Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, June 13, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Manager Hoicomb Is. Arran?-
f Ins for Active Opera---r."
' , iions ' - .
1 ' ' ?
' ' - .... V , , .. .'...-'. '
' rC1tflA IIUNDnra HANDS. jf-v'
- jr
' UFromThursdays StatOTa.) ..
Manager" G.W. Holcomb! of the
Oregon Packing CompanyVjwas loathe
city yesterday superintending the pre
paration Cor starting the Salem call
'nery upor the Mon' pack. The
machinery " has.' J been overhauled
throughout and everything t In readl
ocm and Mr. Holcomb said thai? the
start wonli be made tomorrow' Fri
day, or Saturday sure.. He thought
tthaf the factory would start up With
'about 100 handi aijI Increase wKh the
..-demand.-The strawberry crop is some
what late thin-season, but its about 4
acres have been contracted with the
Fruit Growers' Union,, Mr. Holcomb
feels confident that th plant will be
kept busy alanon following' straw
berries with cherries. , ' i
' I Tl VfuTftJIinir C-fA Vf IT i-T"Y-
" '(From Thursday's Statesman.) ;
The last will and testament of Jacob
Pfau, deceased, was filed and admitted
to probate yesterday and Mrs.. Nancy
' J. Pfau. widow, was appointed eaecu-
trl and ifajk Capps; executor, accord
Ing , to- the provision of the will. The
estates which consists of a 313-acre
farm In Polk county, a house and lot
--In North Salem, 'and .some personal
property, was valued at $12,000 and Is to-
be divided among widow and two
" Hffle Mv Capps, both of this city.
; A. L. Gardner was yesterday appoint-
el guardian of the estate of Mary Hol
lenbeak,, mentally Infirm, by the Mar-.
Ion county probate court, upon petition,
he being- required to tile a bond in the
sum of J 1200. .
I. N. Cook. W. J. Hadley and T. W.
Rutherford",-filed their Inventory- upon
the estate of M. 8. Norton, deceased,
. appraising the real and personal prop
erty belonging thereto at $1137.33.,
A ;motlon wias fll"d in if her-county
probate court yesterday by; Wm. Foley
et. al., in thsmatter 6f. the estate of
R. Delorme,-: deceases!, to j strike out
part of the furthter and separate an
swer of J. F. T; B. Brentano, by P.j H.
D'Arcy. attorney for the "petitioner.
am ' nvrcr i rwr nnnr'n i yr
nil . tALELLUl 1 rAUUXVftiU
AUl.UytiC 1 1 il . vr A4 A,'. a u
. (From Thursday's Statesman.)
The -raduatlnsr clas cif ttie-. North
west Normal College uave an Interest-
. inemertamment at tne couege aua-Itcr-hvm.
last evening. , The exercises
consisted f tatlons, essays, and vo
c'aJ. lxnd limlrumentl musfe. :. '
"fttr. C. A ' Lewis g ive weli pre
pa'red oration .on "Retaining bur ; In
sular Pcssesslons." His arguments
were clear and fcrcible. 'Miss Cora
Talkiogton -read a carefully prepared
paper. - Her subject wasj "Conjuga
tion of 'he v?rb 'Do.' r slie gave nu
merous HlustrntlonH of; nrn whiv n
derstowl the brt of "doing" In its high
est sense. i:The paier showed a gotui
knowlerlge of history, and tb reading
of It pttcIvcA'-vcry ;tlos r attention
. througTiowt. , ; : ; - ' . -. i'-"
, 1 Perhn ds the best numb?r Of t he
evenlnsr was the oration oa T-afayette
bv 1 If. Laufrnaii.. It was a scholarly
rrroliitton aiil was il fllvercd." with
inuch'spirit and grace of attln.: "-, ,
The music wts provided by the Col
lege of Music and. was. a pK'Hsins part
of the prorram. ,The College of Music
wilt give ti piano ud yoIc&i recital at
the college auditorium oh Friday -evenings
- ' i'-: ' 'r K .
; t (From Thurstlay's Statesman.) :
v The residence of R. L. Swarts, five
, mlleir east of this cltv oni lh Enter
road, was. - burned to the ground on.
Tuesday, afternoon- Mr."- and , Mrs.
Swarts were at Meadow Lake at the
time, and thee were only! two" ladies
anf a small child in the house, and
consequently nothing could be -done to
save the property, while all clothing,
bedding and furniture, in f the house.
was "destroyed THe Rtn raught in the
roof fro" the--kltcberi stove, and be
fore It wasdlscovered.th entire build
ing was in. flames. .The lops H J12C0 to
$1500, and there was no Insanince. The
house Is known as the'Kblr property
and ' has only been occupied by Mr.
Swarts and family for sf-vear or bo."
- (Frdm Thursday's 'Statesman.)
- A nulet wctfdlng took place at the
residence of F, I. West, on I he .Corner
Salem., at S:30 o'clock last ulsjlit, when
that gentleman was Joined In happy
'wedlock to Mrs. Marguerite A. Simpeori
'of this' city. Only -a few of the rela
tives and -friends., of the- scontractlmi
parties witnessed the lmile"' yet J'lnvj
prcsslve wremorijr which was. perform-!
ed fty Itev. IC C. Blackwell, of the Les
lie" M. E. -church. The bride is tpilte
well known tand " highly respected In
this ' city. and the groom. Is also well
known being the engineer at the Capi
tal City Ice Works wtiich position b
has tilled very competently the past
two years. The happy couple will re
side in this dtju ,
The philosory of bi treatment may
be briefly s?1 thus: Force Is spirit
In motion-. VHal force is organic mo
tion, or te projer movement of the or
ganize' Particles as they pass to and
fro from the human system Disease, In
ii wrd, is obstruction the result of an
impaired vital force, and it is at least
jccompanied, if not caused, by defang-
ej! organic motion.' - These derange
ments can only be radically ' removed
by Inducing the recurrence of he -nor
mal or healthy action. A' cure can
only be effected by: call in g -1 n the al d
of the electro-mag-netie ot vital forces,
which: 'are concerned In an organic
changes . Bo-prrw'erful Is this Influence
that persons who have many years suf
fered, hate been restored to health In
an almost Incredible space of time. Dr.
Oarr-in's system will not restore a lost
member of the body, or perform other
fmpo9sibtl,Uk , but it will. in ' a ma
jority of 'cases, give relief and cure
where other remedies have failed. The
practice is based upon the moot strict
laws of science, and is In harmony
'with all natural laws-. Physicians of
every practice not only acknowledge
this power, but receive the, treatment
for themselves and Jtheir families, as
well as recommend the treatment.
Read the following: S - -
,-. "Mrs, Karg's Grateful Tribute.
j Leland. Or.,rNov. I4, 1900.
Mr. Editort Please publish this 'for
the benefit of those -vho are afflicted
with sciatic rheumatism, I had It and
was cured by Dr. Darrln. I took sciatic
rheumatism in November, 1896, and
had It till November, 1898.1 My body
was all drawn and bent to the ' right
Side! the pain was .errlble In my back
and hips to ' my knees; eometlmes I
had to go on crutches, - then again I
would get so I could walk with a cane
then all at once I wouM be so I could
not get jout of my: bed; . jny husband
would have to put me lit a. chair; -1
suffered everything for two years. I
took all kinds of remedies I-couId hear
of for sciatica, but they failed to do
any good,. Then I heard that Dr. Dar
rln was In Grants Pass; I made up my
mind I would go and see him; I could
only take a few tep at a time with
the aid of a-cane, -then I would have to
stop and rest. I took thei first elec
trie, treatment on the 27th of Septem
ber, 1898; n the 2th I went again
and took another. At the end of fou?
hours, after I took "the- second treat
ment, I could walk all around the
house without a cane and that eve--Ing
I went out la town, to three differ
ent jstores and bought a few articles
and then I went to "the depot and took
the train and came to Leland. - My
daughter. Mrs. Walter, met me at . the
Leland( depot, and when I left the car
cteps without assistance, my daughter
said to me: Why- mother! Then she
said, "How do you feel? I told her
I waa getting wetL We would laugh
and cry together to think what a great
change I had gone through: In such a
few hours. In a week I. was doing my
housework. My case was a aevere one
so Dr. Iarrln gave me three months'
treatment,' but at the end of six weeks
I felt so well that I quit using the elec
tricity. The treatment he gave me was
electricity and medicines. . I haven't
had the slightest symptoms of sciatica
since. ' ' ' ' ; ' i
I Slope all those who are afflicted
with sciatica will go to. Dc Darrln.. He
will dure them as he cured me. .
' - ' - - Tours truly,
i. ; Mrs! G. Karg.
Dr. Damn's Place of Business.
Dr. Darrln can be consulted free at
tho Willamette hotel, Salem, until July
6th, from 10 to 6 o'clock-dally; even
ings from 7 to 8; Sundays-10 to 3. AH
curable c hronic dijeases, lost manhood.
blood taints, stricture, errors of youth1
catarrh and deafness, are confidentially
treated. ' Cures "of private diseases
guaranteed; and never published in the
papers, and no cures published only by
permission. ;Most eases can r?cetve
home treatment after a visit to the
doctor's office. Inquiries 'answered
and circulars sent free. lla-tteTles and
bHts furnished, with fuH directions for
their Use. :;JEyes test3 and glasses
niieu, '-- . - 1 ; ,
Dr. Darrih's terms for treatment are
now $" a week, or in'that proportion
of time as ,the. case may require, ex
cept Jn Kpeclai , eases." ; The poor
treated free, except medltinoB.
V . . ; --v - -
Donald was born December 2S, 1S37, in
Indiana, and died at Safem, Oregon,
June 15102. after ani illoea tf three
months of dropsy. 1 .
Mrs.McDonald came to Oregon with
her parents. John and. Mary Stewart,
ih 1843 and settled at Corvallis., : She
was educated 'fit the-Willamette Unl
vterslty at an early day I n the ; early
history of that Institution.- : Bha'wts
very faithful member of. the Meth
odist church from childhood, and 'died
in the full faith of the Chrijtlan rti
llglon. 1 -. ' ' .' :
The surviving i members of her fam
ily are as ' follows: ; Francis Scott,
! Garfield, Wash.; Columbus Scott. Cor
fvallisV Mrs. Sarah. Miller, Milton;
Mrs. 'Addle E. Barger. Saieni: Mrs. A.
L. Alberts, Salem, and Christopher
Rrininger, Chicago. ; Calvin Stewart,
Albany, is o. brother, and Mrs. M. A.
Dicei Brownsville,-.and Mrs. Scrlndia,
Swlck. Corvallisi, are sisters. .
Whooping Cough !
My little son had an attack of whoop
Inpr.cough'ajnd was threatened with
pneumonia; - but for : Chamberlain's
Couj?h Remedy we would have had a.
serious time of it. It also 'saved him
from severe attacks of croup. H. -3.
Shrlckfaden. editor World-Herald, Fair
Ha Ten. Wash. For sale by Dr. Stone's
Prug- Stores. ; " i r i .
j f&Ok '":FR-.lNC;i3CO.i -fUR 12.-The
tJunboat Mar.lia. which lf?t Manila
riy-sevei uays ago, ..m n" -!totion oji or alleged healer is as good
ntt in a faj on.hadns 8 Sxickien-a Arnica Salve, tell - htm
li d a narrw, escape from feoing dnvpn-f . . -- . .
She,was picked r-P o Point . .lnltal ..yi of - mvrveUras cures f
eu4. The Man;!:;. had atoari a crew Scalds, Bruiser, nfi&z. Skin Eruptions
vt binety-seven tirn, ten ofPccri ani prove It's the best and cheapest.' 25c
ftifehtx-fouc manae - at Dr. Stone's Drug Stores. !,
Funerals of the Unfortunate
Prison Guards Yester
; ; iFroih Thursday's Statesman.)
yetiterday, the funerals of the three
unfortunate pi Ison guards. ; murdered
on Monday .by Tracy and Merrill, the
escaped desperadoes, were heldt and
seldom have friends In this county at
tracted so large crowds or friends and
sympathizing neighbors, as did these
held yesterday. . i. ... i
- The funeral of Frank B. Ferrel was
held from the David Simpson residence
on. East State street, and a . crowd
numberinsr many hundreds, friends and
acciualntances of the deceased and . of
the family were lu attendance. The
funeral services, one of the most im
pressive ever held in Salem, was con
ducted ln the shade of the: beautiful
forest trees in the yard of the Simpson
home. In thes cool . shades the casket
was plac-ed.and flowers and floral.pfeces-
neaped up ' around it. tho, gif ts -of
friend?.- Rev.. P. S. Knight conducted
the services, while the choir from the
Central Congregational church "beauti
fully rendered appropriate selections.
Rev. Knight, in the course of 'his re
marks made use of the following state
ment, which touched, a responsive
chord in. every heart;.. V
"Not onty as fellow creatures should
we give our sympathy In their sad hour
to the relatives and family of Frank
Ferrell. but as citizens we should re
member that he died at a post (of dan
ger, as truly a' martyr to liberty and
law, and to all high interests of "the
commonwealth as though lie bad died
on the field, of battle." i f ?
'Following the services, the Woodmen
of the World took charge of . jthe re
mains of the murdered guard, and es
corted them " to the Rural ; cemetery,
where, in the Ferrell burial lot., they
were tenderly laid to rest. i with the
beautiful and - Impressive .burial-service
of the Woodmen order, it was one
of the tpost affecting funerals - ever
seen In the city, and the parting of
the ; !. grief-stricken family frojiji the
loved form of the deceased only in
tensified the indignation al) felt for the
ruthless and wanton slayers of the
young men. ' ' l "
: The remains of B. F.- Tiffany were
burled from : the . residence of B. F.
Southwlck, on 12tti and-Center istrects.'
Rev. John Parsons conducted the ser
vices, and' a large concourse of ifrlends
and neighbors were present to sympa
thize with the deeply stricken samtly;
The floral offerings, as at the Ferret f
funeral, were numerous and. beautiful
The .remains "v,ere tenderly laid! to rent'
in a sightly ot In ,. the City View
cemetery,:,-" .i -
The funeral of S. R. T. Jones, the
third of the victims of the murderous
fury of the convicts, was held at
Hubbard yesterday, at 11 a. m., under
the auspices of the Odd Fellows - and
Workmen, to which orders he belonged.
The Jloral pieces sent by friends from
this city and throughout the; : state,
were many and beautiful.
'. Life. -
.The ioet's exclamation ; "O
IJfe: I
" Is a
feel (thee bounding In my veins,
joyous one. Persons that tan
or. never make It. In' honesty to
selves, "are among the- mof unfortu
nate. They do not live, but exist; -for
to live implies more than 1 to be. To
live is Jo be welt and strong to arise
feeling equal to the .ordinary duties of
the day, and to retire not,overtijmeby
them to feel life bounding In thp veins.
A medicine that has made thousand
of jeople, men and" womeni well and
stropg. has acconHliKhed aL,grea)L work,
bestowing the richest blessiniSs, ' imd
that V medicine, is Hood's Sai-saParilUO
The weak, run-down, or -debilitated,
from any cause, should pottfail jto take
It. It builds up the whole?-syst in.
change existence 'Into life, and; makes
life more abounding,. We are glad -i to
say these words :n Its favor lo the
readers of our co'.umns. j '
Mrs. M. C. Alderson went to Albany
last evening for a visit to relatives.
Miss Aloha McKlnnfy, of rumer,
visited with Salem friends yesterday.
-. - .... . , ,
Mrs. A. B. Cillis returned last, even
ing . from a visit to her mother near
Brooks. . - ; i
Miss Henrietta Savage went to
Portland yesterday afternoon for a vis
it to relatives. . "
Miss Carinne Phelps departed yes
terday afternoon for an extended visit
to relatives In Portland. j
Mrs. VWi H. Savage returned last
n'ght from Portland where she attend
ed ' the Grand Chapter of the Eastern
Star, her mother.., Mrs. A. J. j Wood
cock.' accompanying her for a brief
visit. . -;-' --r-
Prof. Wm. G. Martin and wife, of
Florence, Oregon, 'are visiting in'Salem."
en route home from attending tne
Grand .Lodare of the Eastern Star at
Portland. Prof. Martin Is a brother of
AttorneyCarey F. Martin and formerly
resided here, having been connected
with the management of the State !
form School during Supt. R. J. Hen
dricks administration. : ; ' ".j ;
Mr. W.H. Wilson, of Washington. D.
C. was in Salem on Wednesday... He la
now working' for the company: which
publishes the books containing the offi
cial messages of the Presidents; of the
United States, edited by Congressman
Richardson, and originally issued as
an mclaJ publication. - Mr. Wilson
worked for the Statesman for m. time
about ten years ago, making a canvass
of the state for this paper at the time
when the decisions of -the Supreme
Court were published.
- ' " ' .
r If Man Li t You-,
And ssty som other salve, ointment.
. . . . .;'....'..'... i " . , -
' . ...., -- -
i ... i- -
. . - : -., - , '-. X - -, :
' .!' ;. ' :; . ' i V
BY ROBERT M'GRE' I(R fi7SIreef the World! ChsinjMon "rm 2'2?i
Dun bvtHAPPy Al EoH'M Hire of th World' nisma.ou. Nncr HnM 2i.
Bsy eullion 16 2, weieht 140P, Hired hr Robert Srrirr, s :WZ. sire of riie wnrtdV elmmpion
Kt; eire of 50 dims of 73 in the Hat, including
JlliaUlM WAVTUAB M M r ..... f ..... I
lsni of Irtns2:14i, L4Mly Aegon J21't
rrindam of Katie -A. Jekmar
- 2.-22 4. I ighland Baron 2:30.
Second (Un M AG6IK KEENE. . ...
rtam of lUppjr lmnl U '26 , BpauiiOi
Maiden 'lci.; gmndam of Nyu7.
2:12'i'.i Marjrrare 2.15' :j, ItnM i;ls';'
Lexle May 2MX. ladjr Aegon 'it'
Cuban Ida K. 2-JS ! . -
i j . . u lr villi - vf
; ..v - ;'-v -V-.; y:-r .:--
Thlni dam Laura Fair. .... . ....... . v ,. . ,
Dam of Keene Jlm.2:19Vi. grandam of Jfappy.Ifcmi
- sel 2: 26fn. Spanish Maiden 2:20
Fourth dam by- President grandson
LAMB E R T BOY REG-4192 morgan reg.
' Dannie brown. 153: welcrht 1200
In his veins than any stallion living.
First 'dam Nanev Hals 2d .
Second dam Nancy Hale 1st. ......
Third dam Clemens mare. ......... by Black Hawk o.,... f ..... .... ......................
Lambert Chief 3432 Is the sire of Mabel H '-.Minnie Moulton 2:24. Snnie 2-r?94: Tet Lambert, dam of
Dexter K1-?:15V4; Minneola, dam of Raybell, 2:124 P-) :' Saddle D, dam of Leon Dra 2; 2414.
The Lapham'Horse, sire of the dam of Lamoert Boy 2134. i the sire of Dollle, dam;Of Mable II Z:2t4 Hann.-
dam of Fannie 11 2:29V4 (You will
thai nf Tj,riKTrt rtov. Tho TitihAin
102. sire of 38 In 2:30 or better; sire
... - ...
The registered stallions MALCOLM
Sunday and Monday i Dallas-Tuesday;
T Terms Lambert Boy Setison,
"vance fori season service; balance
W. e. EATON,
G.j Eaton r. brought
rciting bred stallion Malcolm to Ore
gon and placed him in the stud here
he did a good
thins for the breeding
industry of this
state. Malcolm com-
bines th3 bloo:
of two world's cham
ci'i M
Cresoeus 2:034 and. Nancy
He was sired ;by Ilob-
2:17. sire of the
world's greatest trotter Crtsceus 2:02
and many others In the Hst - --
: First dam M
aggie Medium (dam of
Irma 2:18'ii
Luly Aegon 2:24;
grandum of Katie Al
30), by
2:H2"4 and Highland Baron 2:
HTTppy Medium.' slr? of the world's
champion ,Nanty Hanks 2:04 and 93
oilers; sire of 6j 'rires. of 366 In ' the
list and 6H dartiM of ierformrs.
Siknl diiw Maggie Keene (lam erf
Happy Damsel i2:26, Spanish Maiden
Z:'-kZ.': grandam of " Nyauza -.2.12."
Margrave 2:15. Irma 2:J84. 'Lexle
May 2:204 Lady Aegon 2:2414,' Cub m
2:24rand Ida K .2:284) by M.tmbr:
no HatdJVr, son of Mambrlno Patcbep
-Sir., sire f .25. irt the list. His sons have
wreauiaas or tne Manor 2,V44. iieir-'P'f 'rtf' r,e.. . - - - , ..... !. ' , ,,,,.., a
nt.rw, , us:! .ii rterT..v 9-f,T.t(.A Mri .irirt MiUiiAY BE1XE. by Gwdper.2:tlt. ire of Gazelle 2:11V, Mint Jto t.li, sitd
?f oclcii?' -Hl?5,9 l1 ' lir,t, S - 81 - ? - - i. -
uuic iJiriii i.v., jiwirawnc ..w, 1
daughters have produced The Abbott t
-niiz eh.it.iir IfhtmoW .-ftv. '..,in ii
tb1rne 2:07V,. (The Monli 2 : OS Vi . i I L
Ilon ffl'l--'iersev Miei O!.. n:ii
Ali'Mon- kiWi- Ills own dauhU:Ki
vt tinxuv -mi iu nn . w nun 2:.uii','.i.
Jupe 2-: Crtvwrord 2:i7i. Bright -J
lig-UtV2;94. Bouncer ,2.09. Bourbon
others. ;
Keene J.
2:i'4. Rubber 2: 10 -and 141
lam IvUr:v ('lam :.ot j;
rn z:ia,: granoam or nappy
Wamsh Maiden 2:29 )v
by Rattler 01, Wre of Sophia. Temple
2:27, ueri. Pic ton 2 :30x a grandson of
Btack Hawk 6, la?:Morgan horset .
Malcortm Is nbt only a horse'of gool
breedingj but h has size and. quality,
rerng - wen irorrnea, . nne action, good
disimsition and . weighs 1400 pound.
The fact thatt Mr.. Iarmbee kept him
on hi breed! PR' furrrf in Moiitana for a
number-iof years Is th lest evldt-nce
of his bkng an exceptionally good sire
Lof high fclaas. horses.
Mr.' Larrabee has owned Malcolm
since at coltjpd lias kept him on his
Brook Nk "ranch for -breeding, pur
poses, where h lr-di a high class
horse ;i for -driving: nd cat rlage pur
poses, Triostly fir-the Eastern market.
To shojw the valley . farmers about
wha-t kind of citts thw may expect to
get from Malcolm. Ve publish a loiter
Mr. Eaton received from
Mr. Larrabee
a short
time ago which
reads as fol
by the Rural, Spirit that you
have sot
1 Specikd Telram and trust
that you received a good price lor him.
I have Just returned from the ranch
and had a- good time an I sold , two
f pan of , horses while there by Mal
colm, one- a spnjn of mares, four and
five yaTa. old, full sister, out of Kola,
by Temjpest 18.81. son of "Aimont. 33.
They, wifre. bays, 13 3 bands, and very
closely matched! The other team was
a "pair of chestnuts 15 2 hands, also
cWe4y matched, for - $70; per ' -am.
Both tpiams went to Butte parties, on
buyer 1 president . of a. bank and the'
other h physician. !
"They, are both very much pleased
with thtrn. one savk thai he would
r.ot take $3000 and the other value's
his team at $2500, so you ee ihat they
think very highly of them. Thev are
said to be the two nicest teams 5n
Butte. They; tr4 Very handsome, ' of
good action and have speed. You will
rt member that ! I told you that Alta-L
'Combinea the blood cf two World's Cliamjdtns,
UrMlsu Hoy 2 : , UIKunl ?ii. I-;. lore '
.tT MAfl'V MKD1I M m:...
Si'e-of tnc-u'orld't
, 9: others mre of 6b tires
. of 9 per form r..
rti f Mainbrinn
III wm have
l.rv In-viI -JiJ.
lured file AbtMUt
2i)7J-i. Tho llont
irrtnu 2J9'4. Htn
J.WV. Jupeaai.'.j.
. llonrtMin lsiehen 2
.by1 Rattler 501 .
Kite Sop!il;t Temple
on of -Black Hawk
b y Kir Archy; fifth dam by Old Copper
pounds: a perfect type of the Morgan
Fired by Lambert Chief 3432, son of
. .by Lapham by Hill's Black Hawk 5.
..I by Rerey Carter Hor, by Tom Howard,
notice that' the Wre and the Hire or ane
HorH is also the sire of the dam
of 35 sires of 151; sire of 5S dams of
- and LAMBERT BOY will be In stud
Independence, Wednesday and Thursday;
$15; insurance $25.
at end of season). .
Malcolm Season
faro IIihI 1'ront T.iverv Stable.
Clood pafeture.! No wire fence..
JAMES ell AW, Attendant.' .
r "SIRED BT McCLANAH AN ,2343 7. on of P.py. Wilkes 2:0V,. , )
First dam. MIRA GOLDdOST; by pi-dro 31W4 2:25, son of Idol 44. sire:
Fidol 2:04, etc. . Second, dam FATNY GOLDlJtJST, by Guide 1137, sire of.
15 dams-of 17 in the list. Third dam KIT, by Gold dust ISO, sire of Lucille
GoJddust 2:164. Fleety Golddust 2:20. etc. "i i t ;V' )
BROA DIII-:ART -is one ofrthe finest Jtalljohs In the state, anil wlth but
.; li-ttlo" handling shows himself to be a Vejry promising- trotter. lie will be,
allowed -to serve ;a few mares at. -' ' -
I Invite breeders, to come and wee tils horse before breeding their:
marca elsewhere. I, W. O. TR1NK. FAIR GROtjNDS. OR.l
captain JowtesisiseeiB
Sire of Lady Jones.
1 x X7::1
f'-THK T WO-.Y E A R-0 1 .1 ' TK'Ttlxr
irffi lit tho 2 10 ll?t.4!ln tlie2:15 .iiau-2H
lti..' 'tm 3t:i A ft -Bkt.-R Itt.ff MenricV2:14)TLyDoaWlUet2i2IVaon.of Alcyone.
r rfr I rtm tiy Marnr.rlno t'a'clion. lue (fn
',KHrih larn Aim&nt :, founderol the
c !T A I V JOVK8 las Mar'i alallion fiia1cl
I" rf'?'1 1 rot: InK Action atid P"',be a 'sTesl alrfc b'? 5 b?r
f ?. n o re pi um.orn.
' aiihiij i
Ttrmt, Mi-oo Staaon. . $. payable at
r . .If) M W : DHNnHf?. FBlT
H ol m del 5SQO
Heal lirown oiunion ; star, near ninu loot
very few white hairs on rljfht front foot ; 15 i
Jlrifl by iX K, Kinery, Forest CityJBtock Ka
Ohio. Fak-1 Jtine 1.1S85. ill make tl
tseal Brown Stallion ; star,
t the Jleil r font J Jar n, (wnr jTracf e, anl Cmnmemal
rim-ts. raieni,.wrt-Kon.
His -colts may Ik: seen at the
Claggett Haie fc Props
mont mares ' would make a gool nick
with Malcolm. The' rale of thls pair
of m.r" mentifnel above proves this.
I alar bargained awtty a two-y.u.r-ll
colt by Lamberx I toy. out of a Morgan
mare.' for $301, so you, see the Morgans
aire well thougTvt of too."
Malcolm -will be 1n the stud this
season at Holmes' Gap. Dsill.is. Inde
peqdefice and Salm. His picture ap
pears in our paper this week. ,
Catarrh of tha 'Kidneys '
Ivl lis thousands of people Annually,
both maie and female. Take warning
In time. If you have pains In your
back, loin or groin, tired or worn owl
feeling, depressed and "dull spirits,
which lends to Brighfs disease. Take
S. Ii. Catarrh '"ure-,-wblch removes tho
cause of all ki'dney troubles; For sale
by all druggifts. Xlok.x"i.CaUrrh free.
Address Smith Bros.. Fresno. Cal.
Use Kir.i i V219 A!vrj-s Ecrs
r'reaceuiOV.aud othen in the
York lib 2 !-.-.'.
Nancy llauki 2 lit and
. .
titx. in Uie list at.d i.S dam
Pal - chen 6. hire of S.
tan1anl r.tter in tlio
xlrvrt Lady of UitrMannr 2JIS. llfir-at-jiK'
tone ?t.K 'Jlielr laiiKtit-ra firj.ro-
tiKf.l HMrtrnr Cblmva 2flt-i. V.mftii-ll ( h!inr
2.tH'4. YA rtin iX-',. Jer.- liar -S.-tW'l.'Al
own dutir lav rv1u-d Kalpli .lke
i-r 4m i ;,. uric nil nr. it 2 :0,,-Itouncrr
rOH, Kublter i:iu, ami 111 oilier.
27. C.en. Plcton 2
a Morgan horse.
RECORD 2:34 ,
and currieM more Morgan blnl
DaniH. Lambert 102.
' a . I
so;n of HilTs Black Hawk &.
uam oi poui oi tnese is me sameas
of.I'riink H.
Daniel Lambert
until August 1. 1902. at Holmes' Can,
Salem. Friday and Katurday.
insurance $30. cl'ayable $3 In ad-
Balem. Orecon.
Marcs left at owner's -risk .
Hew. No. WWJI.
mA K.prAi.nos
J'kS liand Ul(th.
UplRtit lljOfHtundt.''
Six yean old. . ,
2:46 (In the mud.)
8TA K E AT Til E
in the 2:20 list, at 14 year of fe.
- ai urofi'i-iiiare Hire.
-tn WSf.
familv -
Und 15.8 band, weighs 1J0O. pminda, ljL
5 ef hirh claaa lioraea. lie i MtKlniir t
.ot o.
bolt. faUin Jonea ill toake the aeaiM.ii
To ArRTL if FAIR Gla'iVSPS, 8A1ES.
i acFvioe, balanre a tend of kmoii.
vunds9 Salem, Or.
near fjiinu foot- white, and ;
3-4 bands hijfh. ,
'arm, tlevelarni
he season.
state r air OroundH.-
' , no. i?; i--'
Win stand for MartM the oomlnsT s
son 1st Corner of Farrjr aad JUtos'ty
streets.' For I"dlra,t 'jxA paxUcroiars,
call n , ' ,,':'-
T - ;- ; - : -' '' I-"
Dr. W. Zt .g.
' .' Veterinary Sui vn. 1
Phone 266L HWm. O .go.
Money to Loan
On ilnvroved farm ana city prcrpenj
at lowest' rates.
Over Xjidd t Bush's. Bank.
Salemi Or?jgaJ v - '. -
294 Commercial Street. Salem, Or.