Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, June 06, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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" i " " ri - ,o f
3a; a Great Success
Iiut we !till have few more sela than we need to entry us through the
tuuimer. Ouly a few days more at per set, after that the price will be
regular t4.5 a l-fre the ale. lteuieiuber these- are standard good Wallace
aud Itogeijs.njake, triple plate. .: 1
Barr rs Je welry Store, -
Or. State and itttrsy Sts'$2!en. : Leaders la Low Prices
' i - . .. . . : " l ,
Splendid Program by the La-
- UiUd UUU1 U ; Ul
Chickens Ilk? r.r pound.
Sjjiinff chlf kens 12,i to 15c.
Ege i4c cash. - .
The local -market quotations rester
day were t follows: t
"Wheat 6 i ent. '
Oal Numln.il iat T.10?per cental.
Hay Cheat, 8; clover, lC&7j Ura
othyJ3tlO; wheat. J8. t 1
Flour-75 to rc per "tack; J2.70 " to
$3 iifr barrel.'' i .'' j-. ."
Mill Fed Bran. J17.W: short?, $l?.0O;
. 'Butter zyu,c per lb (buying);
creanvry, llc- - J ; ' r
Eggs 14c, cash, . t . r
"' -Chlck'-na 10c. p-r pound. .; ' r
; Spring chicken 1214' tQr 15c '
, Pork Cross, 6fi5c; i dressed,
tVs cent. ' . - j,- -" '
Ueef Steers, 3C?4Ve; ! cows, 3c;
rood heifers, 4c. ' ,? '
Mutton Sheep, i42Vc, on foot.
Veal 6JX(C. dressed. . - '-,
Patatoe-75: per bushet ; '
"Wool ll'Ol3c. .
Mohair 23' cents. ! ..
-.. ' -' - -.
- l -.
' Buyers and Shippers of ,
Dealers In f
Hop Growers'. Supplies
'.i Warehouses at
.- ' r l - Jvi-.' :.y
f. -
! , . Manager j : K
i ' - 1 . . .. .:-..!. ' ' '
07 Commercial S?t. Salenj, .
' Dr.- Darrin la "still holding forth at
the Willamette itotel, and -making- new
curea dally. J i
'"Mr. Harry. Percy vrrltea: "I am ao"
pleased with Dr. Darrln'a treatment for
deafaess that I wish ail to Jknow of my
experlnee. For aonie time I have Iwen
deaf, until It became so troublesome I
could not atted to jny vocation- as
musician. Df. -Darrln. cured me with
electricity and a slight operation. In 20
tnfnutea. - Refer to me at Mrs. Miller's
Commercial "St.. Saierh
Mr. C- R. Durfee, tt JBhaw; Or, was
In town May 22d, and: reported his cure
of almoflt total deafness by Dr." Darrln
is nearly; complete. He can hear the
tick of a tatx h, ' and feels very san-
cuine ui a. coanpieie eure. jus ajaugn
ter, Miss Nettle Durfee, has had ho re.
currence or her dearness, and herjgTan
ulated eyiHi are fast reeoverlnjrl She
was cured of deafness by Dr. djiarrln.
April 28th. .'
Mr. Thomas James, living threelmlles
out of Salem, visited Dr." Darrin May
23d, and says he can hear much better
after three treatments. J
H. A . Kurtz, of ; 137 Church street,
Salem, considers himself perfectly
cured of "deafness, fie took his first
treatment May 5th. ; j 1 f
Mr. Fred Neckerman, of 110 State
street, Salem, fs very enthusiastic over
his relief, from an eye. trouble, catarrh
and palft In the. head and eyeballs, by
Dr. Darrin. . - .
Mrs. P. Hayes' daughter, corner of
20th -and " Marshall streets, Portland,
goitre (large neck) for years. Cured by
Dr. Darrin .with mediciae- and elec
tricity. , 7 ---,:rV "J'"' it-
Mrs. Al ' Hudson,; formerly1", of 5 La
Grande, Oregon, now residing at 269
Salmon street, : Portland; paralysis of
one Side, and diseases peculiar to -her
sex cured nine years ago by Dr. Darrin
Mrs. Abble Wareham, Montavllla.
Or., epilepsy 26 years, cured by elec
tricity and medicine ten years ago, and
never had a return of the symptoms.
; Dn Darrin term for treatment are
now $5 a week; or la that proportion of
time, asj.he case may require, except in"
BIxK-laL cases. The j poor treated free,
except Tmedlcine. . - j , ;
. CAPE TOWJJ S A., June 5. Repor ts
from all quarters Indicate greatest re
lief and satisfaction at ' conclusion of
leace. Roer delegates are all in field
to bring. In- various t commandos and
most of latter have-i been ordered to
converge on railroad lines. and surren
der to" nearest 'British officer.
, large audience -4 encores
were the rule-La . chal
lenge. !
NEW. YO RKi Jurie- 4. Rear -Admiral
John C. Watson and General James
Wilson.v who- will represent the army
anj navy of the United. States-at the
coronal Ion of King ' Edward, sailed to
day on the St. Paul. -y i : r'?
: Sparkling college songs, sung by
lovely college girls entertained an
audience of about eight hundred at the
First M. E. church last nlglvt. The
.Ladies Chorus of. W. numbering
thirty-five young ladies has often sung
at recitals and entertainments during
the past two years ; but never before
have they appeared ito such good ad
vantage as last evening In their second
annual concert. For several months
the chorus has been trained by, Mrs.
Etta- Squler-Seley, who on this oc
casion conducted in a gracefub and ef
fectlve manner. The gfrls obeyed as
if by intuition rery motion of the ba
ton, singing with gool tone, volume
and intonation. , After singing Barn
by's .oice of the Western Wind" and
a. college; song. "Daylight," the ladies
responded to the" enthusiasm of their
auditors With "Hello, Hello, giving W
1th delicacy ; of expression. . The
other chorus numbem were "Breexe of
the Night," by Lamothe; "Chlng-a-ling.
TThe Spider, and the Fly," "Nut
BrownM"aiden," and "Vogera Waltz.
Persistent applause brought two en
cores, s"Fa I ry Moonlight" and '"The
Church in the Wildwood." Every
chorus was a gem, but the most beau
tiful were "Breexe of the Night." and
the waltz song, , The Mlgnon Ladles'
Quartet sang in a, very pleasing manners-Cuckoo,"
by Carl Fittlg, and
"Cradle Song," by Clara Raymond. For
encores they offered the story of the
three tittle kittens. In a basket of saw
dust, and rought down the house.'
The Cecellan Laidetr . Quartet -sus
tained their reputation well in a diffi
cult musical setting ' of the ' -simple
nursery rhyme, f "Hlckory-DIckory-Dock,"
and when the audience refused
to hear the next program number, the
ladies sa-ngaa -enaore a.; splendid imi
tation of the Scotch bagpipe, causing
much laughter and deafening applause,
These quartets have also ; been under
the care of Mrs. Seley, who 'deserves
the abundant praise bestowed upon
her and the university girls.
Should there toe any - Ladies Glee
Club on the Pacific coast desiring to
compete for the coast championship;
It Is safe to prophecy that in such a
contest the Ladies' Chorus of W; IT.
would be sure Winners. They certain-!
ly ' reflect , great credit "on Willamette
University, and the College of Music
PITTSBURG, Pa., June The; at-
tempted conference between the miners
and, opera tors set for today failed in its
purpose On account of the absence of
the operaters;- I Another- meeting -will
be, held tomorrow, at. which Jt Is
$15,000.00 woHh of shots to bo sold rtanllciss ot' eost ; Tis
i ne oiggest event, next to giving ;iw;iy in;Ls vast slock .oMuioes.
Genuine Barofiins in Low
75 pairs Ladies' Juliets, slippetj and Oxford.
fiGO A $3 values, long as they last, dump pri
204' pairs ladles assorted stvles, fine i Vlcl Kid
. $2 to ?f3.50 values, dump priee.... ............
153 iairs ladies Vicl Kid Oxfords, belter a.
- sortmeiit, $2and 1-3.50 ValOes, damp pritre
"185 pairs ladies' VW Kid Oxfords, better sizes -$2.50
to f4.00 values, dump price.
I Everybody Astonished
209 pairs ladies Vic Kid shoes, odds and ends and.
xroKeu sizes, kzoai to f-i.uu vaius, uunip kirn
25 c
f 4s
.319 pairs ladies V'ici Kid. cloth and kid top.tarnOr
. . and welt soles, $20 to $4 values, price...... vIcJU
216 pairs ladles' shoes,kid and cloth tarn and TiCn
weltsoles,f20tof5 values, dump. price JvU
412 pairs ladies' kid shoes, better -sizes, cloUt Krt'
- and kid top f 3 to $5 values, dump; price I Jj
S00 pairs ladies' kid shoes, better size and A A
I widths, ?3 to $5 values, dump price..... vX.Uv
211 pairs ladies yici kid shoes,- gooti sizes, kid and
cloth top, turn and welt soles, $3 to 5 f A 1 nl
values, dump price..'..-... ,.....:.. ffl LO
197 pairs ladies' vlcl kid . lace and button shoiw, kid
and cloth top, turn and welt soles, 93 to (f1 Cl
' $5 values, dump pride.....;....
10 p:urn nii s r rein-li calf and ordvan welt
stdti, sin.'ti
II pairs iiHn
llnVdM Mil
' V3fltC!, du
401 pairs me
and kid
d ij t p price)
217 pairs mei
and lace, f .
509 pairs men
sizes, $z to
It --A.
xi.M . iinrmw width, dump jriv)lt
"m St'if.v.Aduni' la mid riiire- ewr-
1' ivim-Ii -air, H to IH fT- a
p pvk-e ............... . I Oly 1,11
s mi xed lot, black and tau, al -cloth
f 1 to G.00 values, a Ai) rt
...a .................. LU f.'iy
's lieavy working sIkm-s, buckle "f Qw
to 2.-0 values, duu) price.......' x Off
' calf lace shoes, all styles and 1 rn
2.00 values, dump priw !.)'
We never forget the little
15b pairs baby slioes, lace and button, 75c values A p
- dump pricJ.jf..w.M.........,...M. . . . xtJlj
75 pairs childeu kid shoes, black and tan, sizes K A
3 to 8, 75c and 1.00 values, dump price.....,..., OUC
p price.
ISTpaire child reirs vici kid hhoes, lace and button,
sizes 5 to 1 li ko1 sizes, K ; and EK widthst rjr
$1.25 value dump price..., ...................... t OC
97 pairs inis' shoVs, oddi and ends, cloth fA
and kid top, 2 and 2.50 values, dump' price )UCt
101 pairs boy' tiiii and black lace k1umm, 2 fll .An
2.50 valuca.jdump price........ . v 1UU
2000 pairs nieji's nice tine shot s, dump
price... l.... JI u II
It is a waste of ink to tell you any more of our marvelous bargains,
come and see them.
All good fitted at thfe store if desired. No exchange or money
xtjiuuucu, uvyuig , gieai vameb xvuxl itiiu uruKUu sizes,
303 Commercial
vOp. Postofflce
a 'disposition of the new scale may be
had.-'.- ' :"' '
Legal Blanks at Statesman Job Office.
'"nKLOIT.i.Kan'sti June 4.-The Demo
cratio and Fopulistlq Joint convention
of the Sixth Congressional Disli
ntion I
nominated C. T- Colt, a fVmo.-rat. f.
Coiigress;- ' . .. - x-.v;,
'fgal Blanks at Statesman -Jb Offl.'f.:
The McCormlck Mower
j'Hn) tho wiist frame. The heaviest frame. K The heaviest cut
ter bar. The longest pitman of any mower in the market. In ad
dition to this it has the ONLY PJEKFECT "draw cufj in nse today,
for not only does U?e draw bar pall directly on the inside shoe, but
this draw bar instead of attaching to the tongue with the double
trees on top of-th touguo attacliesdirectly to the double-trees,
instead of down on the neck of the hoi sc. We, have the lightest
dfaft mower in the market when it comes to cutting grass.. The real
test of a mower is in the field when tho weight and strength are put
tii thfir mettle, j A light, flimsy mower may pull feasil) on the
oor but in grass the tune it sings is diflerent. Bu a McCor
mick and saveime and money." Call and see them anyway.
You will find that the liucs of goods represented by 1
this house are the very best mrtho market m their re
spective classes. , Many times the price is a ; little higher
than certain other goods we might obtain, but it's bur
policy to handle the best things we can get. Sometimes
fc a dealer inaj mis an occasional sale to thovcheaper trade
E by not having tlie cheaper graAe of good?, but tho longer
E wo eH goods tho moroiworo convinced that cheap goods 3
fc are dear at an v price. I Its not the first cost ot goods that
E . always tells the tale. In farm, machinery it's often the
i repairs cost more .lian the-article. : I
rlllllllllllllMllllltlllllllllllllilltlt1....lli .al.i.i. A a a a am
the Eas y -Running Tribune
- i
Si ' " Vft
crowns and weak frames. .
M.vlels CO and 01 .:
MoJcls TO and 71
- Racers
Chui nl s -s ; i1
' . Coasters and cushion frames at extra cost
j Made famous by tlicir perfect
- bearings "and cycloidal' sprockets,
which produce the essiest run
ning wheel in; the world. Tribune
nders don t suner from broken
bones or. cracked skulls, duo to
mishaps with defective fork
Tribunes stand tho racket for durability.
- . - - . - . $35 00 .
- 1 $40.00
- . - $5000
$00 to $75
Studebater Vehicles f McCormick' Machinery
Russell Engines and -Thresher Russell Windslackeri
''.-Parson's Self Feeders Fairbanks' Gasoline
' Engines Birdsell Clover Hullers
Champion and Bradley Ilav Balers ,
Ohio Ensilage Cutters Hero Fanning
T ' JIills jSTacuso Chilled and
. ' - Steel Plows Moline Plows
Bcnicia Rotary Plows ' Cultivators of All Sorts
Buffalo Pitts Harrows Disc Harrows, etc. Portland
Anchor Fence Hay Tools, all sorts
, Binder Twine Extras for McCormick,
, WockIs and Oaborne Machinery Suction
I Hose for Pumps Standard and
' White Sewing Machines
Tribune Bicycles Sewing Machine Supplies
Bicycle Sundries And everything usually carried
in a first-class implement house.'
Wcro never mora popular iirltlicir history Ihan' non-. Oilier
males may rise ainl fall, but Studebaker VooJs lmvu for fiO- vi-ars
bceri gaining in popularity. Tho hardest test on the valley wagim
I tiro wool haulinr-onlv . furll
strongest in the field. Studebaker slope, shouldered spokes black'
birch hubs, second growth spokes, feta, tcll tho tale.. 1-
Studebaker Spring Wagons V
', Studebaker Opn Buggies
Studebaker Bike Wagons
otuaebaker Top Buggies
: All Sorts -ind Prices
inis 01a reliable tine or clover hullers is the one we sell. If you're
interested write us for information. Get in jour order early for this
Tlie best jrrade of engines n the market. Tliey weigh more than
others, have phosphor bronze boxes in place of babbitt metal. rjlatinuni
points on sparker, suction feed, and other features too advantageous to
Carriers, forks, pulleys, hangers, hooks, screws, ete.
or goods showiu Call and see the lines. - . . 1
Best quality
FittetLtoany roakeof separator.
Get in your order now and save
the annoying delay that falls to
the lot of the late comer.
too. .- Taking orders now for
these. The up-to-date threshennan can't get along without them and
compete wiUa ni neighbors. - , 1
Russell Engines and
V The old reliable line. They
stand tlie racket , If you want the:
maximum of satisfaction and the
minimum of trouble, tlfia is the
line to buy. If you want any
thing in this line drop us a card
of inquiry.
That holds together the Portland Anchor
?e. NdO.'wire- for the
together with this itccl clip int
coiling the stay, makes a fence
superior to anything in the field.
seo us. . "
and stay.
ion witnout
jlbat stands
Call and