onnac:; :at ::ia::. rr.iDAr. "ji::;e 13. 3: VILLii.lBTTE UNIVERSITY i t i the Board of Trustees Held a Most Important I PRESIDENT j7 H, COLEMAN.'AND VICE-PRESIDENT W. C. HAWLET RE-ELECTED ALL ' RETTRJNQ MEMBERS OP THE BOARD ARE TO SUCCEED THEMSELVES. . (From Wednesday's Statesman.) j um.u. yi. u uBicn 01 me -Willamette University held a meeting yes terday afternoon. , AU members were present and , a very .Interesting meet ing was the result. Several commit' tees were appointed including commit tees on degree, reports, faculty,, and nomination, ': ' The- cnly committee to 'make a report was the committee, on faculty recommending the re-election of President J. H. Coleman.' arid Prof. MT. C. Hawley, .dean of the college of yberal arts and y lee president, and tbel further . consideration of the other . members of the facullyt was1 postpon ed until 2 oclock today. I This was followed by a. general' dis cuseipn of the financial condition of the institution.! - All retiring members of the 'board of trustees were re-elected and the board adjourned until 2 o'clock p. rV today when the business will be concluded, i " i-.V q--',-. i" '"'i The inauguration of the : president of the University, Rev. John iH. Coleman. D. ., . will j take place In the chapel of the Willamette University . at 10:30 a. m. today when the following program will be rendered: i Violin Duet "Symphony de Concert, Doncla, Lillie Stege and Ada Williams. Occasional Address Bishop Earl Cran ston. ."" j ; ' . .-. -n- . - Response President Coleman. " ' . Vocal Solo "1 1 Divine Redeemer," Ounod, Miss Emma L. Purvine. Brief Addresses of WelcomeFor the trustees. Gen. W. H- Odell: for r the "faculty. Prof. W. C. Hawley; for the Alumni. Mr.? John W. Reynolds, '95. 1 "Peggy,"; JMeldllnger, Migon Ladies Quartet. ; . . Graduating Exercises. The Willamette University graduat ing exercises ats the First M. E, qhurclt last evening was witnessed by a very, large and highly interested audience "and they proved to be well selected, arranged and excellently performed. The platform was beautifully and pro fusely aecoratea .with' the .choicest of cut flowers, of various colors and shades, potted plants, palms, etc while suspended behind and overhead was the class, motto. "Dig," ' formed with pure white4 flowers on a back it ground of ivy and evergreen. ' The Xplatform was occupied hy ' the-... class which was seated in two rows at; the back wKhthe ladies; all costumed in white, gowns of dajnty fabric. In front; ani Dr. J. J. Tarpott. of Portland, who delivered the' annual address - to the class, and Vice President W. C. Haw ley. Tht picture was a most beauti ful and inspiring one to gaseupon. - The program was composed of choice selections from the masters of music and literature and was rendered-in a classical tand most entertaining man ner. DfC"Talbott's address, although Interrupted In the midst through, the pranks of . some' supposed youthful rowdy who shut off the gas and pre cipitated! the audience In sudden and absolute darkness, was" very ably pre pared and (jelivered and was. aulte fre quently Interrupted by applause. The turning off of the gas and then turning It on again after the . lights filled wlth the dense -and suffocating rumesof gas before the , lamps couia be relighted and came very near re- suVUng seriously; as a young lady who was in the gallery was overcome by the gas and It required about one hours treatment by the physicians, who "were , immediately summoned to resuscitate her. . .' . : ' 1 ORDERS m APPEAL CASES MADE BY THE SUPREME COURTU AT YESTERDAY'S SESSION ..c ATTORNEY; ADMITTED. From'' Wednesday's Statesman.) In he; Supreme Cour) ; yesterday! several minor orders were made, j in. cases pow pending on appeal, aa fol lows: .v- j ::jf - . W. Ferguson. ;respo'ndent, vs. O. II Iteiger, appellant; ordered on stipula tion that appellant have until .Julr"lt to serve and file his brief. , R. D. Hume, appellant, vs. ""Jesse Turner, H. ah, respondents; brdered n stipulation that the respondeoU llnu ta oAw-f. fit a 4 H! r Krif he extended to September 1st . . Olevla Kitchen. respondent, vs. W. H. Holmes, appellant; ordered on stip ulation that appellant haire until July J5th to serveand file his irief. : C H. Robertson. appelEant. vs. T T. fleer. Governor, et. al., respondents; ordered -W stipulation that appellant ba.ve , until July - 15th - to serve and , file his reply brief, . -V. . W. Elw Richardson was admitted t practice, as an attorney In the courta of Oregon, on a sotisftictory" ..examina tion. : ) r - ; - DEEDS RECORDED. Flvereal estate transfers .were filed 'or record j esterday the aggregate con sideration ofw-hlch was as fol lows:' , t F .Ray and wife to Oustav ; MiUher. 80 acrea in t 9 s, r Z w. w. d. .-f. JutJO0 John D Htewart and wife to Eliaa -. nd Martha iiareom. 100 acres of ,id in -section 13. t lV r 3 w. w. d. .l..... ...... 1. Johanne S.. and H. O. Hanson, to 'Walter S. Peterson, block 20 of Ames addition to SHverton, w. d H. S. Valkenburgh'4and wife to Fred Arthor, 8 4-5 acres in, sec tion 1, t Ts, r 1 w, w. d....-.. - James Anderson and wife to John " McKay, lot 21 and 22. Tooie's 3600 206 arst addition addition to Woodburn. w. d." .i ...: . ; I . U . .. .. .. . W Total, PEOPLE'S EDITORIALS THE POLITICAL. BATTLE IS OVER AND BOLTERS ARE BEING . DISCUSSED. , (The Statesman Is pleased to print communications upon topics of general Interest at any time. There is scarce ly any limit to the topics ot general interest. It is asked only that corres pondents -refrain .from personalities and use care that nothing be written of a libelous or unworthy or' untruth ful nature.) ... , . (From Wednesday's Statesman,) ' Editor Statesman: ; - The shock Is over. The four hundred and thirteen thousand .people who have patienly waited during the last few days ; now, receive the sad tidings that the . highest office in the state has .fallen Into " Demo erate hands. - Ten thousand-' Republi cans) have cast their f vote with the Democratic party and ushered them forward to victory. Now that the ex citement Is past the Democratic div la left to boast of its victory ana tne ten thousand Republicans whose votes brought success into . the Democratic ranks are left to cooly -consider why they nave acted so, unwisely, a thing which they surely did not do before they entered the polls on June id. and cast their votes for aT)emocraUe Cov ernorof Oregon. Surely had these men taken Into consideration the fact that in casting their votes for Mr. Chamber lain they not only defeated the stand ard bearer of the Republican party but also cast their votes against the. plat forni upon which he was nominated and upon which he stood, they would have acted differently. But' It is use less to grieve over that which we can not help their votes are cast and they can not be recalled. They have taken upon themselves the responsibility for the- defeat of the Republican party and this responsibility they can not cast, off. It would be unwise to get excited and call these men "traitors" as some are apt to do, because such terms should be sparingly: Hised. Better . to mark them as Republicans who can not be relied upon in time of. need and as men who because they can not control the party as they desire, will then turn against it and; bring disaster to the ma jority of the . party because they, did not . suspect them and their - clique. Even though these men" have acted so wrongly yet they a"re Republicans and in time to come some of these men will appear before - the people! asking the support of. the Republican party and then I the time to call on them to ex plain their action in the campaign Just passed. Then is the time to show them that $b Simon-Geier combination has not been forgotten, s jis But now since Mr.4 Chamberlain has been fairly elected to, the office of Gov emor of this great state. It is a matter of duty j-it.hi every Republican that as a loyal, citizen he should lay aside all nolltiea.1 differences and extend to Gov- ernJr,- Chamberlain his most ; hearty support in' the administration of the affairs of the state. J REPUBLICAN. Salem. Oregon, June 10, 1902. THREE FUNERALS TODAY THE "VICTIMS OP THE . MURDER OUS CONVICTS WILL BE LAID " : -' :. TO REST. -"' :" From Wednesday's Statesman. .; The funerals of the three unfortun ate guards who were killed, by Tracy .nd Mertill, ; the murderous convicts. on Monday morning. wll be held today. The remains of B. T. Tiffany will be ouried from the F. B. Southwick res idence.; 12th and Center streets, at 10 a. m.. and 'interment will be had in thte City View cemetery.!; ; I The remains of S. R. ,T. Jones will be taken to Hubbard. whFe the fun eral will -be, held at 11 o'clock this morning, under the auspices of the A. O. U. W. and the Odd Fellows. The remains of Frank B. Ferrell, th shop guard, will be burled from the residence of. the family at No, . 645 State street at 2 p. m. today, under the auspices of the Woodmen of the World and interment will be had at the Rural oemetery. , The members of Salem Camp Noi 118. Woodmen of the .World are called to attend the funeral and It i. nnocieii that nearly all the mem bera will attend. j . v V Woodmen f Attention, t. All members of Salem Camp, No. 118 p J. W. W.. are earnestly requested to meet at the hall at 1 o'clock tomor row (Wednesday) afternoon, to attend the funeral-of our late nelghborJFrank B FeTrell. Funeral. to be from the residence at !l8th and State street. : i ? A. W. M DONALD, vr. a. mtr-rim rrierk." ! consul. COpa i To Exempt Firemen. All exempt firemen of Salem are re auested to attend the funeral of the late? Frank Ferrell. r Wednesday at I .ioUv m at the residence, 5 .i. Bv order of J. H. Haas, president. -. - ' -' ' ; . SUPREME LODGE MEETS PORTLAND AX EXCELLENT , BUSINESS RECORD. PORTLAND. Or J June 10. The 'Su preme Lodge A. O. U. W. for tne igni ted State and Canada convened here today. x , ' c,... The annual reports oi iu " Recorder shows tne ww n'' -v on January 1, " .hi. vear of 162. The total LhMhio is 427.426. Members ad mitted during the year. $ZJ3&i member, suspended and withdrawn, 51.. 2. died. M7lT net inerease for year, MOfi. Amount pad on death losses. J9.47-.2.4. balance on band. PROBATE. COURT. The bond of Mrs. Ada Strong, as ad-. ministratrix of the estate or Amos Strong, deceased, in the sum of 8-0.-000. was filed in and approved by. tn Marion county probate court yesterday, and L. A. Westacott, N. Langr and F. L. Knight were appointed appraiser of the estate.' f .w tnr The petition or Kdiui u " nnr,iTtment as guaraian ot, Derson and property of Orrin C. Brew. sTJr inSnef was Wednd the court seune 21st, at " the dat. and time iw -tions to said appointment. 'H3 "3? - ' - a fc. St " &gutsi ef THE CIRCUIT courts mm George Barker fields Guilty Aiding: Prisoner to Escape . 1 IS SENTENCED TO FIVE YEARS IMPRISONMENT THE FINNEY EAGAN LAND CASE DECIDED BY A JURY FOR THE PLAINTIFF.' '(From Wednesday's Statesman.) ; The first department of the State Cir cuit Court continued in regular session yesterday morning, and one case was tried 'on Its merits anI in full, on criminal case disposed of and sentence imposed, and motions heard in other cases.: ':v , ".. ; ;v :, ' k George Barker, upon whom an In formation Vas filed charging him with having conveyed a saw to the prison ers In the, county jail for , the purpose of -assisting them to escape, was ar raigned, plead guilty to the , charge. waived time and . was sentenced to serve five ; years in the State Peniten tiary. i -X'-:A. -. - :. . . John Daly, also chargd with assist ing another to escape from the county jail, was arraigned and L. K. Adams was appointed as counsel for the de fendant. .' ' '' ; The case of James Finney, plaintiff, vs. W. Hi Egan. defendant, wherein the plaintiff asked for 82 (8100 general damages and $150 speciaLdamages) by reason of the ; defendant's alleged en croachment Upon his premises and for the loss of a crop xf grain, was tried before a Jury Composed of F. P. Whtt lock. N. Lambert, W. B. BrqWn. W. F. Buckner, C. J. At wood, Jesse Macy. O. S. Pomeroy, John Butsch, Jy Bish op, G. W. Vedder, G. Somraers .and W H. Pettitt. This was a case which was introduced in this court several months ago, but was tried In the equity depart ment of the Circuit Court upen motion of the defendant 'and a verdict was rendered, In favor of the plaintiff In this case. The jury) went out about 2 o'clock and remained out for two hours, bring ing in a verdict for the sum of $20. Carson A Adams and . P. H. D'Arcy 1 represented the plaintiff In the cae and W. H. and Webster Holmes the de fendant. . j . Emery Sharp," who was bound' over; from Justice of the peace Johnson'sl court, of Jefferson, upon a charge of rape alleged upon "Miss to have been committed! Birdie Fuller, ' was ; dis- charged : from custody yesterday, Dls J. N. Hart being unable trict Attorney to secure evidence sufficient to caus suit, '. ' ..' I ' . . Mptions in other cases on the docket were hedrd as follows: Mary J. Shaw, plaintiff, vs, J.TEj Ferris, defendant: ejectment; defend-, ant's demurrer to the supplemental answer of plaintiff, . argued and sus-l .talned. r: . ; ' r ;-. : ' ; Studebaker Bros., plaintiff, vs. Joseph Schell, defendant; for money; defend ant's motion for Judgment on Dleadtngs overruled and plaintiff's motion for leave to reply1 sustained. . Plaintiff wak -given leave to file reply during the dayl The motion (of the defendant to strike out parts of the amended complaint in the case of Louise E..C6mbest, plain-f tiff vs. Statesman Pub. Co., "defendant was argued and sustained: This is t case in which the plaintiff seeks to re cover, ihe sum of 85000. in which amoun she alleges her character has beei damaged by (reason of the publicatio: of a certain specified article in the daily and weekly Statesman and the motion! as sustained strikes out all of the ma terial portions of thecorplaint Include ing the second cause of action ! for which the plaintiff demands he sum ot xzuuo. - The defendant In Jhe case -of Ed win A. Jory plaintiff, vs. Josle Jory defendant, yesterday filed a demurrer to the plai n ti fT demand for a decree of divorce, upon the ground- that said complaint dots not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of suit against M. Kaiser. -are the defendant's attor4 neys." '- NOTHING SUCCEEDS i iir ci irrcca The Oregon Fire -Relief Association Han been a success ever since' it began business in January. 1895, and is now growing faster than ever-berore. Its annual report of December 31. 1301, shows a net gain In amount of in surance in force of $2,628,787, which is 50 per cent more than the net gain of any previous year. It paid 135 losse during the year amounting to fzs,suu. It Is strictly a mutual Institution which furnishes the best of ' i Fire Insurance at Cost. For furfhei" particulars, address A. Ci Chandler, aeCretary, McMlnnville, Orj egon, or if yoj reside in Marion countyl call on or address it. A. jonnson. (agent) Salem, Oregon. m CIRCUIT COURT ! I POLK COUNTY CASE HEARD BY JUDGE BURNETT ON A CHARGE OF VENUE. , (From Thursday's Statesman.) The case of Van B. Sears, plaintiff. vs. J. J. Daljy and.Phya Daly, defend- ants; a suit lo recover the sum of 121 and in terestj alleged to be due tb plaintiff on a certain promissory note, was tried before a jury composed of Sommem. S. A. McFadden, J. W. Patel C. S. Hamilton. John Whitney. F. Ft Whltlock. W. F. Buckner. T, Y. Met Clelfan. C. f J. Atwood. M. Lambert. George Morley and Moses McKay, la the first department of the Circuit Court yesterday and-took up the entire forenoon. i s .;. - " , j This Is a jPolk county, case and orf iginated in the justice of the peace court where a verdict was rendered la favor of the plaintiff but the defendant, phya Daly, appealed to theia Circuit Court contettng the case on the grounj that her name was forged to the note. It was tried! before two juries in thJ Polk county Circuit Court but in each stance the jury failed to agree and the case was transferred to the Marion county court upon motion for a change of venue.! The Jury reUred at noon and came in at 6 o'clock last ev ening with a sealed verdicL ' Butler &. Coad, of Dallas, are the attorneys for the plaintiff j and I W. Tv Slater, W. M. Tie' Bitten pasitlveiy care laiHgestios, C$l5paUci. eiSousseu, 1 X - - - - tKHipvnfcM aaai.vU " k tney taSw .. .: ) Malaria. W Trw a hsttlft f aad satisfy yw- fN fcSTOMACHa seX The eu iae sat ear Pri vate SXimp aver tie sedu Kaiser and Tilmon, Ford are the at torneys for the defendant. v ' i A motion for a new trial in the case of-J. W. Henry, plaintiff, vs. Yamhill county, defendant, was argued yester day afternoon by the attorneys in the case, J. J. Spencer, of McMlnnvllle, and G. G. Bingham for the plaintiff ; e?a McCain & Vinton and J. N. B.art. of Dallas, for the defendant. This , suit was originally brought In the Yamhill county court for the sum. of 2US6, salary due on D. C. Sating, who acted as deputy for the plaintiff, while the latter was in office as sheriff of that county from 1S96 to 189S. The case was tried before a Jury in Polk county which, resulted in a verdict for the plaintiff-and today the motion ot the defendant for a new trial, on the grounds that the jury had disregarded the instructions of the court and that the court had erred in the admission of Incompetent testimony, ' was argued and submitted., jr.',-,;" -i-J'..'" 'v i-i"' The nine cases in this court wherein the State of Oregon is plaintiff, and the Hartford Fire Insurance Co - Roval insurance Co., the Pennsylvania Fite Insurance Co., the Law Union & Crown Fire Insurance -Co., the Spring field Fire & Marine Insurance Co., the Fire Association of . Philadelphia, 'the Aetna Insurance Co., the Sun Insur ance Co-, and the Liverpool & London Globe Insurance Co., are the defend ants, and wherein the plaintiff demand ed judgment against each of the depr fendants'for the sum of. 81964 to cover the loss caused by fire to the Statei Reform School on December 18. 1901. was compromised between the parties contending, the State to be paid $9000, and , the cases were dismissed ' John Daley, defendant; charged with having assisted another to escape from the county Jail, was brought Into court, entered a plea of not guilty and -Was admitted to bail In the sum of $500 and "trial set- for 9 o'clock this morning.. In. the case of the State of Oregon, plaintiff, vs. John 1 Daly, et all., de fendants, criminal larceny; dismissed by Ihe district attorney." . t J. M. Wolford & Co., plaintiffs, vs. J. G. Moore, et ux.r for money:" default and judgment. Studebaker Bros., plaintiff, vs. Jos eph SchelU defendant; for money; con tinued to the October term. . The defendant's demurrer to the plain tiff's amended complaint, in the case of Louise E. Combest. plaintiff, vs. Statesman Pub. Co.. defendant; suit for damages; was argued and submitt ed. GONE TO HER REWARD DEMISE OF MRS. ALICE JORY, WHO PASSED AWAY LAST f: ;- MONDAY IN THIS CITY. ':.- (From Wednesday's Statesman.) Mrs. Alice Jory,' who died at her home 6 miles south of Salem at 12:40 p. m.. June 9. 1902, aged 50 years, two months and five days, was. born at Freelandsville.nd April. 4. 1852. She came to Oregon with her folks In 1&78, residing for some time at Turner, Ore gon. Her maiden name was Alice Rob ertson, She was married to George W. Jory. July 4, 1RS0. ; - ' r She leaves to mourn her untimely de mise, a husband. George W. Jory, and an adopted son. Frank II. JotyNa step mother. Mrs. Barbara Robertson, and two brothers. Daniel, of Portland. Ore gon,: Bennett, of Gates, Oregon, a ad also, the following . half-sisters and brothers: Mrs. Rena Bariee, Wasco. Oregon; '.. Frank Robertson, Turner; Benjamin Robertson, Tu rner ; Erwl a Robertson. Turner; Joseph Robrtson, Cloverdale, Calif.; Jonathan Robertson, Hydesville. Calif.-; Clarence Robertson, Wasco; Fred Robertson, WascoJ John Robertson, Catlin.'Wash;. besicles num erous other relatives and friends; ' ' - In her death the neighbprhotKl loses one who was held In the highest esteem by friends and heigh bors, one who was ever ready to lend a helping hand to the afflicted, with a pleasant mlle and a cheerful word for every one; a loving wife and mother, and a true - friend. The bereaved husband and son "have the sympathy of the entire community The funeral services was held at Liberty school bouse,-at 1 p. m., Wed nesday, June 11th. ' Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury. As mercury will surely - destrpy the sense of. smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such ar ticles shojii Id never be used except , on prescripitbris from reputable physi cian, ai' the damage, theny will do is ten- fold to . th good . you can poslbly derive from fhem. Hall's Catarrh Curemanufactured by F. J. Cheney, St Co Toledo. O.. contains : no mer cury, and is taken Internally; acting di rectly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genu ine. It is taken Internally an dfs made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney it Co. Testimonials free.; Sold by Druggists, price 75c jer bot tle. Hall's Family Pills. are the best. Legal-Blanks: Statesman Job. Office. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. To all whom It may concern: You are heresy notified that Jacob Stauffer, as admlnlatra'tor of the estate Of Peter Gerig deceased, has filed his final account with saM estate in the County Court of the County of Marion and State of Oregon, "an-i said Court. by an order duly mae sod entered of record1 therein, on the 22d day f May. 102. set the hour of 1 o'clock a. m. on Monday, the 23d day of June, 102. in the County Court House, Sa lem, 'Marion County.. . Oresrm as the time and place for the final hearing of said account and the settlement there of. .. . - JACOB STAUFFER. AdmicfUtrator of the esta-.e-of PtU-r GeTig..! deceased. Dated this 23d day of May, 19C2. Km Today The Statesman Pub. Co. has on hand .several hundred copies of tha OREGON I CONSTITUTlnxy v. .u i.li nt .1 . . iUC mtm - ,1i mm lAn .. . I t . . WAxiuiJ-Tje-rrs an country butter; pay mgnest market price cah, Sa . lem Creamery Co, 2:5 Coninjercial atreet. .- -- - . - ASSATEB. i. v XJQ A jeNERAL assay business.. Prices resonable. and satisfaction guatanteedJ l, M. Ormsby, 124 Court street, Rodgers book bindery. ' next to REPORT CARDS-Our schoof report : cards are rrinted to fit the school register. The prices are; Twelve ;' cards for 10 cents; twenty-five for 2o cets; one hundred for 75 cents. Statesman Publishing Oo.i Salem. Ore." - r A PRIVATE TIP Mailed, sealed to persons of either sex who are married ,or expect to be married and can keep & secret. Sure and harmless. Try it. 25 cents silver ; brings it. Address ExcelL Supply Co Portland, Or. 290 Jefferson SU PUBLIC SALE THURSDAY JUNE I of 23 - head dairy cows, 6 head of yearling hetferSi 1 Jersey bull, 5 head hogs. Berkshires and Poland Chinas also farming, tools and household goods. IVi miles north Of Alarion, Oregon. Elizabeth A. Edgar. 1 f- MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED vfarms and city roperty at per cent . per annum; no commission. Please call on or' aMre Eugene IBreyman. Rehaember the place, 270Commerr cial street, one door north of States man office. ' NOW Is aX good time to! bring in your machinery a ad ba.ve your repair ing all done. Castings, iron and brass, furnished on short notice. One boiler and 4-horse engine complete for sale cheap. E. M. KIGIITLINGER. Fhone,2933. 208 Liberty St. 1ST RAYED, FROM SALEM ONE dark bay or . brown mareielght or; nine years old; weight 'about, one thousand; small white spot in fore head: plates on one front and-both hind feet; slight collar marks; fore top clipped; short, stubby tail; high spirited, but very gentle; fine buggy animal; last seen Friday evening, the 6th, at dark, ten miles northeast of Salem, traveling fast. Take up and address any information to J. De combe, : Salem. Or. Finder will be amply rewarded. . ! ? PAINTING. CARRIAGE AND BUGGY PAINTING -W-e do first-class work at reasona ble prices.; Frank Dlmlck.. over Pohli & BisJiop's shop, corner Liberty and Ferry streets, . . a y OSTEOPATHY. ! ; , DR. M. T. SCHOETTLE. GRADUATE . of American SchooH of Osteopathy, "kirksvllle. Mo. Office In Tioga block, over the Spa- Office hours from 8:30 o 11:30 and 1 to 4- OSTEOPATHY DRS. WYCKOFF A ALBRIGHT Twenty months gradu ates of the American Scholl of Osteo-i pathy and A. T. Still Infirmary. Dr. Wyckoff is the only gentleman grae uate of osteopathy In Salem. Prac .tlce'eiahUshed In Salem since 1S9. - Hours 9 to 4. Phone Main 2721. Odd . Fellows Temple. . i ' ABSTRACTORS OF TITLE. ssMsls'SMsSsaMasSMNS ESTABLISHED IN 1SS0. Only com plete set of abstract books lu Marion county... Oregon. Concerning titjes, - consult us. Salein Abstract an' Land Co., Salem. Oregon. F. W. Waters, Secretary; and Manager. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE. OF INTENTION TO WITH DRAW INSURANCE DEPOSIT 'by the. Lion fire insur-. , ; ance company. limited. To Whom It May Concern: in accordance with the requirements of the laws of the State of Oregon. relative. to insurance companies. Xtlce is hereby given that the LiOiT FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. -LIMITED, of London, Ens-land, desiring to cease doing; business within the State of Oregon, intends to withdraw Its depos its with the Treasurer of . said ' State and will. If rid' claim against said Company shall befiled, with the Insur ance Commissioner within' six months from the 24thday of January. 1902, the same beingthe date of the first publi cation ot? ttfis notice, withdraw its deposit from the State Treasurer. LIONFIRE INSURANCE CO.. LTD. y ' : By Wm. J. Landers, ; Manager for 'the Pacific. Coast. Dated at San Francisco, this 6th day of Jan. 1902. ' 1125-mo NOTICE OF LNTENTION ' TO WlTIf DR'W INSURANCE DEPOSIT BY THE. UNITED T STATES . FIRE INSURANCE. CO. , To Whom li May Concern: T - i . In -accordance with the requirements o,f the laws of the State of Oregon, relative tb Insurance ; companies, no tice Is hereby given that the UNITED STATES FIRE INSURANCE COM FA NY, of New York. New York, desiring to cease doing business within the State of Oregon, intends tin withdraw its deposit with the Treasurer of said i?tat and will. If no claim against said Company shall be filed with the Insur ance Commissioner- within mix .month from the 21 st day of February, 1502, the Same .being the date of the first publication of this notice, withdraw its deposit from the State Treasurer. . UNITED STATES FIRE INSUR ANCE Company.. . - ' By W. W. UNDERIIILL. . ' ; ; President. Dated at New York, this 7 th day ot February, 1902. r - 2;21- roov NOnCB OF SETTLEMENT OF' FIN- : ;:: LJ AL ACCOUNT. ,:. ' : In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Marion County: In; the ' matter of the estate of JVtcr Maucr. - deceasevi. Notice of settlement of : final account. " . ; Notice Is hereby given that Lizzie j iljiuer, the admlnlsttatrix or.thf estate of Peter Mauer. deceased, has filei In the iffice of the clerk of said Ovrt, her Woiiderfut Hon. Treatment. Tbn wonderful CIjI nese doctor Is cuel great bao cures people witnoiit operation that as Kixrm up Z'J V -1 herbs, roots., buds, C"9ili-i bark sod -v.itetal.lea. AlWi . ..... j t . . . 1 1 .Mun 111 Hil country Know! l uiruM, v - - - TUrouRh the use tf .these harmlesa r.ni die, this limoBoonw """ " of wr M different rerne.lle lcfc n iTl tn mr catarrh ast tuna. wngTthroaC rVomatim. Btrtounfv Mohmh. liver, asaney. biwi . ,"' . trouble. Mst manhood, all private diKea'; has huadreds ot tUmonll. tnarr" moderate. - ' Call and see h mroDimuiwn ' tienta out of te city write fr blatik nl clrcoUr. Kodo. stamp. AJirra The C Oee Wo CUine liiedictne Cx, 13i Tlilr l Street. Portland, Oregon Menttuu tH In Every SfiopTherels The Devil to Pay ..... and besides him. we hare to pay a force of over 40 men, who are employed In the several "depart tiicnts of our establishment In printing of various kinds. ;Everv thing printed here, from a call ing card to awpapvr. WiU you become one of our notions; snd help to promote home manu facturing? STATESMAN JOB Phont OFFICE Main 2041 SAVE TIME by having cartings made rljht her. Foundry newly equipped for work. I either Iron or brass. OUR WOltJt suits. -; - ' . For sale horse power Sprague trie motor. ; , SALEM IRON WORKS JOHN STOUT Manufacturer of . i nmfisr kJclt Tinnr ftne Fine mantles and grates, grill work, show esses snd office fixtures, a spe cialty.' Woven slat fruit traya r Southwest corner Church snd si W streets. 8Jetn Or. TelDhon 171 TO UAIRYRJlN... f . PAGE SILO HOOP FOII PALK IJY ' ; Walter Morley, " Salem Fence Vork,iC9 Ktate Ht.'SaUiu We' carry Chin eo I)ruj3 nw I St TI AS : All T, i'ivuiwiitto. iiii 4Vtt4V V tin 4 herbs, (iornl f r blood and nil kiuds of sickness. YIGK'SO TOXG CO., ; 127 State Ktrtt-t, KhIciii, On trn ft 'It " l-vitiar.d. On. . Op J Ul?, v . ' T. Tsksea xee S4 street CJSIfllj r I'fcons i'luk lifJOrt, 1 HAVE REMOVED All t)f my stcK-k 'oI boeks nnd basket; lo tho Variety: KUire on Court St., having purchased the same. ' - . " -i. ' . Artnora MMVelch. Hops Hops Hops If you are Interested In bop news and Prices, it will mt taii tn rot ih. reports of the . K Y. HOP REPORTI&Q CO Z3 Whitehall St New York city, KM MET WELLS. Gen. Manager. CHINESE ' Drug Store I carry all kinds of Chinese drugs and medicines. Roots and herbs i.ature'3 medicine. - Good for aii kinds of shk ness. Cures opium habit. Good tor the blood and kidneys. DRi KUM BOW HO, 'A Lilrty Hlreet, - Halr-m, Oregon final report and account at irvh a l -midistralrlx, and the Jd Court-' tun ordered that the nald. refibrt, ni -count and objections, if any, then t , be heard and tfterrnlned in Ball; Coutt .on Tuesday, the 2th day of 3u, al'the hour" of 10 o'clock in the f-ire-noon ot said day. j. Date-J this 17th day of May. 130-' CARSON & ADA MH Attorneys for Administratrix. 7 J 1 .1 Print - ' - if