doing th$ Fair for the rest of1 th week. Thomas McCuxker, of Portland, eon-, tractlng agent for the Southern Pacific Company, was a Salem Visitor yester day . v'v:; :A i R. D.. Allen. ' who has ben suffering a severe Illness the past two months, has recovered sufllcieTw " vlsit sna enjoy the Fair. ; O. G. Betts. of Rowland. Oregon, a breeder of Shropshire sheep. Is at the Fair with a gne display of his thor oughbred stock. . r. . : Mrs. B.; E3. Critchlow, of San Jose Cal-, Is visiting her sister In this city, Mrs. C. T. Mclntyre, of South Salem, for .a" few , weeks. r - Mrs. C. -.'Cornelius "returned to her home In Portland yesterday afternoon from a visit to her daughter. Mrs. C. T. JPomeroy, In this city. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. Pomerov will depart Tor their home In Portland this morning after a week's visit at the home of their son. C. T. Pomerov. tn this city. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gilbert, of Ta coma. are the guests of Mr., and Mrs. E. S. Lamport, during the Fair. Mr. Gilbert Is one of Tacoma's councflmen. Mayor George H. Williams, of Port land, was a distinguished visitor to the State V Fair yesterday, and was greatly pleased with the exhibition and the racetk . ,: , ':'" - General 'Agent W. E. rv andjH. E. Lounsbery, travelling .aaent of the Southern Pacific Company, a-ere en thusiastic spectators at the race course yesterday, i '.- -.;'' : ' ; Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Huggins. nee Kathryn Gilbert, of San Francisco, are visiting at the home of the tatter's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Gilbert, . and attendlnK the Fair. ',',' Reuben Icer went to rialem Sunday to be present. Mt the opening - bf the State Fair. ; He has no . horses enter ed in the "races this year, but will ex hibit his splendid anlmaL "Pilot.- Cor vallls Gaxette, ' : "f ''. iTHon.. D-f A. McAlister will as usual attend the Oregon State Fair. He will leave lit the morning. -Since lsS, Mr. McAllister has missed Just one meeting of the Fair. For eight years he serv ed on the official Doard.L& Grande Observer. y .. . O Jx m X J 364. S JSLm - ; Master plumbers work, v 5 KANSAS CITY, Sept. 1 8. Master plumbers, unable to reach & settlement with their men, 100 off whom struck yesterday, today donned overalls and themselves filled the places off the strikers. The action of the master plumbers was decided upon to protect Important contracts, principally on of fice buildings In course of construction. Legal Blanks, Statesman -Job Office. Legal Blanks, Statesman Job Office. IDAHO FOREST FIRES Washington, SepC 18. A forest fire Is reported"" in the official tele kTaphle advices to the Interior Depart ment today to be raarinc in the section of Idaho lusr west of th Tellowstone National Park and. about fifteen miles north of SU Anthony. Idaho. A telegraphic report today from For est Supervisor Henry MitcheOson dated Kenosha flange. Colo., announces an abatement of the fires in that region. His Jurisdiction Includes the Pikes Peak. South Platte and FlUra. Creek preserves, which he saya are now clean. . The Register and Reeerver off the Land Office at Olympia, Wash tele graphed today that so far as he can learn there' Is no danger to the timber on the public lands In the vicinity . of Buckler and Enumclaw and ; the fires tit that section Is practically under con trol, - ;,. .. BASEBALL GAMES. Pacific League. PORTLAND, Sept. IS. Portland. ' T; Tacoma, 8. Butte. Sent. 18. Butte, 2: Seattle. 1. Spokane. Sept. 11 Spokane, 11; Hel ena 0. - American League.' Philadelphia, Sept. IS. Philadelphia, 6: Washlnston. 2. St. LoAls. Sent. IS. St. Louis. ; De troit. 3. Boston, Sept. 18. Boston, 6: Balti more, Z. . . ' ' 'Nftlensl Lesgwe. . Pittsburg. Sept. IS. Pittsburg. 7; St. Louis, 8. , i , Boston, Sept. 18. Bosto 8; Philadel phia. 1. Cincinnati, Sept. 18. Cincinnati, 2; Chicago, . . ' " A DROP OF WATirR.. Inhabited by Infusoria The Minute ness of JJ4 According to Prof. Rymer Jones: 'Take any drop of water Trom the stagnant pools around us, from our river's, from our lakes, or- from the vast ocean Itself, and place it under the microscope. You will find therein counties living beings, moving in all direction with oonsderabl . swiftness, apparently sifted with iclty, for they readly "elude each h n the active dance thev keen nn Increase the power of your glasses and you will soon .'perceive. Inhabiting the same drop, other animals, compared tb which the former were elephantine In their dimensions, equally vlvacous and eouallv sifted.. "ExhauSt the art of the " optician, strain vour i eves to the utmost, until the acting sense refit- perceive the little quivering nw nnt that In dicates' the presemie of lirA and you will Uml that you have not exhausted nature in tho descending scale," : Savs another authority:. "If a drop of water in which animal orvegetable matter is decaying be placed upon the object holder of a . microscope of ade auate magnifying - power. . say 200 diameters, it will be found to swarm with living beings n active and Inces sant motion. They vary- In size from 1-1000 of an nch. when they are Just within 'the limit of unassisted vision. to a minuteness which rt takes - the power of the glass to detect. These are' Infusoria; they abound In every ditch, pond, lake or river, are equally numerous In salt as In Vrh watter. have been" found in ttvorrrr wlni of hlah temperature. ' ani In the melted snows of-the Alps and the Andes;- In short, wherever water and decaying vegetable or animal matter exist, these infusorial animals will te found in vast numbers1.; There Is no doubt that they are often drawn yxf In the at mosphere in watery vaopr and bourne to and fro bV the- winds. Many f ot mi are not deprived of lie ".complete defalcation. , and mav therefore be mingled with the dust, and ; in tljs condition carried about hv the wl!ids to resume their active vitality so soon as thev chance to (all Into water. The suddenness with which they appear In water, even distilled water, when ex posed to the air. furnished the advo cates of : spontaneous generation with one of their strongest arguments." CENTURY'S GREATEST WORK. Many of the most eminent Germans were recently asked to express their opinion as to which was the greatest work of the last century and their answers, when classified, showed that the, majority attached most importance to the following achievements: 1 L The establishment off the German Empire. r . - ; IL The proclamation of the rights of man. - - , ; , ! IU. The discovery of steam as s mo-! tlve power. i rv Applied electricity. V. The discovery of narcotics and ot antisepsis.. i VL The promulgation of the law of conversaUsn off energy. - j VIL The work of Darwin. Y - VBX The discovery . of the modern sclentlflc method of Judging things, which is based on exact observation. IX. The discovery off the spectral an alysis. ." , . , J isssrisssaswsssMSM! s - FIGHTINO FOR FUEU DENVER. Sept. 1 8. Attorneys Wol covt. Tails Waterman, representing John W. Gates and his associate's in the litigation for control of the Colo rado Fuel A. Iron Cow yesterday gave notice to the attorneys of the Osgood faction that they will on Wednesday next a&k'the United States Court for an order compelling the officers f the company to call a meeting of the stock holders for the election of a new Board of Directors, and that such meeting be held tinder the tupervislon of a United Statea matter lit chancery. FROM OREGON EXCHANGES Eugene' Register: Sunday about 8:29 p.. m, as a driver for' Carson Mathews was hauling a load of hay along Eighth Street, th load was discovered to be on fire. An alarm was sounded and soon the boss companies were on the apot. A line off hose was connect ed with a nearby hydrant and after hard work the firement succeeded In putting out the Cantes and aavlng the wagon. The horses were released from ; the load Immediately upon discovery .of the Ore. Th blase tgnKed. from friction of the wheel against the rack. Eugene - Register: -We are informed by Henry Loehner of Craw, that Walter Canadays hop house of that neighbor hood, burned to the ground Saturday night, together wKh three floors of bops that were; In process of drying. One off the dryers accidentally upset a lan tern which, collapsed; th burning oil spilling upon the floor and Igniting. At the time of the accident Lies Bros- ex tensive hop raisers of that section, vegre using the house. Our Informant did not learn how much Insurance, If any. had been placed upon either the hop house or Its contents. ; Roseburg Review: The few persons astir oh the streets of Roseburg Sun day afternoon, about 3 o'clock. ; were greeted with the sight of a real, moving automobile. Its occupants Were . Mr. and Mrs.' o'. W. Carmack. of Seattle, from which city they started on their Journey about two weeks ago. and they remained here Just long enough o re plenish the tanks off the machine with a supply of gasoline. The travelers are en route to San Francisco on a pleas ure trip. Roseburg' Review: Martin Hager man had the finger of his right hand broken' and badly mashed Saturday while oiling the rock crusher.; Dr. HoOek attended to the Injury and found that the finger can fortunately be pav ed. Pendleton E.-0.: While worklne; ! hfs harvest Held on the Tutullla. W. V. Rlgbys threshing machine was-badly damaged yesterday by running a large stohe through the cylinder. .The ma chine Is a combined and while crossing a ditch the header picked up the 'stone and It' went into the machine before it could be stopped. Mr. Rlgby only lacked a few acres of being through harvesting and the machine was taken. to the-shed for the winter, lie will finish with his own patent combinj?. ' The Dalles Chronicle: Guy Young, who gave his father so much concern during - the spring, and finally, with other boys,; attempted to run away from heme, which caused him to be committed to the Reform School. - Is again In trouble. At that time kindly disposed neigh bora, took an Interest In him and for a time took him Into their home, and' later returned him to his father. Yesterdsy he was discovered to be. planning another runaway esca pade and Dr. Young Informed the marshal, who this morning found him at the race track preparing to start for Yakima. ... Unarrested him and this afternoon ,Judge Bailey again com mitted him to the Reform" School. KILLED BY TRAIN. WHATCOM. Wash, Sept. 18 A long shoreman named Peter Yesdale was killed this morning by a Great North ern passenger i rain. i was want ing ahead off the train, which was back ing Into the depot. The rear car struck him and threw him head downward s gainst the ties, fracturing his skull. :'! " MAY .VISIT INDIA. SIMILA, India. Sept. 18 Much Inter est has been aroused In India by the announcement that the Crown Prince of Germany, Frederick William, Is like ly to accompany the Duke an4 Duchess of ConnaughU who are ' to ry represent King Edward and Queen Alexandra at the coronation In Dubar. PERSONAL AND GENERAL. It waa the biggest Wednesday in the history of the State Fair. It will be the biggest Thursday, Friday and Sat urday. It was the Biggest Monday.' o s e r' A gusher of oU has been struck In Alaska, not far from Valdex.' There is oil In California below us and lrt Alas ka above us. There Is oil n; Oregoh, and some one. Will be finding It before long. - --" ' . .: '.'"" ' Salem Is herself again. Barney Pumpelly is home from the hop yards; The old town was powerfully lonesome while he was away. ( The listing of rooms for State Fair visitors by the secretary of theGreater Salem Commercial Club has b-cn a great accommodation. Scores and hun dreds of people have found and are finding places to sleep who might otherwise have beeft obliged to walk the streets.-,- '' - v If you don't see what you want . at thef State Fair OOrounds, ask for It, or look for It in'one of the side shows. ess "What are your hands for. Willie?' the Salem mother asked, reprovingly. He looked at them thoughtfully, esiof Kenntxlale, Jtx.. "and soofji ft it Hk Iff In doubt. Then suddenly a glad smile Ulumlned his fee.. "To get dirty and-b washed.-he answered.-- ' i I 1 I' ! (i !i i i ! I The Man and the Hour meet by.the time of an Punctuality's ; watch word, is : Elgin. Worn everywhere j sold, everywhere; guaranteed by the world's greatest watch factory. Booklet mailed free. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO., 4b isyswssir.syaMr Bgs Vsb-- f IS MAKING NO SETTLEMENT President John Plitchell De nies Effecting Compromise IHNERS STRIKE STILL ON A Bishop Who Has Investi gated the Coal Troubles DECLARES Tl 1 1-5 OPERATORS HAVE MADE A MISTAKE IN Ri:rrSlNl ARBITRATION THE WAR- ON THE ISTHMUS OK PANAMA AM KR1CANS THERE." ! 1 WILKESBARRF PA, ' Sept. , IS. President Mitchell tonight denied ll? reports that he had prepared a demand In which the term for a settlement of the big strike were modified, and had forwarded It to J. P. Morgan. There la nothing In that report,' Is all that be would ay.ln discussing it. ' . V Bishop Fallews, of Chicago, arrived "- tnnl-ht. tin tho kb run trnln w:S John Mark le, f the firm of G. B. M r kle A Co, who have repreneivi.-'.l the Individual coal Interests at all of tho conferences of the operators. 1 io m yn, after conversing with M.ukk and lh miners, he had reached the torn lnilm that the operators had tnsd.a mliik In refusing arbltratitm of their dis pute. v Marines At Work. ( Colon, Sept, !. The ITnlteA Ht.itos Blue Jackets, with a small nulcU-nririg gun from the crulm-r t'lnelntjatl. con tinue to- accompany eju h nsseTiK'r and frrlght' train: across lh istliititis notwItbittaiHling th protect itiralnst such measures which th '-Colombian Government has lodged with the .TiiIt- ed States consult here. Washington. Sept. 1. A cKblgram from rrlvate sources today said the navnl battle tK-lwen the! .Venesu- el troop and the revolution! Mm !. re- trtd to have occurred off Si m 1VIIh on the rlno'0. Tli callKTuin sM that tho tlovernmerrt vewwls had ! defeated and th (luern' ment. bemuiie off the defeat, was in- able to estsblltth an. I malntuln an ef- tettlve block adj' of the Orlnoi p, QUEEN LIL RECAL LED SITE DEMANDS PAY Foil THE CROWN LANDS-REVOLT IN HAWAII IB RECALLED. HONOLUI.tT. Pept. 13 . "Un Fran--clsco, 8ept. 18. The claim of tx-Queen UliuQkalanJ. for the crown lands taken from hf r at the time of the olverthrow of the Haws lis n Monarchy, has' ben presented to the Senate Committee on Hawaiian Affairs. The rettion re opens the old question of whether th Hawaiian Monarchy was overthrown with the assistance of American tr-oji, charalna that the revolt rninl I ho Ouw wss aided and stwttvj. and As sisted by the . Minister ..), i i.y of the United HtateS. The Q icon uk that the be paid INSPECTORS DISMISSED CUSTOM OFFICERS WHO ACCEPT ED . PATM KNT r0 U 'PA ft :kino BAOOAOE OFTRAVEI. :hs. WASIIINOTON. Kept. 18 f Sorrel a - ry Shaw- today ordered th ( filler.. I, of flvs Custom Innpectors at N ew York, charged with lax methods Irl the e- amlnatkm of baggage -and th ff- 0c ej. Ing of gratuities from Inromin g stearn- er passengers. lETEOROLOGICAL PO,RTIAND. Or.. S'pt. IS. Ing Is the weather forecast foi -Follow-the j r- !d ending midnight. Friday. Hcpt'tn t-r lth: For Oregon, .WashUgton and Idaho, showi'r. Fortune Fsvors a Texan. "Having distresftlng palnd In 'bead, without back and stomach, and ilrz s.PPtltft. I began to' use Dr. Kline's New (Life Pills.- writes W. P. Vhlt lia i. a new man.--Inrall.ble Irt stoma-h anl iliver troubles.. Only 2Sc at Dr. Stone's Drug S tores.