ds Jt e m4J JL atx avJLsf 053 DAIIAGE Strcz Ti2i: Drives Flames ;Yith Great Rapidity . FARMS HEAR OREGON CITY Endangered and . tHe: Wcrs Is Feared by the ; -People. IN THE PATH OF THE ROARING FLAMES LARGE STRETCHES OF FINE TIMBER DESTROYED-. oN . THE" WILSON AND f. TRASK RIV ERS IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY OREGON CITY. Sept. 10. Reports from' the surrounding country tonight state that strong north wind la a sain blowing, and the forest fires are spread Inc.' with dangerous rapldjty- j Between Hhubel and Clarke's the Ire la In the timber and goiifg towards Milk Creek, where many' fine farms are located. The worst is feared unless the wind dies down. Uniform reports received here tonight are that disastrous fires are raglnc at Sprlngwater and Mountain Home.' - -- - '.'!-- ' Fire Near Greshami ORESHAM. Sept. 10. -The east wind earns up early Monday morning and fanned the small - fires In the several ; clearings In Eastern Multnomah coun ty until they spread Hat beyondr' all bounds and control, and all things be fore, them wers met and speedily devoured.- The first to. be noticed was a small blase a. short distance east of the new school house of Rock wook, .and re )onr-It had been - fanned: -to an enormous roaring'' flame, spreading; de vastation. me names tended In a southwesterly direction - toward the nom or. ueorge cotnreii. This was speedily, destroyed -and the fire, passed on to devour the home of Mr. Parmltler a short distance farther on Its way. The next place Was that -of Jenne bridge-where V, clearing , was ' being burned. The blase soon gained fearful proportions and Itwai with the great- . eat struggle on the-part of the fighters present that the bridge. spanning John son creek at that point was saved. The several fences near were partially de stroyed. . - - fJ t ,J,. , ." The standing;' timber through which the fire passed J ill be rendered almost worthless for milling purposes, but of course can be used for; cordwood. There ran, be no definite figures "xiven as yet as to the exact amount of , losses ' The east wind has subsided, but the, smold ering fires would soon gain enormous proportions should It rise again.' The owners of most of the homes' visited were absent In the hop fields of the Willamette Valley and It was through that good efforts of the remaining ones that a far greater conflagratlpt was prevented. . .. -. - ,. j , , Tillamook Timber Fire, ' 1 Tillamook. Sept. 10. A fire originat ing from the slashing of brustfat the Anderson farm, on the Trask river, is sweeping the timber along the; western slope of the Coast Range Mountains, In this county, t All th timber between here and the, mountains, along the Trask,-KUchis-sndi Wilson, rivers,, is burning- or In danger of being burned by re, which was first noticed, Mon day morning, at SVclock eight' mllles east of here. y ' " j .. . Ar-lt:30 a telephone message from the Red Clover Creamery,, four miles from this place, called for men to help the ranchers in that-vlclnKy move their furniture and belongings. Twelve men answered the fall and at the same time the rlty hose company, recognizing the nearness of the blaxe, called: out" all members of the department and put the fire apparatus In working trim. At this time a strong east wind was blow ing and the nearness of the fire, coup led with a shortage of water supply, caused great -uneasiness among the citizens of Tillamook. a.. "5 i At 6 o'clock the wind changed front east to south and wKh a crash and s roar that only a forest fire can make, the flames shot over 'the mountain, burning every stump, and tree. Jn Us course. The fire-re how running be tween Trask and Wilson' rivers, de stroying everything in Its course. . .. The North Yamhill and Tillamook , stage, carrying 4he man. came In three hours late, f TheiBre and fallen timber made tt an ; almost impossible feat to pass down the road, but John Mlllican, a Pioneer stage driver, and William Mesaner. a Are ranger, for the. Astoria Timber Company, brought the- stag and mall Into this city, through the fire. Mlllican and Messner were scorched and the mules drawing the stage were badly singed and burned. The stage, with the mall, started out tonight, but returned, , being unable to . break through the flames ' which llrw both sides of the Trask river road. - The ;wlnd has died -down and ' the J fire Is 'calmer, but gre.adamage Is, expected IIm Just'-received a large! shipment of new AVall Paper.. ' Elegant pattern at popular prices. ': REMEMBER Ccc!:l St Kzxt U VtiyMlx STORES AT S A T.EM AND AXBANT w ten Cie. wind i : w 7 Srrs Nsar Woodburn. : WoddSurn Bipt 10 Fire just east of this city Monday destroyed fences on he Lewis and Gillat farms, burned $75 worth of hay belonging to Mrs. Ames, and set fire to George Glllat's house three times, but the building was saved and the spread of the fire check- ed. Woodburo was filled with smoke and the sun was almost obscured. ' On the McKenzie. , Eugene, Sept. 10. Persons coming down from the upper McKenzie report several forest fires along the - route. Most of them, however, are In old burns and are therefore doing- no ma terial damage, to timber. One In the vicinity of the HJxorcplace is running In green timber, whlch Is of consider able yarns and is doing considerable damage. - ;'- ' . Near Forest Grove. '" -:x Forest drove, Sept. 10. Forest fires have been raging for two days In the, timber west of this place a few miles, which are destroying much valuable timber and endangering a good deal of other property. ; " BLOODY FIGHT IN COLOMBIA The ReVOlUtlOniStS AttaCk the Government Forces FINALLY DEFEATED THEM Terrible Atrocities Were Com mitted by the Rebel . Troops , - RUSSIANS ARE MAKING -NO VISI BLE PREPARATIONS FOR WITH DRAWAL. OP MIUTABJT. OCCUPA TION OPACHURJ3Lsr-lMMI-GRANTS ARE ENTERIIKXI, :'; KINGSTON, Jamaica. Sept 10. The steamer .Valencia arrived today , from Santa. Marta, department of Magdalena, Colombi a, and reports thfit desperate fighting occurred, there from Friday to Monday last. One . hundred Govern ment troops were killed, the railroad demolished, and terrible atrocities com mitted. : : : T The offlcers' of the Valencia say the atrocities were committed by $ rebels who chiefly used machetes. The bodies of many Government troops were terri bly mutilated. Santa Marta Is entirely cnt off from communication with" Out side points, and the , residents of . th port have sent an appeal to Colon for protection. ' ;lt"ii. feared he revolu tlonists will sack Santa Marta when they capture It- ' The attack of the revolutionists was entirely unexpected, and owing to their superior numbers the resistance of the Government forces was half hearted.1 4 ' " " I ' ; t- .... .' ; .5 Rebels Concentrating. r Kingston Jamaica. Sept. 10, General Hen-era is said to be In command of the revolutionary forces concentrating at a. point about midway between Pan ama and Colon. r Thers . are . strong government forces at both ends of the railroads, and reinforcements azje com ing In. . Breastworks are being erect ed a Colon and. Panama. - . FOUND, BIGGEST NUGGET MAN WHO DISCOVERED AND SOLD IT FOR $60,000 DIED IN WILDS OF CANADA. t NEW YORK. Sept. 10. Samuel Hawkins Napier, who found what ii said to have been the largest nuggest of gold ever mined. Is dead, says a Provlncetown, Msss dlspstch to the Times. He died alOne, except for the -companionship of a faithful dog, ?00 miles from any. human habitation, la the wilds of the Oailneau, River, Can ada. Napier's rich strike, occurred in Australia In 1852. ; lie was a, purser on the Melbourne-LlverpooHihlp when the mad race for the -Australian mines succeeded the finding of rich deposits. He Jorhed fortunes wKh his brother-in-law. and the two went out to the gold country. One day Napier's pick struck solldly-upon a metaile mass of targe proportions. .The nugget was taken to London, where IC was exhib ited and finally sold for $60,000. .Napier settled at Bathurst, N. B., and became a member of the Provincial Parliament, but his share of the wealth amassed at the Klngowar diggings was lost in speculation. Mayonnaise dishes are a delight to the housewife. They have a leaf -shaped saucer -and a bowl-like pitcher and are of china beautifully decorated. ' Rattan furniture i stained a strong chrome yellow Is one of the novelties in summer furnishings. - This Is usually upholstered in yellow and white cre tonne. . THE PLACE l-C -if.-- f"t 'hT 1' to .be done , tomorrow prlngs up. imm. G10 1 THE nAILHOAD CGuuISSION Endcrsed by Republican. Con- veatica In Yasaingtca GOVERNOR I.IC BRIDE WOK After a Hard - Fought Battle Lasting Far Into the : :t Wight JUDGE HA1LEY FOR THE; SU PREME BENCH. AND CUSHMAN, X JONES AND v HUMPHREY FOR j CONGRESS WERE NOMINATED BY ACCLAMATION. - V TACOMA. Wash, SepU lOThe Re publican State; Convention elected A. i J. v Falkner.Xofr Olympia, temporary chairman. Rockwell, of Spokane, of fered a resolutlottexpressing an un qualified approval of the administra tion of President Roosevelt, which was telegraphed to the President, and ad journment was taken to 2 p. m. On the re-assemblage the committees fin credentials a.id order of business re ported and John H. Powell, of SltUe, was elected permanent chairman. . The platform as reported resembles the St. Louis and Philadelphia platforms; commends the attitude of the President regarding trusts;, and favors eight hour law for state and government work, j The question of reciprocity Is untouched.. ' "A- ; - t The convention adjourned at 11 o'clock ' tonight, after the most exclt lag contest In the history of the party. When the delegates met at, 7: 30 p. m- a motion was made to adopt the ma jority report of the committee on plat form. . The only disagreement was over the Railroad Commission , plank, and from the time of reconvening until 11 o'clock. 15-minute speeches were made for and against the plank,-and finally a motion was made to strike it from the platform.' This was lost by a vote of 2624 to 308. A motion was made to substitute an elective for an appointive Commission. This was also lost, and the platform as reported by the committee was then adopted with' out .any dissenting votes. A motion was made to nominate Judge Hadley for the Supreme Bench, and Cushman, Jones and W. E. Hum phrey for Congress. . This was adopt-?' ed by acclamation, and the convention adjourned. The adoption of the rail way commission plank Is considered a great ? victory for Governor ,McBrlde The Legislature must pass a law pro viding for a Commission before tt ber comes effective, so the" fight will be renewed at Olympia next January. f . wJkgainst Woman SufFrage. , Qpncord, N. H Sept. 10.-r-T,be DemQn craU of, New Hampshire 4n State Corn rention today, placed In nomination for Governor, .Hon. Henry F. . Hollis, ,, o Concord.; The convention, by a largf majority, refused to favor woman suf7 frage. , r-, ; . ' . ' . . ...' Gastoni Wins. ,f Boston, Sept. 10. The Democratic primaries throughout- Massachusetts tonight Indicate that Colonel William A. Gaston, a son of the Ute William Gaston, has received a majority of the state delegates and will be nominated for Governor by the State Convention September 17th. over Charles Hawley, -Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, In the last Cleveland administration. Idahe Populists . . , Boise. Ida, Sept. 10. The State Convention of the Populist party, has nominated a ticket, headed by James Gunn, of Ada county, for Congress, and D. Andrews, of Ada county, for Gov ernor. x Governor Hunt has nominated II. S Donnely, of Kootenai, chairman of the Democratlo State Committee. ; - '. : -: CoWsdo Dsmoerats. Deiver, CoL, Sept.. 10. Among the resolutions adopted by the State Demo cratic Convention, was the following; We recognise Senator Henry M. Tel ler asjone of the greatest of the nation's living statesmen. , He gave Cuba her freedom, and ' compelled the nation to redeem Its sacred promise. His public record Is an example for mankind for all tfme. We pledge all the members of the Fourteenth General Assembly of Colorado, to give their state support to Hon. Henry M. Teller for United States Senator to succeed himself." A Pesulist Ticket. Denver, Col., Sept. 10. The Populist ! party convention did nothing except i adopt a platform during the day. but I at the evening session, when It became known that the Democratic convention I had declared against fusion, the. con- I ventlon decided to place a full ticket In the field. ' M Maine's Big Majority. Portland, Me., Sept 10. The vote for Governor In ail but fifty .'town snd plantations shows a continued increase for Governor Hit!, and his plurality will not fall short ot the first estimate of Monday night. The vote of 470 towns gave bim a plurality of ' 2S,SS. - The total vote of these 470 towns is 1L.15J less than two years ago. ' TO SETTLE STRIKE GOVERNOR STONE HAS INVITED PRESIDENT MITCHELL" FOR . 'A CONFERENCE. ' WTLKEBARRE, Pa, Sept. 10 Im portant messages passed between the Executive Mansion at Harrlsburg, and President Mitchell, of the UnKed Mine workers tonight, and the latter has ac cepted an Invitation from Governor Stone to cenfer with hint at Harris burg Saturday. : Chicago, Sept. 10 The packing house teamsters renewed the fight against the stock yards concerns tonight, at a meeting of the Union. It Is the avow ed intention to order a . strike Jit f 00 drivers m&07j$&;$wlZ-ArCo HEAVY GIlAL I FIUI33 , rr-nv fPvOPCrty IN EASTER LEY CRO HON BAR- 3 BURNED. WALLA WALLA, Wash. Sept. 10. A messagr from Alto-to. Unton says sraln field fires last night destroyed a separator, stacker and the derrick ta ble, belonging to Henry Hawks, on the farm of Frank Hosklns. w Seven hun dred sacks of barley were consumed. ' ' ROOSEVEL NOT SATISFIED,' WASHINGTON," Sept. l0.--it was announced at the War Department to day that the President had disapproved the proceedings and .findings in the case of Captain James A. Ryan, Fif teenth Cavalry,; who was tried by a general court-martial at Manila on the charge f using ; the : water-cure on Presidente Uvaldl Abing and Luis Gir neno. rice-president of the Pueblo, of Jlmlnes. , Mindanao. Drisoners m his charge at Jlmines. The court-martial In this case, which was, appoiniea Dy the President, acquitted Captain Ryan. The record of th proceedings of4 the court having - been submitted to the President, be Indorsed it as being dis approved. 1 THE BOODLE INVESTIGATION Heavy Bonds Exacted from 1 ,the Former Delegates m THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL WnO ATC UnarKCU 'WllU AW ceptinr Big Bribes ALX. RECORDS IN MISSOURI . COURTS BROKEN ONE OF THE DEFENDANTS NOW OUT ( ON - FIFTY-FIVE. THOUSAND .. DOL- LARS BAIL MURRELL IS FREE. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 10. The day around the Four Courts, where the municipal boodle Investigation Is being .held, was quiet. It Js supposed to be the. calm before the :' storm. No arrests were made an 1 six of the nineteen members of the alleged House of Delegates com bine ; are still at liberty. Delegate Faulkner, who was out on. bonds ag gregating $40,000, today Vave additional surety to the amount of $15,000. His bonds now are J55.000. a sum without precedent in the history of the criminal courts for Missouri. ; ; v (Delegate Hannigan was released in bonds Of' $45,000, and Delegate Edward E Murrell, who turned state's evidence was released In the sum of $15,000. Ex Delegate J. K. Murrell. whose confes sion' resulted In the issuance of the bench warrants asrainst hli fellow- member$ in the House of Delegates was also set at liberty. He furnished a. bond in the sum of $15,000. ' The Grand Jury will be reSeonvened tomorrowlvhen. the circumstances - of the passage in 1$, of the city lighting bill, will be investigated. According to the confession of J. K. Murrell. $47,500 was delivered among certain merrroe of both houses, who secured' ttte passage- of this measure. SANK WITH HIS SHIP ADMIRAL KILLICK. COMMANDER OF FIRMINIST GUNBOAT, DIED IN THE WAVES. GONAIVES, Hayti, Sept. 10 An m- verti gallon made by a correspondent of the Associated Press Into the sinking i of the Flrmlnlsts' gunboat Jrete-a-Pierrot at the entrance of this harbor Saturday shows that Admiral Kllllck. her commander, personally fired the aft magazine of that vessel when the Ger man gunboat Panther attempted to capture her, and that he -apnarently went down with his ship. The Pan ther, which had previously attempted to board the Crete-a-Pierrot., the latter being moored to the shore, reversed ' Every woman fa the ought to know about country Mil! Those who o know about It wonder how they ever got along without it. it baa robbed child, birth of its terrors for many a young wife. It has preserved her girliaa figure and saved fcer ssuch suffering. It Is aa external lini ment and carries wUa rt thereore, absolutely no darrr of upsetting' the system as drugs takes intern ally are apt to do. It isto be nibbed into Use abdomen to soften and strengthen the muscles which are to bear the strata. This means ranch less pain. It also prevents tnorning sickness and all of the otner discomforts of pregnancy. A druggist of Uacoa, Ca., says: " X have sold a large quantity of Mother's Friend and have never known an instance where it has' failed to produce the good results claimed for it." - A prominent ladv of lam. bcrton. Ark., writes:- "With ray first six; children 1 was in labor from 84 toto hours. After taring Mother's Friend, my seventh was honiBiluiin" . , 3et Mother's Frlead at tm drag ' l4d per b40e. vs. t2cnaj t:rctiATC2 ca AILMTA.CA. ' M Suiba.- For aaJs at "DIU STONE'S drug stores.' -, i i 1 -.3 ' - - ' ) It la " to Id parents J . ( ' . if , v T 7 Tw -k responsibility, and D.Qr i taint of dUeas UK( I to be transmitted ' give sores and eruptions, catarrh of the pose and throat, weak eyesglandular swellings, brittle bones, white swelling and deformity. ' v Ilow can parents look tipon such little sufferers and not reproach themselves for bringing so much misery into the world? If you have av diiMi InrVintr in vnnr svstem. how can von exnect trell develnnf healthy children ?, .Cleanse yonr own blood and build up yonr health, and yon have not only enlarged your capacity lor the enjoyment of the pleasures of life, but have discharged a duty all parents owe to posterity, and made mankind healthier and happier. : i.;vJ j - ; There is no remedy that so surely reaches deep-seated, stubborn blood troubles as a. A purely -vegetable medicine harmless in its effects, and can be taken by both old and young without fear of any bad results. . ; Write us about your case, and let our physicians advise and help you. This will cost you nothing, and we will also send our book on blood and1 skin diseases. ' - Til it svriTT jpcciric CO., Atlanta, Cs. ; .-..;-; ; -f 'sf- ,-: :5i, - t engines : when the magazine ploded and one Jiour afterwards fired SO shots from tier guns at the Cretc-a- Pierrot In order to finish the work of I sinking, her. The Panther then left Gonaives. - - It Is claimed here that the rifles and machine guns of the . Crete-a-Pierrot ft O tf A KttAVt flivol. Tha Iwf r ' Ail. miral KUltck was recovered Saturday afternoon and was buried the samel evening. The surgeon of the Crete - a " " ,T17J1 '- JimX JZl and two sailors of that vessel also per a ww . . . i . . . a reach Cape Haytien on Friday A newspaper or Port an Prince July 14th contained the following telegram from Admiral Kllllck to General Boise rond Canal, provisional President of Haytl: "Gonaives, July 12 th. Bolserond Canal, Port au Prince: Kllllck does not fear-anything. -Will blow up his ship and company for the sake of the national honor. Tou alone remain re sponsible." ' f Previous to sending the message to General Canal. It appears,' Admiral Kll lick had received orders from the lat ter to give up his vessel to Lieutenant Reid, his second In command, and It was also reported that the provisional government has requested the United States gunboat . Marietta and the French cruiser ryAcsIs to. capture the Crete-a-Pierrot, hence the defiant dls patch to General Bolserond Canal CHARGED WITH ARSON : AN ALBINA BOY ARRESTED IN A ; HOP YARD NEAR THIS CITY : , YESTERDAY. , Martin. Toomey, a lad of 15 years, whose residence Is In Alblna, was ar rested at the Oliver Beers hop-yard by Deputy Sheriff J. L. Sklpton, .' upon telegrsph Instructions from Chief of Police McLaughlin. of. Portland, upon the charge ! of being implicated In set ting fire to the iO B."& N. Company's pattern shop, in East Portland, last The young boy was picking hops with his mother and two sisters when ar rested, and he was confined ? In the county jail last evening to await the arrival of an officer from Portland, who was expected last night, and who will conduct him thither for a- hearing. The boy stoutly, and amid a great flow of tears and spiutterfngs. denies having had any hand In the affair, but he acknowledges having been In com pany with two other boys, Ernest Alli son and R. McGloln, who have been arrested by the offlcers In Portland up on the same charge and the latter of whom Is said to have admitted -having been "In It; Mrs. Toomey, the mother of the boy, when the papers were served, upon Martin In her presence, strongly as serted his Innocence and ' exclaimed that it was all a plan to "run them. out" of the neighborhood.- ROOSEVELT RETURNS THE GOVERNMENT BOUNDS GER MANY REGARDING THB.NEWi . AMERICAN AMBASSADOR. - OYSTER PAY, Sept. lOt President Roosevelt returned from his Southern tour this afternoon. It wasauthori I tatlvely stated tonight that the United States Government has sounded the German Government as to the appoint ment of Bellamy Storer as successor to I Andrew D. White, the American Am bassador to Germany. 7 A successor to White has not yet been selected. A Certain Cure for Dysentery and ,r . Diarrhoea. : - "Some years ago I was one of a par ty that Intended making a long bicy cle trip.- says F. I Taylor, of New Albany, Bradford County, Pa. "I was taken suddenly with diarrhoea, and was about to give up the trip, when editor Ward, of the Laceyville Messenger. 1 suggested that X take a dose of Cham I berlaln's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I purchased a bottle and took two doses, one before starting and one on the route, I made the trip suceess- ully and never felt any 111 effect. Again last Summer I was almost completely rundown wun an attack of dysenterv. I bought a bottle of this same remedy ana tms time one dose cured me. " Sold by Stone's Drug stores. TWENTIETH CENTURT FUND. , CHICAGO, Sept- . Blhoi John 11. Vincent, of the Methodist Episcopal church, arrived In Chicago from Zurich, Dwiixeriano. tast night. , lie will re main la Chicago several days snd 'will call on Bishop Hartsoll to discuss the missions In South Africa and to confer In regard to the Twentieth Centunr Fund of the Methodist church, of which $18,000,000 of the f S9.000.000 must still be raised. ' , SURRENDERCONFIRMED. PANAMA; Sept. S The surrender to the Colombian insurgents, of the Gov ernment General Morales Berti and the troops of his command at Agoa Dulce, has now been confirmed. The con servsUves of Panama are very much disappointed at the delay In the depart ure from Seattle nt ttt r!rw .i war. vessel, Bogota. - . . . ,'"' tLa right cf everychili v.tll born; ar.J.to.tLe it must look lor ueaiitt ana happiness. Ho ji ' ceii ow incon- ivably great is the parents how important that VfcvL,Ulijk""r is left in the blood . N. , to the helpless child, entailing the most s. S. It searches out even hereditary it il II i a. poisons, and removes every taint from the blood, and builds up the general health. If weaklings' are growing up around you right the Vrong by putting them on a coarse of S. S. S.-at once. It ia Hods Hods Hobs : If too are lnlerertcd In bop new and prices. It will paj 700 to c et tto) reporui of tb , 1 !H Wbltehall 8L . Torx ClXf. EMMET WELLS, Gn. Manager. - l Bee our belts, purses, combs, retain- nt cket prices. Our "Blue Co- - ..., . i ut ii - 1 1 is i iin. h imi s ini r a mill a iiiiiwi ' are going fast. We have enlarged our line of granite ware. Give us acalL THE VA RIETY S TORE, M Court 8c , '. Aanora M. Welch, Prop. Salem Iron Works II. 111. EDGAD, Mas. - All Kinds of AfachineWork'Cast- . ipgs, Etc. Hop ad Fruit Drier Stoves. In Eyery Print Shop There Is The Devil to Pay ..... and 4es Ides, him, we have to pay a force of over 40 men, who are employed In the several depart ments of oar establishment In , printing of various kinds. Every thing printed here, from a caiU lag card to a newspaper. Will yon become one of our patrons and help to promote home maao factortng? , STATESMAN JOB 'Phone OFFICE Maa 2041 Bart's. German Salve Heals quickly ail euts or bruises. draws soreness out of lame back, and draws slivers out ef flesh wfiieh efteis break off toe short to puTL Stleks like sticking plaster; Try it and yeu will never be without By marl 25 cents. L. M. BARR Vo. 1 20 State St., Salem, Or. CHINESE Store I carry an kinds of Chinese druara a.nd medicines. Roots and herbs nature's medicine. Good for all kinda4f slck- ness. Cures opium habit; Good for the blood and kidneys. j DR. KUM BQWJVO. 204 liberty Street, - Salem, Oregon Fieeley HIcohoI, Opiums 420 wiuis s Are. Portland, Ore. Taxsss en id Street f te CpperAlbl aa, Tobacco Using? Phone flak LSI! Ora. ft HILKS' STiLUOl, "JEEOLIE," he. 29t3t 1 Wld nd lor mm the eomlsc eoaumi at er- nr itrrrui i km. . - . - DB. W. LONO-, VeterlBery Sargton. rione2Mt Saien.Or, Money to Loan On Improved farm and city prbpertg at lowest rates. . T2JOMAS K. FORD, - Over Ladd A Dush's Bank . Salem, Oregon. Drug - f.."!U IJ..- I