rrzmztx onnco statesman, Tuesday, june 24. ir.o:. A THRILLING -EXPERIENCE Steamer Nome City's Narrow Escape A uv CAUGHT m ICE PACE. YTiile On the Way to Nome Early in Month of . 1 Play LTEAMKTt ' , PORTLAND CAtJG I IT, AND ' WHEN LAST ' SEEN WAS DniFTnf O THROUGH BEHRINO STRAITS TO-THB ARCTIC OCEAN DANGEB OP BEING WRECKED. i SEATTLE." Wash- June Z-frh steamer Nome i City arrived tonight with the record -of being '.the first steamer to reach Nome, and also the first one to return- from there out of a fleet "of thirty vessels. . The "ship Dears many evidences tor nerce; battles with the .Jce in fhe North, bu Is not materially Injured. The northbound " trip ws an exciting one. -Front May 4th until a month later-the ship; was practically . fast , in the Ice,, the ; ship lipina- miimneA hoi4 h a. Ytcul v tf ire fully eight feet thick. The- ship tried bucking. Its. way through for two clays, but: when : within sixty-five miles of Nome? it was again' hemmed In. ? The pack; In .which the Nome City was uiuujig iu ine uiuwcu . r i For several days the vessel drifted abound the Island of, Bu Lawre'nce,. ana dri May4th was raised, clear out of the water by a sudden Jam. Thel iron . the&thlng'wa all that saved the ves sel from being smashed to pieces. The rudder head was twisted, and fheship was badly shaken up. The nhipv'ln' drlfUfts: about, narrowly escaped going - ashore on the Dlomedes. From; this position "the steamer Portland J was ifrf-tf1 If ltYtm ta riarV v ilHfflnr lirk Behrlng- Straits toward" the9 Arctic Ocean, apparently frozen In faat. For- tnrcatelv a. lead ooentd on the moraine of June 4th. and Captain pan i els gave the signal to go ahead at full, speed, the ship bucking its way- through to open water, and to Nome, much to t'ha delight of the people of Nome who had been lacked uprfor eight months, ) V ' Caught In the Ice." - j Nome. Alaska, June 7, via Seattle"," Waxh.v June 20. The steamer Portland, Captain Llndquisf,Mheiplonrer of the Northern Commercial Company fleer, was onr June itja caught In the Ice pack andbelng carried up Behrlng 'Straits to the Arctic-ocean, at the ; rate of from two to yiree miles an hour. , The ft earner Nowre City came, near beinr. Caught in the same, manner, and when 6h found a lead and bucked througra the pack to the westward, the Portland could - be plainly seen ' driftlngnorth- ward past the Dfomede Islands.- Three i . i - i t.-. .'. . i v uu 1 1 r n were ainu in BiKin, vui 4 arj ' were In the lee of the Diomedeay and In no danger of being carried Into the 1 ,. V . 1 -.,,,,1, - i - v v When. Captain Daniels brought word t Nome that the Portland was fast in the lee and drifting towards the i Arc ticthe United States revenue trtesmer Thetis left the same evening. There j is some danger of the ship being crush ed in thevstraits." If she got through the straits and falhM to And a. lead to the eastward or westward by which she could get clear of the pack, she will be carried Into the Arctic ocean, nndtfuillng to get dear of tb ice may ultimately be wrecked "by the heavy fiy.es farther norths ! BERESFORD'S CRITICISM " .1':'; : " " .. 1 - i . iml CONSIDERS THE BRITISH NAVY TO BE INFERIOR TO THE AMERICAN. "' ) - LONDON, June 20. During the dis cussion of the Navy estimaej In the House of Commons today. Rear! Ad miral Lord Charles Beresford, Conser vative, scathingly criticised the fden clencies of the Navy,-; He declared the whole Admiralty system was. rotten and led to great extravagance, and thaw there was a general want of efficiency In the Navy, on which depended he success, of the empire1. This was . the Judgment of aKthe commissioners of Inquiry, and had beep proven a i fact. : Every? Increase In the number of ships and "every Improvement In them had been the result of outside agitation. A a result of such agitation, the British Mediterranean fleet was now a fourth stronger thanta year ago. j :::: :,i It is remarkable, Lord Beresford- ad ded, that both-Army aud Navy officers were compelled to threaten to-; resign In order to get things righted. 1 Great Iirltain had only-20,000 naval reserves lnteadof the requisite 0,000, and the engine' roomTdepartment were thou sands of men -short As o armament, both the XTnl ted States and France; pas sessed superior guns.- Blunders would continue until a separate board wast ap pointed at the Admiralty and was made responsible for jthe drnclency of: the fleet. Treasury 'control was fatal to efficiency. ' - . - As an Instance the speaker pointed 'out the. case of. Slr William I Vernon Harcourt, wImv when Chancellor of the Exchequer, put his pen through the am munition supplies after the guns had betn ordered. -- JAIL LIFERS EASY, . UNDERWOOD FIN'pS INCARCERA TION ONE CONTINUAL ROUND " : : OF PLEASURE. "' 'I y SEATTLE. June ,29 Paul Under wood, the "alleged murderer! of his J-weeks'-old daughter," Is finding life In ttie King county Jail a soft snap. He has a good many friends here among the shingle weavers, and they have tern bringlhg hlnj lots of -good stuff" to eat. - . : ; Underwood declares positively that he la not?uilty of -murder, claiming T '.s baby waa dead when he threw Us 1 1 lato thi icy waters of the Salmon Bay. Expert physicians of th is city state his story is untrue. As, there vas considerable water found 'in the,, in- fant's lungs when the physicians per ; formed the autopsy. "This, they swear. could not be tru had the .baby been dead before striking the water. They say It Js- contrary to the" fiinJametital laws of physics, 1 Be that as it may. Underwood has told his story, and avers that he win repeat It on the witness stand, adding: And then take my medicine," For the first time since his Incarcer ation he was allowed to see bis wife one day this week, . She Is confined in a private room off the office of SherinT Cudlhee. , A deputy sherllt and two newspaper, representatives Lwere pres ent at the meeting. Mrs. Underwood, only av wae. fragile bit of a woman of H summers."rushed to her..boy hus band's arms as he entered, and soon both were embracing each other. The child ".wife exclaimed: 4Oh. Paul. It seems two years since we parted " They had a brief conVeraation. touching his eacape from "the officers and thej sep arated with mutual expressions of sym pathy and a parting Injunction to "be true.- - r:,: :r.:i:: ,'''V- Underwood win be defended at his preliminary Bearing , tomorrow I by Marshall IC Snell; a prominent attor ney of Ta'coma. It Is understood the defense, will be based on ' the theory that the baby- was dead, as stated above, before the accused threw the body' Into the bay. ; - ' Since Underwoodls arrest and lncar-t ceratlon in the county , Jail. - interest here centers In the man hunt now In progress for the scalps of Tracy and Merrill, the Oregon convicts. It Is re markable how Interested the public is In that- hunt. The newsboys .never cry anything now except "AH about the caped convict hLunt- and papers sell like the proverbial hotcakes. 1 . RECIPROCITY FOR CUBANS The Subject of a Conference V of Republican: Senators MEETING WAS FRUITLESS And After Three Hours Discussion Was Ad- : . journed of SENATOR LODGE URGED THE MEMBERS TO. STAND TOGETHER AT THIS CRITICAL PERIOD OF THE PARtrs " HISTORY THU j WORLD IS WATCHING. t f WASHINGTON, June - 20. The' Re-, publican Senators had another confer ence on the subject , of .Cuban recipro city' ttgnlght, and after three; hours' dis cussion adjourned the" sij?trt at the call of Chairman Allison, without1 ae tion. Almost all the- Republican Sen ators who are in the city wer.e; present. Senator Lodge dwelt- with cspicial emphasis . on the-importance of having' the Republican Senators stand together at this critical period in the party a his tory. Much of our prestige and future National standing, he said, might de pend on the stess now taken, for all the world was watching with Interest our treatment of the Cuban people. ? He declared that' If reciprocity with Cuba Was not secured now, it would be at a later day. j ; Ths Canal Bill. . Washington, June 20,-rSoon -after the House had sent the Canal bill to con ference today, reports gained circula tion ajnongthe" members- that-.Hhere was not likely to be a protracted strug gle Jnthe confefsnce, and that thf Sen ate amendment probably would be the basis 'of the ultimate agreement. , ; FOR FIXING: A JURY TWO PROMINENT RESIDENTS OF NOME IN CONFLICT WITH . THE FEDERAL COURT. I NOME, Alaska, June 10, via Seattle, Wash., June 20. Sentence, will be passed tomorrow upon United States Marshal-Frank 11'. Richards and City Councilman Joseph Dj. Jourden, a prominerrt saloon keeper- of this city, who were found guilty f contempt of court by Judge Wit kersham last week. While no one knowsHwhat the; sentence will be, the general Impression, Is that they" will get the limit which Is six months in Jail and $300 fine. . Richardson and Jourden were arrest ed May 2Sth upon a citation issued by Judge Wlckersham on the filing of an affidavit by John L. McGinn, Assist ant District Attorney, charging them with conspiracy and wilful attempt to fix the jury In the case f the United States vs. Joseph H. Wright, whose trial and acquittal fook place in April. There are five charges set up In the complaint, the. court finding defendants guilty- f alL H'7: -i !':.:'7 The1 arrest of Marsha Richards and Mr. Jourden caused a great sensation. : j FOREST FIRES RAGING HEAVY" LOSSES IN THeJvoODS IN WASHINGTON -AND IN " COLORADO. WHATCOM. Wash., June 20. Forest fires are raging a few miles south of ms cny, ana nrpro . 'nS r already destroyed one logging camp. and to be threatening others. They re wing ar.n uj iuC urc uvu t-uc nuruu .... , "" 5a1Mi -frAft.. Jnne SO. Foreur Area In the Vicinity of Mount Ouray, south-j west of this city, have swept up one. gulch and down another, burning miles of valuable timber. , TROOPS FROM MANILA SAN FRANCISCO, June 2. Tfcej United State transport Ilarcock ' ar? i rived tonight f&m Manila. The Han-. cock brings the headquarters and ten , companies of the famous Ninth Infn-I try, besides uo enusiea m"r. 300 cas-The petitioners, allege that, the ma uals'and fifty miUtary prisoners., : chines are not suaciently profitable TIMBER FIRE DOES DAMAGE Great Destruction in Weeds lfl WaSaillglCn SEVERALTOWNS IN DANGER Narrow Escape From Death by People in Lumber , Camps ! '' '' - - - Tlrt: FIERCE FLAMES ARE RAG- ING IN THE. FORESTS AND IT; IS '-FEARED THAT MUCH HUMAN . . LIFE. HAS BEEN SACRIFICED NARROW ESCAPE.- - - 'r ,TACOMA Wash., June 20. A special to the Ledger from Buckley says: Fire started at 2 o'clock this morn ings at Mountain Mill, two mile from town, and after destroying all the mill property" and cars belonging to the Northern Pacific which were standing on the siding spread to the woods. The residence of. J. Van Raster, on the out skirts of Buckley, was destroyed.. The Tacoma fire department sent a supply of hose, and. as the wind abated the ' flames were" soon stopped, and at pres ent the city.l out of danger. There'are two fires raging, through the heavy tim ber on the mountain side.-: One started at Mountain Mill, and the other in the Green river country. The former spread to .Enumclaw, and , the .village had a narrow escape., Hansen Brothers'- mill with all their lumber was burned and one mile of tne flume wasdestroyed by the fire. The destruction of the flume cut ofT. the supply of water and in case the wind rises and carries the fire tow ard j the town again, the . inhabitants houses - are supposed to have , been In the track of the fire and- destroyed. The Page Lumber Company's camp at Eagle Gorge was .destroyed Every camp In the Green river district Is re ported to" be either destroyed or threat ened with destruction. The Kangley shingle mill. ' located one mile from Kangley,: is destroyed. : . The Cre Is raging In the vicinity or Palmer; In the Tlclnlty of Barnston fierce xflaines are! Vapidly eating their vray through the heavy growth of tlm ber. .The White River lumber mills, three; miles from Enumclaw. and all the property' has been destroyed.' Emplcx-s from Page's mill camp. Eagle Gorge, arrived here at o'clock, and tcil a thrilling story , of escape. .The fire struck tlu; camp at noon today, de Eteii:!insr vipon It in a roaring' Bheet of flAme. A narrow oath to safety was found, anl men.- women and children, to" the number of sdxty, hurried through It. Three men feared to try the pass., and made ; their escape by wadliig' throujra tTie river. It i& reported that riven men from Spilth's carrti. on Ce dar rlvcf, wfiih wa burned, are miss,-, lifrj til" the rep'Ort'. Cannot berverlfled. C0SPER ESTATE LOSES FAILS TO RECOVER. A NOTE THAT HAD UE EN CHANGED SOME WHAT, MOSCOW. Idaho. June 17. In r the. District Court yesterday the case of Tllmon Ford, as executor of the estate of William Cosper.v deceased, versus Albert Dygert. a suit for Judgment on a prommlssory note for I4&0, was ; decided by Judge Steele in favor- of the defendant. The de fendant set out that the1 note had been changed since originally executed and claimed that he had given a note to Gilbert Bros., of Salem., for that amount, but had given no note to Wllr llam jCosper or to his estate. Judge Steele. In his decision, took the ground that although payment of this changed note could not be enforced, the debt still existed and Judgment could be obtained by proper action. The theory Is advanced that the note was first drawn In favor of Gilbert Bros, and that they. . in place of assigning the J note to Coper, erased their own. names and inserted that of Cosper. - A FIENDISH LADR0NE WHO CUT AMERICAN SOLDIERS j TO PIECESr IS CAPTURED BY TI1 TROOP MANILA. June 20. Pedro Felipe, leader of he Ladrones who captured and subsequently cut to pieces a ser g-parrt. two corporals and four privates of ; the Fifth Cavalry at; Binangonan Rlsal Province, May JOth, has been captured. ' He Is still suffering from a wound Inflicted by the soldiers. :f No trace has been found of the four American school" teachers of Cebu, Isl and of Cebu; who started on a day's outing June 10th, and have not been eard of since . Parties have been sent out to look for them. ; AN ANARCHIST SUES WANTS DAMAGES FOR BEING RUN ! OUT -OF THE COUNTRY ; HIS DISLOYALTY. - TOFEKA. Kahs, June ;20. WiUIam Grubb, the- Harper; county man who said he was glad Csoigoss shot McKln ley. today appealed-his damage" suit to the Supreme Court. When 1 Grubb I made the remark referred to, Robert Elder and a dotes men chased "him out of tte country. He returned and sued them for 10 000 da,mages. The Jury ,n tfae District Court In Harper county save a verdict to the defendants. REDUCTION IN LICENSES ASTORIA" OWNERS OF GAMBLING " DEVICES WISH TO POCKET: - BIGGER PERCENTAGE. . ASTORIA. Or June 20. Th cigar dealers of the city have presented a petition to the counc'l asking that the JTJiO tlrenee oa nicket-ln-he-sIot ma- chines be 'reduced to 12.50 quartrrly;f to Justify the tax. and vow that unless the reduction is made it will be come ( necessary for the "dealers to remove thf-crs from the counters. ltis considered doubtful If he covin cH r,ill grant the petition. The Im passion is general among devotees or fhm rtwrt of "but-klne slot ma- I that the clever mtie devices are was much agitation for entire abolition of . this form or gambling a rew- months ago, the council would probably not -t.1i a me in rrfn rrt am malrtn anw j concessions. Some of the large deal ers aia not sign uie pen uon. saying that if they found their machines to be unprofitable they'T would, voluntarily and without conrpaint remove them. DEWET URGES LOYALTY WANTS TO WIN THE HEART OF THE NEW GOVERNMENT BY GOOD CONDUCT, ' P BLOEMFONTEIN,' Jun 20. General Dewct has addressed a circular letter to his Adjutants In which he says: "Let me tell you that you and I and every burgher can win the heart of the new Government by our future con duct and of this conduct I am In the least doubtful. ; It is announced that the Loyalist claims for compensation. In Cape Col ony and Natal would be provided for out of the Transvaal fund and out of the first loan raised. Exception will be made In the matter of damages wrought In Cape Colony by rebels or natives, this compensation falling cm the Cape Government. The total amount to be paid to the two colonies will exceed according to estimates 2 000,000. The; grant of 3.000,000 men tioned in the. tenps of surrender Is not applicable to Cape Colony and NataL THE SAME OLD STORY TOLD Tracy and Merrill Have Again r Eluded the Posse SHERIFF MAkSH RETURNS A ; Few Trusty Men Are Now Left In The Woods TO KEEP CLOSE WATCILON THE TRAILS IN HOPES OF SECURING .,.A FRESH CLUE rTHE OUTLAWS ; EXPECTED TO DISCLOSE THEIR WHEREABOUTS. VANCOUVER, Wash, June 20. "It is 'the same old story. The outlaws, Tracy and Merrill, have disappeared, After a diligent, -though fruitless search . fpr, the, past 21 hours, we have again given up the search, at least until w get another clue. This was the report of Sheriff Marsh this evening in answer-to Inquiries re garding the result of the last sortie af ter the escaped convicts. The. sherifl and the entire posse : which Joined In the search yesterday, except three or four trusty memV left to kefep a close watch. In. the neighborhood for a fresh clu, returned here tonight. The posse including Guard Carson and the blood bounds will rest here until the outlaws again disclose their whereabouts HOMESEEKERS' RATES WILL AGAIN BE GRANTED BY THE NORTHERN PACIFIC 'FOR - NEXT FOUR MONTHS. ; ST. PAUL, Minn June 20. The Great Northern Railway, beginning July 1st, and continuing on every first and third Tuesday of each month un til November, will resume the sale of homseekers' tickets at half fares, plus XI, to alt Northern Pacific ponits, in- eluding as tar south as Astoria,; or, SHIP GLADE LOST. SAN FRANCISCO, Juno 20. San Franciscans who wagered $150,000 oh the safe arrival of the -German bark II. F. Glade stand to lose all their money unless the long overdue vessel arrives by next Wednesday". : Information has come by cable from London that Lloyds will post the Glade as mlsslngX- The Merchants' Exchange here has' crossed the bark from the overdue list as no longer insurable. - The Glade sailed from here on October IStK last whh wheat and barley, for Europe, and Is out 243 days. Many local plungers be lleved its foul bottom was the cause of delay and ventured large amounts on Its - safe , arrival. -,.t ? MCDOWELL WINS SUIT. ST. PAUL. June 20. Judge Bunn lias sustained the contention-, of ,. the plalntlfts In the suits of W. Melbourne McDowell and May D. Seymour as 'ex ecutors of the estate of the late Fanny Davenport McDowell against Clarence M . Brune, the Clarence Brune Com pany, L, N. Scott and C. E. Beech to annul the alleged sale of the plays and compel an accounting of the profits from the production, Big Figure 100.000.000 bottles of Perry Davis' Pain killer sold in . 60 years. Just think! Nearly Wnough placed end to end to reach around the . world. What other remedy can boast such a record of ser vices to humanity "in curing stomach and bowel complaints and the. many other ailments and accidents constant ly occuring even in the ' most .careful homes. There is only one Painkiller. Perry Davis'. Beware of l imitations. x CROZIER IS VROMOTED. WASHINGTON. June 20. The Sen ate, by vote of 44 to 12, today con firmed Captain "Wm. Crozler to- be chief of the Ordnance. Department with the rank of Brigadier-Oeneral. RAND GETS A CRUMB. WASHINGTON. .June 20. H. H. I Rand, of Wisconsin, has Deen anDOinted i assistant, superintendent of the salary! and allowance bureau of the Postofflce j Department. for Infants The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne -. ture of Clios. II. nctcher, aud lias been made under his : ier6nal suporvi.Hion for over. 3f years. Allow no one to deceive yon in this. Coanterfcltsi Imitations and Just-as-grood" arc but Experiments, and endanger? tho bealtli of Cbildren 12xpetience &tut Cspcrfments . TlibOund You Have Always Bought Bears tho In Use Tor Over 30 Years. tm, time n.n. A. Dp. unit's -. 'IHIouselioId' IPtiysieian; Or Home Book of HealUi r TO BE GIVEN AS A PREMIUM WITH . Twice-a-Week Statesman THIS IS OUR OFFER: THIS BOOK WITH THE STATES MAN ONE1 YEAR' $3.25; OR BQOKXALONE $2'0. HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY TO GET A VALU ABLE BOOK AT SMALL COST. i . j . 'Hr- -j;-- J; ! ' if i 4 !!!! n 1 it j? it WW It it i' i' sill m mj ' ' phobia, sunstroke, fits, falls, sprains, bruise. aio rdifsudden diseases, like croup, cholera, etc It describe th cause, the symptpms, the nature, the effect, the treatment and the, remedy of every- disease w&lch affects human ity. Treatises on the Passions and Emotions, such asoVc, Hupe. Joy. Af fection, Jealousy, Grief. -Fear,' Despair, Avarice.. Charlty.ChecrfuInesii, shw ing the Influence of the mind on the body; eminently calc5al- to arouse the -people, to the fact that health depends to a great degree uVmvlhe proper dK , rection and control of the passions and emotions. ' . Essatys on Intemperance, f- rAeruiatr, vuiu, SPKCIAL LECrUilE TO YOUNGr mi A Complete Materia Medlca. or list of the principal remedies, Vinchfylng nearly 200 medical olants. -herbs and vegetable remedies: description, of ftach: where found; when to-be gathered; tor use. . - . i Manual for Nurslmt the Sick. Treatises on Anatomy, Physiology S,nd giene. Domestic and Sanitary Economy Water, Purification of Water. Drainage, Culture and Development, etc Address 1 ' . --or THE ' - Twice-a-Week Statesman WEEKLY OREGONIAN, per yssr... TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, pr OUR PRICE. BOTH PAPERS.... .... , PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, per ysar;.... TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per BOTH PAPERS.. CHICAGO INTER-OCEAN, par year. TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, psr BOTH PAPERS...,'....... HOARDS DAIRYMAN. pr ytar....... TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per l. BOTH PAPERS.. OREGON POULTRY JOURNAL. p.r TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per BOTH "PAPERS... TH RICE A-WEEK NEW YORK WORLD, psr ytsr. wiwt'A'WttA oiATtsMAN, psr BOTH TPAPERS..... M'CALL'S MAGAZINE (Incliiding a f res TWICE-A-WEEW STATESMAN, per BOTH PAPERS. GOOD NEWS TO HORSE OWNERS I a Aim. enai mrtm uv&ub amr mt.uii. end Children. ' , Signature of !! t. r errr. Ths only complete -household guide and reliable, genuine med ical book ever pub lished. . .. Every disease to . whlclv. -the ; human race is subject is ful- ly treated In this ex fKVOetive . ' : volume, Vew diseases. Treat ment and Theories which -have appeared n .vithln the laut fewr years, and whiehare tot even, mentioned . tn other so-ciillet nedIcaK book?, - are ierfin dlxcusseJv .and (he treatment and ' unMli'j sot -for,ih;-uch as KavtrioJogr," vppendiclti's,' . TutM-T-uiusis. Hypnotism, ".Vner'ecl and , Skio ifeast'S, La Grije.- i: Vervous Dlcaea. etc. . Treatment and curt of every di-ae of Men and Women and. Children. The sim plest and best lme- , flies; minute dlrec-" tlons. In T cas-a of : wovnili.ici.lil. i i 4v burns, iroison. hydro Dse of TobaocoX Sleep tikm V V Aaiiis, itu. v hoV to preserve same; their prepratVon Ventilation, Pure and Impure ityt. Disinfectants, etc., etc PnyA.ivV , , . j LU ; - Salem, Orcgfa ING- LIS '..ItJW year...... . .......... & ..i.. ...... ............ ,..$10 year ............ .11.00 year. ....$1-00 .." ... 1.S0 ,1jOO ysar....... ...1JD0 .....v .. yr .$ 0 year...... .......... $1.00 ......,....:.io 4 rvt year. . .$1iW .........$1.65 pattern to sach ubtcribsr)....$1.M year. ..........$1.00 ,...;..$1J0 These c lebrs ted powder are ma'ie front a raaoe of s noted Prniaa Veterinary hnrpron, and hare been thoroughly teted for the pmat 15 year in this countrr. Connnvd of por vef etabte rrtnedirs, areauft nd strrc CURE for HEAVES enl oil "' roentroio hkb been araench mm Ccmajh, Co4J. OITLatPfft. Piok Eye, Epizootic, sod Lou of Ar-frtitc As a lod pvriocP they hare no erpiai. For sale by Wholesale and Ketail Pros yiits. Prire -Orerta rTaksre. mail. 0est. Fron , ft.'5iA-HRt!t:0rcC':mV. 61. fAL'Ua.:.V". iaius tLiM odc II i 1