i'lLUCivJijL' ill ' Fi.L: GliOUND3 BuiUInjs Placed toPvfccciveEj Condition LitltS Early SPLENDID JJAC1NG CARD FOB. THE WEEK. AND RECORDS WILL, BE BROKEN, BEFORE THE END OF THE MEET. - ."!'.: ;, (From .Thursdays, Daily.) , The progress of, th preparations for the State Fair are such as to hishly please the members of the State Hoard iCtr oi.il ur THE LjCEIVER FUsdAiroi Gilbert TOGETHER WITH INTEREST DUE ,.O.S,THEJI-rA FEW. CLAIMS ARE L ALSO SHOWN IN DETAIL. THAT i CAMJJ IN TOO LATE. . Hllleary W. U.. HUleary W. AI.; Hillary W. M. . Hiiieary Wvm.v Hiiieary Hixoa L. B.." .. Hofer A. F.. . Itofer A." F. J I--. 11U1UJ I . w. . .. .. noscnet uernara. -. , . . . Irvin E. L-. .. .. .. .. Irvin-E. L.. ...... .. Irvine Mrs. C B. or E. C. . I wan Win.. ... ........ James T. CT. . .. .. ... ' Jameson C- .......... 1 . Jennings Percy E.. .. Jennings Mary E.. . . .. Jennings Bertha E.. .. Jerome Mrs. Antone. . .... . . Johnson Frank O. Johnson FrarJt O.. ... .. Johnson I. E. . .. .. Johnson r. E.. .. .. Johnson D ., . . . . now; on the grounds and they are rapid ly approaching completion. In every de , partiyent on the Fair Grounds, busy erewsr-of 'men are r ounj matknr h. ' bent oh their time and the good, weather and putting .tbe. flnlxhjng touches , trie buildings, preparing -them for. the reception of the; exhibits, while : the concessionaires on the ground are Also erec-tin new building and tents - and repairing and overhauling old ones, and gettloi ready for the biggest bosineas x ever! enjoyed at a. State Fair In Oregon since the. first one-was hehT, 'way back in 1880, i"bef o" the wah.' " . The racing program for thlt year will be one of the beat ever, seen west of the Rocky Mountains, and - tbt best .on, V Pacific .North West, track, and will bring scores of the bent race horses In the West to Salem to contest- for prtreal ' Salem Day next Wednesday will be the biggest and. best day of the State Fair. On this day all of Salem will be at the Fair Grounds, and the best race card of the season will, be on. 'There are five ! big races o tbeVcard; carrying a total of $4,500 in parses.. The stellar event of course.., will bo the 2:18 pacers. This race, jwill. brings gether the very highest class of rac norses throughout the northwest, and a number of the entries are beginning to arrive and are now at the track. - Alt Cora-Hi-full sister of Chehall. 2:04!4. the home making the mile worlds pacing record on the Salem track about four years ago came up this week, and is a very likely candidate for this event Orvllle Wilkes, the : Denver candidate for i this stake, arrived yesterday. - He is .in J. W. ZIbble's stable, who also has five-other horses entared In the races. On the same day the mile and a quarter Derby for $1,000 will be one of the drawing 'cards. This race will bring together fifteen starters of ' the v.rv heat runners In tha KorthwML Some of the , candidates arrived this week, and are taking, final preparations for the great event. K- " A IV I uvvn i s ssassvs aa j w splendid; afternoon's sport, as shown below: A ' I - " Trotting dlTisWn Oregon stake, for twrt-yar-olds closed $90. ! f Trotting for three-year-olds. 2 Inja (closed) $500. l'ttdng. Greater Salem , Stake, 2:13 classi oFosea)1 12.000. ' ' ' f. - j trs.. J31.m-m Ta tfad.l Ina " UlUUIBf S?SSS "- three-year-olds and upwards; $20 to accompany -nominatioii and- $2-dd4-tlonal to start. Entries closed Monday, . Aurust 25i weight announced Tuenday, September-IS, at 10 s m.; declarations due at I v. m ' 1H miles, $1,000. Running, for tworyear-oWs, selling. 800. welsrht for age: three pounds al lowed for each $100 to $200. Additional ,ii.iwti-- ritrict-bred colts allowed seven poundar maidens twelve pounds. Five f urlonas. $150. ' iTh horsemen are all well pleased with the traclr and the surroundings. Thev sav that everything la found mnh better" at the Lone Oak traek than at any other place on the wnoie circuit. If the weather permits soma new PaclOc coast records will this year be made on Lone Oak track, for every-; , thing Is In the best of condition, the h,.re. -re the best ever had here, and ih. iniKk in the fastest in the North- The exhibitors are coming In large tumberi, and preparing the spaces al lotted to them, and by tomorrow many of the exhibits-will be in place, while Saturday the Fair Grounds will present . rt iiveiv aoDearance. ; fcle stock m. . j ., It- Win begin to arrive toaay, nu H&turaav. ,wnu - (From Wednesday's Daily. Receiver Claud Catch, of th nithrt-t rtmi rmmw mil .ti" ' I Jen F. M. u ioe amounts dim toe Claimants qni Jones C. R. T.. the day the bank closed, rodidlng Is terest due In each case. Be a case. - He also re ported fourteen claims that ware filel after the U ins fixed for cloefng the llts. ; i , ..On. the claims of . Brown.; Wrtghtman j V Myers-for attorneys fees, lie "rec ommends cnlyj $6(w for legal services. The,, claims, of. school children having savings dpoalts there do hot appear aa Individ uala as they are allowed In lamp sum-for each school In the name of the school and will be disbursed by the , principals. . Following are .the claims: : - ,. Amounts Recommended Paid. . ....... ........ Allison, F. E.. .. 1 .......... ..$, Anderson. Lavlna J , Anderson, . I vine, .... , Amerd C K. . Amerd. C. K. Amerd, C; K.; .v. ; ..... i. . .yti f Amerd, C, K. jr.,. ... Babeock. Grace- i. .,,.. , Babcock, .May B. . . . .. . . .... . .. ; Bankers Life Association .. . .. ; Barkers,' Mrs. H. P.' Barkers. W. C- . . ,'f ....... .ii . ; liarr, Hennan.w.;' ...... .,." Baahor Gertrude ........... Bauer; Jacob .; ... 4 Beatty, Hamilton Beggs, Margaret ... Begg. Margaret .. . Beggs, Margaret ... Bcggs, Margaret Bldler, Henry .... .. . Burkhart. W. H. ... Bouter, Jackson .... Brown, Chas. Leroy Brooks, Mrs: M. E. Biown, Mrs. M. E. ............ Back. G. A. , .... Back, G. A. ......... ...... ..... Babeock. Ida M. .-. Balfour,. Guthrie & Co, Bernhard, Lena ....... Bernardl, J. A. ....... Benson, Nettle Boise, Reuben B. Boise. Reuben B. Boise, Reuben B. Breyman, E ............. Breyma n, W, Breyman, W Trf as. Bressler, Mary Ann, ........ .. r Bristol. Herbert Branson, H. M. s, .......... ; Branson & Ragan Brown, Olfforfi W, I tyrii, ft. . ...... Brown, Vivian L. Buren. A. B. Burton,- Roy Byrd, Virgie Clem, J Clew, Caroline . Clew, Caroline ' . Connett, Rose Cook, Lola Belle Byrd. Virgie. Treas ............ Byrd.. Virgie, Treaa. .......... Campbell, J. H. Cart wright, R. . Chandler, Jos. .. Cockerllne, A. T. Cockerline, H. N. Cockerllne, H.? N. Cockerline, H. N. Cosper, Annie Cosper, Margaret J. Cosper, Margaret J. Cosper, Margaret J . Cosper. Margaret J. Crocker, S. B. ....... Crocker. S. B, Crocker, S. B. ....... Cutshaw, Mrs. L. R. Cutshaw, Mrs. L. R. Deelesco, Mrs. C. Damon, N J. .' :' Damon, N. J..'. ... ....... Damon. Nv J. . Damon. Leola Damon, Ruth ... .. . . , . t . ... ........ ,m All a. I br -. - . - ,..mMlAii I Inmon, nuiH now in course of construction 1 1: ' . will all be required as soon Mtb;m Lucllle .......... compter.;. ...1 Davis, R. Among jne TOrn.uiirc - -- t., ka srounds or preparing rw.rat ions, are the following: ?h AV. C T. U. In tho ItaPtlst res taurant: - Mrs. Hln M. South wick, the Home eflJy" ' rfwthoHe Church. In the - ijiiaiTO ui old secretary offlce building. . nm ih rOvster Palace. yl". cHir.tt. waffle counter. . . scrv. : " George E. Tlatoh. Workman buiUlng. On next SundsyTiU departments st . . V nndi wiU be extremely in x . w-- announces that SuringThe day none but exhibitor, will during ineuay .rounds.- This be :"hibltors to make uone ,,cg their .final "'l"".Trtn them for goods or io . - . --- - - . . ?Z1 next day's opening of the, State r 1 1 e the next Fair. SCALDED JO DEATH N. THE LITTLE DAUGHTEKR OF J. F1TZ WATER DIED AT THE I HOSPITAL TESTERDAT. (From Thursday's Dally ) , The little 2-yr-oM terct J. Fltswater., air jamg hours frorn tn famlry at eMelved in tne vauw - a .ut I Z ' . . .j..4.flPC TBrU. I UlVji Horst Bros " ' at the Sa- Gray. Lillian away ' ' -ufferetf DeLong. W. E. Dunlsp, J. II. Dunlap. J. II.. ..... ..... Dunlap. J. H. Earnest, Mary Eiply, A. S. . Far. S. B Fennell, Iargt. Fleeter, Sad le Fleeter. Sadie .............. Fit st Nat. Bank, Corvalll Fischer, Hannah C, Ford. Tllmon Ford. THaion Ford. Tllmon. Ex.; Forette, Emll .... Forette, Emll .. . FY ee Land. J. L. ... Freeland. J. I. Treas. ......f. Fraxlcr, S. L. Frasier, B. G.". ... Fraxier, B. G. French, JF. B. ..;....-- Oeorge, Mrs. H. B. ............ OaTTison. Bin ....i.. Gilbert. F. N.. Jr. Gilbert. Mary E. Qllbert. Marietta, helrs- Gouley, Homer ....... Gouley, P. P. Gosser, Mrs. pel la naset. Mrs. Delia Graham, J. P-. Admr. .. .. Graham, Leona Graham. Leona Gray. 0.'" heirs ....... Lillian 120.00 $2.71 , 22.h S24.lt U 122.43 (17.61 271.14 ;U.i w 190.81 f 268.77 S04.l ,2137.80 !:! 55 . 30.00 iM0.25 B05.7 70.08 62.29 159.21 .91.7$ 617.14 89.60 102.00. 6.10 J0.30 308.37 1003.08 100.00 18.76 438.85 60.60 80.00 125.00 5.24 8.15 6.08 380.07 '. 90.68 ? 228 .7 16.82 10.22 10,00 273.10 87.60 48.00 9.16 4C8.02 24.0m 42.15 200.00 125.22 . 771.03 71.07 15.59 21.87 27.12 .101.31 245.73 10.00 406.48 523.67 511.78 610.47 6.00 . 63.38 65.77 260.00 80.00 1701.70 1937.88 148.78 202.18 8.04 308.2s 204.6$ 607.8$ 433.72 12.43 6.18 -17.18 17.1$ 1530,10 65.00 104.70 26.48 6H.88 8844,16 54e 100.00 800.00 6.05 18.80 833S.76 2G.&j J078.84 746.22 843.95 ...302.83 ' 402.05 2.67 27;78 101.62 100.27 200.44 150.00 115.00 60.00 260.00 6.S1 a. e 1 1 m m i lem. Hospital ln- Uttle one Harding, Edltn .. A relieved the i Harding. Pearl .. mrr Z -fter all efforU F. O. rrotn i fitting Hie 'ixtrh E t.nu tronr. au lw",'r. k netUng haA been maae to - spark. . .. 'i nfl were yesterday aWpoed to:bVnon.here "iSmalns to their home. '. : --. epsssss""'"-bsssisssssmssbsb-- O'j. rj C5 ST. 32 3 tt . - 1 Hatch E. T. ,;......... Hayden, Miller Henderson. -- Henderson. Mrs. . - Herren, Lulu O. " Herren, Lulu a. lleldecker, John Herrltt. Mabel llerrltt, Joel " " wmeary W. M- Assig.. niMiv?. M.... 28.41 1S.86 83.T7 75.1$ 88.08 20.25 11.78 6.04 89.22 511.11 6.00 6.46 6.46 202.06 3479. I 16.60 6.00 60.00 122.84 7S.H 12.25 Kaiaer Mrs. Mary J.. Kaiser W. M.. .. Kaiser W. M., Agt. Kaiser Mrs. Angle.. . Keel N. J.. .. . Keyt Frances L. . Kirk Mrs. E. B.. ...... Koser F. A.. .. .. .. .. Kufner Antone.. .. .. . . K-uf ner Peter. . .'. . . . ; . . Ladd Sk. Bush.. Ladies AuxiUary T. M. C, Lane D. F. . . . ...... Lane Mrs. Emma. . .. ... Lauderback Thos.. .. .. Lauder ba ck Thos.. . . .. Lee O: E. P.. .. .. .. Lee J, D Trustee. . . . . . Logan R. D. Co Treas. . Loo Jim.. i. Melson Ray.. Melson Ray. . .. .. .. .. Melson Etta.. MeCornack Edna M.. .. McKinney M. C . .. McKlnney M . C. . . . McMahan Mrs. W. B.. .. Metzger James. . ...... Miner Sarah G. . Mlnton Edwin C Jr Minton Edwin C... Mott W. 8 Mlnto Burna. ...... Moll E. O.. . . .. Moody Mary.. Moores A. N.. Northrcn Lula Moyer Sadie. . Mutha Ida. . . Mutha Ida. . . Mutual Reserve Fund Life Assn Muelhaupt Walter.. .. .. . Murphy Kmmt Lv. Assignee Murphy Emma L. . . . .. .. Murphy Mrs. Sarah .. . ..... Needham'O. C Order of Pendo per Frank s Davey. Secretary. ....... Oregon Hop Growers' Assn. v Olds Florence N.. .. .. ... Patterson Maggie M.. . . . . Parmenter Nellie M,. Parvin Addle.. .. .. Pentland E. E..Gd.. . Pentland E. E. v .. .. .. Perkins Alonso.. .. .. .. Perkins Floyd.. . . . . . Pero Mrs. Belle.. .. ..' .. Peterson O. M.. .. Peterson" O. M.: .. .. Peterson O. M.... . .. Peterson O. M.. .. Peterson O. M.. Peterson O. M.. Assignee., Phillips Mrs. Elish. . .. . . Phillips Mrs. Elizh.. .. .. Prescott A. N. . . . . Prescott A. N.. . . Ouong Hlng.. . . ..' Reeves J. N.. .. .. Reynolds CO.. Rich Lea.. ....... Riggs S. A.. .. .. Roth Mrs. John. . . . Ruef Edward H.. .. Rl ess beck Thomas. . Ryan Angelina. . . . Schuls M. Co.. School. East Salem... .. .. .. School. North Salem. . . . School. Lincoln. .. .. School. Tew Park.. .. ..... Schroeder Lydia.. ... .. ... Salem Light U Traction Co.. Schaeffer Piano Co. . Skinner Jennie.. .. .. .. .. Schofleld Mrs. S. A. , . . . Slater W. T Rec. ......... Slater W. T., .. .. .. .. .. Slater Harvey.. .. .. .. Slater Eugene. Schogglns tt Wortman. Scroggins S. L.. .. .. ...... Smith Q. O. ..... . . . .... . , Smith O. O.. ... .. .. Smith Freddie. . . . . .. .. Smith L. V.. .. .. .v.. Snyder B.F.. . .. 8 warts Ralph..'.'. .. .. ..... Sorber W. E.. ,. .. .. Sorber Mrs. W. E. . .. Sorber Alma.. .. .. ..' ... Spaulding H. H. ......... , Smith L N Odn .. . . . . . . . SpaydF. E. Wm.. .. .. .. Spayd P. E. Sc. Wm.. .. .... SpaydWm. . .. .. .. .. .. Stahley W. I. . .. .. .. .. Surr Mrs. 8arah.. .. . . Stowe Luella.. .T .. ...... Stowe Luella . . . . . . Stowe Luella.. .. .. .. BayreRuthE.. .. .. ,. Stout Mary K 8 tout Jessie.. . . .1 .. .. Schindler Lena A Taylor J. X.. .. Ttllson-Bartlett Co.. .. .. .. Tlllson Florence. . .. .. .. .. Tl 11 son Florence. . .. .. .; .. Tlllson Florence. . .. .. Thompson Bush.. .. . Towne N. L.. . ... Tuttle Mrs. E. C .. Tuttle Mrs. E. C. . . . Vaadevort Mrs. E. M.. Van Vlack M. B.. .. Wain A. T. . Wads worth Nina J. . Waits Mrs Louise.., Walton J. D. ...... Warner A. L. .. White L.vJ White L. J.. White L. J. William J. H.. .. . Williams W. D. . Wilson. A.. .. Wlnstanley J. ILi. Winstanley James.. Wit sell J. N. .. Wiggins Mrs. F. A. Stevens J. A. . . Stevens Nannie.. . 22emer L. B.. .. White L. J.. - 88.72 i.6a S0O.37 46 41 118.27 20.00 29.46 6.61 ' 17.12 45.00 25.00 6.00 r lit. oo .7 180 ool l 612 08 13.80 254. 2 C34 $0 ' 254.62 10.90 622 74 204.91 208.24 61.04 fOO 61 48 60 .. 767.20 21.00 200.62 45.60 26.85 i UN ..1026. S8 r 1014.68 7.64 261.64 1092.46 826.00 1012.09 484.25 ' 126.00 ! 60.60 .412.99 18.41 800.00 200.00 12.22 600.55 12.22 8.10 11.20 - 269.15 176.02 . 82.26 73.04 62.00 .100.00 25.66 104 22 127 268 1001 100 12 1028.34 223.60 46.86 13.94 185.25 8.00 156.7 '493.00 .00 .93 .45 .09 .10 .11 .62 .50 e "' ' '"' ' "" ' "" ' , fT , . L ..Ji" r-... ii u s 1 m 9", 25.82 267.77 48.00 12$ .00 1045.41 508.18 25.00 ' 10.00 7.00! 11.00 60.29 ' 204.82 101.63 SS.28 152.60 ' 61.25 35.00 201.24 604.61 62.01 78.04 40.00 412.65 25.00 1.50 20.12 65.00 25.00 48.55 ' 20.00 1762.20 621.62 46.24 159.84 147.93 101.56 2.15 439.14 40.00 1021.92 1618. SS 492.75 7,25 7.16 7495.27 2022.05 202.88 14.98 6.02 170.00 49.22 140.00 27.00 10.25 26.00 602.16 30.80 3493.05 409.65 1275.04 994.66 29.00 60.68 86.82 202.75 lO.eo 61.17 62.00 120.70 , 61.62 I 92.10 ' 15.13 10.04 20.06 81.94 600.00 101.72 100.80 4.89 . 46,00 6.25 - I J. 00 191.22 2726.67 8.14 102.06 162.08 147.59 42.40 28.00 18.60 70.00 226.22 20.00 6.00 17.08 10.98 62.28 121.61 Th child deiends stoa tL taotber for rtrenetli and health. No mother can v.. ,v:i.s .v.t t,aM.ir Jam not tyvtsMi. If she is weak $he cannot giro her dald atwnffth. If she U ick she cannot, giY. her child health. Thosa propo- - - . . lrA-- VTVnt.i.-ves sitions are self evident, lliej need neither expuroauoo noruciru. 'i...tA. ra -Y,t tlrA dm thousands of women facing the birth-hour in physical pain and mental anguish, who might, if the j would, w heilthr of bbdr and happy of mind. ; , , JFAo might if tkey voMa U AsaZAyf. waat woman uo ----healthy T What mother doea not craT a strong and sturdy child ? But wanting im e . finnnA rn wrsnt 1a fro to New York or San Francisco, will yon sit down, and take it oat in wanting? If you do, yoa certainly will neter get to either place," If you want to go and mean to go, youm buy your ticket and tafc the train. Hat suppose s woman says, - now ao x uow this train goes to New. York? " She will hare to take the word of others for it. The time-card says the train goes to New York. . People who have traveled on the same train say so. How foolish it would be for a woman who wanted to make the trip, to say, Perhaps these train people are deceiving me, and the women who say the train goes to New York dont know what they are talking about,' This is just the position of the , prospective -mother who is weak and sickly and, wants to be strong and well. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is onerea to women a means of health and stremrth. Thousands of women who have used the medicine affirm that it does all that is claimed for It. , If the sick woman wanU to be welL if the weak mother wants to be strong, she has the same means open to her in Favorite Prescription" which have been so success- fully used by thousands and tens of thou sands of other women. It would be ridiculous for a train advertised to run regularly to New York to run its passengers - away out on some prairie and leave them. It would be equally ridiculous-' to-"' sun doss that aasencrers -. - . r ....... would take that train day after day and year after year and after being deceived and disappointed return home- and tell their neighbors that the train is all right and does what it is scheduled to do. It is equally absurd to suppose that. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription could for near ly a third of a century deceive and disappoint women, and that these deceived ana disap pointed women "would praise this medicine as the greatest boon to the weak ana sick ox their sex, affirming that it made t them well means had. failed to give permanent oenenu As a matter of fact and of recora, notning is more sure man -. viv . Favorite Prescription has been the means of giving perfect healtli to women of ... . . .... .., .1.. .1 - .i.t. . .1 : n i.a all ae. and all conditions 01 ni-ireaitn, ana ma vuo uo vi wa hvwiviu o ...... :. .t 1 '1.1. . ! robbed maternity or its pangs and given the mower sirengui anu ueaiui vuiK. - herchUd. . . . ; V -.v When! wrote to you In March asking advice as to wnai,xo no iot mysen.- wmes Ttll Renolda. of Gnffie. McLean Co.. Ky.. I was espectin- tl.e.l-by's coming in Jnne, and was sick all of the time. Had been ekk for several moathi jCould not get "J1"1 to sUy In my stomach, not even water. . xiaa lemate tko "' 7 3 i i back and lower bowels hart me all the time. Ilad numbness from my tins down. 1UJ aereral hard cramping spells, and was not able to do any work at alL I received vour answer in a few davs, telling me to UkeDr. Ilerce's Fsvorite rresenptton. 1 tooa w 1 B ' S (' A K . CD 2i and cured them after every other wsiable to help do my vrork. On the 7th of May my baby was bora, snd only sick SrrU bewnd had an easy time. The doctor sai 1 get along nicely Pieroe's mediciae for it has curen me. 1 am oeiier now uun i 1 hope all that are anlicten will 00 as 1 nave oone ana w careu. . Mrs. Carrie B. Donner, of Dayton, Green Co., Wis., writes : "I can highly recommend Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription having taken it for nine months previous to confine- . . 1 w;t xli.l 1 hul t nlhr limn. meni. A sullcrcu scaxcciy y " m - Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription is essentially a woman's medicine. It liahes reffularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation, and ulceration, and , r - ' -1 . 'T. u nnmiraiiv for maternity and as a to 11 10 cures lemais) wcsuico t r w - - . xoiiursing mothers is aDsoiuieiy unnvaieu. Sometimes a dealer, tempiea uy vue mn mw vu meritorious preparations, will offer a substitute for Favorite Prescription as "just as good. Judged by its record cures of womanly ills, there is no oier medicine just as good as M Favorite Prescription.' iT MS A r.lOTHEfVG COOK Zl!5iZZ?7Z.mZZ 1 imtrm turn mtmmw tmmittm 01m' jn n .fjj-sje's OsMsssjssse Mktmm Mmmmmt Awvim, "nmtm"w''"v'rZ ti Dm m. r. HiBUt, ararrravsv a. r. Laughlin Wm Matthews Ralph.. Wlllson Hsrry.. .. .. Willson Marguerite.. Arrlngton A. E. . . . .. Drew Mr. Edith M .'. Townsend Chss A.. .. 779$ 10.26 16.29 C.62 16.15 608.S8 20.00 Presented Tee Late, First Natl Bank M MInnvtUel Bean Earnest. .. .. 88.25 1 Godfrey Emma 2S8.47 1 Haines Jos 109.26 1 Hinges C. H 159.96 Howell. DOtbeet.... .. ? - s 40 .It Knirht S i c iji 21.40 15.21 16.67 17.79 9.2S 204.27 274.81 SUIT OF CLOTHES FOUND ON THE BANK OF THE RIVEB LAST NIOHT WHERE IS THE OWNER?, (From Thursday's Dally.) A mysterious bundle of clothing was found by' the police below the river bank, at the foot of Division street, near the, residence of City Treasurer John Moir at S o'clock last night, and R is believed that they may be the ..(ji.iim f. a tracedr. The clothes a complete suit ' Including shoes and underwear were spread out on the . gravel, and beside them were found a couple of handkerchiefs, a few trinkets, and a Southern Pacific ex cursion ticket from Sacramento to ttosevllle Junction. Ca! dated Sep tember 84. The clothing was 14 and badly worn, but a good pair of heavy shoes were found. All search for he owner was without result last night, and the officers will renew their efforts In that direction to day. They believe that the owner of the clothes sought this secluded spot for a bath In the river, which a-t that point Is deep, and that he was drown a another theory is that the owner rvir r crook coming here, to J the Fain that he ame as a noio to avoid paying tare, ana on am mim4 mod clothes and sought the river . . . v m.wwmia. rff. hsnsnsr IEUIK' KiWT: ' MW.ww - " I clothes, leaving his old apparel 4here. .uh.it.i. nni!n( nur te IOl- ' )owed ijjr.lntereguns eevelopments, -j CORDWOOD DESTROYED. ., TUALATIN. Sept. 9. A brush hre, one mile southwest ol here yesterday spread to the railroad track and de stroyed 200 cords of wood, two bos cars that were on a siding and some fence. The fires- was started to burn slashing, and got beyond control In ihe high wind that prevailed. Some of thp cars on the rWIng were " removed before the fire eausht them. The evening express train rrrm Portlind was delayed until far Into th night by the burning but of a culvert. The dam age was repaired and this morning's train got through on time. A Communication. Mr. Editor: Allow, me to speak a few words in favor of ChamterUlns Cough Remedy. I suffered for three years with the bronchitis ana could not sleep at nights. I ried several doc tors and various patent medicines, but could get nothing to give-me any re lief unlit my wife got a bottle of Ihls valuable medicine, which has com pletely relieved mev W, 8. Brockman. Bagnell. Mo. This remedy Is for sale by Stone's Drug stores. Again convicted. BAKER CITT. r.. Sep lOManny Howard, the noted cattle and horse rustler, was found guilty of hotse stsl Ing for the second time, by a Jury In the Circuit Court tonight. THE IOWA AGROUND. " NEW TORK. Sept. 10-The Unfted ! pial.es oainrKiuf v - I near Cape Nossa Jtenhora de .Desterro. Island of MUo, cables the neraM corre 'spondent st Rio Janeiro, Brazil, rVcfal Blanks, 'Statesman Job Odce.) L t S. C. STONC, tt.D. ' rnornnrroit ok. STONE'S DRUG STORES HALKM, OIL The stores (two In number) sre lo cated st No. 235 and 237 Commercial street, snd are will stocked with a compete line of drugs and mMiclncs, toilet articles, perfumery, brushes, etc. ' -..X' : DB. STdNli '. Has had some 25 years erperincs l.i the practice-, of medicine and now make no charse for consultation, ei aml nation or prescription. He does a cash business. He ri ;!' r buys on time nor sells on tim. Is ' ers. Journals, day-books, bookie'-; x ?, bill collectors, and all the mclcrn -phernalla of credit drug stores, are un known In his business, hence a fa i stock and correct, prices. A Boy's Wild. Ride foe Lif. fWlth- family around espectir. r 1 to die, and- a son riding tor i f -, miles, to gel Dr. King's New I': . , for Consumption, Coujrh. sr.) (', W. II. -Brown. 'cf LeesvlTle.. In-l.. durcd death's sgonk-s from p. but this wonderful medicine five ; stant r;ier, ana soon euro i ?. . i. j writes. "1. now. sleep sour.:: t ; night.' Like marvelous utn t f sumption. Pneumonia, Coughs, Colds snd Grir t matchlejis merit for all Tl : t Lung troubles. Oiara'nte-! 1 ' and fl.OQi Trial bottles free at Stone's Druj K tores. Legal. Lliti., KtateHitian Jtl C. tgUUlS