OREGON "STATESMAN. nUDAT, JUMjc aao2. IN CASCADE MOUNTAINS Sept S.'B. Ornisby, of the Forest Reserves, Returns - 'Home A ITER COMPLETING A ! TIMBER ' SALE FOR THE GOVERNMENT . BANGERS i APPOINTED AND " SENT TO ;T11E FORREST: FOR THEIR SUMMER'S WORK. -' I (From Wednesday's Dairy.) Capt, S- B. Ormsby. superintendent of the CaspadeForest Reserve., has re turned from a weeK trip to -the east ; side of the RePv; Dai; Dufur' where - he measured a quantity of timber for 1 the, Dnfur Lumber Company -bongrhk - by- that company -from the Government. He report grain in the, sect lorf'of the 'country surrounding The Dalles In .ex cellent Condition ah& promising . , enormous crop. ' -. j , , e : .an Supervisors W.;H Hi DHifur for the north half, of the Reserve, and S. C. Bart rum. of Roseburg, for the south "half, have been appointed, the. Depart ment having- decided, to have only two ; in ithe past. A number of forest grangers have! been appointed, and some of tnem are now on. amy in cne reserve. and others will probably be named In the course or tne- next Tew - davs or weeks. The rangers are placed on the pay roll at $60 per month, and they furnish their 'own supplies, food, tools, - horses, etc i Those Already appointed In the two divisions are: r Northern Division. David A. Carter, of Argenrtl. Wm .TH. Nah, Ale. I . I Chas-. F. Elgin, Rosedale. . - Milton D. Markham. Forest Grovel Arthur B. Lacy. Rlckrealh . John L. Dimlck,'Mt. Hood., " Oliver L, Paquet, Wam(c, : , . ' Wm. MungerWamlc , '. . . : Poseph IL Prout, Dufur. John- K. Remecal, Dufur. Wm. C. WalkerDufur. Southern Division. Samuel -Rj Thurston. Eugene. Robert J.. Watson, Oak Creek. Addison 8. Ireland, Olalla. . Charles J. jVan Zlle, Roseburg. Robert W., Veatch, Cottage Grove. James C. McCully," Jacksonville.; tHenry Ireland, Jacksonville. . Frank L. Kent, Drain. i- FOR NAVAL CADETS .... EXAMINATION Y OF CANDIDATES , FOR APPOINTMENT TO AN NAPOLIS TO liE HELD.' r "tFrom ! Wednesday's ;Daily.) Only young -men "of sound bodies can 6e admitted to "the United. States mil itary and naval academics. For this reason , It has been thought advisable by the Hon. Thos. It. Tongue to hold a second preliminary examination for naval cadets. The examination will occur at Salem, Or. The mental ex amination will be conducted -June 26th' y. Prof.. W. C. Hawley. and the physi cal txaminatlon by Dr. J.A. Richard ttfin, June 27th. Candidates will be examined in reading", writing, spelling, arithmettic. geography, ; ' grammar, United Spates History, mlgebra through sraduats. f-and plane geometry (five books). Candidates1 are advised to sub mil thems4ves to aloca! physician be fore coming to Salem; as only men of sound bodiew. robust and j well formed, lxtween tle ages of 1 15 and 20 years and residents of the First Congres sional District. are eligible. One cadet and flre alternates are. to be appointed by Mr. Torigu." v . THE NYE WILL PROBATED . t :'. - .-, - THE ESTATE -LEFT 'TD THE DI ' ECT- HEIRS EXECUTRIX IS " APPOINTED. ' :': - (From Wednesday's Dally. The last will and testament of J. S. .-.Nye,, who died In Marion county on or bout April 20, 1902, was yesterday filed and admitted to probate in the- Mari on county probate court and upon the petition of Mary. E. Jye shev.w1as- ap- ' pointed executrix of the estate upon her filing her bond In the sum of $2000. The-estate,' which consists of both: real -And personal property, and la valued atj 11700. according to the terms of the : will. Is to be divided among the fallow ing named heirs of law of the deceased: Mary M. Carey. Ri P. Nye, J. M. Nye Belle F. Penland. B. F. Nye, G. A. Nye, Elsie Klghtlinger. Alice Poyser; Maud Webster, Belle Fitzgerald. Wm. T. Mc Donald and Mary E. Nye. W NEWS NOTES FR0P1 SHAW UUILDINQ -THE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AT THAT PLACE IS I PROGRESSING. ' (From Wednesday's Dairy.) isiIAW. June 18. The public .'school III give ! an "entertalnmenC . Friday evening, a( the Mi E. church. Every one Is invited, and good Mime : is promised. , ' Mrs. J. M. Stewart, of Portlands ar rired here Saturday to visit her moCfr er, Mrs.! J. C. Overson and her sister, Mrs., o. E. Lewis. A number of carperrters are busj building the new Catholic church ; In this place. Mrs. G.' o: McGHvray Is on the sick list -this week, though not in a danger ous condition. ; Wilson Darby, of Salem, came out on Saturday for ' visit, returning home Sunday after noon. r 11. A. Keene Is on the sick list; he is suffering with the mumps. VISITED EASTERN STAR DALLAS !- MASONS AND THEIR WIVES ATTENDED CHEDW1CK CHAPTER LAST NIGHT. ' ; , (From Wednesday Dally.) A large tarty of ladles and gentle? men of Dallas, members ot the. Eastern Star, drove to this city last evening tc pay a fraternal , visit to Chad wick Chapter No, 37. of Salem, and enjoy the nospttaiity of the Salem, sisters and brethren.- The meeting In the Masonic hall was well attained : by the Salem members, and an enjoyable evening was spent. .; -.' At a late hour the visitors deoarted for their homes, driving Over the hills to Dallas in the bright moomllgt. Mrs. AIHe Townsend. of Dallas, the Worthy Matron of the Grand Chapter of Ore gon. O'. E. S-. was with the party, and among the company were the follow ing:, 'M i;-. Mr. and Mrs, Charles F. Belt, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Grant. Mr." and Mrs- Walter Williams. Mr. and Mrs. A. ' Mulr.'Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bid die. Mr. and Mrs. J.: N. Hart. Mr. and -Mrs. E. J. Bryan. Mrs.'R. I. Chapman, Mr. R. B. Williams. Miss Reddle Campbell Miss rAina oimonion. .- KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS DISTRICT CONVENTION WILL BE HELD IN SALEM ON NEXT - SATURDAY. ' . (From Wednesday's Dally.) , The Knights of Pythias of Salem will. on next Saturday, entertain the mem oers: or -the lodges In ; nearby towns, composing, the fifth district, when the disftict , convention of ; the order will be held here, and an excellent program has been prepared I for the j occasion. There will be two sessions during the day one beginning at 2:30 p. -m.. the other at 7:30. the latter to be followed by a sumptuous banquet. The program for the day's entertainment and busi ness is as follows; ' .Afternoon 2:30. ; Calling convention to order. L. R. Stinsori, G. K. R. 6. Address of Welcom, F. T. Wright- man, .Grand Tribune; if . Response -No. 7, L. M- Curl, G. M. A-i,No. 11, J. Fred Yates: No. 35. Geo. Cusslter;; No. 36, A.- G.- Prill; No. 45, David Calbreath; No. 66, G. B. Dimlek; No. 67, C. M. Crittenden. , Address, J. H. Aitkin. Grand Chan cellor. . : ,.. i - - " : : Exemplification of Unwritten Work, Turner Oliver, Si R i Pythianism Past, :W.; L. Bradshaw, p. a c. . . . ;n .v;" . Pythianism Future, , J. P, Kennedy, P. G. O. , Evening '7s3p. Opening of Central Lodge . No. 18, C. W. Townsend, C. C. ; ; : . -, Rank pf PageiCentrai Lodge, Select ed Officers. ; , f -" Rank of Esquire Central Lodge, Se lected officers. Sr :'' . Rank of Knight Competing Lodges. Completion of Rank of Knight, Se lected Officers. i.. .v Awarding" Prizes, by Judges. Closing Lodge. Refreshments, j THE WORKMEN OFFICERS ELECTED LODGE BY THE! SUPREME AT YESTERDAY'S SESSION. (From Wednesday's Dally.) PORTLAND. June 17. The SuprcmeJ Lodge, A. O. U. W., today elected the following officers; 7 i Webb McNall, ' Kansas,' Supreme Master. ' . ,....- C. ,R. Matson, Illinois, Supreme Foreman. ' ;: '. : 1,:. ! W, , H. Miller, Miesaurl, Supreme Overseer.' M. W. Sackett, Pennsylvania, Su preme Recorder. J. J. Acker, New York, Supreme Receiver. ' ' . - ", K. C. Merrill, New Hampshire, Su preme, Guide. , B B. Ritchie, Manitoba. Supreme Watchman . Tr. D. H. Shields, Missouri, Su preme Medical Examiner. The per capita tax Cor the Supreme Lodge purposes ' was reduced from 20 cents to 18 cents. The Supreme Lodge today decided that the UnKed. States IsKin a condition of war. . The by-laws or the Order provide that no -soldier can loin while the Nation Is at war. The questfon arose In Kansas, whether 'or riot the United States is at war. The Grand Master of that state held that the ; Nation wss not at warj and admit ted several soldier to membership. An appeal was taken to the Supreme Lodge, 'and this afternoon that body "reversed the Kansas Grand Lodge, holding that in the language of the Secretary of War, the United Stsrtes Is nw inj a condition of war, and that soldiers cannot be admitted to mem bership. ' i WOODMEN AT W00DBURN DISTRICT CONVENTION MEETS IN ; TITAT CITY TODAY WOMEN .' f ' OF WOODCRAFT .r:i:l;rf---: i : '' vv (From Wednesday's Daily;) The district conventions of the Wood men of the World and the Women of Woodcraft will be held "at Woodburn today, when delegates." will be chosen to repreKmt the members pf the orders In this section. In the Head Camp ana Grand Circle respectively. A number 5f the delegates from this city leave for foodburn this morning" to attend the sessions. The delegates , from Salem Camp No. 118. Woodmen of .the World; favor Wylie A. Moores for delegate to the . Head Cam-?, and the representa tives of Silver Bell Circle. Women of Woodcraft favor Mrs. R. H. Leabo for representative to - thev Grand Circle. Woodburn has .made extensive prepara tions to; receive the delegates, and all visitors will be royallr entertained by the hospitable - choppers at French Prairie. - - a"' i .iiiii 'in i ii i 1 ' -S- DEEDS RECORDED. Five real estate transfers were filed for record with 1 the county recorder yesterday, the considerations of which aggregated 82275,-as follows: Philip Meier to "Joseph and Isa bella. Brombenrer "one acre in section 11." t s, r 1 w; w.d-.J J. L. Freeland to Gideon Sher- . wood. 32 feet off south side lot t block 44. of Salem, w. d.. ; G . W. Watt and wife to Walter T. Jenks. lot . block 2, Watt's ad dition to Salem, w.'d, . .'. . .. Geoi W. Watt and wife to Minnie El Gile, lot 8. block 2. of Wal fs ( addition to Salens, w. d.l .. peo. H Beebe. and wife ,to Geo. M. Fry, 51 acres' In John W. Grim and wife d. L c,-t 4 . r I w, q. c d.. ., ;, .. ... 850 COO 276 75 Total. . .1:275 THE WEATHER AND CROPS Weekly Bulletin Issued for the Week Just v .Closed BT THE OREGON SECTION OF THE WEATHER BUREAU GRAIN IS ; PROMISING BIG YIELDS, WHILE THE HOPS ARE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. ' ". i (From Wednesday's Daily.) . The weekly weather and crou bulle-i tin issued by the Oregon Section of the Weather Bureau for the week ending Monday evening, June 16th. The bulle tin shows all crops to be in excellent condition And especially are nops grow ing nicely.- The general . summary, of the crop situation Is as follows: The weather during the past week was dry, and -ery favorable for the growing crops. The maximum, or day temperatures in Western Oregon rang ed between 66 degrees and 76 degrees, and ' the minimum, or night tempera tures between 42 and 63 degrees. : In Eastern Oregon the maximum tempera tures ranged between 60 and 2 degrees and the minimum temperatures be tween 38 and 62 degrees. The days were' moderately mild, but th nights were rather top cool for" the rapid ad vancement of, corn and gardens. Wheat,' oats and barley are heading under very- favorable weather condi tions and there is hardly any doubt but the wheat crpi this year will- be a good as last year's crop, notwithstand ing the damaging freeze, in January. . Haying is ' now well started In the Western portions of the state, . and a good first cutting of alfalfa Is being housed in excellent condition. , For some unexplained reason, vthe crop of timothy is not as heavy as usual, but Clover ha will amount to, more than an average prop. Range grass continues good and stock Is generally fat. - Sheep shearing is practically done and" the late reports indicate that" the clip will be -above the -average In quantity and about the average in quality. Hops are doing, splendidly and no complaints are made, of lice. It has been too cold for' corn, but the plant is thrifty and Its cultRatlon I. general. Potatoes and gardens are backward, but otherwise promising. Fruit contin ues dropping in -. many sections, and cherries will probably not amount to more than half a cron. . Strawberries are plentiful and the indications' point to good crops of blackberries and rasp . berries. . . ' . , - Cosst- District. - ( Bay City, Tillamook county, Capt. J J. Dawson. Owing to te amount of dry weather we have had this weeK, a large amount of farm work was done; tide-land hay and some clover is being cut; greert- gooseberries, radices, and sea I lions are in market ; there ia a large crop of ripe salmon berties plums and cherries are set, and show about half a crop. '.' ,; - :. vf; ' -,.. -: Myrtle Point, Coos county, L- Strong. First part of week warm., latter part- cooler with north westi winds and no rains. Grass and gardens growing very fast: some barley yet to be sown on low landst barley Is nom times sown as late as July -4tl". and makes a crop, Milk Increaslng-at creameries. ' Roadw are getting good." Fruit prospects good. No late frosts here. Willamette Valley. Rosedale, Marion county, R. J. Spen cer. The I weather has been fine throughout the week. : All. crops .have been benenttedthy continued sunshine, Late grafn shows imarked Improvement. Corn Is making a thrifty start" and cul tivation has commenced. Strawberries are ripening; Fruit prospects generally good."- . .; -' ' :-. ' ' Albany. Linn county. It. C. Jordan.- his week has been favorable for grow ing crops; . grain Of all kinds looks w ell. Gardens "are .growing rapidly, and strawberries- are ready foe. market. Sheepshearing Is nearly finished. Roads are drying off rapidly. : Wren, Benton county;' G.v A. Rayne. The past week has been generally clear, and cool. Fall-sown gram and grass are growing nicely, but spring grain does not look Very promising and needs rain; the fruit crop will be light, with .the exception of some varieties of ber ries. -.. .. .. y -" -; . c ; Columbia River Valley, j Durfur. Wasco county; Alex Strachan the past week has been favorable fpr the crops. VConsiderable wind f rom thfe east, but not warm' enough to hurt grain. Fall barley ready to cut foirhay; wheat all heading. Prospects are good for ah excellent yield, of all kinds of farm products. . - ; Hood ; River, Wasco county. R. E. Harblsonj-Clover suttlng is in pro gress and the crop is Very heavy: much of is lodged., Winter grain looks .well and "will, make a full crop. Strawberry growers are enjoying an excellent sea son. Estimates oh the apple crop are nojt easily made now, but a good aver age crop Is quite certain. Adams. Umatilla county, C. S. Fergu son. Weather fine for., crops of all kinds and they are doing well. Barley hading out, some"" has been cut for hay; wheat heading tine, very tall in places and weeds bad. Gardens -K doing well, but backward. , Potatoes' doing fine. ' ;' ' . '.-A - vf.Vr.; -Southern Orsgon. ' Buncom, Jackson county, J. Parks. Weather good for haying; farmers are cutting alfalfa; jthe crop Is above the average and Is coming into barns in fine gondition ; gardens - extra good ; wheat Is; gop. but will r.ot be cut for some time; "frost the 14th, but itot heavy enough to do any damage. j 'Rice. Mill. Douglas county. L. IL Ca laine. Continued fair and cool weather. The ground is getting jjulte dry., Grass has a .good color and Is growing fairly well; haying has commenced; pasture Is beginning to dry up on some of the hills; there Is some complaint of Ital ian prunes falling off, also varieties of apples: pears are not good. . Wildervllle. Josephine county, J. M. Hoxle,--Cleaf and warm all .the week; haying progressing nicely.. Com and other crops making fine growth: quite a frost on thJ4th, but no damage done.: Ranged In this section extra good; fruit needs thinning very badly; no reports of rust as yet. X':'- Plateau Region,' - ( Island City. Union county. J- M. Mc Call. Early fall wheat beginning to nead; sugar beets' nearly all thinned out, they have made a splendid growth. The-aprle crop promises to be a full one; only about half of a cherry crop will mature; late potatoes coming up. We have-bad some west winds. A nice rain would .do much good. Weather ciear ana warm.: i ; Arcadia, Malheur trmntT. B. W. I raybiU. Fine :,w-eathe?. ' Everything! Graybill. growing njcely. Started to cut alfalfa I on Manday the 9th. crop good; a full fruit crop in sight. . x FOR SCHOOL LIBRARY THE ENTERTAINMENT AT THE ' . OPERA 1COUSE A SUCCESS A COMMENCEMENT. ' ' 1 - a ; (From Wednesday's Daily.) The entertainment at the New Grand Opera House, last night, given by the teachers, pupils and patrons of the Lin coln school, for the benefit of the school library, was a: complete success; there was a goodly attendance, an excellent program, the ; audienceijpprecia.tlve; and the management satisfied. The stage, had been beautifully and taste fully decorated with a wealth of roses and other sflowers and these, with the pretty costumes of the actors children an j grown people made a beautitul picture.t The entire program was' beau tifully rendered, and much enjoyed. The receipts w'ill go far toward Improv ing the library of Lincoln school for the benefit of the pupils. The program was:- . Music Orchestra.' Song "Grander Than' All the Ban ners of, the World," by School. Exercise "Over in the Meadow." Song "The Morgan Family." Ribbon Drill By sixteen girls. Orchestra. Exercise "The Worm and Butterfly." Recitation Bessie Buckingham. Piano Solo Blanche Brown. , The Brownies' School. Orchestra. . ;. Exercise "In the Time, of Roses." Solo "Please Give Me a Penny." -Farce "Ye Deestrick Skule." The commencement exercises of the Northw;est Normal College, at the First Baptist church, last nfght, were well attended, and an Interesting program- was rendered- The address of the evening; by .President Boardman, of McMlnnville College, was a master piece, and rnuch enjoyed by. all. Presi dent A. J. Garland, of the college pre sented the diplomas to the class. Fol lowing is the class roll; r y Commercial Course B.'W. Snyder, F, E. Ellis, C. J. Carlton, Jasper W. Lon gor.j - .- . -. ": ' ; . . . .. English Course Miss Cora Talking ton. C. A. Lew is. Classical Course J. W. Mott, T. II. Laufman,: Paul G. Stahl. . The lawn social, given by the Catholic ladies on the lawn at St. Joseph's hall. last night, drew, a large prow-d: of the members and friends, arid one of the .most enjoyable evenings of the season was spent by those pressnt. - The Cheiriawa Indian Bad was present and on the beautifully arranged and decorated lawn delicate seasonable re freshments were serv-ed, while the younger members of the party indulged in social games. - The parishioners of the Chemeketa Street Evangelirsal church ahd the resi dents of Rast Salem last evening gave a reception, at the residence- of Isaah Shenefleld. to Rev. T. R. Horhschuch, the jiew pastor of that-church. Rev. C F, Royal delivered a rlef address of welcome which was responded to jn a few appropriate words by Rev.' llorns--huch and -the 'entire company was served with light fend delicious refresh ments, Indulging In merry conversation the while, and the evening was very pleasantly passed.: . H; . WOODMEN -IN SESSION DISTRICT . CONVENTIONS E LECT- EDTHE5 DELEGATES TO THE HEAD' CAMPS YESTRDAY. (Frm Thursday's Dally.) . ; : WOODBUliN. June 18. The annual district convention of the Woolmen of the World and Women of Woodcraft were In' Wsslon In this wlty today to elect delegates to the Head Camp. Over 300 delegates' were in attendance. Elaborate arrangements iad been made and the guests were received In fitting style,;' All business bouses wet e appropriately decorated, and on Frcnt street two beautiful arches of wtelcome were erected. -Nothing was left un done for the comfort and entertain ment of the"ivJsitors. v' At 10:30 the psxa3e w.as formed,, and headed by the Chemawa Indian Band and French Prairie Camp, proceeded to the- Masonic halU -The . procession was three blocks long. At the hall. Chairman' O, D. Henderson called the delegates to order, afld a neat address of welcome was delivered by Mayor Tomlinson, the response being made by Head Manager W. C. Hawley. of Salem. The Women of Woodcraft or ganised permanently by electing. Mrs. Randall, of Oregon Circle, Alblna.'-pres-Ident; Mrs. V. Ortsfleld, Astoria Cirtle, clerk; -Mrs. Spencer, Portland, attend ant; Mrs. Williams, ; Inner v, sentinel; Mrs. Worthtngton. Ob wjgo. outer s. n tinel. The delegates to: the -Grand Cir cle from the Woman of Woodcraft are: Mrs. M. Lawrence, Portland; Mrs. W Ortschlld, Portland; Mrs.- bewail, McMlnnville; Mrs. Kate 'Orton, Port-? land. Alternatlveyi Mrs. Morrow, - I'ort land; Mrs. ILyd ia Leabo, Salem; Mrs, Sadie Toose1, Woodburn; Mrs. Spencer, Portland; Mrs. Gaines, Dallas. Wylie A- Moores, clerk of Sidem Camp No. 118, Woodmen of the World, was .elected a delegate to the Ilvad Camp. t - . i '' Following the adpurnment of the two conventions, a ban'juct was tendered the delegates; tonight, after which all enjoyed; a grand balL .: . ." ' Even a" Stoie Groans under the torment of neuralgia, when every nerve Ip face' or limb throbs arid Jumps. Philosophy cannot endure tnis agony but Perry Davis' Palnk.uer re lieves iU Bathe the affected parts free ly, kc 9 them warm and do not -ex pose yourself to cold and dampness. Medical science , marches right along, but It has not " found the equal of Painkiller in the treatment of neuralgia BOERS WANT AID: LONDON. June 18- In a dlpatcb from Brussels, the correspondent of the Daily Express says Mr. Belts, former State Secretary of the Transvaal, and General Lucas Meyer purpose making a tour of the United States to collect money for poor Boer families. New Today The Statesman Pub. Co. has on hand I several hundred copier of the OREGON CONSTITUTION. The price Is JO cents each as long as they last. WANTED Eggs and country: butter; pay highest market, price cash. Sa lem Creamery Co 325 Commercial street. - - " ASSAYER. WE PO : A GENERAL assay, business. Prices- resonable. - and satisfaction guaranteed. ; L. M. Ormsby.. 134 Court street. . next to Rodgers book -bindery. : - REPORT C-RDS-Our school report cards aie printedto fit the ac-hool register. The prices are: Twelve cards for 1ft cents; twenty-five for . 20 cents; one hundred -'for' ;75 cetM. Statesman- Publishing - Co., Salem. : Ore.. , -T s ' MONEY, TO LOAN ON IMPROVED farms and city ropertjf at 4 per pent . per annum; no commission. Please call on or address! Eugene Breyman. Remember the place, 270 Commer cial street, one door north of States- rnan office. ; - ;. NOW Is a good time to bring in yous machinery a ad hs.ye your repair ing all done. Castings, iron and brass, furnished on short notice. , One boilet and 4-horse engine complete for- sale cheap, ' E. M. K1GHTLINGER. Phone 2933. 208 IJberty St. STRAYED FROM SALEM One- dark bay or brown mare; eight or -nine years old; weight about one. thous and.: . small white spot ; in forehead: plates on one front and ' both hind feet; slight collar marks: . foretop elippedxshort, stubny tall; high spir it ad, but very gentle; fine buggy ani mal; last seen Friday evening, the 6th, at dark, ten miles northeast of Salenvt traveling fast. Take upand address any information to J. De combe, Salem, Or. Flnde will be amply rewarded. V . PAINTING. CARRIAGE AND BUGGY PAINTING r-We do llrst-ciass work at reasona- -; 'ble prices. . ' Frank Dlmick. over Pohle A Bishop's shop, corner Liberty and Ferry streets. Y OSTEOPATHY. DR. M. T. SCHOETTLE. GRADUATE , pf ArneriCan School of Osteopathy. Kirksville, Mo. Office in Tioga block. over the pa.; Office hours from 8:30 to 11:30 and 1 to 4 OSTEOPATHY DRS. W YCKOFF & ALBRIGHT Twenty month gradu ates of the American Scholl of OSteo- pathy and A. T. Still Infirmary. Dr, Nwyckoff is the only gentleman grad ' uate of osteopathy in Salem. Prac tice eV'-ablished in Salem "since 1S9P Hours 9 to 4. Phone Main 2721. Odd Fellows Temple.v , ABSTRACTORS OF TITLE. ESTABLISHED IN !. OUiy com plete ot abstract books In Marion county, Oregon. Concerning - titles .rpnstilfi osv ;t &iicm Abstract an Iind 'Co., Salem, Oregon. F. V ' Waters. Secretary : and Manager. IXQAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO WITH - Tin 1 ir , tvcftii WfL. nrnnciT BY THE r LION FIRE INSUR- ANCE. COMPANY. LIMITED. , To Whom It May Concern i f In accordance with the requirements of the laws " of the State of Oregon, relative to insurance companies, notice is hereby given that the LION. FIHE INSURANCE COMPANY, IJM1TEU, of London, England, desiring to efcase doing business - within the s-State of Oregon, intends to withdraw its depos its' with the Treasurer pf said; State and wilL If no--cIalm against -said Company shall be filed with the Insur- fance Commissioner; within : six months from the 24th day of January, 1902, the same being the date of the first publi cation of this . notice, withdraw " Its deposit from the State Treasurer,; LION FI ItEj 1 NS U RA NCE CO ; LTD. - . A By Wm. Landers, Manager for the Pacific Coast, Dated at San Francisco, this 6lh day of Jan. 1902. v ) . l:25-6mo. NOTICE OF: INTENTION TO.W1TH- DRAW.i INSURANCE DKliOSIT i . BY . .TItE - UNITED STATES . L FIRE INSURANCE CO. To Whom It May Concern: In, accordance ; with the requlremerfls pf the laws, of .the State of Oregon, relative to .insurance compariles.no tice Is hereby given that the UNITED STATES FlltE INSURANCE COMPA NY, of New York, New York, desiring to cease doing busineae within the State of Oregon. Intends to withdraw its deposit with the Treasurer of said Slate and:will. it no claim against raid Company shall be filed with the Insur ance 'Coramisslorier- wfthin six months from' the 21st day of February, li02. the same being the date of- the first publication of this notice, withdraw its deposit from the State Treasurer. UNITED STATES FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY. . By W. W, UNDERHILU j President. '. Dated at New York, this 7th day o February, mi ; -? 2:21- m NOTICE OF SETTI.KME.N'T OKFIN . AL ACCOUNT; In the County Court, of thy State 'of Oregon, for Marion County; in the . matter of the estate of Peter Mauer. . deceased ' Notice of.ettlemtnt of final account. . w ; Notice is hereby given that- Ll"le Mauer. the administratrix of the estate of Peter Mauer, deceased, has; filed In the ofilce of the cterk of saM Csrt, her final renort and account ai "-h ad- mlirtstratrix. and the said Court haf ordered that the'- id report and ac count and objections, if any. thereto, be hrd and d. termined in said Court oh Tuesd-ay. the 24th day of June, 190S at the hour of 10 o'clock ia ttjte fore noon ot said day. m Dated this 17rh day of Msy. 1W2. ; CARSON. & ADAMS. ;! Attorneys for Administratrix. . J3 Zb S3 X- o rri.-jc SWf Ue' sftetettzi Ha a!rt 8Jlll STY DH.C. GEE V.iX Wondsrfu! Horn Treatmtnt, TLls wonderful OM; nra doctor I csii'-d" great bcan "" cures people without operation that. gives up . ' 1 caret wtttt thoM : wyn.lerful ,Cltee herbs, roots. b1v bark sod veKetablei,. 1 .that are entirely m- kbowa to tneuical of nee in this cnry. Through the use of tbese harwlnt rene dies. this famous doctor knows he s tioa of over y different rt-mevlies wUlch h ucoessfully uul Jn different d.iteasea. He guaranteea to est catarrh, anlhni. husk, throat. . rheoirtattton. nryuwr. nxnnrft. liver, kidney, bladder. fettval trouble, Uwt manhood, all private ul -e-aeji; has- hundreds of teaUmonials. ,. Cbarr" moderate.-. ' '- Call and hlsi.Coultatln free. Pa tients out of the city write for blank and ctrcsUr. Kudos stamp. Addre The C Gee Wo ChineiMi MMuHSe Co., 132H TMrA &trU -Tor U and. Oregoo Mentloa ttU Pw. A - v -- , - In Every Print Shop There Is The Devi! to d besides him. we have to pay a force pf over 40 inen, who are : emplpyed In the several depart ments of our establishment In prlatiug of various kinds. Every thing printed here, from a csU- , Ids card to a newspaper. aWJU' you become one of our patrons and help to promote bpme manu facturing? 7 STATESMAN JOB Phone OFFICE Mala 2041 SAVE TIME by having castings made right bar. Foundry, newly equipped for work, l either iron pr brass. OUR WOUK SUITS. :. ' , ' -- . '' For sale S horse power Sprague elec tric motor. . . - SAtEM IRON WORKS . (JAMES GILL: Lessee). JOHN STOUT Manufacturer of " Lamber, Sasb, Dcorsv Blinds,. Mouldlqgs, tic. Fine mantles and grates, grill work, show. coses and office fixtures, s spe cialty. . Woven slat fruit trays ". ... ; Southwest corner Church and 1114 streets. 4letn. Or. TUnhone IT41 TO IMIRYMfiN... PAGE SILO HOOP FOR HALE BY . ' . Walter M or ley, - : Halem I-ViM- Workii, 51) Klate 81. Hulent Wo carry Chi ne?o Drugs tux! Mtnliciiif V,AH kinds of toots unl herbs: (load f r blood .. am! nil kiuds of bickness. YICK SO TON G CO., 127 8tate 81 reel, . Halctii, Oregon Burr's German Salve Haals quickly all cuts or brMisaa, draws soreness out of lams back, mr4 draws stivers out of flsih which often break off-toe short to pull. 'Sticks like sticking plaster. -Try- It, mt you will nttver ba without. B mall Z5-tents. 0 Lfil BARR , No. 120 State St.. Salem, Or. CHINESE I carry all kinds of Chinese drugs and medicines. Roots and herb's natiJreH medicine. -Good for all kinds of lU-it- Aess. Cures , opium habit. Gxid for the blood and kidneys. no if it ht rtnu 21 Liberty 8treet, . j 8altm, Oregon FJ rework's ana Flags THEVKRIETY STORE Annora M. Welch, Prop. 04 court Hops Hops Hops If yoo are Interested in bop news and prices, it wlil pay yon to get the' reports pf the , . , N. Y. OOP KEPORTI.Na CO i , . S3 WLltehall St. x . New York, City. EMMET WELLS. Gen. Manager. ( NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. To ill whom it may concern;. ; You are hcrepy notified that 'Jacob Staeffer, as adminlitrator of Ihe'tntaie of I'eter "CJerlg d?eead. lias n)d hi final account withsai.l enlate in tlw County Court1 of the;ounty; of Marion and Stat; of Oregon, Nsn-I .said Court.' by an ord-r duly mak'1and ent'rre'l of record therein, on the 221 day' of May, IMi. t the houf tf 10 o'cJock' a, . m. on Monday. The 2lf dy of Jun; Mi, in the Omnty .'Court. ';tou?"c. -S.-s-Jem." Slarion ' Count y, Orrn. a th" time alJ d place for. the fnal h aWng tf m! 4 .account and the s'-lileiii-.-nt' there of. --- -: - - . JACOB 8TAUKFKU. Administrator of the esla-.ju of Ivur OTlg, deceased. f - x ' Dated thlsryi.day oriray, 1D02. Pay Drug irt