Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, June 27, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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John D. Fain Shot at an Ear-
ly Hour Yesterday
in front his door
Died From the Effects of the
j Wound In a Few .
! i Hours
The historic llttlo town of Champoeg
In the i northern portion of Marlon
county, was the scene of another trag
edy early yesterday morning", and the
result Is that John D. Fain, a resident
f that place, 1 dead, while his former
business' ' partner, J. F. Markley, is
held ini the county Jail In thls city,
.charged with the murder of his former
business associate.
The shooting occurred at B o'clock,
at the home 'of Fain, and the latter
passed away at 7:30 o'clock after suf
fering Intense: palrt from his found.
Before dying Fain told a number of his
'neighbors, when realising that he had
to pass away, of the whereabouts of
his relatives, and also ' arranged his
business affairs hastily. .He sta-ted to
a number of his neighbors that J. F.
Markley had shotrhlm. out Of theback
door of l"he latter store, and at a dis
tance, of about 23, feet, after- telling
Faln,that they might as well have,a
settletnent now, and he (Fain) should
take his medicine.- ' r
. immediately after the neighbors
found the wounded man. who. had
crawled lntp his houso'and fallen on
the bed; a physician, was sertt for, but
before medical aid cotild reach hirrt the
woundeti ' man i passed away.'. lief ore
dying Fain asked for a-minister, and
being informed that nono could be se
cured short o? ,severaI hourv and. that
the Catholic priest vrOuld be ther near
est, he ; remarked that he had been
raista a Methodist, becoming - uncon
scious Immediately and dying soon af
ter. ; ! ': . ' '
At 10 o'clock Drs. W. W. and B. F.
Glesy, if Aurora, arrived, byt too ia?te
to be of any benefit to Fa!n. r Deputy
Sheriff B. lil Colbath- also Arrived at
that time, arid placed "Markley under
arrestf bringing him to Salem. ,
x . i i .:' ' ' I
The wo-men, Markley and Fain,
were la business "together In' Cham
poeg for the pRSt ton years; .'their
merchandise store standing on ground
owned; by Fain, and the latter's resi
dence, a small cottage, stood Imme
diately; In the rear and about 6r feet
way from the store. About a year
;aro the two mew dissolved partnership
Markley retaining the stock of good
end store building. .. Both men w-ere
bachelors. Markley living In a honsa
-n the! hHl above ..the store, though
sleeping Inithe store; and Fain lived
In the house In the rear of the busi
ness house. i " . . x '
Sometime after th ' dlswrfutkm of
partnership. It is'sald Fain, offered to
self his land to Markley. but the latter
refused to buy,. and Fain early this
spring sold It to ci , A. Jette an
other neighbor. This was said to have
caused, some Ill-feeling, and deceased,
,'jt was shown at the Inquest held yes-'ter-lay.
ha;J. told several neighbors
that about May 1st Marldey had de
, manded a deed for the land on which
the store stood, giving Fain 8 hours'
tlnie to make the transfer, The deed
was not made, arid On Tuesday evPn
Ing of thli week: (th'e'i evening preced
. ing the tragedy).: Jette, the purchaser
r "of." the land. Is "said to have served
. written notice on Ma'rkley, through F.
Heavy.; to move the store off the ground
Inside of six months. '.
Fatn'a statement of the trouble, made
to his neighbors before death enstieS,
was In the effect thart he had started
from his house to the bam below the
. store to attend his chores, when, on
passing ? within about 23 fee of the
back Ioor of the store, Markley open-,
ed it. and said ; Ve might as well
have a settlement now, and you had
better take your .medicine, whereupon
he fired Fain falling to the ground. .
" When the neljghbors reached" the
; scene. Markley was on the ront steps
" of the store, about 12S feet from whcru
the wounded man wa .lying on his bed.
Ak,ed as- to the trouble, .MarkUy. saJd
that a shot had been fired, and he W
lleved sone -one had tried to rob Fain.
; After he Was told that Fain was shot
nd accused him of the deed, aind asked
!f he word not go to see -the j wounded
man, Markley replied that.hejhadbet
- ter stay away under the clrcumstancer.
-He did not appear partlcjl"lr excited,
but frequently Inquired jip to the conr
dltlon'of hl former associate,; He at
endel to business In the stcre up to
thitime of his arrest, arid aubriiltted
quietly to' coming to Salem, and he em
u Phatlcally denied the shooting. , -
M t p. Coroner D. F. JLane be
- rani the inquest, .before th following
name. jurors r J, Ej. Eldreldge. K. A.
.Vartdamme, W. R. McKay. - Patrick
Geelan; C. A.Eberhard and A. J. Buyr
serle. r Deputy District Attorney J. H.
McKary was present, and exariilnedthe
Jrltncssfs, and at the conclusion of the
Inquiry the Jury broughjt in a verdict,
finding that John D; Fafn came to his
death by a gunshot wound, the shot
being fired by J; F. Markley. and that
Fain was 43 years old, and was a native
of the United States. ;
Coroner Lane,, after the Inquest gave
Instructions about the proper burial of
the remains of deceased. ' V
Following Is a synoprl3 of the test!
mony given by the witn.esser at the In
. The Testimony.
. ,C. W. A. Jette A resident' of Cham
poeg: Both men had been residents of
t-nampoeg for 13 yca'rs. Were In busi
neH together for nine years.; Markley
was In business nt the : f me ot the
snooung, the firm having been dlssolv
ea aoout a year ago.. Witness did not
see the men before the trouble occurred.
He heard shot while In bed; heard
Fain scream, and looking out of the
... i .. . . .
wiuuuw saw smoae.-wnrn some one
arose from ground and walked around
corner of house. It was Fain. Hurried
over and found Fain had been shot
AsKca Kain who shot him; deceased
answered, Markley shot him when
passing back of the store toward barn.
Markley told him "you might as well
take your medicine now," and shot him.
Before dying Fain stated he had money
in First National Bank. Ladd & Til-
ton and Bank of British Columbia, of
roruand; be said his sisters were Sarah
Lc Hunter. Clinton. Mo.; Alice Jones,
Leesvllle, Mo.; he .realized he was dy
ing. He. told the men, that he was dy
ing.. Only one shot was fired. Fain was
on his bed when witness came, and he
died there at 7:30 a. m. i Deceased had
rifle in 'room: he was not armed when
V. rr. u- . ... V
rui- i"e nuuuiniK occurrea at a a. m.
aw Markley after the shooting. Mark-
ley made no statement when arrested.
Had gun. pn the -counter, an old-type
shotgun, muzzle-loader. Deceased
statetd positively that Markley shot him.
Witness bought land rrom Fain, and
Marfcley's store stood on land. Mark
ley .told Fain he would give hlrh 36
hours to deed land to mm (Markley).
This was the statement made by Fain
to witness. Neither man was married.
Fain was 43 years old. His father
was John Fain, and was In- Loa "An
geles. Calif., when last heard "from.
After shooting an hour after Mark
ley - left store, went, up the road, was
gone a' half -"hour and returned, stay
ing in store until arrested. Fain died
at 7:30; Deputy Sherltt Colbath arrived
at 10 a. m. ' Witness well acquainted
with Markley, and never saw anything
wrong; w!th him. '
J. A Jette WltneHa lives near Cham
poeg," knew Markley and Fain. Came
dowrt 15 minutes after shooting, after
hearing of It. Found Fain in the house;
Fain called witness Into the house and
stated he was shot by Marldey, when.
he (Falri) passed by, back door of the
store to.barn; Markley opened door of
store, and saying: -Now is the time to
take your medicine," he fired. When
witness f reached the store; Markley
stepped out of the door of the store,
and asked, -what was the trouble; wit
ness said, he came over . to see; when
Markley said: "I !have heard no noise
around here." . Markley spoke to sev
eral parties; said he thought there were
burglars around and shot Fain. C W.
A: Jette. Terhune, John Shleck and
John Pcqllard were present wh,en Mark
ley made the statement. 'Fain told wlt
ncsss he was done for. Witness never
heard threats; Markley: had two guns
In the store,-and said both were loaded.
Frank; A Jette Knew M r.Markley:
Came- over after the shooting with C.
W. A. Jette. Saw Fain in Wa room; did
not hear statements made to C. W. A.
Jette. Markley was on front porch of
store. Markley asked. If witness found
him (Fain), when witness went to tele
phone. Witness returned later, and
Fain was unconscious, ; Witness knew
of no threats. ; After, deputy, sheriff
came down, witness entered store. " Col
bath asked If the shotgun found was
the gun with which, the shooting-was
done, when Markley denied having fired
a shot. - '. '' ' ; , '
Aruthur F. Jette Did not see shoot
ing.. Came over five minutes after.
Saw Markley on store porch, and Fain
on the bed;; heard Fain say, Markley
shot him; tliat Markley came to the
door and told, him to take his medi
cine; Fain said he Would surely die.
When witness left the' house, Markley
asked . how Fain was resting. ' Later
witness heard Markley and RJchard
Terhune discuss a hop yard.
James E. Smlth--Witness came to the
scene at 5:30 or later; corroborated
testimony of former witnesses regard
ing statement made by deceased, as. to
Markley's shooting. Witness saw Mark
ley, on front porch; asked what, was
the trouble. Markley said some one was
shot, he believed Fain was shot by bur
glars; asked why he did not go to see
the wounded man, Markley said Old
Man Jette had accused him of shooting
Fain, so he would not go over." At 10
o'clock, (after the shooting) witness
paid Markley a bill. the latter saying
nothing about Fain.---witnoss saw gun
lying on counter. v Usually the "gun
was under the counter or In the corner
Gun was a doubled-barrclled shotgun,
muzzle-loader, v
, Joqn Ter hune--Went to Jette's store
where he heard S that Markley shot
Fain, when deceased told him Markley
shot 'him. Started -for St. Paul where
witness honed to Dr. C. S. White.
Found White had gone to Portland.
Met Markley; latter Said someone had
attempted to hold up Fain, and shot
him. MarkleydUd not come over;; wit
ness asked him to. cotne. but Markley
refused te see wounded man. Markley
was not told that. Fain -was dean.
Markley had talked of irperty -
wanted; where' the store stood, but
made no threats in hearing of witness.
A. Jette Came over after shooting.
or 7 minutes; heard the shot at 6
o'clock, and heard man shout: he at
once came over; went in front of Mark-
ley's store; Markley asked what was
the trouble.' some one - was shooting;
went to Faln's house, and Fain stated
VMarkley shot m. Fain was suffer
ing considerable; Markley did not come
over; byjt asked witness, as latter went
away, .what the trouble was, and he
was informed that Fafn accused him of
the shooting. , Markley appeared ex
cited; said nothing about burglars.
Witness came to take wounded man to
his house to care for him.' but could
not move him. Witness saw Fain In
trying to enter the house af ter the
shooting fall on the inorcK. . When he
came to the hoti.w Fain was In bed.
Condud,ed on page 8.)
s-x '-'- ' , . ' :; . L ' -: ' j ' --" .tV .
Democrats and Populists! Put
Up a Joint Ticket
Continuous Session of Twen
ty-four Hours Was
GRAND ISLAND. Neb, June 25.
After twenty-four hoursof almost con
tinuous session, the Democratic and
Populist State Conventions completed
the fusion ticket at 3 o'clock today,
with a Deniocrat at the head, i Five
places on the ticket were allotted to
the Populists- and three "to he Demo
crats. The ticket Is as follows:
Goverhor--W. II. Thompson, of Hall
county, a Democrat. '
Lieutenant-Governor T. X. Gilbert.
York county, a Populist. . - ' ..
Auditor Chaa Q. DeFrance, Jefte
son county. Populist. :
Treasurer J. N. Hynxan. Adams
county. Populist
Attorney-General-TJ. II . Brady,
Lancaster county. Democrat.
Commissioner of Public Ianda' and
Buildings J. C. Brennan. Douglas
equnty, Demcorat-
Superlntendent of Schools Claud
Smith. Dawson county. Fopullst. v
I After adjournment William J. Bryan
expressed himself, pleased with the
successful accomplishment of the fu
sion, saying he would lend his entire
iinnnrt ito th tlrVt-x I
, Missouri Republicans.
Jeceraon City, MTo, j June 25'- '
Republican State Convention, whl
met yesterday adjourned sinexdie th
afternoon after' unanlfnouslv -rfrcle'cl
ing Thomas J. Akins. ichalrman of the
Republican' State Committee; nominat
ing a ticket, and adopting a platform
unreservedly endorsing the administra
tion of President Roosevelt and declar
ing him to be the logical candidate for
1904. Mention of Roosevelt's : name
created great enthusiasm. . The fol
lowing ticket was nominated:
f State Superintendent of Public In
structionProfessor J' U. -White, of
Brook field. ' t" ': Vi -''.:;
j Warehouse and Railroad Commis
sioner, long term w: S.. Crane, of
Jasper cxmuty; short term, i Barney
FrauenthaL of St. Louis.
' Pattison Named.
f Erie. Pa Jun 23-For the third
time In twenty . years, ex-Governor
Robert F. Pattison. of Philadelphia,
was nominated for Governor of Penn
sylvania today, by the Democratic
State Convention. f
. Minnesota Democrats,
i Minneapolis, Minn, June 23. The'
Democrats tonight nominated L. A.
Rosing, of -Cannon Falls, for Oovernor.
sen tative. Tongue, with the .concurrence
of Senator Mitchell, has- recommended
the re-appolntment of Edward Hirsch
as postmaster'at Salem. Oregon. Dur
ing his pasrterm Mr. Hlrsch's record
has been exceptionally satisfactory to
the Department. He was Indorsed for
re-appolntment by all the members of
the Supreme Court of Oregon, most of
the leading business men ef SalenV the
chairman of the Republican ! State
ConYmlt tee. numerous ; members of the
Legislature and by the state and coun
ty offlcem and prominent patrons oi
the office.' Hla re-appointment will
doubtless be made In time for confirm
ation before adjournment.
Dry, moist, scaly tetter, aU forms
of eczema or salt rheum, pimples
and other cutaneous eruptions pro
ceed from humors, either inherited,
or acquired through, defective di
gestion and assimilation.
To treat these eruptions "with
drying medicines Is dangerous. ;
The thing to do is to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
M arid Pills
Which thoroughlycleanse the blood,
expelling all humors and building
up the whole system. They cure
Hood's Sarsaparilla permaaently eared J.
O. Bines, Franks, 111., of eesema. from which
be had suffered far soma time; sad II Us
Alviaa Welter. Box Six, Alrona, Wla. of pirn
plea on her face and back and chafed kia on
ber body, by which she had beea rreatir
troubled. There are mora testimonials la
favor of Hood's taaa eaa be published. -
Hood's Sarsaparina promise to
euro and keeps the promise.
England's Stricken Monarch
Takes Nourishment
For the First Time Since Per
. forming the Oper
LONDON, June 25. (Midnight).
King Edward's condition tonight Is
even more satisfactory than has been
indicated by the last bulletin. . He has
had a decided Improvement and ' the
feeling, at Buckingham Palace is very
hopeful. His Majesty is able. to take
nourishment. He had scrambled eggs
and a little hock and soda this evening,
arid with hla own hands he opened sev
eral telegrams. The bulletin issued at
11 o'clock, tonight Is regarded as In
tensely 'satisfactory. This bullet in Is
generally taken as bting the first occa
sion on which1 the King's doctors have
allowed themselves to express, even in
a small degree, . the hopeful f eell ngs
they undoubtedly, have although pri
vately entertained. Thirty-six hours
have elapsed since the operation was
performed and the absence' or complt-
cations creates hopefulness In all quar
ters, although, as has been frequently
said In these dispatches several days
must pass before the pos-iblllty of dan
ger can be. eliminated.
Notwithstanding the fact that this U
the eve of the Intended coronation day
and ha" London is '.; now '' evep more
crowded wih people than It .was yes
terday, the scenes witncESed on the
street; were a. marked and pleasant con
trast 4vvlth x.hos! of Tuesday afternoon.
The' ruthless" rejoicing which was then
so dlsitracefully ' prominent was quite
unheard; tonight.: " Traffic pursued its
way "Mniriipalred. and even the most
popular thorofRhfnrcs were compara
tively deserted. N Illuminations dis
pcljed the natural gloom whlc hsettlcd
over tho metrrroils.
Tho Last Bulfetin, t .
Ixndon, Juno 25. The following
amended bulletin was Issued: after 11
p'cU k" ionight: -
:' "The' King continues to make satis
factory progress He slept some hours
during the day. He complains-very
llttle of discomfort.Xand la more cheer
ful. The wound IsMoing well.
v The King's "Trouble.
Now York, June 25. The following
special cable waa today received by the
New York Medical Journal from Its
London correspondent, whom they conr
slder the highest medical authority in
Grewt Britain, and who is in intimate
touch with everything that transpires
at the bedside of the King:
"London. June 23. 12 m. The King's
disease la perityphlitis, following cold
contracted ntne;dys previously. Hl.s
symptoms became rather acute a wee
ago, but had subsided and it was hoped
that he woiild go through the corona
tion ceremonies. Owing to a sudden
exacerbation early Tuesday morning,
an operation ws decided upon at 10
o'clock, and the operation-" was per
formed ait noon on Tuesday . by Sir
Frederick Treves, the anaesthetic being
administered by Dr. JJYederlck Hewitt.
The abscess was opened around the
caecum, the pus evacuated and the
cavity drained. There waa no resee
tion of the bowel, the newspaper re
ports being entirely, misleading. The
recovery from anaesthesia was satis
factory; the patient passed a remtlests
night, succeeded by improvement, his
condition being favorable on Wednes
day at noon.;x . ..
Insurance Losses.
- NEW YORK, June 25. Postpone
ment of the coronation means an enor
mous (loss to the underwrltera, says a
Ixndon dispatch .to the Journal of
Commerce. An underwriterof. promi
nence estimates that the claims which
Will have to , be faced will amount to
from . 850,000 oT 900,00. Fr many
weeks policies have been steadily ap
plied forand readily granted Insuring
the risk of the coronation not taking
place of the 2th and 27th inaC Dur
ing the past day or two since rumors
of the King's Ilrrtess had been preva
lent." few policies, of thla; kind .were
written and then only at exorbitant
rates, but prior to the .disquieting re
ports a heavy business had been trans
acted with those who had stands on
which they Intended to lease seats,
tradesmen whose interests would suf
fer and Innumerable Individuals and
corporation whose financial loss would
be serious In event of a postponement.
The rates charged in April were 11 to
15 guineas per ct C12 -! to 15 7-10
percent). By. a week a go it had got
ten down to S guineas per rent (54 per
cent). :.
During the recent smallpox excite
ment Lloyds underwriters Issued thou
sands of policies against catching the
disease at a rate of 2s 6'd per cent CH
of l per cent),, and had only a, few
claims to meet.
The underwriters also came out ex
ceedingly well on their speculation as
to the Queen's Jubilee procession In
lS97,.and all who won on that occasion
went in for the coronation premium as
greedily a if there had been bo rUk
to be feared, and the "premium was all
prtofft. - Others who kept aloof from
such commitment in connection with
the jubilee, plunged in hungrily on the
coronation gamble, i Many T the un
derwriters have policies on the life of
the King for tlx months. .The rate
for this last week waa 10 guineas per
cent 16H per cent), but it rose 'on
Tuesday to B0 guineas per cent
per cent)."
If the King Dies.
New York. June 25. In the event of
the death of King Hdward 1I the in
surance companies of .England will suf
fer the most staggering, blow known
In the history of that branch of finan
cial Investment. It will cause a loss
of tens of millions of dollars to the reg
ularly organised life insurance - com
paniea of various other ' klnJs which
have taken heavy risks on the King's
life at high rates of Interest; - Ameri
can life insurance companies, however,
will suffer no loss, because' in thia
country to obtain life insurance poli
cies the applicant must establish an
Insurable Interest In the person tnsur'
ed. :--'lVi- '";- '
King Ed wac4 carries the enormous
sum of '$3,000,000. placed with English
com paniea This on. persona policies
upon which he pays premiums out of
his private purse..; The total risks on
his life on polities by business men 1
placed at $21,000,000. The Cxar -of
Russia is said to carry personal insur
ance of $4,000,000, as well as $1,500,000
on the life of the Csarina and $2,500,
000 on that of Grand Duchesa : Olga.
TherEmperor of Oermariy carries $5.
000,000 personal insurance. . .
' . r- " ..-.' ; '"
WASHINOTON. June 23. In a fe
minutes today the Senate disposed for
this session of the Omnibus statehood
question, which has been -pending ; for
several days. Bevetldge, of Indiana,
chairman of the CommIttee on TerrlV
tories, announced' that the report oh
the bill before the committee would be
made on the third, day of ihe next ses
sioh. This was satisfactory to Quay,
who, after securing air agreement that
the report should be unfinished busi
ness on and after the 10h of Decem
ber until It was; disposed of, withdrew
his motion to discharge, the committee
from a further consideration of the
measure. " .
. Tho Philippine Bill. ,
Washington. June 25. The Philippine
Civil Government : bill was thrown
open: to amendment in the House today.
Very1 slow progress was made, only
fifteen of the fifty pages of the bill be
Ing completed. By an amendment of
fered by Bartlett ' (Georgia) cases; Sn
volvlng the construction of the Consti
tution can ; be apiealed from the Su
preme Court of the United States.
WASHINGTON, June 26. By a vote
of 5 to 4 the House Committee on coin
age today rdered . a ' favorable report
on the bill to establish an assay office
at Baker City. No action was taken on
the Portland bill. s
Reprsentalve MoodV, who introduced
the bill., said the report was ordered
on the showing that $1,800,000 gold pro
duced in Oregon In 1900,: all but $500,000
same from the eastern part of the state
Immediately tributary to Baker- City,
Moody and Tongue were; both present.
and Moody said a motion was made to
postpone the consideration of all bills
until the next session. This was amend ?
d by one of his friends, who moved to
amend fora report in favor of the Ba
ker City bll
"l do not hope to secure the passage
of my bill this session," said Moody.
"but will have Jton the calendar arul
will try to get It through next essiori.-
Representative Tongue said: "I will
not do anything: to retard the passage
of the Baken City bill. Nn fact. 2 will
do everything T cart lo.ierar Its pas
sage, because I am confident when It
reaches the Senate it will beXamended
by striking out th words 'BakXr City
and substituting the one word xPort
DETROIT. June 2S- Tor' several
weeks at the works of th Detroit
Shipbuilding Companythe local branch
of the American Shipbuilding Company
experiments have been going forward
to determine th practicability of using
oil for fuel on lake vessels, instead of
coal. It is given out by officials or the
company that the investigations have
shewn that, use of oil for fuel will re
sult la a great saving of cargo space.
Three', barrels f , crude petreieum.
weighing ZOO pounds, will. It is claimed,
give the same amount of. beat as a ton
of coal. The beat obtainable from oil
Is said to be practicably unJlmlled. a
fire brick having been melted In the
course of experiments here. f
It is proposeC'td use compressed -BTf
instead of steam for an atomiser for
feeding the burners' with oil. steam
having Jeen tried on Atlantic and Gulf
steamers. It is claimed that the use of
oil would do away with many firemen
Catarrh of the Bladdar
Is very common In both sexes, and can
be cured with 1 8. B. Catarrh CureJ
which cures aljrrltable conditions of
the bladder, which causes frequent ur
ination by which In time you lose eon
trol and inability to retain.. In child
ren It cures nightly wetting of bed. For
sale by all druggists. Boole on Catarrh
free. Address Kmlth Bros, Fresno, CaU
Ilanila Surrendered to Hin
Early In the Var '
The Admiral Before!the Sen
. ate Committee on Phil-
':rr '-v': ippines
'SIGNAL. ''-. '-. : ' ,
,:,.. -y-S::, -r, : - I.,. .-'.
WASHINGTON. June i6. Admlrnl
Dewey made a st.rtemenibefyre the
Senate Committee on. PlhMpplnes today
concerning-- the. early .operations at
Manila when he was In command of
the Amerjcan Naval forces in the Phil
ippine waters. . .
The Admiral's statemena contributed
an Important ' addltlonJo " the history ,
of the surrender of the city of Manila.
This ..consisted, of the positive state
ment by the Admiral, ,to the -effect that
the city "had been surrendered to him
at the time the Spanish fleet was sunk,
and that when the city did surrenJur
it was 4a pursuance of a definite un
derstanding between himself and the
Spanish Governor-General. . ; ' j
"When Senator Ixnlge aaked the Ad
miral: "Dfai you recogriixe the Flllpn.
Ttepubllc" he replied:' X1 dui nn 1
never gave it the sllghtestj recognition.
I had no authority to do so. and besides .
I did hot consider It an brg.iMjied Gov
ernment. ; I sent word to AgurnaMo
that he must treat his prisoners klnslly.
and he replied that he truld."
"Whis would have' been, the effect of
permitting the FUrplno torccs to enter
Manila, when our troops" eritrsrdr
f The Spaniards. were very-fearful of
the resuK of such a course, and there
fore surrendered to me In ' advance.
That; was all arrangetl and .there wa
no need of the loss of a man in th
capture of the city. It was to be dona
at a signal, and no gun need have been
fired by us but for the desire of; tho
Governor General, who. sold his honur
demanded that a few shots be fired."
INDEPENDENCE. June 26.- W. It.
Il I r ov tli.i...,l . I r n r-f t as.krwf
was-in the city recentlyto perfect a r-
rnnffmrita nf a KummP MrtnrwSl hf ti:m
tnder consideration. " The plan la to
secure the services of an eiperlencrd
rountaineer and to take a number ot,
young boys to thc mountains and 'thers
spend the vacafloh rnonths In studying .
various branches of science from jia
ture; also providing the boys-with a
summer's outing, surrounded by ele
vating influences, lie filled his quota
here.vand will make the .start tho last
of the present motrih.
: ICJEIa Germany. June 2. Ajrnrran
yscht Uncle am. owned by Francis It.
Rlggs, of Nw York, won the first c.f
the International special races hero to--day.
The fltars and Htrles crossed lhf
line t minutes ahead of aU the tthr
flaga '':.-- - '
Great Sole
Of y :
LsefUiK Articles
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Jos. Mwm