LI tati..::.:a::, jult it, 1: i r AY i i it liU. jJericus Outlay, Pursued and Siirrond ty a Lcroe Posse, - Halites Ills Escapo Into tVccjs r:c2r Sesltle. . ' " V.:.::3 to iris Trectela ifcs Crush Tt:!r C-2fryAnierjc2, Tracy's Captive, fesnj b tfce WccSs r,t:r Hestcn, 2nd Wes Celtased fcy tfcc 0fncfrs4-SherUf Cn3- se Is Agsla csiiled oy toe MV1 f- . (Krom Wednesday' Daily.) r. .' KttATTLl Wash, July the flkWg'were Jria vjiln pursert of 'Con vict Tracy, on PlJibrldgel Island and In the Hood CanaEtj country, "the outlaw at reared alfrKJst within, the corporate limit f geattjfe, struck the! trail In an easterly direction, and was definitely "located In the home If Chart Garrells, mile north of the town of Rentonl one a 2 o'clock thl-j afternoon. Hardly had the iosse gat distributed along the ey cral point of vantaga to- the south Jbt the place when: Sheriff Cudlhee and Guard Carson ;;wlth two bloodhounds arrived. ;Traey stoo In the rear of the premise. 'now thoroughly- aroitsed to his Inrotniit JrlC and overheard t.h.e conversation between one of the women of the house arid two young1 Idler from Kenton two deliberately entered" Ger re IT home andljnfjulred If Traf waa there. No sooner bad they ,done.'o that) the outlaw threaded his way io the i lver . bank and jplunged Into the brush. j . ' ; At this Juncture the deputies Instead of remaining1, In the station along the rlv-r bank, between Itenfon and Cer relfa home, fairly swarmed (toward -the latter ' po1nt,'leaving almost, unguarded the retreat In ' a southerly, direction. Tracy was quick to-note this lack of organisation and ha&Uly retreated down the rtver. ', When Traey ...disappeared from Oer rcll's home the bloodhounds were turn ed loose on u. hot scent. Uota dogs strode the trail down stream, following St tor t uuarter of a. mile. . The keen sctnted brutes underwent a severe or deal at the hands of the man who again demonstrated that lu Is capable of pit- Ulnc his wits against dumb brutes as -well n human trailers. Half .way be tween Cedar river and Burroughs' boat hotise both dogs ran Into cayenne pep per, sprinkled in, the outlaw's- retreat in footsteps. Their nostrils were -Oiled with, the tlrey substance and fully 10 minutes wire ltf$t In. relieving the dogs ko th'-y could Tin eJtercise meirJW crs of smelii The dogs were one' more W close upon Tracy's footsteps that both hounds fairly -bellowed out their instinctive- Warning that they were -fast gaining upon their quarry. Pressed to d- fperutlon Tracy made- a! circuit, headed due north and plungedilnto hs outskirts of a lifte where he finally suc ceeded In. casting vh scent.-It was now dark, and " Guard Carson reuirned xai Kt-nton. : ' . i . - -.-SEATTLE. Wash. July g.Tracy mads another star escape from one of the ponaes after f him early' this even ing. Word wa received a the sher lfr ji oRlce thaj h had been at th house of IMrs. Oerald. near Rentonu for flv hours. - About fifty armed men at once ruhed to the scene. When they reach- ' ed the place they took positions so they could watch the house to the best'ad ntagei On the arrival of Sheriff Cudlhee. tb'eposse closed In on the house, oniyfo learn from Mrs. Serald that Tracy had given them the' slip, lie left the house by a rear door, ten minutes previous, while the posse were taking up positions to watch the place: hi 1 for a few minutes tn the bushes, and then quietly slipped away" through the woods toward Palmer. ' j ? STH wonderfuj .nerve of tha cbnvltf was never more fully exemplified than in this Instance.-- m the back yard of the Gerald home was found Anderson, the man Tracy had kept prisoner from the time he left Port Madison, tied, to a trcel. Tracy had tied Anderson o the tree while the posse were lb full view of t before making .his escape. Tin, bloodhounds . were Ht loone ott the trftij and are reported to be only a few mlrfute behl nd him.': ' Fully & thousand armed m.n are nowi engaged in the pursuit. Including a posse which h.i taken a train for Palmer to try oid ruten-ept Tracy in his flight 'toward Cedar .Mountain. - l . ' : Anderson' Story, ; Siettle. Wash.. July 8. A sppcl.vl to th Pojt-Intt'llifrncer' frtm ' Jtfnton, Wnl., mj: j y Surrounded by a morbid crowd John Anderson related his tlxperbMice since tlx nijrht Jhe left Port Atadiori.until his iscu at tlcrald's house tonight. Krom his etory It is eMflt that Tracy ;has arxmplh?os wtvr are lending him assis tance In his flight through the country. Anlfron said: "We left' Jfladi.soh on Saturday nisht. and went to West Seattle. artJtlng at daylight.- I pulled the boat and he" held a pun over me all the way, "We spent Sunday rnr the Woods at West Seattle.' At ntsrht we came across the ly In 'a. boat and. landed at South Seattle. Mon T.ty mornirurwhcnwe Rot Into the tim lr, -we cooktsl breakfast and rested" itntil afternoon. At 91 o'clock we start iil toward Kenton. r Near the IHack river'- bridse -we met four men. - Tracy !.-.C;hello. Fred ami talked to t mr n. . Tracy forced me to walk In front, .j'nd he followel behind accompanied by the men. We arrived at Kenton atut H.p'elock. and walked throus the town. Tracy tied me un and. ac companted by four men. left me." They it'.turnetl at v daylight this 1 (Tuesday) inoming. -..After' breakfast Tracy went away, but came back in an hour and we v.iv!kp.l to Gerald's place together. We w- re. In-the house atnri three hours. m !i Tracy took fne into the brush, IV -d in'-'u:, "and 'cautioned me" lo keep ; . 1. I r.iy i this position until tailed Mis. tlomld. whrn I hnlU,,t out U c brui-h luitt the bacU -yard where , r I- Ifcc V.zoitzzzis Were-Caftled ty Risrcercss ccsrict. man untied the leathei- strap which held my wrists. j ; 1 (From Thursday Dally.) - : SEATTLE. VashJulyr . Outlaw Tracy has to all lntenta and purposes disappeared from the face of the earth. All that the authorities can do Is to wait until he. enter another home or holds some one ur. Rumors of the wjdeat description concerning the con vict' whereabouts -are flying around on all side. Kach coup this notorious mur derer ha made since his arrival In King cosnty ha been more spectacular thai the last, and It Isna exaggeration to say, that ' the. public evpect ' his next exploit' to surpass-even his cal cium light pcrformant-e (iat Gen-ell's homo near Ilenton: - : . '.,...- Where me convict has fled 't ' the question that Is troubling the sheriff ofllce and posse. While reports today came: thick and fast to the city; It Is a, fact that Tracy, so far as Is known, has not been seen since hfs flight from the vicinity of ronton. Public Interest in the Ilenton estiapades show no sign of decreasing. ' In the excitement fol lowing Tracy flight through he woods one important Item waa jverlooked. He told Mlss'lJakcr. at Gcrrcll's home, hat hl real name was ltarry Sevege, and that Tracy was. his- crlminaT nm de plume.,; Whether the murdertr was speaking the truth Is a matter for spec ulation. ' ' In connection with the Ilenton fiasco. Tracy's, sanity is Questioned by a large number of oeople. Anderson's state ment ' concerning the' murderer's four friends, who met him.:'la- conclusive. With! thta outside help, Tracy entrance to Gerrells bom becomes inexulalna ble. v.He was not hungry. Nothing that he did or secured at the house could ex cuse his carelessness. lie saw the train go past with armed deputies, put made no effort to escape though he bad ev ery opportunity. ; ',i : Again the fact , that ; he ; sent : th'e strange boy down town to sell watches and buy, revolvers, ' looks: iuecr if he had really desired wfapons., the "safest way-; to get them was from his friend In addltfoh to the Swatches. Tracy gave young Gerrell 19. : every cent he had a'nd;when the bby took his depar ture the whole matter -laei. : money, watches and re vol vera seemed to have slipped .his memory, . From wnatever side Tracy visit to Gerrells' home is Viewed. It seems the fantasy of a dis ordered brain. It was neither reason nor necessity. The only explanation is. that the outlaw is not in his right mind, that the mental strain he has under gone since his bloody farewell to the Salerar 'people has proved too much for even his iron nerve.' and that he has crossed the invisible line between san ity and Insanity. . Pursuit Suspended. - SEATTLE. Wash., July 9. -The pur suit of Outlaw Tracy appear to be temporarily uspended. Sheriff Cudllnfee has called In the guards from the southern suburbs, leaving only a suffi cient number for a careful patrol. It Is believed that Cudihee expert the convict-. If he reappears at all.' to be In an other" 'part of the country."1 The posse that Started from Renton s. with . th bioodhouBds at & o'clock this -morning, returned at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, after a fruitless search, ; ; "J1 Since early morning an armed body has been scouring, the country between Renton and Black River Junction. '- 4 It is bellevrtl Tracy la hiding in. the dense woods of that districts Guards have been stationed at every road in tersection.. It is believed that he will soon- make an appearance at some bouse and tiemand food, as he is known to b without supplies. ; ' The.rUmor.that Merrill has joined his murderous comrade cannot be sub stantiated.-' TheTSalem Penitentiary guard who is with theiarty at Renton is certain that Merrill and Tracy are once more together, although be will not state the reason for his belief. The marshal of Renton and a deputy sheriff have captured three suspects at Kenton. , It i thoojcht J.hese may be three of the four men who met Tracy night before last' and walked through Renton in the- convict's company. At the town jail they gave their names as Andy Neitson, Tom Madden and "Phil Ititchie. Rumors are rife that the fourth man was not. other than Merrill, but this Is generally discredited.1 - : Woman in the Case. Seattle, July : . The mysterious woman who figures In every, , famous criminal case, has appeared .'In the Tracy case. The man andr woman were seen last Saturday night driving out to the lonely cabin near Rothell by Deputies Urewer and Woolery. They are suspected of having left the blan kets and other things in the cabin, for the benefit of Tracy. ,They ro now thought to be the Identical parties who chartered a launch yesterday and left In a mysterious manner for down the5 Sound. They left in the launch from the foot of Madison street, and headed for Hood's Canal. The Actions of the "woman-attracted the attention o Captain Elliott, who has charge of the ilreboat Snonualme, and he determined to -watch her. She stood for 20 minutes glanc ing down at a strange launch, which has never been seen here' before, and "finally was joined by a man She appeared to upbraid him fi,r lK-tng tardy, and not all of ihe conversation could be he.ird by I.iltott. He, however, heard her ask her cum- I i r '. n how long It would take to make t;.i run -to Port. 1'fce last can..; r.ot clear. .:- ' , Hoth went down the Incline to the l.sunch.and were soon speeding down the Sound. They' were rassed by one of the tugs on- tbe run, and both w ere seated in the'atern, fcoIOlng an earnert conrersation. :The launch pass? J out of Bight and has not yet been reported. ! The question 1. T14 the two per son go to help Tracy V . , j : ' ' Reporters Comptimantcd. Seattle July Su Tracy left at the Ger rell' house a special message to news paoer men as follow: 1 . . The newspaper men have given" me a fair deal, except when they said I killed Merrill, treacherously. Merrill tried to kill me. but I saw Mm and got him first.' The newspaper men. acre al ways the first to arrive and the posses r 01 low,- . .. . - . . - . -.- - - 'CV'X ?'0,ic Ar Wary. " . , Seattle, July. W-The police have had a strenuous existence since Tracy reached Seattle. Life ha become a burden to them, and, the sooner Tracy is disposed of the better they will be suited.: . -..:W'. ' ;"'-- Day and night the telephones at the central station ring, and almost Invar iably the Inquirer wants to know about Traey.- When he was in or near Seattle the city was absolutely terror-stricken. and people were afraid to venture out especially at night. Resident all over the city called up police headquarters, requesting that officers be detailed td come and protect the in from Traey; Many would back up their request with the statement that Tracy had been seen In their respective vicinity not. 13ng since, and there wa desperate neces sity for a guard. To all these request the police turned deaf ears. .. ' . 1 V v Imagine the feeling of the street-car men who were complied 1 to operate car over the line connecting Fremont with Seattle, when Tracy -was known to have' beeh in the vicinity but a lew minute $ before. Record . run 'war' made, and If a lonely straggler with a gun stood flagging, the car at a dark point, "the chances were that the scar would not step for him. -.Every one bora a" t ri Wl o g resemb! ence to Tracy, and the motormen would take no chance of being held up by- him. When Tracy" changed bis base of operations, the car men breathed - more - freely and ex pressed their great satisfaction at his departure.' - fA FIENDISH CRIME BIU.TTE- IN" IfJJMAN FORM ROUS A HOUSE, GAGS THE WOMAN , AND SETS FIRE. WHATCOM, Wash.. July 9. At 11 o'clock this morning an unknown masked man entered the house of a family at Ferndale. ,thla county, whoso name has not been learned, bound and gagrged the wife, robbed the house of, all the money in it, then set the house an fire directly over' where the woman lay,-locked the doors and made his es cape. r '.S - : . '' - : ' . ' - - - The woman by superhuman efforts released iier, hands and removed the gag from her mouth. Then she dragged, herself to. a Window, where her scream attracted attention of some mill hands 'near by, who effected her release fror the house before it fell in." Business is completely suspended InFerndale an4 every bKly has joined In ''the 1 search. Sherift 'Brisbln with a nosse ha Just left hers ' to take command of the searchers. It Is thought if the mos sier Is caught there will be a lynching. NATIONAL EDUCATORS THOUSANDS DP , DELEGATES AT ; MINNEAPOLIS TO ATTEND -- ANNUAL CONVENTION. V (From Thursday's Daily.) : MINNEAPOLIS. Mlnn July 8. fif teen, thousand or more delegates to the National Educational Association Con vention are In Minneapolis tonight and by tomrrow afternoon the number .will reach 20.000. The meetings yesterday and today were confined to the National Council, Indian Department and general sessions. . '. -"x ., VOLCANO IN OKLAHOMA. ;Guthrle, O. T., July S.-K3reat excite ment has been caused by Tulsa. I. T owing to th discovery by surveyors working north of that place of cracks In the- sides - of the mounds, as though from great pressure underneath, r Gas Is escaping from the fissure and - a continual roaring and hissing can be heard. On the extreme" top of the high est hill there has been a smalt volcano at work.ralnlng large boulders and toss ing them: aside; Experts state it is a great: oil and gas" field, and that pres sure from a great depth has caused the. commotion. Inhabitants of Tulsa are boomlng nervous over .the slate of affairs. ; i- :.-'; " Catarrh ef the H sad and Throat , . Makes your voice husky. -causes" you to ache a Iff over,': stops - up your -nose, maX( you snore., makes your nose itch and burn, brings on catarrhal head aches and neuralgia. Smith Bros. S B. Catarrh Cure attacks this rommon, dreadful, on new: and correct principles. It eradloales the ' disease from the ytem and restores the muc ous membranes to a healthy condition and will cure catarrh no matter where located. For sale by all druggist. Book on. Catarrh free. Address Smith: Bros., FTesno, Cab V- -.' : " CRASHED THROUGH A BRIDGE. PEOIIIA. III.. July . A Lake Erie & Western eastbound freight train went through a bridge at Farmdale. six rallBS'east of . here, early this morning. Theienglne went into the creek and half a dosen cars, plied upon it... Engineer John Krelger was seriously Injured, and Fireman S. Marsh is missing. . The bridge had . been . weakened "by last night's heavy rain. ; ; ' A Sustaining Diet. These are the, enervating days, when as somebody has said. mn drop' by the f sunstroke as If the Day of tire had dawned. They are fraught with danger to people whose systems are poorly sus tained; and this .leads us to say,-In the interest of the less robust of our read era, that the full effect of Hood's 6ar sapariila is such as to suggest the pro priety of calling this ...medicine tome thing besides a blood purifier and ton ic. say, sustaining diet. It jrak?s , r it much easier to'bear thetitat, assures rtfreshing sleeo, and will without any doubt avert much eickntsS at this 'time t-f year. , IosiI Dianas, Statesman Job OfSce. 7- i - - i TP 1 I A -4 : -4 .4 IS ARRANGED Eetveen the Strilda Freigh . Handlers in Chicago AND RAILROAD HAIf AGERS They Will Meet and Discuss tlie Situation To- - THE TIE-UP IN OMAHA THREAT ; ENS TO BE A LONG CONTEST STRIKE-BREAKERS f PUT TO WORK IN THE YARDS IN THAT CXTT YESTERDAY. ' -CIHCAGO, July S.Through the ef forts of Chairman Job, of the State Ar bitration Committee, a series of meet. inga have been arranged for tomosrow morning, between the general managers 0 each of the road and the committee of five men from the striking freight handlers of the same line . ' The com mittees will not be empowered to set th the strike, and whatever agreement. if any, Is reached will be reported back to the officials of the Union for approv al, and" no action will be taken until It has, the sanctku of the officers of the Union. Chairman Job said tonight that he thought he had Inserted the entering wedge for a settlement of the strike. . . A Long Contest. Omaha, Neb., July 8. ---James O'Con nelt Preaiden of the lnternayonal As soclation of Machinists, spent today In the city. He says the. strike has set tled down to a long drawn-out contest. A new batch of Strike breaker was put to work In the local shops today. They are being quartered In boarding cars in the shop yards. V n '- ' v MORGAN IN BERLIN THE AMERICAN FINANCIER AT TRACTS WIDE ATTENTION ' IN GERMANY'S CAPITAL. NEW YORK. July J." Plerpont Morgan' arrival here caused a great t!r,' cables the Bertltt correspondent of the Heraldi - When Mr. Morgan, ac companied by Ms daughter, sauntered: through Unter den Linden, he was eas ily recognised by his resemblance to the pittures and cartoons with which the German public have been almost dally entertained At one of the news stands Mr. Morgan lingered long enough to stie.a cartoon of himself in Lustlge Blaetter, showing him lying at . full lensjh over a map; of America and stretching out his ;handa to England and Germany. ' ' Asked about hi meet tag with : the Kaiser, Mr. Morgan said: . . 1 "T am very sorry, but I cannot say anything about the Kaiser. He was exceedingly courteous to us. 116 Is a great man for a fact. " Clement A. Grlscom.: who was with the party on board the Meteor, said: . The . Anglo-Saxon countrlea the Un'.ted States, Great Britain and Ger many a re, destined to rule the sea and commerce. Germany is a growing na tion. ? The Kaiser is fully acquainted with the relatloSi between the trans Atlantic shipping company which Mr. Morgan has formed, and -the German steamship company. In fact, the Kaiser- is acquainted with all the details and shows ajnarvelou grasp of cur rent affair. . : While we were on board the Meteor he assumed charge and directed like a life-long seaman; In fact, he. would have led' the jeteor In as a winner of the first prize Vxcept for the large han dicap given the boat , , " "The Kaiser- sympathises with - our efforts In doing away with unnecessary competition between the various trans Atlantic line and effecting economy. T have no. doubt the Kaiser Is be coming more and more popular, not only among hi own xcnpt, but in other countries .When Prince Henry vis ited the United States, a member of the New York Yacht Club decided to make a return by coming-over to the meeting at Kiel. : I am sure that the attend ance of an Increasing number of Am erican yachts at Kiel is fow "certain. The Kaiser expressed.admlratlo.n for Mr. Morgan. I think he believes the United States la a good country to mod el , after. ; There Is no reaton to fear rivalry of Germany and the United Ktstes from a commercial standpoint. AH may work together for a common end." . , -j Morgan's Offer to Admiralty. ' - Indon, July In the Howe of Commons today the Parliamentary Sec retary of the Admiralty, II. C. Arnold Forester, replying to WUllam Kedmond the- Irish leader, confirmed the report that J. P. Morgan had offered to place sit the British ships in the new com bine at the disposal of the Admiralty of the nxt 6 years on certatn terffis. He added that the offer bad not yet been accepted, because It couldonly be dealt with In relation to British ship ping generally and the Atlantic trade position which waa being very carefully considered by the Government. BATTDKStl'lP ILLINOIS. . NEW YOIIK. July 8. The battleship Illinoils, Admiral Crowninshleld'a flag ship, will leave Gravesend Friday. It Is said her destination is sl. Petersburg, cables the Herald's London correspon dent. The warshio has been a great attraction oh the Thames Thousands of craft of , every description carried people to look at the latest type of- Un cle Sam's Navy. All- steamers passing saluted the vessel and everybody seem ed "to take delight in doing honor to the American flag. Some ot the officers have been entertained on shore and the. jack lirs, who got a Shore leave, have enjoyed "themselves "very much. :' ,o3k.i32?or.Ttisa. Bean ti a Vzt V.7..9 Vim izlt A for Infants and Children- The ICInd You llave Always Kquglit lias bonie the slsma turo f Clias. II. netcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over SO years, : Allow no one to deceive yoa In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-g:ood' are but lEPC?IncntS and endanger Uio Iicalth or CMldren Expcrlenco osr- Hxpcrimcut." Tho Eind You Have Always Bought Bears the In Use For . V r y A peat ID- (Sunn's '.: IHIousQiioBcl PEnysiciaEi ' Or Home Book of Health. TO BE GIVEN AS A I'KEMIUJI WITH ' . Twice-a-Vee!i Stateoman TIIl!S 1 OUIi "OFFER; THIS ArAN ONE YEA It $3.25 ; Oli BOOK ALONE $2.50. IIEPwE'S AN OPPORTUNITY 10; UKT A VALU- r ABLE BOOK AT SMALL COST. . : h "t i phobia, sunstroke, fits, falls., sprains, bruises; also for -sudden diseases, like croup, cholera, etc.. It describes the cause, the symptoms, the nature, .the effect; the treatment and the remedy of every disease which affect human ity. Treatise on the Passioins and Emotion. ucli a Love, Hope, Joy, Af- ' fectlon. Jealousy, Grief, Fear, Dejpalr, Avarice, Charity, Cheerfulneas, show ing the influence of the mind-on the body; eminently calculated to arouse the people to the fact that health "depend to a. great degree upon the proper di rection and control of the passions and emotions. ' - . ' Essays on Intemperance, , Exercise, Cold, Baths, Etc. SPECIAL LECTUHE TO - YOUNG MEN A Complete Materia Med Ira, or lie t of. the principal remedies. Including nearly 300 medical plants, herbs and ? vegetable remedies; description of e-h; where found; when to be gathered; how to preserve same; their preparation for use. v -:'. '-.; '"' : :,:'-.-v-' ' Manual for Nursing the SlckV Treatise onAnatomy, physiology and Hy giene. Domestic and Sanitary LVonomy Water, . Purification of Water, Drainage, Culture and Development, etc Address . -. or Twice-a-Week WEEKLY OREGONIA Si TWICEA-WEEK STAT :SMAN, per per year. ....... OUR PRICE B0THPAPER3.,.. PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, xf y TWICE-A-WEEK: STATESM A y BOTH PAPERS....;.., CHICAGO INTER-OCEAN, per yer. TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per BOTH PAPERS. . ripsr year...... TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year...:.... BOTH PAPERS. .,..... ...T...... OREGON POULTRY JOURNAL, per TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per BOTH PAPERS. THRICE-A-WEEK NEW YORK WORLD, per yaar... $1W TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year...... UW BOTH PAPERS. M'CALL'S MAGAZINE (including a free pattern tt each subscriber).... $10 TWICE-A-WEEW STATESMAN, per ysar;..... ...:....-$1X0 BOTH PAPERS. GOOD WEVJS TO r I Signature of s Over 30 Years.; Her -.ISOOK. WITIf TI IK STATED The Only complete household giiide and reliable, genuine med ical book ever . pub lished. Kvery disease - to whicU the human race Is subject is ful ly treated in this ex huutl?e volume. New diseases. Trest tnent and Theories which" have appeared within the last few years, and which are not even mejltloned in other so-called, medical' books, , are herein discussed, and the A treatment and remedies set . fort h ; such as Bacteriology, Appendicitis. Tuber culosis, jllypnotliim, Veneretl "and " Skin Diseases, La Grippe, Nervous" i Dlaae, etc ' : r- '. Treatment and cure of every diseaee of Men and Women and .. Children. The 'sim plest and best reme dies; minute direc tions in cases of w o u n d , i c a 1 d a, burns, poison. - hydro. t7se of Tobacco, Sleep Ventilation, Pure and Impure Air, Disinfectants, etc., etc. physical " Statesman Publishing: Co., ! Salem, Ore Ron , THi - . - .- - - , ; ' Statesman r ..v.'..... $io , ..........i.of year, ..... .2J2b ........$ij5 .'.................".$1)0 ;....-.. .fun year...... $10 ..1JDQ year...., year. .. $1.40 Of ....$1X5 .$10 HORSE OlVNERSt . Tbeclt hi att-d powders arc mle from m reci pe of a noted - ' PraMiaa Vetrrinary Barton, aad bre tjro thoroapbly tct4 for the 15 years in t hia cooatrr. Comfwwl o purt fr etatJe remediea, are a safe and reUtE for r. LAvES s"l '1 mentJifroni wh.hheaTesariiK,Dch asCongh,Coifl,CiSTE&PE. I'ink I-: jse, Epixootic, and Vom of Artx-tite. As blood ther fcave no eti.I. For sate'by wholesale- and Jrtail IniK-r-i. I'rirf rortult firr ral'a?. Ii nul, w)tf(ii. J'ron . trSIAJifc:I.0Tf COiiPA-'iV, $.1. fAl,L2.X. MattC tiii aoc