Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, September 09, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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- 4. - taJ -S. VI .
Published rery Tuesday and Friday by the
K. J. HEXCKICKS, Manager. , - ,
" aa-fewaavsa
fne rear, to dviM...'..:i.-i! W
x months, In id?n..'r...... J
T r.re month, in advance...... ...
v:; ytar, on tiaf,... 1.25
The 8atema tu been etblihed for nearly
f ."iy-two year, and it bumiM sabacribers who
i.3 receded it nearly that lonr, and many
ho haa lead U to t sroeratlon. Some of
tbxe object to bavin tfta PT dia-onunoed
at tae tune of expiration of their obaeriruona
i i bo benefit ot theae. and for other r-o
vre bare concluded to discontinue subscription
cn!y when n-mfied to do no. Ail peraout payttrc
when aubscriMnf. or parlof in adTance. wld
e tha benefit of U doilsr rata. Bot U they
do not par for si a montba. tae rata will be $1.25
a ear. Hereter we wtU ar4 tha paper to ail
-T-ponibi peraona who order It, tboug-a they
may notaend the money, with the nnoeratand
i n g that tbef are to pay a year, in ca they
Ixt tha lUOKHDUOB nCEWUUk luw mw.
h.. in arAf t that there may ba no misnn
; aentaodinv, wa will keep tnia notice stacding
at tht piaca in in paper, , ,r
On account ofthe non arrival of pa
fer stock,, we are obliged toprlnt the
(TwIce-a-WeeltBtatesman again with
only six pages, after baying promised
last Issue that it would not occur again.
The paper. wilL surely be here In V time
- ; t' '." S T :
for the ' next : Issue, and the six-page
form will surely not be used again.
Wouldn't it be funny Ifjthere were a
great panic An the midst, of this era of
prosperiryr Exchange H :
It wouldn't be exactly, funny,4 but It
would be strange. And It Is not going
to happen, If the people of this country
are wise enough to let well enough
. alone in the matter of the tariff laws,
' and do not turn the country over to the
mercy of the tariff tinkers. i
One of the most conservative of the
Wall street operators recently made the
statement that whlie the majority of
the people In this country imagine-that
stocks are already too high, he predicts
that they will go steadily higher, in
the cases of stocks representing relia
ble and well managed concerns of all
classes, and the business of this coun
try will have no serious set-back, but
will go on expanding for an Indefinite
- period, y., '.' - '' . ' , - - .' ;t ;
v The writer of this paragraph believes
this will be the trend of future. 'events,
for two 'reasons. One Is that the, busi
ness of the "United States will grow and
! prosper, for an indefinite period. j The
wthar is that the world's output Of gold
. will go on increasing. This being the
universal money metal, and there being
. all the gold needed now for the re
serves of the various Governments, the
prices of things measured In. gold will
go higher and higher as compared with
the present prices This Is the (en-
, (U-ncy.now. and It will not be changed.
The United. States will have two kinds
of prosperity for the'lrnmedlate future,
and for a long time to come. One wU
be actual, based ' on real prosperity.
The other will be apparent, based ot
the rise in values based on ounces and
;gralns of the universal money aieU'
0Ve- ftr .nt-.'ol'n-; to hve any -more
';hard times In this country for a long
time, unless we make hard times by
our own foolish actions.
"President Palma, of .Cuba, is slowly
discovering Jhat If he is to get along
In hi republic he will have to become
a partisan. . So-far h is posing ua a
man above parties and consequently
commands no following in either the
house or senate. Exchange. , ; ! .
On the contrary he Is probablyj dis
covering another thing, He Is probably
finding out that "he'll be damned If
h does, and he'll be damned if he
don't. - - :
He has a hard task before him. and
so will hi successors' have, - whether
they are partisans or attempt to pose
as men above xta"rtles.:"The Cuban peo
ple are not capable of aelf -government.
They have not had the training to fit
them for. the responsibilities of citizen
ship in a free country of their j own
supporting, and even-their children will
nut be composed of the material ' cal
culated to make a Strong. free govern
ments ' ', r. -I vi
While figures cannot ev n prevari
cate when set la f column -nen ' who
d-al wMh figures come to different con
clusions.'. For example. It has been as-1
serted by statisticians that the ' In
crease In the prlceof articles of food in
the last five years, averaged about 23
per cent. The Massachusetts Bureau
of Statistics corrects this j statement.
The average increase since!: 183? has
bi-en only about 15 per. "cent. ; The
heaviest Increase la shown in the item
of rent, which has gone uo S2.43 per
i tr.t. Dry goods j have , risen 16.fr per
cent,, fuel 9.7S, "food 1L11 ' But the
Mus.uhuietts Bureau compareslprtces
in 1903 with prices In 1S72. and finds
ithat we are huylngthe solid comforts
f life cheaper now thap In the earlier
!.t. Foodstuffs compared with prices
a 1ST2 have declined 19.97 per cent, dry
yrtois 41.01 per cent fuel 2S.81 per cent,
T'..U general '.decline in Tprlces enables
th wase-earner to raise his standard
of livingand hjs condition is still more
r improved by the rise in wages. No 'one
sute can furnish ytatlstlc for the
whole, nation.. In some carta ct iLe
country the trip of comLIr.atlon la more
effective than In other parts. In thickly
Settled states the cost of transport-.
tion Is a smaller Item in the total cost
of food than in states where food has
to" be carried over long distances. The
statistics of the Massachusetts Bureau
are undoubtedly- correct for that and
adjoining states but they do not apply
with equal accuracy f.o all the states.
In New York state Monday two new
laws of great importance to married
folk and lawyers went into effect. One
provides that neither party to. a di
vorce suit shall ,- marry until three
months have elapsed after, the signing
of the decree! The other makes It a
misdemeanor for lawyers to advertise
for divorce practice. It la hoped by
the second law to curb a certain class
of persons who have never been
credit to their profession. It would
be well for California to have a sim
ilar statute. Oakland, Cal., Enquirer.
It would be- well for.; California to
make it longer than three month. That
Is not sufficient Ime for, the sake of
decency A year Is not too long In any
case, and a thousand years in some
cases .-" ' '. , "::
In Oregon either party to a divorce
case Is not eligible to marry for six
months after the granting of the di
vorce In order to give the other party
time to appeal. In case pf a reversal.
there might be a surplus wife or bus-
band, as the case might be-rone legiti
mate and the- other in the state of the
Mormon's plural wife or wives in Utah.
The unpleasantness which for a time
existed between Argentina and Chile
has been dissipated by a comprehensive
treaty of peace. Not only are old ani
mosities declared , off. but a provision
is made against the appearance of new
ones. The treaty includes a declaration
that neither of the contracting parties
, . - -
seeks territorial expansion at the ex
pense of Its neighbors; . also, for the
limitation of naval armaments and for
the submission ' of any disputes that
may hereafter arise to the arbitration
of Great Britain, The " treaty secures
the neutrality :of . Argentina ; in the
event-of an attempt ; on the part of
Peru and Bolivia to recover territory
which Chile seized after, the war of
1870 and has since retained. Being
thus deprived of a possible ally. Peru
and Bolivia will doubtless await events
rather than take . the chances of war
with their old antagonist. , Argentina
and Chile are the two most progressive
countries In South America. The for
mer has a territorial area of 1.125,088,
the'laiter of 293,970. In respect to pop
ulation they are nearer in ? equality.
Argentina having a population of 4,086,
500, Chile of 2.414.000. . s
What would American brewers think
If their business was regulated as it !
in Qermany? There is a popular Idea
In this country that the rights of plain
people are not so jealously upheld in
monarchlal countries as li this land of
the free, but a little story that comes
from Munich proves that this supposi
tion is wfong. Thiere bas been ' copt
plalnt In that city that the collars on
the beer have been growing higher and
higher, and as a result the matter waa
referred lo tha ,cit v . statistician, i; He
was asked to figure out how much beer
the people of Munich were annually
cheated out of through the beautiful
white collars of foam. This municipal
statistician was evidently a friend of
the people and against the beer trust,
for his report, declares that the people
of Munich have been annually cheated
out of 1,000,006 liters of beer by. the
building of too much foam on top. Then
a righteously Indignant municipal gov
ernment took the matter up and pro
ceeded to' give relief. The brewers have
been required to furnish "new steins,
deep enough to permit of a collar,' and
at the same tim to. hold the amount
of amber which aJutt law provides
shall be given for1 an honest groschen.
The Greater Salem Commercial Club
bas already sent away several thousand
of Its folders, and within a- few days
25,000 will have been sent. The whole
100,000 promised to the ' immigration
department of the Harrlman lines
ought to go forward as fast as . possi
ble.; Other points are sending litera
ture. . Both the county of linn and the
city of Albany have contributed. Many
different scberrws are being brought
forward 'to attract immigration west
ward. In -Arizona two railroad cars
are to b duiu ana equipped in nne
style and sent East. ' .- Silver and gold
will be the decorations as Indicative
of the mineral wealth of the territory.
Two burros will be taken along, and at
principal points on the trip they will
be saddled and packed and with a pros
pector in regulation garb. will tour the
streets distributing literature descrip
tive of Arisona. The other caV will
contain a full line of Arixona products.
The school where thorough work is done; . 'where! the ream 'is
always ' given; where cocSdence is developed; where' bookkeepiag
is taught exactly a books are kept in btisiaess ; where shorthand . is
made easy ; 4 where penmanship is
rVlrara in,l (ff.fir.Ar fi9n." t' -AAl s f
i '
life; where thousands more will be.
A. P. ' ARMCTnorJO,
Has an immense new stock of goods, just received. The store is jammed and crammed
-with a BRAND NEW FINE LINE OF GOODS that excels all our previous efforts to
please you. - We have enough goods to fill a store twice the size of thB one wo have, and
our buHding; while it is only- brie-half as wide as some" others is TWICE as long as they
ar o, EQULiING ANY in capacity. ! i j V-l li.t-i?i ; -i L0:Vr -Vi .) H --i 5:t --4 j.. ; -.-0
We are here to EXCEL any in SIZE of stock and ELEGANCE ,of goods.- Send
your mail orders here, they will be. promptly filled with the same care and attention as
if you were here in person. When you are Hi Salem we want you to come and see us.
We want to meet you and we are always glad4 to see you whether you buy goos or not.
My, bat we have a fi ne line
all " colors, and the latest
weaves. . , .
Black Dr$ss
We make "a specialty of
these and we have a hand-;.
line ' of the advance
Some of the .weaves
are . ' ; ;:. :. -
. TIB ALINES.- ::;-
And many others. We can sure
ly please you,
'. All the beautiful' new
wai stings in silk and wool:.
298 300 Com-pi-rclal
and.it will be decorated with Arizona
treasures and views. . " ' :
Mississippi's convict farms are said
to be models pf intelligent, enterprising
and humane management, and in add!
tion are yielding a handsome income to
the state. Under the lease system the
convicts were badly treated, so that
system was recently abandoned and
the state Is now-working. Its convicts
on farms either owned by the state or
leased for a. term of years. , The war
den's report, for the. first six months of
this year shows that the cash receipts
of the system for this period have been
$190,436.32, while ' ; the, total expenses
were S9,004.2S, leaving profit In, six
months f of $101,432.09. A very good
showing from a financial standpoint,
but the statement4 concerning the hu
mane management may be taken with
a raln of salt, since most of the' con
victs are negroes, and -since it Is In
Mississippi. - ..' " ' ; -
t The-Prootor & Gamble Company,
Cincinnati, have awarded a contract
for a full page In each issue of the
Ladles' Home Journal for three years,,
with option for two additional years,
for the advertisement of Ivory Soap.
The price agreed Is The Joarnal's-ull
rate $4,000 per page, making an ex
penditure of $48,000 per year,' or $144,
000 for the three years absolutely con
tracted for, and $9$,004f for the , two
optional years-representing a contract
for $240,000. Tmjs is tha largest ' con
tract for advertising ever given to one
magazine. -
Santos Ihimont's steering gear- ap
pears to have slipped a cog and he
veers about almost as capriciously, as
his airships have . been , doing. ; . lie
seems to have taken offense because
his coming to this country " was not
greeted with glittering, parade and
huge' demonstrations ofL; applauding
multitudes, and he has gone back to
Europe In a huff. Nevertheless Uncle
Sam ts not wholly disconsolate. ' '
. .William Ziegler, the 'financial backer
of the Ziegler-Baidwin expedition to
at its best j where hundreds of
awatu mi om.v.a in
Open all the year. Catalogue free. 1
' Wo have silk, velvet,1 wool
waists galore, and the pretti
est oses you over saw. Watch
our window- next week for
these beautifully erubroider'd
striped, plain, etc. "
A big new line .of heavy
f rainy day skirt?; price, $1.90, .
$2.75 - $3.00 - $4.00 - $5.50,
$5.50 -G 50 - $7.25 - $7.50.
Black Dress Skirts
We have some beauties,
ranging in price froift
x $150 to $12.50.
Ladles9 Coats and
Children 's Coats
Thousand odollars worth
'in all the latest styles and
colors; Modes, Tans, Reds, ;
Black?, Graya. Blue.
.Half,; three-quarter, full
length, cheap and expensive.
Prices to suit any purse.
Styles tcsui any taste.
- There isn't any place in town
, buy, every .necessity so well
the North Pole, which has come to grief
through dissensions in the party, is
outfitting a second expedition which
will be accompanied by his former sec
retary. One of the -duties assigned to
this expedition. Is to. make a thorough
investigation Into ; the causes which
wrecked the first one.' '
NewEngland jcrltics have noted that
in his recent 'speech' at P-oston Presi
dent Uoosevelt bean thirteen oenten-
ceswlth' .now.'' used the phrase fhave.
got" - for must'!-! eleven .times and
wound up by. splitting an infinitive.
Under the circumstances it Is probable
that Dostonians would : have mobbed
him had they not been restrained by
the knowledge ;that! he is a President of
the United States and a graduate .of
Han-ard. As- it Is -they content them
selves with mildly rebuking him and
advising young people not to follow his
example to talking. Exchange.
- The statesman is Inclined to agree
wlth : the correspondent, "Citlsen," In
another 'column.' It is not a good thing
for the future'of the city, or the count'y.
to attempt to tax the right to use the
water power by the manufacturers. It
would be double taxation. We have
not enough manufacturing concerns
now, nor large enough ones in the con
cerns we have. .They are a good thing
to encourage in every way possible. It
is not good business policy to discour
age them fn any way.
Bread upon the waters. A Delaware
machinist has heard - good news. In
1889 he was a' passenger on a boat go
ing to Philadelphia: An elderly passen
ger fell 111. .The mechanic took care of
him. steered him to a hotA In Phila
delphia,; got htm a doctor. Now. that
elderly man has left the volunteer
nurse $50,00i, ThiS; anecdote teaches
travellers that Itlls weir to be on the
lookout for prosperous ailing passe 1
gers. ):: :"..'. : .- ' ; 'i :. 1
The Oregonlan figures the. wheat yield
oi me a'acinc Korthwestt for 1902 at
i.s5,ooo tmshels, being for Oregon
12.785,000, Washington 24.900,000 and
Idaho 4,000,000. For Marlon county
400,000 bushels. This is for the whole
territory 124 per cent, less than the
record yield of I ML, - - ....
The. Portland Dispatch has ceased
publication, and Tony Noltner Is out
of business.
For the Publio Good.
' In another part of this paper appears
n advertisement worthy the reading,
as n's' lor the public good. It: tells
rree aistrtoution of Doan's Kidney
a "medy for Kidney Ills. Read
It. and call at Stone's Drug Store. 537
2,mmtrclaV trcet Saturday. septemt
Legal Blanks. Statesman Job OClce.
Men s
Ve always have theup-to-,
; date clothes, hats, and men's
furnishings we buy from
only the blest houses ia the
United States, and our cloth- i
ing - .
m; born & co.
Merchant tailors of Chi- -cago
guarantee a fit and
give - you your choice of
the world's samples. We
have been doing a large bus- -.
inessL ording suits from these
-people, they having been
giving great satisfaction.
Prices very reasonable.
Boys9 Suits
Norfolk Sailor Suits and
Three-piece Suits'from $1.75
to$G.00.;; . ' ' .
' Two-piece Suits Irani $1,25
to $4.50. -
where men and women can
and so econoniicallv as at
Harvestersand Hop Pickers'
v QIovqs in rcat variety, .best' grade of horsfhW
seal and buckskin. Asbestos tannetL which niakes the
fire-proof and WattT proof. Our prices' on tlio.se goods
arv now 25 Per cent lower than the regular price. J We
falso have a larure 8iinplv of chean trloves at 17c. 'JSn. nml
25c a
w. m- m. m - i,
-Ladies' wido Tim hats, cachi.
Shift waists for .1.
(We are selling these gxds
utxxi wicks, pair
liandkercliifilj at .
MeiiV bib overalls;,., .
Toadies' shoes "pair ... .
- Hzes H to 4, just right for rough wear, only 50c a pair.
Children's shoes, sizes 13 to 2, heavy goods, pair
1 i ) '-rr'MHt.r dl-w . t tit. r.nrnM. nr,i, much w u4 w n.M 1 ---- - -
rr?r f rca r lrnn in Kmum 99 peewit
r... r. wtm wyr crirn, liicirt without n
Mumru Mfiv.ii .ml mntw-v r.ttirt. it (11.,..... . . m. ...
Wnt'. feml ff.r fKtr rfrrr.inr n-rft tMtliru,.i..i.
mA?is HKttlt UK to. f.a Su
Aahland Tidings: :. . Ramsey, of
Merrill, Klamath county,. accompanied
or mm son. naugbter. Mrs. A. E. Mar
tin and Mrs. H. E. Smith, was coming
Into Ashland yesterday, over h Ash
land-Klamath stage road on their way
10 iornano,'tjy private - conveyance,
when they had a serious runavf ay ac
cident and narrow escape. They were
coming down the somewhat steep grade
on the Green Spring Mountain four
miles east of Wagner Springs, when
one of the horses stepped on a large
sUck lying in the road, which flew up
and struck the animal violently. Both
horses Immediately started on a run
at a break-neck pace. The surrey was
overturned and the occupants tipped
out, Mr. Ramsey still holding the lines.
e succeeded in maintaining bis hold
for about 100 yards, when the animals
got away and ran for a distance of over
three miles, before they, were captured.
Mr. Ramsey returned "to the assistance
of the other Occupants of the vehicle
and found that' both ladies wero .
verely bruised and cut up. They were
taken to a ncaij by house anj after
special sale ;;
There is a Special ?ale cv-:
cry day in the year in tlirs
store in some one or more
lines of goods. You are al
ways sure of bargains THIS
M en's Hca vy Shoes
; ' $1-50 for $1.10. N .
Boys9 Plow Shoes
$10 for $1.10. "
Men's Kangaroo Calf,
Solid upper's, $2 50 for $2.'
; M en's Whang Leather
Shoes', heavy $2.25 ' for
Blankets 50c and up.
'. ,We have fine new shriok
ing machine that does the
best of work. 5c per yard.
... . t A. ... K.J .. , J 7 " ' -
- .i. 25c
1 25c, 15c, 50c, 75c, $i:00
for less than the wholesale cosU
are trnoblMt with li .ii 1 1 1
jiHuaatiH cur.. auaMaKK
Oil Mu rvi
wards, came to Ashland on the stage.
Mr. Ramsey, after securing the horses,
succeeded In bi4nging the surrey to
town in a badly damaged condition for
repairs The ladies of the party are
able to get around today and will be In
shape to continue their Journey.
The' A B C Of It.
A kidney education start with:
Backache means kidney ache, lame
back means lame kidneys, weak back
mean weals kidneys, eur means
Doan's Kidney PHI a. ; Rad about tha
free distribution In this paper mn cau
at Stone's Drug Store 297 Comnertial
street, Saturday, September IJth.
For IrJaati arri Children.
lh K!ni Yea" Han A!,rn7S tzzzV
LepaLElanka, Statesman Job Office.
Lesaf Blanks Statfsman'job Offlce.
; ,1...f. m w laniw, .t; a-aJaiKKatrctgUtfiik(