Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, June 10, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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I2d YEAR NO. 12.
. . - - - 4-
-. .
Special Session of the' Oregon
Legislative Assembly -
li Will Convene on the First
, ; Monday in Jan
; , uary
.- (.,- :-'-
Petition: will be circulated In every
part of the state within the next few
days, asking Gov. T. T. Geer to 'call
an extra. session qf the Legislature for
the First Monday In January, 1903,
- there and then to pass a bill for the
regulating of the salaries of the-, state
' officers In accordance with the pledges
made by both, political parties during
the campaign just closed, and the pe
titlons1tre assured of warm support
: JHrt. I :
r?. If the petitions come In signed nu-.
merously enough and It Is known that
they were j prepared In this city and
sent out last night to truated, men in
every, county. In the state for circula
tion it is' safe to predict that they
will have the effect desired, that the
social cession will be called ' on the
firfrt Monday In January," 1903, Janu-
the preefU officials are serving!. TY
Gov. T. T. Geer, who will be asked
to call the special session. Is-believed
to be heartily In accord with this new
move, ?nd K Is expected that he will
lend bis aid. when the time comes, to
make the desired changes. The first
Monday in January, 1903. is chosen for
the date of the special session is that
wilt work a great saving oVthi state,
In that members of tie Legislature will
only draw mlkvge to and from the
Capitol once for both sessions, las the
Special session will be at work until
regular session convenes pn the
Second Monday in January, I '
'-.-v.. : ::--. ;
' , . - MITTEE. ' . ' !
ary &th-- nnd the
Legislature will be
called u port to adjust the salaries of
the rtate pfneera. v This wfH give an
opportunity to change salaries before
the new officials elected at the last
election are inaugurated, and when
the Inauguration takes place. It Is ex
peclel that the new officer -will go In
en a different basis from that on which
LONDON. June 7. The report of the
committee on military! education, and
training Jssued today,; . furnishes . the;
strongest official corroboration of the
inefficiency of the officers .of the Brit
ish, army. -. The report ; fills . ;-forty-eigfct
printed pages with a, caustic
criticism of the existing system. :; The
witnesses "were unanimous In saying
that the Junior officers were lamenta
bly deficient in military knowledge,
desire to acquire knowledge, and in
seal. The committee finds that young
officera will-not work Unless compelled
to do so.' ; The report condemns the
system of both Woolwich and Sand
hurst, where education id far from sat
isfactory. fne Instructors having no In
ducements to teach the cadets, and
still less to work, r-
-yy:-'::: "oJ'T-. ' -': 1 -. -rf'i ' " f -y
WADSWORTH. Nev.. June 7. Fire
started thls afternoon in the kitchen
of LathrOp's, hotel and- saloon, . and
swept the row east up to the annex of
the Nevada HoteL The railway de
pot was on fire many times, put the
fire department saved It by hard work.
There was little Insurance. The total
loss will not be less than J 50.0 00.
: . :'
o ja'sB "x o .-rs. 3C
Bosxi tl - .ThslUnC Yea Han Ahrcrs BrcsJi
It's About Time to Think of"
"- i
Theroi)o U30 roasting a few weeks. befc buying it
Ladles White Sleeveless Vests, foil sizes 10c ,
finer Grades at !5c 20c, 25c, 3Cc : ;
Kvcryonc of tticm is better for th rico than you
can finlfnt "regular stores." . '
Itlics Ii)g 6kevo While BunnneE Vests at 20c, 25c, 48c.
j ' . They're cool and coin forlablo. '
Men's Summer Underwear . ; .
at 23c, SOo, 45c, hOc. Yon ought
just to com lit ro it with otliers. ' -
, . .! 40 -W
to sco Iho 15c lino
Of course your outfit Isn't complete without
.;:Guiniiier Clothing t
Gummcr Ghirto '
. i
Summer KlatG
... i .vr . . . r. r j i. , f -i v t . . - ..
You should' look at our liiio before you .buy. ; AVVnv willing
to trust to yourjutlgracnt after you have seen our tooth and
Wheo Yea Cay
1 rsOcs
Yea wsnt tfcefcest V
That's the kind wo
sell, uiid'at such rca-
"sonablc prices that you'rc'.'pnj ing 15 to 20 per
cent moro for tho eame quality fl" you trado at
"Itegular Slores." '
few. yJorfc MM
a" ; V'
2 . rl, ,
f CP
r 7
There's soino reason for it.
1 a
Chcnpcjt Ono Prico Cah .Store.
at jit mjt rais
Three Guards Killed by, Two Desperate Convicts
Early-Yesterday Morning and the Murderers
Scaled the Wall and Made Their fscape.
narrr Tracy enl OsyW R!em:i, the Two' Slayers of Their Keepers,
Rfake a Daricg tffcrt to Secure Their Liberty, enlSscceei In
Gettlai AwayPcsses Are ba;the Hunt fcr the Men mstca
Killing of UzzM 0. Ferrell, S. D. T. Jcces tzi B. T. Tiffany.
At a late hour last (Monday night !
the escaped convicts held up id' took
the slothes front J. W. Roberts, stole
ait overcoat; from the wagon of W, fi
Welch,' the expressman, and a pair of i
overalls belonging to Roy Ohsnart, all
of South Salem. Later they stole two
Horses from the barn ': of Felix La
Branch, East Salem, and were seen as
they; rode out of town carrying their-'
guns at 11:30.' They were going north
r east. They , passed the place of F.
B. Southwick, on the railroad, in the
eastern part of the city, 1
" Salem was thrown into a fever of ex
citement early yesterday, morning when
the report came from the Penitentiary
that an outbreak of prisoners at: 1
o'clock had resulted in the escsDe. of
two desperate criminals and the death
of three, ruards. Crowds hastened to
the prison, and poeses of armed men.
headed by officers, Immediately started,
in pursuit of tne. escapes;, and all day
posses, headed by Sheriff F. W. Dcir-
bln Sheriff-elect B. B. Colbath. 0hlef
of , Police D. . Gibeon. and oftcers
from the prison, searched forthe es
capes,! . The ; men killed were Shop
Guard! Frank Ferrell and Guards R. T,
Jones and .It. T Tiffany and the es
caped prisoners are Harry. Tracy and
David Merrell, convicted of assault and
robbeijTr and servins; kng terms. i
The.) outbreak was one of the most
desperate ever planned and carried out
In thel Oregon -Penitentiary, and so far
as the participants were concerned was
a success thouch it cost the lives of
three brave men ho - died on their
posts of duty, while three families are
plumsed. Into the wildest rrief over the
suddep loss of their loved ones. '
At? o'ekwk 165 prisoners were sent to
the-foundriKrn the prison yard to be pin
their, day's Vork. & Among them were
Harry Tracy a 2Q-year man,: and Da
vid Merrill a 13-year man, both serving;
for assault and robbery, from Multno
mah county, and the men were- under
the care of Shop Guards Frank Ferrell,
John fStapleton; and Frank Glrard.
three trusted and careful officers. . . :f
. Ferrell entered .the . moulding- room
with the prisoners, while Stapteton and
Girard stood near thit entrance (o the
same room talklnB about their work,
when, without warnlnif. Convicts Tra
cey.'and Merrill sudanly apieared with
Winchester ritU In their hands, Tracy
shooting Guard Ferrell through the
heart. The shot- aUnwte4 the atten
tion of- Stapleton and Girard, and has
tening through the door they saw Fer
rell fall forward on his face with the
exclamation: Oh! My: God!" He ex
pired immediately , ' ' '
When the two prisoners-appeared In
the ehop armed with a Winchester rifle
and revolver each, Frank Ingram, a
life-timer, made an attempt to wrest
the rifle from one of he men when'he
wan shot in the left les;, shatterlnir.the
llmbX below, the knee. As Ingram fH
to the ground the two men, having
killed Ferrell, began, "shooting at John
Btapleton and . Frank Girard.- the pther
two shop guards, and these, unarmed
ave for V club, escaped through the
tin-shop adjoining, and gave the alarm.
Meanwhile, the two, prisoners Cred
through the'indows of the foundry at
the guards on tb west, north and east
walls, shootlngOuard S. it. T. Jones,
on post No, 1, through the abdomen
and. narrowly missing! Guard Lidlnger
on post No.l. , . j ' -.
On post No. a. the east wall. B. T.
Tiffany, an old guard, was about to go
off! duty, as he waa ordered to take! tne
turnkey's place, and Duncan Ross, who
had been employed yesterday morning
to take Tiffany's place Was with the
latter on the wall, receiving his In
structions as to his-dutlesi The two
men were nau way oeiwwn
houses i and 4, and immediately back
of the foundry, when the Arst shot was
fired. - In instant a number of pris
oners rushed out of the foundry, and
the two guards. Tiffany alone; armed,
ordered them back. At this Instant a
couple of shots were fired" through a
window of the foundry.-; Tiffany Jump
ed off the wall with bis rlne and took
a stand beneath it expecting the pris
oners to come over the. wall, when an
other shofv Xrom the foundry struck
Ubas in the right temple, cutting a gash
two Inches long, In his hat, and gras
In hi .forehead- Rost, unarmed, aiso
jumped off the wall, and though stunn
ed, started with hl armed companion
to the northeast corner. ::
' In the meantime Assistant Warden
Al C. Dllley and Guard Jay McCormiek,
had aetised rifles-and -rushed on the
wall going-to post No. 2, When they
saw two armed prisoner running with
a ladder to the north wall near the
northeast comer, and placing it against
the wall, climbed over. Though ?
repeatedly by McCorrnitk, and IDIIUly
the-buliets evidently did not take effect,
as the distance w as over 150 yards, bvt
the prinoners returned the fire when on
the wail sending two buU-; throujh
on Coor of post No. 2. Jumping off
the waU they ran around the northwest
corner, where with the rt,'1"a at aim.
they came mm Ti.Tany arl Rosa, aal
on the eoavlctg' demand t surrender.
unarmed, and both were made captives
and were rapidly, led up to the ditch,
east of the prison 'wall, where It is
crossed by a small bridge. : Whenon
this bridge, Guard Oscar Ilatr, on post
No. 4, began shooting at the two con
victs, - and ; the murderous fellows im
mediately shot and killed Tiffany. Rosa
also dropped stunned by the concus
sion of Ue guti. and thetwo escapes
rapidly ran. up the ditch, behind the.
embankment, and disappeared in the
brush In Mill creek bottoms.
Meahwnlle the prison authorities
took prompt stepsto quell any further
outbreak, and ait prisoners were at
nee , locked" in their cells, while all
guards that yrould be spared were sent
in pursultOf he escapes. Sheriff F.
W. Durbln.. Bheriff-elect B. B. Colbath
and City Marshal D. W. Gibson at once
hastened out to the prison, and organ
izing posses promptly '.. started in pursuit-of
the two. murderers about fifty
men' taking part In-the man-hunt. and
ail day long the search was kept up.
The presence of weapons In the pris
on is a mystery. ' The. guns In the
hands of the two prisoners two Win
chester rifles' and two : six-shooters-were
evidently smuggled In by a pal.
and Supt. Ji D. Lee thinks they were
carried in over the prison wall at night,
and cached in the foundry, at a place
where the ' two ' prisoners Would Sad
them. " ; - . . .
vtnen tne oreaic nrst occurred It was
thought it was. a general mutiny and
outbreak, but when only two men
made an attempt to leave the prison. It
was thought that the conspiracy was
confined to these two. The authorities
were strengthened in this belief by the
fact that the two men. after climbing
up to the top of the wall, drew the lad-;
der up after them, thus indicating that
no other prisoners were in the secret
An examination of the premises, how
ever, showed that the windows in the
nickel-room and tin-shop bad been
broken out, with an ax. The ax was
found in the possession of the prisoner
working In the nI-kcVtToom John'WU
liams, a 23-year man. As it Is'agalnftt
the rules to have an ax In there, it Is
h:fd that this Is evidence that Williams
was Implicated. It is believed by the
authorities! that a general outbreak
Was planned, but the ordinary prison
ers d W not think that any killing was
Intended?; but that the shop guards
were to be used " as shields merely
When, therefore, a shot was fired and
one man killed, the prisoners With one
acrord backed out, refusing to be im
plicated In the murderous outbreak.'
The prisoners are knoJn to He well
armed, each havtng a latest model, 80
30 Winchester riflev carrying a steel
Jacket cartridge with smokeless powd
er. Kach hag In addition ja six-shooter,
and the way 'they;handld their rifles
makes it certain they
shoot and -are formidable
especially since each has
awaiting him. , " V
Reeowis ef-Prisoln'
- i ' -
Tracy and Merrill both have had had
records. 5The former served, a term In
the Utah Penitentiary ind he killed
an officer in Colorado, a crime , ror
which he has hot been tried.
mltted several robberies
know how to
a worse fate
He rom-
in iPortland,
and' while In Jail there made a aensa-
but was foiled
once aervea a
Oregon Penl-
one term In
,1 Merrills
tlonal attemptat escape.
by the officers. Merrill
three years term In the
tent la ry for robbery, and
Montana; Tracy' .: wife
sister. Both men are known as destjpr
ate criminals, and they have demuftM
strated their ability to shoot and shoot
I. , - -.
toailL s.
V y TL. U - li.,
www wwmi
X Several times-yesterday reports were
received that the 'escapes had been
Been. The last time, about 3 V- m., a
farmer saw them near - the Reform
School; Where they pass ed through the
brush hear his barn. ;t seems, from
these. reports, that Tra y. the -more
deeperate of the two., is Iradly wounded,
as he wa limping and Was supported
by his companlon.x
-The search was continued last night
and every road, bridge and culvert was
watched by armed men. lt was f cur
ed that the men might secure hotrn
and escape. Up to a late hour no
word was received froini thesearchera,
and it Is thought that their search wag
fruitless.- ;;':'.- .-. : - .
. Supt. J. D. Lee yesteraay Issued aft
circular letter, calling i ttentlon to the
break and urging offices to' watch for
the men. He offered $ 100 reward for
their capture, dead or alive, and last
evening he increased this to $1500, and
also offered a reward tf $509 for the
arrest and ; conviction of , tha party
placing: the guns . within the prison.
The circular" offering the reward for
the escapes, follows:
; " y , $1 500.00 Re rard. "
For he -capture, dead or . alive,, of
Harry Tracy and Dav Id Merrill, or
t"50 for each one wh. escaped from
the Oregon Stat Penitentiary ,n ' the;
"morning of June 9,' 1902. Following Is
the description of each : ;
HARRT TRACT iAge 27 years,
height B feet S inches, weight 160
pounds, complexion medium, 'hair light
brown eyes ,blue. ' MiedTum built pit
scar above' the outsido corner of the
left eye, pit scar back
hair,' pft scar itC front
scar right side bridge
scar below right emple. dim cut scar
above outside corner right eye,, dim
pit smr right side back base or neck,
small brown mole left side back b.is
of neck, cut scar on nw anuc nie r.Fi
thumb, two 'cut scars on sxonl
knuckle right Index, cut scar third
knuckle right Index.ut scar between'
third knuckles right third and fourth
finger, Jl wo vaccine marks ouIkKIi left
upper arm. two cut stars on. first
knuckle .left aerond. linger, cut f r
third knuckle. l rt setond f5ns r. I It
scar on right knee cap, small pit n;ir
on left side; burn sear on top left in
step, varicose veins-hollow both kneos,
email pit scar blow lefj hip"-and one
above left hip.
Also t50 reward for, the rapture of
the man who furnished ; the guns for
the prisoners. . Report to
;;-:';-. y "y7 ,J. D..LEn.
. fiuperlhtendent Oregon State Peni
tentiary. : - '-y
Ingram the H
Frank Ingram, serving a life s n
teme for, murder . Is the-hero, of the
outbreak, yesterday; When the two
desperados suddenly appeared with ri
fles in their hands,jngram -grappled-with
MerrlU.1 thus-saving the life" of
Shop Guard; Frank Glrard. and re
ceiving the bullet Intended 'for Glrard.
In his. own timb, while Glrard escaped
from the room. Ingram is In .tho
prison hofAiitat. and the. oflit'ers Lnr).l
friends of the man will .pet Klon Gov
ernor Geer to 'pardon the man, n. a
reward for his loyalty to th. officers. '
Ingram has been a mlel primmer for
about eleven years, since he came to
nrimn. tnd a pardon for him would
aeem an. act. of 'Justice,
mark outside left upper arm, cut scar
inside second joint left
scars second knuckle
soar second knuckle .left fore finger.
small cut scar above
pit scars on
left ear, edge of
of right 'ear, 'pit
of nose, vaccine
thumb, wo cut
left IndexV cut
right knee,' two
right knee cap, small pit
Rum sea r four
scar helow right' lehee,
Inches long on left hi . small cut rar
front left upper leg, snjisJI pit scaf out
side and below left i nee dim brown
stain bottom right ' shoulder blad;
brown ts in m" back near spine, varl-
hHght 5 fe-t 9-lrKhes, weight
pounds, complexion medium! " hair
brown, eyes blue or gray. Medium
built; slightly stoop Bouftjers,1ilnt pit
v The Officer Speak.
Supt. J. D. Lee, In speaking of the
escape, says : '':''''-. . --
"Th outbreak was entirely uns
peeied, and' under the ..clmimM.inc-
could not b prevented. The two tn.-n
were supplied With rifles from the out
side, probably brought over the wall
dring the night, and secreted In the
pUo w here the tools were kept In th
foundry,' and where the prisoners se
cured them. 7 This would be poaxIM
during the night, a there Is but on
guard Inside the yard at night. I was
not In f he prison when the outbreak
occurred," but came soon ; aftr, and
have directed the pursulu I have sent
for a brace of bloodhounds to Walla
Walla and they will arrive at 11 tomor
row', when the trail will be" followed
and the murderer run to earth. It !
an awful affair and" I will never, rest
until I run the fiends down,' '
Deputy Warden A. C Dinejr-Wltlt
.At -"7 o'clock this morning' we sent
the rnett Into the shops. Warden J. T.
Janea and myself counted them before
they Went In. Mr. Janes and I stop
ped In the yard, after the men had
gone' In to jthe shop, and .discussed busl
nesa affairs of the prison when the firt
shot 'was. heaTd--when Farrell wns
kiiled. This was followed by sever il
. a.. W . S miJt 4tt atarm a A m r W f V
nil 1rv Vnvv s-ivx ir e wc a ' v " "
Jan. Guard McCortnick and myn IT
hastened, to the arsenal, secured rifl'-a
and went on. the wall.ixp:tlng a e n-
eral outbreak; When -we reached the
wall- at first posj," MTormlck
flrwl live shots at one of the tnn
cllmliJng the wall. I hastened to post
no, i, wnTff iu Mjum. t-i
this time the men had roumb-d
cose veins hollow lef t-knee.
DAVID MKRRILXj jAge years3fn,i n1 nHn lJrre;
t HI 1 iwrore we eouia gei v w,m,,Tv.',l
disappeared In'the brush."
-John Ftaple'ton; one of the
!; ". (Continued. n page .)
White Ipayo White Day
V7hitc Day
. .' . - ...... . -...I
June White Days
We have inaugurated a said that will prove the greatest-drawing Card the Big Btoro ha ever had. Il'a a
general sale of white goods throughout the Orr Geerfs md
no liolding back of white sluffts tcatise It 1 the cnon wlijcn you should le bo ring and we should be selling
y' s . j
at the Big Store
Ladles' Readyf-Wear Depart meats. '.There will be
This N Ibc season
for daintiness, and
every lady will carry
a pretty parasol to
complete ; her coa
tame,; New the for Ladles gag
" ' CaHdres
White Shirtwaists
Very extenni re assortment of Ibc
season's best styles at : -
We want y tu to see thenj, they arc
exquisite fti the extreme.
: . Szlc Prlcc9t 4Sc to 5,85
' White Dress Shirts
A very styllb line to select from.
White Day,
Under Muslins
Kverything Jn this department la
clean fresh, new (dock, manufao
tored In JI ,etit lated, sanitary
factories. Ve will make a big dis
play of them tilt wt-ek, wbfch yoa
should be sure and sev." ' 1 ;
Dainty Fabrics
' For Summer Dtcsscn y
At Sale Prcca ;
"- . f .' s ' .. ,
Fine in texture, artistic in pnltt ru,
cheap in prlre. . Js'omt to by had :vt
IJecause of these
Jane White Days :
If pure white you will . get them
SALE THICKS U-eause of thewj
June Whltt Days
Auk to see SI erodtf Ui i der wx-a r, -tb
teat on tarii.' . " V
White Dw
White Day,
TiSasT, tSxe w a way U uo ; IVjk w as