r n .- rl 1 I-. Or. V III I . . ---j . . i - . i ' .Hi... i . ii" i ' ii ii in i i i 8 i . i " i ' ' i - ' - - - . . " . " . . "S . ." ; "5 . . t- , .-- -,.:.s,. . -, ' xssuxo rx sxaKi-wxcKXT sxctiojts, iach tczsoat axo frioat. " .- . - "" . - 11" 1 " 1 " " ' 1 ' . . i ' 1 " ' J ' ' ' ' ' f - - - . - i 52d YEAR NO. 15- . f SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 2p 190Z . i ;.'." FIRST SECTION EIQHT PACCS, ' It's Warm Enough I Now lor Summer Corsets Isn't It? . It probably will: be for the next few months.,..' , I , We have Sunnner Corsets at 1 - 25c, 35c, 45c, 50c, 90c and 95c The Batiste Corsets at 90c and 95c are rvery fine. Ladles9 Sleeveless Vests - Large Full Sizes at 10c. . Finer qualities at 15c, 20c, 25c autl 38c. : All arc better for the price than you can find at 'regular stores." Extra ' good value in " T . ' Men's Summer Underwear i:'r v .' : x 'At 25c that runs full size.'- It's the best we've had at the price. rr Our 45c lines are fine enough for anybody. You'll pay more for the same quality if you buy them, elsewhere. ' Crpsh Hats &nd Straw Hats - They're so cheap this year, that you can afford to throw the! old ones away and buy the new shapes. YOU'RE GOING TO HELP CELEBRATE THIS YEAH and yju ought to fit out with a New Suit The best place in ' Salem to buy UP-TO-DATE CLOTHING is at the , NEW Y O R K RA CKET iVre consider .'quality and style of the. first importance, -but He give you the advantages of our cash-business plan, which brings the prices of the best goods within the leach ' . of all. We can save you from 15 to 25 per cent on every ! suit.you buy from us. T ' Don't overlook" our big assortment of - It's one of ' the most complete lines in the city. We tell , more shoes" than most shoe: store?, because we give better . value; for the money. Everything in ladies and men's furt.iihingd at "Racket Prices? Salem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store T. BAnNES, Proprietor. ; BRYAN TALKS OF CLEVELAND ; ' - . . - i 7 ... And the Democratic Harmony Meeting In New York HIS OPPOSITION APPARENT To Compromisini: With the Gold Wins of the arty 7 NEBRASKA POPULIST AND DEMO CRATIC STATE , CONVENTIONS IN-SESSION AT GRAND ISLAND TODAY THE QUESTION OF FU SION IS UPPERMOST. LINCOLN, Neb., June 23. The ab sence of W. J. Bryaa from ihe Demo cratic harmony dinner at New Tork la pretty well explained -by a state ment giren but by Mr. Bryan tonight, commenting- on the dinner. At-the out set. Bryan says, there is no such thing as, Democratic harmony where former President Cleveland is concerned, lie says: ' .-." -!.' "The .banquet given on June lHh by the Til den Club, of New York, was ad vertised as a "harmony meeting.' but it turned out to be what might have been' expected of such a gathering an ovation to the' chief , guest, a former Democrat, 'Grover Cleveland. ' There can be no such a thing as harmony : be tween men like him and those who be lieve in Democratic principles, and , be is frank enough to aay so. "He is not only defiant, b'ut he in sists that party, success can only be secured by an open avowed return to his ideas. Harmony is to be secured, not by suppression of differences, but by the elimination of those who differ from him;" ; . - Bryan says he will print in his 'pa per, Cleveland's speech, "to show that re-organizers don't want harmony. but . control, and that their control means abandonment of their -part jrs position and a return to the policies and practices of Cleveland's second ad ministration. r . . V - Nebraska Fusiomsts." Grand Island, 'Neb.r Jane ; 23. Dele gates to the Populist and Democratic State Conventions.' which wttl be held here tomorrow, begun pouting 'in to this city today, Oyer 20 delegates are accredited to each, convention, and at least 2000 are expected to attend. The auestion uppermost in : the minds of the crest maiorltr of delegates - is whether or not fusion can be aoL'on- pllshed, and candidates selected that will be satisfactory to all tne Tactions. The accomplishment of-this result has ; been seriously questioned by a number, i of. party leaders, but tonlgnt a. num ber of Populists and Democrats, who are considered authority, profess to be lieve that there will be little opposi tion ta J uslon. It is still tne unani mous opinion that If Mr. Bryan will ac cent the nomination for Governor, there Will be little left to do, but to di vide the rest of the tickets ' . iklft -iS ''J ' Oreat Bargains in Vhite Goods All Through June. LMYN INNDKERCIIIEfS 4c Each Trimmed wth lace and made of sheer lawn- K00-f them at: this price durfng tbe While 8alev MISU VSrSntETINGS, Etc.fCtc t Cheaper Cere Thai Any vbere "Holverson' Brand a new. bleached muslin made express for na. Fine, soft ttnUh and So Inches wide. To Introduce this brand to the trade we will sell it duriug our White Sale -for ! 6 U2C Yard All oilier muslins, sheetings, etc., at sale prices. . " i SIW'IER C03SETS 39c fifiCf - We've sold a great many of 'em already doesn't take long for eueh good news to travel. They're made of n no netting and oonie In the latest models, llegalar value, SOc. GIRLS' GOLF HAfS Sic Each . ' A very popular style felt bat for girls. tme In red, tan, blue, and some with plaid tons They are of fered at this special price for a few days only. The regular price is lOe; Each, - SUN COMETS ' , All Colors .: 256 Each For ladle and children. Made of Ginghams and Percales and prettily trimmed. - '. . ' ? . . - white' waists . The entire linVof White WalsU at tale r rices. Bee the fine, line we are selling at ; x 95c Each . J WEN'S FURNISHINGS Summer shirts la the right itylea. Tie Dollar Oats tor 90c CacM We're not going to wait Uli the warm weather t over to reduce stocks, but will start now right at the time yon need cool, things. These 90c Shirt a are all this sea son's atytes. Some are stripes others plain colors. Some hare fronts of plaits many have silk fronts. ' We have' all sizes from 14 to 17 neck measure and all sleeve lengths. EUSTIC SEAI D3AWERS Just the thing for these hot days. The coolest undergarments ever made. Special, 54c Pair lig:it-veig:it sox 10c Pair a i ' v f- . :- - u J V THE ESCAPED GONYICTS IIAVK f ABANDONED CAPTURED GCX8 AND SUPPLY THEM SELVES BY ROBBERY. 1A CENTER. Wash.. June 23. Tracy and Merrill, are still at large, but a de termined posse is after them. The. two guns, a Wlnebestef shot run and a re peating rifle, stolen from Dr. White, at Oervais. Oregon, over ten : days as;o. Wre found In the brush near here as were, some clothes worn br tho con victs during the past morfttu - The; twa escapes appeared Saturday night at the farm house of the McQee brothers, near Pioneer, and took all the provisions In sight also clothing. The McGees were absent from the. place and the convict ransacked It. The lat est trace of tlje outlaws was had Sun day morning, when they broke Into the farm house of Mr. McOuire, near La Center, stealing 120, new hats, shoes and bacon. The McGulre family were also. absents - Their tracks show that the men are headed for the head waters of the Lewis river. Sheriff Marsh has abandoned the trail until the men are seen again. Others of the posse are still guarding the Lewis river. Rain Is fall ing, which makes It possible for the dogs to do better trailing. : ,. THEY MUSt WOVE ON GAMBLERS FLOCKING TO SALT LAKE CITY. AND GAMBLING HOUSES ARE CLOSED A DANGEROUS UNDERTAKING Effort to Draw Water from a . - Lake's Bottom BY WEANS . OF A TUNNEL Came Near Causing a Wost Horrible Disaster V SAtT LAKE CITY, lltah. June JSr- Owing to the war being waged In Se attle. Butte and other Western cities, many gamblers have arrived In Salt Lake City during the past, week, and pressure has been brought to bear on the local authorities to close . all gam bling house, This afternoon Chief of Police Paul issued orders to close . all gambling house. THE SHELL BETWEEN TUNNEL j AND LAKE BROKE THROUGH. CAUSING A STREAM OF. WATER SDX FEET SQUARE TO RUSH OUT AND FLOOD TIII3 COUNTRY. - rock is th uprise. . With a mighty roar to the-tunnel, and a moment after the men gained a place of safety a stream of water six feet squars was spoutlT several hundred feet down the cany' Fortunately there were lots or trees ft the lake which, were uprooted by the rushing water, and carried into, the tunnel thus stopping to some extent the outflow of water. Had it' not 1h h for this hindrance much property bet would have been washed-away. Ihs lake 'Is now empty. i BAKER CITY, Or.. June . A party of fishermen, returning from Rock Creek report what might have been a frightful disaster at Lake Kalamacue. Friday night. , An Irrigation . company has been1 engaged In x boring a tunnel under the bottom of the lake, a distance of abou t 2S0 fee. so that the a water could: be used during the months of July and August. The tunnel was so planned that It would strike a point sixty feet below, the bottom of the lake. An uprise was started from the end of the tunnel to strike, the lake bottom, supposed to be sixty feet above. Fri day evenin a' shot was put in the solid the water, of the lake broke through In- CENTRAL LABOR UNION INTERESTING SESSION HELD LAST NIGHT AND OFFICERS - ' ARB ELECTED T teresting and enthusiastic session in Christian Science Halt, over the Mn.l ry last evening, snd perfected organ, tsation by the election of the follow ln -offlcers.: . -. . cr"A.. -port. President: "Ed Swayi. vice president; A C. Hopf. secretary; O: C Locke, treasurer, , v Chairmen of standing committees were- appointed' as follows: . k Bylaws ii. T. Marsh. Arbltration--D. A. Dlnsmoor. Y Organlxajlion-Ed Swayse. ; After an Interesting discussion ' organisation work, the Union adjourn ed to th evening of the second Tue day'in July, when th work of orgatj lsatlon will be completed. . ! KNOCKED OUT. 1 LONDON. June a. "Kid- McFad den. of San Francisco, was knocked out Lin Jurdan.; an. Englishman, In tho ut tv raai nil t th TV a t ion a l KnorimiT Club tonight. Joe Wolcott. the colore ! pugilist, - won from Tommy West, cf Brooklyn, for the" welUr-w eight cham- Legal 'Blanks. StatesmanJob OC.ce, Legal Blanks,' Statesman1 Job Office. BOOMING SUMMER BUS INES S . " n A ' '- 1 1 ' ' ' . .I . . . . i. .V : - - Twenty Special Offe . season salt's. We do not wait until the reason is Jpast nntl then j ofler vou the goods at reduced prices, hut in the Wijtfit oHhe time when tin; de mand" for summer goods is increasing every day werut the price mi tin- article .. most ill lieeu. . r - a s . Read each Item carefully and remember the Pggf, sfanrf good for the whole wttk I. Shirtwaists Any iay of this week you can buy a $1.00 Shirtwaist for - ?68c This la offer fo,4r don't forget It. 4. Petticoats Regular $1.25 Rammer PettlcoeU with acsordioa plaited suBles spec ial : . i . ' . ' 98C " 7. Crash Skirls Tueked gores with flounce trim med In braid, been selling fast , at $1.25, reduced to 10. Pongee Silk 20 Inches atfd 23 Inches wide,' reg ular $1.00 and $1.25 value. Special 89c 13: Linen Tussar h lace In , reducet $1.65 Tucked with lace Insertion stripes worm JZm, reauceu 16 SB TcctetTLawn The proper thing for waists and trimming these warm day., $J .50 quality, special, yard ,-. $1.05 2. Knit llndervests Ladles' white lisle thread vests, exceptionally good values at S5o, sale price, each 21C Offer No. 2. You should know more about It. 5. Knit Undervests A Vest which we think a special value at 18c, will be sold for, each lie 8. Dimities Beautiful patterns, dainty cloths, worth 15c aud ISe, yard, special this week , . . T lie7 11. figured Taffeta we have e sold thlr 35c Jt Tfu Vind we. have been selling for 68c will be sold thlrweek for 14. Linen Tissue Tucks and lace Insertion beautify this dainty fabric to the extreme. t50 quality, "pedal , $i.ra 17. Polkaaot Tussar That very sheer fabric with silk polkadots, worth $10, special $1.05 3. Korso Tlie new unrtervest- at.d cm- eover cmiblnel. s ianiaiuren ant It to be sold for 75v our prir; each -. ; -1 - ' . r42c Offer No. 3. Don't frg it 6. Hosiery. . ' dood 'quality drop stltdi Ma j hose, would be cheap at'JK', specif 9. Pongee Silk ' 1 52 Inche wide, both plain an.) fancy, exceedingly good for many purposes. . , - 65c 12. Linen tucliino High grade linen tucking f- shirt waisu and trimmings. $1JX quality, special . 15. Tucked Chiffon With cord Insfftl' in rcrv dellfa'1 for walsU and trimming, t--f'v quality - : " $1.T8 3 10. Linen Tisst: Silk embroidered f2.rf quality for $1.&8, and a special 12.2-5 juiity fr ell AO. 1. Coys' Clotliino LONDON". June 2S. King Edward and .Queen--Alexandra gave a grand dinner party tonight, at Buckingham rlae to aerentv riyal reraona.se i world. The list of their majesties' who practically represented "the. sov- Jfruests was headed by the Czarowlca of erlgns of all the monarchies cf :Le I Russia. ? Our enUre itock of Boys' HnlU, comprising, all th pit newsammerstvlea for boys from S to 16 years, will be sold this week at ; Gig Reactions Pntfiinn Siiits P '' 1 20. Boys' f urnlsliinos ' iSuch as Swcatett, IltU. Underwear, Bhlrts, Wait-, etc The best line" of styles in all rJalem, at Great Reactions .J Flannel SulS'i?&