---it T'lV'fT'T"'' I ... r.'-hed vr r Tue2r a.n.1 Fridif hy the cTXTZZUXS PCBLU-UIXa COiiPA.NT EL'EVaiJTIU-V HA t&r, In nivr,ee ....... flfO moow.. la-iv'Mif XO - inotut.- in nlmuce., ;.,......,..,. is ye', a liiae ......... 1.25 1 :,f S ttn r. Ueu mtafclinhert f.r nfljp ' .' ho 7r, ikI it fomf otcriij4-r who ;..;.; Kr-d U i-rlr lb knjr, mJ miLCT oc.o bv it f'ir a Reiteration. frrne s i o:t to bating U pap diroDtinod j-'. ft we of xviraiion of tbrtr uU;rlpUOfMi. irr ta benefit ot Uiee. ana (or other r-oii . e.ontiti'led 10, discontinue cb crjtiift when BvH.flwi to do w. All pumou Mrf",? j miwwri.rnr. or peylag itt dn wril i ( siv the Unft:t tit Ue Joiir-ri. But it tby j . not r t t ic mom h. tbe iml will be $1.1 . .r. j-fcreHfier we will nd tbs paper to fcJJ r-0'..outili wrtom vno oraer it, tuouira r !. not KQa in mouT, wivn ia unuemtin r i:,t thy are to i 11,25 a rear, in tui ihey it-t tiie nubanrlDtloa tceoopi run oxer aix tub. Ia rir that ttaer nay b bo an J sun otrr-tiuxlinif, we will keep Uii BOUo slMMling kl lull piju iA tbe pjr. . Cir.CULATION (SWCRM) OVSFl 4CC3 NEVER. The rumor that Senator Hanna really tilrfM and Is working for the jiomina tion for" President In 1904 Is persistent, and grows target and louder after very denial; but even. If there be any truth In the rumor he won't get the nomination Portland Telegram. lie wflt surely never be nominated.' And he probably knows this as well as any-one; CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED. N. Y. Sun: The longesMife comes to an end at last. . After a session f a year 'arid fourteen days the .Virginia Constitutional Convention has adjourn ed wKhout day.- , The members sang "AuidJLang Syne" before adjournment. The Democrats among thera remember I-l aonualntance a good deal better than they do the Democratic promise to ubm:t the Constitution to the peopled The pTomlse was wind. The ConstI tutlon was proclaimed, not ratified. THE SCORPION AND THE A83. The Democratic? party or some con siderable part of It seems to think that it can heal Itself of the wounds It got from free silver .by making a. tremens dous pother about Imperialism and ihe "attwitles" of theYrmy In the Phil ippines. , s : According to a recipe 6f Greek folk? lore a man bitten by a scorpion can be cured by getting an on ass'a back, -Nevir York iBun. i Hut the most considerable part ot ,the Democratic party proceeded soon after the ass procession started, to get down and out of it. They saw It was not going to a popular procession. A GOOD RECORD. The Congress that-has Just adjourned fur its summer vacation 'made a r mnrkable record. In local legislation a great deal of business was dlsimsed of giving relief and benefit to Various sec tionsOregon faring remarkably well. In general legislation te. following, are among the most important measures; National system of Irrigation; istb rtiUn ranal bill; Chinese immigration l-i!atIon; . granting Civil Government to the Philippines; protecting our-lm portant dairying Interests by Oleomar barlne and! like legislation: the eight hour law. and Immigration legislation, paKiH-d by the-House and now before the Senate; removal of the war rev enue taxes; providing for the construc tion of a battleshk) by the navy, thus t. 't!ng the advisability of Government construction. ' WORLD GROWINO BETTER. For the benefit of the pessimists who inlst that sin is on the Increase, it Is a g-n-at satisfaction to be able to an nounce hat In Champaign county, Ohio, the mor&Uty of the people is mich that a magistrate who was elected six times In succession, for terms ot thre tars each, did not "try a single case rr have one on his docket during the whole el a-h teen years, although the township Is said . to be., thickly popu late by prosperous agricultural peeplc ( mixed nationalities and religion: In view of this, who- will say the world , I growing worse or that Ohio Is a ?wkked state? Gunton's Magasine. Oregon can show a similar commun- ifjv For many years the community t-f Aurora, Marlon county, was wKhout it case In either the criminal; or civil courts t " ' ROMANCE OF MEDICINE. The prevailing Impression that the I roftssion of medicine Is dull and de xol.l of romance Is not shared, by the rhysictans themselves. Sir Frederick Treves, .whose name ha been so prom i rton tly before the public lately as that f the surgeon who was called upon U 1 rCjjrm the operation on KIi.gr Edward Kt.tJe some Interesting remarks' on thl thme the other day. In his opinion. i!.e medical caUing Is, from everypoI.nl if view, a romantic' profession. . Thf discoveries In medicine have not beer in a single degree less touched - with s -fiance than those of the mariners v h-i burst Into unknown seas; and m ..'active tile has ever been writter -r; ,-,f.-lr!g In interest the tor" of how mysterious causes of diseafsea' have - i traiked down an3 finally revealed. - r i reJcrick cm l.arly be accuse! - v": Tratton in coirarlnj a medical vsir 'j .in eTp.orer or Kt'-w se.is -'-" I l C" - taJn nearly as many ' 1-- ti is the globe Itself, t: e b'.:f cf .t African Namaquas that the moon la n piece of bacon Is hardly more gr&tesqu than the Ideas formerly entertained re warding the functions i invisible parjs f the body. While the Pythagorean anatomist Alkmaeon already taught. several centuries before Christ. tha ihe brain la the seat of the so' tF.i was a mere apercu, not generally ac lepted. Burton's "Anatomy of Mel incholy" contains many Illustrations of the ludicrous Ideas current at various times about the uses of the bodily or gans. It was only gradually dlscov ; ered that the nerve are different from a-It he sinews. rt took many centuries to establish so simple a thing, apparently. its the-real facta regarding the clrcula lion of the blood. COOL OFF. H la time to cover up the grave of Cuban reciprocity and let the grass grow over It. No beadstone Is needed. Rather should we forget the-deceased -is quickly as possible and think of jomethlng. else, v There ought to be ho attempt to put a semblance of life into the unpleasant remains, and we do not believe there will be. If, as the Washington reports have it, the Prest dent has In contemplation a speech making trip with the purpose of ap pealing, directly to popular approval and support, we hope he will think, It ever carefully and at leisure. He Is shortly to take up his summer rest dence at Oyster Bay. . It is an excel lent place to cool off", A few early morning .plunges Into the salt brine of the Sound should allay the fever of ex citement and reduce his mental temper ature 'down to the normal. In sucft an event he will forego that speech- making tour. He will not fling dis cretion to the winds and still further advertise himself as a President who failed to dominate his party against its better Judgment, against its principles. lis-traditions and Is solemn platform obligations. - He will not go before publlcan constituencies and criticise fitithful Republicans for - doing their duty a they saw It. Ile will not widen a chasm already too wide for his own good. All this he wllKnot do If he cools off, and we think he will cool off. -t-Amerlcan Economist. LATIN-AMERICAN DISTURBANCES Some years ago, In Ks New Year ed ition, a leading newspaper of New York, j-evlewlng the. events othe preceding-twelve months,' among other things, made this comment: The monthly, revolutions of the South Am erican republics have occurred - with commendable regularity.. That re mark was offered two decades or more ago, but It Is likely to W equally ap plfeable to the history' of the present year of grace. Nicaragua is reported as In a 'dangerous stats of revolution.. Ordinarily such a matter would be neg ligible. In present, circumstances ft Is not so, as civil war In Nicaragua Just now would prevent -aid from that direction from reaching the liberals of Colombia who are struggling, as they have been for several .years, against the despotism of the usurping dictator. Marroquin. Thus Is added an Inter esting complication to the war situa tion along the" northern belt of the Southern Continent. If the liberals of Colombia, are cut off from outside aid, they will be un able either to throw off . the Marroquin yoke, or to assist their fellow liberals in Venezuela who, tinder ' President Castro, are fighting a rebellion of os tensibly native origin and purpose, but which, nevertheless,' notoriously Is In the interests of. the exiled cx-dictator, Andrade, and his friend ' and backer. the American' asphalt trust. : whose stake In the game Is unqualified pos- Hesslon ot the great FeUcldad asphaH deposits granted to it, without much reference to existing vested rights, by Andrade when he was in power at Car acas. Were it not for .ihaVt ndustrlal snd commercial basis for the rows In Venesuela and" her neighboring states. end the consequent command of men I and means by the influences favorable to the asphalt, combination, It Is not hard to believe that disorder' would soon cease, that Castro would be suc cessful, Marroquin, ejected from .Col ombia, and the shrewd military diver sion in Nicaragua squelched out of hand. As It in. the threat of American Interference Iri one of the disturbed , states my yet be carried out that is. If things should go badly -for the as phalt people, which does not now ap pear likely. Aside from the merits of the quarrels to the south of us, they have long been in annoyance to this country and to the civilised word. They continually have kept the ghost of European lnr tervention- in commission, thereby menacing the United States will trou ble In the matter ot protecting" -the Monroe doctrine, and." of course, they Scrofula Tew are entirely tree from it. Ii may develop so slowly as to cause Utile If any disturbance during the whole period of ci-ildhsod. " It may then produce Irregularity of de elomach and bowels, dyspepsia, catarrh, and market tendeny U consumption t-tare mani'eUnsr itself laltnuch cataueous ri-;tlon cr plandalar sweU.r.. It 13 be-1 to be sure that 701 are q!te fr?e frora it, and for its complete er&iica tian you can rely on O"" j-tim f'm " : t . . M .--"-'-' f - f ' "- , Nocllitr meJ- " iciise ran now a record of curcs r storn ach ills equal to tbe Bittets. "N ThUisthe Ust evidence of ii -t value, ll wi 'cure ) ;srl-3ra v'fefchisj ' lcetilsa Cyipcpsla aai a . r.TOMACH liver ina Ce sore ts try have been ahd are : deplorably detrl mental to local progress and" Interna MonaT commerce. This nation in ef feet has assumed the position" of mon itor of the Western Hemisphere. Its attitude In relation to Central and South American questions during laXe years is so interpreted in the chancel leriea of Europe. Foreign powers are excusable In holding that If this coun try Is determined upon extreme apll cation of the Monroe doctrine to pan American affairs. It mutt keep jesrder and enforce fair play on its side of tbe pond. So it Is probable, , thinks writer In the San Francisco Bulletin, that the time may come when Uncle Sara will. feel compelled to tell his Lot in-American neighbors of the Andrade and Marroquin sort that he can no longer afford to let them imperil his South American trade or, his amicable International relations with Europe. Something of the same sort, soon or late. Is rather, certain to happen In the West Indies. : Porto Rico Is, owned by. and Cuba is under the suzeranky of the. United States. Both, therefore, have ceased to be revolutionary dan ger spots: but the Island of San Do mlngo, with, its black and mulatto "re publics," is an international plague for which we shall have to find the cure, or the Old World will get out of pa tience some day and find it for us. THE ART OF KILLING. Since, all governments recognize the rignt or society to punisn witn aeatn a certain class of crimes, it would nat urally be supposed that science would have made researches In the art of off! clal killing that would relieve death aa much as possible of Its horrors. It is not, perhaps, desirable that the future of the condemned criminal should . be relieved of apprehension, but the hu man mind,- revolts at unnecessary tor ture In carrying ' out a sentence of death. It la probable thai a success ful hanging Is the most merciful meth od of legal, execution. It Is assumed that a broken neck Immediately sus pends consciousness.- -. But death by strangulation, which often results from a drop from the gallows, subjects the victim to several minutes of agony The electric chair has In some states been substitued for the gallows, but there Is much doubt If death In the chair Is instantaneous. The French at one time thought they had discovered a mode of execution which robbed death of other terror thai that of apprehension. , The vic tim ccuia ciose nts eyes ana wait wun such fortitude as he could command the descent of the knife. There could be no hitch In the work of the ma chine, j But an eminent French phy sician asserts that death does not im mediately follow decapitation. The blood which flows Immediately after the severance of the head from the body comes from the large vessels of the neck, and for a time there is no call for, blood from the cranium. "The brain." he says, "remains Intact, nour ishing Itself with the blood retained by the pressure of the air. When the blood remaining In the head at the mo ment of separation Is exhausted there commences a state, nor of death, but of inertia, which lasts up to the mo ment when the organ, no longer ted. ceases to exist." . :, Tbe physician Who advance this theory estimates the period of Inertia at about two hours. Absolute death might not ensue until three hours af ter decapitation. To what degree contclousneaB 1b retained during thla period ot inertia the physician does not venture .an opinion. 'He has said enough, however, to surround death by the guillotine with as much horror as death by the rope or in the electric chair. Our Democratic brethren' should view with alarm the progress of Govern ment by injunction . . The teachers in the' public schools of New Castle Pa, according to the New York Sun. are required to sign a contract by which Ihey bind themselves to' complete the full school term for whijh they are hired and not to leave the school com mittee. In the lurch by resigning to get married. The committee threatens to stop by Injunction the wedding of any teacher solemnly bound and obliged by the contract aforesaid. - Here's a ty ranny which deserves to be shuddered s at. Government by Injunction, Kself a hell born Infamy, as any good Demo cvratlc or Populist platform-maker knows. Is to be used in restraint of marriage. If the denouncers don't denounce this until their paper withers and their larynxes crack, then denun ciation Is grown pigeon-livered and lacks gall. A new Superintendent of the Oregon tcnooi ior Lear Mutes is to be chosen soon, the old- school -year having clos- e l. If there 1.4 to k a charge In the r - : -rt ff I?' -t i'.-,..'t,:U--rr, t!.e friends ot Prof. J B. Early are urg log his claims for Consideration. Prof, Early has served, in various capacities In the institution,' and was for a time Its Superintendent. While occupying this position he gave especial sat!sfac t'on to the ja-irons of the institution and succeeded admirably in pleasing the pupil 3, at the same time advancing them In their studLes and trades. ' He gave also a dean business adminlstra tion of the affairs ot the Institution There' are a great many of the best people of Oregon now earnestly hop ing that Prof. Early may be again plac ed In charge, and the patrons are all but unanimous in this sentiment. They feet that Prof. Early, being In position to give the duties of the place his un divided attention, "and being an enthusl ast in tbe work, would render better service than any one elss could in be half of the. education, and training of this unfortunate class of children In our state. " The Grand Parlor of . the Native Daughters of the Golden West has been In session. If a. Parlor can tit, in Na tive Son's Hall, ' San Francisco. A gentle and characteristic poetry drips from these names, and the various Par lors which compose the Grand Parlor are equally fortunate, A few 'flowers from these rich parterres: Ursula, Minerva, Oro FIno, Ramona, La Eape- ranxa, Manxanita, Ruby,' Eltapome' El JPescedero, . La ' Estrella, - Naomi, El - Pescedero, Xa Estrella, '.Naomla, Buena Ventura,. Sans SoucI, Golden Era,' La Paloma, Los Pimlentos, Moun tain Dawn, Relna Del Mar,' y.eronaf Blue Lake, La Torrosas. The Native Daughters are worthy of these gracious names. May the Native Sons , be worthy of the Native Daughters. New York Sun. r ' - Feeding, formerly bleeding, Kansas continues to be dropsical with good times, says the New York Sun. V The farmers, in the wheat bet are begging and howling for more machinery, more teams, thousands of more men to take care of the harvest. They may yet be compelled to employ their old device of stopping 'trains and impressing la borers. This fat wheat crop had been, supposed to be a failure early -In the s season, and the few remaining Populist ears In the state began to flap triumphantly lq the winds of the. old- fashioned Populist eloquence. . Tain exultation! .'" As a Populist chairman dolefully says, "Folks are so demed'well off that they don't realise what they're comln to. ' - ' Tike authorities of -Lisbon have taken straight ' measure of r relief against loafers and beggars by gathering that apital's collection of these children of leisure, dumping them Into a steamer and ordering . them deported to the Portuguese; colonies In Africa. Portu gal's gain win be Africa's 1089, but the African climate is friendly to loafing in those whom It spares. -. The chances of, a beggar In the African colonies, however, are less than brilliant. If the Panama canal project breaks down Under the provisions of the new aw the Nicaragua canal will come to the front, and if the Panama canal is built private enterprise will utilize the Nicaragua route. There will be a Nic aragua canal In either case. St. Louis Globe-Democrat It is .not likely that any private concern will yearn to run opposition to the United States, Gov ernment. Not for some years, any way, -'4 The commercial supremacy , of the United States continues. At present the excess of our export trade over our Imports Is over one million dollars a day. And this In spite of the fact that the unprecedented home demand In the iron trade hag not only prevented ex ports to a great extent, but has actually necessitated ginntic Imports. The present Congress Is credited with an irrigation law, an isthmian canal law, an anti-demargarlne Jaw, and large number of other pieces of good legislation. ' And there Is still a ses sion ahead in which to add other im portant leaves to National history. : Cartte'Natlon has Joined Faker Alex ander Dowle. the healer, who, she says, has cured her. . This is the first Inti mation that Dowle heals disordered brains. " Our farmer friends' realise more and more what a glorious blessing for them were the showers ot last week. The crop prospects never looked better at this season . . A Curator Summer Complaint. Summer complaint Is usually preval ent among children this season. A well developed case in the Writer's family was cured last week by the timely use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedyone ' of the best patent medicines manufactured and which Ik always kept on hand at the home of ye scribe. This is not Intend ed as a free puff for tbe company,. who do not advertise with us. but to bene fit little sufferers who may not be with in easy access of a physician. No fam ily should be without a bottle ot this medicine In the bouse, especially in summer-time. Lansing, Iowj. Journal. For sale by Dr. fit one's Drug Stores. AUTOMOBILC AGENCY. . J. mark representing an automobile f-or.ipany of Chiiajro, was in Salem ye- ti-riay, making preparatory arrang:--r.i-nts with Geo. C. WW.. the piano and sowing machine dealer, to handle au tfiioilen next reason. Les :al 1 Eia nks. Ftatesmin J or c ' "The Stretched Forefinger of all Time" is on the dial of an i t 1 I M I 1 t the world's standard ior pocket time pieces. Perfect in construction; positive in performance. Sold by every jeweler in the land j fully guaranteed. Booklet free. i! ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Euan, PERSONAL AND GENERAL. Bos ting" has been heard from. The bean eaters claim Tracy was once resident of their city. . o o A learned New Jersey chancellor has Judicially, defined goo-goo eyes" as "attentions without Intentions." very fair definition. "Now that tbe fig crop - has been burnt up by the sun. It la some conso lation to know that it can't be spoilt by the rain, if we ever have any rain.' says the. Register, of Mobile, Alabama. It seems they have not had any for a long time. - Here Is yom good terrl tory for tbe Harrtman lines to work for Oregon immigration. Hundreds of cords of slabwooa are being thrown away daily in Portland dumped Into a gulch or slough, where It must go to waste,' though fuel Is con stantly becoming scarcer, and dearer. and all because some' people cannot agree with others about wages, or some won't, negotiate with others because they act together as a union. . The Evening Telegram thinks "such waste fulness, owed to such a cause. Is a sin. and somehow ought to be made crime. But it cannot be. People, have a right to do as they please with their own property, so long as they- do not interfere with the rights of others, and people hive a right to work, or refuse to work, a they please, -singly or ks bodies or jinlona. But such foolish aste will probably not go on for long. . . o e o -, The First Congregational church people of Salem had a magnificent ban quet last evening in horor of their fif tieth anniversary. They did not drink anything stronger than coffee, however. and were only intoxicated with en thuslasm. ' ' ' . . . f - o ,. r The writer must not forget to say that Tracy was again surrounded yes terday. - 1 '. . v . - O O ; The Commissioner of Pensions go, i letter from a man in Illinois asking that hi pension be reduced, "On In Vestlgatihg the matter of course he found that the man was an Inmate of an asylum for the Insane, and hap been for some time. o o o It is, perhaps, unnecessary to remind Salem's shrewd advertisers that the circulation of the Dally Statesman in steadily . growing on the rural mall routes, Scarcely a day has. passed for long time .without an Increase of the lists in this dlrec-Uon. Once on the list, the farmer becomes a- regular reader, and would not think of being without the morning news,r at double the price of the paper. A TEXAS WONDER, 1 HALL'S GREAT DISCOVERY. One small bottle of Hall's Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, remove gravel, cures dia betes, seminal emissions, weak .and lame backs, . rheumatism and all Ir regularities of the kidneys and bladder In both men and women, regulates bladder troubles in children. If not told by your druggist, 'will be sent by mall on receipt of $1. One email bot tle Is two month's treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. HalL sole manufacturer, P. O. BOX. 623, St, Louis, MO. Send for testi monials. Sold by H druggists, an, at OR. 8. C. STONE'S drugstore, St lem, Orego. ' " ' HEAD THIS. Bandon. Ore,, De. Z, 'sOL ; Dr. 15. W. ItalV SV. Louis, M.WDee,- Sin I have need your'Texas Wondcn for kidney and rheumaUo trouVle Its effects are wonderfuL It has xa equal, and I can cheerfully , recom mend It. ""urs truly. HAJIYEY HOWia A FATAL NIGHTMARE. ' NEW YORK. July Frightened by nightmare, from which she had always suffered. Mary Hendrlckson. 12 years of age, ts dead. According to stated ments by the child's parents she would wake with a start and ft would take hours to soothe and restore her. . Early in the morning, some hours after she had retired to her bed In her parents' room, she arose suddenly, stood on the mattres-ln a sort of trance and com plained loudly. rf an Imaginary Injury In her foot. She called to her father several f lines, and Anally after several minutes of fiigMIness she lay down and died. - A HAZARDOUS VoYAGEL NEW YORK, July In - a 80 foot launch christened A. A. Low, afu-r the Mayor's father, and accompanied only by bis 16 year old son. Captain Henry Newman, a well known New England boat man, today sailed for Southamp ton, England. So daring. Is the trip regarded by nautical men that o?b-erf at the navy yard, where the launch was tied up, declared they would rather take thtlr chances in a good sea fight than aboard her on the Atlantic. Kero sene will furnish the inotlve power for the voyajre, which la expected to re quire 20 days. How This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can- r.ot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. We, the underpinned, have known F. J. Cheney for the lat 13 years, and beWeve him perfectly honorable In all : tr..:.. ut-i a- I f.-. : -"y I ' : -" 1 lu-ixors. Hlcohol, 429 Wllita At. J IorUnd, Ore. . TODtlCCO to Cpper Alblna, j h USinrj j: ptou nut isu or, fj Ban's German SalvJ Heals quickly, all cuts or . bruises, draws soreness out of lame back, and draw slivers out ef flesh which often break off too short to pull. Sticks like sticking plaster. Try it and you will never be vvithout. By mail 25 cent. L. Mm BARR No, 120 State St.. SIem9 Or. i- CHINESE Drug Store I carry all kinds of Chinese drugs and medicines. Roots and herbs nature's medicine. Good for all kinds of siik- ness. Cures opium habit Good for the blood end kidneys.. , " ; D?. A'lM BOW WO, 201 Liberty (Street, ' Salem, Oregon HOPS HOPS Hops If- yon, ere interested in hop mw and prices. It will pay you to get lL report of the ;. n. r. hop BEPOtiTrxa co.... " S3 Whitehall New York City. EMMET WELLS. Gen. Manager. JUST RECEIVED A force Hn of china kIohs tlnwarf-. Call - in - and Kxaml ne our good, before buying. (Jold-baiul dishes a stKH-ialty. Those strainers with masher are. jnt the thins: for the fruit season. - THE VARIETY STORE. 94 Court street. i Annora M. Welch, Prop. v In Every Print Shop There Is The Devil to Pay and beside him, we have to pay a force of ever 40 men, who are employed In tbe several depart--menrs of oar establishment In prlntlnjr of varlon kinds. Erery thing printed here, from call lng card to a newspaper. ' .Will you bevome one of our patrons and help to promote" borne maua factoring? STATESMAN JOB 'phone OFFICE Main 204 1 Money ro Loan On improved farm and city property. t lowest rate. . . THOMAS K. FORD. . Over Ladd Bush' Bank. , PaJem. Oregon. Loans.. AT CURRENT. RATES. INSURANCE ' 4 bonds. r:j&zz2 ' REAL ESTATE. . " . BOZORTH BROS. S (mnterctal Ktreet. Kam. Or. able to carry out any.oillgatlons made by their firm.' WEST ic TRUAX. Wholesale Drug gists. Toledo, O. WALDING.i KINNAN He MARVIN, Wholesale -Orugglsfs, Toledo, O. Halls' Catarrh Cure is taken Intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the nynum. Prire, 73c per bottle.- Sold by all Druj,'git Testimonials free. ' r " ; Hall s Family Pills are the best. STRATHCONA'S OPINION. NEW YORK, July At a" meeting of the Iludson'a Bay Company. Lord ?trathcona-expressed the opinion, ca bles the Ixndon correlpondect of the Tribune, that In another decade Can ada would be able to 'supply the whole of the foodstuffs for the United lang dorm . , ' . S.JL a -,. ' -'I .1..' W .