rijtnhVvrjr Tu-flAy ia l l-'ridny by the i fcTATF;iAS I'UIiUiitllNti Ct'JSJN . . J. HXSDRP K3, Manager. UE3vilI'nuX KATES. t f ne year, In a-rvar.ce.' .. month. In advance...;., "t i.ree mouth. in adTauou. . un year, en time. .......... II CO -itf 1.2i The K unntt h Urea eirtah'Uhcd for nenMy fifty-two year, And H huMime ubcrlbera who nve-rorivrl U nearly that long, and many wiui bav lead It for a frrtrattii. Horn of tn-se object U bavins tite prr diaSmtiimcd i uie time of ex vrt" of t h-ir ahrplioiia. hnr tbe benefit or thee, and for other reanoca we bare concluded to dincominue oHCniii"n onfy when nuncd to do to. All perou paying when MikMcrihinir. or paying in adr-tare, will hare the beiu-tit of the rtotlar r.-. Bat if they do not py i T mix moa'hn, tbe mm wi!J rfL'i a rear, ucihuki we wiu reiia in imju-r tw ui rtfriJijbl pentona-who order It tboKfr they may not send the money, wlih the unnerrtand lig that thty are to pa $1.26 a ysr,tii Ca I bey bit ; the aubaeriptlon aucout.t run oaer k)x xnonah. la order that there Buiy be no inMunv nvnttandini?. we will keep tbu mtio aUuitUug at this place is the paper. CIRCULATION (SWORN) OVER 4000. IRRIGATION OF ARID LANDS. "I believe, when Roosscvelt alumd the irrigation act, he fixed h! name, to .the Kreatent law that ever went uton the statute books of thin, nation." declare! Cieorgre 11, Maxwell In a speech laet nfghL "Lincoln-signed the Iimancipa tlon proclamation making 4,000.000 slaves free. Roosevelt dlI &b much for freedom Of all citizenn that one ia the freest who gets his own profits from hist own labor on his own land. 1 "No one act has ever done more for theperpetuation of free Institutions than the irrigation act. if - The ! order which .passed this bill was Let there be homes.' In the beginning of things the order was 'Let there.be light.' Be tween the two mandates there Is little difference,-because the home is the light of freedom of this nation," j No Graft About It. Mr.. Maxwell Is executive prtldent of the National Irrigation Association lie has been prominently identified with the Irrigation movement for the past eight years. ' Southern California is the birthplace of the movement. In that region he has worked along with the rapidly growing sentiment for Govern ment irrigation, lie is making a- tour ofJthe Western state.. This morning he will go to Puget Bound and thence to Chicago, the . headquarters of the association. Mr. MaxweU's wife and daughter accompany him. Last night . Mr, Maxwell made an address in the Chamber of Commerce Uullding, under the auspices: of the - Hoard of Trade Chamber of i Commerce and Alanufac tarers' Association, liis remarks were ticusely followed by a. large audience -Mr,, Maxwell-received .the thanks of the meeting after his addreas tr Maxwell urges Portland c-ltlaens to join the Nat lontit Irrigation Assoc-la tioii and thereby lend tlieir intluence to the new polity of the Government, and unsure the proper administration of ' that policy. ; s . r '"The AVeait must show the East that It Is going to be honest with Uncle U. n ...1.1 T. .(.. I. IHUcy Is not a graft. If the. West does this. In a'.few years it will !e able to get ny amount or money ror irrigation, it should not let the Cast get tb idea that thi several Western states will (juarret and bicker over tbfe dlstribu tlon of the reclamation ffind. Nobody contend that the money of the fund nhuiild 1 Hu nt w here It will not be returned. - If all theVestern states Join hands for ithc?" proper- administration of the irrigation law, instead of tbe $10, C(K),om which they will have in the next two years they will get from Congress theuse of $50,000,000 or J1M),000.000 or any sum required. ' .i The speaker emphasized the fact that the paKage of the act wis due to the business s;igaeity of powerful Kastern Interests, lie fctYongly, lnieted ; that water and land rights should be J ru-i-ti ruble. He a!3 urged the neterslty of having fourts ..closely delloe and limit riparian rights. ; ! .'The above la from tha news columns of the OrcRonian of yesterday. Mr, Maxwt-tl s.tid that "in Southern California are about 1.250,000 arrest 'of land tnada arable by private Irrigation, t-nterprise; in -Colorado are about 1.500,000 acres. In the UnUed States are about 7,500,000. In the entire United States atxut J00.000.t00 acres of f arid Ian4 ran be made fruitful by.a Gover.-. inent system of . Irrigation." .-. Ife-wer.t on to any;: "Dowrt In Cali fornia the peoole did not stop because itJovernment money for preliminary surveys was inadequate. They' went aheadlof their own accord. Tliey raised $10,00t)f for surveys. That t hows !ptrit, iloesn't it? , Rut now the Government -has provided sufficient money for these purposes. For four years we have kept up a constant struggle to have the fund for surveys ralfe-i from $50,00 to $J50,000." We have su-ceeded in getting $.'00,000, Tes, this fund is ample." Mr. Maxwell said the president of the National Manufacturers' Association said at the Indianapolis convention: i I wouldfather have, the trade of manufacturers, of 1,000,000 more farm ers in this country, than all of the jtr.tde if South America." ! j Thfs disposition secured the passage iof tht Irrigation act. The manufactur ers of tni Kast want more A.netican fArmers fo sell their products to. There H a vast extent of territory In Eastern nd Southeastern. 'Oregon, no v practlc ully or wholly desert, that can, be re viaiiiiid fcnd mdo rich and thrifty with htagnlficent farms, livery part t Ore jeon will be benefited by the reclamation t't these lands.' '. '. GETTING OFF TOO CHEAP. Th licenses received, or by ordl ttttueM provided to b 'reeeivet!, by fhe Draggcd'Doivn Feeling II the loins. Nervousness, unrefreshing sleep, despon dency. Itl time you were doing something. rin in your rase they are holding the reins a) id drlvfng you into serjus tnatbte. Hood's Sarsaparilla A( with the most direct, beneflclsl efert on th kidneys. It coowtins the he!t and fft n)bfttQces for correcting and toning U,e wsan,. , Iti,ri..,r)l'oi... tff,. viir. Imnlrri'ii thoiity 1 that In -due -time Mexico Will" L-.!f!,hvthPi1f1fII,taft-rMSt,niaf-h!ivUisation . In adopting the gold, I'ifir ra and it will rfn the same for t(u tiMlaf . Trrmbttt. It will benooirh Jo con vine; you of Its wonderful -value as a cure for Dlttratss, im jtgestlom, ttysptpslm, Comsttpatlon maa General Weakness. 'Hie prenulne ha our Prl titeSttmp over the neck of the bottle . HOSTETTEE'S ST0I1ACH BITTERS city of Salem from various sources are a.3 follows: - Circus, one ring, $50 a day; two rings, ITS; three rings J1C0. Each ' tide show, $3.- , - - - , lMg, horse or pony show, under tent, $1'.. Menagerie, $10. Thearters and concerts, $120 a j-ear;1 $75 for six months; ; $40 for three months; $30 for one month; $20 for a week; $5 for a day. Entertainments for public charities, hemje benefits, etc . may be let off without license charge. Merry-'go-rounds." cane games, sjdn dle iW'heel.?, wheels of fortune, ball or riiig throwing. $30 for, three montlis; $25 for one month; $15 a week, or $3 a day. ' Billiard or pool tables, $10 a year, with a limit of $50 for bne house. Bowling and shooting alleys, $21 a year, $15 for six. months. liotel runners, $12 & year. . 'Meddlers on foot. $75 a year; $50 for six months; $25 for three months; $15 a month: 15 a week; $1 a day. - . , Peddlers by vehicle, $100 a year; $75 for six months $15 for three months; t?9 a month; $lQ.a weekV $2 a day. Elll pester, $2oa year, $10 for ' six months. ; , BUI distributors, $10 a 'year, $6 for Kix months. i Palmists, fortune tellers, r mediums, etc., $15 a wek, or $3 a day. ; ' Auctioneers, $250 a year. , Slot machines, $2 a month,- payable quarterly. -. tf ,i , Insurance' companies, $18 a year. The slot machines bring into. theclty treasury about $1,0C0 a year. . The In suranoe companies' licenses bring In about, the same amount. f ; The main reason fur giving the above facts ahd figures at this time is to call attention' to the fact that in some cases the license charges are entirely too low. Buffalo Bill's Wild West, recently here, paid only $15 into the city treas ury. That aggregation took out of ffifc community between $10,0i0 and $1G,000 for the two perf ot ma nee. Haa they been reuired to xay a license of $200 to I he city it would have' been very reasonable. A three-ringed circus may come and pay only $100, This is not more than half high enough. The li- centM ordinance jought to be amended in several 'idaees. The license unld by tented attraction should depend, upon the seating capacity. Then there would be no $15 license paid by any kind of an attraction seating- fifteen to twenty thousand people. . f; If the county Is not going to have a bicycle license, then the cltv of Saler'n ought to ' have tJne. and the proceed. should be expended in building pal!... inere are otner sources ot revenue from licenses,: that ought to-be looked up by the city authorities. And there should be a rigid enforcement. The regular business men, who stay here all the time and pay taxes year after year, ought to be protected from ? ly-by-night outfits that .com in end reap rich, rewards and then skip ? for greener pastures. In some way or other; every one who profits from thf protection of society otighno be made-. If possible, to contribute his share to wards the p'aymcnt of thi cost of main taining the Instruments of soclety.- THE SILVER MONEY OF MEXICO. The Mexican Herald, the excellent paper printed in English at. the cap- Kal of Mexico, corrects the; assump tion of many of our journals that Pres ident Iias Is timidly avoiding; a plain and easy duty In not establishing the gold standard and getting "rid 'of the unstable silver currency from which Mexico. Is now suffering "It is not quite so simple , a Jthlng" to do as these American wrKerar sup iwse, the Mexican Herald explain?. The loss and the annoyance incident to the fluctuations of the silver peso. which the rest of the wortj persists in treating like more ordinary f bullion, our contemporary and a very great part it the Mexicans acknowledge and de plore. The wage-earning and salar ied clarses are "pinched badly by the slicing off process that Is going on In he purchasing power of the dollar," and "the railway corporations, with gold Interest to meet abroad, with sup plies to buy on a gold basis, are In the ume fix. Why, then, doc not President PUk iroreed to adopt tlw gold standard Jit once? Powerful interests In Mexico entltlei to ronsideratlon by the Govern ment believe that they . would suffer from a change the gold stand.rd, and the President -must move cau tiously. ' " "All the " growers and exportcrsof staple tropical pi-oducts who are enjoy ing the IjJimense bonus of a fspld pre mium of" 140 per crit, meantime piy- ng wages nd. taxes In silver, urge thrtt hey must te protected. .. Man)?1 of the newer manufacturers look on the gold premium as an additional amount of protect Ion." President" Iia and his Minister of Finance, however, are Pludying the problem.'arefully wlih a view to reac h ing a safe solution. "They have at th-li command the best foreign exiet opin ion regarding the future of silver, for let us.be sure, says the Mexican Her ald, "that the great Kuropan and Am erican bankers are In touch with thl Government, Every foreign Investor ii. this country, every powerful banker who has aided in placing Mexican iLom-Ij atro.iJ, li EtuJjSr.s the Mexican! vmey problem." i ir. jnterence oi mis wtwcaa i stanaara, ana mat me present aeiay is J n!' a T-roof or me careiui preparation takes that Imiiortant . ?tcr. -"Much goes rn Dtnina tne tranntUl front of the Government of which the public know nothing." , OREGON'S COAST COUNTRY. An instance of the prosperity that has overtaken the coast counties in pauticipatlon with all the rest of the state is indicated in the ever increasing business of the Southern Pacific Kali road on Its coast line division. Within .i year the freight and passenger traf flc is reported to have increased 75 pe cent. There , tkre at-fSresent trains. both freight and passenger, passing up and down "the coast line In double sec tions twice a day. The-Increase in the number of employes has been com mensurate. These are . unmistakable signs of progress. The coast section of the state was for many years the most on known porton. It was to alt Intents and purposes .an unexplored wilderness as far as the world was concerned. True, the fame of the Sairta Clara val Icy was abroad, but below, "south along the . coast" until the region of Santa iarara was reacr.eci mere was a blank. And now the wJiole country Is. just beginning to realize that this region is a fertile paradise. A rail way has been buiK through It. amd thousands of- tourists every month are Viewing its beauties, and, better still. every week records scores of settlers as an addition to the population. AH hail to this new empire. , - But this is only the beginning. ' In the -Coat ; Range are found the great est quicksilver mines in . the world. Along the coast region are the greatest orchards in the world. 'Here Is found the richest land, acre for acre, out of doors, and the beginning of the devel opment is only indicated. San Jose Cal, Mercury. The. Oregon coast country Is going to have the same experience, and the time of its commencement Is close at hand. The whole of the Oregon" coast coun try, from the California-line on the south to the Washington line on the north,' from Curry to Clatsop, Is won derfully rich in undeveloped -resources in timber, coal, building stone, 'dairy ing possibilities and other things. CiAes will i spring up on several of the har bors, and the population and industries of the coast country will multiply. There will be hundreds of thousands of thrifty. Industrious people In the now forests and expanses of wilderness. The California coast country is rich.' But It Is not any richer than the Oregon1 coast-country. In forest wealth Ore gon's coast line Is far ahead, and In dairying, rcsoarces it is.' also Euperlor to the expanse next to' the Pacific ocean of the Golden State.' fIRST ORDER OF GREATNESS NOT THE MOST HONORED, S. K. Bulletin; The real great men are themen of science and letters, the leaders of s thought and pioneers 5 of knowledge.1 but the men who gain the greatest glory arid make the most money are those who obtain high pub lic office, or who succeed eminently in trade, or who win great battles. Yet these latter are of the second order of greatness. They are not primarily thinkers. They are the great doers. Th-sy have executive faculty, but the men of science and letters have the speculative faculty, which Is the most godlike attribute of man.' Aristotle was a greater man than his pupil. Al exander, but the world has called Alex ander "th Great," and only scholars know much Of the teacher. Hermann Ludwlg Ferdinand von Helmholtz was a greater man and did mere for hu manity than Otto Kdouard Leopold von Bismarck, but the world does not hold that opinion. Thought is the father of at ticn. Vol taire had a greater, part in the French devolution than had any of the famous popular leaders, the men of blood and terror. The main work of progress and civilization is done In laboratories far from the maddening crowd. The gen eral that conquers, a hostile army "by the use of' smokeless powder has a tri umph when'-he. comes. marching home, but who ever thinks of praising i. the man,-who even knows the name of thi man. that Invented smokeless powder and thereby won the conquering hero's victory for him? Some commonplace politician gets an ofHce and immediately becomes greater n the public eye than a talented physt ist or biologist who has made Import ant discoveries .discoveries that Insen sibly, affect human action in thousands of ways. ; Some ordinary lawyer U ap pointed to the Supreme Court of tt United States and thereafter is rever enced and honored far more than the poor i citizen that has written . a great book, containing , thoughts that will shape the civilization of the ucc?edlng century. " Did not England honor the OuKi of Wellington more tor Waterloo than It honored Darwin for "The Ori gin of Species?" Iid Thomas Huxley ever, have precedence of a Lord ChUf Justice? - The hor crops of both New Yotk and England will le of : ror ou.iMty to aay nothing of Ik Ing short. All the Oregon hops will be needed, and at good prlc-s. There will no doubt be ' a run in hii at tne openinar rrtces. which will 1j very tempting, and th consumers of hops lxth In this coun try and in Engbtn.l. will lake advant- of this r.ireumstanee to ar;ernpt to licat dawn the prices. But It is like ly that the effect will be only tempo-,' ary if there U any effeet kt all The ary, u nitre 13 any erirci at an. TUT Ktfltllcat srtutn is strong for hfghd!-rs for any case It fails o cure. pric. IIoever. even this bcJr.g -so, I Pe"!' f'r rirculars and U-ntlnnml ,ls. he. time to sell, generally rpeaking. It i h. time when :he buyersare In the market to buy. The .Seattle TimiS is warn'ns peor to kep away from Valdes, Alaska, th!a u.,.. Th,t 4n,,rn,l 9irr Ihof If nros. " " -..,. before the first of March they U be obliged to remain. In Valdes without work and epend the longest and most profitless winter they ever experienced The Times predicts that the people whe go to Valdes next fpring, say about March first, -will come back with bet ter reports, if the come at all. than were ever brought baekNXrom any of the Northern mining regions." - A bold experiment : is to be tried by the Hungarian Government. It pro poses to civiHxe the gypsies by force. A commission of experts has recom mended that every town and village In Hungary shall have a' number of gyp sits allotted to it. (Whether they like It or not. They are to be trained to handicrafts or to agricultural labor, and such of them as refuse to bend their necks to the yokelare to be gath sred into two great reformatories hold ing 1,000 each. ' . ' V. Salem has now sent 23,000 pamphlet to the East, mostly to the immigra tion department of the Harrlman liner The last of the last 20,000 ordered wen shipped . yesterday, Salem was firs in the field. She should keep on send fng literature, at least to the extent c the 80.000 more pieces which were pro mised. New England critics point out tha; in his recent steech in Boston th President began thirteen sentences wiy "now," used "have got to" for "must' eleven times, and even split an infini tive: The President Is not a ver smooth and precise off-hand speaker it is true, but most people, even the Bostonese, can tell pretty nearly wha he means Portland Evening Telegram , It Is next to impossible, if net en firely so, to guard against all. kinds o! accidents, and the President of th United States is not the kind of man tc be frightened into seclusion becaus this Is the case. He is,- in other words willing to take his chances with, tht rest of us,. believing that they are.onlj the natural accompaniments of a stren uous existence. Feventy-flve new stalls for ract horses going up at the State Fail Grounds. All the spaces for live stoc-1 are taken already, and more room Ii being provided. It is going to be th greatest State Fair Oregon ever had without a doubt. It oaens next Mon day.;' ....' The city government of Salem coulii use a little more money . in makinf tieet and park improvements, etc etcV and -the money could be hal bj a revision of the license ordinances. r 5t is the smokiest time we have Seei. trtnrie.1891. A lot of valuable timber b bcilng destroyed, for every stick of good timber in Oregon Is going to be needed, i an.1, that .before very long.' 1 4 the north end of Marion count hoi picking will be over the first par of fhe coming week, and the pickers ami growers will be free to attend th St;it Fair. rfits is Tpls is the last dull week lnbusinet- clrdles In Salem and not a very tiul Lon"J either. The merchants are getting rc-jicy for the rush, and they have put in the largest- stocks of goods ever t ar ried here. - Still rfcgister your rooms for flat Fair visitors, if vou have not already don;e so. The crowd Is going to !e an imiitewKe one, and all the sleeping places in Salem will be needed. . The prune Industry needs an organ later." says the Sari Jose Mercury. IH Is doing pretty well up here in Orego:? u'irtinnr an "orcrri nixfr. FVr!itt tin . It would do better wlih one. workmen near Dallas. Tex.,' have dis- i:u xi t'U ct inaowuuu o. jaw pvhv, :fzii fec-t in Fngth. It is suggested that the arimai must have been the Senator Bailey of ltsime. i Evidently thesituation in the web foot country Is becoming less strained, as the Seattle papers occasionally ap pear with a Tracylens first page. San Jc-e Mercury. And this is the Wcbfoot state. Yet 'It has not rained within the memory of the oldest Inhabitant, and It does not look at all like rain nowv' A careful computation reveals the fact that John W. Gates manages to win, and lose ail the money In the world In the courre of a "year. J. P. Morgan says poker is a liar's game. He orobably made the ancient mistake of betting on the basis pro posed bv the other fellow. Captain Hobon has succeeded in dis tributing his . matrimonial rumors so widely that each slate is supplied lib erally. ' There is no ''enemy's", country In the United Stages for President Boore vtlt not even In the Democratic South. Agulnahlo's diiry has been r.-celved In this country. . The Funstvn day entry Is miwing. It will le the greatest State Fair Ore gon ever b"bi without question. And no doubt the b-st attended. There ls more catarrh In this sec tion of the country than all othe dis eases put together, and until the lajf f'w years -WAs suppoctd to 1m incur, obl. Fr a great many yenrs do-tors pronounced It a local disease, and pre scribed local remedies, and by con stantly failing to cure with local tr.t- mnt, pronounced It indrab!-. Sf-lnce f hw prnven catarrh to be a constitu tional ' disease, and, therefore. r-quirm constitutlorjal treatment, - Hall's Ca tarrh t'tire, manufactured by V. 3. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio,, is he only rongtitutional cure on ..... ..r.-..., Is takn iBftnany lit Iofn from 10 1 " " 4"".' r ,7- - i. Vtv . of th" system. They offer one hundred . - .n t-.r r-v . . , . 1 VrlZ ?i 7 ' 1 r. i- i. - - . . Halls Family lllls are the best. I s 1 . 4 Li . . ' U t- ai If yea cro rv- "WTT KT-PPOSB that a eotrrpaay with a capital of tvw.omm peM ta fnll. and the rJtoiM jcSi ot continuous success, would maae aucU aa oiler sad aot carry " r re? SUPPOSE we would Jeopardlre wir standlag with the.publlo sad our chance -.iiJnebyf'ai t ... . of still irrwter ceei j- if we did not bare the utmost eonfl- TMl Y uu aurrwu w XvRiOV nvle Wu iare yoa money, for HAYNER vmiSKKY roe. a, t TVir dwtill-r toyoti with ail tMorVinal nctinesaand nw. carry tn if UNITED direct frwowawm.iTW3vu ni?AHAVrt of PDKlTVand AUK and aavlnr STA.I tl ol the dri That's why it's beat for medicinal purpose Thafa why "oTher aaeaTThat s why we are rewlarly aupplyUig,over a quarter of a Saaed cwmertT Thai , why YOU fchoWJ tr i- Eipcot from dzir Sstss D:r!:r Profits! nv'7m UUU3 PURE GEUETJ - 4 ?' ht uu uu uuu FOSEJk Vevfll send you rOCB FCTLL QTJARTS of HAYNT!BSEVEN-YEAR nr DHYE for 'uM.na we will pay the express chatves. When you receive SJrJhUkev trrW S If fon don't find it all right and as good as you ever drank SrW&Ew bodr else at .ny price, then send it back at our , en ayour It.QO will be returned to you by next mail. How could S?nw be fairer r We take all the risk and stand all the expense; it toe soods to rStTleaaV Won t you let us end you a trial order F We apiaa Plato aeatol case ; no marks to show waafs inside. If -tmAi tO Qaart. or ean jr Jjora of Jwf frtonda Join tm m" yom SO UwU for f 1U.OO. by freight prepaid, MTing H0O. x Write our nearest office Snd do it NOW. "THE IIAYKEH DSGTILLI'IQ COnPAHY ' T. PAUL. BINS. DAYTON, OHIO ST. LOUIS, HO. go DlSTUXXHT. TBOT, O. PARK AND WASHINGTON, PORTLAND, OHCGON , The school where thorough work is done; where the reason' is always given ; where confidence is developed; where bookkeeping ij taught exactly as books arc kept in busyness ; where shorthand is made easy,; where penmanshipls at its best ; where hundreds f bookkeepeis anvl stenop-apberg have been educated for Success. -in life; where thousands more will be.- Open all the year. Catalogue free A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL B., PRINCIPAL ALBINA LAD ' CONFESSED ro the Burning: of Railroad Propertyin East Portland HE WAS YESTEItDAY -TAKEN DOWN TO THE METROPOLIS BY IETECTIVE KEUIUGAN. A FT EH SPENDING A" NIGHT IN TIIE COUNTY JAIL I1EIIE. Martin Tooiney, the 15-ye.ir-old lad who was, arrested in the Oliver Beers hop yard near Brooks, on Wednesday, "hurgt-d wlih bt-Ini; implicated in caus ing the fire which consumed tha O.jlt. &.N. Company's pattern f-hofv In Eaxt Portland laf-t wec-k, and was ktpt over night i;i the county Jail to await the anival of an 3ffi, er -frmn Portland, was delivered' over to the custoly of Detective John F. Kerr.'gan yestenlay by Sheriff Colbuth. and was conducted o Portland on -the aftciuoon train by that ollif-ff. Young Toomcy persisted In proclaim. 'ng hls Innocem e cf the crime charged and fi.mly asserted that he had., no knowledge of the affair until he fill Into the haiv's of Detective Kerrigan who, by F.kibful mancuverltigs, euc ceeiled ln g.iini.-ig tho lad's confidence and before leaving this .tlty i n the train obtaiiiinsc a full confession from hhn Th toy, after much pc-rsuasicn and adroit encouragement on Detective Kerrigan's part, finally broke down and amid robs and a torrent of tears, said. "I lit the match and .set It afire, but the otherboys told rne to." P,y the "other boys" he meant the two lads, Ernest Allison and It; McGloln, who were arrested In Portland ri Tuesday by D-etectlvfi Kerrlcar, and Snow, and are held to an3v.-ertfc2 s.ime c-hirge. . Dt-leetive Kerrj;jix stated thTC East Portland wns po?fc-'sed of a, very tougb gsr.g or young.'' v rs of nli-jt tbe age of Toorney who h I br-n commit ting all rorts of misdemeanors jmd df p reidations of the law and was ih fo;iVe of continual t;-rror to the rKz;en. Tfmt this bond of youthful mitlA,ws hftJ ut tered the threat that they wouldset lite to thf whl of the East Sid arid wit rl out of exl.tene ,md tii's cet or burning the . It. N'. )roprty watt- pefpeir;it"d and retried out f-ir th'; fnjrpof of d"moi:tr?f Ing th'lr Inten tion r fuifiMinsc their . word. Your.g Toomc-y would votir hs;tfe no reason whatever for .having ommltted th dd except thnt he vA told o do 'it by hfi coltengui-s, who were both c!lr than he, ftjid that they aKlstd Mm in arrompliyhlnT the dKtrttrl Ion nf lh: bulHing and as rniKh to bl.-int as he was. The loss to the rompany trfJ;ifiopd by th eonfiagra-ilon is 'es timated. at $ aa ttie buildaig. con tained all of its patterns whih cannot. t'" refd teed and were valued very Mstily. - ' ! Sverl othr tlrea occurred In Enst Mt - r . fl .yrtmong ! l-t.t, fc rft.A kll.nlnM Hotel and another lKfy h:i.n heen ar- " Portland who is l-ejieved o i.,. r.c.i.i , ,,. , . ... M n, ' w Ar4 asra'inrt him. The fTlrera fee rn ft. ',",, 4:, ,t lM round-wp Is the'beglrt- f " '.hi; . outh- t tormentors wnu n nas tNn narras- lg,ng them for s-veral months past. "7 t - ; w Li i- c:st sstlGilcd dioiillcry ilo VQU Pretests ASsIlsratlrn I mm VEAn - CLO HYE .00 EKPllESS PREPAID wUHttfM " Established 18C&. NOTES FROM STAYTON MOVEMENTS OF TIIE PEOPLE" F "THAT LIVELY. LITTLE MARIO:.' COUNTY TOWN. FTAYTON. Or.. S nt. 11. W.i. Brown, wife ami littfe mn, visited v. iih frb nds in the Waldo ILIls Saturtr y anl Hunday. . ' laiI M.-ingi" lias Tinted his farm necr to'wn, and 'moved to Alaea, where he will ontn a fctock farm. Conrad Neibert and slater", Mrs. !. Mittthiou and little daughter, leave tnis wev'k for Cuscadia, where .theyw.il Kpensj' Kor.ic time rusticating. ' t- , jiiis. joarpn f juntr ana nine son who Jat; nt-nl some weeks visiting rei i tlves in l'ojk county, are expected, home this week. " - Miss- Alice. Davie, telephone girl at the centnil oflice, Salem, in visiting h r parents, Mr. und Mrs. J. 1'.- Daie, in this' city.- ' - ' - " W. 1L Hobson. W. 11. Cooper', ,nt.l c5o.' Weileit returned. Itume S.turd-.ty from Portlaml, where tt ey attended the Elks' .Carnival. Mr. Sarvis, of ialem, was in town -n'v day last week delivering a fine orr--, - and 'sowing machine to Mr. Mra. CbhH, Brown.- . John" Itobc-rtsnn and Archie D;iU returned Saturday from the l.joun tn..l.-i east of here, having been gftne sev h.l d ys. They , report an enjoyable tin., but little samvi except iish" whtl h w:-. plentiful. Vac-ant-jhoufwjs are already beglnrur;:; to fill up. I'ecple are moving in wr y, r-ertdy to lw gin-school at the cointncii. t;-m-nf of the term. ' Some rc probate in human forrH, fill -A cn or V'. II. Queencr's milk coWh :!A .of f.na shot one day this wrvk. T;m udder and tents w'ere so n5rfort' with shot as to entirely ruin her as a milk cow. . .' MIfs Vera Gardner, one of fc.tr yl t'a ambitious 'young la ilea, goes to aiem next week. wh;-re she will enter Will amette University for another year. " Grasshoppers are getting In tlitlr work In thic vicinity. Soifie fields .of eci-n and clover jyst below town have -te.n almost entirely destroyed by . them. Whirm they pas through a fi 11 of clover, every green thing is eaten, having the field barren as a public roadway, . . . . Catarrh of the Kidneys r'",;'f' a dull p;f;n In th !,- k, bdn or ?r,:i; taosfi you to pu.T up under the. ;:uyr- fr--iet!t dc-tdre to urinate, reanty sui-ply, s. ;il iing, lrril.it ii, dark color' d, scanty, turbid urine. Lends to Bright dis-nw. Should you need evi dence that you have catarrh of the ktd ny.".. fill a clftn gl;yB iKittle with urine artd.b't it stand twenty-four hours. If thr-rri In wdirn'nt or seiUfng It Is vl- dence-ilMt yu bavecaorth of the kid neys orb!idder, AnI sttontd not delay taking KXu; Ofarth Cur. the efteCi liven"" efNvhl' h In soon realised.'-After taking f-r. f'fiiatyh Cum for .-on we.k ocerdinf 4o dlret-tlorws. fill st lt-. tl with urine ht ufaiul , tw-tit y-f'r boyr.-i and you w'lfxbe urf-riMeri nt tn chp.r.g?. oil due to th? effect of H. If. Catarrh Cfre. For se-le hy nil drug glftr. ftoek on CrftMrrh re". Address iirftth I!o.. FreKno. Ual. KILLED AN EAOLE- The n-y, ar ,iij of peter Duiker, v.ho n-jit ne;ir Aurnr.vliie, w:ih,the td of ri-cai'bre i'l. tu'-eefd-d in I i'lif'-l bllK'f. grey r.ifjfe n the Ik,i:i.N ''iirii pl,e eKtcr'iay nftr noon. which tiicasurwj seven fe-t from tiu to tip. T'fcS is th first i-Hincn of this type f the t.lrd iKingJom thfit has been Veerr- u Mift lor'alitv, and the lad who was. -e:tontibie for bringing him to earth is utly proud of his trophy.'. , ' f tisyga-s ' Iegal LUuks, biatesmaa Job Ofiic. 01