Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, June 24, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    f t i .
Four Men Injured by the-Explosion
of Al- 1!
. ' cohol -
S) U." Q L I t
w- - - - -" v
Ministerial : Association.' Held
Its Annual Meeting
Yesterday '
v - TURNER," Or..-June 21, Last even-
. . e- - '
Ing at 7:30 4 song service was conduct
ed at the campmeetlng by Prof..Wlrtz,
as preface io the first regular preach
- ing service bf the convention., -- .V'
Mrs. G. A. Witts sang a bco with
. good effect. J Dr . ; Chas . R. Scoville
then preached a" most" interesting ser
. mon to an 1 attentive audience. Dr.
Scovllle is -an animated 'and eloquent
speaker and his discourses during- the
convention "promise a rich treat for all
who hear, j
' This morning at 9:30 Harry Benton
led a devotional service. A. J. Arm
strong gave an address on the topic.
"Our 'Attitude Toward pur Religious
Neighbors.' t This address advised- no
hostility toward others, ."but loyalty al
ways to Christ and .His Word. If er
rpr exists In others, the truth faHhfuHy
..preached will correct it. . W. T. Mat
TOck and others spoke . briefly on the
topic, and perfect unrty prevailed. . It
was held that--there exists today - a
growing condition toward Christian
union in spirit and body. This was the
most profitable discussion yet ijad fn
.the association work. t v i
prof ..Webb'and wife, who are camp-
Ing here and wh. l 4d the music two
years ago,; sang a duet In a most ac-
- ceptabie manner. 7
C. R. Scoville preached a sermon In
keeping with the spirit of the morn
- ing work which commanded .the most
rapt attention.
At 2:30 this afternoon J B. Holmes
led a praise service,, 'At 3 o'clock B
B. Burton, evangelist in Oregon," read
a paper on The Preacher in His
" Study." Among other things he -said
the Importance of hard and persistent
work in the study can .hardly bedver
estimated.! . Genius alone dLes unknown
and unfelt. - Nine times out of ten the
mutinies and disturbances in ' church
arise pn account of insufficient rations.
The sermon should Tts kept up, it' Is
more profitable than, a little chit-chat
.ting here and there. ' 7 It is not; enough
that the preacher Is devout, spiritual,
, etc. . He must discover new devices ot
saying artd explaining the lessons of
truth so that he may not be dull in the I
preaching. Truth Is enforced by being
... clothed In the drapery --.of 'poetry at
times.- The rugged truth is made beau
. tlful." j ' , . - : r . ' .
First, arrange' theaermon-without
the Introduction.; Let the sermon be
the introduction. . Prepare enough to
preach an hour, and then stop In twen
. ty . or twenty-five minuses.. We are
living in the days of baled hay and ex
tracts). Be 'careful as to using spices.
- G. P. Ohorrriley conducted a ques
tion box 4t. this time, making brief an
swers to ! "the various 1 queries put In.
This proved a helpful feature to the
session, and considerable Interest 'was
manifested. " . i:'..r-:.a:
The buijjniww. part of the association
then came, a part of which business
and reports are here glyen;
The romniKiee on future work filed
IU report .as. follows: . :
"We recommend that the churches
grant their; ministers leave of absence
, which will ehable them AO attend ses
sions of the" association. , We urge' the
preaVJvers to take advantage of the op
portunity to attend and give such time
and attention to this work asit right
fully merits. V . -' I- : . .4
r"We rflcommetid that the associa
tion continue ! its sessions aa hereto
fore, in connection with the O.- C. M.
C. at 'Turner. 'V:;- : .-.v.
. - . -J. B. LISTER,
- i - "Committee. '
The report was adopted: by the:asso
clation. s r- -,
The roll of ministers. eJders and
evangelists at Turner this year is ax
follows, as shown by the report on
-membership: J I;1- i"- i . ' .
i , Preacher W, T. Matlock. Eugene;
J. B. Holmes, Albany; J. S -MfCai-lum.
Eugene (pastor) i Albyn : Essott,
Portland- Mrs. Ell Humbert. Corval
II: O. H. O. Humbert, Corvallisl Wa
Ruble, Golden; E. A. Gardner, Turner;
P. P. Underwood. Dufuf ; Mrs. Harry
Benton. Elgin: W. A. Wood, Roae
, burg; Ji Tout. Eugene r - J. J?
Ghormlr., Portland; Clara G. "Esson,
Eugene; r M . I. ; Rose, Tacoma; O.j C.
Rltchey, alem;: Harry' Benton, Elgin;
Erangrllsta Charles Iteign Scoville,
Chicago.' B. B.f Burton, Portland; A.
J. Armstrong. Myrtle Creek; O. -A.
Webb Portland ;, Mrs . O. A. Webb.
Portland;; J.rB; .Lister, Eugene.
Eiders H. Powell,' Hebron;.- A.
.Barnes, Albany; J; A. Bushnell, Junc
tion Ctty.-L.. Han4. Eugene; .
Read, pfeasantl Hill; T. A. RatclirT.
Salam'; Dr. Junes S. Dale, Eugene;
- Si A. Jones, Brooks; C. A. Wallace.
McMlnnville; O.' Comegys, Eugene. -
Convention Notes.
Prof. G. A; Wlrts is drilling larger
choir forjmusic on Lord's Day.
Arrivals on the ground yesterday
evening ,were Rev. J. F. Tot an I
wife, of EugeneT Rev. J. Armstrong
f Myrtle Creek: Rev W. A. Wood,
of Roseburg; Rcv.J. F. Chormley. of
Portland; Mrs. Clara E!Hn. assistant
pator of Eugene cht?f-h: Miss Madge
Wilson, of Toncalla .and others.
The restaurant on e. tround la un
der good management and royals are"
served at 20 cents. .;- ,'";:-jT '"- V- ' -t";
Some -arrivals twiay p'v Rev. Mor
ton L. Rose, of Tacom i; Wsi.": Rv.
B. B. Burton, of Portland: R v. G.
C. Rlichey and wife, of RaTefeC !, .
Re G. F. Ghormlcy went o P"-t-
land , for Sunday's servJ'cest. . Rerr' v
there wer.somethlng. llkeone hiin-lrsd
S addltiona to the church for whl-
ministers under thJ preaching of Dr.
Scoville.- ; Rev. Albyn-Eason also re
turned to Portland for Lord's Day.
Bigs yszrz.
. (From Sunday's Daily.) , r
E. M. Croisan, J. P. ' Frizzel and
-George Pea roe yesterday filed their in
ventory and appraisement upon the es
tate of Jacob Pfau. deceased. In the
Marion county probate court, placing
a valuation of $$4!M upon, the real and
personal property belonging thereto. .
Chas. J. Schnabel rw-tltloned for the
appointment . as guardian of the per
son and estate of Bridget Shields, in
sane; representing that said estate was
valued at 3500, and the court ordered
that citation Issue to Bridget Shields
to appear in court on Monday, July I
1902,; to show cause.lt ,ay there toe.
why. the petitioner's prayer should not
be granted. :' ' '-'-'
A. O. Condit. filed his report show
ing that , he hade ' final settle
ment with Emmet t R..- Sheila, and
Claude Boone, minors of IL E. Boone,
deceased, and the court ordered that he
be discharged from his trust as guar
dian, and released from further liabili
ty. A
Enjoyed an Evening of Rare
Entertainment Last
(From Sunday's Dally.)
One of the pleaaantest social affairs
of the anason in Salem, occurred last
evening, at the home of Hon. and Mrs;
Frank" Dayey, the occasion being the
lawn reception tended the "A. O. ll.
W. drill team by Protection, and' .Val
ley lodges. A.. O. L". W.. and Salem
and Viola Degree of Honor lodges on
the lawn at the Davey. home. S:- :
-Tills team, comprised of members of
the two' Workmen lodge In this city;
and captained by S. :A McFadden, bn
Saturday night; June 14th in the Ex
position building at Portland, before the
Supreme -Lodge, won the, first prise in
the competitive- drill, in a contest with
the leading lodges of Portland, and the
local lodges wished to show their ap
preciation ; of the. excellent" work done
by the members of the team, hencfethe
receptIon.-.i,r!i.:' i; 'i l'.:. -i : : t ) :.
' The beautiful Jawn at 1 the - Davey
home at - No . 138- Mill street, slopl ng
down, to Mill creek, was nlledwith
-Workmen, members of the Degfetj of
Honor and their families last evening,
and under the scores of Chinese lan
terns and the electric lights, it was an
animated and inspiring scene when this
team of twelve stalwart Workmen,
headed by their captain, S. A. McFad
den .appeared on the scene.;. The mem
bers were diseased in their natty sailor
uniforms blue sailor i blouses, white
duck trousers and blue sailor caps
and-their appearance was greeted with
a round of cheers. The team was soon
followed by the Salem Military Band,
and the games,. Indulged in by a large
part of the company up Jo thai time,
gave place to an Informal musical and
literary program, enjoyed, to' the full in
the balmy evening air. and every mem
beW was vigorously applauded by 'the
large and happy company.
At -10 o'clock a space in the form of
a large room was cleared, the company
occupying chairs about this space, and
the team gave an exhibition drill, the
same that won the f prize in Portland.
The intricate movements of the drill
corps were executed ynn a precision
artd faithfulness to detail that would
have challenged the admiration of the
strictest military martinet," and cheer
upon . cheervolced the appreciation of
the company, at the excellence of the
work of Captain S,' A. McFadden, and
a dozen of-! "bluejackets. R was a
grand performance, ; and the partici
pants may Well be . proud . of thelr
aohlevement.' as the; Workmen and the
ladies of the Degree: of Honor certainly
are.-. i i .
Following the drill by the team sev
eral more musical numbers"were' ren
dered, while the ladies arranged tables
under the trees, and delicious refresh
ments were, served, the entire company
partaking of ice scream, cake and other
seasonable and dainty - delicacies, al
ways so well prepared and charmingly
served by the ladies of the Degree and
all enjoyed this phase of the evening's
entertainment, if anything, better jhan
the rest. ? It was a late hour when the
company finally aisperwd. delighted
with the evening's enjoyment and all
voted Mr. and Mrs. Davey. ahaMisa
Davey, the most delightful of i enter
tainers. ;f - In fact, the complete suc
cess of the function a-as largely du
to the hospitably family at whose home
It was enjoyed. -
County Recorder J. H. Roland and
his force of deputies experienced a very
quiet day, so far m the filing at rec
ords was concerned, only three realty
transfers having been J filed, the con
siderations aggregating $4200 County
Recorder-elect J. C. Siegmund spent
the greater portion of the day in this
department and too"k jhis first course of
instructions as to th autles of the of
fice and the manner of ; recording .the,
different Instruments of record prepar
atory to assuming control when he is
sworn inte office, on Monday. June 7th.
Mr. Roland and his deputies are kept
quit .busy In -their endeavors 0-catch
up wHh the vast amount ef work which
is on han't The deeds,' a? filed yes
terday, follow: r : ' ?
Casper J. Hinkle and wife to Wit- :
helm- UppcndahU ..'17 acres - of '. - ,
land in d. L c Noa. SO and C3
t 4 s . r 1 w, w. a, .i. .. .. .. IJ500
Anna Glahn to Joseph A. and An- 5 '
na Cornely, IVx acres In d. L c,' V
No. SO, sdction 14. t i s, r 1-w,
w. d.V-'iw. . :. 400
L. L. .Rowland and wifa to John
: D. Peregry, 11 t-S acres In sec- '
Hon 22. t-C s, f 2 w. -w- d.. '200
SULT. . , r
Four men burned or injured, one fat
ally, is the result of an explosion of a
barrel of alcohol, in Portland yester
day, and the wonder Is that more peo
ple were not hurt, for . the ! accident
happened in a cracker factory where
over j 100 people are. employed. The
Portland -Telegram of last evening, in
telling the, details of the awful acci
dent says:
Tor men were burned or, injured, one
fatally, by the explosion -of a barrel of
alcohol in the factory building of the
Pacific Coast Biscuit Company, corner
of Eleventh and Davis streets, at 10:80
o'clock this morning. The explosion
shook the building from the cellar to
the roof, and caused a panic among tbe
100 or more employes, many of whom
were girls. They rushed . pell-mell
down the stairs to the street; and sev
eral were overcome by the excitement.
None, however.- was. Injured. The fire
resulting- from the, explosion did less
than- $100? damage, being extinguished
by the automatic sprinklers.
The biscuit factory is a big three-
story structure, which occupies half a
block fronting on Davis . street,, be
tween Eleventh and Twelfth. The third
floor is used almost exclusively for a
shipping and . boxing department, i it
was here that the explosion, occurred.
Adam Brill, assistant foreman, and
James Grlfiln. an assistant In the ship
ping department, were examining a
barrel of what they supposed contained
vanilla extract, in an endeavor to find
out how. much was in tbe barrel.
' It was too dark for them to see with-
lut a ht. Brill got a piece of pa-
per, "set fire to It and held it over the
hole in the too of . the barrel.
Hew as about to peer in when there
was a terrible explosion. - The barrel
contained alcohol Instead of vanilla ex
Griffin, who stood In. front of the bar
rel, was thrown about 10 feet, his body
a veritable ball of fire. The burning al
cohol literally covered him from head
to foot. J The - concussion "broke his
rlght.leg. -.....,. : .
He fell 'against Lee Rosslter. the as
sistant snipping cierK, wnose cioines
were immediately set on fire. Unmlfid
ful of his own danger, however. Rossi
ter fought bravely to save Griffin from
tbe flames. .. ; . .
Henry Moy, a boy helper. In attempt
ing to brush the fire from - Rossiter's
clothes. burned his own hands and one
foot. i .-.-'.'-1- . .
Adam Brill, who was close to the
barrel when the explosion occurredi
had a remarkable escape. Although ha
was burned some by the blazing spirits.
most of -it went toward Griffin, and
Brill's Injuries are not considered seri
ous, though they are extremely painful.'
The report of the explosion, the cries
of the injured. ' and then the Cry' of
fire caused a stampede among the em
ployes. They, were about 30 people, in
cluding -many girls, at work on the
floor where the fire started, and fall
rushed madly for the stairs.' The lat
ter are wide and easily accessible, and
these facts probably prevented a more
serious catastrophe, y
The explosion shook' every window in
the big building, and was heard by peo
ple outside. . . - " .- ' '
An alarm of fire was sent in from
box 9. at. the corner of Everett and
Tenth streets, and the firemen were
quickly on the scene. But their service
were not needed, for the automatic
sprinklers had mad short-work of the
flames. ' - 1-
The fire damage Is trifitng.but the loss
by water will-be fully $1000, as a large
amount of the finished stock, ready for
shipment, was badly soaked. . . -
TheTbarrel which exploded was a 60'-
gallon tank, and it is a wonder to tn
firemen that the, results were not more
disastrous. The company officials were
"unable to account for the explosion, as
the rules are " very strict In regard to
the use. of fire.
The statement that Ifrlll held a light
ed paperto th'e! barrel was made by
Griffin, at the hospital, this afternoon.
He said they thought that It contained
vanilla extract; In fact, he still thinks
so. ' . ' 1 : :
Griffin's burns are of a most -serious
nature, and little hone is - entertained
for his recovery. Drs. Card well and
Tllser were called Immediately after
the fire, and they ordered all four men
sent to the Good Samaritan hospital.
At that instltu tlon is was decided
that Rosslter. Brill and Moy could go
to their homes for treatment. Dr. E.
II, Thornton dressed their wounds.
Griffin is 60 years old and single. He
lived at 287 East First street, and had
been employed by the Biscuit Company
several . years. '.:,-'
Or. Dam'n Say Yes and Gfves Ovsr
whslming' Proof of His Assertion.
Mrs. Abbis Wareham was for- 24
years a sufferer from enlleptle fits. The
many scars that she will carry through
life bear evidence of ' the terrible falls
she sustained as a result of this most
horrible ?. of afflictions epilepsy. ; ; She
consulted the best medical talent, six
different physicians pronouncing the
case incurable. She was recommended
at last to Dr. Jarrin bat in her own
mind, and the minds of her friends,
with but little hope pf ever being cured.
Appended are her town words; ' ?
-Dr. Darrin treafied me with -electricity
and medlclne and. from the
first. I began to im Drove.-and after a
thorough course qf his treatment I
am happy to soy I , am cured, i I
have had no Indication of a- return
of my - awful affliction tor f the
yart . -11. years. ' I give this In
the interest of tbos similarly , afilict
ed and most, heartily recommend Dr.
Darrin's system 1 had 1 epilepsy 2$
years before going under Dr. Darrin's
care. November II he 'cured me of a
case of deafness la 1 minutes. 1 refer
. :
lip, ilip, ilurr
Ready-Made Dresses
We have decided to dose
out the entire line of chil
dren's dresses' that we now
have at a sacrifice as trade
winners, j .
These dresses range in .
age from
1 to 14 Years
i '
$2 50 PRESS..
I 69
1 75 DRES8..... ........
1 60 drkss :
1 2& XRKSS
, 85 DRKSS ..........
65 DA ES8. ... ........... ... ...
, 50 DRESS .-.I
, 35 IRSS.............. ....-.
I 49
I 28
t( iir' B. F. Halejr and Mrs. "Graham,
corner First and Alain streets, also Mrs.
F. E. Dewey, 38S ravls street, Portland,
all of whom knew of my condition,
then and now, :
"Refer any and all to me at Monta
villa, Orejron, bjr letter or in person.
, "MltS. ABtilK WAREHAM."
Scistie Rheumstism Cured.
(To the Editor.) I wish to state my
pm in brief. Five years aeo I, was
afllicted with sciatic rheumatism and
cured toy : Dr. DarHft with electricity
and medicine.' I remain permanently
cured. Refer anyone to me at Ma Hood
street. Portland. J. A. BENNETT.
Dr. Darrin's Pises of Business.
Dr. Darrin Rives; free examination to
aU, and when necessary stive medi
cinesvjn. connection with electricity.
The poor treated frefe from 10 to 11 daily
except medicines. Theme willing: to pay.
10. to 6; eyenlns-s, 7 to : Bunaays, iv to
mrr..,ty, htvwt tnlnts ' elept.
4iiib v. " . -
impotency, varicocele, deaf ness.catarrti.
and stricture a specialty. AH cnronic
-nuia and femalo Drlvate diseases treat
ed at 5 a week, or In that proportion
of time, as the case may require- ro
cases published except by permission
of the patient. -All business relations
Letters of irtaulry answered: Circulars
and question blanks sent; free. Er'
tested and glasses fitted-' fr. Darrin's
offices are at Willamette Hotel. Salem,
until September 1.
The Bohn Xumber Company j will do
a general lumber and . logginc business,
v. An a r- mt . Trr1 l.nrl The
capital is $5,000. and vW. G. Bohn.
James Steel, and J. B. Ryan are tne
Incorporators of record,. ' - f:
The Orp con Inland Land Company,
with hMdnuarters at PrlnevUl Will
deal in real estate and do a general in
vestment business, james a. ttogf.
W. Hopkins, and E. McDowell are
the Incorporators of ; the company, ana
the capital is fixed at 10.000. i .
n,. rrn PubllshlnsT '- Comoany
will deal In maps, charts and f lews of
cities in the Northwest, with head
auarters in - Portland. The U capital
stock is 5000. F. - A. Lawrence. J.
Morson and Oustaw Anderson arr twe
incorporators.- .y';
Ther Grant County Abstract Co. will
ulrarti in- Grant county, with bead-
quarters in Canyon City, and a capital
of $S0C R. R. McHaley. I Ai Mciia-
ley. Geo. Haging- and J. C Haginff are
the i newpora to-s. 3
SPOKANE. June 21Aloyslas Blef-
gen. thel- year-old son of a farmer liv
ing on White Bluff Prairie, was louna
thl mnrnlnc IvillZ by " the roadside
about three miles west of. Chenley, with
ab uUet Wound in his head. lie was
mi hi breathing. But his chances er re
covery are thought to toe? slight- A re
volver with two chambers empty and a
suit of clothing were Xound beside hlro.
It Is impossible as r yet to determine
whether It was altcmt-tcd murder or
suicide,'...- . . . . . ': "I- ."
ah for tfoe fourtli of July!
And our bargains. You know if you hare favorr4 us
with your trade" that there are hundreds of bargains
in this store 011 the best goods in the market, but our
regular weekly, specials, extraordinary : values, will help
dress you or your children for this "wonderful. Fourth.
Dress Goods
r If -you lave not bum;ht
that rilt3 liht drcssor
suinmcr, you surely want, it
tliir. week. AVe liave had
big'sales on our Wash Goods
this spring and we want this ,
to be Hie biggeit wct k of all.
B-5 Off ;
On evry yard of Summer
V a s h O o o d s
f this week.
11-5 '6ff-
4 .1 .
Thp House Has a Majority to
: " Concur With Senate
Within Which Panama Route!
! May Be Select-
' ed
WASHINGTON. June 23, Friends of
the Panama project have been, making
a canvass of the strength of the. Sen
ate amendment in the House, and are
confident that a motion to concur can
command aimajority. .- This,' however,
may become complicated by ; the prop;
osltions to attach conditions tothe con
currence, one of the condition. under
discussion being the time limit for the
period of negotiations to secure a per
fected title..
Philippines Bill.s .
Washington, June tl. The debate
en the Philippine Civil Government bill
warmed upin the House today, t arid
henceforth promises to be of a much
livelier character. The increased in
terest' Is due to the injection into .the
debate of a comparison of the cruelties
charged t have, been practiced In the
Philippines, with. those which occurred
during- th Civil War.
; ; . Roowstt Vsts.
Washington, " June ; Tl. President
Roosevelt has-seat to the House a veto
of the bill removliur the charge of de
sertion from, the record of Ephralm
Gallon.; who served in a Tennessee
Regiment daring ihe Civil War. . '
- Hs Will Ratirs.
Washington. June 23. Ths Post, to
morrow will say: 'General O . ' E,
Spauldlng, First Assistant' Secretary
of the Treasury, has been definitely
notified by Secretary Shaw' that ha Is
to retire."
. Pacific 8wbsM Bill.
Washington. June 23. Representa
tives Jones, of Washington, and Stev
ens, of Minnesota, have met a tempor
ary setback fn their efforts to secure
the passage in the House of the bill
providing a subsidy of 19 per rent for
steamers sailing between tb? Philip
pines, and Pacific ports. When the bill
came up on iioniay aiternoon 01 last
weekTIt mas 'quite unexpectedly made
a party measure through the efCorts of
Messrs. Klchardson, Underwood, Clajr-I
acc Gloves
tan, warn; Bi ACK
Btauliluljaco gloves for GO
and 00 ceuts.. Thoo aio cx
Ira gotd qilality. . Como and
see -them and compare them
Lh other..
Black Lace Hose
y 25c Hose tor. J 2c r
Wt tare some black beauties for
23c, JSC. A0C f 73c :
on't forget the bcs-yrnj-
pers and tho best b renins in
America. Sizes, 32-iS.
Men's Dress Shirts
: A fine line jiut arrived.
50c to $2.25
ton and other Democrats.and a humlwr
of members of that fcltle who originally
had.lntendeil to suport It were there
fore unable to do so; The bill is still
on the Mouse calendar, and It Is likely
that another opportunity to call it up
will come before the adjournim-nt' of
the session. ,
Stevens and Jones JfHetj that th
Northwest will be grea.t'ly b-rKnttedTl,y
this legislation. All forare, feed sn.i '
l-other intarjf'sunplkn for the Phlllp-
plnesjr as the result of It. would be pur
chased: lh the Northwestern states and '
loaded on steamers , at c Pacific ports
Resides. , the bill cattries the form of
subsidy that Mr. Steven- favors. He
ha strongly opposed tfe Frye subiIy
bfll, whk-h went through the Hnit
several months ago. for reanons wTi ii
the Northwest endorses, and this JO
per cent bill Is a- direct subslfy. and
there Is no mistaking that undr 11 '.
new lines rf steamers would b brouRnt
Into existence. 'v None of.4he money
Would go to. lines already operatlnp. .
'The same bill is In the enate, whirh
has referred it to the commerce com
mittee. ' Senator Frye la the "chairman
of this com-nUtee. and-It is bellevl"
that he Is. delaying a report on it be
cause of his desire to. use It as a club
with which.1 to bring- around Ir. Stev
ens and his followers of the House com
mittee to the support of the "Frye bill.
When an effort was made recently in
get the blllUD in" the commerce coiu
mlttee.Senator Frye remarked ; "There
Is no particular hurry. about this mat
ter. . A bill which, came from this com
mittee and passed -the Senate has if or
a long time, beeii in' the keeping of the
House committee onmerchant mrln
and fisheries, and 1 think that we qught
to wait awhile and see what that committee-
does with it Tcfors atting on
this 10 per eent b4ll. -.
Reprsentatlve Jones. who,;ln the tilth
Congress stood with Mi. Steven In op
position to the. Hanna-Frye. sub.liy
bill, is this; session - sui-iortin'g tlm
JKrye bill.- referred to in Jh- foreg-flntr
Quotation. It- la possible that thin
change of heart has been caused by i.U
desire to secure the passage of the 10
per cent bill.' which would do a gn at ,
deal for the Puget Sound country. -
EL PASO,TxrJuna 21.-Jira Ml
raba. a. full-blood Acoma Pueblo In
dian, residing near Las Cruces, N. M .,
has committed suicide- because he a.i
whipped by. his mot hir-in-law, Jii
caba had a quarrel with his wife ' I
-he whipped her. He was in turn wl.;, -ped.by
his jnother-ln-law. JUnable f
bear up under the IndlgnKy, he blow
out his bralna. This is the flrr-t e.-il -clde
ever reported among the A" s.
Pueblos, and the old tribesmen at,tr;
ute to the education received by .-"-cabi
aKhe Government schools. . j
James Coleman, who resides alW
four-miles southeast of this city, yen
terd ay brought in to the Penitent U ry
a convict's shirt' and other arti U n t
convict wearing apparel, he foun'l in
his premises, -which were discard 1 1
the escaped convicts, Tra-y and ii -rill,
during the first day of thlr C.: .
Leg-ai Blaiiks, Etategraaa Job Cj