Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, September 09, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    V--.il t7 -r.l ftks cf frIt
boll to shivers for export This step
is the result of the formation of tie
recent Anglo-American combine, ir be
Ing taken in order to. protect the grow
ers. ' -
3, a rr.::j &zl a t.Ct. I v.-c n; Ig
nite, second: Major Dairjei Ct-!i third.
Time. 2:Z2 1-5. ' r " ' '
L, t
7 .-
-Patronising Salem 'merchanU. - H ' It
wa'i true 'that you could bay clothing
! cheaper In Portland than in Salem
then I would, have nothing to say on
tn,a bject, but I know- from personal
1 knowledge that it M nct fru During
; a recent visit to Portland I made It a
) point to ascertain and find out whether
j clothing could be bought cheaper. In
j Portland than In VaJem. "and.I do not
hesitate to' say thai they are not only
j no cheaper, but In many case from 10
j to 20 per cent higher. Salesmen that
I have worked both In' Salem and In
Portland tell me that they get more for
j their merchandise there than we do In
Salem. $ yXherls another reason some
j give for. wanting to go to Portland to
the,r clothing .They i say they
; nave a better selection than 'ire have
here. . Nowthls la another mistake.
Portland bouses carry ..larger ' stocks
probably than the Salem merchant, but
they win buy fifty sulta or a kind while
I we buy In dozen lota' so you, see they
i can carry four times the stock tba we
do and still 'have no better selection.
As we have all sizes you can get yotSr
fit from our one dozen lot gur well as
j you could.,rpm their, four, floxen lotv
There ;" are" many,,' reasons Twhy you
i should patronize your home merchants.
.One great reason is because Salem Js
f Tpur home town and we are all mutually
j interested In building It up and' there
U no better way to. build up a city than
by throwing all your Influence in that
direction, and when you have a dollar
to 'spend, spend It at' home Where you
have a chance to get it back. Don't
send it away off where you get no more
or even less ty return for. It. M Now,
while we know that we have as large
or larger' knd well "selected stock of
clothing and furnishing goods: as any
other house In Salem, still 'this 'article
rls 'not 'so much "to advertise that" fact
as it Is to benefit our home city ' "by
building up It's Industries of all kinds
and descriptions there, by making Sa
lem what It should be the leading city
of the state, and the leading clothiers
of that city are and. will be
G. IV. JOItfSO.') & CO.,
257 comoerclal St..
-V 1
'tilt - v.. v'
(From Sundays Daily.)
In Justice of"the' paface;i&i' t. or
gan's court. 'a case is pending In'Whfcta
, II." S. RadcUff is plaintiff, and- Mr;
,and Mrs. Clayton 'Wenti afe defend
ants. .'.The complaint alleges that Dr.
Grace Albright had a bill against de
fendants for professional services as
nursed amounting to $154; that on' July
2?. '1902. Dr. Albright and the defend
ants had an accounting, when the ex
act sum due was agreed upon and when
defendants paid $25: on account, leav
ing aft jmpald balance of $139, which
balance,- It Is alleged, "the said de
fendants acknowledged to be legal due
and owing!' to Dr. Albright, but which
said defendants have failed, neglect
ed and now refuse to pay, or any part
.thereof." The complaint "states that
the account was assigned by Dr. Al
bright to the plaintiff, and Judgment Is
demanded for f 139, together with inter
est front 'July 22, 19Q2, at per cent,
and the costs of the action. The de-
.fense' denies the material allegations
of the complaint in their entirely.
Bonham & Martin are attorneys for
the plaintiff and O. G. Bingham .and
P. Hi D'Arcy represent the ' defend
ants. When the complaint was filed a
quantltyof household -goods-- belong
Ing to defendants, and stored at the
Southern Patilc freight depot was at
tached by Constable J. Hi Lewis, but
they were ' afterward . released by that
officer, on demand-of the attorneya for
the., defense. " The ease Is tvow at Is
sue, and will probably come up for
trial some time this .week. ,
4 J nr VACANCIES jFILLEpr" 1 ' .
(From' Saturday's DaflylV v ,
; The' board of directors of the Salem
school district (No.' 24) held a special
meeting last night., to fill vacancies In
the faculties or the several schools, and
to act upon other matters In connection
with the - coming school - year. The
- m . i iumwI . wr mn In at
memoers oi. .u - ... --
tendanoa and a harmonious meeting
was held. ' . .. i
After a discussion of the mattar of
fixing the time for opening tb schools.
It was decided to begin the school year
on Monday. September 29th. one weelt
earlier than last? .. t ..,',.
; The . resignation f Ml louel!a
Ooode and Mu Row Moot were ac
cepted by the boaM. This ma4J
vacancies , t' other trtcher
lkst pring having P11??!
their poiMUon. The board then pro
ceeded to.baJlot for the four trher
to be elected, and the followlns were
Alma Cover ,ni Miss MHIcr.
The board Tad the folloy lnf: W!!s
agalnsi'tha ulstrlcL' . ., .
G. A. Nye
Goodalc- Irfiroberlng 4 "Ji
Gray Bros.
Joshua Smith ...... .r
,. 3
Pan tin
. ;.. .
IIo rr a " Salem Prcfesslczal
.ynan:.Rcsti at Sveet. .
FUL. (From Sunday's Daily.)
The world Is full of deceptions.'
There's nothing in a name! f
How Inviting is the term fSweet
Home," and how Inviting to the- weary
traveler when' he finds It belonging to
a -town through, which he must pass on
his homeward Journey i 'Tet that It
may.be. a' hollow' delusion and a snare
can be" unequivocally vouched for by
a dignified professional "gentleman, an
ex-mayor of the. Capital Otji V T
"Sweet Home" la situated In the Cas
cade Mountains along ' the classlo
banks of the South Santiam and comes
at about the right place' for a; rest
when the rusticator is returning from
a sojourn at Cascadia, hence the very
name should mean ' something to' the
weary wayfarer. - But the doctor de
clare it is deception and a. fraud I :
A short time since, the ex-mayor was
returning homeward from the pleasant
mountain retreat where soda wat,er is
manufactured in the- bowels of the
earth and comes forth Ih bubbling bril-
4ia.ncT .inrougn ine rocx leages along
the SaoliAm : He arrived i at Sweet
Home as the shades of evening were
falling upon the Valleys and the' tips of
nature's neighboring' fortresses were
crowned with halos by the descending
sun. ' He concluded to, rest and, be
comforted; to retire early and to slum
ber late, that the next day might find
him refreshed for the long drive ahead.
But, alas! how fleeting, are hopes! ;
Himself and hishorses were gener
ously regaled, it Is true, by , the good
lay who is the presiding genius of Abe
hostelry, and he was assured that
breakfast would oe ready at the pre
scribed hour -next momlpgtT o'clock
was the': peremptory; order), but h
asked, . to, bS-fcxcused. for abe balance
of the evening, that she waa engaged
to take part In a' very Important local
function that evening; a charivari; and
for the doctor to make himself at
home, go. to bed and enjoy himself.
Enjoy himself! Oh ye tortures! ;
Well, the dignified visitor went ; io
bed, but as slumber laid -its delicious
Influence upon his : eyelids and the
world and Its sick patients began to
fade from hla anxious brain, suddenly
bedlam with all its hideous noises
broke loose in front of the hotel, dis
turbing the doctor's repose and ruf
fling his 4emper as well aa his dignity
to such an extent that he Jumped from
hls.Jed and out pn, the pprch, forget
ting to add to the scanty garments In
which he had retired, though not for-
cl pally In -those, he advanced to the
edge of the porch and proceeded to de
Bver mrr impromptu lecture on the Im
propHetjr" of such goings on at that
hour of the night, when aliened was
supposed to reign supreme, when the
gnetnea and. fairies f the hills' were
presumed to be. ' flitting noiselessly
through the glens and disporting them
selves 'In their usual j sdper-earthly
fashion; when tired mortals should be
peacefully enjoying, their downy
couches, and' that at such an hour, it
was sacrilege to have this latter en joy
ment ruthlessly Interfered with." lit
was proceeding eloquently along this
line, when' suddenly a defiant voice la
the crowd yelled out:
Who fell Is runnin this charivari,
anyhow?" ' . ' 5.
This was rather a stumper for the
doctor.! He acknowledged " that the
enterprise was not his, whereupon he
was vigorously reminded that he had
better go back to bed. or else make a
draw upon his wardrobe and "Join' the
gang."- His eloquence was wasted oo
the -mountain air;;the tree' topstsnlck
ered In mockery iid all the ruffled doc
tor could do was to go . way back and
lay,down .;u':' -I'
"Lay down,, but not to sleep. No rest
or peace for him. The noises which
in the earlier night were at the front
of the house were now brought around
immediately. beneath bis window, and
all the vile Implements of noise which
kitchens, blacksmith shops, cats, dogs
and small boys could supply were
brought Into "use for his especial bene
fit, so that for several hours he-tmag
Ined. himself In the mldstbf a Demo
cratic procession ' after an election
which had placed the officers InTsight
Pandemonium - finally ' got . tired and
stopped; but the doctor Jraln was
tired also, and 'o was" the rolling mat
tress upon which he had - endeavored
to maintain a position during his ag
ony, and' sleep refused to respond to
the most persistent coaxing, .'.At last,
about 3 o'clock In - the morning, the
doctor Stretched himself face down
ward across the foot trthe led. his
head against the wall and his feet on
the floor.' and in this position he obtain
ed a two hours nap. '
Instead of waiting; until. 7 o'clock for
breakfast, the aootor was out and had
hts team harnessed by S o'clock and the
ride ef -Paal -Revere and Gilpin were
nowhere compared to his dash toward
the valley, and the denizens of Leban
on are wondering to the present hour
what generated the look of destrue
tlvenes and desire for' revenge which
clouded the usually placid brow of the
dignified doctor. -t ' '
Sweet Home! After much powerful
(?) research, the doctor has arrived at
Ihe conclusion tht the place Is neither
sweet nor home like, and offers tb
wager a million that.no chemist nor
alchemist., nor' principality nor power
this side of the Judgment pay, can' find
a trace of anything saccharine or home
like between Foster and Lebanon. A
law to suppress "charlvaries and to ad
equately punish participant, aiders or
abettors therein will be a prominent
part of the purpose of the coming Leg
islative session, and a special session
may be. called if another emergency
like this one should arise.
KINGSTON, Jamaica. Sep
Fruit growers here have decided o(
form a pool for the regulation of the
REDDING, CaL. Sept. (.Senator W.
A. Clark, of Montana, Is said to be at
the head of a svndicate thathas pur
chased the McVey copner property
situated on Joe Creek. In the Siskiyou
mountains.. The price is given out as
$300,000, While the oroperty U ", to Sis
kiyou county. vCallfornla. tha ouUet.
owing' to 'the configuration ' of the
mourftains. is by way of Jackson and
Josephine counties, .-' in Oregon.' The
opening and development of tha prop
erty will mean much for Southern Ore
gon. " . -' .- ' .- i
County Commissioners Pro-
viae for several itew
discussion of- one that has
' Been before the court
since last december dam
; ages ;: for , one claimant is
recommended bx committee.
(From Sunday's Dally.) t
Testerday the fourth day's session of
the county commissioners court was
devoted entirely to the consideration of
road petitions with aresult that pe
titions for the establishment of three
new roads wereajhowed and a petition
for the location of another road and
the vacation of still another, waa con
tinued "over until Monday morning, at
10 o'clock, to which time the court ad
journed, .niwwi::," 'l
- The petition of Joseph EtseL et, aU
for the estaWishroent. of . a new road
cutting through the Anna Schmidt and
the H. N. . Huntley premises In town
ship 4 south, range Least, and for the
vacation of the old - county road, for
which It is Intended to substitute the
new one on the ground that the eld one
is laid along the riverside and at time
during the rainy season Is Inundated
to a depth which make it dangerous to
travel, and for the reason that to re
pair the old road is Impracticable, was
given a second reading and taken un
der advisement ; until Monday. JThIs
road matter has been before the coun
ty court since December and has caus
ed the' court no. little, waste of gray
matter. : ' ;
- On December 1$, 1101; the petition for
the establishment of tha newrosd ao4
the vacation of the. old ona was sut
mltted lnr due-form and the court ap
pointed viewers to investigate the
change, " who reported thai? thepetl:
tlon was a reasonable one and recom
filed her objection to the establish
ment of the new road across her 229
acres of land and also made & claim
of, 121S0 damages in case the road was
established. The court then appointed
daring the July 1302, term of court
committee of three to i vfew. out and
assess the amount of damages due Mrs.
Schmidt and this committee brought
In a. report -recommending her . $150
damages. ; The matter waa carried over
from, the August term or court ana is
still pending. v s
The petItIoof R.. F. Myers, et at
for the establishment of a new road
cpon Ankeny Bottom, which waa re
ported upon favorably by the board of
Viewers, Frank Davey, J ohn W. - Jory,
afid W. J. Culver, was read for the
second time, allowed and the road or
dered established. ' '. :,
The netltion of Henry Melring, et, al
or the establishment of a new county
oad, near - Brooks, was- also allowed,
and the county surveyor - ordered to
make a survey of same and to open It
Up f or travel. ; ; 1 : .
The court also allowed tha petition of
A. G. Cone. et. aL, for the location of
m count v road near Charepoeg. upon
the recommendation of the ' board of
vl ewers, and the road was ordered es
tablished. . -.!- - ,
'''' II ' 4
(From Sunday's Dally.) , .
There Is a steadily Increasing for-
elgn demand for flour of local manufac
ture .which is a' sufficient evidence of
the superior quality of the sameTht
Salem Flourtng: Mill Company's plant
has been running quite steadily of late
apon export orders and , has enough
ahead and La view to Insure several
weeks more. . Earlier In the season a
11.000 sack order was completed t of
Yokohama; and Hong Kong, and tht
milt has Just -finished an . order from
Kobe for lt.tOt sacks and is at pres
ent filling a 3000 -sack order from Yo
kohama. This is very gratifying ts
the mill and the demand promises t4
continue Indefinitely. ; r ; ' " -
Wheat Is coming into this mill pret
ty rapidly '-flaring the .past week, but
there is very little of It being sold a
the farmers. are In no hurry to sell at
the present market quotation, bit mil
lers claim thty have no trouble to ob
tain enough grain to supply their I m
mediate heeds. - ' ." i
HAVANA," Sept. - The House of
Representatives is daily holding secret
sessions to discuss the question of the
35S.000.0O0 loan and the ma tier of pro
viding means to meet It, The Idea- of
establishing a lottery to this end has
many supporters, while other members
of the House advocate an internol rev
cnue tax. ' tj-? - ; ' 'i .
Itchiness of the Skin and Cexema.
' The Only remedy in the world that
wIO at once stop Itchiness of the Ski a
on any part of -the body that Is abso
lutely safe and never failing. Is Doan's
Ointment-; Free Samples at Stone's
Drug Store. 237 Commercial street, Sat
urday. September. XJtfc." J..,.,
Will. Attsna kri narcli b
Unifcrms ,
r AT THE FAIR. : ';".-
m (From Sunday's Daily)
In response to urgent requests of nu
merous people, of Sajem. admirers of
the Salem Lodge of Elks, efforts are
now being made to secure the victor
ious uniform drill team of the lodge
as an attraction for the State - Fair,
either on Salem Day, Wednesday, Sep
tember 17th, or .: on : Portland Day,
Thursday, the 18th. The lodge Is now
trying to make "arrangements to have
all the members of the drill team pres-
ent on that occasion, and show their
admirers Hn Salem, what means were
used in Portland, "to secure the victory
in the contest with the richest and
largest lodges of the Northwest.
Last evening the Elks' drill . team,
band and orchestra attended the per
formance of the Elizabeth Hale Com
pany at the Grand Opera House,' and
they enjoyed the excellent performance
to b-full-adV frequently cheered Miss
Hale. who. In the title role of "Roan
oke," made the hit of the week.
- v Ths Tacoma Kick.
The protest of the Tacoma Elks, on
the awards made at the - parade on
Thursday was yesterday considered by
the Elks' Carnival committee, and the
matter was decided, in favor, of - the
Salem. lodge, and a telegram, received
hut night; is to the effect that a check
for $500 will be received tomorrow by
the treasurer of the Salem Elks. .
. The Portland Journal of Friday even
Ing says of the contest:
"Salem won the applause of those
who witnessed the grand carnival pa
rade. and also Won the prise of $500;
the gorgeous dress, the Colonial, band,
and the beautiful appearance m gen
eral, won everybody. 7 Tacoma. which
has come off victor In all, contests
where the delegation has arpeared, waa
awarded secopd prise, of $350. ' The Ta-
ccma boys have , been practicing for
theee events and ent their crack team
here to carry, off a share of the'prlxe.
which they easily succeeded In' doing,
Astoria came" next with the prise ' of
$150. The Astoria boys4 can be highly
complimented on their appearance and
the fact that they carried off the prize
because they did not decide to compete
In - the parade until about two weeks
ago, and as a result were compelled to
hasten preparations and- therefore not
come so fully equipped as desired! Still
they feel that their time Is well spent
and aro pfeud to carry, the trophies of
victory home. Tacoma has entered a
protest against the award of the first
to a misunderstanding of- the rules
they were handicapped. I
"Mayor Williams, who .was a . member
of the committee on .awards of prizes
for the Elks parade yesterday, said
this morning in discussing the' protest
filed by Tacoma over , the decision.
l do not think the Tacoma lodge is
entitled to anything more tfian they re
ceived. There was certainly no par
tiallty shown. Nine out of every ten
people , who saw the narade. I'll war
ranty will Bar that Salem-was clearly
entitled to the first prise. As a matter
of fact, at first the other two members
of the committee were in favor of giv
ing Astoria the second orise and Ta
coma third, but I held out for the re
verse and I think that the public will
say tha tJ the awards. were Just' and
equitable.' V ' ,
DRUNK- '. ,
(From Sunday's Dally.)
iA.;H,"Damon the expressman, who
with his wife haa occupied the atten
tion of the courts considerable of late,
Is again tn trouble,1 and this time ; be
will have leisure to repent of his sins
and shortcomings until he comes to a
realization of the offense he has given
to tbepubllc- Early yesterday morn
ing he was arrested by 'Officer 7Larry
Murphy On a charge of drunkenness.
He was tried before City Recorder NJ.
Judah. yesterday afternoon, convicted
of the offense, and waa given a nne of
$15, and in default o tne same was
unt hark to uil to servs lib Cays.
Damon fferedto put up his watch or
his horse and wagon In lieu of his fine,
but thla waa not acceotaMe. aa the
court Informed him. he must pay In
money, or serve time. -
i From Hot te Cold. ;
Dysentery Is prevalent everywhere In
summer and Is due to mlasmatle poi
sons, and begins abruptly with lnflam
ma tlon of the mucous lining of the
large bowel. " In t America the disease
Is common, but properly Treated does
not result aa seriously aa In the tropics.
Perry Davis Painkiller is the best
known remedy and the most efficacious
In the treatment of dysentery.
SEA GIRT. N. J, Sept. The most
Knsfiii rifle tournament ever held
on a New Jersey rang terminated tfiis
rirmnon with the close of the Presi
dent's" M A fi"h for the military cham
pionship of the United States. " eonre
E. Cooke, First District of,, Columbia
regiment, ."von the u fle, . outshootlng
forty-three competitors. ; Cooke scored
18 out of a possible 219. " . ;
iun im '' lA Yt Crt I
NEW YORK. Sept. The Blues
galloped home an easy , winner in the
115,009 Century Stakes at -Ebcepehead
hie . ai:e:ucan ge: eals
; ;', -' ' " i " i ' -y . '
BERLIN. SepU Major Generals
Cor bin and Young., and Brigadier Gen
eral .Wood were presented to Emperor
today, .at the Markendorf parade
Grounds. Among HI Majesty's first
words were bearUr thanks for the
attentions shown to Prince Henry, dur
ing the latter's virit to tha United
States. 7-' t
NEW LONDON, Coqil, Sept. t The
game of war being ended, the officers
and men cf the respective commands
of Major General MacArthur and Ad
miral Higglnson are once again In
peaceful co-operation.
Secretary- F. L Danbar ilm
lows Claim cf Crestoir J
(From Sunday's Dully.)
The da kn of the Creston, Washing
ton, posse, for the capture and return
of Harry Tracy; the outlaw and escsp
ed convict, has been allowed and paid
by Secretary of State F. I. Dunbar,
and this chapter in the history of the
state prison the last chapter In the
tragedy of - June 0th has at last been
jThe claim for the reward was made
by Maurice Smith, Charles A. Straub,
Joseph- Morrison. Frank LIHIngreen
and Ertle C La n tor. and was for the
full sum of $1500. for the capture and
return of the bandit. The warrant
was yesterday drawn In favor of the
five men. for the full amount of the
claim, and forwarded to the claimants.
The claims for expenses for returning
the body made by the same men, 'filed
some time before the $1500 claim was
presented, was disallowed by Secretary
of State F. l. Thinbar. Mi. Dunbar
disallowed those claims "for the rea
son that the claim of Maurice Smith
and others for the reward offered, for
the capture and return of th escaped
prisoner, Harry Tracy, was allowed and
paid today, was for the capture and re
turn." .' ' '..... "
The claims for expenses were as fol
lows; . . " . I '
Maurice Smith.. ..... . y.$43 OS
Charles Ai- Straub. .
E. C. Lanter.. - .."
.. to 75
.. .... 43 15
O. W. Stone. Undertaker. . .... T 60
Sheriff Gardner, of Lincoln county,
and the yewng man Goldfinch, both of
whom claimed a share In the reward,
did not put In a claim before the Ore
gon officers, and they were, of course,
not considered In the light of claim
ants. ' '
The five men claiming the reward,
filed; their Joint bill against the state,
with Secretary Dunbar, and accom
panying the claim was an affidavit, set
ting forth all the circumstances of the
chase after Tracy, the battle with the
outlaw and his final capture, as detail
ed la the press at that time.
t ' . j ' ' - mm,m i .Minis ;.;'.'-.".. -T
The 8tate Iand Board; as dfndant
irt the two mandamusSulU wherein J.
S. Fish and T. J. Seufert are the re
spective plaintiffs, yesterday by Its at
torneys D." R. N Blacaburn,' Attorney
General, and W. T. Hume, fiied Its
answers to the separate amended writs
of review. . ' - . . - -
'l In he esse of J. 8. Fish, who de-
manas mat me mate uana uoara sc-i
cepthle application foir the purchase
Of the north half of section IS. Jl own
ship 1 north, range 11. east, or to show
Its reasons for not doing so, thS Board
denied all of the allegations set forth
lb the pelKion. and for a. further and
separate answer alleges that the land
which Fish Is bringing suit upon was
sold to one Wm, Neville, on May , 18,
1050, who made , the necessary pay
ment of one-fifth of the purchase price
at that time, tof $t0, and that he had
paid the balance due on the land while
the certificate of sale wss still In fores
and before ths Issuance of the writ of
mandamus, y t
, To the writ of T. J. Seufert. who
demands a cert in carte of' aale to ths
south half of the same section, the
Rosrd alleges that the land was sold
to J. W- Fleming, on May IS. 1000, who
has since fulfilled all of the require
ments of the law and is entitled to; a
deed to tha property. The Hoard prsys
for a dismissal of both writs and for
Its costs and disbursements. : -
In the Department of State, at the
Capitol, yesterday, two new companies
filed articles. They are:
Ths Electric Light Ac Power Company
with headquarters at Rums.' Harney
county, will operate a plant to furnish
electric lights and power to be sold in
Harney county The capital Is $10,000.
C. Cummins, F O. Jackson N. U.
Carpenter and II. M. Horton are the In
corporators, y ,.'". ';"'. '
The First Churth of Christ. Scientist,
of Oregon City, will maintain a church
organisation. The txerty of the
church ts valued at 39, and the loca
tion Is In. Red Men s Hall, In Oregon
Clty 'Lanora Cook. Annie L. Wile
hart. Charles Mdebnke, George Frey
and Laura;- E. Seattle are the" incor
pora'Uirs. . . . . . , ' i
A i
. PLicc
(From Sunday's Daib.)
News sf the first chapter i t n
accl l vits in the hop yards, l.cre
30.000 people are now employe 1 in t
Willamette a alley, was bvocsM to :
lem yesterday. - .
Wm: La cock, it year Kl son of i:.
LacKk. who lives at Portland
Portland, was out hunting with a t
of other boys, cn Frldiy, la-th vi
of the boo yard of Oliver Kvera.
miles north of Salem; near the Wi::
ettr river, Uts people being e!.?.i :
pu king hops In the Beers yard.
The rifle of one cf you us Iie
companions was ; .accidentally
charged In euch a -position i.vu i
bullet Struck the right knee Joint,
very near the Joint, anJ pawed tl r
theiarger bone of the leg. poneti.a
Into and lodging In the larger n u
of the calf et the leg.
The- boy was brouaht to the t'.'
HonUtal and Dr. C II. Robert soil
terday extracted the bullet. 'I
wound will probably not" make th 1
nermanenliv lame, though -th hn.
joint was barely, missed.
-The accident happened at ui i
nar the "Heera farm, y
io kidmy siritntns.
If you suffer with kidney dlKefe r
any ailment arising from an Iniproi-r
action of the kidneys or urinary -gsns,
this offer we make to the p
of Salem should interest you. In t
advancement of ihedical science, t
kidneys, the organs of ths greatest I -portance
to human health, have i
been neglected, .and in placing If f
you such a cure as Doan's Kidney 1
the proprietors recognise-how 'far i
many statements of the makers of -liar
preparations hsve-fallen fhoi t "
their clalma, being convinced that
remedy for kidney complaints in c! i
ence equals -Doan's Kidney rills f "
such sllments; Strengthened In !'
convictions by letters that are dally t -celved
of the work they are dolns f
mankind's benefit, old backs and you? t
backs are being constantly freed fro
never-ceasing aches, and many a lai
and. f battered one, stooped an 1 c
trsoied. Is strengthened, Invlsorai 1
and Infused with new llfe With su
a medicine an offer of this kind t i
be made without hesitancy, for wht:.
we lose the box we give to you. v
make friends last asultts us in it
ssle of many others.
of Doan's Kidney Pills will be rlvfi
swsy free to every person sufTrrl
with kidney sllmem's at the under! s -ed
address. First come, first sr
snd only this one chance offered. I -member
this Is not a sample iox. I '.
a regular' slse : box of Down's Kl lr. y
pills, which retails at CO cents.
, Remember, y
From Stone's Drug Store, 207 Com
msreial tH 8alm, Orea"-
Cut thla advertisement out and brli :
with you;
Sole Agents for the United" Ft.it
Foster-Mllbum C6 Buffalo. N. Y.
Passenger Coach Is Constructed Ov
y " Holler of Engine. .
The Baltimore and Ohio shops t '.
Juit completed sn engine that !
unique. It Is for the use of L. c .
I loss, the genersl superintendent, f
his Inspection tripe and w Uh-1 i
the first time last week. For wsr.t
a better name they have dlgnaf' '
as an Inspection engine, but thl '.
not cover the whole Idea, f'r tt ;
swers, the purpose Of an engine. wiM-.
smalt, passenger coach cnlru(t-1
top of the boiler. Just baf-k f t
smoke stack, It somewhat rent-mi ,
lh"e old Inspection caf of the 1'i-nr, :
vanla. . -
The boiler is heavily covered wlih n
bestos, that with a . thlrknens t 1
and the floor with bru!wl carpet. 1
seats are arranged in smt-MM.
style so as to give every one In tt. '
a full view of the trsk and the
rounding country. The hlchtr
clals of the inspection party are i
posed to sit In the rear s-tu, v ;
s re the most elevated. I'apf -r -enter
the car by wlndlsg stairs on
side of the front pilot ro the ei
may be run In either direction rf .
Rut three men are required to i
up the -train crew, an cnglr." r
fireman, who occupy Ihe al),
back on the coach, about the r -,
on an ordinary engine, an-l a
The Idea Is to have a qulc-k n!
venlcnt way for ofHclals to m-y. ;.
over the lines without ha-il! ; ; ;
tra train. . 1
WASHINGTON,' f.-vt. Th r
dent "has proclaimed an 6zr'- . i
tfred into with the fJovrr -
France on the 224 of Am - t 1
tending an im:ortant tr : ,
to Porto Itko by thu g I. : i
criffee product-in that 1 t 5
French markets at the ml
rate. - Thi was aeon-.::. ; '
pe"la! ?fmfnt rria !- 1
Ing Kcrctary Ad- f r t!. t
States and It. Co UirfTl -. -. t :
the Governmtnt cf the IV '
APcrtUnl :y:C: